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外国人眼里小朋友必读的100本书。 - [阅读权限 5] 亲亲宝贝 2012-2-10 3 136 redbud 2012-2-24 03:33
小朋友 慶週年 中國行 attach_img 亲亲宝贝 北宸 2012-6-20 9 2562 即晴 2012-6-21 10:26
可怜花碎未开时 attach_img 日志随笔 楚天 2012-12-22 8 6707 pando 2013-4-18 17:36
当年的小朋友们:独角兽姐姐回来了《葫芦娃》 attachment 琴音书画 独角兽 2013-3-8 11 1872 茉莉 2013-3-11 10:38
送给琴童家长们滴小tip 琴音书画 张声语 2014-2-4 8 2918 张声语 2014-2-6 17:19
三色水果冰淇淋 attach_img Forum 北宸 2014-7-22 8 72 pkhelen 2014-7-24 08:13
雜記 07 27 attach_img Forum 北宸 2014-7-28 12 116 meyatu 2014-7-31 14:16
不作死就不会死之报到季的故事 八卦闲聊 大黑蚊子 2014-8-1 10 269 瓦片儿匠 2014-8-4 12:41
隨感0809 attach_img Forum 北宸 2014-8-10 19 122 喜欢 2014-8-13 23:32
Vancouver 數日遊 — Stanley Park attach_img Forum 北宸 2014-8-12 15 116 北宸 2014-8-16 05:30
度假了~~~ attach_img Forum 北宸 2014-9-6 11 101 禅人 2014-9-9 13:08
说英文了 亲亲宝贝 重重无尽 2014-11-6 11 3406 苜蓿 2014-11-6 13:48
绝食经济学 attach_img 社会杂谈 老马丁 2014-12-2 40 7212 勤劳工作的猪 2014-12-8 16:36
可愛的警察大哥 Forum 北宸 2015-1-21 4 64 sylvia 2015-1-25 05:30
独角兽的名牌包包之路 Forum 独角兽 2015-2-2 37 238 茉莉 2015-2-17 12:26
小朋友玩水墨 attach_img Forum 北宸 2015-3-16 8 95 平沙落雁 2015-3-19 12:03
丫丫骑单车 亲亲宝贝 老财迷 2015-4-14 10 3069 laokay 2015-5-14 17:12
帝都杏黄村 亲亲宝贝 老财迷 2015-4-23 2 2590 ccqi 2015-4-23 13:37
週五的晚上,酒友們來點ㄦ有趣的~ attach_img Forum 北宸 2015-5-2 19 112 农民家的狗 2015-5-9 21:00
吃喝玩樂 感恩節 attach_img 酒庄 北宸 2015-11-29 28 130 北宸 2015-12-8 07:25


分享 不列颠的小朋友碉堡了
热度 23 qqq54 2012-7-28 18:58
138 次阅读|11 个评论
分享 背唐诗
热度 12 西楼客 2012-7-14 23:46
578 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 童言无忌0630
热度 25 就爱抬杠 2012-6-30 13:59
今天爬山,不小心踩到一堆shit。 小朋友马上说,爸爸祝贺你。 我说,怎么了? 她说,你走了狗屎运了。
个人分类: 成长的烦恼|802 次阅读|8 个评论
分享 小朋友语录
XYZX 2012-6-27 21:27
1 拿拿拿 没。。。 大哭 1岁 2 奶奶,你走了这些东西是不是都是我的? 是啊。 那现在住的房子也是吗? 是啊。 。。。。 可这房子我怎么搬走啊? 2岁 3 不许用我的钱,我的钱是以后要去米国留学用的! 3岁 4 爸爸,你每天能赚50块钱吗? 能啊。 啊?你每天能赚那么多钱啊!、 无语ing... 4岁
个人分类: 生活|0 个评论
分享 真狗秀
热度 3 老爷王 2012-6-23 03:26
http://static-cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/live/viewer:62.swf?vrsl=c:214cid=317016v3=1bgcolor=000000campaign=facebookrmalang=en_US 刚收到这个链接,现场直播狗狗们吃喝拉睡,实在是很可爱!! 可以给小朋友观看,相信小朋友们肯定会喜欢,但不知国内看得到否?
