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[科普知识] 刚果迷雾(下)

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


    发表于 2013-5-30 14:06:29 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 holycow 于 2013-5-29 22:02 编辑 5 J+ _/ K5 e# C' v9 ]9 d( L
    ! u4 s! u3 W9 `& {
    上一篇$ D2 P* x/ p2 L& U9 ?" ]
    * _4 c! L  s4 u; W+ w! @, T* l
    事故现场周围树林里的树木差不多是10米高,直径35到60公分不等。地上长的是高草,在这个季节里草很干,一点就着。: \# ^( f! d6 g" [
    ; M9 a+ z( v% H8 i- ]% S6 f* d
    9 d. h8 q1 |% H& t% {- O
    4 Z# D3 ]2 L9 d) z在测量了飞机撞击各个树木的高度以后可以计算出,飞机撞击树林时的下滑角度小于5度,属于降落前正常的下滑角,飞机撞树以前正在缓缓左转。整个残骸区长度245米,最后120米有起火的痕迹,火势最严重的地方是最后24米。" N" m" j) I" |2 a+ F2 B) ]% j
    + Z( j4 k# u- V! |/ b3 C
    ( D' E& G% }4 }; N0 e% s! f- A
    ( _0 H8 |3 i! H/ L) R- I0 C9 s驾驶舱里的三个高度表都已经按照机场塔台提供的地面气压设定,检查表明高度表无故障。
    8 |( w6 H2 w+ M1 Q0 b; R8 B! Z- S7 ?" U* f( k# w6 }
    + a! w8 p) c/ B% i  d
    ; U  q0 |# u& h% gNdola机场的NDB仪表进近程序是在6000英尺高度以280度航向飞过机场,并飞过西端的NDB导航台30秒,然后向右作一个180度转弯,掉头完成后航向100度向机场飞来,高度5000英尺过NDB,然后继续下降到决断高度。Transair的飞行员都使用Jeppesen航图,在残骸里发现了一本Jeppesen的活页航图册,Ndola机场那一张活页被拿走了。由于机组通常会把要用的航图拿出来备查,这是正常情况,只是在残骸里找不到那页航图,估计是被火烧了。
    . `0 }1 W$ G( z9 H
    % `$ [3 m5 Y% S那天晚上Ndola机场周围有好多人看到了这架飞机飞过机场,据目击者的描述,航向和高度都大体正常,但是航路比较偏北。平常降落的飞机都是从跑道上空飞过,这架专机大约是在机场以北一公里处飞过。然后飞机的路线就更加和正常的NDB进近程序不同了,在机场西北11公里处的某个农场有人听到这架飞机低空飞过,正常的程序下飞机根本不会向西飞出这么远,早就掉头回机场降落了。1 K" x* x& W$ M& x3 ^3 ~5 \! L/ {
      Z( z2 G& l& `0 c" M- @
    由于飞机的航迹偏北,掉头回机场的时候也不是按正常程序右转的,那样就更偏北了;专机是向左做了一个180度转弯,然后向东南偏东方向飞向NDB导航台。所以飞机才会出现在航路以外的这个地方。+ A; _$ n, |3 n# E% i

    % ?% `$ ?/ t2 B8 k2 Y5 }. W在Ndola医院里面。唯一幸存的那个保镖含混不清地告诉调查人员:“我们刚在跑道上降落,哈马舍尔德突然说‘回去!’ 随后就是一声爆炸,然后周围又有很多小的爆炸,我从一个紧急出口逃了出来,其他人都被困在了飞机里面。”显然这个保镖一直以为他们是降落在机场跑道上,也许他把一开始碰擦树林的颠簸认为是飞机接触跑道的颠簸,倒是哈马舍尔德发现苗头不对,最后关头喊出了‘回去!’。那一声爆炸应该是导致飞机解体的某一次剧烈碰撞,解体之后残骸各部分的燃烧爆炸应该就是保镖嘴里的很多小爆炸了。2 |0 ]. F& T" B  }2 z) N. s5 B
    ! H! X. {& ^* ?6 J" l
    1 Q" V, K5 W' O: k# t5 F+ M7 v/ g, R9 w7 u+ ^; r8 m* R4 W% a
    调查组得出结论,机组在到达Ndola机场上空以后,没有执行航图上的标准NDB仪表进近程序,而是飞了一条航图以外的航路,向机场西北方向飞出去15公里以上再掉头回来降落。机组为什么要这样做没人能够知道,但合理的猜测是机长为了安全的理由,避开标准降落航路,以避免地面有人等在航路下守株待兔。但是机组在这条自己的航路上并没有保持6000英尺的安全高度,而是不断缓慢下降。而Ndola机场向西是一片荒野树林,完全没有任何灯光;等到飞机掉头回来,由于高度已经很低,和机场中间又隔了一个小丘陵,看不见机场的灯光,还是一片黑暗。在这个黑洞里,飞行员目测高度发生了偏差,终于不知不觉地把飞机飞到了树林里面。% W& v5 r( v% E; x" e

