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发表于 2014-3-8 15:58:21 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
关于搜救,说一点我个人看法 [ 白色潜水艇 ] 于:2014-03-08 02:43:12 主题帖 / D! ]- H6 }- s0 ]# j( |+ P' v
) q% v# ^# ]2 n% Z1 Y$ `$ @% {# ^* \( F9 F  n
( |0 i# T7 N3 ~; S5 u7 ^. F7 O) y7 x" z
4 q% J; S, a1 i. I6 }# w! c8 Z" U9 Q/ X- v3 l5 `
我觉得最能指望的就是商船,大型船只都装有AIS系统,能近乎实时地播报自己的位置,调动附近的中国籍和中国公司租用的商船立即驶往飞机消失地点,试图找寻遗骸才是相对靠谱的行为。# _0 Q% V* a$ _4 s
+ P1 a7 _3 [. o; e$ Z9 N
另外,联系越南海军,他们距离近,而且越南渔民实际上很大程度受海军指挥,渔船是最有可能第一时间到达相关海域的。& y* T+ F4 }- T

; @9 i2 `0 S. b- }: b! _+ ]拭目以待。


参与人数 6爱元 +28 收起 理由
逆天废柴 + 2 涨姿势
独角兽 + 4
到处停留的叶子 + 6 谢谢分享
一无所之 + 4 谢谢分享
nightcat + 8 谢谢分享


  • TA的每日心情
    2016-2-18 04:19
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    发表于 2014-3-16 02:44:46 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 隧道 于 2014-3-16 02:56 编辑
    * u1 H3 J8 q0 j0 L' w$ V9 ^
    隧道 发表于 2014-3-11 11:06
    ; D2 G4 A$ ~+ g. hcrater lake是世界上最清晰的水了。大约142ft. 50米不到。
    , a2 d( Y1 i8 ]估计一般也就几米深。$ E# _. y4 E% t: `$ n
    http://www.omg-facts.c ...

    - f  o$ o7 L( p( O7 B; p& P7 q3 I
    crater lake几乎是世界上最清晰的水,是没有疑问的。因为是高山火山湖,只有雨水,没有污染,没有风吹。
    6 v. @* h$ I( C/ B* w6 Wcrater lake的水几乎是世界上最蓝,最清的水。一是因为无污染,二是静,没风吹。2 L" i" x4 H* Y6 E# Y$ p  }4 r0 }; ?3 t
    具体的是测量方法。crater lake用的是Secchi disk,得到的清晰度是Secchi depth。这个黑白盘子的直径在20cm-30cm。crater lake的Secchi depth是high-20 meter to mid-30 meter(80 to 115-foot) range(20厘米的盘子),最高的时候到过 43.3 m (142 ft)用的是1米直径的盘子。: `0 p2 O/ y2 X/ S# |' B
    西藏的高海拔湖的典型Typical Secchi transparencies are 20-32 cm。
    % q* t3 ~% j' ^: R6 f: w


    发表于 2014-3-15 17:53:58 | 只看该作者
    groovy26 发表于 2014-3-13 05:54 % O5 q6 M3 k* ?2 W& T
    , Y" S# }" E. H2 {2 i6 Y: W3 R) {5 ^1 K9 O
    Chinese satel ...
    , u% ?% e/ t( g( ^. e
    9 ]+ M/ L8 z9 A8 A( ]+ k6 E; ~8 `7 Z' O4 G6 A- d( ]! }
    , q3 g- m1 y9 T  w2 f$ I0 R
    : b! x3 o. D! S9 q7 I7 ?6 n% D从时间上判断,跟坠机事件差不了太多。
    ! |5 M  w8 \( `  f( D) r. k
    - z% o. r2 M& T0 t. h具体怎么回事大概不会告诉我们了。
  • TA的每日心情

    2016-7-29 01:48
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    发表于 2014-3-15 02:09:13 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-14 22:39
    6 S9 z# @& B: w5 Z" k按路透社报道的航线,这飞机都飞到普吉岛了,泰国人都浑然不觉
    # }. v" a' V. J/ t
    ; n( g8 c5 `( F0 v ...
    ! x6 g& y% w7 k! A1 j: V
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-1 00:08
  • 签到天数: 2397 天


    发表于 2014-3-14 23:33:39 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-14 09:39
    ; ?3 k  B7 o% c8 i3 _按路透社报道的航线,这飞机都飞到普吉岛了,泰国人都浑然不觉
    7 A6 Y& ^8 D/ D) e2 w+ q. Y8 `- I- R% K- ~% u9 V