330 次阅读|13 个评论
分享 小朋友 暑假 中國行
热度 94 北宸 2012-6-20 14:18
小朋友  暑假  中國行
繞了一圈 加州飛北京,待了兩天 北京坐過夜火車到西安,待了三天 西安搭飛機到重慶,待了一天 重慶坐船到宜昌,船上待了三天,宜昌待了兩天 宜昌搭飛機,昨夜返回北京 倆小朋友很皮實, 飛機 火車 班輪 小舟 快艇... 各式旅社 各家小吃 ,輪了一遍,每天都蹦蹦跳跳,非常開心! 倆人適應能力超強,不挑嘴 不抱怨 不喊累。 不論是酷熱的天氣還是一大清早五點多挖起來去划龍舟,都絲毫不減他們的好興致。 孩子各種餐宴都自己吃得好喝得香,吃飽了聽聽我們大人聊天或自個悄聲說話,不會打擾我們。 倆小人的優秀表現,受到大人們一致的贊揚。 我們在西安每每別人敬酒時都是誇我們把倆孩子教得好。 雖然我們知道孩子們有時在家時也不總是那樣好商量, 不過這十幾天,他們的言行,確實是非常得值得好好地表揚! 從北京到西安的火車上 樂翻了! 哥哥妹妹同時宣稱這是他們最好的一次旅行~ 乾陵武則天的無字碑 , LG說我們家裡的大小倆女皇, 請擺好pose吧~ 西安法門寺 兵馬俑 哥哥在學校學過的 ,所以此行特別興奮! 我們還去了陜博 , 驪山, 華清池, 逛了古城門 。 如果不是烈日當頭, 在西安古城牆上,全家大小騎自行車繞一圈應該是非常愜意的事! 碑林來不及看 頗有些可惜~ 在重慶前往宜昌的船上,條件比較辛苦一些, 床非常小, 班輪的設備有點想像外得差, 和孩子共擠了三個晚上 , 早上景點的安排往往五點多就必須起床了,小朋友倒是聽到船上的音樂,眼睛轉了轉就醒了, 套上衣服就出艙。 前往白帝城的路上 ,擔心他們空腹爬山沒力氣 , 讓他們體驗了幾分鐘的滑竿 白帝城的小園景 小小三峽的小船上, 船夫實在太像歐巴馬~ 我們因此笑了一路。 又是一個清晨, 五點多起床 一早前往九畹溪 ,我們提前吃了屈原故鄉的粽子也親自體驗了划龍舟, 哥哥妹妹樂壞了~ 上了岸走古棧道 , 小朋友全程自己來。 在古棧道從上往下看, 地勢頗險峻。 "長江是中國最長的江 黃河是中國的母親河" 中文課本上的字句 看到這碑 小朋友馬上就從嘴裡蹦出來了 :) 看我們笑得多燦爛~~
个人分类: 生活|319 次阅读|63 个评论
分享 小朋友的口味
热度 14 肥狐 2012-6-15 09:50
昨天,全家共饭,小朋友坐婴儿车尽虾仁粥一碗。 老婆,得意地:昨天小米粥不爱吃,今天虾仁粥吃这么多,这小子像我,喜咸鲜口味。 肥,静默片刻:等他大一点,吃过麦当劳肯德基之后,再说。
786 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 事儿
热度 27 2012-4-23 18:55
还是记住开心的吧。 上周五把手机忘在图书馆了。一个小时以后想起来,跑回去问前台。前台说一个学生把我的手机交到了前台。 之前,我还从来没有丢过手机呢。 倒是曾毁过两个手机。一次是没有察觉手机从口袋滑落,被幼儿园的小朋友把我的手机当玩具丢进了水池。另一次是要洗衣服前没注意鱼民的手机还在衣服口袋里,给丢到洗衣机里洗了个轮回。这两个手机都是当场就呜呼哀哉了。 失而复得,很感恩。 想想,很多事儿,我都应该感恩。这么一想,我也就没觉得自己的人生有什么值得那么难过的了。
75 次阅读|14 个评论
分享 厉害的妈妈
热度 29 就爱抬杠 2012-4-20 09:26
奶奶来了,小朋友跟着东奔西走,见了不少亲戚。 几天下来,小朋友坐在那里若有所思,突然对奶奶说,“奶奶,我觉得你妈妈好厉害哦”。 奶奶错愕,“你都没见过我妈妈,怎么知道我妈妈厉害?” 小朋友解释,“你看,你妈妈生了那么多孩子。你也不错哦,生了两个。不像我妈妈只生了我一个。”
个人分类: 成长的烦恼|759 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 小朋友生气啦
热度 47 小糊 2012-4-6 10:27
表哥家闺女文文,现在约莫15个月了,还是不怎么会说话,只会喊“爸爸妈妈”,前几天文文得了一颗糖果,自己打不开,于是递给表哥,嘴里“嗯嗯”地喊着,意思很明确:你给我打开呀! 我哥有心让她开口说话:“文文,你说—‘开’—” 文文不做声,眼巴巴地看着糖果。 表哥还是不死心:“文文,你说—‘开’—我就给你吃” 文文着急了 等我哥再重复一遍,文文知道指望他老爸给他打开糖果是没戏了,想把糖果抢回来,结果我哥举得更高了,“哇……”地一声,哭了。见无人安慰,文文哭了一会儿就止住了,走开来跑另一个房间去了。 等回来的时候,文文手上缠着没多少气的卡通气球,“嘭——”狠狠滴砸了一巴掌,“嘭——”又是一巴掌挥过去,冷眼瞟了一下她那个瞠目结舌的老爸,“嘭——”又来一巴掌……
957 次阅读|9 个评论
分享 和小朋友玩KINECT
热度 16 同文 2012-2-16 01:14
叶子MM说:要写日志。俺来试试。 感恩节,起个大早,搬了一个XBOX 360(带KINECT)游戏机回家。圣诞前趁SALE,又捞了几盘游戏卡。 圣诞节开机,做小朋友的礼物。 是身体活动,不是一般的电子游戏:就象WII类似,但不用控制器,用身体的动作控制。 很不错,大人孩子都爱玩,有时候玩长了,还有点累呢。 开学了,就要少玩了,现在每周可以玩2-3次,每次最多1小时。 很长时间不打中文了,大家见谅。
87 次阅读|10 个评论
分享 外国人眼里小朋友必读的100本书书单 (第三部分:少年后期38本) ... ... ...
热度 5 2012-2-10 18:07
'If children are to become readers for life, they must first love stories' 十岁以后,十五岁以前应该被称为什么时期呢?大少年期? 100 books every child should read - Part 3: Early teens Call of the Wild, by Jack London Jack London introduced some dark themes into this story of Buck, a sled dog in the Yukon who rediscovers his wild nature when put to the test. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll Never was mathematical and philosophical playfulness given such entertaining shape. Tenniel's line-drawings crown these classics. 爱丽丝漫游仙境的系列。 The Outsiders, by SE Hinton This powerful novel about school gangs was published when SE Hinton was just 18. The Greasers and the Socs clash in typical teenage fashion - but then someone dies. 作者当时只有18岁。牛。 I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith Smith is better known for A Hundred and One Dalmatians, but although this, her first novel, is quieter, it shines brighter. Narrated in diary form by 17-year-old Cassandra, it documents the lives of her eccentric family. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, by Joan Aiken 1832, and wolves have over-run a fictional kingdom of England. Orphans Sylvia and Bonnie fall into the hands of an evil Miss Slycarp and must use all their wits to escape. A mercilessly shadowy thriller. