海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-13 22:06:04

寧可食無肉,不可居無竹。 無肉令人瘦,無竹令人俗。

It’s better to have meals without meat;
But not without bamboo at the abode.
It makes people lean without meat,
But vulgar without bamboo.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-14 21:17:54


The willow at Zhang Terrace, the willow at Zhang Terrace,
Is it still there now though it’s green before?
Even if its twigs hang like in the olden time,
It may be snapped by the hand of other people.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-15 21:03:57




No Title

It is now clear autumn, chrysanthemums and crabs both growing fat;
Leaves of Chinese parasols fall while lean cicadas are scarce.
Frost heavy on distant peaks and maples red like drunken;
Winds strong over the river in the sky and passing geese fly low.
Stroking my thighs, I give a long chanting to express my ambition;
And getting on high, I have a remote view, facing slanting sunlight.
When my song ends, I look round, finding no one’s listening;
Only three or five returning crows are flying, so carefree.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-16 22:05:07



Poem in Tune of Rumengling

It’s hard to get off lovesickness in spring days,
But easy for water clock going thro with a jade pot of wine1.
As my dream stops, the Chu mountain2 is at a distance;
And I only see the sky full of stars.
Spring willow, spring willow,
The willow’s green, the moon fat, and my heart lean.       

It means that when drinking wine, time goes fast.
In Chinese mythology, there was a goddess living on Chu mountain, which is so far away that I can’t go there even in my dream.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-17 21:08:43



Poem in Tune of Yijianmei

A piece of rose is especially red.
Leaving the rose cluster
It stays alone in a vase.
On the sill, it greets spring winds morn and even.
It’s not like the maple in autumn,
But better than the maple in autumn.

Don’t hate Providence for leaving the cluster.
By karma we meet;
So I take you home.
Her birthday today belongs to Zodiac Bull.
Although we are poor,
I must keep to my original wish1.

I promised my wife to give her roses on her birthday.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-18 20:49:05




Ode to Snow

(The official E-Yang of Song Dynasty once had a banquet, on which he composed a poem about snow, excluding these words always in description of snow: “jade, moon, plum, silk, catkin, white, dance, stork, goose, silver, etc” He wanted to write a poem out of difficulties. I read his poem and like it very much, and so I imitate his way, further excluding the following words: “frost, snow, dew, blossom, float, etc.”)

Black or red clouds shut out the northern sky, rolling up and down;
The wind churns scary billows1 with sound echoing in pores of the earth.
Heaven spreads salt2, but can’t add flavor to dishes in thousand homes;
The broken wings of butterflies3 will fill the sky of Cathay.
The roots of old trees are covered and bottoms of wooden doors concealed;
The hooves of horses feel heavy in galloping4 and sand roads leveled.
The ways and rivers can’t be distinguished from east to west;
The footpaths through fields are not discernible from south to north.
The ripples, however, still undulate in the tarns of the southern land;
And no frozen waves bury the fishes in Dongting Lake.
When clouds scatter, the remote peaks show their hoary heads;
The wind comes to stir the hair-bun5 on the trees in the courtyards.
The good birds are mute and soundless beyond the walls;
Neighbors’ dogs outside the garden are barking merrily.
I lift my cup to my guests in the small warm pavilion;
Two pine trees in soughing winds and the vault so cold.
Having enough wine, I suddenly have the interest like official E-Yang;
So I also put my poetic emotions on the brocade paper.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-19 21:29:23



