Title: Jug. Date: 9th century. Geography: Excavated in Iran, Nishapur (Met Museum). 1937, excavated at Sabz Pushan in Nishapur, Iran by the Metropolitan Museum of Art's expedition; 1938, acquired by the Museum in the division of finds.
- Potters at the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen made such tankards in the Yongle and Xuande reigns. The form is found in Middle Eastern jade, glass and metalwork. The ridging around the neck may suggest it is imitating a tankard made of sheet metal, possibly silver in which the shape would be strengthened by such a thickened section. Those tankards made in the Xuande era are often inscribed, as is the case here, with a six-character reign mark. Craftsmen fashioned Xuande tankards in slightly different forms from those made earlier in the Yongle era. They tend to have wider bases and often have finger grips on the handle. Some were also made with domed covers.
- Blue-and-white decoration has become the most popular and easily recognisable from of ornamentation of Chinese ceramics in the West. Originally manufactured for export to the Middle East and South East Asia, early blue-and-white was less popular in the home market, and possibly regarded as gaudy. From the fourteenth century, cobalt ore was imported from Iran and Afghanistan.
- The blue-and-white wares of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries often took their shapes from Islamic metalwork. The globular body, tall cylindrical neck and dragon handle of this jug all imitate contemporary metalwork of Timurid Persia.
- When compared with a contemporaneously designed Timurid brass jug, we see the forms of the two vessels are virtually identical. The glaze patterns on the Chinese vessel attempt to simulate the type of floral scrolls commonly found in Timurid designs, but still they largely retain their Chinese flavor, including the introduction of such non-Timurid elements as the breaking wave pattern on the neck. One of the most interesting elements common to both jugs is the dragon-neck handle. Here we have an example of the dragon motif being reworked by Chinese artisans, in order to reflect a particularly Timurid interpretation of what was originally a traditional Chinese design element.
维多利亚博物馆收藏的帖木儿朝龙柄铜嵌银花浇(Dragon-handled jug by Habibullah ibn Ali Baharjani. Timurid dynasty, 1461-62 CE. Believed to be from Herat. Brass inlaid with silver. Height: 13 cm. Acquisition number: #943-1886).
The Arts of Islam. Masterpieces from the Khalili Collection. Dated metal mugs with dragon-handles are practically all from the reign of the Timurid ruler of Herat, Husayn Bayqara (r 1470–1505).
美国大都会博物馆藏(Dragon-Handled Jug with Inscription.late 15th– first quarter 16th century).
- The ewer’s round body shape with the narrow neck and the round handle is similar to the shape of metal jugs from the Islamic world of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It was also influenced by blue-and-white ceramic pot-bellied jugs produced by Chinese potters of the Ming period (1368-1644). This form became especially popular in Central and Western Asia after the Mongol conquests and under the Timurid and Safavid dynasties.
大英博物馆珍藏的阿富汗铜嵌金银花浇(Tankard with dragon handle. Afghanistan, Herat. 1484-1485. Brass inlaid with silver and gold and engraved with arabesques and an inscription. Signed by Jamal al-Din b. Shams al-DinBritish Museum)
A large blue and white Persian-style ewer, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722). Height 11 3/8 in., 28.8 cm. Estimate 25,000 - 35,000 USD. © Sotheby's
- In the 17th century, the ruling courts of India were immensely wealthy. They had collected Chinese blue-and-white porcelain since the Yuan dynasty. While the ewer may have been made for the South Asia market, that it was found in Iran suggests that it may have been purchased by South Asian merchants who were based in Isfahan in the Safavid dynasty.
明尼苏达大学博物馆藏品 - The ewer was made in the late 17th or early 18th century near Bidar, India on the Deccan plateau. Bidri ware, as it is known, is a unique type of metal work. Though the area was originally Hindu, the introduction and adoption of Islam strongly influenced the art and architecture of the area. The elegant attenuated form of the present ewer is most likely derived from a Middle Eastern metal prototype. These vessels, often with a matching basin, were used primarily for ceremonial ablutions. While derived from an Islamic form, these ewers were successfully assimilated and adapted for the domestic market which valued them for their exoticism.