    % F# V' w# c& f3 Z' k7 i每年还煞有介事地美泰合作“金色眼镜蛇”演习,到底是演习还是演戏,大兵们到底是去打枪还是打炮,相当可疑。。。
    # m  ?' u% ]! M% R9 ~  D2 E$ [6 L1 r: s1 i; e  M) I: |
    0 \6 @/ ^1 l& G; a
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
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    发表于 2014-3-14 22:39:04 | 只看该作者
    MacArthur 发表于 2014-3-14 06:28 . L8 w8 m7 p8 M; Q
    所以说,国土防空和防空识别区,不是随便划拉一下就有了的。。。大马这水平在东南亚很正常。。。 能用雷 ...
    " a8 y5 j" P2 P, Q$ M, F; C! h& n4 K
    按路透社报道的航线,这飞机都飞到普吉岛了,泰国人都浑然不觉 & U/ Z% `8 }4 w
    $ m" d8 L. V* ]/ Q8 X" c
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-1 00:08
  • 签到天数: 2397 天


    发表于 2014-3-14 22:28:13 | 只看该作者
    定风波 发表于 2014-3-11 09:51
    7 i; b" V; x6 [  d消息太混乱了,简直无法无天,千头万绪。不知道马国的空管和军队领空监视怎么这么差 ...

    0 T" Z! o& v* y7 C" t  m* _- T2 ?所以说,国土防空和防空识别区,不是随便划拉一下就有了的。。。大马这水平在东南亚很正常。。。 能用雷达围着自己的国土转上一圈,360度无死角全方位监控周边空域,没几个国家能做得到。。。 4 b' q% R! o  D" _  k

    " ~1 u% l, z0 g7 y国土面积再大上那么一点,连监视自己的领空都会有困难。。。 所以当年鲁斯特机降红场,也没太大难度啦。。。
    5 F* n7 B7 A! c; m! V
    . u) [/ n. Y7 Z$ O4 @咱们以前的防空据说也就大马这水平,雷达定时定点地瞄着哪一片空域,还不一定能找得到。。。 现在敢于把识别区划到东海上空,防空雷达上的进步的确不可同日而语。。。 5 F4 |+ V8 q7 {% U

    ( C1 z7 g/ @) z* P7 i! a$ W9 O  F% v5 F/ c
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2036 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 21:36:32 | 只看该作者
    code_abc 发表于 2014-3-13 03:34
    % R4 A! Q2 ~0 Z又否认了。

    : I" y! P0 x$ B+ R# }在华尔街日报和马来西亚之间,我相信WSJ
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-8-31 04:06
  • 签到天数: 1 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 19:48:15 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-10 16:37
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    发表于 2014-3-13 19:34:18 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-13 12:55
    ; I6 o4 C) \' ?, q刚贴了WSJ的文章
    6 I3 A# {. ^7 r8 J1 E  ~5 u: E4 D
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
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    发表于 2014-3-13 12:55:57 | 只看该作者
    groovy26 发表于 2014-3-12 20:54
    $ z2 w3 D% _; P0 Z; w) i! |3 U  N+ V这个。。。怎么消息都是一点一点蹦出来
    $ i' _' r7 z6 \9 m& g) x' @到现在还完全没找到真诡异了
    % K% o; r5 z/ J
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-1 03:47
  • 签到天数: 1084 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:54:35 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-13 12:41
    7 n4 {/ N% F0 q. h% J我也看到快讯了,等详情出街

    . `7 v2 w3 F) R: x  s这个。。。怎么消息都是一点一点蹦出来& o; T( x$ g& ~
    到现在还完全没找到真诡异了5 M. a3 s( T) W8 P. p% d* @1 X1 m

    : ^) i$ b) e5 B. z不过要是三个十几米*十几米的东西。。说不好还真是飞机残骸呢


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:53:42 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-13 12:23 9 z& e0 a7 ^/ h4 b* h
    那样就不太和目击能对上了。假设在卫星照片附近的地点已经开始掉部件,要么飞胡志明市要么回头去哥达巴鲁 ...

