海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-3 00:35:24



Mourning For a Girl Who Died Early

The bad news comes like thundering down from clouds;
My pen almost drops on the ground in startling.
Heaven weeps with rains for evenings at a stretch;
The wind wails for the loss all day long.
The fairy boat carries you to the other world;
Your soul returns to the celestial stork terrace.*
I mourn deeply for your early demise;
Even an optimist will grieve.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-3 22:53:04

本帖最后由 海外逸士 于 2012-1-3 22:53 编辑




The cool breeze brings the evening bell;
In the depth of bamboos concealed the old temple.
A visitor seeking for lodging at night;
The entangled weeds hinders his walking shoes.
What I love solely is the moon at the water bottom,
Which never flows away with the mountain brook.


I can hear the bell beyond the smoky mists,
But not perceiving the temple in the smoky mists.
The traveling man isn’t back home yet;
The dews on the grass wet his straw shoes.
Only the moon over the mountain top
Shining on him going and coming of a night.


The cicadas in cold chirping at the sunset;
I alone return to the temple in the forest.
The door made of tree branches isn’t shut at night;
The crescent moon follows me in my walking shoes.
I hear the barking of a dog
Fading into the green bushes.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-4 22:51:52




A gauze fan in no end of waving;
Heat recurring after fanned away.
No trace of clouds for myriad miles;
The hot sun hanging in the mid-sky.
Aeolus is fast asleep;
Coolness shut up in his bag.
Golden Crow wields its power;
So intense heat descends on earth.
The dragon king thinks of people,
Riding on dark clouds, comes from east,
Like a black eagle attacking the Golden Crow,
Or an inky canopy covering the fiery altar,
Like Deng and Jiang* in battle, forming phalanxes,
The sable banners unfurling.
The sky and earth steeped in haze;
Streets and alleys in darkness.
Jade Emperor’s feasting his courtiers,
The celestial drums in ceaseless beating.
The thunderclaps shake mountains;
The booming echoes among valleys.
Heavy drumbeats mingled with soft ones
Gradually stop after sudden drumming.
A candle of thousand meters high also lit,
Shining over myriad homes below.
Suppose it’s a drawn Qinghong** sword,
Shoved at the eagle in clouds,
Among which electric snakes dance,
Illumining the heavenly vault bright.
Drunk, the emperor gives away gifts,
As myriad bushels of pearls pouring;
Like crystal goblets broken into tiny bits
That plunge in crystalline torrents.
As if the Celestial River is overflowing,
Falling from heaven in water sheets,
Mixed with thousand silver threads down hovering,
Among myriad strings of pearls in screens hanging.
The giant candle is illuminant
Like silvery fireworks in brilliance
On the night of Lantern Festival
As people shooting them into the sky.
Houses concealed in smoky smog;
High peaks surrounded by foggy vapor.
The distant forest seen in haze;
Pavilions washed in heavy rains.
Suppose the incense in imperial burner
Wafting down in mists from heavenly palace.
Everything looks hazy;
The scenery also dimmed.
The celestial lamp’s off at last;
The drums scarcely sound.
Dancing and singing must have ended;
Jade Emperor must have returned.
Emptying all water of East Sea in rains,
The dragon king thinks of returning.
The black eagle can’t withstand the blows,
Escaping west, having lost its former prowess.
Aeolus is startled out of his dream,
Letting out breezes from his bag.
Coolness spreads from among the green trees;
Heat diminishes in the blue vault.
Fairies untie colorful girdles,
And hang them in a curve in the azure sky,
Also using a sky-high brush
To craw the seven-colored rainbow.
As breezes invite me to go out,
I take a stroll toward the east of the garden.
Thanks for the offer of coolness,
I unbutton my shirt and bare my chest.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-5 22:24:20



On a Boat

The setting sun reflects on the golden waves;
The ripples follow in the wake of the light boat.
Peach trees intervene among the willows at the lakeside,
On the center of the lake float a pair of ducks.
At the waterside there’s a grey-headed man
Angling in a manner of leisure.
Some children among flowers,
Catching butterflies in boisterous laughter.
A lone piece of cloud lodging by the peak;
The egret lingering on the fragrant shoal.
The oriole warbling among the long drooping twigs;
The gentle breeze spreading the faint aroma.
The oar and the gunwale kiss each other;
When tired, I let the boat float with the water.
The move of the oar rocks the inverted image in water;
And the rocking image startles the diving gull.
Though it’s already dusk, I forget to return;
I think of revisiting even if not go back yet.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-6 23:39:52



