今天读最新一期的JPT(Journal of Petroleum Technology, Feb 2012),其中一篇文章大段专门提到中国页岩气开采政策的最新进展,部分摘抄到这里。 China's aim is to lower coal consumption from the current 70% of its total energy mix to 60% by 2020 -- the replacement largely to come from natural gas. Although most of the increased domestic gas is expected to come from coalbed methane, shale gas is slated to acount for 12% of domestic supply by 2020 一直关注中国这方面的进展,没想到这么快中国的计划就正式出台了,而且给出了数值,计划页岩气到2020年达到天然气总产量的12% "China made progress during 2011, although it does not yet have any commerical shale gas production. In late March 2011, China National Petroleum Corporation unit PetroChina, whith partner Royal Dutch Shell, completed the country's first horizontal shale gas well at Weiyuan in Sichuan province. Although its production scale was small, at 10000 m^3/d of gas, the pilot project was deemed a success because it proved the effectiveness of the drilling equipment. Late in 2011, there were reports that PetroChina had confirmed the presence of gas through drilling about 20 wells in the same acreage in southern Sichuan province; no further details were forthcoming." 看来中石油已经完成测井了,虽然产量小,但是证明气的存在,以及经济开采的可能性。产量小很大部分原因是技术不足。 "It was announced in January that China's State Council, or Cabinet, approved shale gas as an independent mining resource. This change in legal status may allow smaller Chinese energy firms to participate in developing the country's shale gas. The offical Xinhua News Agency reported on 31 December that China's Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) would launch a second round of shale gas tenders early this year. The MLR wants to bring in smaller state-run companies such as Sinochem, Zhenhua Oil, and Citic Resources, as well as private players such as Xinjian Guanghui. In order to participate, however, such companies will first need to obtain mining licenses. Foreign companies are not permitted to particpate in the tenders, but can partner with the winning Chinese firms." 页岩气获批成为新的独立矿种,允许小型能源公司介入开采! 当看到这则消息的时候,精神为之一振。 按自己以前的印象,国家的矿种都是按物理化学构成区分的,而页岩气其主要化学成分就是甲烷,单独成为新矿种,猜测肯定是为了开采政策上的区分.果然,在PenPen帮助下,找到了国家国土资源部的消息。 http://www.mlr.gov.cn/kczygl/zhgl/201201/t20120106_1055439.htm 部分内容摘抄如下 据悉,按国务院指示精神,考虑页岩气自身特点和我国页岩气勘查开采进展以及国外经验,国土资源部将页岩气按独立矿种进行管理,将制定相关支持政策,推进页岩气勘查开采进程,尽快实现页岩气规模开发,这有利于缓解我国油气资源短缺,提高天然气供应能力,改变我国能源结构,增加清洁能源供应,形成油气勘探开发新格局。 说起页岩气的开采,一句两句说不清楚,但总的来说,技术含量非常高。与常规开采最主要的差别就在于一个是大多需要打水平井,另一个是要压裂作业。而这两项关键技术,国内企业并没有掌握。此时国家的新政策无疑会刺激小公司对新技术的研发尽头,至于那三大巨头,我个人感觉他们貌似把更多的精力放在了并购上,好象不太注重技术研发,行为更像投行。 同时,我也认为小公司参与的好处非常多,因为以上两项技术其实是多个技术的集成。比如说,水平井主要靠钻头,以及钻头后面的导管(drill string),马达(mud motor)等,比如压裂作业,需要的看得见加压车队不提,那些看不见的技术非常多,比如说需要自膨封隔器(某种橡胶制品遇水或油后自动膨胀实现密封),压裂液,优化的射孔技术等.以上这些技术很多即使在美国也是最近今年才出现的,离优化还早呢。因此技术发展的空间非常大,而小公司的优势是可以专门研究某一个具体的技术,突破一点,然后再带动面,巨头们多办面临大摊子无从下手。 此外,页岩开采还有一个特点就是,没有两个地方的页岩是一样的,因此开采技术很难统一,大多需要根据当地地质环境特殊设计。举个例子,北美大地得天独厚,水资源丰富,因此压裂液(90%以上水)可以更容易获得,而中国以探明的新疆Tarim页岩处于沙漠地带,用水有很大问题,恐怕开采的话需要研究新的压裂方式了。 我承认我有了回国创业的冲动,但是看看自己现有的,又如何能轻言放弃的呢?可是想想如果这时候入场,抓住机会把自己所学所知利用起来,那该有多好,真是广阔天地大有作为啊。
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