我思故我爱启齿怕嘴笨言辞最伤身我思故我爱闭目忆旧辰I’m sorry that I spelt the word:I hate to go above you,Because, the brown eyes lower fell,Because, you see, I love you!
Still sits the school-house by the road,A ragged beggar sleeping;Around it still the sumachs grow,And blackberry-vines are creeping.Within, the master’s desk is seen,Deep scarred by raps official;The warping floor, the battered seats,The jack-knife’s carved initial;The charcoal frescos on its wall;Its door’s worn sill, betrayingThe feet that, creeping slow to school,Went storming out to playing!Long years ago a winter sunShone over it at setting;Lit up its western window-panes,And low eaves’ icy fretting.It touched the tangled golden curls,And brown eyes full of grieving,Of one who still her steps delayedWhen all the school were leaving.For near her stood the little boyHer childish favor singled:His cap pulled low upon a faceWhere pride and shame were mingled.Pushing with restless feet the snowTo right and left, he lingered;—As restlessly her tiny handsThe blue-checked apron fingered.He saw her lift her eyes; he feltThe soft hand’s light caressing,And heard the tremble of her voice,As if a fault confessing.“I’m sorry that I spelt the word:I hate to go above you,Because,”—the brown eyes lower fell,—“Because, you see, I love you!”Still memory to a gray-haired manThat sweet child-face is showing.Dear girl! the grasses on her graveHave forty years been growing!He lives to learn, in life’s hard school,How few who pass above himLament their triumph and his loss,Like her,—because they love him.
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