    : _% J7 @; {7 n" z# j, G此事有很多阴谋论,我就不写了,阴谋论写一篇已经够多了。为什么我相信官方的调查报告?因为上一篇中的两张现场航拍照片,这是典型的可控飞行撞地,阴谋破坏的话现场不是这个样子的。至于说临时带着天线设备冒充机场导航台的说法,我只能说您Die Hard看多了。
    , g/ [) ~, @" d; \/ R*******************
    # k! c" ?+ q, E1 E5 _% m花絮:冲伯的雇佣军首领麦克·霍尔退休以后给某雇佣军题材的电影当军事顾问,于是就有了野鹅敢死队。
    # C: v$ d5 U0 P" V4 C! p7 H+ j! y: M* u- H' e2 O. ?5 n" ]; Y
    & Z4 K6 R3 y. G' @" d# t7 A: i6 x


    参与人数 9爱元 +54 学识 +3 收起 理由
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


     楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 14:34:20 | 显示全部楼层
    空气精灵 发表于 2013-5-29 22:26 3 F1 z% I7 C, G: V* n/ X

    4 y9 }/ J( N" }* C" c0 z精灵真是犀利,一语中的啊
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


     楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 14:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
    空气精灵 发表于 2013-5-29 22:38 3 C: p* l$ i1 f! u: ~0 n
    请教一个问题哈,在航线图上没有地面等高图之类吗?当然,那里离机场太近了点,高度又相差不大,可能标了也 ...

    / c9 h1 w; s: B. _9 x8 I" y" }' y7 w2 K7 I6 c" D' ?
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


     楼主| 发表于 2013-5-30 14:58:04 | 显示全部楼层
    一无所之 发表于 2013-5-29 22:46
      k" d8 ^) }( |" J$ i* a突然发现,你填了坑吧,比不填坑还令人~~~. z, a4 M( w9 i& o* S
    现在我忍不住又在想,后面又摔哪架呢???连预告都没 ...
      J+ H, v, D# B! Q  L
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


     楼主| 发表于 2013-6-1 14:08:41 | 显示全部楼层
    洗心 发表于 2013-5-31 21:14 3 o$ |0 x9 b. X: n* V

    ' Q; n- [! o! i; S/ Q; s难道那个关于基金会的帖子不算彻底暴露吗?
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-4-25 06:22
  • 签到天数: 2025 天


     楼主| 发表于 2014-5-19 14:01:50 | 显示全部楼层
    " r; g! T) A$ K7 r3 m- |9 B5 ]" }/ l3 y" l: E. x
    / c) r6 q+ i* l% ~# G% [; o4 R, e5 O# |2 ~  I; ]9 p2 M6 _
    UNITED NATIONS—The United Nations is considering reopening its investigation into the mysterious 1961 plane crash that killed then-U.N. chief Dag Hammarskjöld after new evidence of possible foul play emerged.
    : Z7 F& }2 G7 g; p& }. w, A
    ( U  G8 s7 t" z/ E& eThe U.N. General Assembly put the case back on its agenda in March at the recommendation of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon after more than half a century of speculation that the Swedish diplomat's plane was either sabotaged or shot down.5 Z5 W' B* u6 O& e
    3 y6 z) c. J  ^5 N, f' `$ n( N
    Mr. Ban's recommendation came after a report by the independent Hammarskjöld commission, formed in 2012 with the participation of South African jurist Richard Goldstone. The report in September raised the possibility the National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies have a tape-recorded radio communication by a mercenary pilot who allegedly carried out an aerial attack on the secretary-general's plane.' N2 @) @& c2 c) z& q. }

