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瓦德西 翻成 瓦尔德塞 了,宝丁 应该是 保定,戎璐 应该是荣禄,这些都需要调整。
Overtures from Prince Ching and Li Hung Chang--How to Deal with the Chinese--The Decision to Hold Chi-li throughout the Winter-- The Tension between the Russians and the English--The Winter Palace adapted to the Uses of the G.H.Q.--The Capture of Paoting-fu--Count Waldersee's Relations with the various Allied Contingents--The Chinese Imperial Family and Its Reputed Wealth--An Autograph Letter from the Kaiser--`` The Hague Conference with all its ` Bockulorum ' ''--Count Waldersee again on the Subject of Looting--A Project of the Kaiser's--Count Waldersee's Guile--Executions in China--A Problem of Plunder-- An Altercation with General Chaffee--The Question of the Indemnity--How the Various Powers might Indemnify Themselves --Peking and its Animal Scavengers.
From Count Waldersee's Despatch to the Kaiser of November 3, 1900.
" Peking. " It has now become more evident still that the Pao-ting-fu Expedition, which in the course of its march hitherto helped to free the neighbouring country from its unruly elements, is exercising a moral influence of far-reaching importance.
"T am glad to be able to report to Your Majesty that the co-operation of the international troops, at first attended by differences which I had to smooth over, has now reached a point where there is no longer any friction worth speaking of, and I feel it is my duty to inform you that the presence here of Major General von Gayl as Quartermaster General has proved to be a great advantage. He has dealt tactfully with both the Generals in Command and has known how to stimulate the apparently easy-going General Gaselee into energetic action.
" During my stay in Tien-tsin I refrained, in accordance with Your Majesty's command, from granting an interview to Li Hung Chang, who repeatedly asked for one. On his enquiring through an intermediary whether I would receive him now in Peking--adding that he attached the greatest importance to such a reception--I intimated to him that if he requested an audience I would give him one. He allowed a week to pass by and then, in conjunction with Prince Ching, came forward with the proposal that I should receive two dignitaries of high rank. I refused. Yesterday Prince Ching when paying a visit to the Minister, Herr von Mumm, enquired of the latter whether, as it was a long way for him and Li Hung Chang to go to the Winter Palace to see me, it would not be possible for me to receive them at the Legation. Herr von Mumm, in compliance with my desire, replied that there could be no question of this.
"T base my action as to this on the rule that one should never make any friendly advances and never show any eagerness in one's dealings with the Chinese, and that they regard all concessions as signs of weakness; and I feel no doubt that the request to be received in my dwelling will soon be made again.
As, moreover, the entire diplomatic corps is not yet in a position to enter into effective negotiations with Prince Ching and Li Hung Chang, and as these have not yet even produced any evidence that they are official negotiators, I do not think that anything has been lost in this direction.
1 Prince Ching had accompanied the Empress Dowager on her flight from Peking on August 15, but had been sent back to negotiate terms of peace with the Allies, Li Hung Chang being associated with him as Plenipotentiary. It is interesting to recall here an allusion to Prince Ching in `` China Under the Empress Dowager," by J. O. P. Bland and E. Backhouse. After recording the death, on April 11, 1903, of Jung Lu, the Empress's most trusted adviser, who had held the positions of Grand Secretary and Grand Councillor--" the highest honours open to a subject in China ''--the authors proceed: `` By his death, Prince Ch'ing and his corrupt following rose to increased power (Prince Ch'ing being the only available Manchu of rank sufficient to succeed Jung Lu as head of the Grand Council), and they have retained it, in the subterranean labyrinth of Palace intrigues, ever since." This was written in 1910. [Tr.]
庆亲王曾陪同慈禧太后于8月15日逃离北京,但随后被派回与盟国谈判和平条款,李鸿章作为全权代表与他一同前往。在此有必要提及在J.O.P.布兰德和E.巴克豪斯的《慈禧太后下的中国》中提到庆亲王的一段描述。作者在记载了1903年4月11日太后的最信任顾问戎璐去世后(他担任过大学士和内阁大臣——“在中国,臣子可获最高荣誉”)继续写道:“戎璐的去世使得庆亲王及其腐败的追随者获得更大的权力(庆亲王是唯一可接替戎璐成为内阁首脑的满族贵族),并且自那以来,他们在宫廷阴谋的地下迷宫中一直保持着这种权力。”这是在1910年写的。[译者注] |