这篇批评希拉里在利比亚的政策确实有道理,Obama现在都承认那是他犯的一个大错误。但是关于对希拉里中国政策的批评,我不是很赞同,我个人觉得Obama的pivot to Asia是符合美国的利益的。这篇文章的作者认为移到亚洲的资源应该移到中东。比如在澳大利亚增加的驻军没有必要。但问题是难道他认为美国应该直接派兵干预叙利亚内战吗?但这又和他对Obama政府在利比亚问题上的批评自相矛盾。
Salman Rushdie floated last fall that Donald Trump is a Democratic plant whose ultimate goal is to get Hillary Clinton elected president. To many conservatives, this feels less and less facetious.
The presumptive GOP nominee has spent the past few weeks doing almost everything you would do if you were trying to throw an election, from attacking a federal judge over his Mexican heritage to not building a serious ground game or actively raising the money necessary to wage a credible campaign for the presidency.