Dracula 发表于 2016-8-18 04:18:21

今天Trump对他的竞选班子进行了调整,很大程度上削弱了他之前的campaign manager,Paul Manafort的权力。这也从侧面说明就是Trump自己都意识到了现在形势相当不利,就像球队一样,赢球的时候是很少有换教练的。但是他这次换上来的这两个人还是让我摇头,Stephen Bannon是极右网站,整天散布阴谋理论的Breitbart News的老板,而且没有任何以前搞过竞选的经历,我很难相信他能有挽狂澜于既倒的能力,而且这也表明Trump不会pivot,变得更presidential,而是会沿着最近几个星期的路走下去。希拉里方面应该对Trump的这个调整挺满意。

最近几个星期的poll,不管pollster意识形态的倾向是什么,在national poll里Trump就没有领先的。在各州的民意调查里,希拉里在所有的摇摆州里都领先,而且像一直到2012年时都非常接近的州,Virginia,Colorado优势很明显,基本上可以被归到已经拿下的那个类别。Trump获胜的路径变得越来越窄。连Arizona,Georgia这些以前的铁杆红州现在都变得希拉里稍占优势。Nate Silver模型的预测,Trump的获胜概率降到了11%,已经离5%小概率事件的定义不远了。另外Trump在各州ground operation也就是在选举日把他的支持者动员出来投票的组织人员几乎没有,完全依靠共和党全国委员会,但他在几个星期前还在向共和党的establishment像Paul Ryan,John Kasich等开火,我很怀疑这些人能愿意给Trump出什么力,尤其是Ohio对Trump至关重要,目前的形势,如果丢了Ohio,很难看出他怎么能够取得electoral college的多数。而Kasich是Ohio的州长,因此怎么看,Trump的形势都很不乐观。


Dracula 发表于 2016-8-23 09:39:14

上个星期Trump的竞选班子换人后,他似乎在pivot。发表讲话对以前的一些言论表示有些后悔。到Baton Rouge救助灾民显得更presidential。发表讲话似乎在寻求黑人选民的支持,尽管那是在白人区,下面的听众绝大多数都是白人,看着让人觉得别扭。甚至他最新的campaign manager在周末暗示他关于非法移民的政策都有可能松动。这pivot的效果究竟怎样我们还需要等几个星期才能完全确定,我个人是觉得这来的太晚了点。如果他5月份就这么干的话,他现在的形势很可能会和希拉里拉近很多,甚至都有可能领先。而且Trump也确实是管不住自己,忍了几天不乱说话,今天就又发了这么条tweet



Dracula 发表于 2016-9-7 23:20:48

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2016-9-8 00:07 编辑

南京老萝卜 发表于 2016-6-28 11:54

英国就算这么做,也没有什么不好的。 ...

Taco Trucks and the Soul of America




When Marco Gutierrez, the founder of Latinos for Trump, warned last week that increased immigration could lead to “taco trucks on every corner,” he was widely and understandably mocked. Commentators lined up to sing the praises of mobile Mexican food, from conservatives lauding free enterprise to liberals decrying xenophobia. Given the deliciousness of tacos, many opined, “Taco Trucks on Every Corner” would make a compelling platform for a politician; the Arizona Democratic Party changed its marquee to use the phrase.


But it was clear enough what Gutierrez meant. Plenty of Americans do see the increasing prevalence of foreign cultures in the U.S., including Hispanic culture, as an unwelcome invasion. They resent having to press 1 for English when they call customer service; or they worry that yoga encourages satanism, or that women in headscarves mean creeping sharia. Trump’s campaign appeals powerfully to these people, with his assertion that “we don’t have a country anymore” and his nostalgic vow to make America great again, presumably by returning it to a time before Taco Bell, Univision, and the George Lopez show.

Is this what Americans want? In the U.K., the surprising result of the June Brexit vote revealed a larger than anticipated grassroots revolt against the culture of diverse, immigrant-friendly cities. Is there a Brexit-like silent majority in the United States, too, of Americans so unsettled by diversity and multiculturalism that they want to banish taco trucks?

I don’t know the answer to that. But I keep thinking about a remarkable chart that I came across in July, the visualization of a Pew Research Center poll about attitudes toward diversity in the U.S. and 10 different European countries. The respondents were asked whether increasing diversity made their country a better or a worse place to live. The disparity in the results between the U.S. and the Europeans is shocking:


A large majority of Americans, nearly 3 in 5, say increasing diversity improves their nation. But all the European countries sharply disagree; in none of the other countries is this a majority view, with the pro-diversity faction ranging from a high of 36 percent in Sweden to a low of just 10 percent of Greeks.

Just as notably, very few Americans believe diversity is actually worsening the country. Only a small fraction, 7 percent, hold this view, while the remaining one-third are simply indifferent. That’s another sharp contrast with Europe, where at least one-fifth of all the countries surveyed felt diversity was making their country a worse place to live. More than half of Italians, and nearly two-thirds of Greeks, believe this.

