芝娜道﹕『下面一首是RED AFTERGLOW﹕
3 G9 P: f7 S8 x% P3 N7 p1) Lo, the red afterglow,+ S: N- O6 y9 m
Against the sky blue!
8 a/ w: V& P* ~% r$ P. q3 A Is it the blush of Heaven, ) [. Z. T$ s. e! ~
As on a maiden's cheeks, 6 t2 o) A4 k: @9 Y4 M- Q" p
When she catches sight
) D( b5 E3 `# ^0 j9 r% L- d8 D Of her coming lover?" u- k6 ?/ W3 e. v: N' [6 B) v6 ?
2) Lo, the red afterglow,4 e8 Y/ Z, k: G- [8 o
Against the sky blue!
' y! P9 e! F- m' X6 s9 B Is it the fire of bivouac
2 x& v, J! T1 j$ [4 G0 g Kindled by Nymphs and Naiads0 ]9 e9 L1 h' @! x' J
On the banks of Milky Way
7 }( Q h! s- e/ d+ Y# c8 { Holding a celestial picnic?: D6 S' y2 b- K, O% o" h
3) Lo, the red afterglow,
* Z2 I/ e$ C, X9 C! S7 n# a: ` Against the sky blue!, O3 n0 u+ E* p. u4 V% E, r, Y6 d9 x
Is it the ruddy gauze veil
) w( z9 D9 ]) e* l- } That veiled the face of Juno
% X/ }( G1 ], B: n; v On her holy nuptial day' p# V9 t0 h4 W- m9 e- A
When she married Jupiter?
2 L& l8 }7 d3 I0 B4) Lo, the red afterglow,
6 @3 k$ r5 C- `, ^! M6 x Against the sky blue!
3 G U* v- @) z2 Z0 t1 v' b Is it the fire of Mt. Olympus, r1 P' S$ t7 }; C- [ m# P7 K
Stolen by noble Prometheus,6 Y H5 Q# \4 E. U
And in his careless down-flight8 \# H7 o; |7 z2 w; q
Set the fleecy clouds aflame?' T3 ~3 {0 C- x
5) Lo, the red afterglow,: b. A( o% G. t4 F @% E5 c; {
Against the sky blue!
# r0 c$ M; ^5 e( r2 C5 e Is it the blood of the heroes$ l, J9 n" P2 C7 c( _6 }# Y
That died on battlefields: r. B: V8 e- n0 V
In the sacred defense
7 t v' @6 }% e7 ^2 y Of their dear motherland?
2 |' U3 ?& E, s y6) Lo, the red afterglow,
6 F( }6 l5 x2 }: k! T, c3 \ against the sky blue!* ~; | t" ~% [& d
If it the Isle of Coral
( V& \$ e4 S1 a) ], l* T Removed by a white witch
* F$ N9 _. y8 V From the Pacific deep
, k: a* b* ~- z To the heavens above?8 \- ~- ^1 Z1 K" H+ P- p
7) Lo, the red afterglow,5 n% ~, O' x4 B( P0 C8 d
Against the sky blue!9 I7 y- d2 D$ N) ?" v X6 K2 V" X
Is it a cluster of peach trees,
( e% A" J6 N7 v. R( S Their blossoms in full bloom,: m! G% P0 j% n/ @" q
Grown by the daughters of God
. {7 V2 E3 c- l1 I And watered with nectar?
& Y: p7 O/ a) D w8) Lo, the red afterglow,, F1 x( Y/ J. \7 r! ?1 C
Against the sky blue!
