海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-2 22:27:50


黑雲翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠亂入船; 卷地風來忽吹散,望湖樓下水如天。

Writing When Drunk in Watch-Lake Tower on 27th Date of 6th Moon
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

Black clouds like ink spilt can’t shut out mountains;
White raindrops like pearls leap into my boat pell-mell.
Winds come suddenly, rising from ground, dispersing clouds;
And water below Watch-Lake Tower looks blue like the sky.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-3 23:15:29



Baby Bathing
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

Everyone wishes that their sons are clever;
But I make mistakes all my life, though wise.
I wish my baby is dull and stupid,
And lives to be a duke without misfortunes.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-4 22:09:44



Poem to Liu Jingwen
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

Lotus all gone, no more umbrella-like rain-holding leaves;
Mums fading, but still have the stem haughty against frost.
You must remember the best time in the year
Is when the citrus gets yellow and orange green.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-5 22:20:56



Write to the Rhyme1 of “Reminiscence of Minchi” by Ziyou2
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

What is human life like everywhere?
It’s like a wild goose treading on the snowy earth,
That left its clawprints on earth by accident,
And flew away, not caring to east or west.
An old monk dies and a new pagoda set up3;
The old writing can’t be seen on the broken wall.
Do you still remember the other day on a rugged road?
The way’s long, we’re tired, and the lame donkey brayed.

山菊 发表于 2012-3-5 23:57:13

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-5 09:20 static/image/common/back.gif





海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-6 22:50:06

thanks for telling so and i will go there to continue my posting.



Write to the rhyme of Liu Jing in Suzhou
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

I want to return and the zither1 sounds scarce by degrees;
On which day can I put on spring attire at Wuyu2?
The loving white hair is ten miles long;
The useless black bark with circumference of forty feet.
At old age I feel writing is of a petty skill,
And know riches with risks long before.
I shed tears for you, are you aware?
The stork at Huating3 for ages flies freely.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-7 22:28:55

本帖最后由 海外逸士 于 2012-3-21 21:56 编辑



Rondeau-like Poem
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

Return after watching flowers, the horse galloping;
The horse galloping, wine drinking slight.
Wine drinking slight awake as it is late;
Awake as it is late, return after watching flowers.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-8 23:39:05



Shen Garden (1)
by Lu You of Song Dynasty

With the sunlight on the town walls, the horn sounds sad;
The pond and pavilions in Shen Garden are not the old ones.
Heartbroken for spring waves under the bridge still green,
Which once reflected her stunning shadow in the water.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-9 23:58:15



by Wang Qi of Qing Dynasty

Free from being sullied by even half a particle of dust;
Willing to be at bamboo fence or by thatched hut.
Since erroneously known by Lin Hejing,
It’s been much talked of so far by poets.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-10 22:45:52



Parting With Cen On an Autumn Evening
by Qu Dajun of Qing Dynasty

The moon over a strange land
Sheds its light in autumn laboriously,
And often after the wind and rain,
Comes to shine on parting ones.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-11 22:39:44



Poem in Tune of Xiangjianhuan
by Li Yu of South Tang Dynasty

Up on west tower alone, wordless,
The moon looks like a hook.
With the solitary Chinese parasol,
The deep backyard locking the cool autumn in.

Scissor’d, but not sever’d,
Put in order, yet in disorder,
Is the parting sorrow;
There’s an unusual sensation at heart.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-13 00:37:11



Poem in Tune of Yumeiren
by Li Yu of South Tang Dynasty

When will end the spring flower and the autumn moon?
How many bygones known?
East wind came to the small tower again last night;
I can’t bear to look back to the old realm in moonlight.

Carved railings and marble steps must be still there,
Only the red cheeks changed.
If asking one how much sorrow there could be,
Just like a river of spring water flowing east.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-13 22:36:54

長相思(宋) 王灼


Poem in Tune of Changxiangsi
by Wang Zhuo of Song Dynasty

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.
A brief dream without basis and spring’s empty again.
It’s difficult to follow the hoof-prints of my boy’s horse.

Hills after hills, water beyond water.
Flying catkins and flowing clouds go west, then east.
Where can my correspondence reach you?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-14 22:11:21


碧雲天,黃葉地。秋色連波,波上寒煙翠。山映斜陽天接水。芳草無情,更在斜陽外。    黯鄉魂,追旅思。夜夜除非,好夢留人睡。明月樓高休獨倚。酒入愁腸,化作相思淚。

Poem in Tune of Sumozhe
by Fan Zhongyan of Song Dynasty

The blue cloudy sky, the yellow-leaf-covered ground.
The color of autumn linked with waves;
Cold mists over the waves look green.
Mountains reflect the slanting sunshine; the water reaches the sky.
The emotionless fragrant grass
Looks as if beyond the slanting sun.