On Time

The recurring sun and moon like jumping balls,
Proceeding across the sky all the year round.
The four seasons come and go in cycles
Like the ceaseless current in a stream.
Although the spring flowers are beautiful,
They’ll all wither when winter arrives.
Human life resembles the morning dew;
How can it last long?
The God’s paradise shouldn’t be expected;
The worldly affairs can hardly be perfect.
I’ve vainly spent thirty years;
Now my hair will soon turn grey.
How can I get an almighty hand
To hold back the chariot of Apollo?
How can I get a pill of immortality
So that I can stay young forever?
Time cannot be detained;
How can my ambition be accomplished?
I sing a song at the top of my voice;
Though the music ends, my emotions still surging.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-7 22:49:42


Annoyed at Spring

The bright spring so beautiful, the spring sun so warm;
The willow in spring so green against the peach in spring so red.
The spring beauty somehow stirs up a quaint feeling;
How can withstand the love in spring brought by the spring wind.
For whom the peach turns so pretty and the willow so fresh?
The one annoyed at spring can only have pity on himself.
He’s annoyed at spring for coming, but leaving so soon;
And having pity on himself for once leaving, but never returning.
What does spring come year in year out for?
Its departure will vainly cause the thinking of it.
Spring flowers bloom so beautifully in spring;
Flowers in bloom care not for his languishing;
Flowers don’t laugh at me, and spring shouldn’t envy.
And the one languishing often because of self error.
Spring wind and spring rain, don’t push so herd;
’Cause beautiful scenes and pleasant time are easy to be gone.
When lonely in spring, the thinking of spring prolongs;
But the spring scenes can’t make spring stay longer.
As my sad visage showing in the mirror, I know my lanquor alone;
What should I do since I’m leaner than spring?
Full of spring sorrow when feeling for the love in spring;
When awake from spring dream, spring’s gone without being enjoyed.
And when there’re no more flowers after spring departs;
What can I do with spring as unable to make spring stay?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-8 22:12:06



Ode to Flower and Moon

Beautiful spring flower facing the bright moon;
The bright moon shines clearly over the spring flower.
The flower’s beautiful, the moon’s round.
The graceful moon keeps company of the graceful flower.
The blooming flower shy to face the moon; so the cloud shades the moon.
The full moon’s above the flower and the flower playing with shadows.
The shadows of flowers overlap each other; the screen sifts the moonlight.
The delicate shade of the moon seems to lock the flower behind the fence.
The shadow of the flower and the shade of the moon are not distinguishable.
The moon behind mists glistening at the flower in mists
The invisible floating scent of the flower intoxicates the moon
The intoxicated moon peeps at the flower through the window to steal the scent.
The flower refuses to sleep to show the endearment to the moon;
The moon lingers in return to show its love to the flower.
The flower in new dress smiles to the moon;
The moon in crescent shape stares intently at the flower.
The soul of the flower tours in the sky, close to the moon;
The spirit of the moon descends on earth, near the flower.
The soul of the flower and the spirit of the moon are in contact;
That’s the situation with the flower on earth and the moon in the sky.
The flower put in a pot often thinks of the moon;
The moon in the sky also dreams of the flower.
The flower’s in love and the moon’s in love;
They are far apart, the moon in sky and the flower on earth.
Though the soul of the flower can contact the moon in its dream,
Yet when can the moon touch the flower in reality?
The love of the moon and the flower will at last end in vain;
The languishing moon will face the languishing flower.
When clouds eclipse the moon, the flower is drowsy.
But the moon coming out from broken clouds startles the flower in sleep.
There’s no sorrow for the spring moon and the summer flower,
As the bright moon can watch the flower every night.
But when the moon appears in the autumn sky, the flower begins to grieve;
With the moon behind mists the wind arises; the wind blows the flower off.
The moon’s still beautiful, but the flower fades away.
The beautiful moon facing the withering flower;
Since the dying flower grieves at its departure, the moon is sad.
The sad moon vainly watches the dead flower;
When the moon walks in the cold sky, there’s no more flower.
The winter moon in the sky mourns for the flower in vain.
I comfort the moon thinking of the flower in the chilly sky
That you moon can wait for the flower in the spring of next year.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-9 22:56:51



Diary at Work (a humorous poem)

Stay late every night;
Can’t get up early.
When the alarm sounds,
A happy dream discontinues.
Swallow breakfast in a hurry,
Which causes stomachache.
I drive to work
Through traffic lights after lights.
At yellow lights I drive at easy pace;
At red lights, I accelerate to cross.
I’m so unfortunate on a day,
As a police car follows me up.
After getting the ticket,
Soon arriving at work.
I get a glass of tea,
Before sitting at the desk.
Turning on the computer,
I check on the stock prices.
Since no boss behind me,
I chat on the internet.
After lunch is over,
I keep yawning and yawning.
I look at my watch from time to time
To check on the time to go home.
The hand goes too slow;
Wish I could put it faster.
The afternoon is so long;
I have to pass it patiently.
“Night” will be duly over;
The time off duty comes.
I drive fast on the way
To get home in haste.
Just finishing supper
I begin to hit the keyboard;
My wife complains that
I will make website love.
But I have no lover on internet;
Only I love the internet.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-10 22:37:13



Autumn----In Tune of Shiliuziling

In Autumn,
With Zephyr so strong, even Heaven turns grievous.
As dark clouds spreading,
Leaves fall all over Cathay.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-11 23:09:54



Poem in Tune of Yejinmen

The peach blossom will burst open,
Showing half its red toward the evening.
The cooking smoke spreads in the sky far beyond the hilltop,
Gradually fades away with the remaining afterglow.