9 p0 s3 ^" A) h k% m Is it Flora's rouge
- ?- m+ d- O' |& F: ^% d7 q Spread all over the sky
+ _$ Z% C$ R1 e \ By her frightened maids
4 W/ x: H' i2 Q2 Z' a$ G: t% H. ` In escape from her anger?
! c8 l+ M6 b# G2 x9) Lo, the red afterglow,: z' g' O5 s& E5 `- ~
Against the sky blue!3 @7 }! G- l2 s+ J: O
Is it a large piece of sponge
% ^# f3 \5 S" Q) U Soaked through with claret9 l* w" h5 N% f, e# ~
Upset from the Holy Grail
0 Y' W6 R' Y" U2 c. x2 S* h By a rash cosmic pilot?』
! [1 C5 r" |8 w8 ^* n0 B& |1 a文倩道﹕『這首詩裡詩人表現出豐富的想像力。他把晚霞比喻成各種東西﹔一會兒
7 L$ Z9 V7 U3 P7 i3 @比作天公的赧顏﹐一會兒比作銀河畔的篝火﹐又比作希臘女神臉上的紅色面紗﹐又
* o6 a) U6 y' U& A) }9 u; g比作移向天上的紅珊瑚島﹐再比作花神的胭脂被侍女打翻而把晚霞染紅。最後一節- }4 `$ D+ V j. P+ d; N
裡﹐詩人把晚霞比作一塊浸透了紅色酒的大海綿﹐而這紅色的酒是一個魯莽的宇宙! Y6 \7 u8 ^2 `1 t5 |
飛航員撞翻了天上的聖杯而流出來的。』盛靳云說﹕『詩本來就是想像的產物﹐語, I; v4 y! y+ b1 e% v( s
言文字描述的最高境界。』芝娜又翻過幾頁道﹕『這裡有一首辛棄疾「采桑子」詞% Q6 s$ I, B+ L; W# V$ m
0 R! T7 E" M( V 而今識盡愁滋味﹐怕上層樓。怕上層樓﹐卻道天涼好個秋。」其英譯為﹕3 B; {0 `4 n0 c# g8 s
When young, I don't have any notions what woes really mean,
/ q3 e% |- P% N; A( D- O Just love to get on floors so high.
5 z9 y' d% D+ A; X1 l1 y% X Just love to get on floors so high,
3 S* \6 r8 t1 R- |0 QTo write new poems, I try to say the words of woe and spleen.
5 h0 H. S( C) Y1 \) j$ i+ N- u
) F" L0 D$ |6 {, @' u: n* \But now I fully have ideas of what woe really is,
; H/ e( ?1 b' e- }6 U% y Afraid to get on floors so high. + p* I: H0 Z/ i+ d! M" ?% h' _( p
Afraid to get on floors so high,8 Y R& N# ~3 x+ @+ V+ }; Z. u
I only say in poems how good and cool the Autumn is.』
6 n& B" Z1 ?& Z彥君道﹕『譯者根據詞的長短句特點﹐也分別譯成長短句。長句六個半音步﹐短句1 ~. F: x) h! x2 E, l& s/ [2 _. z
. S/ @5 [ ]$ B+ N2 Y5 W你別對龍彈琴了。』盛靳云問﹕『有何出典﹖』張明生道﹕『我屬龍。』芝娜笑道﹕
v' L9 ^, i, T; O) [『那我們以後可用一套十二句成語﹕對鼠彈琴﹐對虎彈琴等。但別忘先問對方的生( m9 s6 M% O; r; F
肖是什麼。』說得大家都笑起來。盛靳云說﹕『原詩後半闋裡是「欲語還休」﹐不6 C; a( g& O+ X" Q& _ ?
