老兵帅客 发表于 2020-5-4 23:08
- l- f& l4 c# Z1 k% Q8 v6 _# ^罗马的公民大会可不是用来选举元老院成员与执政官的。
, r0 v$ |5 m) t8 {+ N% C
. o2 I; A# C- a, Y& O9 I' ?八旗是长期只做监督而不作战,但是历史上的鸦片战 ... 7 h& G# V* D3 L
, P* J3 k! ] C7 g3 W, ]5 V7 M& {
4 L3 C. c0 V5 N8 {( o下面是在线大英百科全书的解释:
0 `/ |- Q3 ?$ Q# k, \3 nComitia Centuriata, Ancient Roman military assembly, instituted c. 450 bc. It decided on war and peace, passed laws, elected consuls, praetors, and censors, and considered appeals of capital convictions. Unlike the older patrician Comitia Curiata, it included plebeians as well as patricians, assigned to classes and centuriae (centuries, or groups of 100) by wealth and the equipment they could provide for military duty. Voting started with the wealthier centuries, whose votes outweighed those of the poorer.
5 [6 L9 c3 t" f _. p, u8 S/ f# _9 v6 L8 n0 H8 {2 y% w& F
/ @1 o! C2 k: W1 D6 h1 q# `0 G0 ?7 A
所以,美国的确是按照古罗马的蓝图建立其政治构架的。 |