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee A classic story of America's Deep South. Scout and Jem see their father, Atticus, defend Tom Robinson - an innocent black man - from the charge of rape. Atticus is inspiring without being priggish. Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens The rousing story of Pip's rise, fall and rise pips Oliver Twist as the best book with which to start reading Dickens, purely on account of his description of being in love. 狄更斯的作品里我最喜欢〈双城记〉。 The Owl Service, by Alan Garner Welsh myths, a portrait hidden behind a plaster skim, adolescent yearnings…read this extraordinary confection at the right age and it will never leave you. 威尔士人,古老的凯尔特人的后裔。 The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle Holmes in fine Gothic form: rackety aristocrats, the Grimpen Mire, and a glow-in-the-dark hellhound conspire to chill the blood and thrill the deductive organs. 柯南道尔和福尔摩斯,赫,吓人。 Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte A novel that embeds itself in the memory, and set feminism back 150 years. The human genome has yet to produce a teenage girl who isn't a sucker for Heathcliff. The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank On June 12, 1942, Annelies Marie Frank started writing a diary. It was her 13th birthday. She died three years later in Belsen. An ordinary teenage life, made poignant by the knowledge of how it ended. 〈安妮日记〉我初三时看的第一本英文小说。。。。 Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, by Mildred D Taylor A tale of oppression in the American South, this tells the story of the Logans, a black family living in rural Mississippi during the 1930s. A Kestrel for a Knave, by Barry Hines Filmed by Ken Loach as Kes, this snapshot of deprivation in 1960s Yorkshire describes a troubled boy's relationship with his pet kestrel. Bittersweet and grimly artful. The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien A wonderful curtain-raiser for The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit finds Tolkein in a playful mood. The adventures of Bilbo Baggins, while never less than exciting, are spiked with gentle humour. 〈魔戒〉指环王的作者托尔金的另一部经典之作。目前正由电影魔戒的导演彼得杰克森在故乡新西兰拍摄。 War Horse, by Michael Morpurgo Michael Morpurgo's moving story plunges into the horror of the First World War by following the story of Joey, a cavalry officer's horse on the Western Front. 晕死,难怪看电影别人都感动地一塌糊涂,只我觉得还好。原来早就有小说在此。到底是文化不同,背景不同。 Beowulf, by Michael Morpurgo Beowulf is a great story: scary monsters, fearsome matriarchs, boasting, singing, feasting, fighting and booty. Michael Morpurgo's rendition brings it to a new generation. 这个电影俺也看过。。。 King Solomon's Mines, by H Rider Haggard Hunter Allan Quatermain searches the African jungle. Its attitudes might be outdated but this is still terrifically exciting. Kim, by Rudyard Kiplin g Kimball O'Hara, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier, wanders Lahore cadging, playing and living a carefree life - until he's forced into espionage. The Road of Bones, by Anne Fine Anne Fine weaves a disturbing parable of life in a totalitarian state, as young Yuri learns the cost of speaking the truth. Frenchman's Creek, by Daphne Du Maurier A swashbuckling love affair between a lady and a pirate on the Cornish coast. Romantic adventure at its overblown best. Treasure Island, by RL Stevenson The riddles of Stevenson's tale endure. Why does X mark the spot? What is it with parrots? And why did Pugh go blind? 