# [5 L9 I! B1 I" k- x. j抄本。』彥君道﹕『這首譯詞尚有可修改之處。』張明生道﹕『你的魄力到不小﹐9 N' L2 O( X4 m( Y6 c
+ j$ N0 _8 ~) q1 Y" V們前人的詩嗎﹖當然﹐改好改壞又作別論。』張明生笑道﹕『那你準備改好﹐還是
9 [) P5 R: Z* J8 p& R改壞﹖』彥君道﹕『我還沒改呢﹐怎知好壞。且改別人詩的人主觀上都想改好﹐只
{ Z/ X1 y% e3 ]是由於功力不逮古人﹐反而改壞了。有趣的是﹐有時改壞了﹐自己還不知道﹐卻沾
( ~8 _5 C/ ]7 Z; Q5 W4 X沾自喜﹐以為在文壇上立下了不世奇功。』對這篇謬論﹐大家禁不住笑起來。張明& O- H7 j' t. y+ `* y' P# D8 F9 R
1 X. w3 L- [$ G8 Z一回合結束。讓我們再看下面的吧。散文部份的第一篇題為ON ODIPUS﹕
- j% }/ M" U( N7 g: lPoor Odipus, a scapegoat he was! Accused of three great crimes, he 9 c0 f, |9 ?3 R5 l4 e0 F% @
suffered a terrible tragic death ----a punishment inflicted on him by
. T3 K! c; K0 k1 E! {0 }* gthe gods on Olympus. When he learned his fate decided by the almighty
+ n. x9 D% W0 m! ogods to kill his father, marry his mother and bring destruction on his
5 n% D; Q- c- e% znative city, he wished to escape from it. But destiny was unavoidable,and + d4 y9 b p F0 L
unawares he fulfilled the assigned tasks. If the gods had decided his - H" G5 H# d/ P( z
fate otherwise, he would not have been a criminal, receiving an unjust
, i! u, Q; e @1 Npunishment and bearing an ill-fame for thousands of years. He was only
- |" L2 Q* Y( Kan executor of the wills of the gods who, struck perhaps with a whimsical 9 f# L/ ]4 R! j0 ^) S/ D
fantasy, played a practical joke on the helpless mortal. The gods were 8 k6 W5 m( m' R: Y# U g$ X
the plotters. Who then deserved the punishment? The gods on Olympus rather / S/ L. n: H2 C6 m8 o8 h
than poor Odipus!』* `& S8 M& H+ d: G# t
! C9 l: ]. D( K. y* Q) Y1 y真是大快人心。』張明生道﹕『既然他本人確實做了﹐他也難辭其咎。』文倩道﹕
4 l5 s! O7 |/ X; O/ @. m『那麼﹐這些神至少也應是幕後策劃者﹐罪加一等。』芝娜道﹕『借用一句俗語﹕
" K5 K% M1 Y( x0 r# y# ^你們真是「看戲發愁﹐為古人擔憂」。下面是兩篇類似演說詞的文章TWO SUPPOSED # N9 w- f1 T& [. C& ?0 O3 ^4 k2 t; i
, Z2 ~3 l- {* I" m& M; `& m# h1) Oh, Money! My darling Money! My respected Money! I'm your admirer, + R( K& y# m& i; a# _4 m" } b
your worshipper. Oh, Money, my Queen, your Majesty! I'm your servant,
7 |& T# e r; Hyour slave. With you I can get food to keep me alive. With you I can ! W# i1 u7 D$ X/ X; j/ a Y' t9 ?2 `
get clothes to keep warm. And with you I can get whatever I want, a 6 ?& @+ R4 J8 O: O
grand mansion to live in and all the superfluities of life for ostentation.
