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本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2014-6-2 01:42 编辑
对于美国推崇第一宪法修正案对言论自由保护的人来说,今年是最高法院划时代的New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 决定的50周年纪念。刚才看到易明谣言止于智者的日志,就对这个题目随便写几句。
案子的起始是1960年3月29日,纽约时报上登了一则民权运动的广告。当时正是民权运动的最高潮。美国南方尤其是Deep South的白人政府,正在尽全力扼杀黑人要求平等权利的运动。广告是为马丁路德金在Alabama的伪证案辩护筹措资金。里面描述了Montgomery, Alabama的警察局对民权运动的抗议者以及马丁路德金本人的一系列骚扰,镇压甚至是恐怖活动。广告的内容大多数是事实,但有一些不准确,甚至是错误的地方。比如说Alabama警察局共7次逮捕马丁路德金,但实际上只有5次。里面还提到1956年马丁路德金家爆炸案有Montgomery的警察局参与,但是即使后来最高法院的法官也承认没有任何证据支持这一点,而且有好多证据表明爆炸案发生后,当地警察尽全力侦破。Montgomery 的警察总管L. B. Sullivan认为这个广告是对他和当地警察局的污蔑,在Alabama对纽约时报以诽谤罪起诉。那个时候南方尤其是Alabama的白人陪审团对这个案子的态度可想而知,纽约时报被判败诉,赔偿Sullivan 50万美元。纽约时报不服,案子打到最高法院,1964年最高法院以9比0全票作出了这一划时代的判决。
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan 极大地扩张了对言论自由的保护。在此之前根据Alabama的法律,只要新闻报道有不实的地方,就犯了诽谤罪。而根据最高法院的判决,首先诽谤案里,举证的责任在原告,他必须要证明报纸的报道是不真实的,而不是反过来,记者需要证明报道是真实的,在很多案子里,这差别很大。其次最高法院在这个案子以及后来的Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. 里作出了对政府官员,公共人物和private individual的区别。民主制度要能够顺利的运行,公众必须能够自由地无顾忌地对政府官员进行批评,因此对政府官员,公共人物言论的尺度可以特别宽松。在自由讨论中,出现错误是不可避免的,如果公众在批评政府官员的时候,必须认真检查每一句话,不是十分确定就不敢发表,怕被起诉的话,这就会对自由讨论产生chilling effect。因此第一宪法修正案对针对政府官员,公共人物的不实之词必须同样提供保护。第三,这一判决中最高法院提出的actual malice的标准,政府官员要想告诽谤罪的话,门槛极高。即使原告能够证明报道是错误的,也不构成诽谤罪,他必须还要证明记者或报社有actual malice,也就是说他们在发稿的时候明知稿件是不实之词,或者是reckless disregard of its truth or falsity,才是有罪。就实际操作来说,要想在法庭上证明这一点几乎不可能,因为是否有actual malice就在于记者和编辑发稿时脑子里想的是什么,如果报社编辑在法庭上作证说,他当时发稿的时候相信报道的内容是真实的,原告几乎不可能找到证据来反驳,除非编辑傻到当时留下记录说故意发表虚假报道。因此从那个判决后,美国的政府官员或公共人物几乎不可能打赢诽谤罪的官司。娱乐明星一般都是到英国去起诉全球发行的报纸杂志。
Those who won our independence believed . . . that public discussion is a political duty, and that this should be a fundamental principle of the American government. They recognized the risks to which all human institutions are subject. But they knew that order cannot be secured merely through fear of punishment for its infraction; that it is hazardous to discourage thought, hope and imagination; that fear breeds repression; that repression breeds hate; that hate menaces stable government; that the path of safety lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and proposed remedies, and that the fitting remedy for evil counsels is good ones.
Believing in the power of reason as applied through public discussion, they eschewed silence coerced by law -- the argument of force in its worst form. Recognizing the occasional tyrannies of governing majorities, they amended the Constitution so that free speech and assembly should be guaranteed.
Thus, we consider this case against the background of a profound national commitment to the principle that debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open, and that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials. … Erroneous statement is inevitable in free debate, and … it must be protected if the freedoms of expression are to have the “breathing space” that they ‘need to survive
The ruling was revolutionary, because the court for the first time rejected virtually any attempt to squelch criticism of public officials — even if false — as antithetical to “the central meaning of the First Amendment.” Today, our understanding of freedom of the press comes in large part from the Sullivan case. Its core observations and principles remain unchallenged, even as the Internet has turned everyone into a worldwide publisher — capable of calling public officials instantly to account for their actions, and also of ruining reputations with the click of a mouse.
最后,还有一个有意思的相关问题:说谎受第一宪法修正案保护吗? United States v. Alvarez 这个案子的主角Xavier Alvarez说谎成性,曾经向人吹嘘他在职业冰球队Detroit Red Wings打过球,和墨西哥的著名电影演员结过婚,伊朗人质危机时救过美国驻伊朗大使的命。2007年他被选为加利福尼亚Claremont 的 Three Valley Water District Board成员,开会的时候吹嘘说他在美国海军陆战队服役25年,屡获嘉奖,包括最高奖章Congressional Medal of Honor。会议在场有个记者,听着这个故事就像是天方夜谭,做了点调查,几天后报纸上发表文章,对他进行了一番挖苦。而对Alvarez来说特别不幸的是2006年美国国会通过了Stolen Valor Act,一个人如果对获得军功勋章说谎的话,是犯罪,是misdemeanor,最高可判6个月。很快他就被告上了法庭,案子打到最高法院,2012年6月28日最高法院以6比3判决Stolen Valor Act违宪 ,这样说谎同样受第一宪法修正案言论自由的保护。