TA的每日心情 | 开心 2023-3-1 00:08 |
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本帖最后由 MacArthur 于 2012-11-13 18:12 编辑
虽然美国国会对“班加西遇袭”事件的听证会仍在没完没了地开,但已经没人拿它当回事儿了 -- 大选尘埃落定,奥8马照跑舞照跳,克大妈也早已表明无意恋栈,说了年底就开路。。。
几个负责人走的走散的散,大家都“move on”了,眼见这事儿就要往“大事化小、小事化了”的路子上走了,仿佛老天爷对于这个烂尾结局很不满意,平地忽然起了一声霹雳:中情局长辞职了!

根据主流媒体的描述:中情局长彼特拉乌斯辞职,据说是因为私生活不检点。。。 小三小四弄了一堆,却没有摆平。。。 小三给小四发电邮恐吓,被告到FBI处。。。 FBI 顺藤摸瓜,一不小心揭了盖子。。。
女主角“小三” Paula Broadwell,毕业于西点军校与哈佛大学的反情报专家,职业作家。以帮彼特拉乌斯写回忆录为名,得以成功接近将军并上位。
“小四” Jill Kelly(右二),跟彼特拉乌斯将军(左二)是Family Friends,据传认识更早 -- 谁三谁四还说不定呢。。。

总在山穷水尽疑无路处,忽现柳暗花明又一村。最狗血的八点档剧情,也远远不如现实生活来得精彩 -- 先是Paula的老爹Paul Kranz跳出来为闺女大声喊冤:老头子在接受纽约《每日新闻》采访时声称女儿是牺牲品,而且外遇事件是烟雾弹,目的是要遮掩背后更大的丑闻。
就在全世界都在琢磨老头子口口声声的“丑闻”是啥呢,忽然今天有媒体报道:Paula Broadwell今年10月26日在丹佛大学发表演说时,谈及“班加西遇袭”事件,声称CIA特工组在利比亚抓获了几名跟“基地”有染的武装分子,因此才有武装分子们攻打大使官邸一事 -- 根本就是为了夺回被关押的战俘。。。
瞅人胳膊上这小腱子肉,健美啊。。。 难怪能拿下将军。。。 据传彼特拉乌斯是个健身狂。。。

