小学课本中的 Dé jà vu
热度 12已有 796 次阅读2011-12-1 13:44
宋美龄, 周恩来, 舍己救人
最近看 Hannah Pakula 写的《宋美龄传》(The Last
(When we were ready to take off, there was no escort, so we had to
fly back without. Just as we were airborne, we received the message
"thirty-seven Japanese planes on your tail." There were only five
parachutes, so the crew gave one to the president, one to me and
the other three to high ranking generals. My maid began to cry and
I told her not to worry. I said parachutes were made to carry 250
pounds and the two of us together didn't weigh that much. If we had
to jump, I said, we would put our arms around each other and both
float down with the same chute. She stopped crying and said,
"Madame, if I die, I won't be missed, but you are needed by our
people. I would not think of risking your life to save mine." We
were able to fly into some clouds and elude the enemy planes, but I
have never forgotten that. The maid...is with me still. She is
getting on in years and is some times crochety, but I am never
cross with her as I am always mindful of that day in Burma and her
many years of faithful service to me. )