" A+ R. ], f* l5 q7 Z: gBut without you my love will desert me. Without you my friends will # a6 ^- D0 @, z/ `+ o2 o" J: a
turn back on me. And without you I'll go a-begging like a poor dog
" }; v3 v- {8 [; r0 V0 i- Fand sleeping alone at night in a ruined porch. Oh, Almighty Money, come ! M" E* L+ c5 S( e! V* P
to me, I implore you! Pray, endow me with your favor and be sure that I'm * Q: c! Q5 o$ H+ J! K
willing to receive every small coin from you on my knees by which to show
! W# M# c$ X* s4 E: ]my deep-hearted gratitude. 』, ]/ t4 `. u4 s0 ?/ a3 E" A$ L
盛靳云說﹕『世上確有許多做金錢奴隸的人﹐把他們的可憐相勾劃出來示眾﹐很好。』1 w! {$ h; s6 W. E f
芝娜又唸道﹕『第二﹕. L; f5 m5 c6 K' D8 L
2) Oh, money, my obedient servant, my faithful slave! I'm your master,
# \" ~# U7 G. {9 Xyour owner. OH, money, my passe-partout, my almighty tool! I'm you user,
8 N+ F. E; }3 x2 b5 M i J& syour disposer. With you I can start my enterprises. With you I can carry
0 Z" u4 ^3 m# f. x: uon my great plans. And with you I can make the little world around me ; b- u; w/ t/ @$ \
go at my will. If without you I can still have a large store of learning. : m W% W/ ~7 Z8 \
If without you I can still have an unpolluted name. And if without you
$ L% Y* Z6 r- I% O" o1 r. G I can still live like a hermit writing books of great thoughts.
7 k- R/ o( Z; e8 h* B: S7 \+ b& XOh, servile money, come to me; my lad, I command you! Serve me well
7 w. ^2 @. }* k: Y8 K' m1 v and don't be naughty, or I'll punish you.』) k8 {0 @0 G4 h; y3 @. [2 k4 J
% v) R1 D4 v$ k; J& C6 B% l掉它。』盛靳云說﹕『那反過來等於在懲罰你自己。』鄭莉道﹕『如果由作者來寫﹐
! S4 P3 P+ D" d i5 O一定會有個有趣的懲罰方式。』芝娜翻過幾頁說﹕『這裡有一篇題為ON BEAUTY
2 s4 {' Z1 I0 a+ ~7 o(談美)﹕1 M- R# F6 F/ N" B5 n: w
Beauty often dwells in youth. At sight of a charming girl, everyone
4 g# D# n$ X7 p* Cwill exclaim, "My eyes! What a great beauty!" The male stares with
, t7 v, ?/ M! C, R$ ?a thrill of admiration; the female gazes with a sigh of envy. Wherever 6 u3 }. v: {4 ?, q$ c1 f9 g; X- C
she goes, she becomes the focus of the attention. Men all yearn to win
9 G+ r+ j) L# E0 m& Y6 J M; K9 dher heart; women all feel a regret unable to stand in her shoes. A glance
r3 S# L0 E8 yor a smile from her makes the stingy empty his hoard of gold and the
t( c* `# C% X1 \coward give up his life for her. She enjoys her queenly position in society, R( E$ {! H9 G( X9 f1 L
proud of the possession of such a beauty. But the merciless Time
/ M, k$ }1 F2 c) L1 E( F) `5 [, A: Ddogs her steps, too. Her beauty is worn out with the years. She begins to
; G3 G# j" K- c* A, mfade away and the hardship in life, if any would befall her, will bring
! t5 T7 W3 S3 C5 O+ y( A9 qmore wrinkles on her face. Then men turn their backs on her politely with
) r/ w( q0 g% J- ?$ u) {a bow; women look at her with indifference. The younger generation is magnetized " L {; g; g: S* l8 `/ ?8 C
round another focus. The old queen has to abdicate and leave the throne + N6 X# c# @9 n9 a
