TA的每日心情 | 开心 2024-10-11 12:15 |
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发表于 2024-8-12 12:13:03
ACDC 亚洲疾病预防控制中心* f) a' `1 N$ _. Z" D! O( P
Palo AltoAug. 9" R5 g9 _6 y& R6 {6 Z9 ]
帕洛阿尔托8 月 9 日3 h+ E. i# K& A" N* e. b
@Tomato Or the constant dumbing down of K to 12 standards and massive grade inflation in high school to college. Make SAT mandatory again should be a starting point.
, y: Y% w9 E7 P) U@Tomato 或者是不断地将 K 降低到 12 年级的标准,以及高中到大学的成绩大幅膨胀。再次强制要求 SAT 考试应该是一个起点。
0 L& h& E0 d% K. Y& t! N10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
! b3 g/ K* r7 G$ h" I+ |Flag 旗帜
# x& E- ^$ H0 G9 Lme commented August 96 O% D3 D9 T j, y
M, b) z4 @" @4 b, K
me 我
' e1 v1 L& s; F# Y p! @somewhereAug. 9; ?7 y6 V9 U5 |& g! x) n4 Q
8 月 9 日某处' D" u, F6 I- t: B# u: ~
@Radek Very well said. @Radek 说得很好。
) u7 r7 `. ]/ o5 F- N* O0 ~10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享0 n& Y. g1 N" I( N0 Y0 v/ j
Flag 旗帜, A- H) r" L+ K/ a- N( d. q* n
Seyi commented August 9
1 G$ N9 X9 j; t" h7 F$ zS7 ^% D2 O. B) v4 X& R& F# U
Seyi 塞伊
, R# N* d; N7 o5 V2 jNYAug. 9
9 _( u: d0 @9 Q. j& Y! Z5 H纽约8 月 9 日
7 x3 A8 v* v% E* H+ W( ?- X+ d) n@DC - I disagree with your broad, non-fact based claim that American teachers are only focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. That’s some political talking point that’s just not rooted in any fact. I am a teacher of chemistry and while I value the importance of DEI in my approach to teaching every one of my students, teaching chemistry is always a top priority as that’s my passion. So please, before you just spew out a bunch of falsehoods, please recognize the hard work that teachers like myself invest in our students every single day. We, like many others are simply a component in a system( society) that’s designed to cater to a select few. Your simplistic evaluation sir, is insulting to educators across this country.1 k5 `( g. B" Z) m+ ^$ r. S
@DC - 我不同意你广泛的、非事实依据的说法,即美国教师只关注多样性、公平性和包容性。这是一些没有任何事实依据的政治话题。我是一名化学老师,虽然我重视 DEI 在我教学每一位学生的方法中的重要性,但化学教学始终是重中之重,因为这是我的热情。所以,在你吐出一堆谎言之前,请认识到像我这样的老师每天为我们的学生付出的辛勤工作。和许多其他人一样,我们只是一个旨在迎合少数人的系统(社会)的组成部分。先生,您的简单化评价是对全国教育工作者的侮辱。
) t* u" K0 a) T! f6 ]10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享" u' ?& F) d( Z( Z* ~; A, r
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) w& `& o. ?2 k$ ]% ^Tom commented August 9
2 T, l+ I1 ?5 H* KT9 M6 t% n; j- V! u2 z5 o
Tom 汤姆
5 O& ?. j% @. M1 i$ \4 a8 Q" XTucson, AZAug. 98 G6 ~/ m7 Z2 t6 q7 _) K0 i
亚利桑那州图森8 月 9 日
5 ` J) c' n2 RThe inequity in STEM between US and Chinese has a complex web of underlying causes, many mentioned in the comments here. Here is another. Admission and advancement in education in China is based mostly on standardized tests that make sure only students with the highest aptitudes and abilities are admitted. None of the nonsense that goes on in US higher education.
# q/ F) O, s F5 M2 D6 D5 J美国和中国之间在 STEM 领域的不平等有着复杂的潜在原因,许多评论都在此处提到。这是另一个。中国教育的入学和升学主要基于标准化考试,以确保只有具有最高资质和能力的学生才能被录取。没有任何美国高等教育中发生的废话。# F* y; m; f1 a
10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享 I! R) ^& C' r. p) r' l3 M
Flag 旗帜 f, T0 p6 C& h9 ]
Alex commented August 9 @) a& E) {) m
3 ?/ T) _ ` U* X" j) D$ {Alex 亚历克斯
* N) `1 V& ^; m# k, `+ CIndianaAug. 9
2 o' [( N1 M% @9 ~印第安纳州8 月 9 日
& ~. H5 P; T. }7 bThis is an extraordinarily serious issue. China is increasing the rigor of their education system, while the United States is dumbing-down our system. Looking ahead, we are loosing our ability to compete on the global stage. We cannot do anything about China in this regard, indeed we should applaud their efforts. But we need to change course on our own shores. Both K-12 and college-level education are removing requirements, especially for STEM courses, which are often, by their nature, challenging and sometimes difficult. Much (but not all) of these changes are being driven by progressive ideology, which seems to believe, falsely, that the way to achieve equity is through lowest common denominator teaching. Today, many college graduates are proficient in recognizing microaggressions and know how to chose "correct" pronouns, but they are not trained in college (and often high school) level math and science. This strongly limits their ability to make wise, well-informed decisions regarding personal and public policy in their jobs, their lives, and in voting booths. The pandemic made things worse; the decline in nationwide test scores and educational achievement is all too well documented. Much of this is a result of poor decision making by powerful, progressive teachers' unions. We badly need to change our philosophy towards education, and move back to an emphasis on merit, achievement, and rigor.
* [1 }& [, O6 |2 T o. i3 M10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享' {3 f: e3 s$ t/ c- S
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" K6 T( Z0 H0 AGabe commented August 9
) p) O+ c7 Q, R6 u6 m9 RG
, ]" [) j9 n5 z& R% c) LGabe 加布7 H7 h6 z( s5 W% e$ r. Z+ T4 K* X) v
MinnesotaAug. 91 T3 s) M8 U' d* A
明尼苏达州8 月 9 日3 F& m2 R1 M) Q; {
The problem for China is that EVs will be short lived. Near-term, Hybrids are in and more environmentally friendly - EVs and their multiple battery packs are not. Disposing of the spent, old batteries will become an environmental nightmare. Long-term, some new, more environmentally friendly technology or transport system will come along and replace EVs completely. China is barking up the wrong tree with EV investments and subsidies.1 S7 ?- G1 b7 ?1 D
中国面临的问题是电动汽车的寿命很短。从短期来看,混合动力汽车已经流行并且更加环保,而电动汽车及其多个电池组则不然。处理废旧电池将成为环境噩梦。从长远来看,一些新的、更环保的技术或交通系统将会出现并完全取代电动汽车。中国在电动汽车投资和补贴方面搞错了方向。: x/ P; b* n8 V3 e# N4 w4 m
3 Replies 3 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享; x& X9 t2 L, j( a
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6 j, g9 x6 ` {" f+ M) j1 DShaun Narine commented August 9. @4 a* e1 Y% ?5 u$ c
# S4 @/ y: Q K: ]+ y- YShaun Narine 肖恩·纳林
) i8 l. q2 z9 U4 tFredericton, CanadaAug. 9# d6 `, n" o2 R7 B: w) i) j- u
加拿大弗雷德里克顿8 月 9 日* q5 K# t+ L9 j7 q
@Leon To deal with Western problems, Western states need to raise taxes and require much more of the wealthy. Good luck with that, esp in places like the US, where the level of selfishness and rejection of the notion of a social good is pathological. The response to covid proved that. Moreover, the US has spent decades hollowing out its govt, making it incredibly ineffective and incompetent. Throw in blatant political and judicial corruption and it's hard to see any of this turning around soon., n+ e: P3 v1 y" j3 ^7 I
9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享& q$ P, \3 g {- q" N- K8 V
Flag 旗帜( G# T# s+ `- P5 X2 f/ I& }" h9 s! e
Daniel Lake commented August 9
4 n# H$ K9 @& s* `7 `2 qD' I1 M% u0 h9 A( [) V& D' A
Daniel Lake 丹尼尔·莱克
% U6 a4 [% K9 E" r0 b7 w0 U. }$ jMirror Lake, NHAug. 9: a. f1 U& P& ^
新罕布什尔州镜湖8 月 9 日! U, a) A) \. \. o# M0 u! i! Z
Simplest way to give it all to China is to elect Republicans who hate science.
: r: F; a8 s, J/ f- g& g把一切都交给中国的最简单方法就是选举讨厌科学的共和党人。
! ^: F( J0 ?5 O6 @, M+ c7 }9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享( X0 s3 Q- x: X1 @; K' H/ H
Flag 旗帜0 Y. c, ^) T1 ^1 X
Stephen commented August 9
! z$ S3 A V) w, u9 K/ _# ZS
1 ^+ v9 W' @- b. X0 \4 q% U1 X& rStephen 斯蒂芬( T2 [. l; L+ O: I0 f* T% i; R4 a
USAAug. 9
! ]7 w2 ^5 h3 O美国8 月 9 日
7 }1 _" z4 _& A H9 B/ M@stamp Yeah, I don’t entirely disagree. The complacency that has occurred here over decades will hopefully reach a breaking point. Besides, might be kind of nice to be the ones who end up stealing technology from China for a change! D3 p! X; {0 s$ U. Q" r# Q
@stamp是的,我并不完全不同意。几十年来这里出现的自满情绪有望达到临界点。此外,成为那些最终从中国窃取技术以改变现状的人可能会很高兴!5 q1 ]) E7 P2 F" R
9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享9 y. R4 `3 v( h* [. Y! c
Flag 旗帜
( p: [) g1 S* b& A, lMC commented August 9
; r/ C3 w# [) X0 t' R) K6 tM
( B2 C6 j/ t8 `; y% H, H. V+ DMC
1 t- }8 ~# l! i7 ZClevelandAug. 9# x; r: J$ a3 T! k
克利夫兰8 月 9 日. w0 p! r2 [% B
Imagine that. Prioritizing real education over things like putting the 10 commandments in every school.: ~4 G- ~. S% q+ k* Q4 g, p
想象一下。优先考虑真正的教育,而不是将十诫放在每所学校之类的事情上。1 c( p" k3 ^3 y
1 Reply 1 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
/ {4 g2 J; {- g. @; R: qFlag 旗帜
# z; r/ J7 |+ x4 h! h O/ PJoe Trump commented August 9
0 Y# S& _3 I p( K# b! LJ
. m4 r7 B2 o+ JJoe Trump 乔·特朗普
/ b, L- y, H" T" C7 CEarth/MarsAug. 9
# N: Q( Z4 U) y6 N8 ?, l) ?地球/火星8 月 9 日/ f& b7 U$ }, _3 a
@Mike Zhang Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free healthcare and affordable housing.9 v' K+ E, b6 X' B0 O
@Mike 张 在美国,教育、医疗、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房。
( y& A5 D7 f- o9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享' A: h, j/ A1 k: e m3 J& j( p. I& D
Flag 旗帜
% u7 v" d8 T1 s- ?me commented August 9
& I u; v# d2 k" QM
" k+ c& p" \) L9 ]me 我7 g$ ?5 j7 n# y. E6 z) k
somewhereAug. 9" W5 W* X5 |* k. r4 s$ Z
8 月 9 日某处
) z5 G$ U a l' X! c' E4 P- @8 t@Ann Exactly. A couple of gotcha questions goes like this, "What country has the most English speakers?" And, "What country has the most billionaires?" The answer to both, China.
I- \3 l& Q% g9 U0 i@安 没错。有几个问题是这样的:“哪个国家说英语的人最多?”还有,“哪个国家的亿万富翁最多?”两者的答案都是中国。/ |3 I; H$ R! E! k8 U! p( y* V Q; S3 ]
9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
. g0 y+ p! K/ h8 @0 cFlag 旗帜- O/ K- Y5 ~( r0 P, u/ C: I
David M commented August 9+ [) v k6 J# a: { j
. d# W, D9 C' F9 jDavid M 大卫·M
$ f6 e* |, a) j3 m9 VBrowardAug. 91 A( {" p4 J4 h) X
布劳沃德8 月 9 日. b3 ?% p8 Z3 w \) h; l
The USA: water down our science curricula so people won’t fail. Equity over excellence!!
* R; s/ \& P# x6 h. i5 }7 d美国:淡化我们的科学课程,这样人们就不会失败。公平重于卓越!!6 d$ g2 k ?+ p/ ?$ @
1 Reply 1 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
) Q6 W& t& Q* ]1 r6 k9 TFlag 旗帜+ `" R0 a, F% I2 l6 k4 v
Christopher commented August 9, @+ V/ a0 _ O7 x+ m
C+ f1 J6 s# C8 \. Q" Y# ]4 P
Christopher 克里斯托弗" I% K9 i$ ?% e% v& R5 v! X+ T
ColoradoAug. 9
8 |/ r% O. \1 J& t科罗拉多州8 月 9 日3 D5 s @4 z L ?) C
@ACDC exactly! I'm shocked at the GPAs of some of my Masters program cohorts. Some instructors even say, "just do the work and you'll get an A."2 y F& ?, c. _! O
@ACDC 完全正确!我对一些硕士项目同学的 GPA 感到震惊。有些导师甚至说:“只要做完作业,你就会得到 A。”
$ R$ m. v; v" [4 I+ _/ L9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
7 ^+ a9 s6 k, ?3 ^4 M! sFlag 旗帜
' T7 G0 Z8 k9 ya concerned citizen commented August 9. z y9 n5 b" s5 V
0 B, t: n0 R, W2 x" ?% n8 na concerned citizen 一位关心此事的公民, }: F u( a0 v1 S& O
planet earthAug. 9, ^9 e# i% D9 f% }4 O) S& e8 U
地球8 月 9 日
$ u( D1 V. n7 ?3 b0 U0 ~0 KInstead, we starve public education to fund charter schools and force the 10 commandments into the curriculum.
