

楼主: 海外逸士
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[译诗] 海外逸士詩詞文翻譯集



 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-10 21:36:20 | 只看该作者


Song of Everlasting Regret
by Bai Juyi of Tang Dynasty

The emperor of Han preferred women of great beauty,
He sought them out for years but in vain.
A girl in the Yang family just grew up,
Not known to anyone, being raised in deep boudoir.
Born too beautiful to give herself away easily,
She was eventually chosen at the side of the emperor.
One glance back from her beams one hundred kinds of charm,
And the beauty of all the ladies in the six palaces1 was shadowed.
In still cold spring she was granted a bath in the pool of Huaqing2,
Her smooth skin bathed in the warm spring water.
So delicate, she was helped up by her maids,
That’s the first time she enjoyed the love of the emperor.
Cloud-like hair, flower-like face, golden dangling ornament,
Spring3 nights all spent under the warm lotus canopy.
The night was too short and the sun rose high,
The emperor neglected his morning levee ever since.
Pleasing and waiting on the emperor at feast, she got no moment to spare,
Outing in spring every day, sleeping with the emperor every night.
The emperor had three thousand fairs in the harem,
But his love of the three thousands centered on one.
In the golden boudoir she made herself up for the evening,
After a feast in the jade pavilion she’s drunk in spring3 action.
Her brothers and sisters all got fiefs,
Her family was admirably endowed with Imperial glory.
This made all the parents under the heaven
Desirous of having girls instead of boys.
The palace on the Li Mountain towering high into the clouds,
The fairy music carried by the wind, heard everywhere.
Charming songs, graceful dances with string and bamboo instruments,
The emperor could not enjoy enough all day long.
The war drums came from Yuyang4, shaking the ground,
Breaking the Melody of Rainbow Dress and Feather Garments5.
Smokes and dusts rose from nine gates6 of the capital,
Thousands of coaches and horses marching southwest.
With emerald coach canopies swaying, they moved, then stopped.
Only a hundred miles west outside the capital.
As the troops refused to advance, the emperor could do nothing,
And the sobbing beauty died in front of his horse.
Pearl-inlaid headdress fell on the ground, but none cared to pick it,
Also hair ornaments of emerald and gold in bird shape, and jade hairpins.
The emperor couldn’t save her, only covering his face,
When looking back, there flew tears and blood.
Yellow dusts floated up in the air, the wind soughing,
They scaled to Sword Pavilion7 on zigzag wooden board way up into clouds.
At the foot of E-Mei Mountains8 travelers are seldom seen,
While the banners lose brightness and the sun looks pale.
The river of Shu9 is green and the mountains of Shu9 are blue,
The mood of the emperor morning and evening imaginable.
In the temporary palace as the emperor watches the moon, its light seems grievous.
In the night rain the sound of bells is heart-rending.
Like heaven and earth whirling, the dragon coach10 returning,
But at that moment, he hesitated to leave there.
In the earth at the foot of Mawei Mound11
There’s no body of the buried beauty seen.
Emperor and courtiers look at each other, their clothes wet with tears;
Their horses canter eastward to the gate of the capital.
When returning, the pond and gardens are still the same,
Also the peonies in Taiye Pond and willows in Weiyang Palace.
Her face like the peonies and her eyebrows like willow leaves,
Confronting these, how can the tears not be trickling?
Also on the day when the blooms of peach and plum blow in spring,
And at the time when the leaves of Chinese parasol fall in autumnal rains.
There’s a lot of autumnal grass in western and southern palaces,
And the ruddy fallen leaves all over the steps no one swept.
The performers of the imperial troupe have new white hair growing.
The eunuchs and maids in her former chamber become old.
As fireflies dart in the evening hall, the thought of her steals in,
When the wicker in the single lamp burns up, sleeplessness lasts.
The night grows long and the morning bell and drum sounds late,
The day is breaking and the Milky Way still seen across the sky.
The dews dense on the cold tiles of mandarin ducks,
The emerald quilts also cold since no one to sleep in together.
During the lasting separation of life and death experience for years,
Her ghost has never come into the dream of the survivor.
The Taoist from Linqiong12 was the visitor to Hongdu12,
Who can summon the ghost with his spirit of earnestness.
Touched by the whole-hearted thinking of the emperor
The Taoist sets his heart on searching her ghost far and wide.
He rides on the air into the other space as swift as lightning,
Exploring everywhere in Heavens and in the other world.
He seeks in paradise and he seeks in Hades,
And her ghost is not there in either place.
All at once he hears of the fairy mountains on the sea;
The mountains are situated in the vast void.
The magnificent pavilions rise among five-colored clouds,
In which there are a lot of elegant goddesses.
One of them is called Taizhen13,
With snow-white skin and flower-beautiful face as she has.
He knocks at the jade door of the west chamber in the golden pavilion,
Asking Xiaoyu14, the maid, to tell Shuangcheng14, another maid,
When hearing the arrival of the messenger of the Han emperor,
Her ghost startled from the dream in splendid canopy.
Lifting her dress, pushing away her pillow, she loiters forth,
The silver screen with pearly foils opens gradually.
With her piled-up hair tilting aside, just awake from the sleep,
She walks into the hall in disheveled wreath crown.
Her fairy dress flutters up in the wind,
Like in a dance of rainbow-colored feather-adorned garment.
Her pretty face reflects solitude with tears trickling,
Like a pear blossom in the spring rains.
She thanks the emperor with a gaze full of feelings,
His voice and visage is so far away after parting.
Thus ended the love expressed in Zhaoyang Hall;
But here in Penglai Palace the time is eternal.
When looking down back to the human world,
Can’t see ChangAn, the capital, but mists and dusts.
To show her deep feelings she can only produce the old stuff,
And wants to send the gold hairpin and decorated box,
She keeps half of the pin and box for herself.
That is: half of the pin gold, half of the box decoration.
If only our hearts so sincere as gold and box so sturdy,
We’ll meet either in heavens or in the world.
When parting, she sends words by the Taoist,
There’s a vow in the words they both know.
That’s on seventh day of seventh moon in Longevity Hall,
They vowed to each other at midnight when none were near:
They wished to be birds flying side by side in the sky,
They wished to be two bough-interlaced trees on earth.
Heaven and earth, though everlasting, may have an end,
The parting regret of theirs lasts without an end.