      r1 B8 z  q/ N1 WThe NSA told the commission that none of its searches produced any account of the events surrounding the plane crash. But it added that "two NSA documents have been located that are associated with the event," which it has decided to withhold.6 y9 M7 ^7 B. D- N5 [+ F
    5 `" l! T; _1 `
    Mr. Hammarskjöld on his way to Northern Rhodesia—now Zambia—when his Swedish DC-6 airliner plunged into a forest 9 miles from the airport in the city of Ndola just past midnight on Sept. 18, 1961.
    " V+ u8 _( t4 v# G
    6 |) Z  W# [. j- N* S" T0 yHe had planned to negotiate a peace deal with Moise Tshombe, leader of the separatist Katanga province in the newly independent Congo. Mr. Hammarskjöld opposed Katanga leaving the Congo and U.N. troops were fighting Katanganese mercenaries about 100 miles away as Mr. Hammarskjöld was about to land.
    4 A- W$ F& G% Y: u6 H. Y0 k' W' i0 d* U/ v" i
    The U.N., Rhodesia and Sweden conducted separate investigations into the crash. Sweden and Rhodesia both concluded it was pilot error. The 1962 U.N. investigation ended without conclusion, requesting the secretary-general "inform the General Assembly of any new evidence which may come to his attention."8 g, |  Q4 `, S- o2 A
    3 q: R; h: T+ i9 m2 E, o; C
    Five decades later, Mr. Ban has done just that.0 F6 L& N4 y3 m0 Q

    2 ]1 s, Z+ I! q. T" e0 ]His request and the General Assembly's agreement to put it on the agenda means there will be a discussion at a date that hasn't been set yet. After that, a resolution to reopen the probe could be drafted followed by a vote.3 i( V# i$ p6 A' S( }' k6 D

    ' x0 ]% B+ S( f- G" sThe Hammarskjöld commission report based many of its findings on a 2011 book "Who Killed Hammarskjöld?" by British researcher Susan Williams.. G& F, `' ~) A, h9 s6 T
    ' s7 ?/ y% T; x9 X0 ]
    "The possibility…the plane was…forced into its descent by some form of hostile action is supported by sufficient evidence to merit further inquiry," the report said.
    ; ^8 Y0 Q; z3 Q# C2 e0 ?6 V) u" C) c; z, |; Q' H% c3 |+ I
    The commission reported evidence that first came to light in the book from Charles Southall, a former U.S. Navy commander who was working at an NSA listening post in Cyprus on the night of the crash. Both the commission and Ms. Williams spoke to Mr. Southall.3 C1 F3 A) f) d) `
    5 w9 g' x3 F5 z2 f. I
    Mr. Southall told The Wall Street Journal he was called to work the night of the crash by a supervisor who delivered a cryptic message, telling him to expect an important event. Their conversation took place about three hours before the crash. Later, Mr. Southall said he heard an intercept of a pilot carrying out an attack on Mr. Hammarskjöld's plane. He said the transmission had been intercepted seven minutes before he heard it.
    ! r3 ]* B1 ]. r, U# O6 V* t, b
    1 l& J+ ^1 K4 l/ n' H% g; G  X  ?: Q" 'I see a transport coming in low. I'm going to make a run on it,' " Mr. Southall quoted the pilot as saying on the intercept. "And then you can hear the gun cannon firing and he says: 'There's flames coming out of it. I've hit it.' And soon after that it's crashed."4 `( ^' |7 g4 }. W# J# o" F
    + m3 U) Y0 ?% V. x: O. I3 c
    Although the Hammarskjöld commission asked the NSA for an audio recording or a transcript of what Mr. Southall says he heard, Mr. Southall told The Wall Street Journal the intercept was actually made by the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA couldn't be reached for comment.& R% W  K) b! S! X( P2 H