for a young one to occupy. Only a photo or portrait can preserve her beauty 4 k+ a4 a# W5 |2 @4 R/ G
in youth and no Time is capable of doing any injury to her preserved beauty 1 z% D$ k3 Q& Y! \$ D
but the preserver itself.' j) R. V8 c6 S4 v3 n
Therefore, admire not the beauty without, but the beauty within. Such
# v [' S* D5 z [* v5 k' Ba beauty will never wither though Time also plots to do it harm. In the
% E3 O4 t: x, a0 P: Jstruggle against the adversities of life and the ruthlessness of Time,
- d: [; o; j- u! b6 o4 |: U0 L* _ it grows radiant, or even dazzling, just like a rock in midstream made 6 t. m+ f* L, p" v# J
smooth and glossy by the current of both the stream and Time. Everyone,
) i) E ^6 L: g# O8 j" }0 `in spite of the age and sex, if aware of it, will sing its praise either
! e( r9 O( e/ C openly in words and letters or secretly in mind. It lives as long 1 E* ~& l0 a _0 q( D: i/ D, @; d
as the possessor, or even much longer after her dust may be blended into : d' m& {; _0 ~" R" [
a vase with the clay around it. + {! {1 _$ A+ _
The outward beauty can only be the object of admiration or envy while 7 q K6 ~' f$ p& {3 I6 [* u
the inward beauty, besides being a theme of the ode, can serve as an
: U' x; H& T) d# m7 Mexample to learn from, for the former is always endowed by birth, but 3 u* q, M% w! M2 [0 u+ z
the latter by self-acquirement. However, every man is free to hold " }9 R8 N7 Y$ ^- L% E
his own notion of what the beauty is and to choose whichever of the two * @2 R, n+ v" o8 T
beauties he prefers. Only his love for his bride select should not degenerate # l! c+ r$ W/ a3 I$ {7 x* [1 t
with the shrunken beauty.』
( E* a- D! T/ A4 Z4 W$ g! X彥君道﹕『這篇文筆甚好﹐有古典散文之美。排比句似脫胎於被喻為美國文學之父
. e' i4 F* a& W的華盛頓‧歐文所著的《遊歐雜記》一書。立論也好。古來好德不如好色者往往為
- w) m x9 _& u# H6 Z% t色受累﹐甚至身敗名裂。』盛靳云道﹕『我將來娶妻一定要先好德後好色 。』! J) v2 P2 l# x: p: i7 p
0 B$ h/ ?+ {- q$ [. T$ z/ N似無鹽如何﹖』芝娜看著查雄直笑。查雄自嘲道﹕『我恐怕連無鹽也沒福消受。將
& ~" x3 T. U8 I來還是娶過無頭的吧。』大家又笑了起來。張明生說﹕『那你娶個凶殺電影裡的無
$ H) \6 }" n; N/ h頭屍吧。』查雄道『好吧。你以後留心替我介紹一個。』張明生道﹕『我從不做媒。
9 k: G$ k0 u! j你自己好自為之吧。』芝娜道﹕『下一篇是THE BALLOON﹕! X6 z. h/ o+ X5 f8 q' d* T
A little boy walks by his mother's side, with one hand in hers and a balloon
- k" h9 ?7 f$ }4 G6 a# @; ^ in the other. A sudden gust of wind snatches the balloon away from
9 z& s, _! c: D+ y4 v$ X the boy's hand and bears it skyward. As it flies higher, the excited
$ M+ k: r7 V+ v( g# j& L Npeople in the street all look up. "Surely," the balloon says to itself, 6 E% Y! C' p" Q: o6 y
feeling proud of its uprising, "they all envy me of my ascent." Then in its / E1 @: F/ L! C0 S) E3 L. c9 \5 G
upward flight it passes by a balcony on which a group of boys and girls
9 N/ V2 J; h+ A3 k# e3 w+ xare standing, giving a cry of excitement when seeing an escaped balloon
) S* J0 z" e# ~! L6 x6 t' khurry on its way of freedom. "They are cheering me, I'm sure." The balloon 3 Z: D. a4 [5 {8 B
thinks. Up and up it soars, above the roof, above the spire, through a
