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[管理] NYT评论:中国如何在技术领域建立优势?科研进步和巨额...

  • TA的每日心情
    2024-10-11 12:15
  • 签到天数: 6 天


     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:06:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    更有意思的是评论,    好多人很冷静啊
    & z& V0 I! W. {, @& F. w" F$ n5 @; Q& b" l8 C

    1 W  `  u- I7 [/ T. U0 |' x, s如今,中国在电动汽车领域的主导地位有可能导致一场贸易战,然而这项技术是几十年前在得克萨斯州的大学实验室诞生的,当时那里的研究人员发现了如何使用丰富而廉价的矿物质制造电池。& r9 @5 ~+ n" g/ k! ]
    7 [) a; @8 [: E/ R7 j5 n" `5 v2 @电池只是中国在技术和制造成熟度方面赶上或超过先进工业民主国家的一个例子。从制药到无人机,再到高效太阳能电池板,中国在众多领域取得了许多突破。& o8 ]1 F+ E9 H  C6 i
    自“二战”以来,美国一直保持着技术领先地位,而北京对这一地位的挑战体现在中国的课堂和企业预算中,同时也体现在共产党最高层的指示中。! e: w% o2 w' }1 O: K
    中国学生主修科学、数学和工程学的比例大大高于其他大国的学生。这一比例还在进一步上升,尽管自2000年以来,高等教育的总体入学人数增加了10倍以上。* I9 i$ E4 b8 n. r, ?9 G
    4 N$ U( Z  o5 v. X9 i9 a中国在电池研究方面的进步帮助其在电动汽车领域获得了主导地位。
    * g3 Y1 c! z) @' n  J' }# V8 _: ~中国在电池研究方面的进步帮助其在电动汽车领域获得了主导地位。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times
    5 ~) J0 g! a/ S' w上个月,中国领导人誓言要让中国的研究工作再上一个台阶。- ?- u7 P4 P+ ~" d% F
    在十年一次的会议中,中国共产党领导人将科学培训和教育作为国家的首要经济任务之一。在会议的最终决议中,除了加强党的自身力量之外,这一目标比其他任何政策都受到更多的关注。8 b7 q8 z. i/ T3 C9 a" K. M" W
    % ~# L0 h; Z5 }# \# J根据中国教育部的数据,中国大多数本科生主修数学、科学、工程或农业。中国四分之三的博士生也是如此。
    ( X* V/ Y; x, k1 t- p/ ^9 G相比之下,只有五分之一的美国本科生和一半的博士生主修这类专业,尽管美国的数据对这些专业的定义更窄一些。, ^/ y& }/ J+ _3 D8 z( I
    中国在电池领域的领先优势尤其明显。根据澳大利亚战略政策研究所的数据,在被广泛引用的电池领域技术论文中,有65.5%来自中国的研究人员,相比之下,只有12%来自美国。/ y) v: R: k0 Y0 W
    " ^( E# E+ }9 f0 A3 X+ I2 o! v3 I宁德时代的一家电池厂,摄于去年。 Qilai Shen for The New York Times
    5 u9 |/ M2 y1 z- u( J$ K2 A全球最大的两家电动汽车电池制造商宁德时代和比亚迪均为中国企业。6 t' i# \$ t6 L. E6 l' m
    $ ]. e" V) D% j8 _  j斯沃斯莫尔学院的电池物理学教授希拉里·史密斯说,美国大学生对电池研究越来越感兴趣。但她也说,“如果他们想做电池研究,由于名额太少,竞争非常激烈,大多数人不得不选择其他专业。”
    4 H4 @6 I7 d$ s透过长沙的中南大学,可以看到中国电池行业的成功根源。长沙是中国中南部的一个城市,长期以来一直是中国化工工业的中心。4 W' B2 S" O4 q& o0 L# m* L
    中南大学拥有面积广阔、设施先进的校园,在校本科生和研究生近6万人。它的化学系曾经位于一座小砖楼,现在已经搬进一栋六层的混凝土建筑,里面有迷宫般的大量实验室和教室。' Q! c- N  c+ K5 e# a
    在长沙中南大学的化学实验室里,博士生朱方军展示设备。6 G. t% s; d6 t1 h1 N
    在长沙中南大学的化学实验室里,博士生朱方军展示设备。 Keith Bradsher/The New York Times
    $ H6 b) C& W9 D在一个闪烁红光的实验室里,数以百计使用新化学成分的电池同时接受测试。很多房间里配备了电子显微镜和其他先进设备。
    2 R* k" }- {3 V. ~2 d/ n4 F博士生朱方军(音)表示:“我们的实验设备能够满足所有测试需求。”
    % N7 l# T) O, C; K$ W7 E彭文杰教授在学校附近成立了一家电池研究公司,雇佣了100多名刚毕业的博士和硕士以及200多名助手。助手们轮班为每位研究人员工作,以便一天24小时不间断地对新的化学物质和新的设计进行测试。' b1 {, u8 B7 F1 f+ W& A
    彭文杰说:“现场有很多人在测试,所以效率非常高。”* _2 |+ w0 u0 u2 s
    中国在制造业方面的专业技能不断发展,这在其他国家,尤其是美国引发了一场关于是否邀请中国公司建厂或是否试图复制中国成就的激烈辩论。6 `+ H4 R  j) I; R
    位于中国长沙的中南大学化学化工学院拥有大量的电池研究实验室。6 B" a% u& ~* r
    位于中国长沙的中南大学化学化工学院拥有大量的电池研究实验室。 Keith Bradsher/The New York Times
    1 t6 E  ~, h, H- p) O“如果美国想快速建立供应链,最好的办法是邀请中国公司,他们会很快建立起来,并且带来技术,”位于北京和洛杉矶的非营利研究机构能源与交通创新中心的创始人安锋说。" v: t9 t2 ]8 Y- P/ r$ ~
    # }2 ^& v2 L6 V9 w& \. l“如果拥有一个庞大的制造业,”他说,“提高生产效率就很容易。”
    ! @$ T" q& w  M6 Y/ S! I) T( x* ~  ?( {然而,中国的制造业实力已成为地缘政治问题。推动工厂繁荣的政府补贴和政策让许多国家对购买更多中国出口产品持谨慎态度。: x1 @2 F2 {$ T  z; y' F
    ( C4 t* J2 W" }5 D5 L7 y中南大学教授彭文杰在化学实验室里,实验室配备了用于化学实验的橡胶安全手套。! Q+ F! v7 z( J
    中南大学教授彭文杰在化学实验室里,实验室配备了用于化学实验的橡胶安全手套。 Keith Bradsher/The New York Times+ z8 V: Z' y' N0 \7 y7 L; _4 m
    尽管如此,中国的电池公司仍在寻找在美国为美国市场生产电池的方法。宁德时代的董事长兼创始人曾毓群说,在美国建造和装备一家电动汽车电池工厂的成本是在中国的六倍。: r; j0 N5 _/ e- U1 X( U" _
    工作进度也很慢——“用时要多出两倍,”他在接受采访时说。2 Q. }" ^) R2 i4 |  H8 [* `
    9 o5 O5 W& N9 |( A  d6 Y( ?# W但中国的比例为2.6%,而且还在上升。9 s0 @! [+ q6 r) m


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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-10-11 12:15
  • 签到天数: 6 天


     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:10:22 | 只看该作者
    paul 保罗: J4 l2 \( T2 A( f4 o/ B
    princeton, NJAug. 95 ]# n1 z. N- E- m
    新泽西州普林斯顿8 月 9 日
    + s5 ?, V/ k. t0 J- r- P3 B# kAs a professor in a major university in the US and just returned from giving several lectures in China, I can say the Chinese students are much more focused than those here. They speak fluent English, read the scientific journals, and are engaged. One of my lectures was attended by 7000 people virtually. In the US, many students major in Business - and I often ask what they want to achieve. They want to make money. Not batteries or a product that would make the world a better place. Simple as that. If we could split water to make hydrogen, the world would be a much better place. But in the Chemistry dept. where I work, most of the money goes to people who design drugs. While that is critically important - in the end, we need to get off of the fossil fuel cycle fast. Let's get some vision into our research. Edison, Tesla and Ford changed the world over a hundred years ago. We need the new "Edisons, Teslas and Fords" - not Musks.$ I1 A( K6 k3 p5 x7 d9 J* T
    作为美国一所重点大学的教授,刚从中国讲学回来,我可以说中国学生比这里的学生专注得多。他们能说流利的英语,阅读科学期刊,并且积极参与。我的一场讲座实际上有 7000 人参加。 在美国,许多学生主修商科——我经常问他们想要实现什么目标。他们想赚钱。不是电池或能让世界变得更美好的产品。 就这么简单。 如果我们能够分解水来制造氢气,世界将会变得更加美好。但在化学系。在我工作的地方,大部分钱都流向了药物设计者。 尽管这一点至关重要,但最终我们需要快速摆脱化石燃料循环。 让我们对我们的研究有一些展望。 爱迪生、特斯拉和福特一百多年前改变了世界。 我们需要新的“爱迪生、特斯拉和福特”——而不是马斯克。
    8 @' E% O! M7 `% W4 j, E495 Recommend 第495章 推荐Share 分享  R( Q& w; a4 T) }
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    3 C2 z2 O8 B  \8 p7 I, ?2 E22 REPLIES 22 条回复7 I5 t' d1 @# d7 P7 ~: b& U
    EastCoastResident commented August 97 p3 ^2 G0 L4 S! o
    9 t- v% ~% i! M0 K4 [EastCoastResident 东海岸居民7 i1 B; I. s5 x# A0 A# T) x, y
    AsiaAug. 92 Q+ x( N* l: ^8 E4 I2 ?9 k
    亚洲8 月 9 日
    0 ^$ o) ~1 ]& y) a( M' b@paul The scale of research is just incomprehensible to outsiders. I was last year in a conference on automotive technologies and presented on the opening day. It was the first conference in China in this domain since COVID and the attendance was still controlled. There were about 400 researchers and industry representatives in the hall, but it was streamed online, freely accessible to researchers, industry and students. To my astonishment they had at a peak 80,000 attendees online, mainly students. In my field of work, most IEEE papers are written by Chinese authors. Even from North American Universities (and Canada seems to have more papers than the US), most authors are Chinese. Another comment: the article refers to the number of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the US compared with China. What it does not mention is that postgraduate students in US Universities have a large number from China and India among them.3 |# O7 a4 [( j& K* @0 r' m& [7 Y
    @Paul 研究的规模对于外人来说是难以理解的。去年,我参加了一个汽车技术会议,并在开幕当天发表了演讲。这是自新冠疫情以来中国首次召开该领域的会议,参会人数仍受到控制。大厅里约有 400 名研究人员和行业代表,但会议通过在线直播,研究人员、行业和学生可以免费观看。令我惊讶的是,最多时有 80,000 名在线参加者,其中主要是学生。 在我的工作领域,大多数 IEEE 论文都是由中国作者撰写的。即使来自北美大学(加拿大的论文似乎比美国还多),大多数作者也是中国人。 另评论:文章指的是美国本科生和研究生数量与中国的对比。但没有提及的是,美国大学的研究生中,有大量来自中国和印度的研究生。1 Z3 `& [$ X5 P  ~* c' v5 H7 }! n$ ~
    167 Recommend 167 推荐Share 分享4 ?8 A" q1 \' F
    Flag 旗帜# K5 ?- z2 |; Y+ e* h$ h4 e
    Ethan Allen commented August 9- ~$ M1 N  o/ g, X
    E8 k4 P) g6 R+ z! j' h2 k. c
    Ethan Allen 伊森·艾伦
    5 x+ H, ?+ G) D1 K% vVermontAug. 9
    5 Q9 c0 M1 M$ V! f. e6 r佛蒙特州8 月 9 日0 C& X+ s( J8 }& b: H$ |. u; O7 u
    @paul While you were there giving lectures I hope you didn’t tell them anything about the work done in your US labs or anything funded by NSF, DoE, DARPA, or other US agencies. Especially during the special ‘informal’ colloquia they arrange, or the fancy banquets where lips are loosened with mao tai! Inviting western academics on all expenses paid trips, visiting professorships, and other ego boosting boondoggles has long been a key part of the Chinese strategy for accelerating their R&D progress through ‘soft espionage’ tactics like this.
    / R5 `# j% K! j* c3 d/ t@paul 当您在那里演讲时,我希望您没有告诉他们任何有关您在美国实验室所做的工作或由 NSF、DoE、DARPA 或其他美国机构资助的任何信息。尤其是在他们安排的特殊“非正式”座谈会,或者在豪华宴会上,用茅台酒放松嘴唇! 邀请西方学者进行一切费用的付费旅行、客座教授和其他自我提升的无用之举,长期以来一直是中国通过此类“软间谍”策略加速研发进程的战略的关键部分。* [& Z6 s+ o; b. T% K/ Q+ g
    25 Recommend 25 推荐Share 分享
    1 c9 t, Z1 F) x4 m# e3 V# BFlag 旗帜
    + Y+ o+ p" ^  NKevin Blankinship commented August 9
    ) r4 u, i; r( v* n) O
    ! A* c" Y/ _$ @% x' A) ?; C" @Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普
    6 C" O/ W4 i' E+ K; UNorman, OKAug. 9
    9 A5 _: V2 F$ Z; X( x% V: g诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
    & }7 y3 r) B! r& C) E@paul : Worse, our business-people tend to mistreat our STEM people. The latter are viewed as a 'cost-center' in firms that rely on engineering, while production is the 'profit-center.' The exploitation of engineers goes back to the 19th century when Thomas Edison claimed credit for the creations of his nameless staff. In the political realm, the business managers want government subsidies, but hate industrial policy. But when they decide how to spend R&D funds, it typically relates to improving industrial processes in a production context. Now with AI emerging, the business-people will be able to automate much if not most engineering work over time. By the way, if one looks at Musk, he, Edison, and Ford all belong in the same boat - as managers who organize research and engineering to profitable ends. Tesla was the true engineer and inventor.3 w3 W: d' Q  [0 T! d
    @paul:更糟糕的是,我们的商人往往会虐待我们的 STEM 人员。后者被视为依赖工程的公司的“成本中心”,而生产则是“利润中心”。对工程师的剥削可以追溯到 19 世纪,当时托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Edison) 声称其无名员工的创造归功于他。 在政治领域,企业管理者希望政府补贴,但讨厌产业政策。但当他们决定如何使用研发资金时,通常与改进生产环境中的工业流程有关。 现在,随着人工智能的兴起,随着时间的推移,商界人士将能够实现大部分(如果不是大部分)工程工作的自动化。 顺便说一句,如果人们看看马斯克,就会发现他、爱迪生和福特都属于同一条船——都是为了盈利目的而组织研究和工程的管理者。特斯拉是真正的工程师和发明家。. i+ K$ X8 D, F; E4 W
    28 Recommend 28 推荐Share 分享0 Z& v, F  F" o$ F8 J) v$ B
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    , n( d5 b4 b. R) Z8 s8 bKeith Bradsher commented August 90 m- W# M+ R1 {. [. }

    6 c' G" \) R  u4 ?7 ]; ZKeith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍
    ) f$ o7 {: g, l$ OBeijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9$ g8 F# k3 K2 m% N% r  d6 H
    北京分社社长8月9日% W. ]8 T% }4 j4 X1 `
    @paul You make very good points. The United States has invested heavily in pharmaceuticals research. But as the Australian Strategic Policy Institute found in its broad review of technologies, China now leads in many fields. Chemistry, long a priority, has emerged as a particular area of strength. The chemistry department at Central South University in Changsha, which I visited, was immense. And there are similar chemistry departments at dozens of large universities in China. The only category identified by the Australian institute in which China is even more dominant globally in published papers than in battery chemistry was in hypersonics, a field used in the design of ballistic missiles. Graduates of Chinese chemistry programs earn half or less of what newly minted American chemical engineers earn. A Chinese graduate with a masters in chemistry can earn $25,000 to $40,000 a year straight out of school while a graduate with a doctorate in chemistry earns more like $55,000. But the cost of living is also much lower. A studio apartment in Changsha, a hub of the chemicals industry, rents for as little as $140 a month, and a spacious two-bedroom apartment is double that. Zoning regulations in China strongly encourage the construction of high-rises. That has meant a vast supply of apartments, which has kept rents down. A bubble in apartment prices has recently burst, however.% Z* v" c# s7 W: I
    @paul你的观点非常好。美国在药物研究方面投入巨资。但正如澳大利亚战略政策研究所在对技术的广泛审查中发现的那样,中国现在在许多领域处于领先地位。化学长期以来一直是一个优先领域,现已成为一个特殊的优势领域。 我参观过的长沙中南大学化学系规模很大。中国数十所大型大学也设有类似的化学系。澳大利亚研究所发现,中国在全球发表的论文中比电池化学更占主导地位的唯一类别是高超音速技术,这是一个用于弹道导弹设计的领域。 中国化学专业毕业生的收入只有美国新化学工程师收入的一半或更少。一名拥有化学硕士学位的中国毕业生毕业后每年可赚取 25,000 至 40,000 美元,而拥有化学博士学位的毕业生每年可赚取 55,000 美元左右。 但生活成本也低得多。在化学工业中心长沙,一套单间公寓的租金仅为每月 140 美元,而宽敞的两居室公寓的租金是这个价格的两倍。中国的分区法规大力鼓励高层建筑的建设。这意味着大量的公寓供应,从而压低了租金。然而,公寓价格泡沫最近破裂了。
    ) T' m9 u! H& H9 y4 {* h5 |41 Recommend 41 推荐Share 分享. J% i3 E5 P  g: d1 D( c% A: B
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    . e8 ?  u+ p! R% r8 DKeith Bradsher commented August 9
    % Z/ [$ q/ v/ V* l# N
    7 j8 _) Z; ?# h# B- J8 a+ Y! zKeith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍
    % A$ L& X4 {- c! UBeijing Bureau ChiefAug. 91 j; L, ^; A% f* I  l% w
    北京分社社长8月9日0 C* _; K$ d- m, y# `. g
    @EastCoastResident Thank you, that is a striking anecdote. There is a very, very high level of public interest in engineering here in China. The competitive challenge for other countries is considerable. The United States does indeed rely much more heavily than China on students from abroad to fill graduate programs in STEM subjects.
