本帖最后由 草蜢 于 2011-10-31 14:55 编辑 4 g4 }% ~4 R. _, Z' M4 R& v% Y: O
) q3 [& h; M" {. [ M: v
受老兵家史和平沙落雁的袁叔叔的故事的启发,俺本来想写写俺父母的爱情故事。后来觉得干脆写个草蜢家史,从婆婆爷爷开始。俺爷爷(其实是俺外公,但从小叫爷爷叫惯了)还是小P孩的时候,在他居住的城市重庆附近发生了一次大事件。这在当时造成了一定的轰动的事件现在已经渐渐被人淡忘了。 本来我也准备一笔带过,但略略查了一下资料以后,发现此事值得单独成章。
; A7 m5 N* @" [0 s K: T
7 R$ h9 \9 p2 \2 I2 O* I) M7 C这就是发生在1926年,英文文献所称的万县事件(Wanhsien Incident)和中文文献记载的万县惨案。显然,从名字上就可以看到双方对此事件的认识是不同的。直到今天,你如果分别看英文维基和中文百科的描述,你会觉得这是两起完全性质不同的事件。
& m% o8 j8 t1 _! V ~. h2 Y) Q$ k. ?. d+ G7 B
# E, D1 \2 `/ I
{! H3 r/ @% }! X# [3 ]
5 d9 U- t6 a$ B% M4 ?中文官方记载:
- W. S+ W3 q+ a! D; G, ]+ L8 f* A3 D
二十年代震惊中外的“万县惨案”,分前因和后因。都是由英国太古洋行(草蜢注:现在的Swire Pacific Limited的前身)的《万流》轮船引发的。
% R" T% ~9 A i, q N2 A; |* l! W! a' ?% B0 _1 Z
7 w4 r) j# _! O; ?2 ]
' u7 w1 {+ W, H$ P! [' m
2 c- B* X2 i/ D, u. d, m+ b& K! K 事发后,驻泊在万县的一艘英国军舰,将大炮对准县城,胁迫万县当局要船帮会首为郝莱抵命。船帮会首事发后在逃。英国军舰提出,如不能捕获船帮会首,就要用两名船工抵命。还提出,万县当局必须亲自为郝莱送葬,奉送抚恤金给郝莱家属。英军舰长宣称:如果两天以内不履行这些条件,英舰就要用大炮轰击县城。当时的北洋政府屈从英国压力、饬令四川善后督办严惩凶手。6月22日,当局将“川楚船帮”的向国源、崔帮兴二人枪杀于陈家坝河边。万县军务长官亲自步行于郝莱棺材之后,为其送葬。事件处理后,全国哗然。这是惨案的前因。
8 x. i/ h x6 d7 e( s
6 Z, e% N0 L# X' \ 1926年下半年,北伐的广东国民革命军在长江流域、江浙战场取得辉煌战果,各帝国主义特别是英帝国主义在中国的势力受到沉重打击。英国政府为巩固其在长江流域的势力,加紧了干涉中国革命的步伐,他们不仅调遣大批军舰来华示威,在东南沿海制造血案;而且利用其商轮在中国内河胡作非为,寻衅肇事,以浪沉中国木船,淹死中国人民为儿戏。$ N% e1 h1 s" y* V9 P( g+ \
9 `3 z- i$ ?; I0 z* T/ P, }驻华的英国皇海海军的46艘中,有17艘驶入长江,在汉停泊的有5艘(内河炮舰「比」号、「麦齐斯」号、「斯克拉」号、「葛拉脱」号和通讯舰「波里耶」号)。
6 B; `0 f% _9 y( j. }: M' E: X) k2 p3 V
在1926年6至8月短短的3个月时间,英帝国主义在长江流域万县段,即制造血案4次,先后撞沉中国民船4艘,沉溺40余人。1 \0 M; G g. _6 N& b( Y
, n" w O# f3 x; G: h- |2 L2 a0 }& s# W
6月13日,英国轮船在万县湘子坝浪沉木船一艘,船上五人被淹死。6 x9 r% \: c- ]/ `& i, t7 P. |/ V
5 a4 d5 d1 x9 ?# p# G" Y
7月8日,英“万流”号轮船在丰都立石镇浪沉木船一艘,川军营长田雨亭、勤务兵张复初等被淹死。; b x7 c1 f7 b, j1 F4 ]1 ~0 w( j1 k
+ t! x+ s5 ~: i% {, G; D
8月2日,英轮“嘉禾”号在涪滩浪沉木船数艘,又使五人罹难,6800余元公款沉入江底。. j$ g7 t* k" e
6 r; e3 i, Y4 w* g5 T6 ?