      s0 c$ |) w6 u* J+ L这个碎片不太可能,太大了。十米见方大概是最大的了,单个部件不会是 24米 x  22米,难道是飞机肚子从中间剪开,又摊开来了?
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2036 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:53:10 | 只看该作者
    bayerno 发表于 2014-3-12 20:39 $ Y2 j% a4 n( b; X" s& U' U. G$ E, l
    华尔街日报中文网 / O+ o5 j# {: C2 ^  S+ B# I6 C3 _
    1分钟前 来自新浪微博
    " F5 Z) C7 E( L% S" r+ s#马航飞机失联# 【快讯】- 消息人士:美国调查机构怀疑马航370 ...
    + U* c) C  Q: I
    ASIA NEWS( D4 a1 Z% E! A& d: W7 M; S) e6 a
    Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours' C- m% C$ C+ k0 N$ v# A0 i
    Engine Data Suggest Malaysia Flight Was Airborne Long After Radar Disappearance, U.S. Investigators Say
    / C  O. f  b# v6 G9 z7 j1 M7 p/ A
    6 a! [. B2 \( f; DBy ANDY PASZTOR
    ; g0 E) v9 a0 @$ q" WUpdated March 13, 2014 12:50 a.m. ET
    " J9 e- g) }5 JU.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location, according to two people familiar with the details, raising the possibility that the plane could have flown on for hundreds of additional miles under conditions that remain murky.; W/ K/ n  S* B

    2 d, ]. L, E) `" nAviation investigators and national security officials believe the plane flew for a total of five hours based on data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing Co. 777's engines as part of a routine maintenance and monitoring program.' u$ E. g: _. R  [' R

    5 Q' }3 a6 V. h+ ?; CThat raises a host of new questions and possibilities about what happened aboard the widebody jet carrying 239 people, which vanished from civilian air-traffic control radar over the weekend, about one hour into a flight to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur.9 s. Y4 _* a5 i+ _( ~" o, i/ K

    $ [) f! f3 ^/ E+ Z& b  Y2 B2 ySix days after the mysterious disappearance prompted a massive international air and water search that so far hasn't produced any results, the investigation appears to be broadening in scope.
    " G4 ]  u2 F: s, b3 W% v1 l. K3 {+ e8 g+ E
    U.S. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection, according to one person tracking the probe.; K4 ^: S$ a0 q8 t& Y4 I8 ~% J

    : i" A* `" k4 U2 U  ~The investigation remains fluid, and it isn't clear whether investigators have evidence indicating possible terrorism or espionage. So far, U.S. national security officials have said that nothing specifically points toward terrorism, though they haven't ruled it out.
    , i; Z  Z& q. L9 ~$ X2 @% o1 N: c( E( \+ h4 L- N# Q( [7 m) c
    But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to U.S. authorities. Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various U.S. agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter.$ B8 B1 Y+ S7 f, _

    9 T/ h& Y; j3 u, nAt one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose."% s5 w: d) e! E3 c; d5 q, t% |

    , i1 I- C' ]/ i! N2 k' d5 zAs of Wednesday it remained unclear whether the plane reached an alternate destination or if it ultimately crashed, potentially hundreds of miles from where an international search effort has been focused.
    5 }4 {  i, Q+ l8 j2 S/ C; s) |# C- ~" a# Q1 }- h; y
    In those scenarios, neither mechanical problems, pilot mistakes nor some other type of catastrophic incident caused the 250-ton plane to mysteriously vanish from radar.
    # ~7 ^2 I  m5 v( T( u$ ?( n# p, q3 B1 Y- g2 l) L
    The latest revelations come as local media reported that Malaysian police visited the home of at least one of the two pilots.
    , Z, Z* V# i5 l! \: a3 Y1 h2 J0 \6 ?3 m. u/ f6 H6 A
    Boeing officials and a Malaysia Airlines official declined to comment.# Q" o. ?8 A1 k- T' Z

    1 K& I0 K( |& Q: k- r! y' ?* cThe engines' onboard monitoring system is provided by their manufacturer, Rolls-Royce PLC, and it periodically sends bursts of data about engine health, operations and aircraft movements to facilities on the ground.
    * j' w. R9 A# V( M! Z
    6 v7 L  B8 @0 nRolls-Royce couldn't immediately be reached for comment.# @8 G/ d( k- g8 h

    - c5 a0 k! j' G/ g0 s0 e" x  K/ [As part of its maintenance agreements, Malaysia Airlines transmits its engine data live to Rolls-Royce for analysis. The system compiles data from inside the 777's two Trent 800 engines and transmits snapshots of performance, as well as the altitude and speed of the jet.
    # f8 d8 D5 p+ ?% [$ x& `* y3 ^/ O3 M7 x( T! S! m$ g
    Those snippets are compiled and transmitted in 30-minute increments, said one person familiar with the system. According to Rolls-Royce's website, the data is processed automatically "so that subtle changes in condition from one flight to another can be detected."! F" e/ S( ~1 _3 u3 {9 D% `