    5 a8 p% `) V# D4 R* J@EastCoastResident 谢谢,这是一个引人注目的轶事。中国公众对工程学有着非常非常高的兴趣。其他国家面临的竞争挑战相当大。 美国确实比中国更加依赖海外学生来填补 STEM 科目的研究生课程。$ [) |& @$ c6 y0 a
    45 Recommend 45 推荐Share 分享
    4 f" d3 e3 ^- ^8 m& QFlag 旗帜- _: g  Z" G* Z
    Kevin Blankinship commented August 9
    % Z! n" P" P, @5 D% V7 M5 X- W
    5 L3 u9 _# `. wKevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普
    ) v8 v' E/ ^  ?- C7 g$ M% Z  MNorman, OKAug. 9) B& X3 z0 X5 X: C1 B% Q) `% h- B4 K
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
    $ B" c; p0 h( y3 s- k* d! w@EastCoastResident : Most Americans who grew up here when in engineering school disdain PhDs.
    ; ^2 X' Y/ {' x@EastCoastResident:大多数在工程学校长大的美国人都鄙视博士学位。  j1 h/ m* J, p% Z# J- v1 a6 f
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享5 [0 {; u. a% P& A  T+ i
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    0 O. P$ G* q9 U+ u8 M1 E# ime commented August 9
    * B# r2 h6 s! R. i4 w1 ?  UM; X4 m. J( a3 R/ x: R( R/ w
    me 我* G; W- {/ I+ t& G$ \
    somewhereAug. 9- a  j/ G6 {2 o5 W2 z  e+ D
    8 月 9 日某处, O# f! M( q/ D+ C6 m5 }
    @EastCoastResident Incredible. I gotta ask, where have you guys been all this time when our politicians were busy telling us how China is a failed Communist state? I mean, I am hands down convinced you are right, but most Americans think China is just a bunch of little kids building our smartphones for a bowl of rice.. |2 @" }* T. `' G; R' B
    @EastCoastResident 难以置信。我想问,当我们的政客们忙着告诉我们中国是一个失败的共产主义国家时,你们一直在哪里?我的意思是,我确信你是对的,但大多数美国人认为中国只是一群为了一碗米饭而制造智能手机的小孩子。
    . W0 Q3 p- t: Z2 z' R% ?24 Recommend 24 推荐Share 分享
    " h# k! d. ]7 h: P& U. ^- x8 fFlag 旗帜
    . V: y. m  e: QInvestor123 commented August 9
    # l( |) u( v7 J8 [/ n# G: {8 ^% YI 我9 w/ C* y6 Y1 k& s# Z& I" s9 u
    Investor123 投资者123
    2 c* T) S/ S% t/ p* J5 M& DNyAug. 9
    * q* d6 q: q0 s! z& k# x纽约8 月 9 日
    ; P5 d1 h# e, e3 {6 X3 `@Keith Bradsher you should cover the college admissions in China and contrast it with US -- no essays, just pure grades on a grueling exams covering entire subjects. Compared to Chinese college entrance exams, SATs and SAT 2s are a joke.4 q( R1 L. p3 U1 o9 u
    @Keith Bradsher,你应该报道中国的大学招生情况,并将其与美国进行对比——没有论文,只有涵盖所有科目的艰苦考试的纯粹成绩。 与中国的高考相比,SAT和SAT 2就是一个笑话。$ i; ^/ E' l( J+ p" k
    16 Recommend 16 推荐Share 分享7 s" L" Q$ S1 [8 J& U2 @( }8 A
    Flag 旗帜3 J* `5 j* i. h4 ?" N9 |/ \# C, `
    Tamza commented August 9+ n' N, h& L% u, W& i6 r
    ' W! J/ [, t% p, ^, K: PTamza 塔姆扎
    6 k4 {7 k9 S4 }& u+ Y5 _5 tNoCalAug. 9
    ( r, n5 {6 a1 o. \# sNoCal 8 月 9 日7 U2 t, N$ v. w2 K4 Y/ ]
    @Ethan Allen ALL research done in the various national labs is in the ‘public domain’ - unless ‘classified’. The world [incl China] has ‘free’ access.! \3 i# Z. d/ |, J! |6 F3 R
    @Ethan Allen 在各个国家实验室进行的所有研究都属于“公共领域”——除非“机密”。世界[包括中国]可以“免费”访问。- ^: |6 B, I4 h3 A3 A8 Z9 L) W6 ~
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    ( W5 Z3 u# m+ e- F) R: T9 qFlag 旗帜0 F$ H$ _5 X' M
    No Party for the working class commented August 9  }, {9 i6 K/ g. I- N9 G0 F

    2 l0 s5 _& H- |8 VNo Party for the working class
    ! \/ w5 j& q) f' H工人阶级没有政党9 Q/ J3 p' w9 I8 |3 O  w
    Fly over countryAug. 9
    % H6 z4 t# B7 D( o; y  i6 L! `8月9日飞越国家$ n1 H' o9 @2 A+ }' i
    @me China does have millions of people slaving away for very low wages making smart phones, that is part of what allows them to fund free advanced STEM degrees for smart kids. They pay the education of engineers with money we give them for our baubles.6 n: }6 r( b6 @4 ?+ p5 N
    @me 中国确实有数百万人以极低的工资埋头苦干,制造智能手机,这也是他们能够资助聪明孩子免费获得高级 STEM 学位的部分原因。他们用我们给他们买小玩意的钱来支付工程师的教育费用。
    4 I9 K# {5 z* J0 e7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    4 O5 E4 e  ]- X; |Flag 旗帜) @  n4 P# k, l
    Joe Trump commented August 91 c, N& K" ~3 e9 q/ [
    J& {3 L3 t5 Q: U
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普
    $ t9 s1 A0 p& i; s3 KEarth/MarsAug. 90 ?8 g6 o% O; i
    地球/火星8 月 9 日
    1 p  N4 H& C3 M6 X5 f) b@paul Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
    0 N2 _7 z0 s4 e2 L/ W' v1 o# b@paul 例如,美国的教育、医疗保健、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。7 d( R* {$ R, Q$ C+ x; K
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享1 w; F  `- Z+ r; H2 S: k
    Flag 旗帜. U- D& ]: E% `6 i8 [5 J
    Someone commented August 9& _& S- O: S- q% _0 b1 R
    S6 K5 z9 ?7 H2 D# I; m
    Someone 有人
    - L6 e/ h- W$ M, x3 qElsewhereAug. 99 I3 l& g8 B! w& h  G
    其他地方8 月 9 日/ ]; l# y  c- K, p& D% A
    @paul Purely anecdotal remarks based on extremely limited exposure and time in the country. The Chinese are quite good at presenting a shiny facade, particularly for non-Chinese academics and business people. The fact is that the Chinese still haven't been able to innovate, particularly when we consider the extent of their intellectual property theft, on a similar scale as the West. They are, however, quite good at copying Western inventions and innovations and then scaling them.
    5 ^0 A0 P" c% w" B: f@paul 纯粹是基于在该国极其有限的曝光和时间的轶事言论。中国人非常善于展现光鲜亮丽的外表,尤其是对非华裔学者和商人而言。 事实是,中国人仍然无法创新,特别是当我们考虑到他们盗窃知识产权的程度与西方类似时。然而,他们非常擅长复制西方的发明和创新,然后进行扩展。
    8 e4 F, A, F0 m1 e8 \" g. R. e7 a2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    ) S2 V& q" H2 {  {Flag 旗帜! d- }) X# C' U/ G. N& x& i/ j
    I.Keller commented August 98 r! G) b) |6 A9 e* K$ [8 n
    I 我
    8 K$ o- E+ f/ R! y! Y/ PI.Keller 凯勒
    ! R' k1 G; {+ x1 mFranceAug. 9# L7 z6 b4 }9 \* I: F( G5 ^
    法国8 月 9 日
    4 Y- w6 X; j" r1 r8 G7 G! C, N% f! w@Ethan Allen : that is not how research works. You are thinking of classified research programs which are an entirely different beast..* I" s) p% q; N6 G3 @* f# }5 v
    @Ethan Allen:研究不是这样进行的。你正在考虑的分类研究项目是完全不同的野兽。! i1 g8 M* u* w- I  G( C; M. v
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ; L7 d8 |. _( j2 z7 i0 @3 \0 aFlag 旗帜
    & E  s/ ]% j* n& k0 O5 c7 wTW commented August 9$ ^+ }2 b  }) C' d' O
    T  n" C/ }) h! m# V. |
    TW 台湾5 H& d3 B; \) P, J4 p9 ?
    OaklandAug. 9
    * e. m% J3 b3 T奥克兰8 月 9 日
    ; K, k1 F1 h: e@paul We need scientists and business people. We need more Musks, business people with deep technical understanding of the products that they are developing and innovating. Perhaps less focus in college admissions in excluding 50% of the country that doesn’t buy into the left’s agenda and more focus on test results might block some of our hidden potential. Spending and focus in elementary school on the top math students wouldn’t hurt either. We spend far too much time and money on special education and the low performing students, assuming that tge top students can progress on their own.$ _7 H$ C9 g& ~1 b
    @paul 我们需要科学家和商人。我们需要更多的马斯克,他们是对他们正在开发和创新的产品有深入技术了解的商业人士。 或许,如果不那么关注大学招生,将全国 50% 不认同左翼议程的人排除在外,而更多地关注考试结果,可能会阻碍我们一些隐藏的潜力。小学里对顶尖数学学生的支出和关注也不会造成什么影响。我们在特殊教育和表现不佳的学生上花费了太多的时间和金钱,假设优秀的学生可以自己进步。. v$ P& Q$ K  J! t
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享3 x; _* H* E7 a' L6 E$ i
    Flag 旗帜2 n- M8 d5 a2 K! m; {
    Former HS Math teacher & engineer commented August 95 _5 z+ s* J/ f6 W, [5 B; K) s2 |
    7 h$ Z1 o; w( jFormer HS Math teacher & engineer
    $ K! I9 [  ?0 p0 a$ i* v- ]前高中数学老师和工程师- w( e! B) b0 a; ^$ e) N# O; m
    New EnglandAug. 9+ Y' k! E" P) [! P
    新英格兰8 月 9 日
    / d, L1 A+ d) `' }3 F5 X4 Q@TW I agree that string math and science students in high school deserve more support, and frankly, more challenge. There is too much focus on grades and getting into the most exclusive and prestigious colleges. That forces top students to stress and complain when teachers like me challenged them with difficult concepts, problem sets, exams, and foremost - high expectations. My former students did very well in college math, science, and engineering courses at top colleges and universities. On another note, I taught many students with a variety of cognitive and learning challenges. These students, as far as I could tell, are not headed into STEM fields at the research or engineering level. And unfortunately, many waste taxpayer dollars by failing to work hard and take advantage of the great assistance they receive from teachers and special education professional .7 b; G/ e3 ~* D( ~# ~
    @TW 我同意高中弦数学和科学学生应该得到更多的支持,坦率地说,更多的挑战。人们过于关注成绩和进入最独特、最负盛名的大学。当像我这样的老师用困难的概念、问题集、考试,以及最重要的——高期望来挑战他们时,这迫使顶尖学生感到压力和抱怨。我以前的学生在顶尖学院和大学的大学数学、科学和工程课程中取得了很好的成绩。 另一方面,我教了许多面临各种认知和学习挑战的学生。据我所知,这些学生并没有进入研究或工程层面的 STEM 领域。不幸的是,许多人浪费了纳税人的钱,因为他们没有努力工作,也没有利用从教师和特殊教育专业人员那里得到的巨大帮助。
    5 R2 O2 p2 |" x: h$ H( n5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享7 o  r" w0 i0 h) ?; [
    Flag 旗帜
    ( Y" P8 _/ o" T# ^/ D! d( }3 |+ p9 FNKM commented August 9
    ; R' |. t% ]0 o3 xN8 ^$ f! i& O' ]+ y9 J
    NKM6 y$ g1 D( `9 l" y
    MDAug. 9
    " V1 T3 F$ Q: Q  A医学博士8 月 9 日
    & t% H1 O6 v6 M, y@EastCoastResident The scale of research in the US and the EU still greater. We just have the benefit of experience from years of institutional knowledge. This advantage needs to be maintained with constant investment.8 M3 b- K; q) E* r/ B) A# q
    @EastCoastResident 美国和欧盟的研究规模仍然更大。我们只是从多年的机构知识中获得了经验。这种优势需要通过不断的投资来维持。0 D( S+ ?" _) @. I
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享( [  J: e5 z7 a; O  r
    Flag 旗帜  z, C8 s, [1 }( d
    Redcedar commented August 9
    8 s* s6 U/ n" P4 D/ e$ F9 Z2 Y0 \R 右
    1 `) I+ W* T6 kRedcedar 红雪松
    5 _4 D: ^% E8 q* b* c0 ~2 dEverett WAAug. 9! a% t% n& G  L+ n9 W/ I7 ?