    % h2 p/ w/ j- ~0 |5 q"Authenticated recordings of any such cockpit narrative or radio messages, if located, would furnish potentially conclusive evidence of what happened" to Mr. Hammarskjöld's plane," the commission's report said.; e8 [4 E6 |$ {$ ]7 d" c

    * F" L# J3 \1 l- T/ sIn response to the commission's Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department released a declassified cable found in NSA archives sent by then-U.S. ambassador to the Congo, Edmund Gullion, two days after the crash.
    : I1 \! [- q! r; V' `, V
    / _* f- |. R$ x( \"There is possibility [Mr. Hammarskjöld] was shot down by the single pilot who has harassed U.N. operations." He identified the pilot as Belgian mercenary Jan Van Risseghem, who died in 2007.
    $ w" {" {; h3 Q; ]5 |7 S& y' j( }7 |* \) N
    2 A- R, u- l( NThe commission's report set out the geopolitical context in which powerful interests saw Mr. Hammarskjöld's defense of African nationalism as a threat. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and South Africa supported Katangan independence to keep the province as a buffer against the southward wave of African nationalism, the report said.4 b6 @- Z3 P; ^
    1 M. O/ Q" R$ }& G9 l7 I" \) G
    The Belgian mining company, Union Minière du Haut Katanga, supported independence to prevent Congolese nationalization of Katanga's rich uranium and cobalt resources, the commission said. At the time Katanga supplied 80% of the West's cobalt, which is widely used in batteries, jet engines and in the medical industry.
    & ~- a7 i+ s8 b1 O8 H+ `9 S: n. R8 Q9 d% q. ^  O6 D
    The province's uranium was used in the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombs, and keeping the uranium from a pro-Soviet Congo was also a CIA priority, the commission said.
    * h) e2 {- L; W/ B3 q7 K: c! B1 z3 h7 v0 M6 }
    Union Minière funded the Katanga separatist government that hired hundreds of mercenaries to fight U.N. troops in Katanga, the commission said.! v1 ?( r1 E: e! t9 Q! ~

    " b4 C# M/ o& ?$ i3 u) uThe possibility that the plane was shot down had been raised shortly after the crash. However, this was the first revelation that the U.S. ambassador at the time raised this explanation, and the first time a Belgian mercenary was identified.
    , g, s; i  v; v; C7 [4 K  v3 }( c" k2 u% d  W: G; Q' }1 Q4 v
    Witness accounts by residents in the vicinity of the crash site, ignored in the U.N. and a Rhodesian government probe, which blamed pilot error, seem to corroborate an aerial attack, the report says.
    9 V) a. ~; `7 l/ Z/ o# U) @" c* w* ?6 p; A4 d0 S9 w8 Y
    Several witnesses, some interviewed by the commission, reported seeing another jet firing at Mr. Hammarskjöld's plane. The white minority Rhodesian government commission dismissed the reports as unreliable., X' x- W$ E! d2 _

    5 ^+ g! r1 J" I, H5 r+ i- CAn American U.N. security chief, Harold Julien, who survived the crash for six days, told doctors of an explosion aboard the U.N. plane. But this too was dismissed by the Rhodesian investigation.. J  \5 v2 ^% X0 E; K5 H

    0 `7 x& U  v, l7 EBoth the book and the commission raised questions about whether those accounts should have been dismissed.0 m! o5 ^/ M: K, d: H; N- O
    4 C4 d, g, g: v4 ?6 W8 N2 i( A' C0 d
    If the U.N. reopens its investigation, it could deal with unexplained details raised by the commission's report, such as possible bullet holes in the plane's fuselage and bullets found in the bodies of several of the crash victims." T, W5 [5 w+ F

    ) @; n$ U$ S: |) [8 n: t2 iThe commission questioned why a Norwegian U.N. aircrew sent to search for the plane was arrested at Ndola and why it took 15 hours to find the plane even though several witnesses spotted the wreckage at dawn and saw mercenaries and Rhodesian army and police at the site.


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