[1] Six palaces denoted the living quarters of the emperor’s women collectively.
[2] Huaqing is the name of a place where there is a bathing pool for the imperial family.
[3] The Chinese character spring can imply sex.
[4] Yuyang is the name of a place, where a rebellion happened.
[5] The Melody of Rainbow Dress and Feather Garments meant the dance with music performed by Concubine Yang. The emperor liked it very much. When the rebellious army came, he could not watch the dance any more.
[6] Nine gates meant that the capital city had many gates and also could mean that there were gates after gates to the palace.
[7] Sword Pavilion is the name of a place in the present Sichuan Province.
[8] E-Mei Mountains are in the Sichuan Province, on which there are many temples.
[9] Shu is the nickname of Sichuan Province.
[10] Dragon coach was a coach used only by the emperor. Dragon in China was the imperial emblem.
[11] Mawei Mound was the name of a place where the concubine Yang was forced to die and buried there.
[12] Linqiong was the name of a place and Hongdu denoted the capital.
[13] Taizhen was the another name of Concubine Yang.
[14]小玉,吴王夫差的女儿;双成,董双成,西王母的女儿。二人都是借指杨贵妃在仙境的侍女。Xiaoyu was the daughter of King Fucha of Wu Kingdom in the East Zhou Dynasty. Shuangcheng was the daughter of Queen Goddess in Chinese mythology. Both were used here to denote the maids of Concubine Yang in the fairyland.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-15 21:40:23 | 只看该作者


Night of Flower and Moon on Spring River
by Zhang Ruoxu of Tang Dynassty

The tide in the spring river is at the level with the sea;
The bright moon over the sea rises with the tide.
Since it follows the waves for thousands of miles,
Where is there no moonlight on the spring rivers?
The river’s meandering round the fragrant suburbs;
The moon shines over blooming trees like sleet on them.
The flowing frost in the air seems flying;
The white sands on the islets can’t be seen.
The dustless sky and rivers are of the same color;
Only the luminous moon in the sky is so lone.
Who by the river first saw the moon?
In which year the moon over the river first shone on man?
Human life is endless from generation to generation;
The moon over the river looks the same year after year.
No one knows whom the moon over the river waiting for;
But, lo, the Yangtze River sends the flowing water away.
A piece of white cloud sails off so freely;
The woe’s unbearable on the Beach of Green Maple.
From which family the prodigal son’s in the boat tonight?
Where’s the tower under the moon, someone harboring love?
It’s pitiable for the moon wandering over the tower;
It must shine on the vanity table of the parting person.
Rolling up the screen on the jade window can’t get the moonlight off;
The moonlight on clothes-beating boards, if whisked away, will return.
Now we can watch the same thing, but can’t hear each other;
I wish I could follow the moonlight to shine over you.
The wild geese can fly a long way, but the moonlight can’t;
The diving fish and dragon leap out, making the water rippling.
I dreamt last night the falling flowers on the idle pond;
And pity myself unable to go home as spring is half gone.
The river water flows away and spring’s at its end;
The setting moon over the river and pond is slanting west.
The slanting moon hides deeply in the sea fogs;
It’s an endless journey to Jieshi and Xiaoxiang.
I don’t know how many people return under the moonlight;
The setting moon casts the surging feelings on the riverside trees.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-17 21:28:57 | 只看该作者