    华盛顿州埃弗雷特8 月 9 日
    1 K7 \+ J/ f! S/ {5 I! a5 ]$ w@Joe Trump We have SO much to learn from them. And others, particularly Japan. We have been conditioned to think only in terms of wealth, to see achievement in a field of endeavor as a waste of time and talent that could have been spent gambling on Wall Street. We are sentencing ourselves to second place.
    0 O; r9 \! O+ C7 y@Joe Trump 我们有很多东西要向他们学习。还有其他国家,特别是日本。我们已经习惯于只从财富的角度来思考,把在某个领域取得的成就视为浪费时间和才能,而这些时间和才能本来可以用来在华尔街赌博。我们把自己判为第二名。
    4 J/ Q. S# N! d" ]8 T2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    . H/ D# E7 D3 IFlag 旗帜- Y* F( `! C# u" |9 a# d
    Ezra commented August 9
    1 `- S0 I* N5 \+ A; N7 \$ mE9 B5 d$ z$ _( t6 \+ X+ z
    Ezra 以斯拉
    ( u' B7 ?( Q( p$ YAustin, TxAug. 9
    / E8 D2 h* y+ ?/ X0 |3 U3 a! q( l德克萨斯州奥斯汀8 月 9 日) a" f3 ], V9 B: ^. s
    Edison had very little formal education but he was a lifelong learner.
    4 @* p" C2 o' ]0 N3 _+ ]+ T爱迪生没有受过多少正规教育,但他是一个终身学习者。% Q2 Y8 R- @2 u& e0 c, `
    Recommend 推荐Share 分享
    & i% P; Q4 r' a, Z$ w: UFlag 旗帜
    5 Q$ _; a- _0 G4 SYoda commented August 9% s9 D( H! f" [( ?
    7 Z& o( [6 K% u  k' |' {5 Q, [Yoda 尤达/ G2 ~8 d+ Z1 Q* m5 ^+ a+ K
    A Far Away GalaxyAug. 90 R# w" Q3 q) X5 r$ b9 f8 N5 F
    遥远的银河8 月 9 日
    6 M1 O1 ^( c3 ?9 M& h4 W$ M/ ]/ }@paul So many of these students would prefer to let others make money off their hard work and not get a more than miniscule chunk for themselves? Brainwashing must be very prevalent in China.5 l" @7 z( K" G1 x
    @paul 这些学生中的许多人宁愿让别人从他们的辛勤工作中赚钱,而不为自己谋取微不足道的钱?在中国洗脑一定很盛行。
    $ m2 Z, m( q0 vRecommend 推荐Share 分享. E6 A$ V* u1 A! B$ G4 P
    Flag 旗帜5 X( u9 P- ~/ C; j4 l) V+ u
    TW commented August 94 ^& P. o9 P" S! V  u
    ! l  z/ G5 N* F( kTW 台湾) U& w- a$ r3 ~
    OaklandAug. 9
    3 \* x# g7 z- p: Q奥克兰8 月 9 日
    $ t- S. T  M+ P- C@Someone “ The fact is that the Chinese still haven't been able to innovate” This is outdated and frankly racist. Just as the talk that Chinese don’t care about business successes. There is a reason China only trails the US in number of billionaires.
    ! ]" ^7 I3 o$ e; D; E( u@某人“事实是中国人还没有能力创新” 这已经过时了,而且坦白说是种族主义。正如人们常说的,中国人不关心商业成功。中国在亿万富翁数量上仅落后于美国是有原因的。
    2 U+ I4 u) H0 v2 }# ]; |4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享/ X4 ]- b6 [8 c
    Flag 旗帜9 @" ^6 I, O/ V) a6 J
    RedSox nation commented August 9  \1 E6 P! l" x
    R 右
    : F: g  c! e4 F% WRedSox nation 红袜队国家队
    " ~, n2 q  w1 }/ Unew hampshireAug. 9# Q1 Z$ ~1 i+ h  X6 I
    新罕布什尔州8 月 9 日
    " E- v" B5 P; {2 a' N- t@Ethan Allen You are missing the point entirely., ~7 T) `+ X& x" J% Y% K
    @伊森·艾伦 你完全没有抓住重点。* Y) L2 I4 y, G% j9 v  G0 e
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享# |6 {* C- Q* O9 \0 k3 [/ b
    Flag 旗帜0 S) E" c5 T3 w! ~0 B/ j# A2 M
    Aaron commented August 9
    ( d, w2 R$ B+ Z3 C8 KA
    8 t# x7 F' Z, X; r3 J7 SAaron 亚伦+ U& q+ l0 Y: V0 k& J
    Ontario, CanadaAug. 9
    2 K8 N, k3 O. E# @加拿大安大略省8 月 9 日" x# d' H  b8 h( i
    @EastCoastResident while many of the Chinese or Indian graduates try to stay in the US, a cumbersome and bureaucratic visa process has forced them to leave.4 y) a  e) ]8 x" u( t
    @EastCoastResident 虽然许多中国或印度毕业生试图留在美国,但繁琐且官僚的签证程序迫使他们离开。9 {% M# c4 u9 n
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享1 c( y$ }( i& S! R
    Flag 旗帜- @/ w% Y- c* r5 l! ?
    Radek commented August 93 |# S: f0 Y2 v( f
    R 右2 {8 r0 L) q6 y" O0 N
    Radek 拉德克
      _1 d( q7 N, }+ J2 KPortland, OregonAug. 9& S& c5 Q5 R9 n4 c; r, `6 P5 _
    俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日5 q# Y6 u4 B0 Q/ A) g- T9 I) p" ?  L
    I've been to China in delegations of engineers, and it's both extraordinary how rapidly China has emerged as a futuristic tech and renewable energy powerhouse, and also dismaying how much the US popular imagination still underestimates the Chinese, as if deluding ourselves that China only copies or rips off Western tech or makes only cheap products. China has become possibly the most innovative country on earth now, not just in number of patents or inventions but in sheer quality of their science and tech. Their infrastructure is first-rate, lately expanding even into the small towns and villages. China is rapidly building its renewable power foundation, partly thanks to a long-term vision and 5- and 10-year plans that aren't vulnerable to political weathervanes. And China even does have some democratic elements, such as contested village elections and clear feedback from the people in response to policy initiatives, as part of a meritocratic system. (And for whatever it's worth, millions of Taiwanese work in China and many Chinese visit Taiwan, and the people in both get along very well, despite the overheated headlines) This is why attempts by the US to contain Chinese tech advances are counterproductive, and just spur the Chinese to innovate even faster. A major problem is hubris; the West should be aggressive in encouraging Mandarin language learning, travel and actual insights into China, because misunderstanding and underestimating them now is a dangerous mistake.# |8 d) J% }: o2 D% `
    我曾随工程师代表团去过中国,中国作为未来科技和可再生能源强国的崛起速度之快令人惊叹,而且令人沮丧的是,美国民众的想象力仍然低估了中国人,仿佛自欺欺人地认为中国只是复制或抄袭西方技术或只生产廉价产品。 中国现在可能已经成为地球上最具创新力的国家,不仅体现在专利或发明的数量上,还体现在科学技术的绝对质量上。他们的基础设施是一流的,最近甚至扩展到小城镇和村庄。中国正在迅速建立可再生能源基础,部分原因在于长期愿景和不易受到政治风向标影响的五年和十年计划。 中国甚至确实有一些民主元素,例如有争议的村庄选举和人民对政策举措的明确反馈,作为精英制度的一部分。 (无论其价值如何,数百万台湾人在中国工作,许多中国人访问台湾,尽管头条新闻过热,但两国人民相处得很好) 这就是为什么美国遏制中国科技进步的尝试会适得其反,只会刺激中国更快地创新。 一个主要问题是傲慢;西方应该积极鼓励普通话学习、旅行和对中国的实际了解,因为现在误解和低估它们是一个危险的错误。3 b4 z! K1 m) E* j: ^/ G
    370 Recommend 第370章 推荐Share 分享
    . a, t$ O  F+ O+ eFlag 旗帜  _, p8 i; b% |% @6 l/ t" e8 v
    35 REPLIES 35 条回复/ O1 o+ `, o, W% G, K* {: q, ^
    Keith Bradsher commented August 9- T; U) A* j5 q& @5 G

      v4 I& R2 e& s+ P! J- H% E" NKeith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍( t' U" C* G8 g- S
    Beijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9" w4 S+ z  @. u3 x( D+ x0 R7 H4 e
    3 U. ^; ], g$ Q+ m( `$ p% M@Radek The West has certainly underestimated China in the automotive sector, and arguably in research and development more broadly. Most foreign auto executives left China during the pandemic, and did not see the progress that was being made. Engineers at Chinese companies kept working hard on new designs, particularly electric car designs, throughout the pandemic. As foreign executives have returned to China over the past year and a half, they have found the Chinese industry to have become much more competitive and innovative than they expected.
    + s* f7 }! r7 N8 s& f( B) a@Radek 西方肯定低估了中国在汽车领域的表现,可以说在更广泛的研发领域也低估了中国。大多数外国汽车高管在疫情期间离开了中国,并没有看到中国正在取得的进展。在整个大流行期间,中国公司的工程师一直在努力进行新设计,特别是电动汽车设计。随着外国高管在过去一年半的时间里回到中国,他们发现中国的产业比他们预想的更具竞争力和创新性。$ m7 o  D3 f0 S0 E6 g5 |
    81 Recommend 81 推荐Share 分享
    / \5 Q+ w1 F+ w1 Q5 jFlag 旗帜
    1 V/ Y# L2 j* o1 N" eRemarque commented August 9
    9 R2 I6 u; V0 Q3 ]( C4 F" z, p; v . Q3 q) @4 R9 {8 R6 ^% T
    Remarque 雷马克
    + S: q6 d7 c1 T; l& ~% H* w% CCambridgeAug. 9; V/ F" J1 e7 n. J! E6 ]7 F% ~
    剑桥8 月 9 日
    5 L9 W) P5 k; m8 _) j% F- |  p@Radek We just discovered AI.
    % F5 r! x$ ?* ]4 Q* L; G@Radek 我们刚刚发现了人工智能。
    " i2 p) K* A1 B; R& z) l1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享/ }, B/ d/ y6 f( B% i8 I
    Flag 旗帜. c! j/ j, F5 j( g6 b) w; i% s
    Andrew Boughton commented August 98 y- D+ E6 x( d+ ]
    A0 d/ D( {9 O. n$ ?
    Andrew Boughton 安德鲁·鲍顿
    - e6 P5 r5 {5 L/ ^. q# ^! z! ESydneyAug. 9# x! y: `) C  z& Y( F7 m& [
    悉尼8 月 9 日
    + f( N# Z2 Z! w  n7 r$ R@Radek Bingo. You must be Balkan, with that kind of realism., _1 v3 b; u  A! |2 z
    @拉德克宾果。你一定是巴尔干人,有那种现实主义精神。+ j$ [2 e. C- p# U
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    3 n5 o5 N$ Z! |5 Y1 ]Flag 旗帜
    7 G' a* o0 }0 L$ n% ^+ M2 CR Mabry commented August 9& t: d) t6 I5 V, Z& i
    R 右
    ! d( S9 m2 z7 N& A; ZR Mabry R马布里& |+ t- K" w8 I1 D) @" E) i
    FranceAug. 9
    . f3 }( U1 P: m# D$ f7 o3 i法国8 月 9 日
    3 f5 h/ w5 J- a" X, z1 A! U9 O@Radek Anyone who visits China for a brief time and with an invited delegation is almost certain to return praising the system and attributing to it vision, perspicacity, and long-term planning. I've yet to meet a Chinese official or educator whose children are not abroad to study and in many instances to live. Are these officials and educators mistaken about their own country then? Or is it possible that unless one lives and works in China for an extended time, the views of invited foreigners, however interesting, are incomplete and limited and therefore quite possibly misleading?
    6 q8 W6 V5 V' ~. k$ v1 z, d@Radek 任何曾短暂访问中国并受邀代表团访问的人几乎肯定会回来赞扬这个体系,并归因于它的远见、洞察力和长期规划。我还没有见过哪个中国官员或教育家的孩子不在国外学习,而且在很多情况下是为了生活。难道这些官员和教育工作者对自己的国家有误解吗?或者说,除非一个人长期在中国生活和工作,否则受邀外国人的观点无论多么有趣,都是不完整和有限的,因此很可能具有误导性?
    + r! \+ b6 A) \* c+ i18 Recommend 18 推荐Share 分享
    0 c) O6 m/ K/ l) H& e- R/ U4 iFlag 旗帜
    9 f+ y' ?* o( x. {Pigsy commented August 96 i6 Q8 t5 ?# x: g5 j8 H7 \
    P$ R7 o: R! h0 m1 {" p4 u  i' q
    Pigsy 小猪佩奇0 T, X1 E" n5 N
    The EateryAug. 9
    & c8 f1 g: L, f) H/ m* o* v) T餐馆8 月 9 日
    9 N2 `+ d: Q- N4 P! p@Radek Hubris and unfortunately, racism. It’s like that attitude exhibited by that Australian swim coach when China’s Pan won by a body length. He suggested that Pan was cheating, not because his speed was impossible, but rather that he couldn’t possibly have so soundly trounced “this field” of elite Western swimmers.
    ) e+ Y2 L+ W5 ^2 u@Radek 傲慢,不幸的是,种族主义。 就像中国选手潘以一身长获胜时澳大利亚游泳教练的态度一样。他认为潘在作弊,不是因为他的速度不可能,而是因为他不可能如此彻底地击败“这一领域”的西方精英游泳运动员。* b* L+ _8 t9 Y
    43 Recommend 43 推荐Share 分享
    . B; c2 B, W2 Q: w: @0 {6 l% `$ vFlag 旗帜
    6 c7 e( K# H- x8 ^6 J# OB. commented August 9
    ) \# k. T, D3 PB- Q" v- Q. o" r0 V, U+ c& C& C, e' L
    B.7 ]5 j& U  U: F3 w# \" _
    BrooklynAug. 9
    + H) W: K8 t6 @; \布鲁克林8 月 9 日
      ]# j5 U* x; W& g* K- a@Radek Learning Mandarin is fine. Making sure our children learn to sound out words, read, and learn math would be better. Getting an education takes hard work. When parents do not teach their children patience, perseverance, and a modicum of good manners, there can be no learning: Teachers will have a difficult time doing anything but trying to keep order in their classrooms. When the educational establishment prioritizes fun in the place of actual learning, which requires application and concentration, because a proportion of parents are derelict, our schools are lost. Please do not blame "bad schools" on poverty. Places like Stuyvesant and Bronx Science are filled with poor students who are immigrants, or whose parents are immigrants who work two and three jobs, but who understand that education takes effort and whose parents have instilled in them a work ethic. Similar to those Black children in segregated schools who, even without adequate text books and playing fields, were taught to cherish learning, were worked hard by dedicated Black schoolteachers, and went on to Howard University and Spelman College and became educators, physicians, lawyers, and judges. From kindergarten upwards, we have taken the easy way.
