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热度 11已有 462 次阅读2021-4-25 09:13 |个人分类:读书笔记


居然又通读了一遍一九六九年赛珍珠发表的《The Three Daughters of Madame Liang》,是一九八五年英文读者文摘杂志社出版的赛珍珠文选第二卷中的最后一篇。时隔九年,仍然有十分深刻的感受。
梁老太是上海一家大饭店的资本家(听起来就很有故事),在她的身上,有着很多郑义《上海生与死》的痕迹。梁的大女儿Grace,让人想起文革后期名噪一时的《第二次握手》,梁的二女儿Mercy,让人想起了《刘叔的故事》。梁大海归,高高举起,轻轻放下。梁二归国和出逃,又都充满了传奇色彩,但也都有本可依。其中的男主人公赵忠(Chao Chung),则正如某网友所说,有着五号的影子。
  • The people who appear in Ms. Buck's writings are not "characters." They are living, breathing human beings who know pain, suffering, love and hatred. In the case of THREE DAUGHTERS OF MADAME LIANG, they allow us to experience the disaster brought about by Mao's Marxist policies in China, his "Great Leap Forward." This is probably the book that caused Ms. Buck to be banned from ever seeing China again. There are contemporary Chinese writers who have inherited Ms. Buck's mission to shed the light on life in China through succeeding generations, and they are very fine writers indeed. Still, the reader cannot fail to be in awe of Ms. Buck's genius in her ability to write in a way that makes the reader hear the dialogue as if it were written in Chinese, and to feel the torment of people victimized by the heartless, mindless leaders of their own government. This book is a priceless addition to one's home library, on par with THE GOOD EARTH.
  • I had hard time getting this book in Asia. When I ordered and delivered to me, I completed reading in 2 days. I must thank my friend who recommended to get hold of this novel to read. True to her recommendation, the late Ms Buck had great foresight in knowing what China moves after the late Mao passed on since this book is written before 1969. She narrates the story well by blending the happenings of China on to the Liang's family particularly Mdm Liang and her 3 daughters. The elder and second daughters' love for their homeland and how each differs later were contrasting and touching. Embedded in the 2 older girls' happenings, the author shared what was happening to the country's road to revolution (/Communism) depicting the rise and fall of the campaigns in 50s-60s. Ms Buck did not elaborate much of the people's sufferings but thru the 2 daughters, I can feel the confusion and despair the nation set for their citizens during that time.


Only because so many sacrificed themelves did our wills become strong,
So that we dared command the sun and moon to bring a new day.
I love to look at the multiple waves of rice and beans,
While on every side the heroes return through the evening haze.
Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve,
Which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies.
Happy, I see wave upon wave of paddy and beans,
And all around heroes home-bound in the evening mist.









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回复 木不铎 2021-4-26 18:10

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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