TA的每日心情 | 衰 2017-12-15 09:06 |
签到天数: 2 天 [LV.1]炼气
( R9 |9 I; }% M6 M; k另外,你大概是没怎么看我给的那三个例子,要么就是错过了那几段剧情。其实《权力的游戏》里Theon那段演讲挺不错的,我找了找,网上还真有:
' V2 v/ C M V" E' d, Q% pTheon Greyjoy (speech to his men): You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen. They want to fuck us. Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks. I'm ready for one. They say every Ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland. You think they're right? We die today, brothers. We die bleeding from 100 wounds with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts, but our war cries will echo through eternity. They will sing about the battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves. Every man, woman, and child will know who we were and how long we stood. Aggar and Gelmarr; Wex and Urzen; Stygg and Black Lorren... Ironborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap onto the shores of Seagard and Faircastle. Mothers will name their sons for us. Girls will think of us with their lovers inside them. And whoever kills that fucking horn-blower will stand in bronze above the shores of Pyke! What is dead may never die!
2 x1 F' \8 G0 @, D8 b4 y9 Y) i( b8 N e: t8 l1 f) L" e; A% ]7 S( q
(One of the ironborns knocks out Theon)- d) q$ ?& d0 K+ b; z& l9 L
3 i' ]: ?+ \: }- t
Ironborn warrior: Thought he'd never shut up.
' o7 v/ |/ Z! C4 i8 a+ ], C
9 T! W; E- ^& O& \4 n Ironborn warrior2: It was a good speech. Didn't want to interrupt. 上一季的最后,Theon说要去救他姐,被一个铁民大壮按在水里摩擦,他仍然义无反顾——不在乎是否有人跟随。但这一次,有人跟上来了。
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- H: A$ F% i. e& ?) L' o+ F
: Z, }& b7 u8 Y9 ~
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