上个月乱吼了一首歌,今天发现那个帖子又被翻出来了,原因是讨论正宗的Hotel California到底在哪里。
这个主题其实网上早有连篇累牍的讨论,比如说有好事之徒就考证出来这个加州旅店其实是文图拉县的Camarillo State Mental Hospital,这篇论文推荐所有井深研究所的同仁认真研读
Camarillo State Mental Hospital: There were voices down the corridor/I thought I heard them say...
如果想象力不要那么丰富,正宗的加州旅店是比佛利山的The Beverly Hills Hotel。为嘛呢?因为Hotel California这张唱片的封面就是这个酒店的钟楼。
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted/she got the Mercedes Benz/She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys/that she calls friends
So I called up the captain
’please bring me my wine’
He said, ’we haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’
Well, I'm running down the road
tryin' to loosen my load
I've got seven women on my mind,
Four that wanna own me,
Two that wanna stone me,
One says she's a friend of mine
咱这里是加利福尼亚,北有伯克利,南有好莱坞,象苏丹这样犯了众怒的多半都要火刑。于是好莱坞群起抵制The Beverly Hills Hotel,凡在预定在加州旅店举行的活动一律取消,包括以上那位名媛的。比佛利山市议会也通过决议,要求苏丹卖掉加州旅店从比佛利卷铺盖走人:You can check out any time you like
But will you ever leave?