Travel in Superworld

The grand golden palace is so magnificent, ho;
Pavilions beyond pavilions are splendid.
The lofty Lingxiao Hall1 is so towering, ho;
The remote way in clouds is so far away.
I ride in the coach drawn by six rocs, ho,
And let Zaofu2 be the coachman.
Spreading the canopy of peacock feathers, ho,
And order Jingwei3 to be my vanguard.
Starting at dawn from Nippon, ho,
Stopping at dusk before the Southern Gate4.
I wish to see Jade Emperor5 to offer my loyalty, ho;
But suddenly comes Juling6, the gatekeeper.
He stares me down, wielding his bronze mallet, ho,
Chasing me off in his fierce voice.
I wander and hesitate, ho,
Roam and rove in a slow pace.
I hear faintly the sound of bell and drum, ho,
Mingling with soft flute and fife.
The emperor listens to songs lingering in the air, ho,
Watches the dance gracefully like the swan.
As he reads the reports of peaceful world, ho,
He knows happiness of people and good harvests.
Now that the wind and rain in timely need, ho,
Sire should be forgetful of all the woe.
Since Juling won’t report to emperor of my visit, ho,
I have my coach driven back, rumbling away.
I’m in reeling mind and low spirits, ho;
As looking down, I see hilly bones of unjust death.
I ride astride the blue phoenix flying so swift, ho,
And land on the west side of Weak Stream7.
Earnest and pious, ho,
I clamber to the top of Kunlun Mountain8.
I follow the zigzag footpath, ho,
And step on the opal gravel a little rugged.
I hearken the belling of deer, so gay, ho,
And behold the dance of storks, spreading wings.
Layers of purple mats of moss so fluffy, ho,
And weird grass so lush and fresh.
The dragon butterflies in pairs and couples, ho,
And amber flowers so aromatic and fragrant.
Every rare bud is so beautiful and colorful, ho,
And each quaint herb is so green and flourishing.
Every group of corals so bright and lustrous, ho,
And each topaz tree so pretty and elegant.
I ascend on granite steps so glossy, ho,
And knock at the marble door so resounding.
The door’s opened in a jiffy, ho,
Looks out the stork page9 with forked hair on pate.
I yearn for Tao10 like thirsty for water, ho,
And desire to be a disciple of God of Longevity.
Throw in some good words for me, Tao Brother, ho,
I bow to him in earnest.
He said Heavenly Emperor will get angry, ho,
Master11 can’t decide to accept disciples by himself.
“You should go back immediately, ho,
And don’t get in trouble for both of us.”
I feel gloomy and unhappy, ho,
And bid him farewell cautiously and respectfully.
Is my fortune so bad, ho,
Or my intelligence quality so low?
I take a ship so huge and gigantic, ho,
And sail on the east sea so boundless.
I admire the ocean so spacious, ho,
And watch the vast sky so blue.
There comes the south wind blowing gently, ho,
The waves undulating slightly.
I put up sails and let the ship run, ho,
Like plowing myriad acres of water so wide.
The afterglow so brilliantly aflame, ho;
The seagulls fluttering so carefree.
The ripples reflect golden specks, ho;
Distant islands afloat on the sea.
The sudden clouds gather so dark and heavy, ho,
The strong winds rise whistling.
The sky’s overcast and pressing low, ho,
The billows run high and surging forth.
My ship rocks and pitches up and down, ho,
Riding on the surfs, shaking side to side.
I feel myself so lonely and solitary, ho,
Overwhelmed at the sea and sky so boundless.
The winds roar so ferociously, ho,
The waves uprise so dangerously.
My ship almost capsized, ho,
But going adrift and swift.
All at once Penghu12 is there, ho;
I moor my ship and go ashore.
Glancing at the cliffs so precipitous, ho,
I set foot on the sands so warm.
Eying the forest so deep, ho,
I explore the scented path so quiet.
I listen to the clear warbling of orioles, ho,
Mixed at times by the gibbering of apes.
A spring bubbling and burbling along, ho,
A stream gurgling and murmuring down.
A waterfall so misty and splashing, ho,
A pond so lucid and tranquil.
Red pines line up with ruddy elms, ho,
Crimson Chinese wolfberry with scarlet fir.
Black Fuling13 planted with coaly orchid, ho,
Sable knotweed with inky lotus.
I peek at pavilions, some seen, some hidden, ho,
And walls vaguely visible among trees.
I look up at flying cloud decoration on pavilions, ho,
And at rainbow-colored beams with sunshine on.
Glazed tiles so green, ho,
Steps of fine stone so white.
Walls of engraved crystal, ho,
And railings of carved agate.
Curtains of pearls hanging, ho,
Doors of jade shut.
Screens of emerald unfolded, ho,
And lintels of coral crosswise.
Gorgeous and superb, ho,
Colorful and attractive.
Luxuriant and verdant, ho,
Whiffs of perfume assailing my nostrils.
Eying goddesses come and go, ho,
And hearing phoenix-decorated flute playing.
I follow the stone steps up, ho,
Vacillating at first, I pace to and fro.
Finally plucking up my courage, I knock at door, ho,
Bowing my head and waiting in esteem.
Knocking several times, but no response, ho,
I feel ill at ease facing the closed door.
I’m absent-minded and awestruck, ho,
Then ride on the wind heading west.
I cross myriad miles in haste, ho,
Would like to visit Buddha in Leiyin Temple14.
I look down at the stretch of plains, ho,
And at the verdure of the fields.
I see rivers crawling away, ho,
And city walls rising up tall.
I fly over steep peaks and deep vales, ho,
Over rapid currents tumbling down.
I behold forests with dense foliage, ho,
Smoke and mists scattering.
I pass the top of Five-Finger Hill15, ho,
And meet the local deity.
He blockades my way with his weapon, ho,
Saying Heavenly Emperor forbids
As Buddhism and Taoism so different, ho,
Don’t have intercourse to make things bad.
Are you so forgetful of the hill made, ho,
From the magic of five fingers of Buddha?
He flares up and scolds me, ho,
Expelling me with a spear.
I feel frustrated and utter no words, ho,
And silently take his reproof.
I mount on the colorful clouds wafting, ho,
Towards Doushuai16 under celestial vault.
I gaze at the vault so clearly azure, ho,
Sensing the atmosphere so pleasant.
I perceive the spring sun so radiant, ho,
The sun shines so warm.
I think of the universe without bounds, ho,
My lone self going round alone.
I knock at the door, “bang, bang,” ho,
Longing to learn Tao10 from Laojun17.
Suddenly comes a voice so stern, ho,
Rebuke me as an unreasonable ghost.
“You should retreat as fast as you can, ho,
Don’t get into a bad fix being in jail.”
I am frightened, at a loss what to do, ho;
I am so stunned falling onto earth.
I ride on a whale so bulky and colossal, ho,
Hoping to visit Dragon King of south sea.
Treading on the ocean extending wide and far, ho,
Darting forth through startling breakers.
The turtle18 suspects me plotting against him, ho;
He tells prawns19 to block my advance.
Noticing the monster20 so ugly and fierce, ho,
I pull my whale to go backwards.
I ride on a phoenix soaring up, ho,
Visiting Queen Goddess21 in west in Jade Pond22.
Arriving and hovering, ho,
The phoenix will land in the courtyard.
Queen Goddess orders Fengmeng23, ho,
To draw the bow to shoot at me.
I am so grievous and awed, ho,
And escape by the strong wings of the phoenix.
Now it’s dusk and twilight, ho,
The sky so dark and gloomy.
Stars so scarce and clouds so thin, ho,
The moon so bright.
A sudden golden light so luminous, ho,
The rainbow bridge spanning the sky.
I step on it and follow it, ho,
Enter the Broad-Cold Palace24.
I observe the pavilions so high, ho,
And corridors so meandering.
I explore the depth of rooms, ho,
Some shut and some open.
Walls and doors of snow heaped up, ho,
Paths and steps of sleet and hail
Beams and pillars of rainbow, ho,
Screens and drapery of silvery afterglow.
Pearly curtains of frozen dews, ho,
Beds and tables of crystalline frost.
Railings and stairs of hard ice, ho,
Brocade canopy of clouds and mists.
I look round in all the palace rooms, ho,
Don’t know the whereabouts of moon goddess.
I trace the lucid brook, babbling along, ho,
Go through the lush woods, so hazy.
I scramble the mound, a little steep, ho,
A small arbor there, with roof corners winged up.
I behold the moon goddess, so beautiful, ho,
Only she’s so sad and taciturn.
Glad to have guest, she rises to meet me, ho,
Moving on her noble toes, so nimbly.
She’s so charming and pretty, ho,
So delicate and attractive.
She’s so lovely and elegant, ho,
So graceful and bonnie.
She’s so chic and gorgeous, ho,
So slender and ladylike.
Her face in the form of goose egg, ho,
Her skin white like congealed tallow.
Her forehead is square-shaped25, ho,
Her hair like black silk.
Her eyebrows like willow leaves, ho,
Her eyes like sleeping silkworm26.
Her mouth like red water caltrop, ho,
Her nose like jade peak.
Her ears shaped like marble bow, ho,
Her neck like jade pillar.
Her arms like tender lotus roots27, ho,
Her body like jade tree trunk28.
Her hands like spring weeds, so soft, ho,
Her fingers like scallions, so pointed.
Her breasts like twin peaks, elevated, ho,
Her waist like emerald thread29, so slim.
Her sleeves tucked up, showing snowy elbows, ho,
Her short skirt revealing her natural feet.
Her voice, when speaking, like singing orioles, ho,
Her breath, when exhaling, having musk scent.
Her pose so pretty, making galaxies crumble, ho,
Her visage so stunning, making universe collapse.
Heavenly props break, earthly ropes snap30, ho,
If she lets out a sweet smile.
She asks me where from, ho,
And why to come.
Now that bosom friends meet, ho,
I pour out my emotions.
I pity her for her solitude, ho,
She sympathizes with me for my loneliness.
Since our feelings are the same, ho,
Why not cry our hearts out?
She asks me not to leave, ho,
So we can keep company and console each other.
Since the world loves me not, ho,
I would fain stay here; why go back?