Song of a Chaste Woman
by Zhang Ji of Tang Dynasty

You know I have husband;
Yet you give me a pair of pearls.
I feel your love for me,
And tie them on my red gauze dress.
You have high tower after tower at home;
My husband holds a halberd in Mingguang Hall1.
I know your heart as clearly as the sun and moon.
But I’m loyal to husband, having vowed to live and die together.
So I have to return the pearls to you, with tears down my face;
I only regret that we didn’t meet before marriage.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-18 21:16:11 | 只看该作者


Song of Peach Bloom Nunnery
by Tang Yin of Ming Dynasty

Peach Bloom Nunnery in Peach Bloom Dock;
Peach Bloom Fairy at Peach Bloom Nunnery.
Peach Bloom Fairy plants peach trees,
Picking peach blooms to sell for wine money.
Sober from drunkenness, I only sit before flowers,
But when drunk, what I get is to sleep under blossoms.
Half awake and half drunk, I so fare day by day;
Flowers wither and flowers bloom, year after year.
I wish I could grow old and die among wine and flowers,
Unwilling to bow before horses and coach.
Horses and coach are what the rich like;
Wine and flowers, the poor fated for.
If compare the rich with the poor,
One’s on earth, one’s in Heaven.
If compare the poor with the horses,
The latter are busy galloping, the former idle.
People laugh at me for my being too crazy,
But I laugh at people for being too worldly.
Don’t you see the tombs of the rich in Five Mounds
Were hoed to be fields without wine and flowers.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-19 21:43:48 | 只看该作者


Autumn Window in Windy and Rainy Evening
by Cao Xueqin of Qing Dynasty

The autumn flowers dismal, the autumn grass yellow;
The autumn lamp luminous, the autumn night long.
I already feel the autumn everlasting on the autumn window;
How can I bear the wind and rain in addition to sorrow?
How swift come the wind and rain supplementing autumn!
Startling me from the green autumn dream at the autumn window.
So I harbor autumn emotions and have no wish in sleep to go;
Myself walk to the autumn screen to move the candle with “tears”.
The light of the teary candle on the short candlestick swaying,
Bringing sorrow, illumining odium, and inciting parting feeling.
Into whose autumn courtyard comes no wind?
Where’s no rain pattering on the autumn window?
The gauze quilt has no way to defy the strong autumn wind;
The late sound of water clock pelting the autumn rain so heavy,
Which lasts throughout the night in the soughing wind,
As if accompanying the person parting soon, sobbing before the lamp.
The small courtyard with cold mists turns desolate and dreary;
On sparse bamboos and empty windows raindrops dripping.
I don’t know when the wind and rain will come to a stopping;
But my tears already make the gauze on the window damp.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-20 22:09:27 | 只看该作者

花開易見落難尋﹐階前悶殺葬花人,獨把花鋤淚暗灑, 灑上花枝見血痕。
杜鵑無語正黃昏, 荷鋤歸去掩重門。青燈照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未溫。

