2016-12-27 今天和领导一起带小不点儿到Outlet去逛贸,买了几件衬衫和一条裤子,也给姐姐买了一条衬衫,给妹妹买了两双鞋子。姐姐自己开车去见大学的同学,妹妹则待在房子里面写大学申请材料,早上的第一件事就是一起递交了康奈尔大学的艺术申请材料,然后才准备耶鲁和另外几所大学。有了MIT保底,申请其他学校,都应该不是压力很大的。如果用妹妹的话说:我已经被MIT录取了,Who Cares Other Universities! 妹妹准备好了耶鲁大学的材料,帮妹妹看的过程中,又学习了一个英语词组的用法:hands-on 。在妹妹的申请材料中,hands-on 开始是多次被当做名词用的: A combination of my love for science, art, culture, and the hands on led me to love the applications of architecture and engineering to solve pressing environmental issues such as sustainability through energy conservation. With architecture, I discover a fine line between sciences and humanities that combined my interests with my knack for the hands-on and drive to solve problems. 这些小细节开始都跳过了我的眼睛, 包括MIT在内的申请材料在内, 是过于相信十二年的美国公共基础教育,能够培养出地地道道完美无缺的英语写作大师,但这一次 还是被我瞅出了破绽,上网查一查,果然有错,因为1)Hands-on只能用作形容词;2)hands和on之间,要有一个破折号;3)hands-on experience是名词,可以替代第一个句子里面的hands-on的: Hands on or hands-on: As an adjective hands-on should be hyphenated. It describes something as using one’s hands or being learned by physical action rather than theory. The compound is sometimes confused in the phrase be hands-on, however, since one can be an adjective, the hyphen is still used. Hands-on experience: knowledge or skill that someone gets from doing something rather than just reading about it or seeing it being done: They will participate in workshops and get hands-on experience leading classes . He always said he learned more about newspapers from hands-on experience than he did in the classroom. 我们做父母的,别的都可能帮不上忙,但在小孩申请大学的时候, 至少 应该多看几遍,帮助把一把关,找一找错,还是应该的,另外是帮助计划时间,免得错过了最后的期限,凡事要早做准备,免得临近申请期限而手忙脚乱,没时间检查错误。 开始的时候不但妹妹不让插手就是姐姐也一样,可是等她们忙起来,多次发现父母真的有帮助,还是会言听计从的。
2016-11-7 耶鲁大学建筑学院的第一任女院长已经走马上任了,关于她的传说数不胜数: Berke did not attend an Ivy League school and does not have a graduate degree in architecture. She has two bachelor's degrees, including the extended undergraduate bachelor of architecture degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, sufficient for licensure. Her graduate degree, from City University, is a master's in urban design. Since its creation in 1916, the college has been led by white men (most Yale graduates), but Berke follows a 100-year legacy of the school's being led by building architects, rather than academicians. In the past 15 years, a generation of women has risen to lead in academic architecture schools, perhaps slightly behind some realms of higher education, including law, but ahead of others, including science. About half of the students in architecture are women, but under 20 percent of American Institute of Architect members are women. Berke was quick to note that of the six Ivy League schools with architecture programs, her appointment brings to four the number that will be led by women. Women are underrepresented in the architecture profession — that is a shame and needs to change," Berke said. "But so are racial, ethnic and socioeconomic minorities not represented in architecture. That is an equal problem and addressing that will be part of my mission at Yale. I’m deeply honored to be the first female dean of the Architecture School, but I tend to look at it more broadly, which is to say that while I’m a female dean at Yale, there’s a female dean at Princeton, a female dean at Columbia and there recently was one at Penn, Berke said. What we’re seeing is a real acknowledgement of women’s progress in architecture by the number of female deans across the country. Deborah Berke was selected as the first recipient of the University of California, Berkeley’s College of Environmental Design inaugural 2012 Berkeley-Rupp Architecture Professorship and Prize The Berkeley-Rupp Prize will be awarded biannually to a distinguished practitioner or academic who has made a significant contribution to promoting the advancement of women in the field of architecture, and whose work emphasizes a commitment to sustainability and the community. Among the notable aspects of her career that particularly impressed Berkeley-Rupp Prize nomination committee is Berke’s commitment to public service in her contributions to the field of urban design and architecture outside of her practice and teaching, as well as her approach to sustainability . Additionally, the committee was impressed by Berke’s focus on the character of place, its members noting that she holds strongly to the belief that architecture must be of the “here and now”—grounded in its place and time, connected to its physical situation, shaped by its location.