There are differences between Americans of different political persuasions: About half of conservatives are pro-diversity, compared to three-fourths of self-described liberals. The pro-diversity attitude is also more common among Americans with post-secondary education (64 percent) than those with a high-school education or less (48 percent).

Supporters of Hillary Clinton, a subsequent Pew breakdown showed, were more likely than Trump supporters to favor increased diversity, 72 percent to 40 percet. But most Trump supporters were merely indifferent; just 16 percent of Trump voters said diversity was making America worse. Contrast that with the Europeans: In the U.K., for example, diversity is favored by a bare majority of liberals and a quarter of conservatives.

This, to me, is the real American exceptionalism. Americans aren’t perfect, especially where race is concerned. But we embrace pluralism like no other country on earth. This is the soul of America, and it’s solidly pro-taco truck.

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-9 00:39:49




fish97 发表于 2016-9-9 12:19:08


Barack Obama has sensationally told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he will NOTvacate the Oval office if Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President ofthe United States.

The current president claims he is “fully prepared” to ignore the popularvote if it means stopping Trump, having found what he believes is a littleknown loophole that would allow him to remain in charge until a re-electionis called.

“As president, I must do what I feel is in the best interests of our nation,” he explained. “If the American people elected ‘the Donald’ then Iwill be forced to take whatever actions I deem necessary.”

When asked by the CNN anchor if he would remain in charge, Obama’s responsewas firm. “I am not standing down as president if it means four years ofPresident Trump,” he said categorically.

The president was asked what exact lengths he would go to, to prevent thebillionaire from being sworn in on January, 20th, 2017. “I am prepared tofile a motion of ‘no confidence’ in our citizens thereby taking their voteaway from them,” he confessed.

“Wait, you’re willing to impeach the American people as voters?” apossibly stunned Blitzer asked. “Yes, if necessary,” the Presidentresponded. “I cannot allow him into this chair, with his finger so close tothe button. The power would go to his head immediately.” Obama even suggested he will barricade himself and his family inside theWhite House if it means stopping the Trump family from taking up residencythere. “I’ve instructed the Secret Service to use full force in defendingthe White House from the Trump family. Joe has already expressed hiswillingness to die multiple times in order to keep them out of here.”

When questioned by Howard Stern, Trump seemed unconcerned by the President’s stance. “Don’t worry, we’ll get some of the second amendment people tosort him out pretty quickly.”

冰蚁 发表于 2016-9-9 14:01:00

fish97 发表于 2016-9-8 23:19

All burrardstreetjournal.com, FM News or FM Football News articles are satirical and entirely fabricated.


冰蚁 发表于 2016-9-9 14:03:47

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-8 11:39

感觉西太内容不少,可是也被迫处于守势,为她的TRACKRECORDS辩解。老床内容 ...


Dracula 发表于 2016-9-9 22:20:56

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-9 00:39

感觉西太内容不少,可是也被迫处于守势,为她的TRACKRECORDS辩解。老床内容 ...

辩论我没看,看到一些评论,觉得两个人表现都一般。希拉里对电子邮件还是没准备出令人满意的回答,Trump对普京的赞扬说将军们在Obama任内被reduced to rubble,也招来不少批评。我觉得算平局吧。过去几个星期尽管Trump在民意调查上追上不少,现在落后还是挺多。历史上过去半个世纪,劳动节过后,差距象现在这么大的11月翻盘的只有1980年一次。因此如果9月底开始的三次辩论是平局的话,对Trump会是坏消息。

Dracula 发表于 2016-9-9 22:33:17

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2016-9-9 22:34 编辑

fish97 发表于 2016-9-9 12:19

明年1月20日之后,Obama肯定就不是美国总统了,签署的任何命令都没有法律效力,就是他赖在白宫不走也没用,要是真那么干的话是自取其辱,Obama在芝加哥大学教过美国宪法,不会说出这种傻话。因此这新闻一看就是假的。如果出现特殊情况,比如1月20日之前当选的总统副总统都被暗杀,或者2000年佛罗里达那一幕重演,最高法院又没介入,1月20日还不知道究竟是谁获胜的话,根据法律,就任的总统或者是代总统的会是这时的众议院议长,照目前的形势很可能会是Paul Ryan,也没Obama什么事。

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-9 23:31:37

冰蚁 发表于 2016-9-9 14:03


但是,这个可能不重要,选民基本上是VOTE WITH THEIR GUTS。

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-9 23:37:29

Dracula 发表于 2016-9-9 22:20
辩论我没看,看到一些评论,觉得两个人表现都一般。希拉里对电子邮件还是没准备出令人满意的回答,Trump ...




Dracula 发表于 2016-9-10 00:18:22

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2016-9-10 00:20 编辑

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-9 23:37

但是,H不 ...

