本帖最后由 晨枫 于 2018-9-1 19:02 编辑
"We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness.
"The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served.
"The America of John McCain is generous and welcoming and bold, she is resourceful and confident and secure, she meets her responsibilities, she speaks quietly because she is strong.
"America does not boast, because she does not need to. The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again, because America was always great."
奥巴马也是盛赞,最关键的一句是we never doubted we were on the same team,而这是美国两党都无法对特朗普这么评价的:
He described Mr McCain as an "extraordinary man - a warrior, a statesman, a patriot" who embodied much of what made America great.
Mr Obama said that, despite their many differences, "we never doubted we were on the same team".
He added: "John understood that our security and our influence was won not just by our military might, not just by our wealth, not just by our ability to bend others to our will, but from our capacity to inspire others with our adherence to a set of universal values - like rule of law and human rights - and an insistence on the God-given dignity of every human being."
"At various points during his long career, John confronted polices and practices that he believed were unworthy of his country. To the face of those in authority, John McCain would insist: 'We are better than this, America is better than this.'
"John would be the first to tell you he was not a perfect man, but he dedicated his life to national ideals that are as perfect as men and women have as yet conceived."
Joe Lieberman和基辛格也讲了话,基辛格的话也会有意思。 |