TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
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本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2013-9-29 01:45 编辑 3 T) Q7 L) M7 k; K' i
tanis 发表于 2013-9-28 23:23 ![]()
7 V7 {/ |4 f4 s: n; W0 N. ~5 z我还以为是米国能够以更方便,便宜的方式获得石油。 不过不觉得欧洲高油价完全是因为他们更环保,我觉得 ... 2 _5 U$ `! X: Y
, u$ _5 E1 H, p: K8 K4 ~American Economic Review 几年以前有篇文章用经济学模型估计英国,美国最优燃油税率。
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"Does Britain or The United States Have the Right Gasoline Tax?" American Economic Review, 95 (Sept. 2005), pp. 1276-1289 by Ian W.H. Parry and Kenneth Small.) u8 t0 {% t) w5 B. f- @+ [
5 n' k, A+ P4 d& o) K. J) t
文章的结论是经济因素不能解释为什么美国的燃油税这么低,文章结尾作者猜测可能是政治因素在起作用。* q+ J, O! S! y
% z& L4 ?# e. Q S. n- w2 g3 a
Most likely the explanations for the current rates lie in political factors. There are several possibilities. First, the more politically decentralized and ethnically diverse US has maintained both a lower overall tax burden and a system of “checks and balances” on central government, including rules dedicating most highway-related tax revenues to highway expenditures. Thus there is less pressure in the US to find administratively convenient revenue sources such as the fuel tax, and it is difficult to justify a tax rate above that required to fund the highway system. Second, low population density and less available public transit in the US mean that motor vehicle use is widespread; fuel taxes are therefore very visible to a broad spectrum of citizens. Third, the US has many sources of petroleum, the exploitation of which involves politically important business interests. These interests, along with construction and 12 automobile manufacture, form the core of the famous “highway lobby” that has historically supported policies favoring motor vehicle transportation and opposing strong measures to achieve fuel economy. The UK has neither the same depth in its oil industry nor a comparably strong automobile manufacturing industry. The strength of these political factors is supported by the evidence of Henrik Hammar et al. (2002) that high gasoline consumption Granger-causes low gasoline price, rather than vice versa, based on 22 OECD nations over the period 1978-2000. % L0 P3 E& j3 Q1 o: k
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另外挪威政府今年的财政盈余是13%的GDP,政府不仅不缺钱,而且可以说钱多到不知道怎么办好了。挪威政府将石油收入存在Norwegian Oil Fund,今年三月份的估计,有7300亿美元,占全球股票市场价值的1%。这笔钱越攒越多,也成了一个难题。
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