TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-7-26 05:11 |
签到天数: 1017 天 [LV.10]大乘
本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2014-3-16 00:28 编辑 6 ?9 {3 z& ~; {% r ]) R5 F& A6 Q
Dracula 发表于 2014-3-16 00:09 9 p0 i( P ]) L: R" ?0 Q* s% r
- N% ^* `: y" E0 D0 h
1 F! t/ @( V6 p杜鲁门政府启动忠诚审查的部分动机是抢先一步,避免共和党在这个问题上的攻击。但 ...
. N% l! O: m9 ~% h5 `5 O" Q& f0 e b8 X v3 t5 O
这是Hollywood Ten 之一John Howard Lawson的证词,其中的Chairman是John Parnell Thomas。我不是学法律的,不过就藐视法庭的标准作类比,我觉得判他们藐视国会的罪并不冤。
& B2 ]4 s/ P5 x6 X3 M1 V+ V" Y2 m, t3 A6 T( S t( Q
: V$ k) P8 Y2 v+ S6 v U3 l1 ?- f2 O
& {1 N5 t) i( E( S3 R- `# B4 U
/ _! [ v8 ?% Q
& e0 }6 c& _5 R' m+ }7 e8 w, O! g$ P# l$ `/ f
Mr. LAWSON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement here which I wish to make—
4 W" y! n: O+ c; J, [# t$ E* q1 B; R
The CHAIRMAN. Well, all right, let me see your statement.- N+ W7 D5 f7 {: M( s
1 d/ G$ k. i/ B0 }0 w, r(Statement handed to the chairman.)
) h& Y3 A0 `. @ h7 Z: x* b" p, [1 D0 W/ }, f, x; V" E* `
The CHAIRMAN. I don’t care to read any more of the statement. The statement will not be read. I read the first line.
% P J7 D1 z. ~' s) R$ \ s: v' A
% u; a( |8 |4 k! m' o7 I# i6 OMr. LAWSON. You have spent 1 week vilifying me before the American public—9 B. v8 h. ]+ E l5 d# w( p M: ?
/ V* q# p6 Q! T% x$ N( l' KThe CHAIRMAN. Just a minute—) }9 O- T0 W, s$ T" S# a
* V, t; Q$ V) {7 B3 X$ R4 bMr. LAWSON. And you refuse to allow me to make a statement on my rights as an American citizen.
) Z, Y; b7 h" V/ U b7 \& j( H
3 Y1 v& j2 D# |5 N* d2 O$ r* |The CHAIRMAN. I refuse you to make the statement, because of the first sentence in your statement. That statement is not pertinent to the inquiry.2 J. M- l4 ?* q$ n9 e" Z& ^
& S" q7 ?/ c8 `4 G
Now, this is a congressional committee— a congressional committee set up by law. We must have orderly procedure, and we are going to have orderly procedure.
3 M. M8 t: N4 |9 J7 s# M
- d# t* H' H$ u8 p* CMr. Stripling, identify the witness.
- L3 b, J6 ]3 P% q
' n4 _( C. J6 j2 Y5 EMr. LAWSON. The rights of American citizens are important in this room here, and I intend to stand up for those rights, Congressman Thomas.
: `9 i) f$ O. U! a. E
: z$ R; a7 _! T! h, OMr. STRIPLING. Mr. Lawson, will you state your full name, please?
) `; F9 N( P7 b7 g% v
! D, Z+ D& q% q0 f* H, T+ k: qMr. LAWSON. I wish to protest against the unwillingness of this committee to read a statement, when you permitted Mr. Warner, Mr. Mayer, and others to read statements in this room., T, |) y, g* v6 M6 ^1 V
5 Z* t& B# z0 i1 Q5 Z! FMy name is John Howard Lawson. . . .1 v% D0 S: A( b8 v l
s7 k, C- u8 e3 @( uMr. STRIPLING. What is your occupation, Mr. Lawson?
# N! B; Z: o1 _8 Y0 h+ Z g; \4 Z) `
Mr. LAWSON. I am a writer.
