

楼主: 海外逸士
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[译诗] 海外逸士詩詞文翻譯集



 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-21 21:55:12 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Wanxisha
by Qin Guan of Song Dynasty

I step up the small tower in slight misty coldness.
Somehow, the morning cold is like in late autumn.
Faint smoke, flowing water, painted screen, all’s so quiet.

Blossoms fly freely, as light as a dream.
Countless threads of rains, as thin as sorrow.
A precious curtain casually hung on a small silver hook.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-22 21:10:25 | 只看该作者


Enter Beigu Arbor in Jingkou with Emotions
--in Tune of Nanxiangzi
by Xin Qiji of Song Dynasty

Where can I behold Cathay?
All in my eyes is the view seen from Beigu Tower.
How many events of dynastic rise and fall happened since ancient time?
So, so,
Like the Yangtze River flowing endlessly in torrents.

Commanding myriads of soldiers when still young,
He reigned in the southeast, engaged in continual war.
Who’s his rival among all the heroes under Heaven?
Cao, Liu.
The son, if any born, should be like Sun Zhongmou!


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-23 21:16:02 | 只看该作者


Write on Zaokou Cliff in Jiangxi
--in Tune of Pusaman
by Xin Qiji of Song Dynasty

Clear river water at Yugu Terrace,
How much tears of travelers in it?
Looking toward Chang An in northwest,
It’s pitiably beyond many hills after hills.

Green hills can’t blockade the water,
Which flows, after all, toward east.
I feel sad right at dusk on the river,
Hearing the cuckoo in the depth of hills.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-24 22:21:53 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Rumengling
by Li Qingzhao of Song Dynasty

Often remember the arbor by the creek at dusk;
Heavily drunk, I don’t know which way to return.
When I go back in a boat at night, having fully enjoyed,
My boat is misled into the depth of lotus flowers.
Striving to go forth, striving to go forth,
Groups of gulls and egrets on the shore are startled.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-25 22:43:46 | 只看该作者

尋尋覓覓,冷冷清清,凄凄慘慘戚戚。乍暖還寒時候,最難將息。三杯兩盞淡酒,怎敵他、晚來風急?雁過也,正傷心,卻是舊時相識。    滿地黃花堆積。憔悴損,如今有誰堪摘?守著窗兒,獨自怎生得黑?梧桐更兼細雨,到黃昏,點點滴滴。這次第,怎一個、愁字了得!

Poem in Tune of Shengshengman
by Li Qingzhao of Song Dynasty

Seeking, seeking; lonely, quiet; gloomy﹐grievous﹐glum.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to have a rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong?
The wild geese pass—I feel heart-broken—since they are my old acquaintance.
All over the ground the yellow flowers in heaps.
Languished as I am, who will now pick them?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till nightfall?
Phoenix trees, plus drizzles on them, dripping and dripping till evening;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-26 20:58:27 | 只看该作者
(押韻版 version in rhyme)

Seeking, seeking; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.
When it just turns warm, but still cold, it’s hardest to rest full.
Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the strong wind in the evening?
The wild geese pass, they being my old acquaintance, heart-broken I’m feeling.
All over the ground, in heaps, the flowers yellow.
Languished as I am, who will pick them now?
Keeping myself at the window, how can I fare alone till night falling?
Phoenix trees, plus drizzles on them, dripping and dripping till evening;
At this moment, what can I do with the word “sorrow”?


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-27 21:39:59 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Zuihuayin
by Li Qingzhao of Song Dynasty

Fogs thin, clouds dense, woeful all day long;
Ruinao1 incense burned up in a beast-shaped brass burner.
Now again is the Day of Double Ninth;
Porcelain pillow, and gauze-canopied bed,
Cold penetrates the gauze at midnight.
Drink wine at east fence after twilight;
The sleeves filled with faint scent.
Don’t say it’s not transported;
The west wind blows up the curtain,
And I find myself thinner than yellow flowers.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-28 21:20:15 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Yijianmei
by Li Qingzhao of Song Dynasty

Scented remnant of red lotus roots, bamboo mat in autumn;
I gently untie my gauze dress,
And get on the magnolia boat alone.
Who sent me the silky letter1 through clouds?
When the letter by the geese1 returns,
The moon shines fully into west tower.