" ~3 b3 w" s$ _+ B相反,我们通过匮乏公共教育来资助特许学校,并将十诫强行纳入课程。; P2 K* V0 z3 s; f! w* k. X0 J
9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
; _7 }1 b4 R. s3 _Flag 旗帜* O% n8 e2 j0 D! J
RK commented August 9/ r9 o7 L; [0 ?3 r
R 右
0 c" X$ Q! f. g& _* iRK! c4 K6 Y9 w" c/ G- u
ChicagoAug. 9
, x. ]) }7 i' x: b/ G芝加哥8 月 9 日, U3 T4 o/ Z4 l8 O
Meanwhile we lower our education standards and rigor in the naming of letting more students graduate. It is sad to see how few of the graduate level students in the country are US citizens these days.
( n8 U& r" V. f+ e9 }与此同时,我们降低了教育标准和命名的严格性,让更多的学生毕业。令人遗憾的是,如今该国研究生中只有很少的人是美国公民。
+ r. i" T( L% q, U6 U9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
b4 v- Q H bFlag 旗帜
2 q" ~) y' F% p! h3 pJane commented August 9 ?6 C; s5 M3 U9 [7 @6 r1 ]; k. M
J1 R: m" w0 o4 W6 }0 Q/ J1 C
Jane 简
4 Q+ x) P/ x( [* UOregonAug. 9! Q- q2 m7 t8 E
俄勒冈州8 月 9 日
* @; a- c8 V7 u/ a; F# ~@B. In the old days the school would just fail the kids that didn’t do the work
) p! ?8 T8 h* D O& ]1 B9 G! {@B。在过去,学校只会让那些不做作业的孩子不及格
. e5 e; C. h5 A* Q) o+ T9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享$ g& C# t2 h) R6 ^) y5 V
Flag 旗帜
6 ~& g( ? _: j" @Pigsy commented August 9
! M% }- s9 k/ m8 A5 UP- S6 g G( ~& q* x. h
Pigsy 小猪佩奇; u4 C6 x5 X/ y2 w0 Y1 Y
The EateryAug. 9
8 Y3 s% Y' y+ N, `( q餐馆8 月 9 日& W$ e8 C1 _. K9 v
The West continues to underestimate China due to a mix of hubris and frank racism. The Australian swim coach expressed outrage over Chinese swimmer Pan's stunning win in the 100M Freestyle, exclaiming, "you don’t win 100 freestyle by a body length on that field!". Listen to him carefully. He did not say that Pan's speed was not humanly possible. What he found inconceivable was that Pan could beat elite Western swimmers by an entire body length without cheating. I doubt that he would've had the same reaction if one of his favored swimmers had won in a similar fashion. I have no idea whether Pan doped or not, but that is not the point. The point is that if you cannot even imagine that a member of another group could possibly best you, you have already lost.
k& ^: w L* N" M3 X由于傲慢和坦率的种族主义,西方继续低估中国。 澳大利亚游泳教练对中国游泳运动员潘在100M自由泳中的惊人胜利表示愤怒,并感叹道:“你在那个场上不是以一个身体长度赢得100米自由泳的!”。 仔细听他说。他并没有说潘的速度不是人类所能达到的。他觉得不可思议的是,潘能在没有作弊的情况下击败西方优秀游泳运动员一整个身体长度。我怀疑如果他最喜欢的一位游泳运动员以类似的方式获胜,他是否会有同样的反应。我不知道潘是否掺杂了,但这不是重点。关键是,如果你甚至无法想象另一个群体的成员可能会超越你,那么你就已经输了。1 ~% e8 R; F4 \9 l* h4 e
9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享( t+ X. ^; T+ M. d7 g
Flag 旗帜( B& O* {/ `: d% V
Paul commented August 9
3 a9 j. k+ p: n' I + z0 e4 B. V$ a, o" I4 v8 S
Paul 保罗
1 Q3 ^0 N5 I0 \: qNHAug. 9% R" \# s y3 m1 J" v' D: J% q
新罕布什尔州8 月 9 日3 W+ X5 b: M. B$ z2 j$ y# S* G
China put huge efforts into reality - STEM education, and it's paying off big time. America has the anti science Republican party led by climate denying Trump. The American leader in STEM promotion is inventor Dean Kaman, right here in NH. His FIRST organization(for inspiration and recognition in science and technology) is a robotics competition teaming high school students with engineers. Over 30 years old, it now involves students all around the world. Kamen correctly points out we have the wrong heros. Inventors and engineers discovered the Covid vaccine, not Tom Brady.
/ Y9 H V7 F6 y中国将巨大努力变为现实——STEM 教育,并且得到了巨大的回报。 美国有以气候问题为首的反科学共和党,否认特朗普。 美国 STEM 推广的领导者是发明家 Dean Kaman,他就在新罕布什尔州。他的第一个组织(为了科学技术方面的灵感和认可)是机器人竞赛 将高中生与工程师组队。它已有 30 多年的历史,现在吸引了世界各地的学生。 卡门正确地指出我们选错了英雄。发明家和工程师 发现了新冠疫苗的人,不是汤姆·布雷迪。& M( W3 T, O# Y6 Z: D
8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
6 i# v* C+ W+ D: y/ G; u4 MFlag 旗帜% S& P/ m% L: j- ^3 X6 u: z
Chas commented August 9
( U. a9 `* h( e pC
+ O Q- \/ E4 G% r; q6 @Chas 查斯
/ Z) Y0 E4 u- Q4 INorCalAug. 9
+ V. E: G! _% W- f+ U# H北加州8 月 9 日/ h) Y& S' e3 H" |3 c
@AGuy. No doubt about it.
" `3 { N& h" j6 U t! U7 C@AGuy。毫无疑问。8 ~0 _* e' k* m' c+ `
8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享8 r* K7 C7 M6 ]! d; M# g, J5 L1 S
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- ?% y4 c$ {! W. g mMSK commented August 9
8 P$ ~* U% [2 t1 x. N! zM
7 L6 v! D c% ^% }# yMSK+ B( J& F: p4 A
USAAug. 9
# C" \8 U7 B4 L% G美国8 月 9 日
3 ?1 w( ^1 |: r `. I@Ethan Allen Instead, congress is spending 500 millions dollars in anti Chinese propaganda rather than investing in American education to compete with China. Congress has decided the only way to beat China is to manufacture consent from its citizens to start a war with China.
7 N( x5 N6 ~! c8 F/ T@伊森·艾伦 相反,国会花费了 5 亿美元用于反华宣传,而不是投资于美国教育来与中国竞争。国会决定击败中国的唯一方法是获得其公民的同意与中国发动战争。# m) f* _- s5 Z
8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享8 K3 w9 _2 c( C2 M' `* {* v5 E
Flag 旗帜; X% ?# v! g& k
A commented August 9
2 P8 Q! r! [8 zA
; |+ Q/ t2 t/ |2 RA
! g1 H% H. t! x2 g' O8 `BangkokAug. 93 i" K7 G7 U8 q) x; Z
曼谷8 月 9 日
. d1 e5 I9 W3 i2 x0 I0 q(Obviously) I live in Thailand. I have been amazed at how fast solar-panel technology has spread across the country. This is clearly due to advances which Chinese companies have made in solar energy generation. We are witnessing a rapid transformation of solar- and battery-powered energy that will change everything. Fasten your seatbelts. n# \8 c$ `5 Y- C. p4 _
(显然)我住在泰国。 我对太阳能电池板技术在全国传播的速度感到惊讶。 这显然要归功于中国企业在太阳能发电方面取得的进步。 我们正在见证太阳能和电池供电能源的快速转变,这将改变一切。 系好安全带。
. Y* l9 C" J/ o$ _. |8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
! d3 u; M0 }, [$ g' NFlag 旗帜
# I8 ^7 D/ S+ h& b: t6 fKevin Blankinship commented August 94 i* d3 q U$ d& p$ {
_ ]" ]' ^0 @: J. q! `$ S) d( YKevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普6 p; W7 }7 D, Y. M- w
Norman, OKAug. 9
+ a7 e" ^! y% B+ |6 y诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
8 c3 k- T3 K; p/ ]7 r@EastCoastResident : Most Americans who grew up here when in engineering school disdain PhDs.
9 G4 L0 B5 [7 p- Z7 R; z, w3 ^9 ~@EastCoastResident:大多数在工程学校长大的美国人都鄙视博士学位。
3 ^' ~1 {; y' i# ?( o; q6 _8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享9 a' u( {. A u1 j) N4 Q, n
Flag 旗帜9 A% P7 s, P+ ~+ i1 \
me commented August 9
2 I8 W$ H2 s# j' Q7 o7 wM, o, V+ S v. b$ F# L
me 我
( m( f/ N/ K% W) S5 @# AsomewhereAug. 9
8 r* a6 i7 u2 V8 月 9 日某处
7 B8 `, \* J- @# H6 T) f; u+ G@Keith Bradsher Impressive. Reminds me of tech school in the Air Force. They shoved electronic theory down our throats from 6 AM to 12, Monday through Friday. Every day after lunch, I would be hitting those books another solid five hours before a quick sleep and back to class.& c: V" U3 V E% W5 {; K
@基思·布拉德舍令人印象深刻。让我想起了空军的技术学校。他们从周一到周五早上 6 点到 12 点向我们灌输电子理论。每天午饭后,我都会再读五个小时的书,然后快速睡觉并回到课堂。9 {; s) J! m& `' f: x* B
8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享! D# j( |* [& {1 y' w" B0 C
Flag 旗帜
) G# S+ @% S& e' U5 BEllen commented August 9
9 {* k" W5 N# Y$ g1 u: s+ tE
, Q3 W( L4 G( C- |/ ]Ellen 艾伦; T) r; }) u% d2 t" c0 A5 Q1 i
NYCAug. 9
1 S% T8 V+ ^+ a/ c纽约市8 月 9 日" Z/ |; _; L* Y3 a* t/ k" h
@Melvin - Exactly - Those H1-B visas just push down the value of an STEM degree for US students. They profit the tech companies who can pay lower wages. So US students go into finance.
# y: Z; U& e! J& K3 }8 R@Melvin - 确实如此 - 这些 H1-B 签证只会降低美国学生 STEM 学位的价值。他们让那些可以支付较低工资的科技公司获利。所以美国学生进入金融领域。
5 N) y- E' H( o8 U5 c8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享6 [/ g7 ^/ F B9 t3 G3 x! C4 x# S
Flag 旗帜# g+ N8 h9 J, w
FXQ commented August 9
7 X+ |& J. p; ^, z; UF
# K5 m, H2 @0 m; v+ t3 E2 G' BFXQ
9 J, Y5 p+ Z1 l! @2 dCincinnatiAug. 9
% K( e0 @5 N/ E6 ?! C辛辛那提8 月 9 日
" l1 c, o2 h3 N5 tThink of all the trillions of dollars we've wasted on all our endless wars and over one thousand military bases. China took all that money and invested it in their economy, education, and infrastructure. This is what a decline of an empire looks like. We've failed to understand that our strength comes from our economic power not our military. So, as we continue to waste trillions of dollars on useless weapon systems, endless wars that are fought never to win but to allow the defense contractors to pull up to our Treasury and loot and walk out with bundles of cash in their arms, just remember, China hasn't fought a war in decades, hasn't invaded one country and has used its capital to invest in its economy, which is where the real power lies. As the former Soviet Union collapsed under a mountain of debt and propping up other country's economies, so too will go the way of the U.S. This is what happens when the military-industrial-political complex captures a government. There's a reason it places its plants in key congressional districts and uses the money we give it to legally bribe our Representatives. We will hang on for a while but morph into what the British are now, a has-been empire that lives vicariously through its cousins across the pond, but without real power or influence in this new world order of the Global South and BRICS+ economic alliance. The U.S. and the West are fading stars.
