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本帖最后由 橡树村 于 2014-2-23 18:01 编辑 ) D# @8 [- k. \$ |$ V
陈王奋起挥黄钺 发表于 2014-2-23 15:46 ![]()
$ e9 ]( @* M W. Z5 x; v拜托你用Google scholar搜一下 mummy, AMS, Egypt。 . O- {) T' W ~8 O6 t3 ^2 v
直接的研究有多少? 我看了第一页,倒是有一个文献 ... 8 B" @5 E: p6 p7 ~( B4 W
* T6 f9 y' [+ P% Z% l o: X木乃伊的年代确定的确有难度,需要的量太大,破坏性的测试肯定不会在著名的木乃伊上面做。而且污染也很严重。不过去年有篇文章发表了一个方法说使用头发即可,看看有没有可能广泛应用吧。
, {1 }) j* C9 C. J: h- D' I9 F! v! y! n- z1 ~* N
你否定的是古埃及考古普遍没有现代科学证据,这里面指的可不仅仅是木乃伊。而且古埃及的年代研究也没有单纯依靠木乃伊的断代证据。8 }: O* L; a5 c C' X7 Y* u
& V/ ~( E* y) ^6 t* ^使用Radiocarbon和Egypt来查,能看到不少文章的。最古老的研究从有碳同位素技术的时候就有了。
W0 V* ?1 }- w- ?. N, K* V$ v% h3 D/ b: \
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( g; z6 O3 ~5 L% Y u6 i+ }2 Q
! a/ `# k; {# q4 [9 \7 A; b
" R, [* l, ~& c. C2 [Science 18 June 2010: - i ~# v0 l6 _9 w+ p+ `5 Y
Vol. 328 no. 5985 pp. 1554-1557 * U5 x* A) u0 T5 p, j9 L2 p* J& C
DOI: 10.1126/science.1189395/ y% C- A0 [, s) i4 L8 W8 F. k% u
3 b/ p( d! [5 d! ^0 n
3 _$ S: ~% e' }1 N0 j3 i* c+ _Radiocarbon-Based Chronology for Dynastic Egypt! m6 ~1 t# G- x+ t" p" T: u
) m* v8 b7 t @4 R# H- J; p
- k" |3 o& v1 k* L; gABSTRACT6 ~& y2 ^3 z; D# x% E0 P
1 M+ Y5 I* W/ A* @$ S wThe historical chronologies for dynastic Egypt are based on reign lengths inferred from written and archaeological evidence. These floating chronologies are linked to the absolute calendar by a few ancient astronomical observations, which remain a source of debate. We used 211 radiocarbon measurements made on samples from short-lived plants, together with a Bayesian model incorporating historical information on reign lengths, to produce a chronology for dynastic Egypt. A small offset (19 radiocarbon years older) in radiocarbon levels in the Nile Valley is probably a growing-season effect. Our radiocarbon data indicate that the New Kingdom started between 1570 and 1544 B.C.E., and the reign of Djoser in the Old Kingdom started between 2691 and 2625 B.C.E.; both cases are earlier than some previous historical estimates.
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