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热度 20已有 742 次阅读2021-6-14 21:20 |个人分类:读书笔记


在斯坦佛大学出版社出版的薛君度的《黄兴与中国革命》这本书中,作者多次提到徐宗汉(Hsu Tsung-han,1877-1944),她是一位寡妇,在辛亥革命发生期间,是北伐炸弹队的队长,不让须眉。徐宗汉第一次在书中出现,是在黄花岗起义的时候:
  • Huang escaped to a deserted drygoods store and managed to change his clothes. In disguise,he then made his way to a secret cell in the countryside south of the Pearl River, where Hsu Tsung-han, a widow who had been active in Tung Meng Hui since 1908, bandaged his wound and kept him safely hidden. Three days later, on April 30, he escaped to Hong Kong with Hsu Tsung-han, who later became his wife.  
  • He arrived in Shanghai from Hong Kong on October 24, accompanied by Hsu Tsung-han. All the ports of the Yangzi River under Manchu control had been alerted by the government, and at first it seemed almost impossible for him to proceed safely to Hankow. However, Hsu knew a woman doctor who was then practicing in Shanghai. Disguised as a member of the local Red Cross, which had been organized by the woman doctor, Huang left Shanghai for Hankow on the 25th, acompamied by Liu Kuei-i, Sung Chiao-Jen, and others. Hsu also made the trip disguised as a nurse. 
  • Accompaied by four aides,he arrived at San Francisco on July 15. His eledest daughter, Chen-hua,who had been studying with her older brother I-ou and her sister-in-low in New York for the last two years, came to meet him; he was joined later by his wife Hsu Tsung-han and their one-year-old son I-mei. His Hunanese wife and their daughter Te-hua remained in Tokyo where they had taken refuge after the failture of the second revolution.
  • In order to avoid possible assassination,he left the ship shortly before its arrival at Yokohama,boarded a steamship prepared in advance by Miyazaki Torazo, and desembarked secretly at Yokosuka. When the representatives of Sun Yat-sen and Tsen Chun-hsuan went to greet him on the ship at Yokohama, they found only Hsu Tsung-han and her boy I-mei in his cabin.
有了这几次出生入死的共同经历,就奠定了徐宗汉民国奇女子和黄兴第一夫人的地位。以至于外界只知有汉,无论魏晋。在写到黄兴早年经历和黄兴之死的时候,作者才不得不提及黄兴明媒正娶的太太廖淡如(Liao Tan-ru,1873-1939)。而且在书中,作者竟然多次都不说黄兴这位正室太太的名讳,只说是黄兴的湖南太太:
  • This time,however,his illness was much more serious. His Hunnanese wife and all the members of the family who had remained in Tokyo were urgently called back to Shanghai. On October 31,1916, he died at the age of forty-two.
  • In 1892 he married Liao Tan-ru,the nineteen-year-old daughter of Liao Hsing-fang,one of the local gentry. Four sons and two daughters were born as a result of this marriage, but one of the sons died in infancy. 
  • Acctually Huang's Hunanese wife was still alive in Changsha,and she remained devoted to him and his children although he was seldom in Hunan. After 1911 Hsu Tsung-han was with Huang most of the time, wherever he went; Huang's love for her seems to have been much in the nature of comradeship. Apparently the question of divoice was never raised in the Huang family by any of the parties concerned. This is not unnatural, however, since the system of monogamous marriage was not legally established in China until after the passage of the Marriage Law in 1930.
  • Five days before Huang Hsing's death, a son, I-chiu, was born to Hsu Tsung-han. Two and a half months after Huang's death, another son, I-huan, was born to his Hunanese wife.









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