* I4 M& {; D7 _6 |thin cloud, into the blue sky. Then a dove hovers near, but after a glance 8 W' n* h- }' C4 O: ^ }1 X, u/ L
at it, flies away with indifference. "Of course, the bird nears to 4 ?- j0 X: `/ p) k2 n" w1 B; i
salute me," The buoyant balloon flatters itself in exultation, "but as
7 M3 Z% H9 w' P" m9 ?$ @) q& Q+ JI ignore her to keep my dignity, she takes herself away in awe and respect." & X, r, _: J/ r9 ?2 o: ~1 b5 R$ `
The higher it clambers, the haughtier it becomes, till it reaches the
. M! |/ g5 n# N* |$ Y- R* xzenith where it means to stay for millions of years, but, alas, it bursts!* V3 e$ y$ w2 j9 ~* |3 Z; q2 h8 p* m# M
8 k, L0 e- B: ~. C/ u' W0 x盛靳云說﹕『這篇短文諷喻得好。從一個小小的汽球引發出大道理來。』芝娜翻過
% E' c; v# Y7 ^/ t7 S; D7 c好幾頁﹐說﹕『下面一篇是ON ETIQUETTE(論禮儀)﹕
- N6 R% k8 t$ ?* P8 @ Etiquette is to society what apparel is to the individual. Without
+ L7 m- w+ m W6 _* U( Iapparel men would go in shameful nudity, which would surely lead to the
; [5 Y- w, {9 A# Bcorruption of morals; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable 2 Y. ?' v' g7 D. \) s G. a
state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered / o" U5 f( `" b H# c4 ^
by needless offences and troubles. If society were a train, the etiquette
1 h; J# B- [- C: Y& mwould be the rails, along which only the train could rumble forth; if
! \8 `+ x% N w, j/ C4 c% gsociety were a state coach, the etiquette would be the wheels and axis, 0 N4 h" ^) f4 J* a
on which only the coach could roll forward.
4 w3 E# X& q9 ? The lack of proprieties would make the most intimate friends turn to + w/ p. @0 X9 D% ?0 G9 y. I& u
be the most decided enemies and the friendly or allied countries declare
( y! `0 h- _) L+ j$ Pwar against each other. We can find many examples in the history of mankind./ a7 C( R3 V8 G: u
A duke of Song Dukedom in East Zhou Dynasty in ancient China was killed
0 s( h( G( ^! [" y* Zby his favorite knight for a joking word. therefore, I advise you to stand % i8 u" a5 A2 w
on ceremony before anyone else and to take pains not to do anything stupid
( J3 \/ ]% ~; F7 n1 m. z3 O0 B9 zagainst etiquette lest you give offences or make enemies.』
C2 A7 `! O/ L- [: D2 c7 b5 z) F盛靳云道﹕『我是最討厭俗禮的﹐但必需的禮貌還是要的。歷史上確有許多因無禮4 T. ^6 i! L0 P f8 Y
而引出的悲劇。』鄭莉道﹕『作者這些雜文確實寫得很好﹐即使冒充是再古的人寫8 P" {- Q- u5 Z, `+ }3 y5 r, Q
的﹐給有眼無珠的人看了也分辨不出。』文倩道﹕『不告訴你的話﹐如果冒名是HAZLITT寫; [+ s" {8 Z W7 |
& d: U0 k2 h d/ D9 ?+ X4 Z外國人一般不會用中國典故。』文倩問﹕『如果拿掉最後的例子呢﹖』鄭莉道﹕7 i/ f. w" V0 Q# r
『要辨別古人文字的真偽需要有很高的文學水平。我自認沒有這種本領。』芝娜道﹕- L# B/ _/ ]1 @* U' b) [. k# W6 _
/ c& T0 `5 k" B+ M作品難以發表﹐只得冒名古人。這種事也並非絕無僅有。』芝娜道﹕『這不關我們
/ m f, r+ Y7 Q6 _0 f0 X的事。我們只有欣賞的資格。』翻過幾頁﹐芝娜又唸道﹕『我來唸篇劉禹錫「陋室8 S9 R/ k* ]* V$ D
銘」的譯文7 y+ j F6 P( L# ^
AN EULOGY ON MY HUMBLE ABODE﹕; Z5 g$ H+ I/ A% F k1 e) N8 y& ?, ^/ [
Known will the hills be if fairies dwell, no matter high of low; and
. q/ x$ T/ `7 o& E; z! ]charmed will the waters be if dragons hidden, no matter deep or shallow.