"Now I don't know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libya militia members prisoner," Broadwell told a crowd at the University of Denver alumni symposium on October 26. "And they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that's still being vetted."
这里马上就看出了“美宣部”的威力:这段报道一出现,马上遭到强力压制 - 用“Paula Broadwell, Denver, Bangazi”三词在古狗上搜索,只出现区区八条结果;所有大报一律噤若寒蝉,没人敢跟进;她在丹佛大学那段演讲放到YouTube上之后,马上被删除。。。 目前只有这里还能看到这段录像,想看的赶快。。。
Ask: General Petraeus in his new role... has a very difficult situation now, in the center of the situation in Bangazi. Do you have any comment?
Paula Broadwell: Well just to create some context for those in the room, as you know the ambassador in Bangazi was killed along with a couple of security agents, who happened to be CIA - security para-military forces. that just came out today in Fox news. But, the challenge has been, the fog of war. And, the greater challenge is that, it's political hunting season. In So this whole thing has been turn into a very political sort-of arena, if you will... But the facts that came out today were that the ground forces there, at the CIA annex, which is different from the consulate were requesting reinforcement, they are requesting, it's called "SYNCST" extremest forces. Group of Delta force operators, are very, most talented guys in the military. They could have come and reinforce the consulate in the CIA annex under the attack. Now I don't know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libya militia members prisoner. And they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that's still being vetted. The challenging thing for General Petraeus is that in his new position, he's not allowed to communicate with the press. So he's known all of this. They had correspondence with the CIA station chief in Libya within 24 hours, kind-of knew it was happening. But if you remember the time, the Muslim video, the Mohammed video that came out, the demonstration that was going on in Cairo, there were demonstrations in 22 other countries around the world, tens of thousands of people. Our government was very concerned that this was going to become a nightmare for us. So you can understand if you put yourself into his shoes, or Secretary Clinton's shoes or the President's shoes, that we thought it was tied somehow with demonstration in Cairo. And it's true that we have same intelligence show that the militia members in Libya were watching demonstration in Cairo. And it did sort-of galvanize their effort. We'll find out the fact soon enough. As former intell officer, it's frustrating to me because it reveals our sources and methods. I don't think the public necessarily need to know all of that. It is a tragedy, that we lost an ambassador, and two other government officials. And something, there was a failure in the system. because there was question of security requested. But it's frustrating to see the political aspect of what's going on in this whole investigation. So the most recent news came out was that Fox report by Jennifer Griffin, I got on additional distribution list I'm on it and it has some pretty insightful stuff in it
提问:彼特拉乌斯将军在他的新岗位上。。。 围绕着班加西发生了一些非常困难的情况,你有何评论?
回答:先给在场的人介绍一下背景:如大家所知,驻班加西大使被杀,一起遇害的还有几名保安 - 很巧他们是CIA隶属的保安武装力量。今天Fox新闻刚刚报道。难点在于,战场迷雾(指因战况交错而情况不明晰);更困难的是,现在是大选年,结果这整个事件都变成了政治角力场。今天刚得知的事实表明:其实我们在附近的CIA建筑里有部队。CIA建筑和要求增援的大使官邸不在一处,他们要求“SYNCST"(不知具体是啥,只能猜摸着写)特种部队增援 - 他们是前Delta特种兵,我军最优秀的特工。他们本可以前往增援。我不知道你们是否有人知道,CIA建筑里其实关押着几个利比亚武装分子。他们(CIA)认为攻打大使官邸的目的其实是想夺回那几名犯人。(真相)现在仍然在调查中。彼特拉乌斯将军的难点在于,囿于他现在新职位,他无法跟媒体保持联系。他知道这一切,他们有和CIA利比亚分部头头事发24小时内的通讯记录,得悉一切。如果你还记得那时候,(侮辱)穆罕默德录像,开罗发生游行,全球22个其他国家,成千上万人走上街头。我国政府很担心这一切会演变成梦魇。如果你站在彼特拉乌斯将军的角度、站在国务卿克林顿的角度、站在总统的角度,你就可以理解为何我们认为(班加西遇袭)和开罗的示威是联系在一起的。而同样的情报的确证明利比亚武装分子们也在看开罗示威,(开罗示威)某种程度上也给利比亚武装分子们的行为镀了金。我们会很快查处真相。作为前情报官员,我对此感到非常失望:这次事件暴露了我们的资源和手段 -- 公众对此不应知情。损失了一名大使和几名政府人员的确是个悲剧。我们的系统失灵了。更让人失望的是整个调查如何被泛政治化。。。
CIA私拘留利比亚民兵之事过去从来没有见诸报道 -- 因为此事如果属实,绝对非同小可:在布什时代,中情局借“反恐战争”之名在全球各处设立多座“黑狱” -- 见报的就有罗马尼亚、沙特、巴拿马等国家。。。 这些黑狱之所以设立在国外,一是因为那些国家法制不健全,不像美国有人权法案,有ACLU,有大堆的律师等着跟政府打人权官司;二来那些国家都有求于美国,更愿意跟CIA合作、出工出力,甚至充当刑讯审问的打手。
所以,班加西遇袭中死亡的两名美国人的名字迟迟没有得到公布 -- 他们压根就不是什么外交官,也不是什么保安,而是彻头彻尾的CIA特种行动组,也即Paula Broadwell所说的“SYNCST”特种部队。媒体报道中唯一准确的一点可能就是他们“都是前海豹队员” -- 或者Delta 。
所以,才有了“班加西遇袭”事件后,克大妈竭尽全力捂盖子 -- 克大妈是出了名的代表美国军方、CIA利益的,她绝对知情。。。
西人有谚云:“Life is more dramatic than drama ” - 从班加西遇袭,到大使斯蒂文斯之死,到Paula Broadwell的丹佛发言,到中情局长的倒掉,到克大妈的离职,到中情局黑狱的曝光。。。 嘿嘿,比啥精彩的美剧都好看。。。 跟这一比,《Homeland》的剧情就成渣了啊。。。

(一)这女人嘴巴太大了啊。。。 不掐死她大家得一块儿完蛋。。。 如果过两天有新闻说她出于心理压力而自杀,大家不要惊讶。。。

(二)大使史蒂文斯死得真冤啊。。。 CIA把人抓去关了起来,武装分子们哪知道人在哪里呵,只能找明面上的美国大使官邸撒气。

(三)大使官邸遇袭,呼叫增援。。。 精锐突击队(前Delta)明明近在咫尺,却不敢出动 -- 一出动,利比亚武装分子们肯定不是个儿,会死一大堆人。媒体再一报道,CIA在利比亚、黑监狱,马上全都会抖搂开来。。。

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