Poem of Burying Blossoms
by Cao Xueqin of Qing Dynasty

Blooms withered, blooms flying, blooms filling the sky;
Red’s faded; scent’s ended; who has pity on them?
Wafting gossamers, hovering, softly tie to spring pavilions;
Fallen catkins, fluttering, lightly stick on embroidered screens.
A girl behind the screens feels sorry for spring soon gone;
No one she can tell of her heart full of sorrows.
She gets out of embroidered screens with a hoe in hand,
And walks to and fro, unbearable to tread on fallen blossoms.
Willow twigs and elm pods enjoy their self aroma,
Caring not for blooms of peach floating away, of plum flying down.
Blossoms of peach and plum can blow afresh next year;
But next year, who will be in the boudoir?
The building of scented nests finished in March;
But the swallows on beams are so merciless.
Albeit they can peck blossoms blowing next year,
Yet, unawares, the person’s gone, the empty nests on beams leaning.
There are three hundred sixty days in a year;
The knifelike wind and the swordlike frost press so hard;
How long can flowers remain so beautiful and fresh?
Once they float down, nowhere to look for.
Flowers in bloom are easy to see, but hard to find, once fallen.
The one on steps who will bury flowers is now feeling sulky,
And holding the hoe alone, tears trickling stealthily.
Tears splash on boughs that show the trace of blood.
’Tis twilight, and the cuckoo is silent;
Shouldering the hoe, I return and shut door after door.
I just fall asleep with the lamp shining on the walls,
And cold rains pelting on the window, quilts not warm yet.
I wonder why I’m so doubly unhappy.
It’s half pitying spring, half annoyed at spring.
Pitying spring for its sudden coming, annoyed for its sudden going;
It’s silent when coming, and no one knows when it’s going.
Yesterday evening in the courtyard, a melancholy song was heard;
So I know it’s souls of flowers and of birds.
The souls of flowers and birds can’t always stay;
Birds keep silent and flowers so shy.
I wish to grow two wings under my armpits,
And follow the flowers flying to the end of heaven.
At the end of heaven, where’s the aromatic tomb?
I’d rather gather beautiful bones in a brocade bag,
And cover the beauty with a handful of pure earth.
Since born in purity, now gone in purity,
Better than buried in a dirty ditch.
As you died now, I gather and bury you;
I don’t know on which day I’ll pass away.
People laugh at me as idiot for burying flowers;
But who will bury me in years to come?
Lo, flowers gradually drop in late spring;
It’s time for young beauty to grow old and die.
Once spring’s at the end, the beauty becomes old;
Then none remember fallen flowers and the deceased.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-21 21:46:59 | 只看该作者


Song of Tomorrow
by Qian Hetan of Qing Dynasty

Tomorrow and tomorrow,
How many tomorrows there are!
If waiting for tomorrow all my life,
Nothing will ever be done.
Humans are bitterly misled by tomorrow,
Spring gone, Autumn come, old age is here.
Watching water flowing east in the morning,
Looking at the sun setting in west in the evening.
How many tomorrows are there in a hundred years?
So, you, please listen to my Song of Tomorrow.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-22 21:40:59 | 只看该作者


See a Friend Off
by Li Shutong of Republic of China

Outside the resting arbor, beside the ancient thoroughfare;
The fragrant grass so green, stretching to meet the sky afar.
The evening breeze brushing the willow, the flute sound lingering;
The setting sun beyond hills and mountains.

At the verge of heaven, at the four corners of the earth,
My bosom friends are half gone and no longer seen.
With a gourdful of turbid wine, enjoy the last moment of pleasure;
The parting dream turning cold this very night.

Time elapsing, no way to detain it,
Today separation is inevitable.
A song of parting for seeing one off,
Looking at each other with feelings of relunctance.

Though it’s good for gathering, sad for parting,
The world affairs worth pondering over.
Both expecting future meeting some day,
So now, just leave without hesitation.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-23 21:04:19 | 只看该作者



Home Hasten I
by Tao Yuanming of Jin Dynasty

Oh, home hasten I!  Why not return when fields and garden growing waste?  Myself have made my soul the slave of my form, why regret and grieve alone?  I realize that no bygones can be undone, but the future overtaken.  I have, indeed, gone astray not far, and feel myself right at present, wrong in the past.  The boat rocketh lightly and floateth along; the breeze gently wafteth and playeth upon my gown.  I ask a passenger the way, and hate the dawn's still grey; and at the sight of my old roofs afar, my pace quickeneth with joy.  The pages smile welcome; the children await me at door.  Deserted are the garden-paths, but yet alive the chrysanthemums and pines.  Taking my youngest I enter the room and see the cups overrun with wine.  Holding the pot and cup, I give myself a drink, and glancing at the boughs in yard, my smile groweth broad.  On south window I loll with the content of proud freedom and know my humble abode full of leisure and ease.  Daily stroll in garden is my pleasure and though the house hath a door, it is always shut.  Carrying a cane I wander about and raise my head at times to have a long view.  Aimlessly rise the idle clouds out of the dale and sensible of returning are the birds from weary flight.  The dim dusk will soon fade, but I linger on inclining upon a lonely pine.  Oh, home hasten I!  Let me cease any acquaintance and have no more journey abroad!  Since the world and I have broken with each other, what I seek for if I go round again?  With delight I enjoy the agreeable discourse of my family circle and indulge in lute and books to banish my sorrow.  When the peasants tell me that spring is come, I have something to do on the western farm.  Now I order a covered chaise and now take a single boat; sometimes far up to explore a winding stream and sometimes to drive over rugged mounds. The trees flourish and burst into leaf; the spring floweth in never-ceasing gurgling.  I envy all the things in prosperity coinciding with seasons and feel my life is nigh to its end.  Be it so!  How long yet can I keep my mortal form in this world?  Why not give up desires and leave them alone, and where am I to go restlessly?  Riches and power are not my wish and God's paradise canth not be gained.  On fine days I am out alone for a walk or planting my cane to pluck weeds and till ground.  On the eastern fields I raise a merry long call, or by a clear creek weave my verse.  I am satisfied to live and die in natural course, and happy with Heaven's will without doubts.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-25 21:01:34 | 只看该作者