    * ]9 A- e! q; ~' T) b" m9 H@Radek 学普通话还是不错的。确保我们的孩子学会发音、阅读和学习数学会更好。 接受教育需要艰苦的努力。如果父母不教导孩子耐心、毅力和一点点良好的举止,就不可能学到东西:老师除了努力维持课堂秩序之外,什么都做不了。 当教育机构将乐趣置于需要应用和集中注意力的实际学习之上时,由于一部分家长的疏忽,我们的学校就迷失了。 请不要将“糟糕的学校”归咎于贫困。像史岱文森和布朗克斯科学这样的地方充满了贫穷的移民学生,或者他们的父母是打两份或三份工作的移民,但他们明白教育需要付出努力,而且他们的父母向他们灌输了职业道德。 就像那些在种族隔离学校里的黑人孩子一样,即使没有足够的课本和操场,他们也被教导要珍惜学习,在敬业的黑人学校老师的努力下,进入霍华德大学和斯佩尔曼学院,成为教育家、医生、律师,和法官。 从幼儿园开始,我们就走简单的路。
    - o4 X4 l/ B3 R' _! t1 z51 Recommend 51 推荐Share 分享# y! f6 A  j& H
    Flag 旗帜
    7 W9 ^5 A1 e, [; k2 h/ aBob commented August 9
    & c6 V% |1 i2 v+ m; ^B8 @  {8 p$ J7 ~+ R/ B' I6 v
    Bob 鲍勃) \* H% E# H# t5 e+ G. Z1 @( Y
    WAAug. 9
    5 [; U7 H5 R) C' ?$ X) v" P西澳8 月 9 日
    7 ^4 o, K& l" o8 h# H, Z@Radek It's easier for Americans to blame China for "stealing" technology than it is to accept that we are powerless in our desire to get American governance and business working together to become competitive in our own right.$ `8 @. |# B% ^3 y( @) {9 I
    @Radek 对于美国人来说,指责中国“窃取”技术更容易,而不是承认我们无力让美国的治理和企业共同努力,以提高我们自己的竞争力。' D# f2 @- {  J8 C
    37 Recommend 37 推荐Share 分享8 m9 o) v4 d7 H! H$ x# k5 Y
    Flag 旗帜; _* k, f  _2 K$ W+ s3 `
    me commented August 9
    8 Q1 F. v% t- I5 l0 E  y* H( S. e) ~8 RM
    4 m: ~/ V, }- N% G5 U/ L, X9 |2 ume 我6 R# V+ t! T' ^! {& Q, |8 V
    somewhereAug. 9
    " |! X3 O* u7 @8 月 9 日某处
    % D( b% d# N' \8 z" U+ a* z' B@Radek Very well said. @Radek 说得很好。
    * D( S" ]# r# K5 Z! a( U) R' i10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    7 B3 ]4 @5 W( W; r2 v% y- eFlag 旗帜9 ~6 O, h/ G8 I, \9 i
    Radek commented August 90 _! c1 U( o& U, t. M
    R 右2 g! a+ D  H7 I& g  ~
    Radek 拉德克% }) Z% S$ M( C# p0 b
    Portland, OregonAug. 9
    3 X1 U+ o* `- \5 j" n9 A: B俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日8 g+ @! u3 j% X
    @R Mabry There wasn't enough space in a short comment to clarify on those details but this wasn't a formal invited delegation. It's more like successive private business trips over years for consulting and ideas exchange, without chaperoning. We could go and say what we wanted. This is another frequent missed point, how much China has changed not only in tech, but in its surprising openness for constructive criticism. Our press too often just slaps the "authoritarian" label on China and equates it with Russia but the two are worlds apart, thus the misconceptions. Ex. on accusations of China subsidizing its green tech and EV's, in fact they've been removing the subsidies as home-grown firms emerge and become profitable, and US firms (incl Tesla) get the same subsidies. In fact in this, China is actually more open in trade than the US has been lately--with massive tariffs on Chinese EV's and green tech products, while China still allows American car and renewables companies to sell there. Their system of govt. is evolving and they learn from us, but pick-and-choose as they too see our flaws. And that "real estate crash" as Western press reported it? That was pragmatic Chinese officials popping a housing bubble to makes homes affordable, a crisis for us in the US and Canada. Again it's generally undeniable how objectively fast China advances, even becoming a regional immigrant magnet so its demographics are also more solid than much of Western media has realized.( M, K4 D3 j8 ^+ _' e( W, m) Q
    @R马布里 简短的评论中没有足够的空间来澄清这些细节,但这不是一个正式受邀代表团。这更像是多年来连续进行的私人商务旅行,目的是进行咨询和交流想法,没有陪同。我们可以去说我们想说的话。 这是另一个经常被忽视的一点,中国不仅在科技方面发生了巨大的变化,而且在对建设性批评的令人惊讶的开放态度方面也发生了巨大的变化。我们的媒体常常给中国贴上“独裁”标签,并将其与俄罗斯等同起来,但两者是天壤之别,因此产生了误解。 前任。指责中国补贴其绿色科技和电动汽车,事实上,随着本土企业的出现并盈利,他们一直在取消补贴,而美国公司(包括特斯拉)也获得了同样的补贴。事实上,中国的贸易实际上比美国最近更加开放——对中国电动汽车和绿色科技产品征收高额关税,而中国仍然允许美国汽车和可再生能源公司在中国销售。 他们的政府体系。我们正在不断发展,他们向我们学习,但他们也看到了我们的缺陷,因此做出了选择。那么西方媒体报道的“房地产崩盘”呢?这是务实的中国官员为了让人们买得起房而戳破房地产泡沫,这对我们美国和加拿大来说是一场危机。 同样,不可否认的是,中国客观上进步得有多快,甚至成为了地区性的移民磁石,因此其人口结构也比许多西方媒体意识到的更为稳固。
    ' d: ~, t- J: O; [34 Recommend 34 推荐Share 分享
    ( R1 r1 L3 o; Y. GFlag 旗帜8 s* A5 c* ?9 T$ B. T* C- |
    Leptoquark commented August 9
      R# d/ ^# F3 ~- j9 a1 [
    / x' ^( R- }! b+ y# FLeptoquark 轻夸克
    ! ?$ o! Q! K# h( H" M# _Washington DCAug. 98 b8 y2 O1 B' Z6 y) u4 P3 F4 n
    华盛顿特区8 月 9 日& e+ \. ^+ U  C
    @Radek This shows you what is possible when you aren't held back by half of your political leadership not accepting climate change, many not accepting science itself, when you don't have entrenched fossil interests, who know the truth, actively sowing doubt and delay, and when the two aren't working together to preserve the status quo.: A: }( |3 a/ H+ V- x+ s6 Z* B
    1 `% q8 S: ?7 Z2 U- |; I/ c8 p30 Recommend 30 推荐Share 分享
    / u. g. s. o+ [! oFlag 旗帜
    0 }: }3 ]  D: ULeptoquark commented August 9, p1 H0 Y2 l' g3 ^" n6 `
    4 M6 S" z- d/ F% z( w
    Leptoquark 轻夸克# y4 O% @% H6 K5 b1 h
    Washington DCAug. 9; f/ t4 W' W$ n% O% p5 V
    华盛顿特区8 月 9 日
    . l- N+ N# O* n@B. We also need to raise academic standards, not lower them. In my school district in the Maryland suburbs outside DC, they have no final exams. Having experience with both my kids, I can tell you that the school district is a master at making itself look good on paper, while not pushing the students too hard. It was only when my daughter got herself out of high school and into Montgomery College, which had a program for high school sophomores to finish their last two years, did she finally start digging deep, getting serious and raising her grades. Its what saved her. Now she's finishing a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.
    % {' V1 E! I/ g% k3 \* E: R( P@B。我们还需要提高而不是降低学术水平。我所在的学区位于华盛顿特区以外的马里兰州郊区,他们没有期末考试。凭借我和两个孩子的相处经验,我可以告诉你,学区非常擅长让自己在纸上看起来很好,同时又不会对学生施加太大的压力。 直到我女儿从高中毕业进入蒙哥马利学院(蒙哥马利学院为高中二年级学生完成最后两年的课程)时,她才终于开始深入挖掘,变得认真并提高成绩。正是它救了她。现在她即将获得机械工程学士学位。
    4 T5 ]& T6 U. \& E9 U( Y21 Recommend 21 推荐Share 分享
    5 b9 O' U5 S8 j4 dFlag 旗帜0 `$ ^# T& h) p
    TC commented August 9
    ; Q4 `3 [) P" ]2 g" [T5 H. e, U. F- O4 L% M
    ! m8 [( a  F1 r$ J0 H% @. v& LLouisianaAug. 9
    ' g/ [$ v+ w+ I: z+ [. v; E& W路易斯安那州8 月 9 日' \' f* T7 x: D0 W6 I* v# I
    @Radek China and India are aggressive when it comes to education. they expect people to work extremely hard and those who do the best are rewarded. contrast that to the US and even our current presidential candidate who has made a clear statement supporting equity of outcomes, not equality of opportunity. we have interstate of California because of the in lack of equity, instead of finding ways to improve the education of our disadvantage, you start disadvantaging people who work hard and are prepared by limiting access to advanced Math and science classes. You have our teaching universities focused on identity, politics and activism. and very little on science, math, reading and writing. these activists and I certainly wouldn't call them. edge cares or looking to change the world to conform to that ideology. of course, the only thing they're doing is weakening the West while China ascends.
    7 j( O2 |3 ~4 X  y/ \@Radek 中国和印度在教育方面非常积极。他们希望人们能够非常努力地工作,而那些做得最好的人会得到奖励。 相比之下,美国甚至我们现任的总统候选人都明确声明支持结果公平,而不是机会平等。由于缺乏公平,我们有加利福尼亚州际公路,你没有找到方法来改善我们劣势的教育,而是开始通过限制高级数学和科学课程的机会来使那些努力工作并做好准备的人处于不利地位。 我们的教学大学专注于身份、政治和行动主义。科学、数学、阅读和写作方面的内容很少。我当然不会称呼这些活动人士。边缘关心或寻求改变世界以符合这种意识形态。当然,他们唯一做的就是削弱西方,同时让中国崛起。0 v& c5 c2 n/ ~; e
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享0 c$ y; N6 b) U3 Z2 {; l7 t
    Flag 旗帜$ }6 j2 q, s3 f  h  a7 F
    TC commented August 9
    0 @$ _/ l- P0 G9 MT
    9 F0 z* n- L) R( gTC
    $ f' l# o  d: }7 s3 b4 F5 y; pLouisianaAug. 98 M  V$ C0 s& |" r4 \8 U" I
    路易斯安那州8 月 9 日; n7 h8 g3 H6 Y
    @Leptoquark what a tribal view. which party is focused on identity, politics and equity? our teachers and our teacher teaching colleges are far to the left and their focus is on identity equity and activism in place of science, math, reading and writing. One simply needs to point to California and they're pushed to create equity by limiting access to advanced classes, especially in middle school for those who are capable and well prepared.
    ; [4 y, u( j3 V1 G; x! @: @@Leptoquark 多么部落的观点。哪个政党关注身份、政治和公平?我们的老师和我们的师范学院都非常左,他们的重点是身份平等和行动主义,而不是科学、数学、阅读和写作。 只需要以加州为例,他们就被迫通过限制高级课程的入学机会来创造公平,特别是在中学,为那些有能力且准备充分的人提供机会。0 I: X7 a5 Z$ ~+ N8 R2 E
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享" y+ C* m: ?; a! D
    Flag 旗帜3 B6 K8 B% ]6 e  g- w) n
    Martin M commented August 97 @8 `/ n8 w7 A7 x' x! m  x
    M2 s& q" I% t0 q4 J# N$ l9 T4 T/ v
    Martin M 马丁·M
    ! |4 Y  {: p; |3 q; CChicagoAug. 9
    0 o( f% K8 G5 u5 Z3 F芝加哥8 月 9 日; r) j3 Z2 K' Z1 [
    @Radek No offense, but visiting with "delegations" gives one a view of China that is heavily influenced by handlers. Work there for 6 years as I did and you'll notice dramatic differences between the China your handlers painted for you and reality for the Chinese people, especially in the countryside.1 f& B: K( I1 w/ ?! @1 `* s4 T. a
    @Radek 无意冒犯,但与“代表团”一起访问让人对中国产生了一种深受管理者影响的看法。像我一样在那里工作了六年,你会注意到你的管理者为你描绘的中国与中国人民的现实之间存在着巨大的差异,尤其是在农村。- ]! o. A7 Q: X+ K- u/ R9 w, r
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享/ V& u" {: d+ b5 i% D2 B: m; M
    Flag 旗帜
    ! [( L* M2 K) x3 dPer Spective commented August 9
      z8 {' M8 O; s7 E2 BP& d3 ~6 I2 I' }+ E1 p5 e
    Per Spective 看法  D7 B. I% |. A4 Z4 N+ e3 T' X) S
    NY BackwatersAug. 9
    * @; c: i* o/ k- E( {# A纽约回水区8 月 9 日7 `! x( K6 [; F8 _$ \  ^) A' O
    @B.Last teaching gig before retirement was at the Bronx H.S. of Science, teaching what was essentially a hands on summer school shop class for students (who for reasons of prior course failure, or, just no room in normal school year programming ) had yet to fulfill a graduation requirement. The most insightful, memorable, revelation I learned from the experience was that kids in this premier school, like the ones in the South Jamaica school where I’d spent most of my teaching years, just couldn’t measure using the United States Customary Systems! The inch and fractional parts, as well as computing metric equivalents were as foreign as Mandarin! How can we expect students in this country to “measure-up” to their Chinese counterparts if they haven’t even mastered the technological basics? Though long retired, I still bemoan the shuttering of those “hands-on” shops that were in the process of evolving into classrooms centered on problem solving! Definitely a shortsighted development in educating a technology capable population!
