热度 8|
Ancestral tablet - Description:Ancestral tablet of cedar wood, with gilt lettering (name, title and dates of deceased plus burial place and name of son) and ornament: China, Qing Dynasty, 19th century。Museum reference:A.L.209.1。
Ancestral tablet - Description:Ancestral tablet of polished brown wood, consisting of two slabs inscribed with Chinese characters in black ink, together fitting into the base: China。Museum reference:A.1953.3。To the Chinese, ancestral tablets are a home for the spirit of a deceased person after burial. They are kept in a shrine in the house and the living worship and make offerings to the spirit. This one was made for a man who lived 1796-1882. The wooden tablet comprises a base, a backboard and a front board. The ink inscription records details of the deceased and the names of his male descendants who installed the tablet. A red dot on the front board 'fixed' the spirit inside the tablet. The ancestors are very important in Chinese belief, and keeping them happy is important for the well-being of the living. Offerings are made at ancestor tablets on the anniversaries of the birth and death of the individual.
这样的中国祖宗牌位,在田纳西大学博物馆里,也有一个,解释的也更加详细:Ancestral tablet of wood, consisting of two slabs inscribed with Chinese characters in black ink, together fitting into a base, in commemoration of a widow: China。Museum reference:A.1919.668。
中国人的祖先牌位,原先是供奉在堂屋和家庙里的,逢年过节,初一十五,都烧香磕头,顶礼膜拜。五四以后,不过百年,尤其是文革一起,这些个祖先牌位,都和至圣先师孔老二一起被丢进了垃圾堆,而不是博物馆。取而代之的,是集一国之力,在南京建立了中山陵,在北京建立了纪念堂,结结实实的是只准朝廷放火不许百姓点灯的现代版。Chinese ancestral tablet, c. 1900, rosewood, gift of Becky Till, 1985.16.18. - Ancestor worship was and is a familiar practice in Chinese folk religion. One of the most common ways to venerate the dead is through the use of ancestral tablets like this one. The tablet displays an ink inscription of the predecessor’s name and accomplishments. The panel is then sheathed and supported by the wooden decorated box. This tablet then acts as an effigy for their spirit. Treated like an almost physical human, the panels are fed fruits, tea, and pastries. Worshiping descendants will light incense sticks before approaching their ancestors. Incense is believed to aid in the transfer of prayers and communication with spirits. The average traditional Chinese home will have its ancestral tablet and/or shrine in the living room area.
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