Lingxiao Hall in Heaven is where the Jade Emperor holds his levee.
Zaofu was the driver for King Mu of Zhou Dynasty.
Jingwei, in Chinese mythology, was a bird that wanted to fill the sea by throwing pebbles into it.
Southern Gate, in Chinese mythology, was the gate to the palace of the Jade Emperor in Heaven.
Jade Emperor, in Chinese mythology, was the ruler in Heaven and on earth.
Juling was the gatekeeper in Heaven.
Weak Stream, in Chinese mythology, was a stream without buoyancy and even a feather would sink on its water. So it was called Weak Stream.
Kunlun Mountain was situated on the west side of the Weak Stream, on which lived the God of Longevity.
The god of Longevity kept a stork as his page, generally called Stork Page.
Tao here meant a kind of magic power to make people immortal.
Master here denoted the God of Longevity.
Penghu was the name of islands in the east sea, where goddesses dwelled.
Fuling is a kind of herb that has some medical quality.
Leiyin Temple was supposed to be somewhere in India, where the Buddha lived.
Five-Finger Hill, in the famous novel “Journey to the West”, the Monkey King was shut up under that hill by the Buddha.The hill was supposed to form from the five fingers of the Buddha.
Doushuai was the name of the palace in which Laojun lived.
Laojun was a god here. His full name was Taishang Laojun, and also called Laozi, who was the establisher of Taoism.
Turtle, in Chinese mythology, was the prime minister of the dragon king in the sea.
Prawns, in Chinese mythology, were soldiers of the dragon king.
Monster here, in Chinese mythology, was a fighter of the dragon king.
Queen Goddess was the wife of the Heavenly Emperor or Jade Emperor.
Jade Pond was the name of a place in west where Queen Goddess lived.
Fengmeng was a legendary expert in archery.
Broad-Cold Palace was in the moon where the moon goddess lived.
In Chinese idea, the forehead looks pretty when square-shaped.
A girl’s eyes look beautiful like in the shape of sleeping silkworm.
A girl’s arms are deemed beautiful when looking like white tender lotus roots.
A girl’s body has a good figure when shaped like a straight jade tree trunk. Jade here means white and smooth.
Emerald thread is used to describe the thin waist of girls.
In Chinese mythology, heaven was propped up and the four corners of the earth were tied with four ropes.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-24 21:15:33