    . C' i* n& ?$ C@B. 退休前的最后一次教学工作是在布朗克斯科学高中,为学生(由于之前课程失败的原因,或者只是在正常学年编程中没有空间)教授本质上是暑期学校实践课程的课程。尚未达到毕业要求。我从这次经历中学到的最有洞察力、最难忘的启示是,这所一流学校的孩子们,就像我在南牙买加学校度过了大部分教学时间的孩子们一样,无法使用美国习惯系统进行衡量!英寸和小数部分,以及计算公制当量,就像普通话一样陌生!如果这个国家的学生连技术基础都没有掌握,怎么能指望他们能够“赶上”中国的同行呢?尽管退休已久,我仍然对那些正在演变成以解决问题为中心的教室的“实践”商店的关闭感到遗憾!在教育技术人才方面绝对是短视的发展!8 ^) w/ }, j  ^$ _
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享1 O6 h# q/ }8 N4 _; m0 ]
    Flag 旗帜+ f8 [: P) {# x: @
    Munjoy fan commented August 96 D5 a2 b  F5 Z$ o2 l
    M- r) ?' G1 x/ L! z6 n( H& n
    Munjoy fan 蒙乔伊粉丝* k) e$ i: a; H: W+ Q+ h3 ?* O
    MaineAug. 9
    ! U  @: U1 [* x. _( \2 }1 j& x缅因州8 月 9 日
    1 E# s: S7 k2 L) p% x$ @@Keith Bradsher and when are the political powers in this country going to allow us to buy Chinese electric cars, which are now all over the world? I am a comfortably retired middle class professional but the cost of an electric car in this country is out of reach. They need to be available in the $20-$30K range and they need to be designed to haul things. Teslas are useless town cars.; F% _# n$ H0 B6 P) X
    @Keith Bradsher,这个国家的政治力量什么时候才能允许我们购买现在遍布世界各地的中国电动汽车?我是一名舒适退休的中产阶级专业人士,但电动汽车的成本在这个国家是遥不可及的。它们的售价需要在 20-30,000 美元之间,并且需要设计用于运输物品。特斯拉是无用的城市汽车。1 V7 q! i+ p3 e9 r2 i& u; e
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    9 S; d5 ^/ k: B' KFlag 旗帜
      B' i  Q- R9 J$ g# [Radek commented August 9
    ' Z6 v! a5 V5 _- s- C3 w, H9 AR 右
    - k: @' k' n4 s5 ?; Y' {Radek 拉德克2 B) W( u. ?2 v- C: u
    Portland, OregonAug. 9
    2 N! p0 a4 a$ l3 T2 t7 T5 ?; G. K俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日
    ' r. t% _2 K  K8 T@Bob Great points here and to follow, I'd say an esp important and concerning advantage for China (since we'd need deep reforms in failing US structures to address it) is their advanced industrial policy, ironically a la Adam smith, to minimize wasteful rent seeking costs while focussing on production, innovation and added value. This I feel like, is another key element to appreciate Keith's excellent article, it helps to explain a lot of why China has such a huge cost and quality advantage now. Too often Western (and esp the US and UK) media just attaches that to cheap labor (even calling it forced), but that's just not the reality anymore. Chinese workers are well paid now with much lower living costs (it's why China now has the world's biggest economy by far in GDP PPP terms, that corrects for purchase power). Instead, China's cost advantage now comes from vertical integration, heavy automation and less expensive consumer options--ex. alternatives to even major computer OS (Harmony) and word-processing software that's open-source and doesn't require costly subscriptions. But above all China has lower fixed business costs with ex. universal healthcare, lower university tuition and housing costs. The USA is less competitive now due to our high costs for healthcare, college, homes and childcare (unnecessarily high, as they extract without value) worsening cost-of-living. Higher salaries don't mean higher purchase power, and these fixed costs hurt our competitiveness.8 G; L' B2 r; e' u, l
    @Bob 这里和接下来的要点,我想说的是,对中国来说,一个特别重要且令人担忧的优势(因为我们需要对失败的美国结构进行深入改革来解决这个问题)是他们先进的产业政策,具有讽刺意味的是,亚当·斯密,以最大限度地减少浪费寻租成本,同时专注于生产、创新和附加值。 我觉得这是欣赏基思这篇优秀文章的另一个关键要素,它有助于解释为什么中国现在拥有如此巨大的成本和质量优势。西方(尤其是美国和英国)媒体常常将其与廉价劳动力联系起来(甚至称其为强迫),但这已不再是现实。中国工人现在的工资很高,生活成本也低得多(这就是为什么中国现在是迄今为止世界上最大的经济体,以GDP购买力平价计算,修正了购买力)。 相反,中国的成本优势现在来自垂直整合、高度自动化和更便宜的消费者选择——例如。甚至是主流计算机操作系统(Harmony)和文字处理软件的替代品,这些软件是开源的,不需要昂贵的订阅。 但最重要的是,中国的固定业务成本较低。全民医疗保健、降低大学学费和住房成本。美国现在的竞争力下降,因为我们的医疗保健、大学、家庭和儿童保育成本高昂(不必要地高,因为它们没有价值),导致生活成本恶化。更高的工资并不意味着更高的购买力,这些固定成本损害了我们的竞争力。
    ! f( v6 L9 t$ _/ ?$ J# F/ C12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    ' A, v# L9 T( e4 u1 g" S$ EFlag 旗帜8 o+ _2 c# B% J6 X
    Radek commented August 90 w  y! }. t4 Q7 v0 K" W
    R 右# W/ ?# c$ r% ]5 d) K7 c% Q, S0 F# S
    Radek 拉德克
    ; [6 e0 T# |4 l" A9 k# C% yPortland, OregonAug. 9
    : i" C" \+ d. n/ H/ o俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日9 {& f0 s, {/ ^7 ?: h$ w2 @
    @Martin M See my elaboration above on this, I just didn't have space in the original comment so I followed up with another. It wasn't a formal delegation, there were no handlers or chaperones and we could go places and say things without restrictions--"delegation" was used in broad sense here, as a private group doing consultancy and exchanging ideas, so we could observe the changes over years on several trips. I think sometimes too much is made of the idea that guests are shown supervised, carefully managed views of China when this is absolutely not the case, at least not anymore. There's such massive movement in and out of China it wouldn't be doable anyway, but in general people are allowed to see the good bad and ugly, including in the less developed small towns which are still sometimes behind, but being advanced very quickly. China's system of government again, is evolving and hard to describe, it's really unique among the systems of the world. It obviously does have some authoritarian elements but also some surprisingly democratic and open elements, including village and district level elections. Chinese people regularly criticize and make suggestions on Weibo and other platforms (or open protests like we saw with Covid), and even annoyances like the internet firewall can be fairly easily bypassed with a VPN. It's useful to remember China is governed by engineers and researchers, who are interested in the open feedback to improve.7 G7 z2 d$ \' c7 r
    @马丁M 请参阅上面我对此的阐述,我只是在原始评论中没有空间,所以我跟进了另一个。这不是一个正式的代表团,没有牵线人或陪同人员,我们可以不受限制地去哪里说话——这里的“代表团”是广义的,作为一个私人团体进行咨询和交流,所以我们可以观察多年来几次旅行的变化。 我认为,有时候,人们对中国的看法是受到监督和精心管理的,而事实绝对不是这样,至少现在不是这样。中国进出如此大规模的运动,无论如何都是不可能的,但总的来说,人们被允许看到好的、坏的和丑陋的,包括在欠发达的小城镇,它们有时仍然落后,但进步很快。 中国的政府体系又在不断发展,难以描述,在世界体系中确实是独一无二的。它显然确实有一些专制成分,但也有一些令人惊讶的民主和开放成分,包括村级和区级选举。中国人经常在微博和其他平台上提出批评和建议(或者像我们在新冠疫情中看到的公开抗议),甚至像互联网防火墙这样的烦恼也可以通过 VPN 轻松绕过。 记住中国是由工程师和研究人员统治的,他们对公开反馈和改进感兴趣,这一点很有用。
    % {  Y/ D$ ]& q11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    / U, g- ^0 b( Z5 \Flag 旗帜' a2 h$ U6 W; A' q/ t* _9 _% `
    Joe Trump commented August 90 k1 _: m# {8 }
    9 d$ g# {( }% V3 f4 B6 n% SJoe Trump 乔·特朗普* K& B( s- l0 F- ^
    Earth/MarsAug. 9
    9 G6 [7 h6 v+ Q; E
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:11:12 | 只看该作者
    Earth/MarsAug. 9
    4 Z. m+ d  h1 p% E地球/火星8 月 9 日
    , C8 u7 x3 V; z1 c7 g@Radek Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.5 N! z) W# ?0 R
    @Radek 在美国,教育、医疗保健、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。1 s4 l% r5 @8 R7 x( s5 o: k
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    ) G9 R( Z9 R+ z; R0 p: ?1 oFlag 旗帜6 [9 O  L* c/ d) ?0 V( [  ?
    Albert Bee commented August 9" x% A( [( k8 g4 ~
    0 t3 ^: M6 M% p$ X/ W& P2 CAlbert Bee 阿尔伯特·比
    # z# f! _  |- V/ V. \$ D2 K6 q4 wColoradoAug. 9
    * D# @0 ~( p: L* x科罗拉多州8 月 9 日1 W% _! [# {/ ]. Y8 O+ V3 ~
    @Radek The Chinese government does not see any "space" between the country's commercial enterprise and the national goals and has pumped cash and motivation into all manner of commercial work. It has produced amazing growth and according to this article is also producing innovation and efficiency in many enterprises. US companies don't see it that way; they will take the money but do not want interference (regulation.)
    2 |9 ^2 S: V+ @0 j+ _. A@Radek 中国政府认为中国的商业企业与国家目标之间没有任何“空间”,并为各种商业工作注入了资金和动力。它产生了惊人的增长,根据本文,它还在许多企业中产生了创新和效率。美国公司不这么看;他们会拿钱,但不希望受到干扰(监管)。
    # u1 U+ t" Q3 {2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    0 G- C1 W, a2 z- `Flag 旗帜% x5 }7 Z( S0 r  ]3 ^8 V, V! ?
    RWG commented August 9
    " n4 t3 M6 B- ]- d* X- T1 WR 右
    8 e6 l. R* U8 r# [# M- P: c( gRWG
      x5 _& x. ]* _6 |, U2 m- c7 kMaineAug. 9
    ( c1 ^; m, ]  }4 Z: _8 @缅因州8 月 9 日
    0 M  S* M  {# I1 q@Radek My experience in China, precisely.3 w; B5 |9 p8 {- }& R" ~* e/ c
    @Radek 正是我在中国的经历。
    6 |, Q, @/ m8 x% {+ N* A3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    & G5 O: S, U6 z0 HFlag 旗帜8 ~' s% E. t* C0 _. }
    RWG commented August 90 }& u$ B* K: e0 C+ L- l
    R 右
    . n% N3 `5 X4 }$ K+ S0 z7 MRWG  Z; ~2 h: `- c5 z6 d6 }
    MaineAug. 9
    6 l. t/ K' i* J" u0 O# |% F缅因州8 月 9 日5 u# x+ z2 W! @5 l1 E- s
    @R Mabry I’m an engineer. and I visited China and have worked wit Chinese academics, and everything @Radek writes is spot on.
    & v$ x7 J1 `4 h, Z@R Mabry 我是一名工程师。我访问了中国并与中国学者一起工作,@Radek 写的所有内容都是正确的。3 R+ ?6 H- l( l: V2 f
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
    $ m7 f2 p, ]. Z8 P" [* {& M# H5 WFlag 旗帜
    5 {3 C" k% c, _ShipHasSailed commented August 9
    ( V8 _9 f- O3 ~/ O# YS
    - c/ e6 C" v; I2 Z3 u- BShipHasSailed 船已起航2 K' a$ X4 z7 ]" s& u: w" I
    GlobalAug. 9' J$ I: X4 f, L% l/ n
    全球8月9日5 [3 m% D7 j2 S# {: S/ C
    @TC: Let’s talk about “equality of opportunity “: people of color in this country have tried and tried to get a good education in areas that were mostly white and didn’t accept integration in their schools. So those folks have been forced to stay in their own neighborhoods where the schools may not be as good or where good teachers may not want to teach. I’m so tired of folks trying to say that blacks or hispanics are not interested in real learning and want a free pass. To those veiled gaslights, I have two words: white flight - that is still and forever going on.  `* m/ [- b# o' W) }( n
    ! Y, K/ f  I! @) ]1 b: N5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享* ]9 q3 K8 |( T1 ?3 ~9 B8 t
    Flag 旗帜
    % Q" g; ?1 ~. N* n# `, L8 k$ nEddy commented August 9
    5 [4 H! R" K5 K9 s$ D# gE
      B0 c4 C1 L" G7 m3 ?Eddy 涡流5 N: f* }. E0 Q. y7 L0 L
    Oakland CAAug. 9; I+ D3 v! g, V
    加利福尼亚州奥克兰8 月 9 日
    $ b8 t+ V! d2 ~$ |@Radek If they are so advanced... then how come the country keeps literally its entire population under strict authoritarian rule? If they are so advanced, how come they imprison millions of ethnic people in camps? If they are so advanced how come they have one of the worst records when it comes to freedom of the press and has more journalists behind bars than any other? I could go on.../ E$ }! W* o/ M
    @Radek如果他们如此先进......那么这个国家为什么将其全部人口置于严格的独裁统治之下?如果他们这么先进,为什么要把数百万少数民族囚禁在集中营里?如果他们如此先进,为什么他们在新闻自由方面拥有最差的记录之一,而且入狱的记者比其他任何国家都多?我还可以继续...& A! R7 |9 U3 f# ^7 l5 T
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享* i# S8 {& Z" x" P5 x8 n
    Flag 旗帜
    , T0 M4 Z0 {* b5 c$ J; A% DJj commented August 9+ R6 G* x5 z- y0 y
    J7 V) R" g; ?6 H$ s0 I
    Jj 杰杰
    & G* D" G! l' L$ U) SMiddle EarthAug. 94 E" G( g0 y/ X5 ~  e5 g
    中土世界8 月 9 日1 Z3 ~# u7 {. s3 U, q* {8 {) E
    @Radek 28 2 to 4 week trips to China over 20 years, almost every province. It became clear long ago that the Chinese were better capitalists that we are. It's easier to blame the Chinese than ourselves for what's going on. 20 somethings who spoke 3 languages had degrees in both science and business were three deep in every office putting in 60 hour weeks. Innovation that has yet to make it to the states.
    4 }2 [5 k) |: g1 ~8 C6 k  w. O" y@Radek 28 20 年来中国 2 到 4 周的旅行,几乎每个省份。很早以前就已经很明显,中国人是比我们更好的资本家。 对于所发生的事情,责怪中国人比责怪我们自己更容易。 20 名会说 3 种语言的人拥有科学和商业学位,每个办公室都有 3 名员工,每周工作 60 个小时。 尚未进入各州的创新。
    8 _4 ^3 o2 B' D) k: c+ Q% k9 B% Z6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    . q! G7 a& S( C4 N1 O  jFlag 旗帜1 X4 H& o9 J/ m6 _; ~% _, t
    G commented August 9
    3 j% b5 _6 G9 R9 u0 u8 bG
    9 W( g, A+ H2 z& a6 Q) f- w& yG! d& Z$ ~& N7 Q9 c0 ~: }
    NYAug. 9
    + t2 e& |- z" q( n纽约8 月 9 日
    9 M/ K* `. ]! p/ }( V@Radek Republicans underestimate them and denigrate efforts here to move forward in exactly the ways China is progressing. Good job.
