本帖最后由 草蜢 于 2015-2-25 08:14 编辑
: H" k* \9 q# _qyangroo 发表于 2015-2-25 07:36
6 }) E& _$ J2 n8 b我读到的母系社会的描述,家族大事由女性长辈决定。舅舅的作用没有你强调的那么大。# U* M# H1 O- e; S" Q
: n. p% ?* q8 t9 F v9 N
四川的摩梭族,采取 ... ) d0 \* C8 h. K+ {1 e
- W8 t1 y/ w. @' N
' N: D# [" P! l4 \. a+ J
我应该说清楚。当我说道狩猎3-5个小时然后休息的, 我想到的是巴西亚马孙原始森林中的Yanomami3 n# j- L: M+ ]. {" P/ Y" D
. d0 s4 w% ^* F7 j这个部落是一个父系社会,更是一个父权社会。
/ c. y# j: ]! T3 i. M7 H
! Q8 s& [8 N$ v' _. M* b美洲土著的祖先在进入美洲以前就是父系社会了。
' W; r; L$ u4 ?3 Y" E5 e n, b- M, H6 m N. b8 R6 D& O$ l
Yanomami是一个十分暴力的社会。9 T7 ~) g7 E q# w
' W9 |- N Q0 W3 i, G; ] {
# d: k1 R$ ]4 H' K& w
8 d$ Z4 n1 d- ?- E: P6 `40%的男人都杀过人。. W0 J1 X# }$ x9 ~8 K
$ O4 M4 @$ ^2 SBecause of the emphasis on warfare and hunting, male babies are preferred. Men make it known that their wives had better deliver a son or suffer the consequences. Women will kill a female infant or allow it to starve to avoid disappointing their husbands.
2 B @/ ^7 q$ V- i/ z$ B; P8 z7 i7 n" C7 O. k' m1 i
Although boys spend most of their time with their mothers, they quickly learn that there are status differences between males and females. From an early age, boys are treated with considerable indulgence by their fathers. Boys are encouraged to be 'fierce' and are rarely punished for beating girls in the villages, as their fathers beat their wives. Many Yanomamo make statements like 'Men are more valuable than women ...boys more valuable than girls.' Female children assume duties and responsibilities in the household long before their brothers are obliged to participate in comparable useful domestic tasks. Little girls are obliged to tend their younger brothers and sisters, and expected to help their mothers in other chores such as cooking, hauling water, and collecting firewood (Chagnon R111 122).' a6 @6 h5 L$ n
& Z7 b1 e6 D7 M( g- a8 b9 T' RBy the time girls reach puberty they have already learned that their world is decidedly less attractive than that of their brothers。。。
4 K" m1 p( ^8 V* q2 G" J& XMost have been promised in marriage by that time. ! K' I' T0 f( D# N+ m+ H b
# `+ M. o; F$ e' g+ w
Her duties as wife require her to continue the difficult and laborious tasks she has already begun doing, such as collecting firewood and fetching water every day.0 I3 Q$ u& w( G% A, L' N# P
. C) ?5 W, t- S$ H1 fFirewood collecting is particularly difficult, and women spend several hours each day scouring the neighborhood for suitable wood. The women can always be seen leaving the village about 3 or 4 pm and returning at dusk, usually in a procession, bearing enormous loads of wood in their pack baskets。1 x5 U" T' ]8 P) c+ K
: z: `! E$ A, }. q4 J
any Yanomamo women show the effects of brutal treatment by men: They are covered with scars and bruises from violent encounters with seducers, rapists, and husbands. By displaying their ferocity against women, men show other men that they are capable of violence and had better be treated with respect and caution (Sanday R609 45)./ h2 w: x' _% B" T' s ]" t1 _; x
. v, B# {; j [- k; k8 ~
Women must respond quickly to the demands of their husbands and even anticipate their needs. It is interesting to watch the behavior of women when their husbands return from a hunting trip or a visit. The men march dramatically and proudly across the village and retire silently into their hammocks, especially when they bring home desirable food items. The women, no matter what they are doing, hurry home and quietly but rapidly prepare a meal. Should the wife be slow at doing this, some irate husbands scold them or even beat them Chagnon (R111 124).* L; m# _9 A2 V
) [$ A7 J8 g; PSome men seem to think that it reasonable to beat their wife once in a while as if the objective is 'just to keep her on her toes'. Most physical reprimands meted out take the form of blows with the hand or with a piece of firewood, but a good many husbands are more severe. Some of them chop their wives with the sharp edge of a machete or ax or shoot them with a barbed arrow in some nonvital area, such as the buttocks or leg. Some men are given to punishing their wives by holding the glowing end of a piece of firewood against them, producing painful and serious burns. The punishment is usually, however, more consistent with the perceived seriousness of the wife's shortcomings, more drastic measures being reserved for infidelity or suspicion of infidelity. It is not uncommon for a man to injure his sexually errant wife seriously and some men have even killed wives for infidelity by shooting them with an arrow. Women who are not too severely treated might even measure their husband's concern in terms of the frequency of minor physical reprimands they sustain. I overheard two young women discussing each other's scalp scars. One of them commented that the other's husband must really care for her since he has beaten her on the head so frequently!# @) k0 N2 y& c+ w2 ?4 F
$ h$ T$ Q2 K# x% @% X. W5 W所以我应该说男人们回来了以后, 是休息, 吃肉, 吹牛, 打老婆。! w* @% n1 S2 g4 A2 I
. i. w5 x# \) Y; b* @$ _
打老婆越多,才是越爱! |