: i& k% p" n. X A humble abode though this is, my virtues make it smell sweet. Verdant M% c" F( W8 ~0 `9 o/ S+ P. }" Q# j2 E
are the stonesteps overgrown with moss, and green seems the screen 2 g; q! F7 a! Y) c; j! E5 |; [
as the grass seen through it. I chat and laugh only with great scholars ; J; O3 P5 i+ Y" Q# @* K& i: F- `) X
and have no intercourse with the ignorant. I can play lute and read my
9 D% o! H7 o3 y- vsutras; no unpleasant music to grate on my ears and no red-tape to make . S) D2 `# p' A9 P( V6 F1 ~
me weary and tired. Zhuge's residence in Nanyang and Ziyun's inhabitance
3 a: ?# Y- x0 C4 i$ H0 e6 `in Xishu are both like what Confucius quoth, "How canth it be humble?" ) _$ p0 }# M- y/ e1 W5 a7 ]$ D! U
( ^- K9 }# i- k) L+ X# O只是我沒看見別的古人是否也譯有此文。要有比較才能分出優劣。』張明生道﹕" E( B$ }* S* C/ S" x9 F" ]1 V
+ E+ J: {. i8 z高自己。其實適得其反。尤其是有些已有虛名而並無實學之輩。我想﹐要表示你有, T/ i5 \5 X/ m- l
, g0 _8 A' s9 Y7 N R& w4 { S3 v
' B$ T' `7 M- L/ J2 K& `, y& S買一本。』彥君道﹕『舊書店也不一定有。借給你到學校圖書館用微縮機複印一本
. o9 G3 n; A- }好了。』芝娜道﹕『那就多謝你了。』文倩道﹕『多複印兩本。我與郭如儀也要。』
6 c. M: d2 C9 i5 z8 W: W# h. s鄭莉說﹕『幫我也複一本吧。』當時各學校都有微縮機﹐能讓學生以成本價把書或) t) C5 M* ?$ ]5 |, V6 }5 D5 K
資料複印在微縮帶上﹐可放映在一般電腦屏上閱讀﹐很方便。6 b1 D- M, o8 [ e, b
" e! h( S- ]! U/ k7 E會跳高跳遠﹐跳上跳下﹐跳來跳去﹐就是不會跳舞。』八戒自上次出乖露醜後﹐再
' B! _, G9 S9 C* i3 g ~也不敢跳舞了。張明生故意逗八戒說﹕『胖兄﹐請一起來跳舞。』八戒直搖手說﹕
5 b. {/ x4 W& S7 G# k『不跳了﹐不跳了。』其他人把中間桌椅折起來﹐搬放在走廊裡﹐伴隨著激光電子$ l/ |* r' K8 {5 r! t) q5 U
" A: w4 R/ n4 ]5 ]4 ` 匆匆又過了一星期。星期五一早﹐芝娜與鄭莉一起來查雄寢室﹐約他們去看一
+ Q- b3 B/ p4 o! j- W個新開的畫展。張明生說﹕『咱們把孫兄胖兄也請來一起去。』大家知道沙僧總是0 Y& O; g4 F3 l8 x4 ?
