TA的每日心情![](source/plugin/dsu_paulsign/img/emot/kx.gif) | 开心 2017-5-14 07:16 |
签到天数: 142 天 [LV.7]分神
本帖最后由 鹤梦白云上 于 2017-1-14 10:52 编辑
To Remember My Brothers in Shandong on the Ninth Day of the Ninth Month
An alien alone in a foreign-land,
I’d redouble kindred love on feast-day,
Knowing from afar where brothers ascend
One is from wearing dogwood bags away.
词法方面:ascend确有“登高”义,问题是你的译法里面没有提示任何这是登山。汉语“登高”,都知道是登山,而英语ascend的登高,上房揭瓦那也叫登高,你的译法里面,让外国人不知道这王维的兄弟们到底是登山呢,还是上房揭瓦呢,不知道年代还以为是走电梯上行,又或者是坐飞机起飞呢。下面witter bynner和许渊冲的译法都考虑到了这一层,都提示出“山”字。
redouble kindred love我觉得比较怪。
后两行的句法不怎样,"Knowing from", "one is from", 都用from,这种属于一读就感觉不好的句式。
至于忆字译作thinking of,除了老许,还有个老外也这么用,难道没有道理的吗,就你"remember"有个"remember"。
On the mountain holiday thinking of my brothers in shandong
All alone in a foreign land,
I am twice as homesick on this day
when brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,
each of them a branch—and my branch missing.
—— trans. by witter bynner
On the mountain holiday thinking of my brothers in shandong
alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land,
I doubly pine for kinsfolk on a holiday.
I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,
climb up mountain and miss me so far away.
—— tr. by x. y. z. (许渊冲) |