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[经济] NAFTA会改写世界汽车工业格局吗?

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-1 00:01
  • 签到天数: 627 天


    发表于 2017-10-30 12:30:21 | 只看该作者
    燕庐敕 发表于 2017-10-30 12:22
    + V( {7 a' B: `3 K. G+ S4 @; w基本是的,通用里面很多技校的师弟师侄啊~~~

    ! x7 O6 E" ?; ~9 W: Q2 ~6 HEnclave, lacrosse,还有最新的regal都不是吧都是GM自己的底盘. 我在米国看到的评论是,欧宝的生产技术极其落后,比北美生产效率低20%。 雷诺的老大最近开始抱怨了,估计很快要裁员。
  • TA的每日心情
    2024-5-28 05:49
  • 签到天数: 2243 天


    发表于 2017-10-30 21:58:26 | 只看该作者
    tanis 发表于 2017-10-29 12:46
    # {4 H: U- }) J+ ^1 D( C% e看他的Twitter不用查字典~

    ! A3 U8 m4 _/ z商务写作课老师反复强调的就是尽量用简单的词汇,举例说明,川普的短句子大白话就是比O8的超长的从句好,文化人看不上,可老百姓都能看懂。


    挺像毛主席的白话文  发表于 2017-10-31 15:32
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-1 00:01
  • 签到天数: 627 天


    发表于 2017-10-31 01:24:08 | 只看该作者
    桃李不言 发表于 2017-10-30 21:58
    3 G( S# N6 E. d& ]商务写作课老师反复强调的就是尽量用简单的词汇,举例说明,川普的短句子大白话就是比O8的超长的从句好, ...
    * z1 b) D+ y+ D1 p2 r
    就是这个理~ 大老粗要看得懂~~ 而且大老粗投票的也多~
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2017-11-1 00:05:58 | 只看该作者
    刚看到的,3 a- Q4 f/ _  C$ B0 z6 A* j* ?
    9 \$ v) h4 f( h  o
    Ted Cruz warns of ‘profound damage’ to U.S. economy if Trump kills NAFTA# U" r4 ^# a6 I7 V

    9 Q* y$ q" r* f5 Z  nhttps://www.thestar.com/news/wor ... mp-kills-nafta.html# c% H) s) [2 D1 m) ?
    8 ^7 \+ v6 D; C" E9 @- ?5 n
    除了题目提到的Cruz在这个问题上的立场以外,下面这段也挺有意思。3 G$ t: L' J) c  V( U1 ?
    ) W) ^1 ^. J) D" m
    Gordon Stoner, president of the National Association of Wheat Growers, said growers have already been hurt by the uncertainty caused by the administration’s NAFTA “rhetoric and posture to date.” He said Trump was treating other countries as if they were the other side of a real estate deal, to be discarded after the transaction, rather than long-standing partners.
    $ H; L5 ?! \$ F. W* i
    6 Y5 K5 Z  K2 |- ^  w0 P) `Stoner predicted that the administration’s behaviour on NAFTA would make it harder to get other countries to agree to the bilateral agreements Trump has said he prefers.
    0 B/ j  R1 s/ Y* i. e% b
    2 P7 ?( ~6 L$ {* t“As a negotiator,” he said, “part of what you have to do is understand the person on the other side of the table. I can only think people on the other side of the table are looking at the U.S. right now and saying, ‘Why bother? They’re going to tear it up in five years. They’re going to say it’s a terrible deal. They’re going to walk away from it. Why even invest in the negotiation?’”
    % N, C/ T+ i4 I2 i, Y4 s$ x

    3 e; C0 T/ T9 o3 f1 U4 J5 N( e


    涨姿势: 5.0
    涨姿势: 5
      发表于 2017-11-1 01:05
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2017-11-6 12:11:15 | 只看该作者
    刚看到的,Trump在访问日本的时候,对日本汽车厂商说6 P' _1 a5 \/ R

    5 L3 f6 z) e" }* ~( ]4 v
    “Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. That’s not too much to ask. Is that rude to ask?”