0 V- x {( S6 W, z" P/ ^2 }/ v 1926年8月29日,川军杨森部队的宪兵二大队在“云安盐厂”提盐款8万余元在云阳码头候船。适逢《万流》轮上驶在江中卸客。宪兵队长孙恒等携款分乘木筏、小船靠近轮船,10余名士兵先行登船后,说明他们全体搭乘至万县。此时,《万流》轮突然起动,浪翻小船和木筏,淹毙尚未登船的官兵58人,全部现款及所携枪弹也沉入江中。据统计“损失银八万五千元,连长、排长各一员,士兵五十六名,枪支五十六支,子弹五千五百发”……孙恒脱险后即电告杨森,请在万县扣留《万流》轮。《万流》轮至万县,杨部官员登船查询,反被停泊万县的英舰「柯克捷夫」号水兵强行缴械,并开枪打伤2名士兵。0 R; d1 N5 W$ I# V1 e% o6 O
3 e: N# p5 c: K: b3 l
- I& Q- e4 U! }, q
1 l6 D9 C" o$ q a# {8 A9 J 次日,英商太古公司的《万通》、《万县》轮由重庆下驶,在万县被杨森部队扣留。31日,杨森将事件经过电告北京政府外交部、川省省府及外交部驻渝交涉员季宗孟,并向英驻渝领事提出抗议。
- b1 _# W8 r% r: L- K% t- @. e% Q) j, Q
6 R# ?' `+ \" ]' U0 S
E8 e, p. L9 V2 y
0 K6 W& Z, P; w/ F- z$ L* w" i《万通》5 {" `% ?9 r! C- X
2 |* e5 j/ E5 d2 \% C( \' e7 T2 Z) S
2 i- \2 L$ G v* t
+ h f v% @( Z5 J* C万县各人民团体和学校联合发出快邮代电,揭露英帝国主义的暴行,要求全国声援。" q5 X0 a/ U9 q% ?
' b; [' [: g/ j9月1日,杨森与英驻渝领事卢思德谈判未获结果。9月2日,驻宜昌英国军舰《孟蒂斯》号、英商怡和洋行武装商船《嘉禾》号上驶助威。同日,英领事卢思德向杨森提出“限24小时内将《万通》、《万县》两轮放行。$ a7 s l5 Y, F& E5 I* K2 ~, n
* P9 f J1 j+ }' H9月2日,中共万县组织以《万县日报》社名义发表通电,提出5项主张:一、组织全国抗英大同盟;二、不购英货,不为英人服役,不供给英人食料,完全对英经济绝交;三、收回英人在华内河航行权;四、取消中英间一切不平等条约;五、责令赔偿此次生命财产的损失。英国蓄意扩大事态,拒绝惩办肇事凶手和赔偿损失,并以武力威胁,不断向万县增派军舰。同时,向北京政府施加压力迫使吴佩孚电令杨森“和平了结此案”。
+ Z$ @! H4 t, Z6 w! y: y: V. I& C. b! }) @
/ a8 K. {+ v5 S) F5 ^ W2 N" f1 B+ K5 c- j
9 W+ X/ q& w4 f8 m
5日下午1时,《嘉禾》号轮驶抵万县,与英舰《威警》、《柯克捷夫》号汇合,同时,向《万县》轮靠扰。5时许,《嘉禾》轮上20余名英水兵跳上《万县》轮砍缆,并先开枪击毙守船士兵2人,遭守船川军还击,上船英兵退回。6时许,英兵登上《万通》轮,遭川军猛烈还击,英远东舰队司令达尔礼被当场击毙,被打死还有“柯克捷夫”号副舰长。7时许,《嘉禾》轮离去,双方脱离接触。英军死伤21人,川军死亡20余人。 ^* b5 Q1 n4 m' u. L' B w
- ^7 p& L* c |4 M# {& N1 A《柯克捷夫》号在宜昌7 m3 b7 S* i5 _- k% a* O3 Y; ?