The nostalgic soul depressed; reminiscent of traveling;
Only at each night
Sweet dream invites me to sleep.
Don’t lean alone on the high tower under the bright moon.
Wine into the plaintive bowels
Turns to the tears of lovesickness.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-15 21:28:17



Poem in Tune of Yulinling
by Liu Yong of Song Dynasty

Cicadas in cold with sad chirping,
Facing the arbor in twilight,
When heavy shower just stopping.
Drinking in the tent before the capital gate, listless,
Where we linger,
But the magnolia boat urging to set sail.
Hand in hand, looking at each other with tearful eyes.
Speechless after all like with frozen throat.
Thinking of departing:
Through thousand miles of mists and waves,
The dusk so hazy, the southern sky so vast.

Being sentimental, always grievous of parting since time of yore.
Moreover, how can I bear
The solitary autumn season.
Where am I tonight when sober from drunkenness?
At the shore with willow trees,
With the morning winds, the lingering moon.
A year from now on,
Should be a good time,
But pretty scenes set up in vain.
Even though there are thousands of feelings,
Yet whom can I impart to?

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-16 22:37:39



Poem in Tune of Fengqiwu
by Liu Yong of Song Dynasty

Leaning and waiting in a high tower, the breeze so faint;
Extend eyesight to the utmost in spring sorrow,
But darkness rising on the verge of heaven.
Color of grass and haze of smoke in the sunset.
Who can know why I loll on railings, being speechless.

I will loosen my craziness to get drunken,
And sing with the wine in front;
But it’s tasteless when forced to be happy.
I never regret as I feel my gown and girdle slack,
Since I’ve become languished for her.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-17 21:45:05


一曲新詞酒一杯, 去年天气舊亭台。夕陽西下幾時回?      
無可奈何花落去, 似曾相識燕歸來。小園香徑獨徘徊。

Poem in Tune of Wanxisha
by Yan Shu of Song Dnasty

A piece of new poem, a cup of wine;
Weather of last year, pavilions of olden time.
When will the setting sun in west return?

Blossoms fallen, what can I do?
Swallows back again, whom I seem to know.
On scented paths in a small garden I loiter alone.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-18 21:45:35


明月幾時有?把酒問青天。不知天上宮闕,今夕是何年。我欲乘風歸去,又恐瓊樓玉宇,高處不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人間?    轉朱閣,低綺戶,照無眠。不應有恨,何事長向別時圓?人有悲歡離合,月有陰晴圓缺,此事古難全。但愿人長久,千里共嬋娟。

Poem in Tune of Shuidiaogetou
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

When will there be the bright moon?
I ask the azure Heaven, holding a cup of wine.
I don’t know in the celestial palace
In which year is tonight.
I want to return, riding on the wind,
But afraid in the jade towers
I can’t bear the chill on high.
If dancing there with my shadow,
It’s unlike in the human world.

Turning round the red pavilions,
Keeping low to the gauze-adorned doors,
And shining on the sleepless.
Shouldn’t have rancor,
But why always grow round when parting?
Humans have grief and glee, parting and meeting;
The moon’s now clouded, now shining, now waxing, now waning;
This thing can’t be perfect since time of yore.
I only wish humans have a long life;
So everyone’s fine as the moon within a thousand miles.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-19 21:04:10


大江東去,浪淘盡、千古風流人物。故壘西邊,人道是、三國周郎赤壁。亂石崩雲,驚濤裂岸,捲起千堆雪。江山如畫,一時多少豪傑。    遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英發。羽扇綸巾,談笑間、檣櫓灰飛煙滅。故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。人生如夢,一尊還酹江月。

Cherish Olden Time at Red Cliff
--in Tune of Niannujiao
by Su Shi of Song Dynasty

The great river flows east,
Its billows washed away all men of distinction for ages.
To the west of the old fortress,
It is said, there’s Red Cliff of Big Boy Zhou in Three Kingdom period.
Jagged rocks piercing the clouds,
Frightening surges bashing the shore,
Bouncing up a thousand foaming crests of snow.
Mountains and rivers so picturesque,
How many heroes during that time?

Think back of Gongjin4 in those years
When younger Qiao5 just married him,
And so he developed heroic air.
With a silk hood and a feather fan6,
In chatting and laughing,
Their enemy’s ships burned to ashes.
My spirit traveling in the old realms;
The sentimental will laugh at me
For my grey hair growing too early.
(另一解譯﹕I laugh at myself for being so sentimental
That my hair grows hoary too early.)
Life is like a dream;
I pour a cup of wine in libation to the moon and river.

海外逸士 发表于 2012-3-20 21:17:57


西城楊柳弄春柔。動离憂。淚難收。猶記多情,曾為系歸舟。碧野朱橋當日事, 人不見,水空流。      韶華不為少年留。恨悠悠。幾時休。飛絮落花時候、一登樓。便做春江都是淚, 流不盡,許多愁。

Poem in Tune of Jiangchengzi
by Qin Guan of Song Dynasty

Willows in west city display pliancy in spring,
Which incite my parting sorrow;
I can hardly stop my tears.
Still remember they seemed full of feelings
That the returned ship had been tied up by twigs.
But it happened that day at the red bridge in green fields:
The person wasn’t there and the water flew for nothing.

Time won’t stay for youth;
So the regret lasts forever,
And when can it stop?
At the time when catkins fly off and blossoms fall,
I ascend the tower.
Even if water in spring river had all been my tears,
It couldn’t take away with it
So much of my sorrow.
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