    4 `8 l& I) p# `7 H) f" R4 S: b; n, p  }
    $ a( A1 ^/ c, `$ p& k
    , n7 E) I9 [" K1 P* E0 d& D8 |: B! R
    https://jalopnik.com/trump-absur ... e-u-s-in-18201670354 j9 [) Y3 L! `( Z. ?+ V

    ) e% b# C* ^0 I' U/ J1 J# U
    ! |4 D1 n/ A, W: n! O% O, ?
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-26 05:11
  • 签到天数: 1017 天


    发表于 2018-1-15 07:40:18 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2018-1-15 07:50 编辑 3 _6 O4 z# M3 l( M& g

    ! s$ H% y. x9 m9 j# l, n0 t刚看到的; i1 Z, r2 Q9 H* i  T  c" G
    6 }( }4 Y! \6 h- ]3 _
    Trump softens on NAFTA
    2 x; j, K: J- u$ y6 P
    . p" h3 i% k# Z5 ^; {0 yhttps://www.axios.com/trump-soft ... 4-cb5beea01c2f.html- v4 [4 C4 E4 X5 C% y/ E( x

    % k8 x+ `8 S7 p/ N$ |# ^The White House will never admit this publicly, but the president is developing a softer attitude towards the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Five sources who've spoken privately with Trump about NAFTA say he's taking more seriously the risks of withdrawing the U.S. from the trade deal with Canada and Mexico.
      v# a3 |6 {# N  K5 `
    ! e0 ]: I; @& G3 t/ m4 qA conga-line of Republican senators have met with the president and explained to him why they consider NAFTA so important to their states. Two arguments have helped change Trump's thinking:
    7 p0 V) _) A' v8 M, p' a. q* b; t- E( L6 D! e, S2 t$ x* c
    • Withdrawing from NAFTA might interrupt the stock market's record-breaking run under his presidency. When it comes to bragging rights, Trump views the Dow Jones Industrial average as a useful substitute for his poll numbers. Though he told the WSJ that he thought U.S. markets would go up if he terminated NAFTA, sources who've spoken with the president say that privately he’s less certain of that — and is loathe to jeopardize the stock market’s record-breaking streak.
      5 G, ~/ I2 `& ]; u0 D
      " ^& X+ p; M7 k
    • Withdrawing from NAFTA would harm farmers and agricultural communities — whom Trump considers "my people."
      % z1 o0 o( [$ j1 Y. e
    # S9 o* A! z  f" v, f! E
    5 Q+ D) w( y9 f' Y' z' ?8 U% ]
    Trump made two telling comments this week, which were buried under the deluge of porn star and "shithole" news:% G( U( y0 o7 ^
    2 `! m5 u8 u+ A9 E" u; Z
    • He told a group of farmers in Nashville — an audience adorned with “I support NAFTA” pins — “On NAFTA, I’m working very hard to get a better deal for our country and for our farmers and for our manufacturers...It’s not the easiest negotiation, but we’re going to make it fair for you people again.” That's a much gentler tone than Trump usually uses to discuss the deal.# G- N0 Q* Y" f6 J1 B9 Q9 `/ w

      4 \1 W7 k2 \: Q" z0 h
    • He told the WSJ this: “I would rather be able to negotiate [NAFTA]. We’ve made a lot of headway. We’re moving along nicely. Bob Lighthizer and others are working very hard, and we’ll see what happens.”
      3 b6 X/ p, G1 L' ]" ^4 E" v) K; U9 Z

    # `1 n+ Q: C; K& B9 g; D3 X3 @6 a9 v
    & \7 O. [' d5 T5 W# U6 @Why this matters: The White House will never publicly admit Trump is shying away from terminating NAFTA because a key part of his and Lighthizer’s negotiating strategy is to convince Canada and Mexico that he's about to withdraw. Trump has even discussed issuing a six-month NAFTA withdrawal notice as a way to gain leverage. But from our vantage point — at least under this president — NAFTA has never looked safer.6 {+ l2 G) e; V
    / l5 ?! V1 J+ \3 d$ ?7 j
    One cautionary note: With this president, nothing is ever off the table. And nobody close to Trump ever feels 100 percent secure when it comes to trade.
    4 i0 q- i% V8 A7 f, q! Y$ k) f1 m5 e" u- r2 C6 i


    恐吓无法再次奏效了~  发表于 2018-1-15 08:09


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