* h- P: |7 @; V9 m( \# x想想我们在无休止的战争和一千多个军事基地上浪费的所有数万亿美元。中国拿走了所有这些钱,并将其投资于经济、教育和基础设施。这就是帝国衰落的样子。我们不明白我们的力量来自我们的经济实力而不是我们的军事力量。因此,当我们继续在无用的武器系统上浪费数万亿美元,进行无休止的战争时,这些战争从来不是为了胜利,而是为了让国防承包商来到我们的财政部进行抢劫,然后怀着大把的现金走出去,请记住中国几十年没有打过一场战争,没有侵略过一个国家,把资本投资到了经济上,这才是真正的实力所在。随着前苏联在巨额债务和支撑其他国家经济的压力下崩溃,美国也将走上美国的道路。这就是军事工业政治复合体夺取政府时所发生的情况。它把工厂设在关键的国会选区,并用我们提供给它的钱合法地贿赂我们的代表,这是有原因的。我们会坚持一段时间,但会变成英国现在的样子,一个过时的帝国,通过大洋彼岸的表亲代替生活,但在全球南方和金砖国家+经济联盟的新世界秩序中没有真正的权力或影响力。美国和西方正在逐渐黯淡。
, @3 `' j5 l2 t& {8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享" F! C7 b# m0 p2 i. m% J
Flag 旗帜
% ?# G) c1 ^5 W' { T! EJane commented August 9
* G1 R; b1 T; ~. I4 R5 AJ
2 g7 S' N) w' z' RJane 简( o( K) N+ t- Q+ G+ s* |
OregonAug. 9
5 U( P# y& U; T7 ~3 R/ E俄勒冈州8 月 9 日
& a8 i' `: v1 o b. f@M the focus on equity, no child left behind, feelings, self esteem, etc.4 J8 V# A' c( P' L* A
@M 关注公平、不让一个孩子掉队、感情、自尊等。6 u$ v1 E+ Z8 Z2 _" C/ V: O6 z& W
8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
' L' s# y0 |4 p! L* A5 vFlag 旗帜
( H) _0 E" L* S9 t9 ?2 {# l9 fJoe Trump commented August 9
a, T2 J. I2 B; f6 r$ g# ~J
8 s9 j5 Z! S! M, Z8 F }Joe Trump 乔·特朗普8 P/ R, k0 P) I
Earth/MarsAug. 9
& { o# L9 v; _6 y/ O: N8 S地球/火星8 月 9 日
+ r5 F* a( ?% E: J$ u0 w) [; ]9 M& j@paul Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
) _# j. d/ Y7 G@paul 例如,美国的教育、医疗保健、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。
. \# h: l+ l: T( ~& u3 C6 ^: u4 h8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
0 E/ e$ Z; u9 H2 R0 o" ~9 c! Y0 wFlag 旗帜 _; S% Y% k% q+ S. a$ s/ P
A Thinking Liberal (not a Left Winger) commented August 9* z, y# o7 S1 m/ b
' |+ i% e! a: u8 IA Thinking Liberal (not a Left Winger)
0 I* ~5 {; d7 J% R1 `! C& O0 j一个有思想的自由主义者(不是左翼分子)7 c: i4 j& c% `
CAAug. 9) A" f$ H8 x7 E3 y/ X- y
加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日9 ^/ K) `0 j: U$ j) v7 e
While China and India focus on achievement and excellence, we are obsessed with social justice, white privilege, and collegiate sports. It starts with culture. Look at how we treat and pay teachers in America. Culture matters./ h; }0 ~# }7 P
中国和印度注重成就和卓越,而我们则痴迷于社会正义、白人特权和大学体育。 这要从文化开始。看看我们如何对待美国教师和支付教师工资。文化很重要。
1 Q6 d6 j T. i+ F( P. |; O& o8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
/ }% T X+ I% J3 C2 _Flag 旗帜
Q% H9 N' j, KSteven McCain commented August 9
8 v$ K- }2 h5 }- S8 v: r( k# }S$ n5 w2 \% v A- N- m. u# R
Steven McCain 史蒂文·麦凯恩# n. f9 |, f) P7 v$ U8 I
New YorkAug. 9
; D( _. @' [6 I0 T% g5 k纽约8 月 9 日, h& S* v: g, ^' T+ W, A
We embrace building more destructive ordinance while they build iPhone. A truly impartial observer would tell you who is going to win. Spending many times the GDP of many countries on our military is sure paying dividends. Problem is dividends for China. There is a reason why we have 12 or more aircraft carriers than them and we all have iPhone. The handwriting is on the wall we just refuse to read it.: J3 g/ _( u+ `1 l: K, u
当他们制造 iPhone 时,我们拥抱制造更具破坏性的法令。一个真正公正的观察者会告诉你谁会赢。在我们的军费上花费许多国家GDP的许多倍肯定会带来回报。问题是中国的红利。我们比他们拥有12艘甚至更多的航空母舰,而且我们都有iPhone,这是有原因的。墙上的字迹我们只是拒绝阅读。
& m0 w5 x5 Y9 d2 _/ g7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享: b d9 u9 P- h' v. A# B
Flag 旗帜
4 L9 I- i& v! u0 ^. C+ CRCS commented August 9
" { G @4 h* M$ C( |2 a, Z: UR 右/ `. I3 S5 c+ M. j+ ~8 s4 J
, E, Z* f, d7 G" `. {Princeton JunctionAug. 9
6 a. v- b2 T7 w5 d普林斯顿交界处8 月 9 日- n2 N' `0 z6 m7 k
As a global professional, I have visited different locations in China and have interfaced with Chinese colleagues. From my vantage point, Xi is concurrently pursuing a very dichotomous path for China: Emphasis on Scientific Education and extensive instances of human rights abuses, speciality for the Uyghurs. Furthermore, his close ties with “War Criminal” Putin is highly alarming for World Peace. Nothing else to say.
! A( S! |% ~! K N1 m. A作为一名全球专业人士,我访问过中国的不同地点并与中国同事进行过交流。 从我的角度来看,习近平同时为中国奉行一条非常二分的道路:强调科学教育和广泛的侵犯人权事件,特别是针对维吾尔人。此外,他与“战犯”普京的密切关系对世界和平来说非常令人震惊。 没什么可说的。
6 i+ }- W4 y: X% u3 Replies 3 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
/ U; f' _- ~ V/ g8 s! }Flag 旗帜
. Y8 v; Z# i8 {+ Z* I- `Half Sour commented August 96 m. p2 n: Z1 j- Y/ O& Y
7 Y, O& n6 b1 M) V& E) fHalf Sour 半酸
O% r7 }# Y* S/ {JerseyAug. 94 S$ f6 k1 p" `
泽西岛8 月 9 日0 d0 R7 E! q9 B1 ~
Also, wide spread, government-abetted industrial theft. That helped, too./ Y, }9 X, G8 f2 B$ M- Z
此外,政府怂恿的工业盗窃现象广泛存在。这也有帮助。7 S" J; C; t& `% S+ O( b2 X( X4 g
7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
\8 Z% W; N( \; ]( ]Flag 旗帜
% r6 U7 n: X& @) x9 {( m5 g' OMD commented August 9
9 L% c3 I0 N2 Y4 L$ `M
( ^ r3 n+ _' N, C6 |% oMD 医学博士
$ T- A, Y0 w R, b. G7 nEarthAug. 9
t3 P3 h' }9 S9 T% R地球8 月 9 日
3 W" d/ y% c8 G# J. }" |America needs to take a serious look at its education system and make the needed investments. Given the absurd proportion of fellow Americans captured in the thrall of conspiratorial nonsense and unable to parse political propaganda, delusion and reality, the investments in real education are long overdue.
. \0 n% D! ]" ~7 |" D: D7 g! {美国需要认真审视其教育体系并进行必要的投资。鉴于大量美国同胞被阴谋论的胡言乱语所束缚,无法解析政治宣传、错觉和现实,对真正教育的投资早就应该进行了。- n8 n I, O* u3 X6 ~
1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享- s! @% q9 N, R0 H
Flag 旗帜
$ b' C- `4 S& z0 k3 R% c, B) G9 OJoe Trump commented August 9, d4 }9 i* v; \' q
& n" h1 M8 G7 U* o# [" }' {, l" xJoe Trump 乔·特朗普8 X, O5 P# M- v5 R$ B% l
Earth/MarsAug. 9
4 _# @; [+ F0 @1 S( ^* Y @' o地球/火星8 月 9 日
}- U% ?. S! @7 G1 [. OI have great faith in Trump University graduates who are going to create miracles!+ X# M: |& M& \+ w, f$ O+ h
我对特朗普大学的毕业生充满信心,他们一定会创造奇迹!1 w' r% ^6 j" j
2 Replies 2 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
+ I* f* E# r8 T/ rFlag 旗帜3 B% {% A) g$ z3 d7 _
Kevin Blankinship commented August 9
" S( A6 e% x/ }! [ & B/ E$ k2 h2 p; @! O
Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普
& v0 b# r# o% l2 ]9 tNorman, OKAug. 9& _1 R; R0 H2 h/ s3 j, F
诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日/ |5 A; \! r+ v. n
@Melvin: The importation of STEM people from abroad excuses business from being taxed to educate them here. They push that cost onto other nations to subsidize them here. Part of globalization.
; F* H X n; ?@Melvin:从国外引进 STEM 人才可以让企业免于征税来在这里教育他们。他们将这笔成本推给其他国家来补贴他们。全球化的一部分。
7 k: v+ l, D( P$ Y6 ]7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
; U5 g0 \( K4 x; f3 \1 ZFlag 旗帜. h" _, m3 p6 E4 I3 P
Richard commented August 9) z. ~6 @0 Q' m
R 右. X: I H; T' f+ T! ~' R
Richard 理查德1 V$ c) F5 N: B4 m# q: j0 ?$ M
Albany, New YorkAug. 9. s3 \+ N a. l4 T W
纽约州奥尔巴尼8 月 9 日% ~0 N; W' X6 H/ l8 X* t% I( w1 m6 W
@DC As a parent whose children are graduates of the local public schools, this is absolute bally rot. They had a rigorous science education, math through calculus, solid social science and English. No effort to do anything but teach. All were very successful in college, as were their schoolmates. I don’t know if it is different in Tennessee.
9 L6 r2 @3 K1 J2 ?7 t@DC 作为孩子是当地公立学校毕业生的家长,这绝对是烂透了。他们接受过严格的科学教育,包括数学、微积分、扎实的社会科学和英语。除了教书之外,什么都不做。他们在大学里都非常成功,他们的同学也是如此。不知道田纳西州的情况是否有所不同。
2 d% w8 n' S1 G7 D( C7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享( G3 K# V, g/ w4 \' A
Flag 旗帜
/ z" d7 G7 S3 ?# o/ TDhg commented August 9
' B. c, B+ H) m5 ]) E: iD. h2 P, @; M ?. q3 N5 c% r5 E" k8 f
Dhg9 t: o6 i7 m+ [! D, ?, N. A
NYAug. 9
9 d8 j6 n3 \! q: y I$ [" o0 X0 e7 R纽约8 月 9 日
. g5 q# `6 I% F7 P( _% O+ {@david lamy China's military spending is growing rapidly and will surpass America's, as I would guess you know. Even more forebodingly it's been shown that China and Taiwan get more bang for their bucks. America must spend double, triple as much or more to build a chip factory in Arizona with inferior results. The same probably goes for military technology.
7 t B# R4 h% r" w* @! Q1 q@david lamy 中国的军费开支正在迅速增长,并将超过美国,我想你也知道。 更令人不安的是,事实证明,中国大陆和台湾的投资更划算。美国必须花费两倍、三倍甚至更多的资金在亚利桑那州建造一家芯片工厂,但结果却很差。军事技术可能也是如此。 b9 H' ~; `/ j8 g9 G$ i# X+ {
7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享) f- I, b* r% O( {
Flag 旗帜
( Q% r( ^& }: m3 n$ NTom commented August 9
; y8 \3 s+ D7 m, \1 y+ W- t' LT, i* A9 I* C% w. i2 R1 S" P
Tom 汤姆& y% D" K" C( e5 q& X, |
TorontoAug. 9
1 q0 n6 g$ V8 d: f* ?. f多伦多8 月 9 日0 o: h0 Q- x+ {9 n8 [7 Z4 S
I've worked with engineering teams all over the world, Germans use to be the best, but I would say Chinese are now at the top of their game. The US shops are dominated by Indian immigrants, and India just doesn't have the diverse basic industry (electronics, mechanical, chemical) to build practical experience. Just compare Tata Motors vs BYD or Tata IT vs Huawei.
' v) R" b" Z3 k5 D9 k0 a我曾与世界各地的工程团队合作过,德国人曾经是最好的,但我想说中国人现在处于领先地位。美国的商店以印度移民为主,而印度缺乏多样化的基础工业(电子、机械、化学)来建立实践经验。只需比较塔塔汽车与比亚迪或塔塔 IT 与华为即可。! R+ `# a' A- C; d+ E
7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
, {8 o' q# D nFlag 旗帜
- I0 D6 @# a# tToxix Avenger commented August 9: B9 V1 K7 w& N& H1 T) v
T! O1 W* p# m, f3 c+ Y. c
Toxix Avenger 毒素复仇者9 Y2 I, F6 G6 X3 @7 ^
West CoastAug. 92 N8 s/ N8 a. S- g* l7 c4 D9 c! a
西海岸8 月 9 日
( D8 _/ e: j: Y, l8 z4 yI had several Chinese post-docs in my genomics lab. Smart and hard working. Unless the US gov increases research funding they’ll also be eating our lunch in that field very soon.
. U; C' H; v! i- S7 ?* N) g8 x我的基因组学实验室里有几位中国博士后。聪明又勤奋。除非美国政府增加研究经费,否则他们很快就会在该领域吃掉我们的午餐。
0 ]1 G# N/ N' J4 z' L7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
% @5 q& J. z- Y; YFlag 旗帜
2 G# G* O9 ]$ {1 m: r+ j* CMunjoy fan commented August 95 a! N( L* p ]& O- H4 [
% c5 P* G! j6 `& CMunjoy fan$ f1 Z. f0 R+ A- @
MaineAug. 93 {2 T, L! y4 Q# t# B( i1 y
Take a good look at the science and math qualifications of our elementary teachers. Secondary teachers can only accomplish so much when they are teaching kids who didn’t learn number facts, patterns and operations in elementary school, nor basic scientific thinking and skills. Are we still allowing elementary teachers to graduate after avoiding higher level math classes in college (by which I don’t mean algebra 1) by offering “Math for Elementary Teachers”? And ditto for science.7 X1 ?5 z: R0 N% d/ K
2 Replies7 RecommendShare1 ], T; U- B) u. k, H6 s. t
Flag; ]9 w. L# a; z' `$ ~- v* y0 R
Per Spective commented August 97 V$ ~$ X+ {0 I: n; N( F6 d
3 L8 W& P- ~' _! t, I) `Per Spective
9 C6 B, F- x# t* [4 P5 jNY BackwatersAug. 9
6 O F1 Q; F3 T/ U a) C, s1 |@B.Last teaching gig before retirement was at the Bronx H.S. of Science, teaching what was essentially a hands on summer school shop class for students (who for reasons of prior course failure, or, just no room in normal school year programming ) had yet to fulfill a graduation requirement. The most insightful, memorable, revelation I learned from the experience was that kids in this premier school, like the ones in the South Jamaica school where I’d spent most of my teaching years, just couldn’t measure using the United States Customary Systems! The inch and fractional parts, as well as computing metric equivalents were as foreign as Mandarin! How can we expect students in this country to “measure-up” to their Chinese counterparts if they haven’t even mastered the technological basics? Though long retired, I still bemoan the shuttering of those “hands-on” shops that were in the process of evolving into classrooms centered on problem solving! Definitely a shortsighted development in educating a technology capable population!# v8 ~1 B: I' x; O
7 RecommendShare- |6 P) i% L$ a
Flag; i0 E9 ?5 _$ W) j6 [! l O' Z
No Party for the working class commented August 9
) D, Z( A/ S# j; W: ~; G K3 o p1 V9 p
3 R& o. K7 X' FNo Party for the working class& ?4 ]6 z2 ~4 j1 y& r0 |- {
Fly over countryAug. 9
9 K9 U! _5 m, q1 c# E! z@me China does have millions of people slaving away for very low wages making smart phones, that is part of what allows them to fund free advanced STEM degrees for smart kids. They pay the education of engineers with money we give them for our baubles.
