本帖最后由 孟词宗 于 2023-10-3 22:57 编辑 ) @& z% F, A" ]! P3 M
, y1 B$ ?, s6 g7 P* e- v; M
4 f$ D/ O7 h& ~" O0 [% A化工有了保险真的安全吗?5 p, h7 \; |# A& m/ V6 O
. K+ w8 i% [! {路透社两年前的报道 U.S. refiners, chemical makers pare insurance coverage as accidents boost costs
$ k/ ~+ {) G1 m% j
" y* F, T# R+ s7 R根据这篇报道,“工业流程和能源市场情报提供商 Industrial Info Resources 的数据显示,近年来炼油意外中断激增,2019 年事故数量超过 2,000 起,是 2015 年水平的四倍。”, D# L2 f6 I% ~- ~7 [( o9 I
Unexpected refining outages have soared in recent years, surpassing 2,000 incidents in 2019, quadruple 2015 levels, according to Industrial Info Resources, a provider of industrial process and energy market intelligence.
# f) O: W& a: N" q3 x# w“在一系列备受瞩目的事故发生后,风险加剧,其中包括德克萨斯州石化厂的几起爆炸以及去年导致费城能源解决方案炼油厂关闭的火灾。”% v, `$ F/ ]# L/ w5 ~
The heightened risk comes after a series of high-profile accidents, including several explosions at petrochemical plants in Texas and last year’s blaze that shut the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery. * h8 S J6 b6 o0 f
$ Z3 \, S& Q, W8 z% q; X" x
( }; }/ J8 r2 L, f4 C" c! S“据保险业消息人士称,AIG 和 CV Starr 等拥有大量能源风险的保险公司正在通过减少总体保险能力或减少风险来应对。”
) C! e# t7 w. \+ XInsurance companies with sizable energy exposure such as AIG and CV Starr are responding by offering less overall insurance capacity or reducing exposure, according to insurance industry sources.
' T5 |; W$ F4 i; h" y G& Z) X“保险公司将承保成本增加了 25% 至 100%,具体取决于多种因素,包括保险公司根据损失历史进行的风险评估。 一些炼油厂的应对措施是限制其覆盖范围。”
/ ~; g, d, \; P c! [+ d/ xInsurers have increased the cost of coverage by 25 percent to 100 percent, depending on a variety of factors including the insurer’s assessment of risk based on a history of losses. Some refiners are responding by curbing their coverage.
9 s( z* H; x4 x7 Q7 W7 \3 p4 m/ N; h, W% ?
化工厂则降低购买的保险额度。0 I g) D5 X$ Q7 j! X! q6 o7 Z
“一位不愿透露姓名的炼油厂高管对路透表示:“为了应对保险费率上涨,炼油厂选择只购买其总资产价值 90%、80%、70% 的保险。”( M. J5 w$ A* N% _* F& F/ E0 ^* I' z
( N/ ~% ]9 k" i" w% \2 k“Refiners are choosing to buy coverage for only 90, 80, 70% of their total asset value in response to insurance rate hikes,” said one senior refining executive, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity.7 L/ F9 Y9 X+ |6 b6 G
# C4 P& V) `# q) d b" E& S- S
Some refiners also choose to delay the number of days before their business interruption coverage to cut costs, the executive added. 7 Q" p! W. M; [& n) E
) X) L/ D/ B' g) |# S最有意思的是这个:) c) Q: k0 g* p" s9 b) g/ V
“炼油厂有时会推迟维护工作以提高利润。 例如,炼油公司高管雷蒙德·布鲁克斯(Raymond Brooks)在周一的财报电话会议上对投资者表示,马拉松石油公司(Marathon Petroleum)将其洛杉矶炼油厂焦化装置的工作推迟了几周,以利用强劲的利润环境。”0 o6 T4 H5 r6 T' t. R
Refiners sometimes delay maintenance work to boost profits. For example, Marathon Petroleum deferred work on its coker unit at its Los Angeles refinery by a few weeks to take advantage of a strong margin environment, refining executive Raymond Brooks told investors on an earnings conference call on Monday.
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8 Q- j' L, q8 n9 \1 N( m9 n+ v呵呵,为提高利润石化公司从总经理以下推迟维护工作。保险公司的监督作用在哪里? 
6 n, U4 H1 x$ ?9 R1 a; `
) ?, N+ ~' K" n3 ]0 q( V* y4 w顺便多说一句,美国2021年有177起化工灾难(disaster),2022年上升到186起,平均每两天就有一起。今年到目前为止已有100起。(https://preventchemicaldisasters.org/chemical-facility-incidents/)保险公司的监督作用在哪里?或者你认为没有保险公司会更糟?  |