海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-20 22:29:29


Essays are originally there composed by heaven;
Only by chance a lucky person gets one.

Who knows the rice on the plate
Every grain from hard labor?

In empty mountains, no one is seen;
But human voices still heard.

The untalented official often deserted by the wise emperor;
The long-time sick person scarcely visited by old friends.

Autumn turning late, the call of cicadas becomes short;
On the empty river the shadow of wild geese look elongated.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-21 21:20:59

The zigzag footpath leading to the secluded place;
The monk’s room hidden in the depth of flowers and trees.

The cool wind doesn’t know the words,
Why come to turn the pages of the book?

When the sea goes dry, the bottom’s seen;
But when a person dies, his thoughts still unknown.

The drunken face looks like frosty leaves,
Though red, is not spring.

Who said the mind of a little grass
Has ability to return the favor of spring sunlight?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-22 21:58:25

Wine and meat stink behind red doors;
But there’re frozen bones on the roadside.

As woods flourish, birds have some place to return to;
Since water’s so deep, fish know where to gather.

If wishing to shoot the rider, shoot the horse first;
If wishing to catch thieves, catch their leader first.

When reading, finish one hundred pages,
Then when writing, all readers will be surprised.

Trees in spring in North Wei;
Clouds at sunset to east of the river.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-23 21:58:36

If chop down the laurel tree in the moon,
There should be more light shining.

Let fishes jump in the sea so vast;
Let birds fly in the sky so high.

The power of horses is known through the long journey;
The mind of people understood only after a long time.

If the ant wants to shake a big tree,
Ridiculously, it doesn’t know its own strength.

Essays hate good fate;
Monsters like people’s faults.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-24 22:07:06

How late the lonely stork returns;
But crows at dusk already crowd the forest.

Two forked currents sandwich the “bright mirror”;
The twin bridges are like fallen colorful rainbows.

The long wind for thousands of miles
Blows over the Jade-Gate Pass.

From the time-honored battlefield
Never seen people returning.

How to get a sky-reaching sword
To slay the huge whale on the sea.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-25 21:58:15

My boy comes riding on a bamboo stick,
And goes round my bed playing with the green plum.

The rain, once falling, can’t go back to the sky;
The water, once spilling, can’t be taken back.

I go to see storks, carrying my zither;
And pillow on a stone, waiting for clouds to return.

Ashamed to peck food with the rooster;
Wishing to mingle with phoenix for ever.

White bones piled up into mounds;
What guilt do people have?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-27 20:51:58

The lovesickness is like the bright moon
That can be seen, but can’t be reached.

Picking chrysanthemums at the east fence,
I casually look at the south mountain.
(or I see the south mountain in a casual mood.)

The oriole’s aware of the regret as spring turns late;
The ape knows the sorrow of the days gone so fast.

About to get the zither to play,
I hate there’s no one to appreciate.

When the sun sets, the river and lake look white;
When the tide comes, the sky and earth is blue.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-28 21:45:27

I reach where the waterway ends,
It’s when I sit to watch clouds rising.

As the grass withers, the eyesight of the eagle is sharp;
When there’s no more snow, the hooves of the horse feel light.

The sound of water turns mute under ice;
The sandy road becomes flat in the snow.

The sound of birds change with the flute;
The shadow of flowers moves following the wind.

A long cord ties the sun to make it stay
A rope binds the flowing river to detain it.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-29 21:49:04

The shadow of a stork passing over the cold pond;
The soul of poetry buried under the chilly moon.

As birds startle, it’s thought to be dawn;
If flowers laugh, it’s nothing to do with spring.

Flowers bloom following red tendency;
Leaves are new after green appearance.

There’s scant footprint on the green moss
While much tear trace on the red rouge.

When the tune ends, no one is seen;
Only some green peaks at the river.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-1 21:23:11

The magpie flying under the moon over hills at dawn;
The cicada chirping in the wild wind of autumn.

Don’t perch on the boughs of bad trees;
Don’t drink the water of Theft Spring.

The loyal martyrs from old time till now
Are mostly from poor families.

If friendship is based on power and wealth from the beginning,
So when out of power and wealth, the friendship ends.

With grass so hampering, people have to walk slow;
With flowers so abundant, birds flying through delayed.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-4 20:36:14

In the ancient woods tweeting birds in cold;
Among empty mountains crying apes at night.

From white clouds fly down the summer rains;
Over the blue peak spans the spring rainbow.

Fish swim at the bottom of water, so cool;
Birds twitter in the forest, so quiet.

Oars pierce the moon at the bottom of the waves;
Boats press on the sky in the water.

“Fiery trees” and “silvery blossoms” mixing;
The iron lock on the starry drawbridge unlocked.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-5 21:42:55

White feathers floating on the green water;
Red webbed feet stroking the blue waves.

