史鉴 发表于 2011-11-2 08:19 8 j1 t8 ?$ _( C: K& K
这部电影当然有时代的局限性,但对中国军民的表现还算过得去,至少不是刻意的丑化。1963年拍摄的美国电影 ... * h. B( Y) R* p) \9 H( @
O( I V' n- t& @; e+ |+ N8 l. V* L
The film gives little background of the humiliating military defeats suffered during the First and Second Opium Wars, Sino-French War and Sino-Japanese war or the effect of the Taiping Rebellion in weakening the Qing Dynasty. However, situations in which the various colonial powers exerted influence over China and which were a great source of outrage that drove many Chinese to violence are alluded to in the scene in which Sir Arthur Robinson and Major Lewis visit the Empress after the assassination of the German minister. & R7 g, w4 S$ h
Dowager Empress - "....the Boxer bandits will be dealt with, but the anger of the Chinese people cannot be quieted so easily. The Germans have seized Kiaochow, the Russians have seized Port Arthur, the French have obtained concessions in Yunnan, Kwan See and Kwantang. In all, 13 of the 18 provinces of China are under foreign control. Foreign warships occupy our harbours, foreign armies occupy our forts, foreign merchants administer our banks, foreign gods disturb the spirit of our ancestors. Is it surprising that our people are aroused?": d, F+ o! ^6 S5 n+ j
% m' I, X! e; @( z- S; l: bSir Arthur Robinson - "Your Majesty if you permit me to observe, the violence of the Boxers will not redress the grievances of China"0 M9 `+ C1 b& f# [" r) t) W
联军领袖- 尊敬的太后请让我告诉您,他们的暴力不会解决中国的问题。
5 @% t, d- v; g% Q; nDowager Empress - "China is a prostrate cow, the powers are not content milking her, but must also butcher her."
" }4 b0 U# K0 M1 i. Q6 X8 H+ k- }慈禧:中国是一条待宰的牛,列强不但要挤光她的奶,更要宰杀她。
7 b% V% E6 h0 q6 CSir Arthur Robinson - "If China is a cow, Your Majesty, she is indeed a marvelous animal. She gives meat as well as milk...."4 M* Q* \$ N; W9 ^1 l1 J8 n/ q
联军领袖:如果中国是牛,尊敬的太后,那她确实是一个奇妙的动物。她不但可以挤奶也可以宰肉。。。" h k1 f* O, P! A* m: o
j6 | z) ?; L& {! L啥时候轮到咱中国人这样对老外说话! |