Ode to White Clouds

Ah, white clouds, pretty white clouds,
Like a leisurely white sail,
Floating under the azure sky,
Basking in the golden sunlight.
You so carefree,
Roaming at the verge of the sky.
You so glad at ease,
Hovering high in the air.
You wafting and wafting
To where heaven kissing the sea.

Ah, white clouds, pure white clouds,
Like a bride in a gauze wedding dress,
Dancing under the blue sky;
Your pose so graceful,
So lovely and beautiful,
Gliding slowly to that peak of the wedding dais.

Ah, white clouds, elegant white clouds,
Like a white swan on the lake,
Resting on the emerald ripples.
You so demure like a virgin,
So charming like a damsel,
Like an angel winging at the side of the sun.

Ah, white clouds, quiet white clouds,
Like a bank of fluffy cotton,
Hanging in the sapphire sunny sky.
You slightly undulating,
Gently rocking.
You lie in the embrace of the breeze
Posturing adorably.

Ah, white clouds, multi-posed white clouds,
You so unpredictable.
So changeable in form.
You now in the shape of a dog,
Now transforming into a dragon.
You now gathering as a white lotus,
Now scattering as afterglow.

Ah, white clouds, dear white clouds,
Let me ride on your back, please,
Traveling over the four seas,
To the edge of the good earth.
To the end of the vast sky.
I look up at the sun, the moon, and stars.
I overlook oceans, mountains and rivers.
I sing at the top of my voice,
My breath linking the ether of the universe.
My body and heart
Melting into white clouds.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-26 21:56:48



Mourn for Iris Chang

Alas, Iris Chang, you died so young. I bemoan; I lament; I mourn with bloody tears when offering you libation. I recollect the Japanese invasion into China. At that time, you were not born yet. The massacre in Nanking was really the national disgrace. Although you were born in the US, you were the descendent of the Chinese. You lived across the vast ocean, but you were concerned with the tragic history. Therefore, you took great pains engaged in the writing for several years. You finished the great book, which would be handed down to our posterity. Out of expectation, the former Japanese invaders got terrified and kept giving you threats, which led you to the tragedy. One day, all of a sudden, the horrid news spread of your untimely death. You passed away so young and so suddenly when you were enjoying the prime of your years. Chinese people, when knowing it, all mourned for you. Although you were a stranger to me and I never even saw your face, yet my grief is the same, as deep as that of others. That’s why I wrote this to express my lamentation. Alas, this is so sad. Please come to take my libation for you.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-27 21:01:20