If read over ten thousand volumes,
You’ll write beautifully like in magic.

Beast-like clouds devour the setting sun;
Bow-shaped moon shoots out the comet.

The leaf resembles eyebrows in the mirror;
The flower looks like the snow beyond the Pass.

The mountain is so remote as suspected having no trees;
The tide is so smooth as if it looks not flowing.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-6 21:48:12

The thinking of you is just like the full moon,
Its brightness diminishes every night.

If there’s no one, there’s certainly no myself;
If it’s not “behind”, it’s not “before”.

Get a couplet finished in two years;
When reading it, tears trickling down.

Birds perch on trees by the pond, asleep;
The monk knocks at the door under moonlight.

There’s no word from kinsfolk and friends
But at least I’ve a single boat when old and sick.

大漠孤煙直, 長河落日圓。
The lone smoke rising straight up in the desert;
The setting sun is round above the long river.

Looking at flowers, poetic inspiration occurs;
Facing wine, the sorrow of a traveler becomes less.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-8 21:34:22

The Twenty-Four Bridge at a moonlit night;
Is it where to let the beauties play the fife?

When waking up from a dream in Yangzhou for ten years,
Only win the fame of a loveless man in the whorehouse.

If the east wind didn’t do young Zhou a favor,
Both Qiao girls’d be locked in Brass-Sparrow Terrace in deep spring.

Hating rouge and powder smearing her face of natural color,
She brushes her eyebrows slightly and goes to see the emperor.

Be acquainted when having power and wealth,
But a stranger when without power and wealth.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-9 23:26:44

There are books that I haven’t read;
And nothing that I can’t tell others.

And all say that life is but a dream;
It’s better to be happy in dream than sad in life.

Who can remember the way so long among hills and rills?
Where in this wide world is the homeland?

Pine trees line up on the hill surface with thousand layers of emerald
While the moon like a pearl dots in the center of waves.

As a horse gallops through dusts the imperial concubine smiles;
And no one knows it’s the litchi that is coming.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-11 21:17:20

The torrent flying downward from three thousand feet high,
As if the Milky Way falling from the ninth clouds.

I feel the day as long as a year only at leisure;
Any problem even as big as the sky seems nothing when drunk.

I have to go uphill even though drunk
Since white clouds won’t come downhill.

Though I don’t have wings on the body like a colorful phoenix,
I do have intuition in my heart like a rhino with the charmed horn.

There’s no more silk in the spring’s silkworms when dead;
The “tears” of the candle will dry only when it burns to ashes.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-12 20:49:21

I easily get to know the face of the east wind;
All in all, spring is just a myriad purple and a thousand red.

The red strings no longer played because of the beauty;
The apples of my eyes turn only toward good wine.

Cool winds sweep the ground as autumn comes ahead;
Though the sun clambers into zenith, the hot noon is not felt.

Clouds envelope the distant valley like thousand pieces of sorrow;
Rains beat the returning boat like myriad threads of teardrops.

The temples from today on are added with new white;
The chrysanthemum from last year is still yellow.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-13 22:14:34

Don’t say there’s no way to the sky;
This mountain is the ladder to the blue clouds.

No one knows who cuts out thin leaves;
It’s spring wind in February that’s like scissors.

The crowing cock already reports the advent of dawn in mountains;
The coming wild geese convey the message of cold from sandy frontier.

When one is a stranger alone in a strange land,
He’ll think of his folks every time at a festival.

In the daytime, I climb the mountain to watch beacons;
In the evening, I let my horse drink at the Jiao River.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-14 21:50:19

If a flower and a bamboo have the intention,
They can make people stay without speaking or smile.

Be happy with a cup of wine when living;
Why need a posthumous fame lasting a millennium?

Don’t pour wine yet if you host have some;
Just listen to my song of “Sing As Woe Comes”.

The present people can’t see the ancient moon;
But the present moon once shone over the ancient people.

I am drunk and will go to sleep; so you can go.
You can come tomorrow carrying your zither if you want.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-7-15 22:37:42

I don't know where is the best place to post my article. So I just post it here.

Air Crash vs Car Accident

I was told that there are much more car accidents on land than air crashes in the sky. This is true, but people often survive in car accidents, and seldom survive in air crash. One air crash for a person is enough. He is forever gone. If he is involved in several car accidents, he may still be alive and enjoy his life. So there is no comparability between the two.
I always think how we can reduce death rate in air crash. I suddenly think of the parachute. We can't provide every passenger with a parachute and train them how to use it before boarding. However, why can't we install three huge parachutes in the airplane, one in the front part, one in the middle and another in the tail part? The parachutes can automatically open in air crash just like the airbag in the car, which will hinder the pull of the gravity. Can anyone who reads this article spread my idea to the experts that they can make the invention? Thanks for saving life.
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