5 G7 j! h; Z% r8 S. I7 m, W. d ~7 RecommendShare7 @( `1 ?6 `- b) A
Flag/ x( }( x; `: Y
AGuy commented August 9
2 L; Z/ `( P8 e* V# bA
+ G2 E( J% j! c4 cAGuy
4 W7 j: Q$ B9 I, Q+ _- dAPlaceAug. 9
" e3 J& z8 D, y2 K@L F Excellent point. A compassionate and empathetic moral and ethical foundation is essential no matter one's worldview. But that's not the same as forcing one's religion into the minds of children.3 C4 X* ]% e+ e2 n* a
7 RecommendShare+ q0 I6 v+ X7 e1 S! V) u
Flag4 a- j0 L- \5 Y; V) N" h! \
John H. commented August 95 Y9 C; k: [+ i+ o) p4 B$ m
& M* v8 V7 D9 ?2 kJohn H.
1 j/ s. ?# g0 b: L5 _7 U. hNew YorkAug. 9' F) K, c' b/ o! a/ t' m
"A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do." Yes, but I hear they are way behind on gender studies.
+ ^) m' `3 p- H; Z+ q+ z7 RecommendShare
& Z U: e; G9 G y, G; qFlag/ i4 R; I) P- n% i" {9 e
EAH commented August 9
1 R2 [( D" P( ^* L* ?" Z: F9 j% d. GE
5 b) z# C2 ~5 v' I' {4 AEAH/ j/ N! f6 ^: |( \% a( J
NYCAug. 9
H8 M x! V4 y9 D& R* R' V fChina teaches science and chemistry while education system is worried about making sure everyone uses the correct pronouns1 t8 f3 K' s9 h% ?7 a
7 RecommendShare; f0 J' ]0 F$ O% ` T5 Q' y
; H }+ M+ T% NJoe Trump commented August 9
1 f. d; k" A+ p1 T. [7 BJ; {" w4 I# a9 D% ]% q8 ^! `
Joe Trump
6 b4 I& i4 c; F# b6 Y1 l" REarth/MarsAug. 9# k# I4 O: H8 F; }$ ~8 t# V/ r
@Radek Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
6 P: n/ ^7 u: }3 m" s7 RecommendShare
1 M& ?& F( B. Q$ z' L; r5 WFlag
- [9 A( m# {( o0 tdt commented August 9
) b% P1 w( _. d# b( q5 nD
9 o" j) j! O9 \5 o6 qdt
! B- h+ a6 `6 _! WLAAug. 9
8 Z% q4 a, G9 Q4 q/ ~. OSeveral years ago when I was looking for a middle school for my daughter I observed a middle school on the Lower East Side. The chemistry teacher was in the middle of actually dry reading the periodic table to his understandably bored class. I saw the math teacher make two mistakes in the five minutes we observed his class. And then I watched other parents become visibly impressed with the fact that the bio lab had a single microscope. My daughter ended up at East Side Middle School, considered one of the better public schools at the time. They were proud to have a science teacher with a "science background." He had a psychology degree. Over the year I saw that he made the type of mistakes in his teaching that might be typical of someone with limited scientific knowledge. For example, confusing vitamin K with potassium and misidentifying the valves of the heart. We left the public school system. I have little hope that either of the two controlling parties will do anything to change this. We have one political party that "loves the poorly educated" and another party that writes one group of uneducated off as "deplorable" and lowers standards for others.
8 o! |: x! J$ H# _7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享+ }3 \! n( I1 d
Flag 旗帜8 k# G) p: p, |
William Boardman commented August 9. R$ k- [+ W$ T( D. S
W 瓦
]/ V& l: d6 w7 Q9 a( CWilliam Boardman 威廉·博德曼
( e7 B# C0 \4 A( ^7 g' t& iChicagoAug. 9
+ L) Z' x# N! j8 I芝加哥8 月 9 日
) k0 C! X; v/ [- c6 PChina values an educated populace. They train scientists and engineers. America values putting kids into lifelong debt in the pursuit of profits for a few. America is domed if it doesn't fund it's once great public school system and make college free for all.
6 j; Q& _* k# U中国重视受过教育的民众。他们培养科学家和工程师。美国重视让孩子终身负债以追求少数人的利润。如果美国不资助其曾经伟大的公立学校系统并让所有人免费上大学,美国就会陷入困境。
* E8 ~& I( ]: z- U1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
# r1 Q% o$ l# t& ZFlag 旗帜
, F' c/ D; k* G4 a4 \ T7 [$ W% kJoe commented August 9
3 X( c% {; R9 E4 y1 ~J
) p A8 z* M2 F9 m% @ i1 ~Joe 乔2 i Z3 @; r+ k5 s
Saratoga SpringsAug. 9
. H0 U6 j( h8 x4 X" Z, D6 |萨拉托加温泉8 月 9 日
; z: F+ R8 V8 [& E7 k. V, O1 b3 oSo people have finally noticed. I'm an engineering manager at a major tech company. For every 1 job post I get 50 resumes from Chinese Ph.D engineers (another 50 from Indian Ph.D's - but that's story for a different article). They are trained, ready, willing and excited to engage. If those jobs go back to the other side of the world they ain't coming back. Its not a secret at American universities either, if China turns off the tap to the talent pipeline the academic machinery grinds to a halt.2 ] |3 e* s2 @& E5 a( l9 n b
于是人们终于注意到了。 我是一家大型科技公司的工程经理。 每发布一个职位,我就会收到 50 份来自中国博士工程师的简历(另外 50 份来自印度博士工程师的简历,但这是另一篇文章的故事了)。他们训练有素、准备就绪、愿意并兴奋地参与其中。如果这些工作回到世界的另一边,他们就不会再回来了。 这在美国大学也不是秘密,如果中国关闭人才管道,学术机制就会陷入瘫痪。
6 K4 A0 @, P( F6 `" b1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
/ K! n% j5 U7 [5 k# p8 j) V; h% rFlag 旗帜2 Q- f$ ~& m" S
Riotta Rigotta commented August 9
1 L. k- y, c! x+ I6 y2 v( TR 右 J! G( \ s9 I Z
Riotta Rigotta 里奥塔·里戈塔
* h, f1 x9 v# v! W$ \- n, [" WManitobaAug. 9
, {( s5 e# V1 }( H; K马尼托巴省8 月 9 日
& [2 S! A- ~3 v. v) F& W4 Athere is also a fundamental attitude difference to work. I taught in north America for 30 years before working overseas in Singapore. the work ethic is completely different. in Singapore I would have assignments sent to me at 2am. the competitive spirit of students striving to achieve was off the charts compared to my north American students. and it began early. parents would move to upper end areas of the city, and volunteer at the local high achieving school to ensure their child would be accepted at the elementary level. this attitudinal difference came to light in yesterday's article on the new Taiwan chip manufacturer now being built in Phoenix. 'TSMC is known for its rigorous working conditions. It’s not uncommon for people to be called into work for emergencies in the middle of the night. In Phoenix, some American employees quit after disagreements over expectations...' besides securing a robust supply chain and implementing advanced technologies Americans will have to develop a competitive work ethic to compete with the Chinese.
. j: g3 V G( j1 J; F工作态度也存在根本差异。我在北美任教了 30 年,然后到新加坡海外工作。职业道德完全不同。在新加坡,我会在凌晨 2 点收到作业。与我的北美学生相比,学生们努力取得成就的竞争精神是超乎寻常的。而且很早就开始了。父母会搬到城市的上端地区,并在当地的高中做志愿者,以确保他们的孩子能被小学录取。 这种态度差异在昨天关于正在凤凰城建设的新台湾芯片制造商的文章中得到了体现。 '台积电以其严格的工作条件而闻名。人们在半夜因紧急情况被叫去上班的情况并不少见。在凤凰城,一些美国员工因与期望存在分歧而辞职……” 除了确保强大的供应链和采用先进技术之外,美国人还必须培养有竞争力的职业道德才能与中国人竞争。! ?" r! A8 _, p3 @9 q2 D5 O, d. r
7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
6 U- T) x. B( x0 G. @Flag 旗帜
# l. \7 s: u* a3 p- IYL commented August 9
3 M) e& n) ?$ \! p! l+ f G# vY4 A' |2 v: O/ M H$ [5 t
# K( T+ O \$ DBerkeley, CAAug. 98 K+ n; q1 \: Y0 }' j5 Z
加利福尼亚州伯克利8 月 9 日
3 \0 |/ K: s L! }This report towards the end is quite optimistic about the U.S. keeping pace in research funding. Perhaps journalists not familiar with federal research funding do not realize that each time Congress operated on continuing resolution, it is essentially a funding cut by the inflation rate — the continuing resolution only funds based on the previous levels, sans inflation adjustment. So if you want to understand a significant part of where the U.S. research funding is where it is now, check what fraction of the year the government was funded using continuing resolution over the past decade: https://www.gao.gov/blog/what-co ... vernment-operations
" ^' _. i9 x/ j# |8 O& Y# {这份报告最后对美国在研究经费方面保持同步持乐观态度。也许不熟悉联邦研究经费的记者没有意识到,每次国会实施持续决议,本质上都是根据通货膨胀率削减资金——持续决议只根据之前的水平提供资金,没有通货膨胀调整。因此,如果您想了解美国研究经费的很大一部分现在的情况,请检查过去十年中政府使用持续决议获得资助的比例: https://www.gao.gov/blog/what-co ... vernment-operations
5 B) j: `& E3 b! E1 v6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
' ?* w u. H/ F0 T- X) VFlag 旗帜
7 ]6 s( Z+ w' [rude man commented August 9
/ D3 t' ?. ]2 L5 L [R
# J7 q. T9 r Erude man9 M0 X$ j* Z3 A- a0 w8 F% X
PhoenixAug. 90 k& L+ W# `1 w7 w" n! U
And we, in our infinite wisdom, will not be benefiting from this advanced Chinese technology since we are doing what we can to prevent imports based on their technology. So we pay 25-35% more for an EV than we would were Chinese EV imports allowed. Way to go, U.S.
* o! F4 l( Z/ M. ]: C1 \% T! T6 RecommendShare4 C. u1 A2 S0 ~
Flag7 I9 w$ y o6 i
Ima Palled commented August 9
! g6 X; C5 k; s }" LI. O" d6 `2 B# S o, |" `
Ima Palled+ k, f n6 _- ^8 B/ i
Great North WoodsAug. 90 a& x; q1 z% A; y+ ]
CJL was not asserting that other countries lacked their own cultures and work ethics to bring to economic development, but only that as the United States has abandoned the hard work of learning science and technology and has scorned public education, China and India have been more than happy to pick up the slack.
3 `- I% F* g$ A. U# x; ^% p6 RecommendShare
: Q2 |; i+ l: x% j6 a8 k4 K+ F; \Flag
4 y3 ]/ D- _6 U% b/ x$ L2 `Adent commented August 9
; T, x) w" h6 e; O6 O& @A
Z7 L |* F' b/ i `+ h' |Adent
) @" b4 G. o- PnyAug. 9. T( E3 w2 e) d/ {5 q# ?
Too many silly and useless majors in US universities. But we’ll easily bypass China in the number of baristas and Walmart greeters generated.
' G: V: i$ l$ z. v6 RecommendShare
5 E0 q. w9 M0 w/ {Flag3 [2 Q! F- }$ x& r, {; q
Christopher commented August 90 \8 H: |8 J. Z6 K& z
C6 N- L9 c0 E- J, F) ?: R1 F2 _
2 L4 M' g$ O9 I/ j! EColoradoAug. 9$ ]7 e7 _" M2 t w9 j( v+ E
@Keith Bradsher I took a couple of online Masters level history classes this summer and they were at least half filled with Chinese students via my schools partnership with a University in Beijing.
: |2 ^8 e9 |' N; d' l6 RecommendShare j; C' p9 ^" T& _' d- Q
Flag/ G) C- A5 F: V3 s! g
Joe Trump commented August 96 ]! P$ h- |# J! y2 ?
0 l X7 J3 z$ \6 ^8 J. i3 nJoe Trump0 {" c2 n6 X2 D( m+ n
Earth/MarsAug. 9
' E2 p! x! u# Q9 j2 ?1 H: Z; D. a W5 xEducation, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
& p V3 @0 t' E' Y! m% r! z) x7 \例如,美国的教育、医疗、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。3 k m ~) P- @: c4 L4 M
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享/ A9 B( C2 M, D: `
Flag 旗帜) g. e R' ^5 P! C
Ned Terry commented August 9
( i+ B# k& _$ W" r2 IN- a6 w6 e- S/ S9 M+ \0 A- q
Ned Terry 内德·特里
- a% t0 M1 ]9 d$ KPortsmouth, NHAug. 9! s# l. D9 i4 i7 N( m& l' X5 M8 v
新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯8 月 9 日8 u0 F) g# M4 v7 ~9 Y2 L
No gender studies. No ESL. No diversity. How can they be successful?
