
大家先别拍砖,这可不是我瞎胡杜撰的,这是美国妇女健康组织(HealthyWomen organization)著名的心理学专家Dr. Naomi Greenblatt的研究结论。
According to a recent survey, “women who had sex at least four times a week were scored as looking up to ten years younger than their actual age,” said Greenblatt. “While pleasure and intimacy with your partner should be a primary motivation to have sex, the health and wellness benefits are a big bonus.”
当然有些女士们肯定要问了,那一周“敦伦”八次或者更多是不是能看起来年轻20岁呢?很抱歉,这样的报道我还没有看到,but no one can stop you to give a try!