同学们,〈金银岛〉啊。。。。 Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott The tale of four sisters - Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy - growing up in the US Civil War, this is a charming and insightful story of childhood and family. 〈小妇人〉,伊丽莎白泰勒也演过呀。。。。 Anne of Green Gables, by L M Montgomery Spirited ginger-nut, adopted in error for a boy, comes of age on a remote island off the Canadian coast. Junk, by Melvin Burgess Burgess's refusal to patronise teenagers has earned much praise. This tough, clear-eyed story of heroin addiction is among his best. Cider With Rosie, by Laurie Lee A lyrical description of a childhood spent in rural bliss in the Cotswolds. This is a homage to England as it was, filled with light, joy, and fun. The Go-Between by LP Hartley More than a famous first line. When 60-year-old Leo Colston looks back on his youth in 1900, the nostalgia is stifling. But as the story develops, it takes a darker turn. The Rattle Bag, ed by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes This rich anthology of poetry - whose name aptly describes the higgledy-piggledy mix of glories within - is something no teen's bookshelf should lack. 爱诗吗?这是一本诗歌精选集。值得推荐。 The Song of Hiawatha, by H W Longfellow Just say something in this rhythm. It will sound like Hiawatha. Read it to your horrid children. Hear them chant the verses loudly. On it goes ad infinitum. Heaven help the hapless parent. Watership Down, by Richard Adams Fiver and his brother Hazel know that something terrible will happen to the warren, and set off for safety. Their story has implications beyond the usual concerns of rabbits. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain Less ambitious than The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn but just as exciting. The language is hard to begin with but the hero is one of the most endearing in literature. True Grit, by Charles Portis Mattie Ross - spirited, witty, probably beautiful - is out to avenge her "father's blood" in this slim Western. It should be given to every girl turning 16. Holes, by Louis Sachar Sentenced to dig holes in the desert for stealing trainers, the wrongly convicted Stanley discovers that the holes are not so pointless as at first thought. Wit dry as a salt flat. Lord of the Flies, by William Golding When a gang of boys are marooned on an island they try to set up a community based on cooperation. Some hope. My Family and Other Animals, by Gerald Durrell When the Durrell family takes a villa in Corfu one summer they do not imagine staying five years, but so they do. In that time Gerald, a boy of 10, discovers the joys of the local flora and fauna, and describes it with a delightful wit. Coraline, by Neil Gaiman This spooky story won't soon be forgotten. Coraline is a girl who finds her way down a corridor to a flat just like her own - but slightly different. And where her doting "other mother" has buttons for eyes… Carrie's War, by Nina Bawden Carrie and her brother are wartime evacuees billeted on a bullying Welsh grocer. A wonderfully crafted novel full of memorable characters. The Story of Tracy Beaker, by Jacqueline Wilson A slice of life in a children's home narrated by 10-year-old Tracy, through whose eyes we confront tough dilemmas. Required reading. The Lantern Bearers, by Rosemary Sutcliffe As the Roman army prepares to leave for home, Aquila is forced to desert to protect his family. 简直是。
9 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 外国人眼里小朋友必读的100本书书单 (第一部分:儿童期14本) ... ...