& }( S6 j* @# `* V' K, J% H4 j+ R没有性别研究。 没有 ESL。 没有多样性。 他们怎样才能成功?- |0 f# g" \5 j' f2 g' G9 U
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享1 C: u# J* S. s% y
Flag 旗帜9 t# ?; s, e; _# p" c9 w
SC commented August 9: ?; P1 E/ z& ^; P7 D* T) e! u
S2 a4 U; h0 \' Q* Z2 g# m4 n% r
SC) v& q6 Z7 X8 W1 A
Philly SuburbsAug. 9
. F& c* O6 Y# h o费城郊区8 月 9 日
) ~! {' Q4 Q$ H. g@Bill This is a big part of the problem. I wish more people would see it. Teachers sure do.3 z& `" n0 v" `- E
@Bill 这是问题的很大一部分。我希望更多的人能看到它。老师们肯定会的。' {$ o2 d1 f, a
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享& U" {) [- ^- S' j
Flag 旗帜$ ]4 k1 S0 |% y" _$ ^
Madmax169 commented August 9
1 H* G4 r, Q# ~( k; ~4 LM
3 x1 [$ X/ D' I# q4 q8 l& L6 E! d# u3 oMadmax169 疯狂麦克斯169/ {: u+ u3 w7 y' X- e
DCAug. 9
. T0 y& F0 X# j% F$ @* o华盛顿特区8 月 9 日
9 w1 s$ u( [2 L o! G( a- _2 n' SYeah, this is called competence and rigor, for those of you making your way through the U.S. educational system of the last 30 years who may not be familiar with these concepts.
8 }; c7 i& Y, F y9 r" W% U/ o是的,这就是所谓的能力和严谨,对于那些在过去 30 年里经历过美国教育体系的人来说,他们可能不熟悉这些概念。
6 v; a# T. o8 z$ ?5 L6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享2 N0 @4 }7 W) Y4 K
Flag 旗帜
) u4 Y e& {4 D8 y7 S& J, VLeptoquark commented August 9
9 W5 ~* {6 w, C' Z* A. U 5 R8 M K4 p0 j, E! L6 P, W5 A( p
Leptoquark 轻夸克7 z$ ]' }/ ~: b& |
Washington DCAug. 9
* L7 \: T& q, z9 F华盛顿特区8 月 9 日
b- U z5 [5 ~3 _This shows you what is possible when you aren't held back by half of your political leadership not accepting climate change, many not accepting science itself, when you don't have entrenched fossil interests, who know the truth, actively sowing doubt and delay, and when the two aren't working together to preserve the status quo.
0 @3 P* A+ C0 V5 X/ u这向你展示了,当你没有一半的政治领导层不接受气候变化,许多人不接受科学本身,当你没有根深蒂固的化石利益,谁知道真相,积极播种怀疑和拖延时,什么是可能的,以及当两者不共同努力维持现状时。
! J8 V5 o ]% k6 ]0 ^, v' {( D6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享2 a' V. @ T8 ^1 G4 o) ^# G
Flag 旗帜
1 `* W8 I# p/ G+ `; [' CBob commented August 9
5 A1 p; }: U7 {8 fB( m7 {2 C% } U) m* N# z
Bob) C0 E9 p6 |/ N0 m
WAAug. 9* T9 H8 ^+ Q" z
@Studentofhistory If the university stopped taking international students your engineering department would have to fold. Getting more American students into STEM is a challenge for sure, and would benefit from serious governmental incentives.
2 y" W. {/ b7 k7 K1 I6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
& D& G- }+ J2 rFlag 旗帜# H3 _2 d; [1 z7 A
Tamza commented August 9! V+ {$ p) M! i3 I. G4 K
9 Y/ R, F4 ~$ v0 aTamza6 }1 V A7 X4 o
NoCalAug. 9
7 @# Q; P. o( J0 m@Ethan Allen ALL research done in the various national labs is in the ‘public domain’ - unless ‘classified’. The world [incl China] has ‘free’ access.
2 j, G* ]+ ^0 y6 x" K; B6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享" H1 D3 }6 v3 F& O
Flag 旗帜2 M, i; s1 u- O/ D* D$ Y1 ]
David commented August 9
) |& h: f& N6 i- f# WD) T# p1 n: I5 g. q
David 大卫
/ a: V0 Y2 l7 {1 Y4 t1 h8 A3 ANevada DesertAug. 90 W6 @( e3 X: s6 ^
内华达沙漠8 月 9 日
% v3 X F9 W* j* `! {The gatekeeper to STEM is 1st year algebra in MS/JHS. Most math teachers don't understand algebra enough themselves to teach it to kids who understand it even less. Unfortunately, people with a solid understanding of algebra and calculus don't go into teaching when they make can much more in industry and not put up with students who still function at the arithmetic/ pocket calculator level, Get good math and science teachers, pay then what they are worth and more students will succeed in STEM. No secret here.. ^5 ?; s7 w. B9 G4 l e3 A$ P2 e
STEM 的把关人是 MS/JHS 中一年级的代数。大多数数学老师自己对代数的理解不够深入,无法将代数教给理解程度更低的孩子。不幸的是,对代数和微积分有深入了解的人在工业界做更多的事情时不会进入教学,也不会容忍仍然在算术/袖珍计算器水平上发挥作用的学生, 聘请优秀的数学和科学老师,支付他们应得的费用,更多的学生将在 STEM 领域取得成功。这里没有秘密。0 J+ [3 {) | y( `) ~
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
! K) P9 A/ Q" L# N8 ?( @Flag 旗帜
; s9 N2 R* Y% P) J( C9 NJj commented August 9
+ [" t% G p, z/ \2 m9 dJ
9 @4 `% L% d9 G" ]/ A% i! ]Jj( v$ x' n4 _0 T$ E* h: {4 n4 O
Middle EarthAug. 9
% b8 t9 @& T) e9 E( [; L6 ]@Radek 28 2 to 4 week trips to China over 20 years, almost every province. It became clear long ago that the Chinese were better capitalists that we are. It's easier to blame the Chinese than ourselves for what's going on. 20 somethings who spoke 3 languages had degrees in both science and business were three deep in every office putting in 60 hour weeks. Innovation that has yet to make it to the states.6 r2 f: V3 r* I9 v
@Radek 28 20 年来中国 2 到 4 周的旅行,几乎每个省份。很早以前就已经很明显,中国人是比我们更好的资本家。 对于所发生的事情,责怪中国人比责怪我们自己更容易。 20 名会说 3 种语言的人拥有科学和商业学位,每个办公室都有 3 名员工,每周工作 60 个小时。 尚未进入各州的创新。( a5 _0 n; b) s" s0 I
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享% _$ a+ C3 z! ]6 `) P Q0 N
Flag 旗帜
6 H! _* H& _* b& p) O7 N! }Paul Rosenberg commented August 9
8 j- } z* H3 t! o" }$ \4 XP
5 r1 d9 o4 C6 fPaul Rosenberg 保罗·罗森伯格
7 O2 M9 n& b. a: aSanta CruzAug. 9
+ _1 R( }% x6 o( V+ O3 I5 R: R圣克鲁斯8 月 9 日
9 e: o- V3 ]6 r' ]6 S" _2 K( w; u7 gAs a retired mechanical engineer who worked for HP most of my working life, these trends have been evident for 30 years. Too few of our brightest people enter STEM fields. If we graduate 1000 lawyers and China graduates 1000 (or 10,000) engineers, which country is likelier to produce more real wealth over the next 25 years.
6 E* p7 L- _2 j# x, z作为一名退休的机械工程师,我的大部分工作生涯都在 HP 工作,这些趋势已经持续了 30 年。我们最聪明的人进入 STEM 领域的人太少了。如果我们毕业 1000 名律师,而中国毕业 1000 名(或 10,000 名)工程师,哪个国家更有可能在未来 25 年创造更多的实际财富。' H1 w& t+ t/ H+ V) U
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享- E( ?: O! \1 Y, u
Flag 旗帜$ F7 ^7 E; \$ }2 p: Q# d6 L# N
JBDanforth commented August 9
9 u8 }' |, W1 c6 X& E9 wJ
2 f7 x. x8 k x+ k& b; d# l) W4 ZJBDanforth JB丹福斯/ P2 O; ^5 S% z+ X
Pacific NorthwestAug. 9
0 m- V; t. s+ Z# L! H太平洋西北地区8 月 9 日) y# E- I9 V L& H1 ]5 H/ C- }
I am so excited to watch China, since meeting my wife there in the mid-90’s, as it spins and weaves the most amazing developments for a better China and, indeed, world. Americans and Chinese ought to be best friends and engage extensively to improve our relationships and our contributions to mankind.: ?0 B1 S- M3 `
自从 90 年代中期在中国遇见我的妻子以来,我很高兴看到中国为更美好的中国乃至世界创造了最令人惊叹的发展。 美国人和中国人应该成为最好的朋友,并广泛接触以改善我们的关系以及我们对人类的贡献。
) z' r! t- s1 [' O2 y, f8 W1 a6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
3 @; i+ h) U6 q8 h" o: r1 GFlag 旗帜
1 b, p6 n) O- dJoe commented August 9" `4 B0 q6 B4 x1 U
( p& d1 O8 d/ lJoe 乔+ p, o! {3 T" n. G- p" z4 k
BostonAug. 9; i& m( }. a% y0 d. f7 ]. \1 z5 ?
波士顿8 月 9 日
0 s. h' t: S( t$ S) d3 @: WUS leadership has mismanaged our country for decades. We have individualism and capitalism and a wild political system- all gamed to favor the elites who want to avoid taxation. Meanwhile Chinese leadership has brought millions out of poverty and is turning China into an advanced country that will eventually exceed us. I have to think part of it is due to ideas of socialism that try to advance the society as a whole. The US will of course try to retain its grip on hegemony through tariffs and military threats. But I'm afraid the long-term trend is not in our favor. The Roman Empire fell from its perch. We will too.
$ ` y$ ^2 }* m- D8 E! N: w* P几十年来,美国领导层对我们国家的管理不善。我们有个人主义、资本主义和疯狂的政治体系——所有这些都被用来支持那些想要避税的精英。与此同时,中国的领导力已经使数百万人摆脱了贫困,并将中国变成一个最终将超过我们的发达国家。我不得不认为,部分原因是社会主义思想试图推动整个社会的发展。 美国当然会试图通过关税和军事威胁来保持其霸权地位。但恐怕长期趋势对我们不利。 罗马帝国从此衰落。我们也会的。4 O! E G; J% Q4 B" ]
6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享1 v5 n2 Q3 ], c7 I, {; G' p$ i
Flag 旗帜! W7 ^. o- r! j( a. ]: ?1 N
tom commented August 9( p3 k9 ?+ @" |# a5 A1 u) V4 o- x
! q# ^) J) Q9 A& K2 V# Y; @tom 汤姆" T& e2 _- W; v& N
irelandAug. 91 p% N% _6 f0 H2 c4 ]5 x
爱尔兰8 月 9 日
J7 X- K3 T0 e8 a0 M: ~They also spend huge amounts on hacking and stealing industrial data from Western company's
6 L1 I( x9 t/ N, S. n他们还花费巨资从西方公司窃取工业数据* e8 n& i) k0 ~: `
5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
9 e/ J" I% X/ @9 X2 pFlag 旗帜* T5 k m8 F- {( G: O; C0 b' _
Philip commented August 9
) K' ~5 h8 y, S0 |$ zP
& {1 j+ a2 V, ^5 o6 n# a$ `( dPhilip 菲利普" m- r! l( ^, ?; I
NYCAug. 9
, U8 d0 u, X1 x+ l2 a8 g0 R纽约市8 月 9 日% W7 I, e. {5 i- `& ]; @
@Josh probably pretty much the line that Mr Benz heard in 1885 when he introduced his „motorwagen“ to the public. „What, this thing needs fuel in bottles, from a pharmacy?? I can get hay for my horses everywhere!“. And here we are.0 a# j. ]( @8 J
@Josh 很可能就是 Benz 先生在 1885 年向公众介绍他的“motorwagen”时听到的那句话。 “什么,这东西需要瓶装燃料,从药房买??我可以到处为我的马取干草!” 我们到了。- C* h, x1 Z6 p/ _
5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享- s. b9 z! e5 m8 ]. ^4 p6 |7 m
Flag 旗帜
3 [# Z2 T" O/ c* s& UEric commented August 99 X0 V& Q$ D& M) n8 z
E2 R# r5 N: ^. s; q# D
Eric- _2 v; H4 B3 X5 c! M: ?' @
IncredulousAug. 96 k( M9 @( l% t1 v( x+ T- Z
Well, the usual tropes about the Chinese stealing IP from the West are very true. What's also true is that: 1. They work much harder than we do (not necessarily a good thing, but true) 2. They have a much less restrictive regulatory system (think environment, labor laws) which enables stuff to get done more quickly and more cheaply 3. All of their university students are *desperate* to succeed. Very many of ours simply feel entitled to succeed 4. Their university administrators are more focused on educational outcomes than left wing political indoctrination and virtue signalling 5. Employees are hired and fired on ability, not quotas and box ticking 6. Their corporate accountants and lawyers are engaged in more productive work than devising new ways to dodge tax Not saying any of this makes China a great place, but combined with brazen and ongoing theft of IP, it does explain why they are such a serious challenge to our economic, technical and (increasingly) political leadership.7 x( `5 t9 ]4 C! ~4 C+ m& } O7 D
5 RecommendShare
; j- o' B- B z) `/ x! [Flag
6 Q& W' r( a, p+ b& w; D: LDavey Boy commented August 9
1 ~& X J S0 q1 aD2 \! G& m4 n+ w. G. k: Q
Davey Boy
+ i0 E w0 g1 p* X* O) q, jNYCAug. 99 }# Y$ o0 @0 n
Don’t forget that while a society might promote a certain type of education to advance its technological prowess, it must also offer an education on using its technological advances in a morally correct way. Without the latter, the former means absolutely nothing.
' k9 A3 h' e5 k$ {5 a5 RecommendShare3 Z4 h7 `6 c3 X/ R6 L8 u" O
+ g* J- Q: _9 x+ nT commented August 9
% I( M9 U0 l" k1 ^( [T
, a5 \/ f$ |) pT
" W& A3 a |# h7 NNCAug. 9/ D% a9 A; n. r
@Rick One of the ironies of politicians who attack elite education is that they are themselves graduates of those elite universities. They’re trying to destroy those universities so no one else will be able to get the kind of education they got.