Essay on Parting
by Jiang Yan of southern dynasties

What’s most gloomy to the soul is the parting experience. Moreover, Qin and Wu are the remotest states. Yan and Song are a thousand miles apart. When spring moss begins to grow or autumn winds suddenly arise, travelers, therefore, will be heartbroken with all sorts of miserable emotions. Winds sough in weird sounds. Clouds spread wide with quaint colors. The boat’s at the waterside, as if frozen there. The coach’s at the hillside, as if hindered on the long journey. As the oar’s deliberately rowed, how can the boat go fast? The horses neigh in cold ceaselessly. Cover up golden goblets; who cares for drink now? Put aside the zither; tears wet the front bar on the coach. Households at home lie in sorrow as if at a loss. Sunlight on the wall moves downward with its color sinking. Moonlight on the pavilion moves up with its brilliance reflected. When seeing red orchid bearing dews and perceiving green Chinese catalpa covered with frost, when walking round the high house shutting up emptiness and touching silk drapery feeling so cold, one can know the traveling person should be wandering even in the dream and can guess his parting soul should be hovering afar. Therefore, the feeling of parting is the same, but conditions are of thousands.
Having tall horses with silvery saddles and crimson coaches with carved axis ready, the host and the guest drink for parting in the tent outside east capital as if bidding the guest farewell in JinGu Garden1, where zithers were played in a gloomy tune, fifes and drums on display, and heartbreaking songs of Yan and Zhao saddened beauties around, where pearls and jade gleam colorfully in late autumn and gauze and brocade show splendor in early spring, where horses alarmed by loud music raise their heads in chewing fodder and fishes with ruddy scales jumped high from deep creeks, and where tears were shed when parting and hearts broken when thinking of solitary journey.
There are swordsmen ashamed of not repaying those for their kindness and young knights intending to return favors as in events happening in Han Kingdom2, in the lavatory of Zhao Kingdom3, in the palace of Wu Kingdom4 and in the marketplace of Yan Kingdom5. They either deserted their loved ones, or left their own countries, or shed tears in final farewell, or wiped bloody eyes staring at each other. They rode away at full gallop without looking back, only rising dusts seen in the wake. They wanted to repay favors using swords without intention of going to the nether world for any price in exchange. But when bells and drums boomed, the color on the face changed6.  The heart stopped beating at the death of her own flesh and blood7.
If there is no peace on the border, people join army bringing bows and arrows. The Liao River is unlimited and Mount Yanmen towers into clouds. When the wind into the bower feels warm and the grass in fields smells sweet, when the sun rises in the sky so radiant and dews on the ground glitter with multi-tinge, when scarlet dusts mirror a brilliant tint and green mists look hazy and smoky, and just as hands are raised to hold branches of peach and plum trees, parting is very much unbearable, especially with a beloved one, tears wetting the gauze skirt.
As for departure for the remotest states, how can reunion be possible? Looking at tall trees in homeland and saying the eternal goodbye on the northern bridge, people around the parting person have their souls touched by distress, and friends and relatives weep bitter tears. They can arrange boughs on the ground to sit imparting their regret and show their sorrow by drinking wine. Just on the day when wild geese in autumn fly south and when white frost fall on earth, the parting person grieves and groans at zigzag spots among distant hills and proceeds on and on alongside the long river.
If you live to the west of Ming River and my home is located in Heyang, we bask in morning sun rays with jade on our dress and sit together round an evening brass incense burner. When you go a thousand miles away with a tied ribbon8, it’s pitiable for a fair herb to beget scent in vain9. I feel ashamed facing the zither in my quiet boudoir10 and let the yellow silk curtain darken the high tower11. Spring palace shuts out green color of moss; autumn canopy’s steeped in moonlight; summer bamboo mat’s so cool and the day turns to dusk too slow; the flame in winter lamp is like staying congealed12 and the night is so long. Weaving my song into a silky letter exhausts my tears in sobbing and writing a rondeau poem makes my lone self miserable13.
If there’s a Taoist on Mount Hua, who takes the elixir of life, he becomes an immortal. His talent is great, but he still studies. His art reaches a great stage, but not yet to the utmost. He keeps busy in making divine pills and ignores everything else. He’s firm in determination to finish them in a brass cauldron. Then he rides on a stork into clouds or astride a phoenix to heaven. He can travel a myriad miles in a short time and has a brief separation as if a thousand years elapsed in the human world. Since mortals look upon parting seriously, he takes leave of the host14 lingeringly.
Under heaven there’s a poem of Chinese herbaceous peony15 and a song of a beauty16. There are girls in Sangzhong of Wei State and damsels in Shanggong of Chen State17. When spring grass turns verdant and spring water ripples green, how can the anguish be endurable as seeing you off at Nanpu? When autumn dew looks like pearl and autumn moon like a round jade, when the moon is bright and dew is white, and when time comes and goes, I’m thinking of you again and again after separation from you.
Therefore, people involving in parting are of various sorts, and situations and reasons for parting are greatly different. If there’s separation, there will be regret, full of regret, which makes people’s will lost, spirit terrified, heart agonized and bone tormented. Even if there are superior articles of Yuan and Yun18, and excellent writings of Yan and Le19, or even if there are men of letters in JinGui20 and men of talent in Lantai21, and even if there is the best essay like Lingyun22 or best repartee like in Diaolong23, who has the ability of describing the current conditions of separation or depicting the feelings of eternal parting?

