TA的每日心情 | 擦汗 2023-2-28 12:05 |
签到天数: 1972 天 [LV.Master]无
纽约时报新出了报道,没有737 Max的模拟器,关于737和737 Max的区别,美航员工接受了56分钟ipad训练,西南航空的员工接受了不到三小时的视频学习。在狮航坠机后他们希望能有737Max的模拟器。
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To qualify to fly the plane, the pilots at American were given a 56-minute iPad training and about a dozen white papers on the differences between the Max aircraft and previous 737 jets, union officials said. Mr. Weaks of Southwest said his members were trained with an e-learning module on a company-issued iPad that consisted of under three hours of video presentations.
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5 E4 w' E8 u3 U; K: hBoth Southwest and American now say they expect to have simulators including the 737 Max systems by the end of this year. American ordered the simulator after the Lion Air crash. ! l1 Y# K. T1 Z
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关于MCAS的技术文档,在狮航坠机后,波音和两大航空公司的飞行员工会会晤过:$ M, r* T; Y" N% Z5 ~% H
The meetings last year between Boeing officials and the unions were cordial but direct. The pilots from Southwest and American who met with Boeing were frustrated that they hadn’t been notified of the newly installed software system in the 737 Max planes before the crash in Indonesia. The so-called maneuvering characteristics augmentation system, or MCAS, is an automated system intended to prevent the plane from stalling.& a; w* x, x+ _" j; o
- l) b. C. n/ E* N8 ?# e/ O/ T“It was a very frank discussion,” said the American union’s safety chairman, Mr. Michaelis. “This is to our knowledge the first time pilots were not informed of a major system on an airplane that could affect flight controls.”
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The pilots demanded more information about the system. Mr. Michaelis said it had been mentioned once in the appendix of the official aircraft manual, but without any explanation about what it was or did.
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In response to the pilots’ request, Mr. Michaelis said, Boeing concurred. The company has since provided the American pilots with basic information about MCAS, but it hasn’t updated the official manual with a full explanation about how it works.
5 Z5 I8 v& \: g, k飞行员对MCAS一无所知,这个系统只在技术手册的附录中提过一下,没有解释它是做什么的。狮航坠机后飞行要求得到更多信息,波音给出一些基本信息,但没有更新官方的技术使用手册。 |