2 F1 D: W$ s* p1 I6 R1 A' s5 RecommendShare
+ }1 y# p8 _) L3 l( E: B: n! uFlag3 T6 y0 ~& K1 Q r
cynlee commented August 9" |+ ?+ {* ]* K9 }0 z. L
; o- I5 Y+ A. x2 ~cynlee
# N& N! E9 M/ k# B( `6 zCentral IllinoisAug. 9
1 r$ O8 f) U' N1 |6 I. b t, f@M Eng - I don’t know about articles, but during the Cold War the United States increased spending on science education in high schools in order to grow the pipeline for students to study technology in universities and fill research and other technology roles. My high school (and it is not unique or particularly rich) actually had its own planetarium. Unfortunately now, high schools are struggling to fund basics - forget about STEM. And in Illinois, in-state students (even those with near perfect SAT scores) are getting shut out of University of Illinois’ Grainger school of engineering. Instead the university admits thousands of students from China whose parents can spend tens of thousands of dollars on extra academic prep and who pay full tuition. University representatives even tell in-state students that if they get in as a non Grainger student, they will not be able to eventually transfer in even with a 4.0 grade point average. This is one way that our University system is supporting the development of technology talent for China and not the U.S.8 ?! f, C1 |5 c# A3 T" w
5 RecommendShare) r/ N0 N( b8 R
Flag0 U1 N& ^; s) f
left coast finch commented August 9 A! k. @8 [7 \+ ?( u M
L9 ?" L5 a' M. \
left coast finch6 _% e0 J3 }1 P, I
L.A.Aug. 9. G. h/ G0 ?8 E* H, d, ^
@JackC5 It’s not “DEI” but religion that’s killing our educational system. It’s religious bigots who don’t believe in science that are attacking our school systems and stripping libraries of books that don’t conform to their Iron Age mythologies. There is nothing more “feelings-based” than evangelical Christianity and since it got in bed with the wealthy under Reagan’s “Big Tent”, the two groups have been attacking and defunding our educational system to the point we’re at today. It was Republicans who demanded insane tax cuts on the wealthiest that defunded our once fabulous and low-cost universities. It was religious fundamentalist who saw free public education in a wide-range of fields as threatening to Christian hegemony. It’s the systemic disinvestment of our educational system by Capitalism and refusal to tax wealth at the same high rates that were in place during America’s greatest period, the post WWII period.
* x4 e* s# M! e. i% A* g& \5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享' l8 b. P1 M- C! s' Z/ n# V
Flag 旗帜; M8 Z, C# h+ ~6 R# d
Kevin commented August 9( g; @, A# h) U' g, O3 T
: U+ l$ i8 I2 z4 N6 x- bKevin0 ~" f# r8 w8 l2 Y9 M9 t
ColoradoAug. 9+ b& c% j0 _2 }0 j5 |5 G1 H
Besides all of our shortcomings in our education system, the leaders of our businesses seem to be under the delusion that an emphasis on financial engineering is what will make us competitive against China and the rest of the world. There are many US companies that have been sleepwalking like Boeing and haven't shed the delusion that their size and historical performance will allow them to dominate well into the future. Boeing so far, appears to have woken up, but many other companies with an unhealthy short term focus on the wrong things will surely be road kill. They can hire all the MBAs and social influencers they want to try to obscure their product is slipping, if there isn't solid expertise in STEM and the other elements of core businesses , the market ultimately will decide that shoddy and unsafe products won't allow them to maintain their dominant positions and other countries will benefit from our systematic inattention. Some might call that creative destruction when new players claw their way to the top of a market, and in some cases it is, but you can also make a case that previously thriving businesses in the US that have done well for decades and still should be, are being outcompeted with bad management being as big a cause as our education system's mismatch in furnishing the skills that our society needs.9 o6 X- M; j7 V; }. ~# |" d* _
除了我们教育体系中的所有缺陷之外,我们企业的领导者似乎还存在一种错觉,认为对金融工程的重视将使我们与中国和世界其他国家竞争。有许多美国公司像波音公司一样一直在梦游,并没有摆脱这样的错觉:他们的规模和历史业绩将让他们在未来占据主导地位。到目前为止,波音公司似乎已经醒悟了,但许多其他不健康的短期关注错误事物的公司肯定会被杀掉。他们可以聘请所有他们想要的 MBA 和社会影响力人士,试图掩盖他们的产品正在下滑,如果没有扎实的 STEM 和核心业务其他要素的专业知识,市场最终将决定劣质和不安全的产品不会出现。让他们保持主导地位,其他国家就会从我们系统性的忽视中受益。当新的参与者爬上市场的顶峰时,有些人可能会称之为创造性破坏,在某些情况下确实如此,但你也可以举出一个例子,以前在美国蓬勃发展的企业几十年来表现良好,但仍然应该被淘汰。 ,由于管理不善而在竞争中被击败,这与我们的教育系统在提供社会所需技能方面不匹配一样重要。
0 ?! d0 ^8 n' a! k, k2 \# K5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享0 `$ ~$ g% a$ m! B& V6 G- ?! j
Flag 旗帜- n1 O) A( B$ o. _& L" n) Z: ^; _, ]
George commented August 9- N( M. N' A: a/ ?
: ^# E" p$ K0 c+ n: s. JGeorge 乔治
. d' o1 H2 y9 X* u# sNYCAug. 92 v& N1 n7 N3 U# _/ w6 R+ d6 X
纽约市8 月 9 日' m' R4 }& n) w" Y
What's ironic is that it wasn't like China was acting in secrecy. We've been seeing for years how young Chinese students were educated both directly in schools and with after-school tutoring in order to pass stringent exams. Exams that would determine who would ultimately be recruited by companies to engage in sophisticated R&D. Often our MSM reported the stresses placed on Chinese students as "too demanding", comparing and contrasting it with our rather, to say the least, lackadaisical approach to learning. When Deng opened up China he insisted that Western investments into China's economy include technology transfers. He was determined that China not just become the West's workhouse engaged in low level assembly of goods. This foresight is now apparent as we see how China has coupled its demand for childhood education with technological advancement. China no longer needs technology transfers -- it is now advanced enough to be the investor as likely as not to be expected to transfer its own technology. But, the risk of that, of course, is that such transfers also give China a back door into the West's defense. What is needed now is an enlightened policy where we learn how to trade and interact with China as at least a technological equal if not, in some areas, a superior.2 C1 E' c/ _2 }/ H
讽刺的是,中国并不是在秘密行动。 多年来,我们一直看到年轻的中国学生是如何通过学校直接教育和课后辅导来通过严格的考试的。 考试将决定谁最终会被公司招募来从事复杂的研发。 我们的MSM经常报告中国学生承受的压力“要求太高”,并将其与我们至少可以说是懒散的学习方法进行比较和对比。 当邓小平开放中国时,他坚持认为西方对中国经济的投资包括技术转让。他决心让中国不仅仅成为西方从事低水平商品组装的济贫院。 当我们看到中国如何将儿童教育需求与技术进步结合起来时,这种远见就显而易见了。 中国不再需要技术转让——它现在已经足够先进,可以成为投资者,甚至不需要转让自己的技术。 但是,当然,这样做的风险在于,这种转移也给中国进入西方国家的防守留下了后门。 现在需要的是一项开明的政策,让我们学会如何与中国进行贸易和互动,至少在技术上与中国平等,即使在某些领域不是优于中国。) j% v% S& \ Q. l. L1 u
5 RecommendShare
' W8 Z: @" `' m& t U9 N4 MFlag# [4 a3 e+ m/ ~$ S& F3 _
Middle Of CT commented August 9
3 _# G. t0 W `. x# m. zM
+ ^2 a3 c" `* SMiddle Of CT
9 G+ G* M" D: \# J" g8 v( DMiddle Of CTAug. 9
9 o- ]5 \( G# wI see no problems here. If China wants to sell their high tech products here, it will just have to give us access to their technology.
7 y! `0 y# |9 W% E% { n8 D5 RecommendShare
7 M* e2 W; k$ H1 @: UFlag
( [" S9 w/ H: m# {. b0 v# [0 l$ w$ nMemes commented August 9
% L' S$ _9 M9 o. oM
7 V5 l, R/ \; W6 S8 n$ lMemes$ O9 j( b& @0 [7 x/ D! ?
ChicagoAug. 9
2 |! m8 I2 [9 ~I spent some time this summer watching the eurocup from home and during some travels in France. It was very interesting to see the advertising from Chinese firms (predominantly BYD). The US bans have created the effect of us closing our eyes and pretending Chinese competition is not there.- B! i1 N, `5 h& v, s/ L0 i6 a
5 RecommendShare; S: f/ z/ f9 D, E
4 ^# U. p" I1 D% CUzi commented August 9) J- ]+ r# A- [: H _$ ?1 J
' P4 E/ F6 y2 O& P2 ^, y2 h" X
Uzi L( S% F5 A0 y, m% E9 M8 L
SCAug. 97 o$ E; b A5 p# f7 s5 [9 V! w
NYT.8.9.2024.How China Built Tech Prowess: Chemistry Classes and Research Labs. Congratulations, NYT, for this informative article on China's approach to research. In the second half of the 1970s, I was a Brazilian student pursuing my Master's and PhD degrees in natural resource economics at MSU. The first thing that caught my attention was the significant number of international students and few Americans pursuing graduate studies in hard sciences, like engineering, computer sciences, chemistry, etc. Now, with Chinese students dominating hard science areas on all American campuses, we are witnessing a profound shift in the global higher education landscape. In advanced sciences, China today is the US of the past.
( ]* D! }' `- r J2 w5 RecommendShare$ S2 p2 ? F; | Q) f
Flag! H4 l( v6 u7 P9 `
Chip commented August 9
# H+ m6 ~8 @% e. f
; c0 C/ C! S: U% K! c7 h2 g5 tChip$ E/ q7 ]) Q o! [. ~. b- W0 K
Wheelwell, IndianaAug. 9
: T+ c/ G9 C+ b4 Y5 D) ?I do wish US parents made their kids work hard, do well in math, care about science. Too many parents seek dumbed down curricula, excuse their kids’ laziness, focus on sports and popularity, and even try to ban books and push the teaching of religion on schools.* i- C8 _4 }$ k/ ?# S
5 RecommendShare+ i, a' P9 p) t! Q9 Y6 Z
5 p G: l7 X4 m2 iSrini commented August 9
. p% ?# R, k' [S
' q; K4 p& X0 c% \Srini
/ M5 r# c# i' qTexasAug. 9# Q. W$ F* E& i3 Z9 S
Meanwhile in America, with its anti-intellectual traditions, universities and professors are vilified and worse, interfered in by politicians. What was done recently to Ivy League Presidents (all women - imagine that!) is beyond shameful and shows you how little Americans care about education despite the fact that most American universities have world class research being conducted. And we respond to other countries with 100% tariffs.& ~7 S' v/ s9 Q
1 Reply5 RecommendShare
8 x9 O8 f6 r4 B$ Y( l, i" W8 ~Flag/ V" x: `+ ?. P$ O% V6 L
TC commented August 9" K" M4 y/ t8 z( W6 \
T2 m8 U& G5 E3 w9 d% H. R
% M3 O+ z* ~, P1 T" |0 E) d# f1 W( ~LouisianaAug. 9- o( X9 h6 t2 t3 u% c& \+ r
@Leptoquark what a tribal view. which party is focused on identity, politics and equity? our teachers and our teacher teaching colleges are far to the left and their focus is on identity equity and activism in place of science, math, reading and writing. One simply needs to point to California and they're pushed to create equity by limiting access to advanced classes, especially in middle school for those who are capable and well prepared.
6 a7 N1 Y) U; C9 y) m5 RecommendShare/ u: C2 B/ V$ i# B* l; [
Flag! \4 @% z/ n: K. g
Voter who still cares commented August 9 C# f! _5 |0 e0 `+ G1 R D n
V- {$ Q! p7 M9 s0 {: O
Voter who still cares1 K- t j7 _9 u/ v) Q
VirginiaAug. 9
^; Z) P+ z" y3 cHow about we start by prioritizing American students in our universities? The Chinese come here for advanced STEM education.
4 X F t4 [) u6 P* L5 RecommendShare D2 o* X0 L. y3 {; M* R: k& V
9 \2 C) M* p; OJohn Mitchell commented August 99 H7 Z9 ?/ L# `: \) s# G
) c$ {; C4 [) N/ s# qJohn Mitchell& C, m& E P4 g' ?
NYAug. 9' ^4 o+ {3 ^' e
U.S. society is anti-intellectual. I've been told that in China, the leading mathematician Shing-Tung Yau is well-known and revered. Try to name one living mathematician in the U.S. who is known to the general population and respected for his or her work.' p4 X. n9 v% y' x/ k0 K
5 RecommendShare7 E1 ~" H6 J2 G' j6 y
Flag& D) {5 k2 w) O' y- s9 ^
JCAZ commented August 9. w* S4 }7 y! d& }8 @; C. N
J: a: }$ U* W8 @, b f
JCAZ) T. ? e! d) R* w* `+ O- j
ArizonaAug. 9. |# Z. q+ m* q h! ?+ c
And here in the US, one of the political parties wants to push the Ten Commandments over reading, writing and arithmetic. With that attitude, we will be our own worst enemy.
