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[音乐] 那些惨变广告歌的歌曲(二)

  • TA的每日心情
    2025-2-13 09:09
  • 签到天数: 2064 天


    发表于 2013-5-12 23:13:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 holycow 于 2013-5-11 22:48 编辑

    Peter Allen是澳大利亚的著名词曲作者和歌手,拿过一次奥斯卡最佳原创插曲奖(1981, Arthur's Theme)。不过他的作品在家乡澳大利亚流传最广的,莫过于那首可以成为澳大利亚第二国歌的"I Still Call Australia Home"。


    Peter Allen -- I Still Call Australia Home

    Hugh Jackman在百老汇演音乐剧The Boy From Oz,就是关于Peter Allen的生平的,下面是Hugh Jackman的音乐剧版本:

    I Still Call Australia Home---(Soundtrack)

    I've been to cities that never close down,
    from New York to Rio and old London town,
    but no matter how far or how wide I roam,
    I still call Australia home.

    I'm always travelIing, I love being free,
    and so I keep leaving the sun and the sea,
    but my heart lies waiting over the foam,
    I still call Australia home.

    All the sons and daughters spinning 'round the world,
    away from their family and friends,
    but as the world gets older and colder,
    it's good to know where your journey ends.
    Someday we'll all be together once more,
    when all of the ships come back to the shore,
    Ill realise something I've always known,
    I still call Australia home.

    but no matter how far or wide I roam,
    I still call Australia I still call Australia, I still call Australia home.
    but no matter how far or wide I roam,
    I still call Australia I still call Australia, I still call Australia home.


    广告不能卖牛排,要卖烤牛排的滋滋声;航空公司的广告不能卖机票,要卖回家的心情 于是从1998年起,这首歌就成了澳航Qantas的御用广告歌。为了拍广告,每每要动用澳大利亚的童声合唱团。

    Qantas - The Spirit of Australia广告2000版:


    电视广告之外,大的活动现场也是少不了的,球赛什么就不提了,欧普拉跑到Down Under去做了一集节目,Qantas又见缝插针了:

    Qantas把这首歌运用得如此彻底,以至于Youtube上Peter Allen原唱的视频下面,不少留言都是:哇!我一直以为这就是Qantas的广告歌耶!

    不过最近几年Qantas在海湾地区各航空公司的竞争之下,日子举步维艰。CEO Alan Joyce的对策就是尽可能把地区性的国际航线交给低成本子公司捷星航空Jetstar来飞,然后捷星把基地设在新加坡,日本,现在又要和东航合作设在香港;总之不要设在澳大利亚,这样才能降低成本。

    在这样的策略下,不知道这个市场推广的主题还能延续多久。因为在听到这首歌的时候,人们总免不了会想起来一个问题:Qantas, do you still call Australia home?


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