当然,仍然称之为故事。不过提供了故事来源:Before long, the greatest scientific minds of the time were traveling to Schenectady to meet with the prolific “little giant”; anecdotal tales of these meetings are still told in engineering classes today. One appeared on the letters page of Life magazine in 1965, after the magazine had printed a story on Steinmetz. Jack B. Scott wrote in to tell of his father’s encounter with the Wizard of Schenectady at Henry Ford’s River Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan.
我看完,觉得那个 Tucker 的质疑有点扯。而且他质疑风筝实验是根本就没做,因为他做的风筝没飞起来,不是没在雨天飞的问题。他又说用现代材料做的风筝,即使在雨天飞起来,也没导电下来。这个显然被油管的几个小年轻的实验否了。至于Tucker的风筝为什么没飞起来,那得看到他的风筝才好说了。他说风筝即使飞起来也飞不到足够高度采集闪电。按他这说法,那我们也不需要设计避雷针了。他又质疑Franklin 后来把文章里的 any one 给删了是造假的表现。他就不想想这种极度危险的实验是 any one 都能做的吗?Franklin 为什么不能出于对公众负责的心理删除了 any one ? 总之,这个Tucker 的质疑证据太弱了。