Blossoms naturally fall and water naturally flows;
The same lovesickness,
But sorrow at two places.
This emotion in no way to be dispelled.
It just gets off my eyebrows,
But up on my mind.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-29 21:19:05 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Yumeiren
by Jiang Jie of Song Dynasty

When young, I listened to raining in the singing house;
Red candle flame looks dim thro the gauze canopy.
In the middle age, I listened to raining in a passenger boat;
The river’s wide and clouds hung low;
A stray wild goose cried in the west wind.

Now I listen to raining under a monk’s roof;
Hair on my temples already turns grayish.
Woe, joy, parting, meeting, all must be unemotional;
Just let the rain before the steps
Drip and drip until dawn.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-30 21:40:06 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Tianjingsha
by Ma Zhiyuan of Yuan Dynasty

Withered vines, aged trees, crows at dusk;
A small bridge, flowing water, and houses.
An ancient road, the west wind, a skinny horse;
The setting sun in the west;
The heart-broken person at the edge of the world.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-31 22:31:37 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Yuanlanggui
by Liu Minzhong of Yuan Dynasty

Green hills extend endless, one after one;
One after one, looking like in a picture.
The root of stalactite in flowing water, exquisite like a jade.
Water can go through it, high or low.

Mountains face north; the road turns east.
Two or three peaks before the horse.
The green smoke seems denser on top of peaks.
Countless pine trees loom in the smoke.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-1 22:17:41 | 只看该作者


Poem in Tune of Linjiangxian
by Yang Shen of Ming Dynasty

The torrential water in Yangtze River keeps flowing east.
Its billows washed away all the heroes.
Right or wrong, success or failure, all in nothing in the twinkling of an eye.
The green mountains are still there,
But how many red sunsets seen?

Fishermen and Woodmen with hoary hair on the river or shoals
Are used to seeing the autumn moon and feeling spring winds.
They meet in happiness with a pot of turbid wine.
How many things from the olden time till now
Are all laughed away in chatting. (Are all given to laughing and chatting.)


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-2 21:05:14 | 只看该作者


Male Phoenix Seeking a Female
(Song to the Music of Zither)1
by Anonymous

There's a beauty, wow,
None can forget once seen.
If not see her for a day, oh,
I’ll go mad thinking of her.
Like a male phoenix flying far and wide, oh,
Seeking a female one over the four seas.
What can I do, since the beauty, oh,
Is not inside the eastern wall.
I use a zither instead of words, oh,
To express my deep love for her.
When can she agree to marry me, oh,
To console me in my restlessness.
But they say she’ll marry a man of virtue, oh,
And go with him hand in hand.
Then I can’t fly with her like a pair of phoenix, oh,
I’m so downhearted like I’m going to die.

[1] 據說乃司馬相如挑逗卓文君時的那首。


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-3 21:08:18 | 只看该作者

A Long Poem of Han Dynasty
by Anonymous

The green malva in the garden;
Dawn dews on it wait for the sun to be dry.
Warm Spring spreads its favor and kindness;
All the things reflect luminousness.
I always fear the advent of autumn;
Lustrous yellow flowers and leaves will soon wither.
Hundreds of streams flow eastward to the sea,
When can they return to the west?
If one doesn't work hard when young,
He'll regret in vain when old.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-4 22:02:37 | 只看该作者


A Short Poem
by Cao Cao of Three Kingdoms period

One should sing in front of the wine,
Since how long the life will be.
‘Tis like the dawn dew;
The days gone are bitterly so many.
Though at times I’m excited or agitated,
I still can’t forget my sorrows.
How can I abandon my grievance?
The sole thing is Du Kang.
So black is your garment;
So carefree is my mind.
But for your sake,
I keep thinking till now.
“Yao, yoa,” the deer bells,
Grazing fern in the fields.
I have venerable guests;
Zithers and flutes playing.
So bright is the moon;
When can I get it?
Woe comes from my heart,
And won’t stop or go away.
Guests come across fields
To greet me from afar.
Now we talk and feast,
Thinking of our old friendship.
The moon’s bright, stars scarce;
Crows and magpies fly southward.
They hover thrice round the trees;
On which bough can they perch?
Mountains can’t be deemed too high;
Water can’t be deemed too deep.
Duke Zhou spat out what he’s chewing,
And so all hearts under heaven went to him.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-5 20:45:57 | 只看该作者
觀滄海 (三國)曹操

