Uranium investors’ efforts to buy mining assets in Kazakhstan and the United States led to a takeover bid by a Russian state-owned energy company. The investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation over the same period, while Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s office was involved with approving the Russian bid.
Fox News支持共和党,MSNBC支持民主党,多少年了本来就是这样,不是这一次拿了钱才形成的。那些affiliate同几大电视台是合作关系,并不归几大电视台所有,它们赚的钱几大电视台分不到多少。而且报纸和电视台的关系也不大。就是有关系的,也是各自有独立的editorial stand。像Fox News和Wall Street Journal都归Murdoch控制,这次Fox News全力支持Trump,华尔街时报则对他很冷淡,批评的很厉害。