- j" n9 g/ x; B0 z7 ~ J7 ~+ i- L6 m$ p* D7 `' O1 i( F+ p
“威警”号: K, N; {0 S5 c/ g5 _' ^
$ V! |5 T0 m6 I! r, Y Q7 y
5 W7 e) J0 a( I+ ^
5 s/ C! n4 { I. F
+ ]$ r+ s5 X0 E+ `- I* |- D; k# I L 英兵炮轰万县长达两个小时,发弹300余发,县城北岸杨家街口、南津正街、陈家巷、鞍子坝、高梯子、磨子巷、城内十字街、东门及南门河街,县城南岸草盘石、陈家坝、徐沱等33处被炮击。据居民死亡604人,伤398人,被毁民房千余间,财产损失约2 000万元,制造了骇人听闻的“万县九五惨案”。% K0 q `/ i: R, A
, j j9 B+ K" `/ C. s$ S2 Y: p 面对英国军舰炮击,万县军民纷纷奋起反击。当英舰“柯克捷夫”号的大炮向万县城区开炮时,川军设在城西长江上游鹞鹰嘴的炮台在朱德指挥下,立即向英“嘉禾”号还击,城东钟鼓楼炮台和三大墩炮台也与之配合,齐向英舰发射炮弹。/ z7 r- u; k2 L3 R, g
& o9 {+ b7 J4 C9 o% A
, R( s8 Z' O0 ^& }0 N
$ _! I! R* H5 v 在沿万县城区长江两岸中国官兵的大炮、迫击炮、野战炮和机枪、步枪等猛烈还击下,“柯捷克夫”号、“嘉禾”号、“威警”号三艘英舰只得加速向下游云阳方向逃离,于9月7日逃至宜昌。' E+ j2 F5 k* d# x' `
4 A* u; l% o3 H7 }$ L' Z; }6 q! L5 d$ }6 \% \# B
2 t! B t* E3 G7 h
& w$ C$ u- E: C0 q5 _ 9月15日,北洋政府外交部令重庆交涉员季宗孟赴万县与英领事谈判,未获结果。23日,在美国驻宜昌领事调停下,双方达成3项谅解:(一)同意美商捷江公司驻宜经理霍特为中间人,接收、交还《万通》、《万县》二轮。二轮获释后,即由重庆关监督与英驻渝领事组成木船调查会,调查木船损失;(二)英方保证英舰今后上驶无敌对行动。(三)双方均声明保留赔偿要求,另案交涉。24日,杨森释放二轮。
A1 @+ @; i) r2 D3 |
5 e* b- [0 i/ p5 z4 U# e( k$ G英文文献记载:9 v5 C! s1 }& h9 x O6 p
7 i' n3 c$ @$ ~+ s" N
THE WANHSIEN INCIDENT3 l2 w8 }. v; A1 [4 O1 {
# Y* H! n; d" @+ z5 o2 LThe Wanhsien Incident occurred on September 5, 1926 and involved a military confrontation between British naval forces and Chinese ground troops. At the time of the incident Chang Kai-shek had subdued much of southern China and was advancing northward to the Yangtze river. A northern warlord, Marshal Wu Pei Fu, controlled an area encompassing Wanhsien (modern day Wangxian) a river port some 1,500 miles up the Yangtze from Shanghai. Wu's local commander was General Yang Sen and the confrontation that emerged was primarily a result of Yang's actions.% p) `3 |% v5 M6 V5 p8 J% }
( {( [! J7 z1 V, j+ C
万县事件是发生在1926年9月5日的一场英国海军和中国陆军部队的武装冲突。此时,蒋介石已经征服大半的南中国而且开始向北往长江流域进发。北方军阀吴佩孚掌握着包括离上海有1500英里的长江港口万县一带。吴佩孚的当地地方长官是杨森,此次冲突主要是杨森采取的行动造成的。: K5 x# t' m' H+ N
5 z ?# O" X7 Y; s. k) K1 ^The trouble began on August 27, 1926 at Wanhsien when the crew of HMS Cockchafer heard shouts for help coming from a British flagged merchant vessel, SS Wanhsien, anchored nearby (SS Wanhsien confusingly shares the same name as the river port where most of the following events occurred). Lieutenant Commander Leon Acheson of HMS Cockchafer took a sampan to investigate and, upon boarding SS Wanhsien, discovered General Yang Sen's divisional commander, Kuo Gu Tung (sometimes Kuo Ku Tung), and 100 Chinese soldiers.