Watching the Blue Sea
by Cao Cao of Three Kingdoms period

Arriving at Jieshi in east
To watch the blue sea.
Water’s undulating;
Islands tower high.
Woods grow here and there;
All sorts of grass so lush.
Autumn winds soughing;
Billows surging.
The move of sun and moon
As if out of waves.
Galaxies of stars so brilliant
Like out from the sea.
Lucky to the utmost;
I sing out my wish.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-6 20:57:13 | 只看该作者


Dinner for Departure of Official Cousin Yun on Jietiao Tower in Xuanzhou
by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty

What’s gone, deserting me
Is the undetainable day of yesterday.
What’s disturbing my mind
Is the sorrowful day of today.
The long winds seeing the autumnal wild geese off for myriad miles;
Facing that, we can get drunk in this high tower.
The articles of Penglai1 has the style of JianAn2,
Mingling with elegance and delicacy of young Xie3.
We both harbor common interest, elated with great thoughts
To clamber to the blue sky to grab the bright moon.
Drawing the sword to cut the water, but the water still flows;
Raising the cup to erase woes, but woes turn more woeful.
Since nothing in life is after my own heart,
Tomorrow I’ll let loose my hair and take to a boat.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-7 21:48:15 | 只看该作者


Ask the Moon With a Cup of Wine in Hand
by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty

How long comes the moon in the blue sky?
I put down the cup and ask now.
If one wants to reach the bright moon, it's impossible.
But the moon that moves can follow people.
It’s brilliant like a flying mirror over red pavilions;
As green smoke clears away, it illuminates.
In the evening it is seen coming from the sea;
But who knows in the morning it vanishes in clouds?
The Rabbit1 pounds drugs from autumn to spring;
Whom can lonely Moon Goddess take as her neighbor?
The present people can’t see the ancient moon;
The present moon did shine over the ancient people.
The ancient and present people go away like flowing water;
They both witness the bright moon as it is.
I wish that I can sing with wine in front,
That the moonlight shines forever in the golden cup.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-8 21:46:27 | 只看该作者
將進酒(唐) 李白


Going to Drink
by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty

Don’t you see the water in the Yellow River comes from heaven,
Which flows to the sea and never returns?
Don’t you see it’s so sad with white hair in the clear mirror in the high hall,
Which is like black silk in the morning, but snowy in the evening?
Enjoy to the utmost when life is in complacence;
Don’t let the golden cups facing the moon for nothing.
I must be useful if Heaven endows me with talent.
Thousands of gold taels, if spent, will come again.
Let’s slaughter sheep and cattle to be happy;
If able, one should drink three hundred cups of wine.
Scholar Cen, Hermit Danqiu1,
We’re going to drink,
Don’t put down cups.
I will sing for you;
Give your ear to my singing, please.
Don’t think bells, drums, feasts and jade are valuable;
I wish to be in eternal drunkenness, and never sober.
Scholars and sages of olden times are all lonely and unknown;
Only drinkers can leave their names behind.
Prince Chen once had a banquet in Pingle Garden2,
Indulged in merry-making, drinking wine, a bushel worth ten thousand.
How can the host say to have only a little money?
He should directly go to buy wine and drink with you.
Five-colored steeds, thousand-worth fur coats,
Let my son take them to exchange for wine.
So that I can banish the eternal sorrow with you.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-9 20:41:54 | 只看该作者
金樽清酒斗十千,玉盤珍饈值萬錢。停杯投箸不能食, 拔劍四顧心茫然。
欲渡黃河冰塞川,將登太行雪暗天。 閑來垂釣碧溪上, 忽复乘舟夢日邊。
行路難!行路難!多歧路,今安在? 長風破浪會有時, 直挂雲帆濟滄海。

Hard Ways to Travel
by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty
Limpid wine in golden goblets worth ten thousand coppers a bushel;
Dainty food on jade plates cost a myriad coins.
Stop raising the goblet, put down chopsticks, not feel like eating more;
Draw out my sword, looking about, totally at a loss.
I'd ferry across the Yellow River, but waterway blocked by ice;
About to go up Mt. Taihang, but snow darkens the sky.
Being idle, go angling at a green stream;
All at once, I dream in a boat to the side of the sun.
Hard ways to travel, hard ways to travel!
Ways so diverged, where am I now?
There'll be a time to ride the wind and cleave the waves;
And hoisting the sail into clouds, I'll go across the vast sea.


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