, s, S) f7 ^3 I去玩的。所以﹐不是特殊而有趣的地方﹐他們不去邀他的。悟空八戒跟著大家乘車8 j. h4 m% |" d" J# D6 I( \6 x
- m- n# l1 L9 A* B上有紙墨筆硯等﹐供觀眾發揮才能的﹐可題詩作畫﹐或寫些評論等。第一展室乃幼
+ g/ b& \5 |# t2 j. ` L4 ^兒畫﹐當然畫得幼稚可笑。八戒不知﹐看後說﹕『這樣的畫﹐俺也能畫。』居然在
& X5 U: y, ` T! d" O/ m出口處的桌上﹐拿起紙筆來﹐畫出一座歪斜的宮殿﹐兩匹馬不像馬﹐驢不像驢的動
" M& [0 f; T2 ]. `2 _! Q物﹐一個穿官服的人不像人﹐猴不像猴的高等動物。他的意思是要畫弼馬瘟看馬。; R ? U8 v: {" q
旁觀者看著哂笑不止。張明生問﹕『胖兄﹐你這畫是什麼意思﹖』八戒道﹕『不能2 M S1 f' J! e1 J3 R! X/ ]6 D
' O: h" V1 h4 O: p# O4 b3 p: I; _戒想﹐如果說是『弼馬瘟看馬』﹐師哥必要生氣﹐忽然想起他看到的有些幽默諷刺/ f v! D( e+ c; ]
畫旁寫著『無題』兩字﹐於是就說﹕『俺這畫是無題的。』眾人一笑置之。在工農& ^; P) Y# T7 M( u4 z
9 U: \8 H" u, G1 g1 m' Y6 k+ x, P7 N2 ?流波。但大部份畫都是反映當代生活﹐生產勞動﹐體育文娛等。在出口處﹐盛靳云' Q5 \ T. J" g2 h0 k- d- g3 r% v& b
說﹕『我想在此題詩一首﹐曰「詠秋風紈扇圖」。』於是寫道﹕『誰人惹起秋波橫﹐' V& A& @0 \, T: |9 V! G
! q' Q7 _4 O, x; U0 H& |8 C尹邢相避之典中的邢娙娥三字去尾使用﹐似無先例﹐教人怎懂﹖至少該用「娙娥」
) r- M8 y' f7 w: T$ w" Z兩字吧。』盛靳云說﹕『用「娥」字結句不能葉韻﹐故只能去尾﹐不能去頭。且文
1 i) R* V1 Q, E開先例之事古來不少﹐何我不可開此先例﹖』張明生道﹕『你不要專做怪詩。做詩還! x/ n( Y3 d* x& w" u
是質樸些好。我也來試做一首。』說罷就坐下來寫道﹕『揮紅點紫寫群雄﹐新作萬千: E$ B9 t+ e+ h9 ]' P/ f
各不同。欲問精珠誰孕育﹐無窮智慧是農工。』芝娜道﹕『你這首詩雖然質樸﹐除) l; d- t( E$ n b% m+ j# b
了「揮紅點紫」四字較好外﹐還有不少詩病。「千」字犯了孤平。「精珠」有何出4 ~$ k0 b. K, L7 ^3 q
典﹖你說「無窮智慧是農工」﹐那麼科學家﹐哲學家等就沒有無窮智慧了﹖』張明1 T/ | S# L. t1 d
生辯道﹕『我本不會作詩﹐所以說是試作。且上星期六在彥君家唸詩﹐那位古人說- _! i" R% U. d2 Y- E: l: p) z2 d
作詩不必拘於平仄﹐你自己唸的﹐難道這麼快就忘了﹖再說我把好的作品喻為「精3 l1 V. F$ s" K7 c* l& I1 _
珠」﹐有何不可﹖何必非要有什麼出典才能用。我說「無窮智慧是農工」﹐因為這) |. Z+ ] ^) Z& ]0 e3 a) W
是「工農展室」。我沒說科學家等沒有無窮智慧。你這就是欲加之罪﹐何患無辭。』, [7 p. D- L. H' x
芝娜笑道﹕『你們聽聽﹐我說了一句話﹐他說了一大車。算你有理。其實當代人評, C- \2 F2 Q4 A! D- @* t. i
論都難免由於利害或妒忌等關係﹐或拍馬因素﹐從而失之偏頗。只有讓後代子孫去: X2 g6 U2 `# }1 n. g$ o3 j5 @
評論才會公允。』 |