$ a5 }8 o' x4 Z8 y0 K' }) m$ n3 }& i @. [+ Y. f ^% C
麻烦在1926年8月27日开始,「柯克捷夫」号的船员听到英国船《万县》轮向其呼救。舰长 Leon Acheson带了小船去调查,发现杨森的师长Kuo Gu Tung和100名中国士兵在《万县》轮上。& E6 V0 x) |# @8 W7 d, N
$ c: p1 E3 V5 G/ j; F: \% \( yDuring this period, military forces in China were regularly faced with the prospect of crossing the Yangtze. This was not an easy task and any merchant vessels that happened to be present were generally commandeered as troop transports. Upon boarding SS Wanhsien Acheson learned that Kuo intended to commandeer SS Wanhsien as a troop transport. Acheson immediately protested the invasion on the basis that use of a British flagged vessel could be viewed as British involvement in Chinese internal affairs. After a heated argument Kuo and his forces withdrew from SS Wanhsien, but the stage was set for further conflict.. G' C0 Q" q4 k- x$ g
) S9 b. C+ x8 B# Q
这段时期,中国的武装常常在过江之时征用商船。Acheson得知Kuo准备征用《万县》轮做部队运输。Acheson马上抗议因为英国船被用于此会被看作英国对中国内政的干涉。经过激烈的争论, Kuo和他的人马撤出了《万县》轮,但冲突的屏幕就此打开。7 P+ {: U6 Y8 j4 P8 m% `0 I3 _
! a* X5 e% V/ F* [% L, DOn August 29, 1926 at Yunyang, some 40 miles below Wanhsien, another British flagged merchant ship, SS Wanliu, was boarded by 16 Chinese soldiers while discharging passengers to shore. To prevent the unauthorized invasion Wanliu's Captain, W. G. Lalor, steamed away from shore leaving sampans full of Chinese soldiers behind. Two sampans containing Chinese troops in pursuit of the Wanliu collided and one of them capsized. Conflicting reports exist as to whether the Chinese troops were plucked from the water by the armada of pursuing sampans, or drowned, but the actual facts of the incident soon became unimportant as exaggerated stories spread onshore that the Wanliu had intentionally rammed the sampan.
0 ]$ P$ \! c8 y6 \0 t7 J& R- H4 z+ b# ]4 V, u
8月29日在云阳,距离万县40英里的下游,另外一只英国船《万流》轮在卸客时被16名中国士兵上船。 为了防止被未经授权的侵越,《万流》轮船长 W. G. Lalor下令开船抛下满载中国士兵的小船。 两只小船在追逐《万流》轮的过程中冲撞,其中一只船翻。关于中国士兵有没有被后面的追逐小船从水中救起还是被淹死了的报告充满了冲突,但在夸张的谣言流传《万流》轮时故意冲撞了小船以后,事实已经不重要了。
6 K* V3 z" |$ b" ~ u7 G+ V3 e$ E4 s- ?" O5 W5 n/ Y: C
6 l9 N' f/ P9 G) E$ J) A6 c1 I
Aboard the Wanliu things quickly became unpleasant as the Chinese soldiers on the vessel attempted to take her. Piracy on the Yangtze had become a significant problem in recent years and merchant vessels were regularly equipped with iron gates etc. so that any force attacking a vessel could not assume control of the ship. The Chinese soldiers were therefore foiled in their attempt to commandeer the Wanliu as they were unable to reach the bridge. Captain Lalor made steam upriver to Wanhsien. Upon her arrival, HMS Cockchafer sent a boarding party to the ship and the offending soldiers were expelled. SS Wanliu then steamed away upriver leaving her troubles in Wanhsien behind her.