    " O3 l, G# a; kThe engine data is being analyzed to help determine the flight path of the plane after the transponders stopped working. The jet was originally headed for China, and its last verified position was half way across the Gulf of Thailand.# e! Y( K2 ?# t+ U7 j! K8 h# Q

    0 I+ n! L# ~& o6 b8 g: vA total flight time of five hours after departing Kuala Lumpur means the Boeing 777 could have continued for an additional distance of about 2,200 nautical miles, reaching points as far as the Indian Ocean, the border of Pakistan or even the Arabian Sea, based on the jet's cruising speed.
    % j' f2 V9 O) Q# t" @
    3 R; I+ p( g9 BMalaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein in Kuala Lumpur briefs media on the search mission on Wednesday. Reuters7 O6 ]6 `- L! ^+ a9 G
    Earlier Wednesday, frustrations over the protracted search for the missing plane mounted as both China and Vietnam vented their anger over what they viewed as poor coordination of the effort.: c4 r1 j' l1 v

    1 J# E# @+ ~7 ]Government conflicts and national arguments over crises are hardly unique to the Flight 370 situation, but some air-safety experts said they couldn't recall another recent instance of governments publicly feuding over search procedures during the early phase of an international investigation.* q6 K5 y2 l4 s; D# o. W  n& B
    : Z, y, J- h& Q; D+ R: ]; Q
    Authorities radically expanded the size of the search zone Wednesday, which already was proving a challenge to cover effectively, but the mission hadn't turned up much by the end of the fifth day.3 i! F( D+ B0 O+ }
    7 W) o. ]  H; r+ u5 |
    WSJ has confirmed that the pilot had the ability to manually turn off the transponder on Flight MH370. A mid-air catastrophe could have destroyed it. Why is the transponder so significant? WSJ's Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer.
    9 H% A, U) a9 s2 h3 p* I3 f- ^4 |2 a6 w% Z
    More5 V9 Y) e7 p- b+ u5 r2 g
    The Tricky Science of Radar Tracking: i$ J% M% a4 t
    Also on Wednesday, a Chinese government website posted images from Chinese satellites showing what it said were three large objects floating in an 8-square-mile area off the southern tip of Vietnam. The objects were discovered on Sunday , according to the website, which didn't say whether the objects had been recovered or examined.
    " ], A7 A2 f' B# J5 ^# d
    $ |/ I- [, d" z% h+ G3 O5 JTen countries were helping to scour the seas around Malaysia, including China, the U.S. and Vietnam. Taiwanese vessels are expected to be on the scene by Friday, with India and Japan having also agreed to join the search soon.
    8 O5 K" H$ F, L& a9 s# [: E# f& E  m( ]2 [
    ! n  @7 T- q7 t! @6 w; ]: q  @
    In all, 56 surface ships were taking part in the search, according to statements issued by the contributing governments, with Malaysia providing 27 of them. In addition, 30 fixed-wing aircraft were also searching, with at least 10 shipboard helicopters available, mostly in the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam.
    ) Y* X0 W5 \8 E) P* W3 G: G# O7 [5 g8 o* z( m, @
    China's government was especially aggrieved. More than 150 of the 239 people on board are Chinese, and family members in Beijing have at times loudly expressed their frustration over the absence of leads.
    ; M" j9 n' M+ Z( s  Q: s
    $ A" R! H# V5 u, g8 v5 dMore than a dozen Chinese diplomats met with Malaysian authorities in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday as tension grew over the search.
    ( F, N* q* p) I. n) o
    - A) C1 @0 `' }; `3 i6 M"At present there's a lot of different information out there. It's very chaotic and very hard to verify," foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in a regular press briefing. "We've said as long as there is a shred of hope, you can't give up."0 z) U, S6 Y* ?7 A