    7 ]/ i. J4 T8 K! I7 f; l@Radek 共和党人低估了他们,并诋毁他们以中国正在取得的方式前进的努力。好工作。
    2 o' A& Y& R% O! N3 z2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享" `; M2 e6 E* o, H" }) l
    Flag 旗帜' r; q+ S* j. P& Q1 z7 e5 k! W) X
    Charles commented August 9
    $ [# Q/ N# F6 n; lC% g, V  W' U1 }. S
    Charles 查尔斯
    ' V; n; g3 p# g& |' V+ bNew YorkAug. 99 j  e1 T  B$ u6 \
    纽约8 月 9 日; i3 f; {7 Z2 B6 h) I
    @TC While we hear of "wokeness" in our universities and some of the problems that have been attributed to it, we still produce engineers, mathematicians, and, of course, still teach how to think critically. Those institutions also have substantial enrollments of students from China and India as well. The focus on wokeness which has, perhaps brought a needed reevaluation and claw back, nonetheless, is part of a more insidious attack on our higher education because, while it is a piece of the picture, it has been skillfully exploited by those wishing to promote the notion that our universities are the sole bastion of liberal, progressive, Democrats. a view, ironically, promogulated by some of its own graduates (you know, the nonelite ones - sarcasm) who have, unabashed, used it to promote the very tribalism you mention, as a springboard to advance their own careers and political capital. This is how we end up with politicians at the top of our leadership suggesting we inject bleach into our bodies to cure Covid, and not surprisingly, plenty of people who see no problem with that.- `9 L, Z6 D7 F! O, S4 D
    @TC 虽然我们在大学里听说过“觉醒”以及由此引发的一些问题,但我们仍然培养工程师、数学家,当然,仍然教授如何批判性思考。这些机构还招收了大量来自中国和印度的学生。然而,对觉醒的关注也许带来了必要的重新评估和挽回,这是对我们高等教育的更阴险攻击的一部分,因为虽然它只是其中的一部分,但它已被那些希望促进高等教育的人巧妙地利用了。我们的大学是自由派、进步派、民主党人的唯一堡垒。具有讽刺意味的是,这种观点是由它自己的一些毕业生(你知道,非精英人士 - 讽刺)宣扬的,他们毫不掩饰地利用它来促进你提到的部落主义,作为推进自己的职业和政治资本的跳板。这就是为什么我们最终会得到领导层政客的建议,建议我们向体内注射漂白剂来治愈新冠病毒,毫不奇怪,很多人认为这没有问题。, D# v0 |! L+ P, S4 O1 Y
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享
    9 ]/ {2 ]. w" S9 L, S. h+ l" Q, H" EFlag 旗帜
      u% H" a2 N1 ^. v$ I% }" mJj commented August 9
    & i$ K' v8 V! h& I$ |" x6 v/ h  BJ9 M' w# g( w2 \" V! |; m4 q
    Jj 杰杰
    6 ^) B3 t2 X3 W+ E. z7 O/ V1 uMiddle EarthAug. 9
    2 H( \; D4 V/ l' a3 J: E$ [中土世界8 月 9 日
    7 R  |3 l, l) t@R Mabry 28 trips 2 to 4 weeks each, no invitation. Most of the time doing unannounced factory tours. I couldn't agree more with Radek
    4 h/ B4 _, F% n0 O3 Y@R马布里 28 次旅行,每次 2 至 4 周,无邀请。 大部分时间都是在不事先通知的情况下参观工厂。 我非常同意拉德克的观点& C& E+ X, j3 u1 F; h$ t! Z; s
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
    # S- w; A8 ], \: y5 S+ DFlag 旗帜
    ' k  @7 f* z; G7 H3 n# nPottree commented August 9
    0 |* Z% y% i: f/ r1 FP+ L7 C* r' [& X, b$ u+ m
    Pottree 波特里3 {+ o7 Y" Y. U% [
    Joshua TreeAug. 9
    , ^7 m# C1 s! A* Y6 ]7 u' S约书亚树8 月 9 日
    " ], j5 \) u" S# {2 U2 {3 {4 H" d@Radek This issue with comparative US costs is not limited to China. It's similar when we compare the US with most of our peer nations. Here, there are sticky fingers in every piece of the pie and all are reluctant to let go because this is how they survive economically. Hanging on to the US status quo when it comes to metrics like healthcare, education, childcare, education, and, yes, even social housing is surprisingly easy: Americans are eager and willing to suspend disbelief when the magic words (Socialism! Communism! Marxism!) are invoked. We've been trained to years to accept being more stressed and less competitive in the global economy to avoid the horror of Socialism here at home. It's akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. And some politicians still make hay out of fulminating by threatening to reverse the few paltry successes we've managed to achieve on this front. It is not just STEM subjects that suffer in our system: we are largely unskilled and unwilling to observe analyze, or even think - skills necessary for all walks of life.
    - ~6 b- X7 {4 j( y@Radek 美国成本比较的问题不仅限于中国。当我们将美国与大多数同类国家进行比较时,情况也是相似的。 在这里,每一块馅饼都有粘手,所有人都不愿意放手,因为这就是他们的经济生存之道。当谈到医疗保健、教育、儿童保育、教育,甚至社会住房等指标时,保持美国现状出人意料地容易:当神奇的词(社会主义!共产主义!马克思主义)出现时,美国人渴望并愿意停止怀疑。 !) 被调用。 多年来,我们接受了在全球经济中承受更大压力和竞争力下降的训练,以避免国内出现社会主义的恐怖。这就像割掉你的鼻子来侮辱你的脸一样。 一些政客仍然通过威胁要扭转我们在这方面取得的微不足道的成功来利用谴责。 在我们的系统中受到影响的不仅仅是 STEM 科目:我们很大程度上缺乏技能,不愿意观察分析,甚至不愿意思考 - 各行各业所必需的技能。* J# A2 |5 j- Y: h- u7 D
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
    , o& e* \; y& _5 S% sFlag 旗帜! h1 ~% Q" s* o, ^' Q5 n1 q
    Gardening Mama commented August 9
    & Q7 ^) B4 B) h/ f! t4 D9 HG9 Z5 Q  l4 O( ?
    Gardening Mama 园艺妈妈
    ( R+ n+ I2 E* z$ `3 {6 G7 KTexasAug. 9: N/ i# z. f5 u0 V
    德克萨斯州8 月 9 日& b: m- R8 k6 m' [! i
    @Radek some real propaganda here. China has not removed their subsidies, in fact they have doubled down on them. That real estate crash, like every real estate crash everywhere (the seeds for the Great Recession were laid over a decade before from policy initiatives during the Clinton administration) is still ongoing. China is funding this push on a mountain of debt. That debt mountain is real, and will have consequences. The Chinese go to great lengths to disguise how much they are borrowing, most of it is shoved onto the books of provincial local governments. The piper will have to be paid. How steep the bill is, no one knows, and won’t for some time. Just facts.
    8 W" H/ G6 Y5 X" c' f; l* M, O@Radek 这里有一些真正的宣传。中国并没有取消补贴,事实上他们已经加倍了补贴。这场房地产崩盘,就像世界各地的每一次房地产崩盘一样(大衰退的种子是十多年前克林顿政府期间的政策举措埋下的)仍在继续。中国正在为巨额债务的推动提供资金。债务之山是真实存在的,并且会产生后果。中国人不遗余力地掩盖他们的借款数额,其中大部分都被塞进了省级地方政府的账簿上。吹笛者必须得到报酬。这笔账单到底有多贵,没有人知道,而且在一段时间内也不会知道。只是事实。
    / |3 [; w' H& n9 [& X4 WRecommend 推荐Share 分享
    % c$ i6 H- W  L0 E4 |# x1 TFlag 旗帜; Q+ p% G! Q* U5 s- o; \: b
    Pottree commented August 9- A7 _2 t) h9 i% L3 [) j
    P! y7 l7 E" F; c+ z7 a0 k8 f; R
    Pottree 波特里
    ! {% s3 _0 ]9 u' q3 Y; G$ s' QJoshua TreeAug. 92 m4 d6 @+ c3 L0 p) K8 r
    约书亚树8 月 9 日
    " \# v6 J! d9 h% `% v@Remarque Possibly that's like stepping in gum on the subway platform.
    / h# q' w) s( |- k) m, F  ]@Remarque 也许这就像在地铁站台上踩到口香糖一样。! |% u! H, g' ?$ [  {+ h2 s5 b
    Recommend 推荐Share 分享
    : u) h: j' \( BFlag 旗帜
    7 o" n% Y3 a9 h% Z- b! QRadek commented August 90 R; W: P4 n& P7 w( Q
    R 右) D9 G7 H* P1 {$ \  x
    Radek 拉德克- L2 `  B, t! r+ J3 }
    Portland, OregonAug. 9
    8 ^2 c4 |/ Y/ v# G2 l* E( F; x俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日# v% P$ l* j( N% N! g' q1 d
    @Eddy I addressed these points in follow-up comments so here some summaries, as objective as possible. We can't get stuck in echo chambers or old tropes because this is a very formidable and uniquely structured nation that defies our categories of governance in the West. esp in the US with America's polarized left right ideologies. The best description I can give for China's system is pragmatic and meritocratic, evolution of an ancient system 1000's of years old from its earliest foundation (as a unified state with merit-selected bureaucrats) by the first Qin emperor Shi-Huang-Di around 200 B.C. True there are some authoritarian characteristics to modern China, but also democratic ones usu. overlooked, like district elections and heavy citizen feedback that isn't censored (on ex. Weibo or even protests as with Covid). Leadership advancement is merit-based and local officials must win popular support to get promoted. China has dozens of national minorities and I won't pretend to be an expert, but for ex. Uyghurs and Tibetans were exempted from One Child policy and other restrictions while they and their communities have official protections--more than ex. many indigenous native American tribes have gotten in the USA. from the initial Anglo settlements up to the modern day. Again there's a lot to get into there but this goes against many of the accusations in Western press. (And One Child policy wasn't even much enforced anywhere i China outside of a few big cities)) H) h5 x" c; w; x# ^7 C# _
    @Eddy 我在后续评论中阐述了这些观点,因此这里做了一些尽可能客观的总结。我们不能陷入回音室或旧比喻,因为这是一个非常强大且结构独特的国家,它违背了我们西方的治理类别。尤其是在美国,美国的左右两极分化的意识形态。 对于中国的制度,我能给出的最好的描述就是务实和贤能,这是一个具有 1000 年历史的古老制度的演变,从 200 年左右的秦始皇始皇帝建立(作为一个由选拔官僚的统一国家)开始现代中国确实有一些专制特征,但也有民主特征。被忽视的事情,比如地区选举和未经审查的大量公民反馈(例如微博,甚至是像新冠病毒一样的抗议活动)。领导层的晋升是择优录取的,地方官员的晋升必须赢得民众的支持。 中国有几十个少数民族,我不会假装自己是专家,但对于前来说。维吾尔族和藏族不受独生子女政策和其他限制,而他们和他们的社区则受到官方保护——比以前更多。许多美洲原住民部落已经进入美国。从最初的盎格鲁人定居点一直到现代。同样,这里还有很多值得探讨的地方,但这与西方媒体的许多指控相悖。 (除了几个大城市之外,中国的独生子女政策甚至没有得到太多执行): i. o  y  ?' z7 d; |
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享, R/ o- F- ~5 W5 Z# u% o8 f: N
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    * E7 Q9 N* @" H, z* rChris commented August 9
    : n* {1 u, _1 y  l1 |+ gC3 B) \9 i# A3 S0 i" w4 A' k$ u' d
    Chris 克里斯; b8 r& S+ R( {% Z
    Houston TXAug. 9: N8 ]8 }3 r- c
    德克萨斯州休斯敦8 月 9 日
    ; r% J2 T( J8 @@R Mabry Let me offer 2 possible explanations: 1. Sending your kids overseas is a status symbol. Much like carrying a loud LV or Prada bag. In the west, this would now be considered to be poor taste, but in China its still something to brag about. 2. Their kids couldn't hack it in the ultra-competitive Chinese system. Read up about their Gaokao where millions of Chinese students take intense standardized tests to compete for limited university spots. And before you ask, yes, I lived in China for 15 years.3 q4 A7 D. b) t' N( ?, @
    @R马布里 让我提供两种可能的解释: 1.送孩子出国是身份的象征。就像背着一个响亮的 LV 或 Prada 包一样。在西方,这现在会被认为是低俗的,但在中国,这仍然是值得吹嘘的事情。 2. 他们的孩子无法在竞争异常激烈的中国系统中破解它。了解他们的高考,数以百万计的中国学生参加高强度的标准化考试,争夺有限的大学名额。 在你问之前,是的,我在中国生活了 15 年。
    # o$ _- v. m  [. _2 H3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    5 n  M" S0 h6 b2 K! G" l: @Flag 旗帜
    % J: x6 J: A! A' B( NRadek commented August 90 O+ U9 e; r2 l. Q8 Y
    R 右" @9 K! _) n4 ~! C6 N& G8 K4 x; Q' Q
    Radek 拉德克. k/ r, G8 i- c  ?  o
    Portland, OregonAug. 9
    2 n& B6 |4 n" U% r) d( U; h: X1 y俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日
    7 X7 t3 C5 S$ a& I9 X@Jj "It became clear long ago that the Chinese were better capitalists that we are." A great sum-up statement and we saw this too. It really is an irony that the Chinese are a lot closer to the spirit of industrial style capitalism that Adam Smith supported, while ex. the US and Canada seem to be drifting more into the cronyism, rent seek capitalism that Smith warned against. A lot of it due to disasters like Citizen's United from the Supreme Court that practically legalize bribery, or the way ex. our housing bubble in the US, college, childcare and healthcare suck out so much in costs without comparable value. (Lowest life expectancy in advanced world despite highest healthcare costs) It's big part of why China is able to offer similar or higher quality goods and services compared to the US, but much lower prices and thus far more competitive than American companies now. Their fixed business costs are lower, and their workers (with better wages) have lower living costs and higher purchase power. A broader point here, my group really aren't fans or critics of China, we're techies who call it like we see it, and China is badly misunderstood partly since so few Americans speak Mandarin. while more Chinese as you say are multilingual and "get" countries of the West. As a silver lining, China doesn't really pose a threat of "exporting" competing values or governing systems since its system is so unique--an ancient, evolving Confucian based meritocracy, a sui generus form7 D& q2 O  w# b$ q9 S8 E2 _+ y! e, C
    @Jj “很久以前就很明显,中国人是比我们更好的资本家。” 这是一个很棒的总结陈述,我们也看到了这一点。具有讽刺意味的是,中国人更接近亚当·斯密所支持的工业风格资本主义精神,而前。美国和加拿大似乎更多地陷入了史密斯所警告的任人唯亲、寻租资本主义。其中很大一部分是由于最高法院的“公民联合”这样的灾难,实际上使贿赂合法化,或者前一种方式。美国的房地产泡沫、大学、儿童保育和医疗保健消耗了大量成本,而没有可比价值。 (尽管医疗费用最高,但发达国家的预期寿命最低) 这就是为什么中国能够提供与美国类似或更高质量的商品和服务,但价格却低得多,因此比美国公司更具竞争力的一个重要原因。他们的固定商业成本较低,工人(工资较高)的生活成本较低,购买力较高。 更广泛的一点是,我的团队确实不是中国的粉丝或批评者,我们是技术人员,他们以我们所看到的方式称呼它,而中国被严重误解,部分原因是很少有美国人会说普通话。而正如你所说,更多的中国人会说多种语言,并且“了解”西方国家。一线希望是,中国并没有真正构成“输出”竞争价值观或治理体系的威胁,因为它的制度是如此独特——一种古老的、不断发展的以儒家为基础的精英政治,一种自成一体的形式
      v: o0 t& E. w) Y* d2 X* D5 p3 RRecommend 推荐Share 分享/ D* h' T3 o3 g% u2 ~: Q
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    3 u% S7 ^- Z3 h2 `9 ^- r9 s# qJohn Stone commented August 9! A7 a6 D+ |1 u+ [8 c; L0 M
    + A: M6 d3 p# b# lJohn Stone 约翰·斯通
    ( t. R9 e8 X3 jJacksonville,Fl.Aug. 9
    & [- x+ q/ `( {9 Q* |% ~& R佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔8月9日4 U8 M* F3 a3 M' L5 c) h/ U
    @B. As Lord Acton put it, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It's almost impossible for a nation that has been as successful as the U.S. has been in science and technology-- e.g. the first in flight, the first to develop nuclear weapons, the only nation to put a man on the moon, the first to develop the internet... such a nation is inevitably going to become lazy and over-confident. But in a hard-scrabble nation like China-- give the population a stable government and half-a-chance, and they'll do great things.2 m8 M0 Y: c$ D' o: p9 J2 {
    3 {+ c4 U0 O" F$ w0 ~1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享
    ( H# V7 ?1 z1 sFlag 旗帜5 @! O) ]5 C5 O5 }
    Alain commented August 9
    8 i6 _- T# ^6 v4 WA4 U* c/ F8 j  B3 _  r& Z: h4 }
    Alain 阿兰
    2 Y7 t2 C7 D. ]1 bFinlandAug. 9
    8 D9 C1 y. g- v$ m* i芬兰8 月 9 日3 M$ |7 u9 m7 Q0 k
    When you invest in education, you get a future.
