TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2015-12-10 13:55 |
签到天数: 5 天 [LV.2]筑基
BRIX Chocolate for Wine还蛮有名的。 在加州有好些实体店和杂货店都有卖。这是他们的品牌故事:
After a good deal of trial and error, Dr. Proia crafted the four blends of what would later be called Brix – the first chocolate specifically blended to compliment wine. At the root of Brix is single origin Ghanaian chocolate, known for its unique red fruit tones, mixed with the highest quality confectionery chocolate. The result is a blend so pure in flavor that it actually enhances those nuances found in great wines, without confusing the palate.
忽然想起来, NAPA有家著名餐馆也叫 BRIX, 不过应该跟这个巧克力是没有关联的。 |