[1] The owner of Jin Gu Garden was Shi Chong of Jin Dynasty. When he wanted to bid a guest farewell, he would do such things as described above.
[2] A swordsman called Ye Zheng wanted to revenge on behalf of Yan Zhongzi and killed the premier Xia Lei of Han Kinigdom.
[3] A man Yu Rang, whose host Zhi was killed by Xiangzi of Zhao Kingdom, wanted to avenge for Zhi. He changed his name and disguised himself and assassinated Xiangzi when he went to the lavatory.
[4] A man Zhuanzhu disguised as a cook hid a dagger in the belly of a fish he cooked and served. When he put the fish down on the table before the king of Wu Kingdom in his palace, he drew out the dagger from the fish and killed the king.
[5] [6] Jingke and Gao Jianli were friends and often drank together in the market place. The crown prince of Yan Kingdom befriended them and asked them to assassinate the king of Qin Kingdom, who would be likely to invade Yan Kingdom. They planned to offer the map of Yan Kingdom to the king of Qin, and hid a dagger in the rolled-up map. Jingke went on the errand, accompanied by another man called Wuyang. When they reached the palace of Qin, the king received them with bells booming and drums resounding. Wuyang was afraid and his face turned pale. The king suspected something wrong and ordered his guards to kill them. Their plan failed. Then Gao Jianli wanted to revenge for them and went to Qin, but didn’t succeed either.
[7] When Ye Zheng killed Xialei (see [2]), he disfigured his face and killed himself so that no one would know who he was. The authorities put his body in the market place, declaring that whoever knew who he was would get a big reward. When his sister Ye Ying knew it and guessed that it was her brother. She thought that she would not let her die without letting people know his name. So she went there to cry over the body and let people know that the hero was his brother Ye Zheng. She, then, killed herself on the spot.
[8] The ribbon was tied to an official seal. It meant that the man went there to be an official.
[9] Fair herb denoted the girl herself. Since her man went away, whatever she had meant nothing to her.
[10] Since her man went away, she would not play the zither any more. She was sorry for the zither, which would be put aside idle.
[11] It meant that she would let the curtain hang there since she would not see her man even if she pulled it aside.
[12] It meant that the flame seemed never to burn out the oil in the lamp like congealed. Time went so slowly.
[13] She embroidered her words in a rondeau poem on a silk cloth and sent to her man.
[14] When he became immortal and flew to heaven, he looked upon the mortals he once lived together as his host.
[15] The poem was one in the Collection of Ancient Poems. When boys and girls were in love, they would recite this poem.
[16] This was a song about a beauty, composed by Li Yannian of Han Dynasty.
[17] There were pretty girls in these states, but here denoting girls in a general sense.
[18] Yuan was Wang Ziyuan and Yun was Yang Ziyun, both writing superior articles.
[19] Yan was Yan An and Le was Xu Le, both writing excellently.
[20] JinGui denoted Jinmamen in Chang An City in Han Dynasty. It was the name of an official bureau, where men of letters gathered to be consulted by the emperor.
[21] Lantai was a place where books were stored and literary seminars were held in Han Dynasty.
[22] Sima Xiangru of Han Dynasty wrote the “Essay of Giant”. When the emperor read it, he said that it made him feel like “riding in clouds”, which was what the word Lingyun really meant.
[23] There was a book named “Wen Xin Diao Long”, in which the repartee was used for reasoning.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-25 21:04:02 | 只看该作者