    1 _: A* h# f* U7 P' O3 C9 EThe day before, Beijing pointedly pressed Malaysia to accelerate its investigation, which has been hampered by false leads on suspected debris and conflicting reports on radar tracking.# ?, y  E( S  y1 G4 C1 P6 U
    8 L) i1 B: f( `2 ], I6 G9 Z
    Admiral Le Minh Thanh at a media briefing on Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Reuters
    2 n# v, @1 u& r) N( m8 JVietnam on Wednesday suspended its search flights after conflicting reports from Malaysia that authorities had tracked the plane to the Strait of Malacca before it disappeared.6 c8 ?9 t& P, J- r4 v* G
    ( S1 f9 o3 C, V2 z
    Gen. Rodzali Daud, Malaysia's air force chief, denied saying he had told local media that military radar facilities had tracked the plane there, saying they were still examining all possibilities. Vietnam later resumed normal search sweeps.
    - |" f5 s$ Z" w$ g: Y; x
    0 Q7 M' p2 }- f8 QMalaysian authorities divided the search area into several sectors on either side of the country, as well as areas on land.9 Q3 R! w# l0 N

    1 g4 T: k0 W* w# j4 DThe challenge, said Lt. David Levy, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet, isn't so much coordination as the sheer size of the area involved. The search grids are up to 20 miles by 120 miles, and ships and aircraft employ an exhaustive methodical pattern "like mowing your lawn" in their search for the plane, he said.
    ! d. k3 a4 v+ q0 C4 E8 O2 {: M- S# q% ~7 b% T0 B# d$ f0 Q% M
    China and Vietnam venting their frustration with the slow progress of the mission and what they view as poor coordination of the effort to find Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Allison Morrow reports on the News Hub. Photo: Getty Images.
    * |: a' z: I. f
    , D- n1 q4 H" VU.S. defense officials sought to play down any suggestion that the Malaysian government was doing a poor job with the search.0 M2 r+ o9 {. r( \' O

    0 b) X. T- P( l$ X- g2 N, v"It is not unusual for searches to take a long time, especially when you are working with limited data," one official said.: l* r/ i3 u; e7 J8 G9 r
    4 D( }) V: k) c% _0 U
    Aviation experts say the absence of an electronic signal from the plane before it disappeared from radar screens makes it difficult to pin down possible locations. Some radar data suggested the Boeing 777 might have tried to turn back to Kuala Lumpur before contact was lost, a detail that prompted a search for the plane on both sides of the Malaysian peninsula.# W/ o4 j* u; ~: s! D2 `

    , }, p" ^0 `+ m& ZA U.S. Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft has been searching the northern Strait of Malacca, west of Malaysia, while destroyers USS Kidd and USS Pinckney have been deploying helicopters in the Gulf of Thailand to the east.5 R8 s) Z( G; d4 p, }1 ~

    4 ]6 |& K" _  D) bSo far the U.S., like other nations taking part in the search, has had no success. Many aviation experts are concluding that searchers might not have been looking in the right places. Even if the plane broke up in midair, it would have left telltale traces of debris in the ocean. The cracks now emerging between some of the participants in the search could make it even more difficult.- L" @; ~7 t& Y) \/ b0 w" \( r8 q( ]6 t
    & K  U$ `9 F7 H/ @8 I/ `
    You can help search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, thanks to a website called Tomnod.com. It allows anyone to comb the area where rescue workers are searching using satellite images. The WSJ's Deborah Kan speaks to DigitalGlobe's Luke Barrington.
    9 ~; U" `6 z2 |+ ~* |  C5 T3 {5 n. u/ q2 E" s: U5 v
    Diplomatic feuds over air disasters have generally erupted over the conclusions of the investigations, long after the initial search is over.
    0 T* O9 n' J' S1 N4 _" e8 H- i5 i$ a$ m2 q/ _1 }" c" i. F' R
    The results of the 1999 crash of an Egyptair Boeing 767 en route to Egypt from New York, which killed 217 people, spawned a dispute between Washington and Cairo that strained ties for years. The National Transportation Safety Board concluded the plane's co-pilot purposely put the twin-engine jet into a steep dive and then resisted efforts by the captain to recover control before the airliner slammed into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Nantucket. Egyptian authorities insisted the evidence indicated mechanical failure.3 }7 C! D9 d! Y  @% ]

    ! \- ?& Y3 s9 iYears earlier, Washington and Paris butted heads over the investigation of an American Eagle commuter turboprop that crashed in 1994 near Roselawn, Ind. The French objected to the NTSB's conclusions that French regulators failed to take actions that could have prevented the accident.
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    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2036 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:41:56 | 只看该作者
    bayerno 发表于 2014-3-12 20:39 8 X% b" n1 J6 z! [3 Y5 b2 w$ P
    华尔街日报中文网 3 c1 m( r2 Z% O: X. k9 a! O
    1分钟前 来自新浪微博
    6 m" z9 X8 R, q8 Q7 N0 W' Z#马航飞机失联# 【快讯】- 消息人士:美国调查机构怀疑马航370 ...