Elegiac Speech to Crab

Alas, Brother Crab, karma brings us together.You’ll soon go to the wok, don’t hate me. Although you are clad in helmet and armor, and “go sideways” at will, I am not a knight or warrior, and won’t take justice in my hands. Recalling that you swam and crawled freely in blue waves and clear water before; but now you are tied pincers and legs, how can you return alive? It is because your color and beauty’s so tempting with red and white inside in contrast. Your meat’s so tasty and dainty plus the aroma of the ginger, both inviting my saliva. Therefore, my “gluttonous worm”1 within stimulated and my appetite roused. Even if I don’t want to cook you, I can’t keep myself from it now. It was said in the olden time that “a guy at large, though actually unguilty, is deemed guilty for the possession of jade”2. Alas, so sad! That’s what you are. When you are well cooked, please come into my stomach. I’m so happy and glad to enjoy the delicacies. Brother Crab, Brother Crab, please forgive my doing so. I pray that you will turn to be a human in your next incarnation. If your crab ghost is not far away, come to have my libation. Alas, don’t hate me. Alas, don’t mourn.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-28 20:50:56





Essay on Autumn

The period of autumn comprises the seventh, eighth and ninth moons in lunar calendar. So the fifteenth date of the eighth moon is Mid-Autumn Day, the middle of autumn. Or, how can the day be named as Mid-Autumn Day? An ancient poet said, “The moon is specially bright at Mid-Autumn.” Because the sky looks so vast and the air is so cool as there are no clouds for a myriad miles, the moon grows round, and its brightness is to its full. At such a time, gathering of three or five bosom friends, meeting in the garden, drinking tea instead of wine, eating fruits instead of dishes, having a heart-to-heart talk, and joking to the utmost content, all those are great pleasures in life. When the moon rises to the zenith, all present look up at it. Li Bai had lines: “Not knowing the moon when very young, I call it a white jade plate.”Su Shi said, “As dusk clouds cleared, the sky's overflowed with cool light. And noiselessly the Jade-Plate moves in Milky Way.”That’s what they described.But in my opinion, the full moon with bright light should not be compared to jade. It’s more suitable to compare it to the mirror. However, the mirror can reflect images, but the moon can’t. So this comparison is still not appropriate. Let it take the benefit of the doubt for the time being.
All conditions in autumn can’t be covered in a word.Methinks, just at the beginning of autumn succeeding summer, the heat won’t entirely recede, and so sometimes, it can be still hot. It is called Indian summer. At such a time, though it is autumn, yet it is really still summer. If I want to save some expense on air-conditioning, I suffer the failure. As it turns a little cool, I use fans instead, which is just what my wife wishes for saving energy. This is what a poor scholar can do.
They say that aspects of autumn are changeable: sometimes fine, sometimes cloudy, sometimes windy and sometimes rainy. When autumn rains keep in endless fall for days, the coolness in the air will steal into human body. Since Heaven acts nastily, our touring enthusiasm is dampened. Therefore, I have to call my friends to meet me in my house. Then we eat crabs and sip wine while we chant poems and write couplets. And it is particularly interesting to watch chrysanthe-mums in drizzles. The chrysanthemums are arranged on the marble steps of the courtyard, with raindrops like sweat dripping. They stand in the wind, looking so graceful. The enjoyment in this is no less than when we get on hilltops. Although I don’t eat the fallen petals of the chrysanthemums, I stick the yellow flowers on my coat.
When in late autumn, even the dews are cold. I put on more clothes and quilts. The blossoms are falling and the leaves turning yellow, dancing in the wind. The chirping of the cicadas is scarcely heard. They also lament at the change of the seasons. Even cheeping of the crickets sounds sad as if they know there will soon be the advent of the chilly winter. As for those vulgar scholars like me, they also feel that time won’t wait for anyone before their bones turn to dust. I, thereby, compose a poem about grievous autumn:

I’ve spent another year for nothing, and now autumn comes again;
When looking back in my life, half of it consists of sorrow.
How can I bear, as now aging, that I’ve achieved nothing?
So I cannot but give myself up in the drunken land everyday.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-5-30 21:11:23