热度 6 2012-2-10 16:55
'If children are to become readers for life, they must first love stories'。 这一百本书包括从儿童期到十几岁的少年所读的书。 先说儿童时期,大概应该列为5到6岁以下。 Part 1: Early years The Twits, by Roald Dahl Mr and Mrs Twit pass the time playing nasty tricks on one another. They're both horrid. In his hairy beard, Mr Twit "was always able to find a tasty morsel to nibble on". Burglar Bill, by Janet and Allan Ahlberg "I'll 'ave that," is the catchphrase of the rogue who stars in this engaging and beautifully illustrated tale. When Bill accidentally burglarises a baby, it turns out to be a blessing in a stolen basket. "Runfrit, Boglaboll!" The Tiger Who Came To Tea, by Judith Kerr Newsnight's Emily Maitlis has a theory that this book is an allegory about sex. Most children understand it as the story of a tiger that eats its hosts out of house and home. Debate continues. Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak When Max engages in mischief, he is sent to bed without his supper. That's just the start. Sendak's paintings sing, and the text is a joy. The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, by Beatrix Potter Tom Kitten learnt nothing from his parents about the consequences of curiosity. Abducted by a psychotic rat, he comes within a whisker of being turned into a pudding. Nightmares guaranteed. Yertle the Turtle, by Dr Seuss Theodor Geisel's response to Hitler was more oblique than Stauffenberg's, but as effective. Yertle, king of the pond, commands all the turtles to stack themselves up so he can be top of the heap. Someone's riding for a fall. Dr Seuss 写了很多故事书,从重复谐音长短句到完整的长故事,滑稽夸大的形象,深得小朋友的喜爱。入选的儿童读物里他就有两个。其实他远不止。 Fungus the Bogeyman, by Raymond Briggs What boy won't thrill to the world of the Bogeymen, all snot, armpits and boils? This gave Raymond Briggs's green crayon the workout of its life. The Story of the Little Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business, by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch Someone's dropping lands on poor mole's head. Who's the culprit? A farmyard investigation is conducted with Germanic seriousness. Mole's revenge is sweet. Room on the Broom, by Julia Donaldson Punchier than The Gruffalo, this has children chanting along as a witch and her animal friends see off a dragon in search of "witch and chips". The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle "In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf…" so begins this classic board book, its pages drilled with holes as the caterpillar eats his way through the week. 幼儿园必备。 