    % {6 q6 }% J6 f$ [  H, W当你投资教育时,你就获得了未来。- u, C$ {' K  z; j7 T
    11 Replies 11 条回复311 Recommend 第311章 推荐Share 分享
    1 W2 m* R% D8 m/ `. VFlag 旗帜
    9 G( D- t/ I1 X$ C9 oQuimby commented August 9
    # ]9 @, ?' a+ M/ \# v3 qQ
    0 ^% Z$ A( F$ \! d: [Quimby 昆比0 o: h6 ~' ]; |' {$ _5 Y% a# Z
    CAAug. 9: G1 L  Q; p6 w7 ?* t- Y
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    ' C8 Z( B5 h* S9 ^! d5 O& p' YWhile China encourages its students to become scientists and engineers, we encourage ours to become marketers, financiers and lawyers. We value monetization, they value innovation.3 H+ O  ^+ k" `9 M& ]6 E! [
    中国鼓励学生成为科学家和工程师,而我们则鼓励学生成为营销人员、金融家和律师。我们重视货币化,他们重视创新。6 S. G' T  i4 Z% s
    9 Replies 9 条回复297 Recommend 第297章 推荐Share 分享/ {8 Q& E$ l) ^
    Flag 旗帜
    / K& S. D& a# j6 {1 _! P6 |AGuy commented August 9
    2 V2 S2 k. U+ I3 ?" ]A
    ; R/ d' o: _1 {/ dAGuy 阿盖伊
    / Y7 Q3 p+ L: ?3 A, lAPlaceAug. 99 p: W  v* M+ G# `* b3 ~# h1 [
    8月 9 日
    5 X9 {9 Q9 l  A; B' O5 j5 pWhile the Chinese focus on education and R&D, one of the major parties in the U.S. prioritizes study of the Ten Commandments. It doesn't take a prophet to foresee which of these nations has the brighter future.
    : a5 I7 a6 i+ l6 e: I/ V! _中国人注重教育和研发,而美国主要政党之一则优先考虑十诫的学习。不需要先知就能预见这些国家中哪一个拥有更光明的未来。/ g+ ]' j& p" C
    5 Replies 5 条回复243 Recommend 第243章 推荐Share 分享& X& y3 R+ o! O7 K  Z
    Flag 旗帜
    ' s4 [/ {% X3 m1 F3 FEastCoastResident commented August 9
    7 y" i0 p5 [% T9 ^( i0 h% VE
    / y" t0 r( V* K9 t0 F; ~/ }0 XEastCoastResident 东海岸居民
    4 [/ ?1 w3 I+ Z2 CAsiaAug. 9
    % `3 k( d' c' P) c) y5 Z; U亚洲8 月 9 日
    . ~( f9 G$ E6 ]/ v' g+ L4 |@Paul The scale of research is just incomprehensible to outsiders. I was last year in a conference on automotive technologies and presented on the opening day. It was the first conference in China in this domain since COVID and the attendance was still controlled. There were about 400 researchers and industry representatives in the hall, but it was streamed online, freely accessible to researchers, industry and students. To my astonishment they had at a peak 80,000 attendees online, mainly students. In my field of work, most IEEE papers are written by Chinese authors. Even from North American Universities (and Canada seems to have more papers than the US), most authors are Chinese. Another comment: the article refers to the number of undergraduate and postgraduate students in the US compared with China. What it does not mention is that postgraduate students in US Universities have a large number from China and India among them.
    - F* I9 W8 s9 G. K" C) f@Paul 研究的规模对于外人来说是难以理解的。去年,我参加了一个汽车技术会议,并在开幕当天发表了演讲。这是自新冠疫情以来中国首次召开该领域的会议,参会人数仍受到控制。大厅里约有 400 名研究人员和行业代表,但会议通过在线直播,研究人员、行业和学生可以免费观看。令我惊讶的是,最多时有 80,000 名在线参加者,其中主要是学生。 在我的工作领域,大多数 IEEE 论文都是由中国作者撰写的。即使来自北美大学(加拿大的论文似乎比美国还多),大多数作者也是中国人。 另评论:文章指的是美国本科生和研究生数量与中国的对比。但没有提及的是,美国大学的研究生中,有大量来自中国和印度的研究生。
    ( D2 P8 n7 f* K! D2 @$ {167 Recommend 167 推荐Share 分享
    0 H( l* x8 m1 y; g  Q5 xFlag 旗帜
    % ]$ e! T2 P" ^, nMad Dog commented August 9) V  q2 o+ n8 Y& I, }6 M
    / y; u: Z7 a$ K  e; N/ H! N
    Mad Dog 疯狗( D- E. W6 ]: H4 c- ?
    MichiganAug. 90 f# z( L; J* d2 u5 j
    密歇根州8 月 9 日
    ' O& u  C  @2 h6 c* L& Q  DWe have missed so many Sputnik moments. Too swept up in noise and pixels of politics, sports and what passes as a culture to grasp this. Short term profits and thrills are no substitutes for a well educated society. We will not know what hit us.
    + O4 a1 P" D/ C* G( [我们错过了很多人造卫星的时刻。过于沉迷于政治、体育和作为一种文化的噪音和像素而无法理解这一点。 短期利润和刺激无法替代受过良好教育的社会。 我们不会知道是什么袭击了我们。- Y8 P% g4 H& s# E. G( U1 X
    1 Reply 1 条回复153 Recommend 153 推荐Share 分享; S/ U: u1 o- `- \) V' s# _
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    . U' b* F- I) X  [9 {+ j5 O( \Vectoring commented August 94 S" T. `' N% v6 G
    - }% j: g6 w( J& f$ j3 Z7 DVectoring 向量化- M9 W& P- r' g5 i
    CaliforniaAug. 9) ~3 S3 u1 N/ G  X4 L4 C+ \0 J' K
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    3 `+ H, o. i6 `Ban share buybacks and quarterly reporting. If a corporation can't think more than 3 months into the future lest their executives suffer the wrath of shareholders, they can't operate effectively long term. Not hollowing out US education and manufacturing for the last 40 years so a few folks could get third homes would have been nice too, but that rubicon has been crossed already.
    ; ?. R8 `: U% ^8 |& l! [禁止股票回购和季度报告。如果一家公司不能对未来进行超过三个月的思考,以免其高管遭受股东的愤怒,那么他们就无法长期有效运营。 过去 40 年来,如果美国的教育和制造业不被掏空,这样少数人就能拥有第三套住房,那就太好了,但这个难题已经被越过了。
    9 c" T2 f+ K0 B  }4 Replies 4 条回复150 Recommend 150 推荐Share 分享
    + T; Y& u) }+ v- W$ Y& c# KFlag 旗帜
    ; f% B" O/ ~8 B9 @* A+ sJames Steerforth commented August 9- C9 w- A3 U* X4 B
    - ]( u( l4 k( t3 M% NJames Steerforth 詹姆斯·斯蒂尔福斯
    $ c5 T! O0 H+ g% ^, h6 JWai PounamuAug. 9
    " C! `$ C  A7 a  E% z4 g/ @& U5 T怀普纳穆8 月 9 日6 j! ?8 b. Q" I  v7 u9 Y
    @Josh The US auto industry produces V8 trucks starting at about $40k. China produces electric cars, at about half that price. Can you guess which type will dominate the future global market? China is about to do what Japan did to Detroit in the early 70s.6 `; g  W% {4 L- T* R$ f7 [% d7 E, |! z
    @Josh 美国汽车工业生产的 V8 卡车起价约为 4 万美元。中国生产电动汽车,价格约为其一半。 您能猜出哪种类型将主导未来的全球市场吗?中国即将重蹈日本70年代初对底特律的覆辙。
    ; A4 K' c/ S! _. w$ q: l; \2 j8 m134 Recommend 134 推荐Share 分享# ]  F& D2 U8 a# I4 A( ^
    Flag 旗帜1 E( W0 K2 b4 Y7 K
    Steven commented August 9: C; `( n0 G8 [4 N) ?* f
    % M$ u( r5 x, M0 j# a8 TSteven 史蒂文
    ; p' @' c' z9 L5 v4 u2 nEarthAug. 9, R/ `+ p# B1 ]7 Z& n
    地球8 月 9 日
    , d( c) B% _3 c/ u, J4 UTwo thumbs up to the Chinese. Their priorities are in the right place and they will reap the benefits.
    3 K9 [- U! C  j# ^3 U给中国人竖起两个大拇指。他们的优先事项放在正确的位置,他们将会受益。
    4 I' b0 `& r* _' _/ X9 b: D2 Replies 2 条回复121 Recommend 121 推荐Share 分享! Y3 D7 e9 t6 [+ {
    Flag 旗帜$ I. c" B( Q  m: {" ]* q4 s1 @
    M commented August 9
    / x/ q( Z5 K4 ^* }$ e; y5 _: AM
    8 D5 ^8 b6 E6 {8 ~0 u2 r) PM6 b, y4 R, l' ?1 ]
    SyracuseAug. 9
    # C' L- G/ k. y/ j* @0 `. w锡拉丘兹8 月 9 日0 v! _1 D; T) g
    I encounter many public school teachers and paraprofessionals in my daily work in Upstate NY. I’d wager that 35 percent are working in either special education, speech pathology, basic literacy support, one-on-one assistance or counseling. What has happened to our school system to orient so much of our resources to remedial teaching and social services. From what I hear students also get minimal homework, there is little accountability and grade inflation is a given. Why has this happened and is it really helping? Based on test scores I don’t think so.
    / O  f9 \0 D: V6 i% Z- f2 [我在纽约州北部的日常工作中遇到了许多公立学校教师和辅助专业人员。我敢打赌,35% 的人从事特殊教育、言语病理学、基本识字支持、一对一援助或咨询工作。我们的学校系统发生了什么变化,导致我们将如此多的资源用于补习教学和社会服务。据我所知,学生的作业也很少,几乎没有责任感,而且成绩膨胀是必然的。为什么会发生这种情况?它真的有帮助吗?根据考试成绩,我不这么认为。7 h" g1 ?7 L, ?% l) s- W, u
    6 Replies 6 条回复119 Recommend 119 推荐Share 分享) B2 E0 k9 ^8 \( ~" ^( h2 @0 _
    Flag 旗帜
    6 j/ m; p( f/ q+ B9 u0 b3 tstamp commented August 92 s8 C. Z! |9 B" `- W* X2 P2 E, [9 ^
    # w3 w- s4 C) Estamp 邮票9 R/ H0 Z# k- e; S4 L9 `
    AZAug. 9" _0 ?" P  ^- a" z9 U" @6 t2 d3 G
    亚利桑那州8 月 9 日; i2 L9 M4 d; ]: k: t0 F1 z
    The world is better off with China outpacing the United States in economic development and other QoL indicators. Let’s put the pressure back on the western world to improve conditions here at home.
    . G$ I9 z9 S4 }5 P. M5 |: _4 \随着中国在经济发展和其他生活质量指标上超过美国,世界变得更加美好。让我们重新向西方世界施加压力,要求他们改善国内的条件。7 l# c3 E3 R( D  z' R- [
    2 Replies 2 条回复117 Recommend 117 推荐Share 分享
    . s, W+ G& {5 @; A0 }& v" G% T5 AFlag 旗帜4 X" R( _  _, S1 V. a% w
    Leon commented August 9
    % K' i7 }, z% S  U/ u; B* zL
    % x1 [+ {5 C2 ALeon 莱昂6 B+ G2 ^5 E* I
    SwitzerlandAug. 96 K2 o" I' L, H0 q" F
    瑞士8 月 9 日
    0 Z3 @! j3 R9 W6 J/ \- oThe West has been very happy sleeping on its past achievements and especially not putting enough focus on education. Now this is catching up. Soon China will lead in almost everything, even clean energy. And I am glad. This will maybe shake up western democracies to finally do something. Underfunded and outdated classrooms in Germany? We've known about it for a decade, yet nothing has changed. Maybe soon there is enough will to actuallt change something instead of barely passing one elective term by being complacent.1 S% O% v2 ?" H% _% e* A: H7 T% f
    西方国家很高兴沉迷于过去的成就,尤其是没有对教育给予足够的重视。现在,这正在迎头赶上。很快,中国将在几乎所有领域处于领先地位,甚至包括清洁能源。我很高兴。这可能会震动西方民主国家,最终采取一些行动。 德国的教室资金不足且过时?我们已经知道它十年了,但什么都没有改变。也许很快就会有足够的意愿去实际改变一些事情,而不是因自满而勉强通过一个选任任期。
    7 Q" E0 l/ K! Z4 Replies 4 条回复108 Recommend 108 推荐Share 分享
    - T7 V' Z0 g! K2 H8 J! W) rFlag 旗帜1 w: a9 K1 Y9 N6 \9 R
    Jimmy commented August 9
    - R& b; I$ D+ p% _7 }J
    7 t9 w6 q7 y9 ]Jimmy 吉米* _; g" X0 K, Z8 m" c4 f
    MiamiAug. 9
    2 n& t7 r, Q0 e  \9 w' C6 U迈阿密8 月 9 日
    2 [# |- E3 O: r! [8 b. L7 t2 O$ UThe ignorance of some segment of the US population and the leading republican presidential candidate is astonishing when they are still pushing for more oil drilling and their love affair with ICE vehicles. We will watch China sadly surpass the US in most major fields within our lifetimes.
    + [. B9 Y- C2 G. |. Y当部分美国民众和主要共和党总统候选人仍在推动更多石油钻探和对内燃机车辆的热爱时,他们的无知令人震惊。我们将在有生之年悲伤地看着中国在大多数主要领域超越美国。
    . t7 n3 \, a' [( i  ?! m105 Recommend 105 推荐Share 分享, W0 {* O3 x7 D
    Flag 旗帜
    5 h# ^+ M" b1 @* ~0 \0 T3 t2 w6 REPLIES 6 条回复5 G+ p6 |+ I- W7 T/ G
    d commented August 9
    ; M/ ?- o/ J3 _4 c% uD
    2 Q4 @; ~/ H4 [5 ]d* g+ q; u4 f" _
    NYCAug. 94 c8 l4 O1 z+ y1 u
    纽约市8 月 9 日
    3 }( t) g3 X9 n7 p5 F6 F@jimmy what’s more important in school- science education or gender ideology? Whats more important? Working hard and eating it? Or DEi? China has answered your questions. The left will destroy this country.( M$ l' R' x: o) O6 N% R/ B
    @Jimmy 在学校里哪个更重要——科学教育还是性别意识形态?更重要的是什么呢?努力工作还吃饭吗?还是德伊?中方已经回答了你的问题。左派将会毁灭这个国家。& t" s" t& b+ c
    20 Recommend 20 推荐Share 分享
    0 L; P0 b/ K& B( P* n; kFlag 旗帜8 k; j' l. @1 B" W' c! R6 V
    Rocker44 commented August 9
    ! j2 i& d# Q: x- `# I- t& KR 右' q' m! h3 }" [; O3 X
    Rocker44 摇杆44
    6 |% z# P+ a* O) ^0 FNew York, NYAug. 9' b0 Y6 z) D$ B" b4 i
    纽约州纽约市8 月 9 日# x6 u* y: {7 k6 s8 D5 R
    @Jimmy By and large American consumers are rejecting EVs. The proof is in the sales figures, and it has nothing to do with the convenient scapegoat - Trump.
