TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
签到天数: 1017 天 [LV.10]大乘
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会计的工作看来也快没了。' q( N2 v5 ~) T
: a; ^: G- B' |$ h1 }# WIBM Gives Watson a New Challenge: Your Tax Return& s" ^" B2 h1 d Y" T; Z
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Watson proved to be a quick learner. Its core skill is its ability to digest and classify vast amounts of text, using what is known as natural language processing. So, among other things, it was fed the 74,000 pages of the federal tax code and thousands of tax-related questions culled from H&R Block’s data, accumulated over six decades of preparing tax returns.
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5 [, U# [2 R& J( qThen, H&R Block tax professionals were brought in to “train” Watson. They approved when Watson suggested a smart question for a particular tax filer and corrected it when a proposed question was off base. The tax professionals were not told they were working with Watson, just a software program. & n" l. W) f2 M, S! } S/ l8 U
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