0 m3 \! x6 n. a. i5 r& n" Z, `7 e
- q" w s6 |6 g' j. z" jMr. STRIPLING. How long have you been a writer?9 B3 V9 ]2 ]0 O/ }5 a1 {6 ?& m
1 r; C9 L W( s3 c8 E7 L, v5 bMr. LAWSON. All my life—at least 35 years—my adult life.% }" G, l( w* z4 y, T3 a( s
9 L* v) ~& K7 D4 L8 kMr. STRIPLING. Are you a member of the Screen Writers Guild?
5 ]0 a V2 _- P) w0 T) T2 H
8 |5 P9 I- u- K% UMr. LAWSON. The raising of any question here in regard to membership, political beliefs, or affiliation—; S9 ^7 x p. N2 H4 N& p" _3 B6 G4 M
' K. ^% o( s9 h/ [; l2 `% D- cMr. STRIPLING. Mr. Chairman—
' O% `# z. c' x+ g% h) Y+ A+ X. B( C! i4 F1 l. K& W$ i6 D5 u
Mr. LAWSON. Is absolutely beyond the powers of this committee.% L5 |6 d% S9 h7 t
" Q, t! {; l$ C! {2 H5 e. D! j+ {Mr. STRIPLING. Mr. Chairman—2 H# ?7 b. O/ l: Y
6 F1 v( b) W8 g' A9 eMr. LAWSON. But—
* h- U0 ^. W9 ?1 I& }- q4 W7 J' U1 [7 j6 G
(The chairman pounding gavel.)
' N$ T5 Y1 {7 `7 K/ v8 M% Z: {3 ?! Y5 I9 B
Mr. LAWSON. It is a matter of public record that I am a member of the Screen Writers Guild.
! R! }+ e( `/ N3 t- ?
. e2 B& r E; f) n ]) f8 B0 M$ UMr. STRIPLING. I ask—$ z8 l4 o6 E/ h3 ^7 i
; q5 w* m; p1 O* g; k
3 J& k3 l8 b. p K9 I0 o! z
6 V% y. Q- C2 d8 XThe CHAIRMAN. I want to caution the people in the audience: You are the guests of this committee and you will have to maintain order at all times. I do not care for any applause or any demonstrations of one kind or another.
% `: K4 p. f1 Z! Q& F; K# P1 \* g* g* K) m7 n
Mr. STRIPLING. Now, Mr. Chairman, I am also going to request that you instruct the witness to be responsive to the questions.
1 Y+ `8 X1 k1 d; {" n5 H' q
* E# T3 [1 V6 g9 oThe CHAIRMAN. I think the witness will be more responsive to the questions.2 ~$ A- \. A* v! p" o
% ~- S7 ?: L+ oMr. LAWSON. Mr. Chairman, you permitted—' `- y* s, r! H+ q
# }+ K( {+ a$ k h" r& dThe CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). Never mind—
6 A8 D' [* O- ^9 T: `1 `! \' R% {3 V$ q% o
Mr. LAWSON (continuing). Witnesses in this room to make answers of three or four or five hundred words to questions here.& m$ \& Q3 f. g- l1 [6 V& J
/ D- Z% Y9 ?) n x2 W
The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Lawson, you will please be responsive to these questions and not continue to try to disrupt these hearings.
: [8 ^7 a! h' a7 k
9 c6 ~1 f% M1 MMr. LAWSON. I am not on trial here, Mr. Chairman. This committee is on trial here before the American people. Let us get that straight.
7 }" w( ?' q5 {5 z& R. K" N5 B3 D7 {7 c6 w% @
The CHAIRMAN. We don’t want you to be on trial.* \, l4 P: a' R, v* k
/ o) S) l _# u9 H0 A% z4 wMr. STRIPLING. Mr. Lawson, how long have you been a member of the Screen Writers Guild?
% W* C* j- C! P4 J8 F
1 n: b# f6 t; a) t# W. m bMr. LAWSON. Since it was founded in its present form, in 1933.
+ }* W* @& a3 p1 e. \
+ L \% T; ~9 c) ]" xMr. STRIPLING. Have you ever held any office in the guild?
2 k* q( t/ i9 F7 C. h# k
* O( l4 I. H, {6 I% w( @% {2 NMr. LAWSON. The question of whether I have held office is also a question which is beyond the purview of this Committee.. w1 i) |1 N6 D$ Y# f
% u* o o2 L7 `" M(The chairman pounding gavel.)4 X5 `$ b5 I- a* w& H3 p
7 W$ m# f$ m* ?3 ?+ N; X
Mr. LAWSON. It is an invasion of the right of association under the Bill of Rights of this country./ P% \0 h; Q7 I3 G/ g
3 w7 ` O4 j! g$ e, O. S% e$ J9 s5 K9 kThe CHAIRMAN. Please be responsive to the question.