n+ B) J+ I0 M" E# T在《万流》轮上,当还在船上的中国士兵企图占领她以后,事情马上变得不愉快了。长江上的土匪在这段时期一直是个很大的问题所以商船一般都有铁门让上船的敌对势力没法控制船。中国士兵因此不能达到船驾驶室,他们的企图失败了。船长Lalor向上游将船只开到了万县。到达万县后,「柯克捷夫」号派遣了上船队伍将惹事的中国士兵赶走。《万流》轮将麻烦抛开以后,继续向上流进发。/ A! H2 }" M+ M, k% W$ S( R
1 j+ ]1 i0 y8 d Y
Meanwhile, the exaggerated reports about what had happened at Yunyang reached Wanhsien. General Yang Sen immediately sent 400 troops as a boarding party and took SS Wanhsien, which happened to be moored at Wanhsien. The British merchant officers were locked up on the ship and, several hours later when the British merchant vessel SS Wantung moored at Wanhsien, she was taken also. Significant numbers of Chinese troops with artillery assembled on the shore and HMS Cockchafer, still present at Wanhsien, realized that the situation was spinning out of control. The intention of General Yang was soon made clear when several members of Cockchafer's Chinese crew, then onshore, were arrested. One of these poor individuals was savagely murdered at the water front in view of the Cockchafer's crew.% {4 s/ l. U- j; X
+ N/ J, H+ i4 n9 {' Q- y同一时间,关于云阳的夸张报告到达了万县。杨森派遣400名士兵扣押了停留在万县的《万县》轮。英国商船的船长和他的副手们被关押在船上,几小时后,《万通》轮到达万县后也被扣押。大批的带有火炮的中国士兵开始在岸边集结,「柯克捷夫」号发现事情发展开始失去控制。当「柯克捷夫」号的中国人水手在岸边被抓以后,杨森将军将他的意图明了滴展示出来了。其中一个不幸的人在水边,在「柯克捷夫」号船员的视线中,被残忍地杀害。
7 I( C* h J) ]) r+ P7 G
. C/ |% F+ @2 o: |9 @; rYang refused to negotiate with Lieutenant Commander Acheson of HMS Cockchafer. The senior officer on the Upper Yangtze, Commander P. F. P. Berryman, was in charge of HMS Widgeon and she made steam for Wanhsien. In the meantime HMS Cockchafer sat at Wanhsien in an uneasy standoff with the overwhelming Chinese troops.7 n7 g8 D! J7 a U+ A$ ` Z
杨拒绝和「柯克捷夫」号舰长Acheson谈判。在上扬子江的长官舰长P. F. P. Berryman带领「威警」号开往万县。同时「柯克捷夫」号在和数量极多的中国部队对峙。
& M9 R. u& |& Q* f% v' k* F
1 ?. t6 [! [! Z1 ~% GOn September 1, 1926 HMS Widgeon arrived at Wanhsien. Negotiations did not go well and Yang refused Berryman's offer to retain the two merchant vessels pending an enquiry into the events of the sampan sinking at Yunyang. Yang's nominal superior, Marshall Wu Pei Fu, sent communications to Yang advising him to end the standoff, but Wu's advice was ignored as Wu was presently being driven from his stronghold at Nanyang by Chang Kai-shek.7 O0 v; p9 } I* {
9月1日,威警」号到达万县。谈判并不顺利,扬拒绝了Berryman 提出的要求。扬名义上的上司吴佩孚建议扬结束争端,但因为吴正被蒋介石驱赶,吴的建议没有被采取。
( j( f2 y9 j& T4 o, w
& ^9 _& C3 Y2 h. B& f" ^* S$ F5 w
Fruitless negotiations then ensued until finally the Rear Admiral on the Yangtze decided that the matter would have to be settled by force. The British merchant vessel, SS Kiawo, was camouflaged and armored at Ichang. Sixty officers and sailors from HMS Cockchafer (I believe she withdrew from Wanhsien for a short period leaving HMS Widgeon there), HMS Despatch (light cruiser), HMS Scarab and HMS Mantis boarded Kiawo and she sailed from Ichang on September 4, 1926.
: L6 l+ u/ Z _) }* N& k没有结果的谈判继续直到扬子江海军少将决定此事只能以武力解决。英国商船“嘉禾”号在宜昌被装甲和伪装。60个来自「柯克捷夫」号,「派遣」号,「甲虫」号和「孟蒂斯」号的军官和水手上船后,“嘉禾”号在9月4日从宜昌出发。
1 O% I9 O. Z/ U7 x
" F4 B. s% f7 p" {1 H4 M, P0 aDespite British attempts to keep the rescue force a secret, Yang became aware of what was afoot. At 6:15 pm on September 5, 1926 the Kiawo steamed in sight of Wanhsien. The plan was to board and re-take SS Wanhsien and SS Wantung. HMS Widgeon and HMS Cockchafer, already present in Wanhsien, would provide supporting fire during the action." |0 ?( M7 p% v* F3 j
尽管英国企图将援救部队保持秘密,扬还是发现了。9月5日下午6:15, “嘉禾”号出现在万县。原计划是上船夺回《万通》,《万县》轮。已经在万县的威警」号和「柯克捷夫」号将提供炮火掩护。
8 W: C. v$ ^4 u( o/ v% }9 l9 [$ c4 K, [$ K2 ~1 |
Things quickly became unpleasant. On her way in Kiawo was subjected to fire by Chinese troops onshore. She made her way to SS Wanhsien and grappled her for boarding. The invasion force scrambled aboard soon to be met by machine gun fire. Fierce fighting ensued and the boarding party managed to rescue the British merchant seaman held on the ship.- v6 V- T! I) d# j
3 u. ^: c* i' Y/ ^ |# F! Q" h. ~2 E! H( W% E1 L8 G7 C/ F& ~
In the meantime, Chinese troops aboard SS Wantung, together with the Chinese forces onshore, opened fire on HMS Cockchafer and HMS Widgeon. These gunboats returned fire and during the chaos that then ensued, the three British merchant officers held on the Wantung escaped onto the back of the ship. Leaping into the water one drowned, one was picked up by Kiawo and a third was rescued by the French gunboat Doudart De Lagree which had moored a mile down stream to watch the action.