    9 L- \7 \2 c3 D. x我也看到快讯了,等详情出街
  • TA的每日心情
    2016-5-20 19:53
  • 签到天数: 35 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:39:51 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-13 12:23
    ( f. F+ U/ l  J3 c3 l那样就不太和目击能对上了。假设在卫星照片附近的地点已经开始掉部件,要么飞胡志明市要么回头去哥达巴鲁 ...
    - W5 n" Q3 ^. k8 n. h7 B9 D* u. o  s$ Z
    华尔街日报中文网 " r! {( ^: o5 b6 @) S; }6 U4 D1 }& L2 y
    1分钟前 来自新浪微博
    8 J- p: l3 |% d2 o4 B' L& z) B0 f#马航飞机失联# 【快讯】- 消息人士:美国调查机构怀疑马航370航班在失联后仍处飞行状态,引擎数据显示马航失联航班总计飞行5个小时。
    2 N+ x; t1 O6 P: r: p% ~
    * {/ ~/ e2 E& B波音说的吗。。。
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2036 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 12:23:04 | 只看该作者
    groovy26 发表于 2014-3-12 18:28 ! H8 X% q$ g( O% D/ O2 W4 {& b- O2 T
    ) @: c1 e1 Y/ A0 {% N; [与失去联系时间相隔35h左右

    ( a: T; v  m- j( V8 T
    & m# y" S& U0 X/ J那样就不太和目击能对上了。假设在卫星照片附近的地点已经开始掉部件,要么飞胡志明市要么回头去哥达巴鲁迫降,不会再往平台方向飞了。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-1 03:47
  • 签到天数: 1084 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 10:28:49 | 只看该作者
    holycow 发表于 2014-3-13 10:03 ( y, N* C$ i3 W2 @% ^$ H' F
    卫星照片的位置和钻井平台差350公里左右,他email里推测是50-70公里。不知道那地方洋流的方向是怎样的, ...

    . [/ i- L6 ]4 l3 X1 T2 C7 W) r* s9 D; D/ O* o
    $ C8 d" O1 ]9 x0 F与失去联系时间相隔35h左右
  • TA的每日心情
    5 天前
  • 签到天数: 2036 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 10:03:50 | 只看该作者
    groovy26 发表于 2014-3-12 13:54 " u' S" C; m+ u3 o% H
    % O, _# G& y! V$ }( q! t' w% u. N/ X) h; U# \" I
    Chinese satel ...

    2 w5 V  P1 g4 z6 S卫星照片的位置和钻井平台差350公里左右,他email里推测是50-70公里。不知道那地方洋流的方向是怎样的,四天是不是向西南方飘到那个位置
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-2-1 03:47
  • 签到天数: 1084 天


    发表于 2014-3-13 05:54:25 | 只看该作者
    http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/12/wo ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_t1
    7 [# ~) l& C$ y6 K
    $ q7 c2 \# t% a! R  k7 O# jChinese satellite images may show plane debris
    6 p; Y  O" Q  M0 Z$ s0 {" J% \, M, @& t/ v2 T2 n
    " i( M+ D$ d2 U* `, C& E- |! @* s, d2 w0 w+ V
      据悉,国防科工局将根据事态发展,组织中国资源卫星应用中心综合利用卫星资源,优化成像区域,分析数据,持续为搜救马航失联客机服务。& O" ?/ j2 w0 w  F5 r1 _5 }  j
    & @* \. m7 {* f0 Z6 [# F  g
    " T- w3 D; l/ C5 \' R, j, W& B
    . R$ h" y  Y/ ^3 P
    0 I! b1 |) _! t: a: G' S% X5 _/ K$ ~; f1 I/ y; [6 i

    + k8 V6 y% l9 y  _$ ~/ t4 _3 C8 h* K7 j% [/ O: p7 O+ e
    google map打了个点,稍微估算了一下
    ! A8 C' B7 s" r, C$ c红点是大致的卫星拍摄到漂浮物的坐标点,google  map的红色marker是越南油井的位置,大概画出了角度
    7 G% k. V* b0 l) l* [2 D


    参与人数 1爱元 +4 收起 理由
    赫然 + 4



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