" o) f/ y0 p0 P, w$ s0 S( {7 i# L4 G8 a, e) l& l4 Z5 p8 A
Mr. LAWSON. It is also a matter—- ^+ C+ \) u. |+ J- W8 M
) L4 N2 P7 [* Z* E( x- {! `% _
(The chairman pounding gavel.)& F# C3 S2 b! b) c1 w. R6 }7 {; H0 O: r
' W% O2 F0 Q2 e3 y5 a8 TMr. LAWSON. Of public record—' d5 m: O# j6 B; T' a( w: D
# }; L) r/ L7 E ~7 T# W/ NThe CHAIRMAN. You asked to be heard. Through your attorney, you asked to be heard, and we want you to be heard. And if you don’t care to be heard, then we will excuse you and we will put the record in without your answers.! v* ~2 b; _ j8 Z' u
l: v. z# v" V7 m) u4 BMr. LAWSON. I wish to frame my own answers to your questions, Mr. Chairman, and I intend to do so.
1 l2 \/ ~) W+ b3 n B" y6 }: o
% [+ R) s9 E" n! f. . . .
# t+ d/ C) e) |' s0 X- N; n( x3 | M& T* P: L0 e. G
Mr. LAWSON. It is absolutely beyond the power of this committee to inquire into my association in any organization.$ O) K! B H2 o L% t+ s
, z F/ Z5 p% Y4 RThe CHAIRMAN. Mr. Lawson, you will have to stop or you will leave the witness stand. And you will leave the witness stand because you are in contempt. That is why you will leave the witness stand. And if you are just trying to force me to put you in contempt, you won’t have to try much harder. You know what has happened to a lot of people that have been in contempt of this committee this year, don’t you?7 f0 S$ ]: o L
3 O2 j$ ~) {9 u5 |8 Z
Mr. LAWSON. I am glad you have made it perfectly clear that you are going to threaten and intimidate the witnesses, Mr. Chairman.' _: v; J- c5 o; a* h) L, r4 k1 N
( b6 l. D+ M9 |& n: M( a
(The chairman pounding gavel.)
+ G) V% h! u, D" I
1 M/ b( S/ X1 y3 y$ q& JMr. LAWSON. I am an American and I am not at all easy to intimidate, and don’t think I am.- w5 v3 v3 ?" I7 Y; z1 T
+ l* x' f0 j, ]$ M/ M& L(The chairman pounding gavel.)4 g: l5 K% Q5 \- N: g
! K+ @7 I3 E1 k$ E1 \) Z! G8 n
. . . .( J1 A2 i: V, T M
' ^/ o9 [2 A( i, rThe CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). Mr. Lawson, just quiet down again.
1 u |8 |' |: R/ }5 g5 A' j
4 D) T* Z. h" x5 l) U& }+ ?2 sMr. Lawson, the most pertinent question that we can ask is whether or not you have ever been a member of the Communist Party. Now, do you care to answer that question?
4 `, W2 T! f8 x1 P7 Y8 n4 S2 C3 L6 D! V$ s) F( t
Mr. LAWSON. You are using the old technique, which was used in Hitler Germany in order to create a scare here—2 E- {% }; p$ k4 x/ R
5 _2 q u! }# k! @4 U3 S8 |The CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). Oh—
" i; x1 ]* [0 M9 D! x
8 L' G( r3 x! R8 y1 f. wMr. LAWSON. In order to create an entirely false atmosphere in which this hearing is conducted—
# f0 b" [; P4 s) _: w5 T, S$ [7 ~, U( P O8 u Q7 l9 m' _% u/ e% E
(The chairman pounding gavel.)
( R$ @+ y* B* k: o" a# D
4 v" |; b" M2 P% g. . .
4 Q4 O) E8 p: [$ U5 R/ C s: t: }% h+ ^& F0 j
The CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). Excuse the witness—
- j& {2 o+ P7 B# T% d6 b4 B/ Y1 m: Z9 q1 M) h
Mr. LAWSON. As they do from what I have written.
8 P7 }. v1 [3 i8 v1 n) G- G% A& ^5 t% g% l9 y4 B
The CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). Stand away from the stand— t4 |. u$ Y; }8 p; ]
6 Z/ T/ Y! y, d0 _. j8 I% x1 aMr. LAWSON. I have written Americanism for many years, and I shall continue to fight for the Bill of Rights, which you are trying to destroy.
- t% X& z/ V) I1 H- Z1 ~/ I f7 }
* W1 b+ l* G3 S( FThe CHAIRMAN. Officers, take this man away from the stand—' v4 h% x# c" L6 ]
6 E9 b5 n1 b! t6 B9 X) s
[Applause and boos.]0 S- o# M( a1 p, A
& `; K) D$ \& @% m
The CHAIRMAN (pounding gavel). There will be no demonstrations. No demonstrations, for or against. Everyone will please be seated. .
8 v, q4 `6 U5 c- {/ \
3 Q+ S. g: r+ \+ K% D2 H2 m n. C4 P