姐姐今天转过来一篇文章,是一位叫Zack Schwarz 的哥伦比亚大学学生写的,糟糕透顶的美国藤校生活(Going to an Ivy League School Sucks)全文很长,现节选如下。
There have been few things in my life that I've wanted as bad as
admission into an Ivy League school. Many students, especially children
of immigrants (like me), conflate the American dream with going to an
Ivy. At 17, I was averaging two all-nighters a week, kept alive on a
depraved cocktail of Adderall, Percocet, and coffee. The only light at
the end of my tunnel was visions of the "Congratulations!" letter from
Columbia University, my dream school.
On average, the Ivies accept about 8 percent
of applicants. I still remember the shock I felt when I got into
Columbia. In my freshman orientation program, we had a discussion about
what it meant to attend an Ivy. The greatest artists, politicians,
scientists, and entrepreneurs had walked through these halls. "We're the
elite," one girl said. "We're not like other people." She pointed to
the passersby outside, visible through the barred windows. "We're going
to change the world."
That was the fall of 2012. Now I'm finishing up my junior year at
Columbia and I can't wait to get the hell out of here. Ivy League
schools are supposed to be hard, but even back then, I couldn't have
imagined the world I was stepping into: a place of unimaginable wealth,
privilege, cruelty, pressure, and stress. My first night at Columbia, a
jumped out of her window. I saw the blood on the pavement. Depression is normal, but here, it's the norm.
Things at an Ivy League school are not what they seem to be. If you're
one of the few who've been chosen to go to an Ivy League school this
fall, here's what you're in for. And if you're not, maybe you should be
thankful for that.
- 哥大的一些学生很浅薄 - 追求数字,抽烟,炫耀家境。
- 随波逐流 - 为了毕业后有一份好工作而不惜放弃自己的理想和兴趣,一窝蜂地学金融。