Hearken the warbling of the orioles alone,
And call to my dear child softly now and then:
“Put the cooking of water shield and perches for later,
Is the wine in the pot warmed up yet?”

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-12 23:23:12



Poem in Tune of Xiangjianhuan

Gazing while standing alone in the slanting sunset;
The willow twigs swaying.
Watching to where the river in Spring no longer seen;
The person expected not coming into my sight yet.

The face languishing,
The heart broken,
And whom to tell?
In the lonely boudoir,
How many times tears wet the dress?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-13 23:58:08



Poem in Tune of Wujiaqi

Spring dyes the willows green by the dike;
Two swallows chase each other over the fields.
Who is that lass picking at the mulberry boughs,
Her pretty hand as white as jade?

Walking to the east of the small bridge,
Further to the north of the clear creek,
In the depth of bamboo grove sounds the spinning wheel;
Remember that’s where my home is.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-14 22:17:36



To Poets One Hundred years Hereafter

Here you are,
And I’m gone.
When you read this poem,
One hundred years will have elapsed.
Spanning time and space,
I leave my words here for you.
As a nobody,
I leave you
This trivial poem.
If my poem
Won’t have been erased by Time,
If you can still
Read this poem of mine,
This trivial poem of mine
Is not written in vain.
And as a nobody
I don’t live in vain.
Please remember me,
A nameless person----
Oversea hermit!

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-15 23:21:59








Ode to Sea and Sky

The blue sea,
The blue sky,
Dressed in the same color,
Are twin brothers.

The boundless sea,
The vast sky,
At the distant horizon,
They embrace each other.

Did the stars in the sky
Fall into the sea?
Or the diamonds in the sea
Jump up into the sky?

In the beautiful blue sky
The white clouds floating;
At the bottom of the blue sea
The white clouds diving.

I'd like to ride on the white clouds
Traveling to the edge of the sky;
Or born on the wind, treading in void,
To compare with the eagle, who being higher.

I'd like to lie in the arms of the sea,
Undulating with the blue waves,
Like an innocent baby in a cradle,
To enjoy the moment of tranquility.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-17 22:42:31

Rondeau-Like Poems
by Zhuo Wenjun of Han Dynasty


鶯啼岸柳弄春晴, 柳弄春晴夜月明。 明月夜晴春弄柳, 晴春弄柳岸啼鶯。

Spring (oriole, chirp, bank, willow, play, spring, fine, night, moon, bright)

Orioles chirp, bank willows play in fine spring;
Willows play in fine spring, bright moon at night.
Bright moon at night, fine spring plays with willows
Fine spring plays with willows on bank having chirping orioles.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-18 22:37:42


香蓮碧水動風涼, 水動風涼夏日長。 長日夏涼風動水, 涼風動水碧蓮香。

Summer (fragrant, lotus, green, water, moving, wind, cool, summer, day, long)

Fragrant lotus, green water moving, wind so cool;
Water moving, wind cool, summer day so long.
Long day, summer so cool, wind moving water;
Cool wind moving water, green lotus fragrant.

楚天 发表于 2012-1-18 23:05:01


海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-21 01:07:17


海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-21 01:08:11


秋江楚雁宿沙洲, 雁宿沙洲淺水流。 流水淺洲沙宿雁, 洲沙宿雁楚江秋。

Autumn (autumn, river, Chu1, geese, sleep, sand, shoal, shallow, water, flow)

At autumn river, Chu1 geese sleeping on sand shoal;
Geese sleeping on sand shoal, shallow water flows.
Flowing water, shallow shoal of sand with sleeping geese;
Shoal of sand with sleeping geese, Chu1 river in autumn.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-1-21 22:49:45


紅爐透炭炙寒風, 炭炙寒風御隆冬。 冬隆御風寒炙炭, 風寒炙炭透爐紅。

Winter (red, burner, permeate, charcoal, heating, cold, wind, defy, freezing, winter)

Red burner, permeating charcoal heating cold wind;
Charcoal heating cold wind to defy freezing winter.
In winter so freezing, to defy wind of cold with heating charcoal;
In wind so cold, heat of charcoal permeates the burner red.
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