Postword1 of Yanlingshi2 on “Six Chapters of Floating Life”3

So far, far away!Providence is at a tremendous distance; no one can learn its will. I sigh for world events so changeable and the floating life like a dream. I grieve for the river water flowing away forever and wild geese gone without leaving any trace on snow4.Like a bereft goose crying so melancholy, her life mate can’t live till their hair grows white.Like pretty peach blooms being destroyed, the fate of the beauty is so lamentable.The Chinese crabapple is so delicate and suffers from the envy of winds and rains.The duckweed is rootless and so experiences all hardship of floating and roaming.Just as they get along like fish in water or like phoenixes flying side by side, unexpectedly, however, the intertwined boughs of twin trees are broken5 and they sigh for being unable even to meet in dreams.What is Heaven that plays tricks on humans?Now that the fair lady is born with deep love and the man of letters with pure affection, why not let them enjoy good time forever and view beautiful scenery together?Who said that a man in poverty and destitution is destined for great tasks6?Should the affection of a lady end in her tears running dry and her heart becoming lean?Since the ancient time, good things always undergo tribulations. It’s difficult to ask Heaven why they should be as they are. Old black tree bark with the circumference of a hundred feet, the ground supports it in vain7.There’s no way to Pengying8, but the Bitter Sea9 has bounds. Where is Hejing10 now? And Sizong11 is long gone.I mourn for the death of the lady; her story remains, but what’s the use? I grieve that she died like the orchid withering with no more fragrance left.I cannot bear to finish her story. When these words have not expressed what I have to say, my pen is dripping with tears of ink.As I finish the writing of the eight lines, my voice in chanting becomes melancholy.My poem goes as follows:

The flame of the candle sways in the pale moonlight;
The cool wind permeates her thin dress.
Autumn intrudes and her shadow gets meager;
Frost dyes the chrysanthemum so fat12.
As she’s sadly gone, the quilts are left cold.
And cuckoo’s cry sounds so sorrowful.
Since the gloomy road to Hades discontinued,
Where does her sweet ghost return to?

Postword is coined from foreword.
Yanlingshi is the classical style of the surname of the writer.
“Six Chapters of Floating Life” is a book like an autobiography by Shen Fu of Qing Dynasty.
In a poem by Su Shi of Song Dynasty, Su said that a wild goose flying away would leave a trace of its clawprints on the snow, which means that when people died, they would leave something behind.
This came from a story. A king wanted the beautiful wife of a man to be his concubine, but she refused. The king killed the man and the wife pretended to agree. After she had a bath, she jumped down from a high tower and died. The king found on her a note begging to bury her and her man together. The king, nevertheless, had them buried separately on either side of a stream. Then two trees grew out of their tombs and the boughs intertwined with each other.
This was a saying from Mencius, but here was used in a question.
化自東坡詩句“無用蒼皮四十圍”。This is from a line in a poem of Su Shi, “The useless green bark with the circumference of forty feet”. It means that the timber is too big to be useful, implying that a man of great talent is often not used by authorities.
蓬瀛即是蓬萊仙山。Pengyin denotes islands of the fairyland in the east sea.
玄海即苦海。苦海無邊﹐回頭是岸。但苦海是有邊的。The Bitter Sea means the life. The limits of the Bitter Sea is the end of life.
和靖指宋代杭州孤山隱士林逋。Hejing was the hermit Lin Bu of Song Dynasty.
嗣宗指三國時魏人阮籍。Sizong was the man of letters Yuan Ji of the Three Kingdoms period.
These two lines are taken from the original book, not written by this writer.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-2 21:37:27



Essay on Dunhuang

Dunhuang is an ancient town, the land of the cave paintings. It was also the Silk Way then to the western regions. The caravans of horses and camels came eastward through it to Xianyang. Therefore, the development of the trade between old China and western states depended on this thoroughfare. It could lead north to Gobi desert and south to the high mountains. It is the oasis in deserts. The Jiang Clan once lived here. The rock paintings in the caverns are handed down from the prosperous Tang Dynasty. How great is Dunhuang, the glory of China. In thousands of the grottos are stored such treasure. Sky-fliers are seen on the rocky walls and also the other colorful paintings. They look splendid in blue, white, red and yellow. The goddesses hover and dance, the long bands on their dress tracing in the air. Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding. Magnificent is Dunhuang, the wonder of Cathay. In the caves of Mogao and Yulin6, thousands of statues are conspicuous. Buddhas and gods are painted in multi-colored garments. The sculptures in stone were all engraved by common people. The statues are in various postures, all showing different features. Some standing, some sitting or lying, all arranged as planned. Buddhas have halo behind heads and gods look so stern and serene.
The old town Dunhuang was also named Yang Pass. Another name was Jade Gate Pass, a border town at that time. Soldiers guarding the place were not easy to return home alive. Poet Wang Wei had a line: “West across Yang Pass, there are no friends.” Another Poet Zhihuan said, “The Spring wind never crosses the Jade Gate Pass.” That’s why, when hearing the parting song of “Three Refrains of Yang Pass”, poets would chant in sorrow with tears down.
But now, cars come and go incessantly, and railways are already in service. In the blue sky and under white clouds, airplanes shuttle over it. Glad that the old town puts on a new face and happy that the streets look so prosperous. It invites the travelers there in hustle and bustle and brings west and east together in harmony. Ah! If not of this place, which town can I think or dream?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-4 21:16:00