7 \9 a, e5 M, C S7 n6 [同时,在《万通》上的中国部队和岸边的中国部队一起开始向威警」号和「柯克捷夫」号开火。英国炮舰反击,在混乱之时,《万通》上的三名英国商船舰官逃跑跳水。其中一名淹死,一名被“嘉禾”号打捞,一名被一英里下游观望的法国军舰营救。! t1 `, z% n: G- z3 Q5 Z8 c
0 x5 D8 u( t: xEvents onboard SS Wanhsien soon became critical when the senior British officer in the attacking force, Commander Darly (of HMS Despatch), was killed. Having rescued the British merchant seamen onboard SS Wanhsien the attacking force retired to SS Kiawo.& V- W4 e0 |+ ^5 v% \9 A0 W
5 B% |/ t; W8 w( B/ G3 [+ m% e
8 |5 m; O& g0 k" h/ a3 eAfter about an hour of fighting, further attempts to retake Wantung and Wanhsien were abandoned and, having freed the British merchant seamen held, the action was discontinued. Cockchafer, Widgeon and Kiawo retired under heavy fire five miles downstream.2 m# ? x) b% T; E5 {
经历了一小时的战斗,在营救了英国船员以后,占领《万通》和《万县》轮的企图被放弃。「柯克捷夫」号,威警」号和“嘉禾”号在炮火下向下游撤退。7 x& K }% _1 Y* d. O. o1 p
7 {/ }( W- w9 N+ I& L9 LBritish casualties included three officers and four ratings killed, two officers and thirteen ratings wounded. Those who perished in the action were:
) A) x8 Q5 h! N英国伤亡包括三名军官和四个水手,两个军官和13名水手受伤。 战斗中牺牲的有:
$ k% a! F8 z# G6 I l% S9 d1 A5 q, G) D! P
8 Q# O& Q6 V2 TCommander Frederick C. Darley+ `# I) [, h, l2 Q1 q6 W; c% z
Able-Bodied Seaman Norman J. Farminer
2 T$ r8 w$ h5 ]7 [' x! XLieutenant Alfred R. Higgins
% t- g. G/ G* c* f: R7 T/ o
: Y& r. `/ }$ R+ x9 D+ Q2 O7 t2 EHMS COCKCHAFER
# f$ R7 ^; @; T% uSub-Lieutenant Christopher F. Ridge
% L' c b" s9 n' u, E$ p' V# \
; Y" E8 }+ G* m7 L# Z% Y# KHMS SCARAB
4 Q" u. D( E" L5 P2 A0 l- N+ ^0 U) kAble-Bodied Seaman Frederick J. Farrow6 _1 V3 |: K6 y8 n2 p
L/Seaman Herbert Haslam
. ]) @3 Z7 b- K5 N( |8 m3 fAble-Bodied Seaman William Marrotte* Y- }" F4 L2 M( Y D2 U: J/ E1 I
& s, z' J& p8 ^: k6 zIt is likely that over 200 Chinese soldiers were killed during the action. Estimates of civilian casualties fluctuate wildly and range from the official British report of 100 killed to the Morning Post's report of 5,000.
: l" p) ]! }4 b6 l有可能有超过200人的中国士兵阵亡。平民伤亡的估计变化很大从英国官方报道的100人死亡到早报报道的5000人死亡。
' G1 M& ]/ v' u% P
$ c( e* k b$ o4 M, mOn September 22, 1926 General Yang Sen returned SS Wanhsien and SS Wantung to the British. What Yang had been attempting to accomplish by the incident is unclear as he is not believed to have been anti-British.
5 r$ B% U$ I! s/ ^4 P0 ?1 q X# H! S/ f2 s% q3 I! a8 |
9 ~, O `* z' `- T }' H
' y& H9 k& `% J) p
: o! p# m8 g. K* Y- ^3 ?8 l土鳖抗铁流
0 L! m, T9 K+ ]+ J( E5 ^. t, g
! b0 V/ h; J- S6 f$ t& G$ O2 n: V) B) Y) t