上面重複了﹐抱歉。revised here

本帖最后由 海外逸士 于 2012-4-29 21:50 编辑


夫天地者,萬物之逆旅。光陰者,百代之過客。而浮生若夢,為歡幾何?古人秉燭夜游,良有以也。況陽春召我以煙景,大塊假我以文章。會桃李之芳園,序天倫之 樂事。群季俊秀,皆為惠連1;吾人詠歌,獨慚康樂2。幽賞未已,高談轉清。開瓊筵以坐花,飛羽觴而醉月。不有佳作,何伸雅懷?如詩不成,罰依金谷酒數。

Preface to Feast on Spring Night in Peach & Plum Garden
by Li Bai of Tang Dynasty

Well, the sky and earth is the inn of all the things.  Time is a passer-by through millenniums.  And the floating life is like a dream.  How much pleasure can we indulge in?  It is right and reasonable for the ancient people to roam at night with a candle in the hand.  And now Spring shows me the misty scenes and Nature gives me beautiful pictures.  We meet in the fragrant Peach and Plum Garden and are enjoying the happiness of family union. All my brothers are handsome and learned like Weilian1, but as I chant poems, I feel ashamed in comparison with Kangle2.  The silent enjoyment doesn’t end yet, and our loud chatting becomes quiet. We hold the feast among flowers and lift cups and get drunk under the moon. If we don’t write poems for the occasion, how can we express our poetic emotions? Whoever can’t compose a poem will have the penalty to drink wine to the number adopted in Jin Gu Garden3.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-4-30 21:33:34 | 只看该作者


Eulogy on My Humble Abode
by Liu Yuxin of Tang Dynasty

Known will hills be if fairies dwell, no matter high or low; and charmed will waters be if dragons lurk, no matter deep or shallow. [It matters not how high the hill is, if deities dwell, it is well-known; it matters not how deep the water is, if dragons lurk, it is worshiped.]  A humble abode though this is, my virtues make it smell sweet.  Verdant are the stone steps overgrown with moss, and green seems the screen as the grass seen through it.  I chat and laugh only with great scholars and have no intercourse with the ignorant.  I can play zither and read my sutras; no unpleasant music to grate on my ears and no red-tape to weary my mortal form.  Zhuge's residence in Nanyang and Ziyun's inhabitance in Xishu are both like what Confucius quoth, "How canth it be humble?"


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-3 21:12:32 | 只看该作者

慶曆四年春,滕子京謫守巴陵郡。越明年,政通人和,百廢具興,乃重修岳陽樓 ,增其舊制,刻唐賢今人詩賦於其上;屬予作文以記之。予觀夫巴陵勝狀,在洞庭一湖。銜遠山,吞長江,浩浩湯湯,橫無際涯;朝暉夕陰,氣象萬千;此則岳陽樓之大觀也,前人之述備矣。然則北通巫峽,南極瀟湘,遷客騷人,多會於此,覽物之情,得無異乎? 若夫霪雨霏霏,連月不開;陰風怒號,濁浪排空;日星隱耀,山岳潛形;商旅不行,檣傾楫摧;薄暮冥冥,虎嘯猿啼;登斯樓也,則有去國懷鄉,憂讒畏譏,滿目蕭然,感極而悲者矣!至若春和景明,波瀾不驚,上下天光,一碧萬頃;沙鷗翔集﹐錦鱗游泳,岸芷汀蘭,郁郁青青。而或長煙一空,皓月千里,浮光躍金,靜影沈璧,漁歌互答,此樂何極﹔登斯樓也,則有心曠神怡,寵辱偕忘、把酒臨風,其喜洋洋者矣!嗟夫!予嘗求古仁人之心,或異二者之為,何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲,居廟堂 之高,則憂其民;處江湖之遠,則憂其君。是進亦憂,退亦憂;然則何時而樂耶?其必曰:「先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂歟!」噫!微斯人,吾誰與歸!時六年九月十五日。