A Tale of Mr. Chen

Well, of all the seas, the sea of love has the most gales and billows1. Sweet, sour, bitter, hot, there are all five tastes. Sorrow, joy, parting, meeting, there are all seven feelings. All the happenings are pitiable, sighable, woeful or blissful, touching deeply the hearts of readers. Mr. Chen was the friend of an old gentleman I knew. He was the son of a rich merchant. His girlfriend was Miss Wen, who came from a wealthy family, too. Her father owned two factories. That year, Chen was twenty-four years of age. Shanghai had been occupied by the Japanese army for three years. One day, Chen took his girlfriend to a dance party. The host gave excellent entertainment to the guests. Plates were filled with all sorts of refreshments of both Chinese and Western styles. Cups gleamed with coffee and milk. When dancing was in recess, singing ensued, mixed with gleeful chatting and laughing. At dinner time, tables were loaded with dainties and plates heaped with delicacies. Wine in cups reflected lamp light and ivory chopsticks clinked with silver dishes. Some played finger-guessing games and some made jokes. Dancing resumed after dinner. The party ended at midnight. The human shadows were overlapped in hustle and bustle. People bade each other farewell.
Chen left with his girlfriend. Just then, a taxi came slowly. Chen signaled it to stop and asked for a ride home. They went into the back seats. There was a man in the passenger seat in the front. Chen guessed that he must be a friend of the driver for a ride, too. He didn’t think that it was unusual and weird. The taxi sped forth. After a few turns on the way, it reached Consulate Road2, toward east. It went just in the opposite direction. Chen got scared and inquired about it. When he asked again, he got an answer, “Shut up if you don’t want to die.” Then, all of a sudden, the taxi stopped as it reached the Bund. They pushed Chen out of it and accelerated across the Garden Bridge with the girl still inside. The taxi parked outside Xinya Hotel, which was then a military club of the Japanese army. The girl was shut up in a room and lived in disgrace. She thought of Chen day and night in endless tears.
Chen witnessed the taxi speeding off and couldn’t chase it. He shouted after it in vain and had to return home, weeping bitterly. That night, he was sleepless. Early in the morning, he rushed to the home of the girl and told her parents about it. The girl’s household cried. Her father sent out his people in quest of her everywhere, but in vain. Chen himself also searched for her all over the city. He sank into great agony, knitting his brows all day long. He neglected his sleep and food, his clothes becoming loose by degrees day in and day out. His mother felt sorry for and sympathized with him. She advised him to marry another girl, but he wouldn’t listen and kept in quest of her all the more eagerly. He behaved like a mad man. Thus, a few years elapsed. No one knew where the girl was.
After the surrender of Japan, the girl at last returned home and told her family all about her sufferings. The listeners were all painfully moved and wept with compassion. When Chen learned her return, he hurried to her home, in hopes to express his lovesickness, but the girl refused to see him, sending down her maid with the words, “My sullied body doesn’t deserve your love any more. You should marry elsewhere and think of me no longer.” Chen persisted in seeing her, saying, “I know all your sufferings. It only deserves pity and sympathy. It’s not your own fault. My love for you is still the same. Please, come down and talk to me.” Furthermore, he resorted to the blame of her forgetfulness of their vows. He waited in their living room for three days. The girl was greatly touched and came down to meet him. Then they united in holy matrimony. Now the old gentleman passed away; so I am not in a position to know whether the couple is alive or not. However, their story is so plaintive and so touching. Therefore, I wrote this tale.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-7 22:45:17

什麼是人生﹖What is life?