The Cat in the Hat, by Dr Seuss "Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now!" The cat's a big show-off, but he knows how to have fun, and his chaotic antics delight. Charlotte's Web, by EB White White's 1952 masterpiece describes the friendship between a lonely pig and a talented spider. This poignant tale teaches lessons about love, death and differing life expectancies. 这一本大概在国内流传最广,就是很多人都不陌生的《夏洛的网》。 The Story of Babar, by Jean de Brunhoff When Babar sees his mother shot he reacts as any modern child might: a few tears, then off on a shopping spree. Nice green suit, though. Winnie-the-Pooh, by AA Milne, illustrated by EH Shepard Visit Hundred Acre Wood, and meet Pooh, Piglet and Christopher Robin, based on AA Milne's son. This classic story hasn't aged, and EH Shepard's understated illustrations remain the best. 这个维尼小熊好像是铁手的最爱啊。
9 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 外国人眼里小朋友必读的100本书。
热度 13 2012-2-7 10:00
The Telegraph has listed the top 100 books every child should read. Here are the top five choices: The Twits – Roald Dahl Burglar Bill – Janet and Allan Ahlberg The Tiger Who Came to Tea – Judith Kerr Where the Wild Things Are – Maurice Sendak The Tale of Samuel Whiskers – Beatrix Potter 今天在网上看到: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/3670595/100-books-every-child-should-read-Pt-1.html 这个书单有很多我们从幼儿园里就开始看了。象什么 The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle ,The Cat in the Hat, by Dr Seuss 等等等等,还有很多改编成电影的。我觉得这个书单还是很可以借鉴一下,尤其是身居海外,家里有小朋友的人。即使是成人,读一些这些小朋友们的书,也是了解欧美文化的基础。因为这些小朋友们就是看着这些书,读着这些故事长大的。 这会没空。回头我再仔细把书单列出来。 已经在亲亲宝贝贴出来了。 http://www.aswetalk.org/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=9897page=1#pid170078
32 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 西西的以直报怨
热度 68 子奉不语 2011-11-15 10:27
西西才不到三岁,今天很认真地告诉我。 “我要长得高,这样打架就打得赢!” 我连忙纠正他:“小朋友不能打架。” 他严肃地说:“别人惹我,我就要打回去啊。” 我摸摸他的头说:“孩子,以后你去不了外交部了。”
2902 次阅读|50 个评论
分享 受不了了~
热度 23 北京阿新 2011-11-13 13:55
看到小朋友在幼儿园里枯坐等家长来接~想起了晨晨~ 虽然晨晨适应能力很强,但是前几天在北京时,每天我翘班去接他放学还是非常开心的~ 在北京上班,每天晨晨还没起床我就要走了,他就说早上想爸爸,晚上想妈妈(他妈妈趁我在家要抓紧时间加班~) http://www.tudou.com/v/Kj4xKLe4GxY/v.swf
个人分类: 晨晨|923 次阅读|15 个评论
分享 这个,真不是俺家小朋友...
热度 14 荷子 2011-11-7 15:50
昨天,我有幸为全班同学推荐了《震动》一书,并且得到了广大同学的支持和拥护,在此表示感谢! 这是一本需要带手绢阅读的书,因为100%你会读哭。但哭过之后,你从此会选择坚强;男生黄春荣和钟雷都对宋佳玲有好感,两人因此结仇。宋佳玲请另外一位叫元帅的男孩去调解。元帅想出的办法是:让黄春荣和钟雷到郊外去决斗,而他和俞前进当裁判!宋佳玲为了阻止两人决斗,和同学顾芳芳赶到郊外制止。这时候,大地震发生了。六名少男少女被困郊外,回不了镇上。在缺水缺食,又有人受伤的情形之下,人与人之间的关系变得更加微妙和复杂。这几个少年,性格和人生经历都完全不同,其中有好几个人还是别人眼中的“坏男孩”,他们能同舟共济,共度难关吗? 重要提示:如果你不打算读此书,最好翻都不要翻开!因为一旦试读,无法放下!此书对心灵的震撼,不亚于一次地震,它会影响你的一生! 这本书是暑假时,爸爸从网上书店买的,至今我已读过数遍,每每把自己融入故事情节,都难免热泪盈眶。《三字经》开篇即述,人之初,性本善。在一定的背景下,人们善良的天性便会占主导地位。正是这样,大家才能团结一致,共同战胜大地震带来的种种挑战和考验。 同学们,让我一起来读吧!