On Yueyang Tower
by Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty

In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli1, Teng Zijing was demoted to be the prefect of Baling District. Next year, the political situation was favorable and the relationship between people was harmonious. All the plans that had been suspended were now resumed.  Therefore, Yueyang Tower was under repair, and new designs were added to the old structure. There engraved on it were poems and essays of the sages of Tang Dynasty and of our contemporaries. Then I was asked to give an account of it.  I can see, well, that the beauty of Baling centers on Dongting Lake, which holds distant hills and swallows the Yangtze River, looking so huge and vast, and extending so wide and boundless (or: so vast and so boundless). With the glory of the morning and the gloom of the evening, the grand view is so changeable in multi-aspects. This is the great panorama of Yueyang Tower. Our ancestors already had a full account of it. However, as the tower connects Gorge Wu2 in the north and Xiao-Xiang3 in the south, demoted officials and sentimental poets often gather here. Should there be no difference in their feelings when they watch the same scenes?  Well, when heavy rains last for months at a stretch, when dismal winds roar in fury and murky billows surge to the sky, when the sun and stars conceal their light and mountains hide their contour, when merchants cease their travel and masts of ships crumble and oars broken, when twilight descends, dim and dull, with tigers growling and apes crying, there are those, ascending this tower and eyeing the scenes so depressing, who will lament with strong emotions for leaving the capital and being away from home, and with the fear of being slandered and criticized.  But when the water is waveless in warm spring against pretty scenery, when all’s a myriad acres of blue between the bright sky above and the bright sky mirrored in the water, when gulls hover and gather on sands and fishes swim with glittering scales, when so fragrant are zhi herb on the bank and orchid on the shoal, or when there are no mists and clouds with the bright moon shining over thousand miles, when the water reflects the light with silvery specks and the moon cuts its calm image in the lake like a sinking jade, when fishermen sing in response to each other, enjoying their happiness to the utmost, there are those, ascending this tower, who will lift the wine cup against the wind, being jocund and carefree, jovial and complacent, forgetful of all favors or disgraces.  Alas! Once I tried to understand the mind of ancient virtuous men. They might behave differently from the two kinds of people. Why? They didn’t delight in worldly things, or grieve for their own sake. They would be concerned with people at large as courtiers in levees of the emperor. They would be concerned with their sovereign as hermits in the remote corners of the country. So they always had anxieties whether as courtiers or as hermits. Then, when would they be happy? They would say, “Grieve before all the people under heaven grieve; enjoy after all the people under heaven enjoy.”  Well, if not with such men, whom will I socialize (or: mingle)?  This is written on the fifteenth day of the ninth moon in the sixth year.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-6 21:30:54 | 只看该作者
攏袖觀棋有所思  分明楚漢兩軍持 非常歡喜非常惱  不著棋人總不知

Watching Chess-Play
by Yuanmei

I'm musing while with hands in sleeves I'm watching chess-play
It's obvious that armies of Chu and Han are in battle array
I enjoy very much, but meantime very much in ado
For those who don't play chess will not at all know.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-7 21:47:40 | 只看该作者
女子弄文誠可罪  那堪詠月更吟風 磨穿鐵硯非吾事  繡折金針卻有功

by Zhu Shuzhen

It's guilty for the female to have anything written
Let alone chanting poems of the wind and the moon
It's not my business to wear out an iron-hard inkstone
My merit is to embroider till the needle is broken


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-8 21:07:04 | 只看该作者
相逢記得畫橋頭  花似精神柳似柔 莫謂無情即無語  春風傳意水傳愁

Accidentally Written
by Zhang Lei

I can still remember the meeting on the painted bridge
(She's) Spirited like flowers and supple like willow
Don't say that no words mean no love
Spring wind conveys the feeling, and water the sorrow


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-9 20:33:46 | 只看该作者

Late Spring
by Li Qingzhao

Why think bitterly of home in late spring?
Combing hair in sick days, I hate it long.
Swallows are on the beam all day, so talkative,
While breeze carries the scent of roses thro the screen.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-10 20:27:01 | 只看该作者

Poem in tune of Long-Time Lovesick (II)
by Oyang Xiu of Song Dynasty

The flower is like her;
The willow is like her.
Flower and willow in green spring, but someone departing.
Two lines of tears trickling with head drooping.
Yangtze River in east;
Yangtze River in west.
Mandarin ducks on both banks flying in different direction.
What time for reunion?


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-11 21:16:59 | 只看该作者

I will go to see the imperial garden tomorrow,
And send this message to Spring right away;
All flowers must be in full bloom overnight,
Don’t wait for morning winds to make them blow.


 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-12 21:45:32 | 只看该作者

Just as leaves fall on the Tongting Lake,
I think of you ten thousand miles away.
The dew is dense and the scented quilts are cold;
The moon sets and the brocade screen is empty.


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