热度 12已有 1473 次阅读2012-11-1 23:51
的, 舞蹈学校
刚刚收到孩子们舞蹈学校的来信, 让俺很感动。 放上来分享一下。
Dear Gotta Dance Families,
We have just had power restored at the
first of our studios -- in WARREN. Classes will begin in WARREN at
4:00pm Friday (tomorrow)
In the meantime, we are happy to open our doors to any Gotta Dance families in
need of water, restrooms, charging, or a warm place to sleep. The
WARREN studio has running water, heat, functioning toilets and
electricity......but NO PHONE.....and NO WIRELESS INTERNET.
are welcome to stop by for a short while, or to bring sleeping bags and
camp out until classes resume tomorrow. The door is unlocked from now
until tonight at 10pm so that anyone can come and go as needed. After
10pm a staff member will let you in all night - just knock. The door
will unlock again on Friday morning at 7am and stay unlocked and
available until classes begin at 4pm Friday afternoon.
Please note:
Butterfly rehearsal
will be held tomorrow night in WARREN as scheduled. We will keep you
posted as our other locations are restored to full function.
Nutcracker Order - please do not worry about your Nutcracker Order Deadline
teachers and their families are safe and sound. We certainly hope that
you and yours are as well. You are in our thoughts at this challenging
Gotta Dance