我看到的评论,对这次辩论的moderator,NBC的Matt Lauer批评不少,有的还挺严厉。当Trump说他在伊拉克战争前就反对出兵(这没有任何事实根据)时,Matt Lauer没有及时指出Trump引的他在2004年在Esquire发表的那篇文章根本不支持他的说法,2004年时战争爆发已经一年多了。这对希拉里可能会是好消息,3次正式的辩论,moderator可能会对Trump查的更严。

包子 发表于 2016-9-10 00:26:56

John Kasich确实毕竟讨人喜欢,反正只要不是希拉里那个婊子当选就好。

冰蚁 发表于 2016-9-10 02:25:18

Dracula 发表于 2016-9-9 11:18
我看到的评论,对这次辩论的moderator,NBC的Matt Lauer批评不少,有的还挺严厉。当Trump说他在伊拉克战 ...

Lauer 好象指出了吧。trump 用那时候没有想从政盖过去了。 Lauer 没有进一步追问。


Dracula 发表于 2016-9-10 03:03:07

冰蚁 发表于 2016-9-10 02:25
Lauer 好象指出了吧。trump 用那时候没有想从政盖过去了。 Lauer 没有进一步追问。

希拉里的耳机是怎么 ...

我读的报道和原文,Lauer并没有指出Trump现在的言论和当年的事实并不符合。自由派的报纸象纽约时报对他非常的不满,批评的很厉害。而且2002年Trump接受Howard Stern节目采访的时候,表态他支持对伊拉克出兵,直到2004年伊拉克形势已经很不好以后,Trump才改变论调,变为反对出兵。他现在吹嘘自己当年就反对出兵,judgement多么好,脸皮确实挺厚。Matt Lauer也没提到Trump在2002年那次采访,对他直接进行fact check。有可能正式辩论的moderator看到Lauer现在受到的批评,会对Trump的信口开河把关更严,这对希拉里会是个好消息。

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-10 09:57:08

Dracula 发表于 2016-9-10 03:03
我读的报道和原文,Lauer并没有指出Trump现在的言论和当年的事实并不符合。自由派的报纸象纽约时报对他非 ...





而且,TRUMP2004和STERN的谈话,照我读来他是很有保留的"I GUESS。。。"


Dracula 发表于 2016-9-10 10:35:48

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2016-9-10 11:47 编辑

cadgn 发表于 2016-9-10 09:57

首先,当年TRUMP不HOLD POWER,所以他也不应该被HOLD...

没有人说要让Trump为伊拉克、利比亚、ISIS负责。但是Trump吹嘘说他的judgement特别的好,不仅比Obama、希拉里强,比现在的将军也都强,总得有些根据吧。不能都是事后马后炮,这个谁不会啊,包括我也能做到,但是我不觉得自己有制定美国外交政策的能力。Trump如果只是批评Obama、希拉里的外交政策当然可以,但是他偏要吹牛说在各个问题上他有先见之明,可是能找到的事实证据却证明是相反,左派当然觉得是不服,要fact check他了。

老科学的家 发表于 2016-9-11 15:28:15

包子 发表于 2016-9-10 00:26
John Kasich确实毕竟讨人喜欢,反正只要不是希拉里那个婊子当选就好。



老财迷 发表于 2016-9-12 10:49:00


Dracula 发表于 2016-9-12 11:37:29

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2016-9-12 11:48 编辑

老财迷 发表于 2016-9-12 10:49
请教一下,如果最近希因病退选,按照米国法律,后续会如何进行?总不能让川普自动当选吧 ...


如果希拉里真的是肺炎,休息几天就没事的话,我觉得对大选影响不大。希拉里的unfavorable非常高,就是比Trump低一些。会给她投票的大多数并不是多么喜欢她,而是更讨厌Trump。她就是身体不太好,也不影响这个计算。而且好多偏共和党的人对她有特别的仇恨,如果知道Tim Kaine可能早接班的话,投民主党票的心理上的阻碍说不定还会变小。我刚才查了一下betting market,过去24小时,Trump获胜的可能性只增加了1.8%。

关于你提到的问题,如果希拉里现在退选的话,根据民主党的规定,民主党全国委员会会立刻召开紧急会议,选择代替她的人。我觉得最大的可能是Tim Kaine,但是其他人包括Sanders,Biden的可能性也不能排除。民主党会面临的最大的障碍是美国的总统大选是各州自己组织。各州对各政党提供他们的候选人然后certify他们有一个截止日期。现在大多数州的截止日期已经过了。因此民主党的新推出的候选人要想上所有50个州的选票会挺麻烦。主要政党总统候选人退出美国历史上没有发生过,没有先例可以遵循。我估计民主党控制的州应该没问题,会开特例,放宽截止日期。红州可能阻力会比较大,但是对大选结果没有影响。在摇摆州可能需要打官司,经过法院。我读到的一些评论是,其它的选举类似的事情发生过,法官一般是选择让两党的候选人都上选票,给选民一个选择。因此最大的可能是这个问题不会是致命。但是两党在这个问题上肯定会在全国各地同时打很多官司,对两党的律师是个很好的消息。如果Tim Kaine是新的候选人,而且这个问题解决了的话,我到觉得他没有希拉里那么些baggage,大选赢的可能性甚至可能还会更大。

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