980 次阅读|12 个评论
分享 小朋友的故事
热度 19 晴川 2011-10-14 11:20
我家小朋友小的时候,有时候比较逆反,我们有时候反着说她倒比较配合。比如为了让他好好吃饭,故意说你可不能吃饭啊,要吃也别吃太干净,我还等着吃呢;她反倒飞快地吃得一粒不剩。 同学的夫人是警察,极力反对这种做法,告诉我这样会从小培养孩子的抗拒心理,认为挑战规则也没什么大不了,对儿童心理发展不利,说得俺很害怕。 于是俺只好换了办法,一般给他两个选择,比如不想让她捣乱的时候就问:你现在是愿意玩积木呢,还是愿意玩橡皮泥?一般她都很老实地二选一,此法屡屡奏效, 不久问题又来了,她不再满足于给出的选择,学会跳出惯性思维了,问:你要橡皮泥还是积木?答:我要出去玩?那好吧,你要骑滑板车还是扭扭车?答:我要去音乐喷泉里看下雨。 再后来,有一次吃葡萄,我们问她:妈妈好还是爸爸好?人家说:都好啊! 妈妈不服气,换了个办法问:如果就剩一个葡萄了,你给妈妈吃还是爸爸吃啊?小朋友停顿一下,相当干脆地说:“我把它扔了。”
个人分类: 心情|1599 次阅读|17 个评论
分享 小朋友
热度 25 爱菊轩 2011-9-30 23:16
佑佑的daycare办家长日,不过显然家长们不是很积极地参与,老师准备的cookie剩了不少。 好东西不能浪费啊,于是那天小佑佑就喜滋滋地背了两包cookie回家。 她拿出一包给妈妈,收起另一包说:这个给杨叔叔和原阿姨。 佑佑妈妈来电话表功,说她家小佑佑还是很有良心的。 赶上我最近泪腺工作阈值低,当时就飚泪了。 反省自己有时候对小朋友其实不够好,难得她只记得我的好处。 上次在我家过周末,购物回来按她睡午觉,小朋友起初很配合地爬上大床躺倒,但是我替她把长裤扯下来的时候她却开始嚎啕大哭。 两岁多的小人踢着两条小光腿,用小拳头揉着眼睛,涕泗滂沱地抗议:妈妈呀,我要我的裤子......... 跟她解释说脱了外衣睡觉才会舒服,不听,只是嚎哭着要她那条硬邦邦的小牛仔裤。 我觉得她只是不愿意午睡,借题发挥而已,于是进入冷战模式,躺倒在她身边闭目作沉睡状。 小朋友却很执着,只是为了省力气,把呼号一路缩短成:妈妈,裤子......... 轩进来想抱她出去,被我撵走。 我自己也把冷战升级,抱了毯子去客厅沙发上躺下,卧室里的嚎哭果然戛然而止,只剩了偶尔吸鼻涕的声音。 我累坏了,立刻睡着,小盹醒来之后轩忍着笑汇报说我刚睡着就见小朋友溜下床,光着脚丫走到客厅,拎着小裤子怯怯地跟轩请示说:叔叔,我还是想穿着我的裤子睡午觉........ 那天小朋友一觉睡了四个小时,醒来之后已经全然忘了裤子事件,照样给我大大的笑脸,在我怀里打滚。 事后想了想,小朋友在daycare里午睡自然是没有人帮她脱外衣盖毛巾的,反倒是我专断地打破了她的习惯。 真是抱歉。
个人分类: 亲爱的宝贝|243 次阅读|18 个评论
分享 关于死(外二则)
热度 6 大黑蚊子 2011-9-30 22:45
1、小朋友最近学反义词 早上给小朋友穿衣服,小朋友盯着他老爸我说: “爸爸高,航航矮” “对” “航航站在床上高,爸爸矮” “对” “航航长大了高,爸爸矮” “对” 停了一下,又说~ “爸爸大,航航小” “对” “航航大了,爸爸就老了” “嗯...对” ''航航老了,爸爸就死了" “嗯...是的...” 这个...不是反义词吧~ 2、航航在家里的时候,经常用手指头比划手枪嘴里喊“啪啪”,这个时候俺们就得配合的叫一声“啊...” 买菜归来,航航指着鱼说 “妈妈,鱼死了。” “对” “鸟儿死了”(估计是前两天看青蛙佛洛格,里面有一集《鸟儿在歌唱》,说到了死亡) “嗯...” “妈妈死了” “胡说,妈妈没死” “啪啪...” 3、另外一次买菜,恰好也买了鱼 航航:“妈妈,鱼死了” 妈妈:“对” 航航:“我们可以吃鱼了” 妈妈:“嗯...对...” 吃货老爸前排转过头来 “航航,其实鱼不死,有时候我们也可以吃的~”
个人分类: 杂谈|15 次阅读|2 个评论


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