$ {' F% h. q& Z& Q: ^5 RecommendShare8 g1 y. Y* Z- N
7 A4 _" c) w' i3 {" P4 m6 bEd Watters commented August 9
" V" p7 @: n) ?- E$ | 3 R3 n' V G @; z
Ed Watters+ ]$ [: A3 \& q' Z% H
Western PAAug. 9
/ _+ u& s0 _. r3 c- b. H4 y( f' KIn China, the government controls the corporations. In the US, the corporations control the government. The past 30 years have shown quite clearly which system works better.' _$ k& v8 O. ?4 G* o
5 RecommendShare, ]9 A. `: @$ v3 \
Flag- u/ S; B4 K3 Q8 E( C
ShipHasSailed commented August 9
/ \! C0 L+ ~! c1 W" F! }S
2 c1 F* ^1 G6 x+ ~4 rShipHasSailed: k( G/ I, g Q }8 N% y) R
GlobalAug. 9
9 D. {5 s2 j4 c9 M; Y; w@TC: Let’s talk about “equality of opportunity “: people of color in this country have tried and tried to get a good education in areas that were mostly white and didn’t accept integration in their schools. So those folks have been forced to stay in their own neighborhoods where the schools may not be as good or where good teachers may not want to teach. I’m so tired of folks trying to say that blacks or hispanics are not interested in real learning and want a free pass. To those veiled gaslights, I have two words: white flight - that is still and forever going on.6 K+ |' U4 `( w2 F Z1 X2 Y
5 RecommendShare
' S) @' H% i1 _: aFlag" ^4 X' `9 \2 [# `- f, q4 r
RWG commented August 9
. F: b2 k; d. G! ^* XR( ~5 S+ f/ A2 M. K: N" S
% \, K/ t8 F# m1 u3 \MaineAug. 9
: X: L/ H* @1 F c5 a/ i/ J: e! |@R Mabry I’m an engineer. and I visited China and have worked wit Chinese academics, and everything @Radek writes is spot on.
! x: }, d. S! m* D+ g: j5 RecommendShare
& A0 _3 R |( f, \1 c0 pFlag
8 t- z+ |4 b% W5 @( O: VRichard Buchanan commented August 9
+ |/ H6 E- p, d/ E& p; @R
% V, F4 }+ B6 n7 |3 Z4 }* ORichard Buchanan1 N' p+ x! P1 |8 A
Peterborough, NHAug. 90 J; d A/ T$ L) e" m k4 i
Oh yeah? Well we have the Ten Commandments in our classrooms, and we ban books that are not Christian! So there!!
0 }" H t2 G" U' p5 RecommendShare
+ Z# i, k( }$ z5 `! u& TFlag
* X% w5 v" F0 _8 _/ STom commented August 9
9 C+ ]# q) M9 k! r8 z' c0 p& IT
5 q. f a/ d2 f* k7 R$ {; nTom0 N$ F3 ]0 [0 v
AtlantaAug. 9* r1 M3 |( X- k2 l& j! |
Unfortunately our view is frightening myopic and we think (Democrats and Republicans) that by putting tariffs on Chinese exports (Electric Vehicles) we can compete with China. Remember back in early eighties when Japanese started exporting very good quality automobiles at almost half the cost, our auto industry was in shambles. A friend of mine bought Honda car and he remarked “This car is poor man’s Rolls Royce. The steering is so smooth and ride is so comfortable.” Tesla and other EV manufacturers here have to step up, innovate, and reinvent to compete with China. Putting tariffs on Chinese EVs will send following messages to American auto manufacturers: 1. You don’t need to compete. 2. You are guaranteed your customer base in America. 3. You can sell your product at prices you like. Make no mistake that tariffs are ultimately paid by Americans. A company that will make the following EV parts of very high quality will dominate the EV market: Battery, battery, and battery! Because everything else in an EV is pretty much traditional technology.
( J' H7 D( |) L9 j9 X/ i% g; z5 RecommendShare& A; ^ }/ w5 r! J7 J. B5 i( w
Flag) I3 N+ B8 B; e# _
Andrew commented August 9
( ?' |/ [, y6 @! D) mA( l& z3 f& h' y+ K# S s8 [
( H* @) d" T: M3 [NaplesAug. 9
$ p' ~3 e: M' ^Our inner cities produce students that can’t read anywhere near grade level. Too many teens are addicted to TikTok. We belittle merit. We cancel gifted and talented classes. Our colleges are in some mad arms race on athletics. China is a long player. They see our culture and its corrosive impact on education and youth development and they believe, not without good reason, that the US is weakening from within and is doomed to fail.' g( Z2 i: _8 Q
5 RecommendShare" V1 I$ H/ w0 n8 ]4 m: r1 b" r
Flag2 I9 W8 l- `# V+ z+ @
Mandy commented August 90 F+ Q$ v, r" P
M# ]9 o! W: T4 u4 V2 B
' {; r0 e& f; jMichiganAug. 9
: D% _; r |8 P9 F0 W h/ gThe problem that America has is that advanced stage Democracy doesn't appear to work very well. We spend so much effort - time and money, on just choosing who gets to have the golden keys. And then those who lose spend all their efforts on making sure the winners don't succeed so next time they will be the winners. Talk about dysfunctional. And now in America someone so totally unsuitable to be a leader , Trump, is turning everyone against each other, and the system has no good way to counteract. The same is true of late stage Capitalism. Where so much of the money, and power concentrate with the few, and often those few are not that great. And now we have late stage capitalism taking over our Democracy. Where money buys huge influence ( see AIPAC buying primary wins) . A big reason for America's present condition is the fact that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. That gives us great wealth but means we need to spend huge sums on military to keep that position. It also makes us lazy. And it means it is better money to be in finance than engineering. And with our currency so valuable it is cheaper to just buy stuff from other countries. China doesn't have these 'problems' . The economy is heavily government controlled so it will be for the benefit of everyone. The wealthy are kept in place. Social media is not let alone to rot. It is very hard to have a meritocracy that lasts, but China seems to be doing it.! [2 G2 L, r0 Z( Y6 D. v: d% [
美国面临的问题是高级阶段的民主似乎运行得不太好。我们花费了如此多的精力——时间和金钱,只是为了选择谁能拥有金钥匙。然后那些失败的人会尽全力确保胜利者不会成功,这样下次他们就会成为胜利者。谈论功能失调。现在在美国,特朗普这样一个完全不适合当领导人的人,正在让每个人都互相对立,而这个体系没有什么好的办法来应对。 晚期资本主义也是如此。如此多的金钱和权力集中在少数人手中,而这些少数人往往并不那么伟大。 现在,晚期资本主义接管了我们的民主。金钱可以买到巨大的影响力(参见 AIPAC 购买初选获胜)。 美国现状的一个重要原因是美元是世界储备货币。这给我们带来了巨大的财富,但意味着我们需要在军事上花费大量资金才能保持这一地位。这也让我们变得懒惰。这意味着从事金融业比从事工程业更赚钱。由于我们的货币如此宝贵,从其他国家购买东西会更便宜。 中国不存在这些“问题”。经济受到政府的严格控制,因此这将造福于每个人。有钱人都留在原地。社交媒体不会腐烂。 维持持久的精英统治非常困难,但中国似乎正在做到这一点。3 L8 q |% J5 w$ Q: v
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# u P9 J) H# H! \6 H3 H+ [Former HS Math teacher & engineer commented August 9
2 A7 y/ ^9 A/ ]0 o; l+ Q# t: m6 jF
: T2 Z/ b! d# P$ z9 gFormer HS Math teacher & engineer
* q7 N/ x. g. g4 W前高中数学老师和工程师 y* M$ X8 G; o# q# ]+ M! J1 V
New EnglandAug. 9
" K# C! h$ W6 g. l& M4 ]新英格兰8 月 9 日
8 ?& M6 Y7 q& \! P# D3 ?7 s@TW I agree that string math and science students in high school deserve more support, and frankly, more challenge. There is too much focus on grades and getting into the most exclusive and prestigious colleges. That forces top students to stress and complain when teachers like me challenged them with difficult concepts, problem sets, exams, and foremost - high expectations. My former students did very well in college math, science, and engineering courses at top colleges and universities. On another note, I taught many students with a variety of cognitive and learning challenges. These students, as far as I could tell, are not headed into STEM fields at the research or engineering level. And unfortunately, many waste taxpayer dollars by failing to work hard and take advantage of the great assistance they receive from teachers and special education professional .2 x/ E4 e& m) {
@TW 我同意高中弦数学和科学学生应该得到更多的支持,坦率地说,更多的挑战。人们过于关注成绩和进入最独特、最负盛名的大学。当像我这样的老师用困难的概念、问题集、考试,以及最重要的——高期望来挑战他们时,这迫使顶尖学生感到压力和抱怨。我以前的学生在顶尖学院和大学的大学数学、科学和工程课程中取得了很好的成绩。 另一方面,我教了许多面临各种认知和学习挑战的学生。据我所知,这些学生并没有进入研究或工程层面的 STEM 领域。不幸的是,许多人浪费了纳税人的钱,因为他们没有努力工作,也没有利用从教师和特殊教育专业人员那里得到的巨大帮助。
7 I* M/ n2 r" G5 }- m% L. [, X5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
& e4 ]# V1 g, NFlag 旗帜6 c; ]% _8 O( ?3 c+ W( R
Andio Ryan commented August 91 ]! C1 _9 P& D3 I
& P; c0 k; q( G( e" Q; F5 rAndio Ryan 安迪奥·瑞安" ^/ @. v: X5 H
Los AngelesAug. 94 u# B! `% i' x; ~1 O- ^7 {
洛杉矶8 月 9 日$ r! `4 z! l- @/ s
In the US we care more about equity (equal outcome for all) than merit (earning reward or status through hard work). In the US we eliminate tests for achievement and advancement and instead use identity as a measure for achievement and advancement. Is it any wonder we are doing so poorly compared to China?
2 d' U' Q$ V9 z- a在美国,我们更关心公平(所有人的结果平等)而不是功绩(通过努力工作获得奖励或地位)。在美国,我们取消了对成就和进步的测试,而是使用身份作为成就和进步的衡量标准。 与中国相比,我们的表现如此糟糕,这有什么奇怪的吗?# ^9 Z, k- K" u2 m4 L
2 Replies 2 条回复5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
. l( d$ w# i9 XFlag 旗帜
" ?0 X" p5 g& L( n$ JJeff commented August 9, e- z: Z' B" T; I6 H( W- a/ p
5 F7 _: a q8 M3 F4 ~4 @. mJeff
, P2 h# X" s8 I' H6 l# G6 b8 ^ORAug. 9
' L) p- E2 S, U$ QIn China, if the students don’t do well, they are shamed and punished, which is bad. In the US, if students don’t do well they are given a B as soon as their mom calls the school to yell at the principal.
; |3 w% D- M# o2 V: @5 RecommendShare! U( w+ a3 ^6 D
m1 o& x% ]0 aRedcedar commented August 9
( N4 o# Q( ~ b( y! zR
) P$ g4 F% o$ eRedcedar
& M* e ?. [1 D( vEverett WAAug. 9% T5 q. @# f7 B1 f' w4 _+ R/ ?: ]
My wife is from Changsha, as is her mother who at 96 now lives with us near Seattle. Changsha is a fun city, beautiful parks that encourage us to be outside and active. On Saturday nights in the summer, the local fireworks manufacturers put on incredible displays for us to enjoy, gathered on the riverbanks to launch our paper bag candle balloons. Like us, they are building middle class lives based on their ingenuity and hard work. My hope is that we avoid open confrontation until time erodes what is left of the fear and enmity that keeps us apart. I would love to see the Chinese hired to build high speed rail in America, as they have done for the past decade across China itself. There are so many ways in which we could work cooperatively. Can we begin working in that direction?
" }; |! m4 S E9 t( p5 RecommendShare3 a$ z, e. Z& }) B# n% I
7 l8 n6 t3 e+ T8 [5 f% WJj commented August 9
. E! H! Q8 Y) r7 G3 YJ
3 f, K# Q$ `/ OJj
1 Q& S* A/ |9 I0 f9 yMiddle EarthAug. 9
/ a* |# X/ o6 i8 x2 U$ c7 |@R Mabry 28 trips 2 to 4 weeks each, no invitation. Most of the time doing unannounced factory tours. I couldn't agree more with Radek
1 o9 c' _, U& D- `( D- J5 RecommendShare0 T6 H; y8 w4 |4 Y$ O( x2 \! N' _
! w) R4 ` ]8 w' e. yPottree commented August 9
9 k, g& S7 U7 p/ P; I5 d0 aP
0 m' u2 G$ N2 o* T2 S: HPottree4 n( ^+ ?0 ~; y# G" k9 R I. O
Joshua TreeAug. 9# B) F6 ^; a( [8 C$ M8 H0 h" ~" g' [
@Radek This issue with comparative US costs is not limited to China. It's similar when we compare the US with most of our peer nations. Here, there are sticky fingers in every piece of the pie and all are reluctant to let go because this is how they survive economically. Hanging on to the US status quo when it comes to metrics like healthcare, education, childcare, education, and, yes, even social housing is surprisingly easy: Americans are eager and willing to suspend disbelief when the magic words (Socialism! Communism! Marxism!) are invoked. We've been trained to years to accept being more stressed and less competitive in the global economy to avoid the horror of Socialism here at home. It's akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. And some politicians still make hay out of fulminating by threatening to reverse the few paltry successes we've managed to achieve on this front. It is not just STEM subjects that suffer in our system: we are largely unskilled and unwilling to observe analyze, or even think - skills necessary for all walks of life.0 Y$ s- J, @ P4 C9 ?/ j
@Radek 美国成本比较的问题不仅限于中国。当我们将美国与大多数同类国家进行比较时,情况也是相似的。 在这里,每一块馅饼都有粘手,所有人都不愿意放手,因为这就是他们的经济生存之道。当谈到医疗保健、教育、儿童保育、教育,甚至社会住房等指标时,保持美国现状出人意料地容易:当神奇的词(社会主义!共产主义!马克思主义)出现时,美国人渴望并愿意停止怀疑。 !) 被调用。 多年来,我们接受了在全球经济中承受更大压力和竞争力下降的训练,以避免国内出现社会主义的恐怖。这就像割掉你的鼻子来侮辱你的脸一样。 一些政客仍然通过威胁要扭转我们在这方面取得的微不足道的成功来利用谴责。 在我们的系统中受到影响的不仅仅是 STEM 科目:我们很大程度上缺乏技能,不愿意观察分析,甚至不愿意思考 - 各行各业所必需的技能。2 f: B" y0 D% c& Q6 _! r
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7 I- x' }+ V. `4 TFlag 旗帜
$ v9 B9 B: ^) O% p$ FEB53 commented August 93 W2 Q9 v! {# U% z
E& u/ K8 p% c/ t: a( z2 s4 M: Y
2 {0 _2 f7 Z- H# w2 j' lPacific Northwest theAug. 9
- Z# O$ ^) A& M$ G太平洋西北地区8 月 9 日3 k4 s. P2 e9 I- W9 g% d+ p
During my years as a biology professor at a major research university I taught many mainland Chinese students. A bright young woman took several of my classes and she asked to work in my lab. When she was approaching her senior year she asked me for advice on applying to PhD programs here rather than China, even though this meant visa and financial complications. I asked her why she wasn't applying to one of the good Chinese universities and in her quirky English said "Chinese science no good. They teach you to cheat. I like doing real science." This jibed with all the reports of retracted science publications from Chinese investigators. There are excellent scientists in China, many trained in the West, but the incentive system for science research is perverse, with funding allocated according to the number of papers published in high visibility Western journals like Nature and Science, rather than by peer review of the proposed research's merit as is done here. Engineering is a different enterprise and China clearly does well in training in this field. But science training in China is more problematic.