Life is to give. Life is to get. Once you make tribute, you can have gain. Whenever you gain, you must contribute. It is a saint to contribute only and refuse to gain. It is a selfish person to want gain only without making tribute.
        There's joy in life. There's pain in life. When you are in pain, please recall joy. When you are in joy, please remember pain. It is a blessed person always in joy without pain. It is a bitterly-fated person always in pain without joy.
        There's success in life. There's failure in life. When you succeed, you must ware failure. When you fail, you can expect success. It is a lucky person always in success without failure. It is an unlucky person always in failure without success.
        There's hope in life. There's disappointment in life. When you have hope, don't forget disappointment. When you are disappointed, please keep hope in mind. It's an optimist always having hope and caring not for disappointment. It's a pessimist always looking at disappointment and not believing in hope.
        There's health in life. There's disease in life. When you are healthy, beware of disease. When you are sick, strive for health. It's a lucky person always healthy without disease. It's an unlucky person always sick without health.
        There's fortune in life. There's poverty in life. When you have money, think you may become a beggar. When you are poor, you may suddenly be an upstart. It's a person of good deeds in last reincarnation having money all life without poverty. It's a person of evil behavior in last reincarnation being poor all life with nothing in possession.
        There's complacence in life. There's frustration in life. When you are complacent, you may be frustrated some day. When you are frustrated, you may be complacent some day. It's the son of Heaven always complacent without frustration. It's a downhearted man of letters always frustrated without complacence.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-8 21:26:27






I swim in the ocean of books and soak among the water drops of knowledge. I float on the waves of learning and dive in the abyss of ancient publications, to steal the precious editions and mystic erudition. Books are the source of wisdom, solace in solitude, companion in boredom, and pastime in idleness.

The ancients said, “There are houses of gold in books. There are beauties like jade in books.” What is the pity is that I am still a poor scholar after ten years of studies under the cold window. Dynasties are all gone and no tests for officialdom can be taken. But a beauty like jade can be expected for my self-consolation. I recall the ancients in arduous reading, like the one chiseling through the wall in the spring night, the one putting fireflies in a thin silk purse in the summer night, the one sitting in the moonlight in the autumn night, and the one using the reflection of light from snow in the winter night. As to the one with long hair tied to a string hanging from the beam, the one pricking his thigh with an awl, the one pillowing on a log, and the one using sands as paper, they became men of renown through hardship.

“When in use, you'll regret that books being read are too few.” If reading all the time, when in use, you'll feel books being read are more than you need. “Read a book for thousand times, the meaning will be as clear as day.” “Read through ten thousand volumes, when writing, it's like with a magic pen.” These are the maxims of the ancients. Moreover, a stone on the other hill can be made to be my jade. Books of other people can be borrowed for my use. Book reading, in a personal sense, can nurture one into calm disposition and good virtue, and in a larger sense, canmake one's family harmonious and the country be run well, and bring peace to people under heaven.

“There are still books I haven't read.” As the sea of books is so vast, no one in his life can explore it to the end. Therefore, Zhuangzi said, “My life has an end, but my learning without end. It's impossible to use my limited life for the endless learning.” However, how can I halt at the view, clearly knowing the field of learning is like a vast smoky sea? When I live for a day, I must learn on the day. “If learned the truth in the morning, it's all right to die in the evening.”

海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-10 21:44:29


1) Counsel to Girls
Robert Herrick ( 1591-1674)

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
   Old time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day,
   Tomorrow will be dying.

The glorious Lamp of Heaven, the Sun,
   The higher he's a-getting
The sooner will his race be run,
   And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
   When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst,
   Times, still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time;
   And while ye may, go marry:
For having lost but once your prime,
   You may for ever tarry.



海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-12 21:00:16

To my Love----Sonnet #18
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.



海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-14 22:01:12

Dirge of Love
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
Come away, come away, Death,
And in sad cypres let me be laid;
    Fly away, fly away, breath;
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white, stuck all with yew,
        O prepare it!
My part of death no one so true
        Did share it.
    Not a flower, not a flower sweet
On my black coffin let there be strown;
    Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown;
A thousand thousand sighs to save,
        Lay me, O where
Sad true lover never find my grave,
        To weep there.


海外逸士 发表于 2012-6-17 23:00:22

Psalm of Life
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
        Life is but an empty dream! —
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,
        And things are not what they seem.
Life is real !   Life is earnest!
        And the grave is not its goal;
    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
        Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
        Is our destined end or way;
    But to act, that each to-morrow
        Find us farther than to-day.
Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
        And our hearts, though stout and brave,
    Still, like muffled drums, are beating
        Funeral marches to the grave.
In the world's broad field of battle,
        In the bivouac of Life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
        Be a hero in the strife!
Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!
        Let the dead Past bury its dead!
    Act,— act in the living Present!
        Heart within, and God o'erhead!
Lives of great men all remind us
        We can make our lives sublime,
    And, departing, leave behind us
        Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
        Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
        Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us, then, be up and doing,
        With a heart for any fate;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
        Learn to labor and to wait.


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