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黑洞的颜色的个人空间 http://aswetalk.net/bbs/?3812 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



热度 12已有 1859 次阅读2014-4-24 00:22 | 华盛顿, 博物馆, 艺术

最近带孩子去了华盛顿,不能免俗地又参观了若干博物馆。National Gallery of Art 是每次不能漏过的,虽然也不敢说长了什么艺术细胞。不过这次一致同意不去收藏现代艺术的东馆。




说的是一对西班牙艺术商卖了几十万美元的 ‘一些著名现代艺术画家的作品’ 给若干私人及画廊,实际上却是一位中国来的街头画家(Pei Shen Qian)的仿品,现在东窗事发了。


“As alleged, the defendants tricked victims into paying more than $33 million for worthless paintings which they fabricated in the names of world-famous artists...” 这里 ‘worthless’ 和 ‘$33 million’ 的区别说明这些所谓现代艺术作品的价值在于名声,或者叫做炒作,而和艺术无关。

“ In court documents, prosecutors allege he received between several hundred and several thousand dollars for paintings the art dealers and galleries sold for millions.”











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回复 2014-4-24 00:33
回复 洗心 2014-4-24 00:54
回复 洗心 2014-4-24 00:59

`The Idiot's Guide to Art'


(This classic Dave Barry column was originally published Jan. 18, 2004.)

Whenever I write about art, I get mail from the Serious Art Community informing me that I am a clueless idiot. So let me begin by stipulating that I am a clueless idiot. This is probably why I was unable to appreciate a work of art I viewed recently, titled: ``Chair.''

I saw ``Chair'' at Art Basel, a big art show held recently on Miami Beach. It attracted thousands of Serious Art People, who wear mostly black outfits and can maintain serious expressions no matter what work of art they are viewing. This is hard, because a lot of Serious Art consists of bizarre or startlingly unattractive objects, or ``performances,'' wherein artists do something Conceptual, such as squirt Cheez Whiz into an orifice that has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for snack toppings.

But no matter what the art is, a Serious Art Person will view it with the somber expression of a radiologist examining X-rays of a tumor. Whereas an amateur will eventually give himself away by laughing; or saying ``Huh?''; or (this is the most embarrassing) asking an art-gallery person: ``Is this wastebasket a piece of art? Or can I put my gum wrapper in it?''

But back to Art Basel: I didn't go to the main show. I went to an officially sanctioned satellite show called ``Art Positions,'' which was a group of large, walk-in shipping containers set up on the beach, serving as mini art galleries. Serious Art People drifted blackly from container to container, solemnly examining the tumors.

I managed not to say anything stupid until I encountered a slide projector sitting on the floor, projecting a rectangle of white light with twitching lens dust onto the wall. I asked the gallery person if there was supposed to be a slide in the projector; he patiently explained that, no, this was a work of art titled ``Autofocus Slide Projector Dust.''

In another container there was a work of art consisting of a video, repeated over and over, showing a man -- not in peak physical condition, I might add -- rollerblading around a vast empty space, stark naked. I'm proud to say I betrayed no emotion while viewing this work, although my daughter, who is 3, said, quite loudly: ``You can see his tushy! Yuck!''

She is young, and has no art training.

Anyway, in the corner of one container there was a ratty old collapsed armchair -- worn, dirty, leaking stuffing, possibly housing active vermin colonies. I asked the gallery person if the chair was art, and she said yes, it was a work titled ``Chair.'' I asked her what role the artist had played in creating ``Chair.'' She said: ``He found it.''

``Chair'' is for sale. The price is $2,800. Really. I looked up ``Chair'' on a Serious Art Internet site, artcritical.com, which said: ``The chair offers not a weedy patina of desuetude but an apotheosis of its former occupant.''

See, I missed that altogether, about the desuetude and the apotheosis. I thought it was just a crappy old junk chair some guy took off a trash pile and was now trying to sell for 2,800 clams.

I was also baffled by an artwork called ``Moonwalk,'' presented by a Paris art gallery. You walked into the gallery/container, and it was empty, just blank white walls. Around the ceiling were a half-dozen speakers making a high-pitched sonar sound, like this: ``boop.'' That was the art: ``boop.'' Sitting outside on a folding chair was a gallery person, smoking Marlboros. I wondered what it would be like to fly all the way from Paris to Miami, only to spend four days sitting outside an empty shipping container going ``boop.'' I would go insane. I would have an apotheosis of freaking desuetude.

In another container, there was a work that consisted of a hole drilled in the floor, and some weeds stuck in it. I believe the price on that was $6,000. While I was examining it, I heard one Serious Art Person say to another (I swear): ``Wouldn't that be wonderful in the foyer?''

I want to state, for the record, that there was also some very nice-looking art on display. And I want to repeat that I am a clueless idiot. So you Serious Art People don't need to write letters reminding me. I agree that you know MUCH more about art than I do, OK?

So YOU buy the chair.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2009/09/13/1210737/the-idiots-guide-to-art.html#storylink=cpy
回复 黑洞的颜色 2014-4-24 02:09
: 如果他只得到几千甚至几百,说明画廊知道是赝品。记得一本英语教材里就有一文说英国的有钱怪老自己画了很多画假称是从已故的艺术家收集来的,邀请名人,包括评论 ...

回复 黑洞的颜色 2014-4-24 02:13
洗心: 转发一篇评论给大家笑一笑。

`The Idiot's Guide to Art'


(This classic Dave Barry column was originally published Jan. 18, 2004.)

When ...
回复 MacArthur 2014-4-24 03:14
洗心: ...The chair offers not a weedy patina of desuetude but an apotheosis of its former occupant
回复 2014-4-24 05:21
黑洞的颜色: 问题是画廊不知道/没能力鉴定。

回复 如若 2017-4-5 07:26
回复 黑洞的颜色 2017-4-20 03:37
如若: 我非常喜欢那个馆,有好几尊我喜欢的雕塑。过几天,又可以去看看了。。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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