' a- T G% V4 q. T在我在一所主要研究型大学担任生物学教授期间,我教过许多中国大陆学生。一位聪明的年轻女士选修了我的几门课程,并要求到我的实验室工作。当她快要读大四的时候,她向我寻求关于申请在这里而不是中国读博士课程的建议,尽管这意味着签证和财务上的复杂化。我问她为什么不申请中国一所好的大学,她用古怪的英语说:“中国科学不好。他们教你作弊。我喜欢做真正的科学。”这与中国研究人员撤回科学出版物的所有报告一致。中国有优秀的科学家,其中许多人在西方接受过培训,但科学研究的激励制度不正当,根据在《自然》和《科学》等西方知名期刊上发表的论文数量来分配经费,而不是根据同行评审来分配经费。拟议研究的优点正如这里所做的那样。工程是一个不同的行业,中国在这一领域的培训方面显然做得很好。但中国的科学培训问题更大。
4 d! t. K$ n0 D4 j5 W0 L+ ?- [5 k6 R1 Reply 1 条回复5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
3 c8 N2 M7 u A; Q. ZFlag 旗帜
* D2 Y6 {* z9 B7 m. n( e9 sFrank commented August 95 ?- h w9 `9 y1 f5 s2 f
/ P% E7 c: @) ]+ sFrank 坦率5 \% l3 @9 u' g0 H( Y
Sydney OzAug. 9
4 M1 b8 l- l" e: _" V悉尼奥兹8 月 9 日
6 k6 ~; _7 h/ y, _# a, J* D& Isounds great but the view from Australia which has some of the largest deposits of lithium and rare earths is that China CCP made the decision to focus on those. While clean environment laws prevented the refinement of lithium and other rare earths in Australia which apparently are extremely polluting of environments, China were 'hey let's dominate this market' and were gung-ho about refining the rare earths. If millions in China suffer and die from the resulting pollution, hey - there's plenty more where they came from ... !
- m9 O, R. ]/ J; S$ L# _. P y' [听起来不错,但拥有一些最大的锂和稀土矿藏的澳大利亚的观点是,中共决定将重点放在这些领域。 虽然清洁环境法禁止澳大利亚提炼锂和其他稀土,这些显然对环境造成了极大的污染,但中国却“嘿,让我们主宰这个市场”,并热衷于提炼稀土。 如果中国有数百万人因由此产生的污染而遭受痛苦和死亡,嘿 - 还有更多的人来自......!, K- h; k1 Y1 ^. H
4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享4 {9 T. }2 t2 G8 x- c
Flag 旗帜
. `2 V; m- V2 ^2 w: m6 m* aMike Livingston commented August 9+ K1 `8 z2 Q3 Z6 D
M# W; {7 W% _8 K1 {3 m
Mike Livingston 迈克·利文斯顿
( g2 C# q6 z" HPhiladelphiaAug. 9
& |, \1 x+ Y! F; z费城8 月 9 日4 v$ V3 R" `! z" j$ z
Maybe. But most of the original science is ours. I wouldn’t trade places with them.
1 `, K% J$ F) D4 C/ O ?或许。但大部分原创科学都是我们的。我不会和他们交换位置。( Z5 P0 j# G: T) V* ?
2 Replies 2 条回复4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
" o8 x% [9 R$ I) W# a lFlag 旗帜6 U% g5 P1 F" D& F5 e9 Q
Jeff commented August 9! \, k( c" K3 s. _# e a+ g9 D5 P
J* u/ w2 M" t+ X
Jeff 杰夫
8 ]3 c# B: _( ZSydneyAug. 99 M0 @0 `/ v% ~/ Y& Y' Q& v% f* f: c8 c
悉尼8 月 9 日2 w4 |9 I; N1 O) B# Q* s. \ y
@Josh Nothing you have said is factual. EV sales are growing according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global EV sales are expected to reach 16.6 million vehicles this year, up from 13.7 million in 2023. Lifecycle emissions of EVs are much lower than ICE. https://www.cotes.com/blog/green ... 20calculator%20that,(24%2C140%20km)%20of%20driving.5 n) p$ J7 L/ w, v9 ?# v: M
@Josh你所说的一切都不是事实。根据国际能源署 (IEA) 的数据,电动汽车销量正在增长,预计今年全球电动汽车销量将达到 1,660 万辆,高于 2023 年的 1,370 万辆。 电动汽车的生命周期排放量远低于内燃机。 https://www.cotes.com/blog/green ... e-vehicles#:~:text=尝试%20out%20this%20calculator%20that,(24%2C140%20km) %20of%20驾驶。4 }/ ], Y3 V0 v" _* M
4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
/ B- o5 ^3 R* R" [4 ^Flag 旗帜; u7 a% V" ~- }
Herb commented August 9
# G7 q2 k4 d$ F, ]. H1 t! @7 ^H
! d* f1 y0 c. J' M. XHerb 草本植物
/ V }5 |$ j4 P' R2 X7 K; p( dParkville, MDAug. 9
! J3 q/ w5 a% k( S- u马里兰州帕克维尔8 月 9 日0 A; v" P4 W8 y" t# R
@jeff The article seem to rebut your claim quite forcefully.
$ ~$ l! N9 D" q$ t6 m/ Z; h/ ]6 m@Jeff 这篇文章似乎非常有力地反驳了你的主张。8 k$ \) s( ]' V) U6 y
4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享1 ^# s0 H$ g G' x
Flag 旗帜
% c) ~2 p: A5 B( z* j4 bHarry commented August 9, Y; Y8 m E% Y5 c! _0 [9 B
5 d, H; ?8 H8 [6 d! N4 sHarry 哈利% |; i% z" U- V, L/ s+ i
michiganAug. 92 t$ B1 {. T4 d0 `! i- W2 X/ f
密歇根州8 月 9 日& W5 g4 l1 x+ n0 v3 {3 i6 a0 r
@Gabe. With current battery technology, but you ain’t seen nothing yet. The issue isn’t the battery chemistry, it’s making clean power. Then try convincing Americans that driving massive vehicles is necessary. Don’t hybrids use batteries?
, O1 I: x3 c3 r6 S* t@加布。就目前的电池技术而言,但你还什么也没看到。问题不在于电池的化学成分,而在于清洁能源的生产。然后尝试说服美国人驾驶大型车辆是必要的。混合动力车不使用电池吗?
8 S( q: K, Q, P" L1 e4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
8 ]0 L9 N) x" wFlag 旗帜* [) K. x1 n5 L' a3 p
Joe Trump commented August 98 p4 D* } U6 O5 s
J, ]0 r, s& ?5 S! N$ H
Joe Trump 乔·特朗普7 ^1 T$ p( z6 S$ X3 v# _
Earth/MarsAug. 9; L G% E$ n+ D" V+ {, l
地球/火星8 月 9 日6 @7 H& ]7 w* _5 y
@d Trump and his Gun lobby MAGA breeds are the problem and not the liberals but you ain't gonna be able to understand the Science behind it! As if Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley or Yale were founded by Republicans or Trump University is great in those Researches and has earned some name.& m7 L5 `# H* W) Y9 @+ W }9 q. x h! [
@d 特朗普和他的枪支游说团体 MAGA 品种才是问题所在,而不是自由主义者,但你无法理解其背后的科学!好像哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、伯克利大学或耶鲁大学是由共和党人创立的,或者特朗普大学在这些研究方面很出色,并赢得了一些声誉。
3 S; s- L; b$ d4 f# ]6 ~" a; p0 C4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
5 ^$ c2 ~. w( G, uFlag 旗帜- S p- _# X& ]" O/ f
Trina commented August 9( {8 {6 i$ ^$ n Z8 M; e/ x4 e! ]
( E) u: ]$ h8 x1 V5 M" [Trina 天合光能. `' o7 P7 _5 H6 ^+ n# m
IndianaAug. 9- R" |) |& u! P
印第安纳州8 月 9 日
( E8 ]' T2 ^6 I) W0 R* t@M Eng The same was once said of Japan. Yet that nation [Japan] beat the pants off the United States at every turn: Automotive, automation/robotics, eletronics, music instruments, and steel. Who's the current leader of automotive manufacturing in the World? The Japanese gamed the system by build a better car. Investing in engineering and manufacturing requires the United State to invest in education. The world economy is here to say. The false narrative that China made gains because they took something away from use needs to cease. The United States consciously deindustrialize this nation, in the 80s. Many Americans didn't understand Reagan when he said, "The Untited States was going to be a service economy."' a6 i) r8 S7 [+ K: s1 b& N
@M 恩格 日本也曾说过同样的话。然而,这个国家(日本)在汽车、自动化/机器人、电子、乐器和钢铁等各个领域都击败了美国。目前世界汽车制造业的领头羊是谁?日本人通过制造更好的汽车来玩弄这个系统。 投资工程和制造业需要美国投资教育。世界经济在这里说。认为中国取得收益是因为他们从使用中拿走一些东西的错误说法需要停止。 美国在八十年代有意识地使这个国家去工业化。当里根说“美国将成为一个服务经济体”时,许多美国人不理解他的意思。
# O2 P2 M4 J7 S. E' w4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享- o; d2 a& X9 v g5 V" r$ A1 s( [
Flag 旗帜6 x; Y% A: U: @4 h
Dhg commented August 91 W" b9 @* ~. C, @8 k( w, H
D: H" a9 \# T; D- F
0 h) F2 _. s% u3 P/ hNYAug. 9
: I2 x, L$ A; _- Y纽约8 月 9 日
8 u8 f* u2 E# W9 Z@B. "For students who absolutely will not be helped but prefer to engage in behavior not compatible with civilized living, and we know very well that these are the students whose behavior interferes with the learning of their classmates, well, why are we wasting funds trying to get them into college?" Or elect them president and maybe do so again in 2024.
/ J+ H1 g) b8 }. F6 |! J" N: ~@B。 “对于那些绝对不会得到帮助而是宁愿做出与文明生活不相容的行为的学生,我们很清楚这些学生的行为干扰了同学的学习,那么,为什么我们要浪费资金试图让他们考上大学?” 或者选举他们为总统,也许在 2024 年再次这样做。; Z( W2 j+ r( k: B, K; X# c3 o2 D1 ~
4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
+ d5 I' T; q- s3 Q& `& ]/ _ ~Flag 旗帜6 i: \3 ` i/ I! L3 g4 B0 |
Just Another commented August 9- V1 N) a' Q$ T" l
J% d" t2 N. y* e3 b8 s
Just Another 只是另一个
) S6 [/ o* O) ?% C, xNew YorkAug. 94 _ K* a9 i, Y! C! ^0 l
纽约8 月 9 日: R7 P# R& ^( _) ~) E+ \
@S. Benson , You've hit the nail on the head. It's the way the market incentives work and the way corporations respond in the U.S. Changing that would require large scale government intervention and tax funded spending, which would be difficult because of political and financial resistance.
" V. N, M2 ?- w2 Q. q- r* Q@S。本森,你说得一针见血。美国市场激励机制的运作方式和企业应对方式的改变将需要大规模的政府干预和税收资助支出,而由于政治和金融阻力,这将是困难的。
# Z, w B9 k1 M4 I& z( |4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享6 s6 x) u2 j) r7 a7 p
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! W3 }9 _' x5 x& B1 e9 T% ~9 F8 A( X; Kme commented August 9
: P/ a, C. O9 |# P/ IM) F* M' ^$ x0 R7 o
me 我
0 @+ \" W7 f5 ^5 T( S! j M0 `somewhereAug. 9
8 r( Q$ P% L7 z% l% o4 ~, ]8 月 9 日某处
8 [2 Q/ h# w9 e: b' s: m3 J# P2 k% JWe are so dumb here in America. We buy everything from China. We even pay them to build our own products, and we wonder why they are about to surpass us in GDP and actually already have if you use the more modern, favored measurement of PPP. The reason is quite simple. "Rugged American Individualism" has each horse in our cart pulling in a different direction while all of China's horses are in unison.
7 c y% u8 F, c我们在美国真是太蠢了。我们从中国购买所有东西。我们甚至付钱让他们制造我们自己的产品,我们想知道为什么他们的 GDP 即将超过我们,而且如果你使用更现代、更受青睐的购买力平价衡量标准,他们实际上已经超越了我们。 原因很简单。 “粗暴的美国个人主义”让我们车上的每一匹马都朝着不同的方向拉动,而中国的所有马却齐心协力。
0 y+ ^6 M7 r8 b& h3 r# D& v6 `; B8 N6 x4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享2 k+ j: B" Y% u8 q. Z: W- r
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1 L2 G: j) g; f/ ~9 c- M: yMetallurgist commented August 9- H$ Q" ]; q/ c- i0 y" u
+ r0 f3 n; o% ]4 ]2 [: {- ?/ \; I- V |