    : N5 M( g4 z4 z; X2 T) |@Jimmy By 和大量美国消费者正在拒绝电动汽车。证据就在销售数据中,而这与方便的替罪羊特朗普无关。' M8 B4 [* X/ v" H2 C# A( k$ L' J
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享' G' u! A+ }$ T8 v. q) I- h
    Flag 旗帜& [( l$ }  D: D2 ~0 w8 F
    Jeff commented August 9
    0 O6 T1 E# I8 `7 m& iJ
    / Y3 ?2 O0 p# `) K7 ]Jeff 杰夫1 T4 C$ @1 q+ |7 d
    SydneyAug. 94 u; {7 V# |8 R& z; Z& N
    悉尼8 月 9 日
    # V2 t6 ]6 n8 w* s* B@Rocker44 The proof is in the sales figures? then how do you explain that U.S. electric vehicle sales in Q2 2024 totaled 330,463 (up 22.9% from Q1 2024, and up 11.3% year-over-year)
    ( I; o/ ~9 p. ?2 [@Rocker44 证据就在销售数据中?那么如何解释2024年第二季度美国电动汽车销量总计330,463辆(较2024年第一季度增长22.9%,同比增长11.3%)2 X1 o3 X& C1 t  l
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享' Q. h9 V7 U1 I
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    1 l+ {: O( X+ G4 w" h, DView All Replies 查看所有回复
    2 G: L3 X# Q) W& Q, T/ |9 YSDaley commented August 9- d& B7 f  \( w! H, O
    , ^8 o  h* g( r2 W" L' kSDaley 斯达利
    4 U6 y3 {: l7 bNorthern CaliforniaAug. 9
    * K, I6 D% o. r: y北加州8 月 9 日: W5 J3 G0 C; Q- x
    I've worked in technology since the 1970s, when I opened one of the first desk-top computer stores in the USA. The only people I could find to work for me then, that knew anything at all about these new devices, were all from the local high-school computer club! Since then I've had the same experience with men and women from India and China. They are sharp as a tack, driven to succeed, and also a lot of fun to be around. They are usually folks you would love to have as your neighbors. I'm also a classical musician, and the same thing is happening there too. At least in the San Francisco Bay Area, many of the very best musicians are from Asia, China mostly! And again, sitting in the violin section of an orchestra is a lot of fun with my Asia friends around. Oh, and I'm Irish and Jewish myself. We all get along great! I'm looking forward to more collaboration between the USA and China and all the Asia countries, as well as our great and smart European friends too (especially in the area of global warming). Life is too short not to.
    0 p3 |7 Q% U7 a, o自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,我就一直从事技术工作,当时我在美国开设了第一家台式电脑商店。当时我能找到的唯一为我工作、对这些新设备一无所知的人都来自当地的高中计算机俱乐部! 从那时起,我与来自印度和中国的男人和女人有了同样的经历。他们头脑敏锐,追求成功,而且和他们在一起也很有趣。他们通常是您希望成为邻居的人。 我也是一名古典音乐家,同样的事情也发生在那里。至少在旧金山湾区,许多最优秀的音乐家都来自亚洲,其中大部分来自中国!再说一遍,和我的亚洲朋友一起坐在管弦乐队的小提琴部分很有趣。哦,我自己是爱尔兰人和犹太人。我们都相处得很好! 我期待着美国和中国以及所有亚洲国家以及我们伟大而聪明的欧洲朋友之间有更多的合作(特别是在全球变暖领域)。生命太短了,不能这样。' u4 w% J+ L% _) V  a
    102 Recommend 102 推荐Share 分享' Y0 Y( R# L+ b: w' G* p+ a! b
    Flag 旗帜
    + [4 m" o7 y4 ?2 REPLIES 2 条回复8 P' p1 o& p0 l( u7 Q" E; \
    Ilse commented August 9
    ; K1 `6 y$ a& r8 g1 t# X* nI 我7 U) _4 r% p9 L) z4 O
    Ilse 伊尔瑟
    - D/ D0 I0 O. C( }0 Z5 H$ VMinnesotaAug. 9
    * Y. E: T. I" j: \; H明尼苏达州8 月 9 日7 a/ }2 k& J# D3 r
    @SDaley Global collaboration instead of competition is what's needed to solve climate change. I hope to see it in my lifetime.
    2 ^& {) O. L5 X6 [@SDaley 解决气候变化需要全球合作而不是竞争。我希望在有生之年能看到它。- x- U+ X  q# m) ~6 v
    16 Recommend 16 推荐Share 分享8 |( b. A- Z- Q! z0 [
    Flag 旗帜3 W& x% p6 ^: Z/ D
    MCM commented August 9' |  ]% z: ~0 ?
    + w: P6 C2 v3 K; yMCM
    # C7 B3 K( }& k% F7 rMidlandAug. 9. Q0 w8 s8 n/ }, V7 X& ]9 F
    米德兰8 月 9 日9 v: ~1 Z4 l( Y2 m; u+ E
    @SDaley There’s an unstated racism which permeates our attitudes. I recall hearing many years ago that Asians - i.e. Chinese and Indians could only perform rote tasks and were not imaginative. Also, they were proficient in playing music only because they had memorized the notes, but had no expressiveness because they did not “feel” the music.
    $ n9 v/ ^8 j4 h+ j$ C; \@SDaley 有一种未明言的种族主义渗透到我们的态度中。我记得很多年前就听说亚洲人——即中国人和印度人只能死记硬背,缺乏想象力。而且,他们演奏音乐的熟练只是因为他们记住了音符,而没有表现力,因为他们没有“感受”音乐。
    , F1 l, Z& g. A8 E& {! b1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享
    0 g" ~# i, G7 U7 q" \) o" eFlag 旗帜
    7 {# ~: B% B* x/ \Ann commented August 97 T" R2 A& B! V  z8 s+ r7 t

    , ~+ K8 a* w( z* U( ?Ann 安9 `6 Z' \. m4 G( l9 l4 }
    CaliforniaAug. 9" t9 z7 _7 K) I0 Y% ^
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日) W# h3 q3 j9 R
    China has invested well for decades and today has more English-speaking Masters' degreed graduates in advance S.T.E.M disciplines than any other country, including America.# q" V7 U; E/ v9 H& x2 \) T
    几十年来,中国在高级 STEM 学科方面进行了良好的投资,如今拥有比包括美国在内的任何其他国家都多的讲英语的硕士学位毕业生。, F- H) }% W3 }2 K/ K! [
    96 Recommend 96 推荐Share 分享( m4 q7 a' h* M
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    6 @& A9 \3 I7 }0 m% x+ }7 REPLIES 7 条回复
    ' |7 T! L$ }; T7 `Keith Bradsher commented August 9
    $ T4 j  O: a% w, w$ Q- {
    ) ?' K4 j* q- lKeith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍
    / F( a5 s! @3 Q1 K9 J& k8 |Beijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9( h+ D! j( H$ Z
    , K, D2 A' }. {! H0 E9 h@Ann By coincidence, I was reporting on Wednesday elsewhere in China at a high school. Even though now is summer vacation, many students were there. The rising seniors are already studying full time over the summer before their final year of high school to prepare for their college entrance exams, which in China are a very comprehensive test of knowledge in a wide range of subjects. Also there were younger students preparing advanced chemistry projects for science fairs.4 A9 X9 v0 I/ o$ \3 K
    @Ann 巧合的是,周三我在中国其他地方的一所高中进行报道。虽然现在是暑假,但还是有很多学生。即将升入高中的高年级学生已经在高中最后一年之前的暑假进行全日制学习,为高考做准备,在中国,高考是对广泛学科知识的非常全面的测试。还有一些年轻的学生正在为科学博览会准备高级化学项目。
    9 Z# d! c. I% x( G8 |. g( A* h& ^* X58 Recommend 58 推荐Share 分享, `9 K; x. }# F
    Flag 旗帜& G! U/ N% Z8 @+ G4 [
    me commented August 90 C% Y. a! x$ a4 t. `& I; t
    5 [! H9 R! }4 Qme 我
    ) z, ?; Q  B+ m7 wsomewhereAug. 94 j0 N+ W0 K0 [# p! G- g
    8 月 9 日某处3 L6 v1 q6 R' a9 P" |* }# T
    @Ann Exactly. A couple of gotcha questions goes like this, "What country has the most English speakers?" And, "What country has the most billionaires?" The answer to both, China.) p) t' p1 d7 r, G4 _3 w, b
    @安 没错。有几个问题是这样的:“哪个国家说英语的人最多?”还有,“哪个国家的亿万富翁最多?”两者的答案都是中国。' y! N% B$ F' b- [" |
    9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享1 `2 n) |3 E. l3 ?4 A
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    * C6 q" B4 Y  I  t+ `: `6 ^5 ZChristopher commented August 9
      m3 i+ }/ s- e. r* L$ n2 _C+ k4 H% q. b: I* r0 L
    Christopher 克里斯托弗0 ]; n) E; O6 A$ \3 l2 X
    ColoradoAug. 9& r- W& \8 f3 O, J  _
    科罗拉多州8 月 9 日" _8 ~  c1 g1 k0 @# O
    @Keith Bradsher I took a couple of online Masters level history classes this summer and they were at least half filled with Chinese students via my schools partnership with a University in Beijing.
    6 [5 R$ B; i+ V7 p" y@Keith Bradsher 今年夏天,我参加了几门在线硕士水平的历史课程,通过我的学校与北京一所大学的合作,课程中至少有一半是中国学生。" e% t4 Y) [5 K% d; j2 q0 w
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享+ {+ L5 v5 Z5 Z
    Flag 旗帜
    " q. S, L; Z4 w1 }me commented August 9  @1 ~, n5 b! r
    M6 V* D' _7 v( j! s) [4 T. Y
    me 我; O+ }3 ^! H& x2 \; Z2 N1 a
    somewhereAug. 9
    2 N% r$ W- C* e- N" l; ?8 月 9 日某处. p: _6 K6 z" {1 \$ I, H  U
    @Keith Bradsher Impressive. Reminds me of tech school in the Air Force. They shoved electronic theory down our throats from 6 AM to 12, Monday through Friday. Every day after lunch, I would be hitting those books another solid five hours before a quick sleep and back to class.0 g8 q: w+ ^  N5 K4 \& m, @
    @基思·布拉德舍令人印象深刻。让我想起了空军的技术学校。他们从周一到周五早上 6 点到 12 点向我们灌输电子理论。每天午饭后,我都会再读五个小时的书,然后快速睡觉并回到课堂。2 X( \; u& E- \% Q( \* w
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
    ; L3 ]" j7 r9 pFlag 旗帜
    ( q7 E$ K7 ]8 x, }W.B. commented August 99 X& y' F! D4 ^% W# B* R" a
    " s, Y6 S2 R* t$ Y9 ]
    W.B. 世界银行
    % d9 v/ q' M* ^% L7 U+ Z5 b! iWAAug. 9
    ! p1 m+ M; Y, q6 d! ?西澳8 月 9 日
    ; t8 N! o* t3 a6 f% X% \, i@Ann Cool. Well, in my STEM career I had to replicate a Chinese assay and guess what? It didn't replicate. I suppose the seven (7) authors all went on to wonderful graduate research careers. Would have loved to communicate but my messages never made it back through the "great firewall"." b4 D& V( \4 S; ?. q
    @安酷。好吧,在我的 STEM 职业生涯中,我必须复制中国的检测方法,你猜怎么着?它没有复制。我想这七(7)位作者都继续了精彩的研究生研究生涯。本来很想交流,但我的消息从未通过“防火墙”传回。; b& N% t7 Y) D! _2 K
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享2 d2 u) h- s) b; \( `
    Flag 旗帜
    - g1 D; V! y- J. h% QGardening Mama commented August 9
    + ?  X' F' A" s* @G. T# b& `& y' E& Q1 P
    Gardening Mama 园艺妈妈5 N; R2 j& C& e
    TexasAug. 9
    * ^; q3 r3 u3 C9 I5 G' y3 ]  y7 ]德克萨斯州8 月 9 日
    : [( d+ W# D: {& ^5 [@me they also have 3-4 times our population. I keep on seeing (bots?) spamming these factoids as if it means something profound instead of being (mainly) a function of population size and massive investment by America into the country. For example, India has more English speakers than America as well, but not as many billionaires. America did not pour trillions into India, but did into China. Huh wonder if there is a connection between that fact and to those factoids?
    ! i% J; r5 H, o8 a* G' I@我,他们的人口也是我们的 3-4 倍。我不断看到(机器人?)垃圾邮件发送这些事实,好像这意味着一些深刻的事情,而不是(主要)是人口规模和美国对该国大规模投资的函数。例如,印度说英语的人也比美国多,但亿万富翁的数量却不如美国。美国没有向印度投入数万亿美元,而是向中国投入了数万亿美元。嗯,想知道这个事实和那些事实之间是否有联系?
    0 G1 A6 B  E- t! _1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享' j$ E  X# O+ _5 B# Z8 P# B* W+ f
    Flag 旗帜$ F/ E. m) }3 @$ K
    Susan commented August 96 J1 R& l% L2 ]: D- ~6 U
    2 o1 Q' G: {; i- v9 y; {4 OSusan 苏珊
    ! Y5 r# n; L! w+ _) u* ]; V- ^USAAug. 9! V. I2 }1 c, w8 J- {3 H
    美国8 月 9 日5 }. L/ h0 |$ N
    @Ann as long as the government shames schools into focusing time and energy to DEI, transgender education, affinity groups, etc instead of academics China will continue to out pace us. colleges care more about social issues than academics. There is a college for everyone but the elite private and public universities need to admit the brightest kids who are well positioned to graduate. PS. I am a swing voter.
    . b! T- }& g: S7 N7 P! H@Ann 只要政府羞辱学校,让他们将时间和精力集中在 DEI、跨性别教育、亲和团体等而不是学术上,中国将继续超越我们。大学比学术更关心社会问题。每个人都有一所大学,但精英私立和公立大学需要录取最聪明、有条件毕业的孩子。附言。我是一个摇摆选民。/ o$ H3 b" X2 w2 N; L
    1 Recommend 1 推荐Share 分享
    & f7 n0 s5 z0 @! P) L$ J3 Q5 XFlag 旗帜' g6 t) G7 Y  E# Z  N; N& g: Q8 c
    Jack commented August 9
    ) R2 L- |8 [: t( w
    + n4 a9 \6 t. `2 A$ \Jack 杰克$ [1 q0 r& k  z5 x$ q8 H" x" S
    East End of The Isle of LongAug. 9( x: ?/ W1 H3 I+ ?* X1 J8 t9 ]) E
    长岛东端8 月 9 日
    : w* v3 R8 q+ PNothing defines a society or a culture more than what it values. We have convinced ourselves that Facebook and Twitter are real companies with real products. YIKES!
    - Y& f, |* x4 t! M) f3 Y没有什么比它的价值观更能定义一个社会或一种文化了。我们确信 Facebook 和 Twitter 是真正的公司,拥有真正的产品。 哎呀!3 v  h6 w9 m4 A- _/ Y: q  G: A
    89 Recommend 89 推荐Share 分享
    $ m* H7 n& z0 E- @: ?Flag 旗帜
    + j# r* K6 W7 V1 }8 E9 n, ^3 REPLIES 3 条回复7 r( _. u! K, ~5 P
    rtischer8277 commented August 9" j! a1 U4 ^3 r0 l6 S! q$ i
    " f6 {  v/ r- S! [; q, lrtischer8277$ w2 Z5 ]5 L2 W; X+ L1 b
    Falls ChurchAug. 9
    / m) L  B8 U# m福尔斯彻奇8 月 9 日1 i( A2 ]* h; w. w) U' ]# \1 Z
    @Jack What would you suggest instead? The 3 Rs? Facebook and Twitter are quasi entertainment companies but are none the less school-of-hard-knocks educating the public. We as a society are working out the deficiencies. Fx, we now know exorbitant-screen-time makes a lot of young people more anxious, sometimes with serious consequences. And so on.
    # a: P9 P' H* Y@Jack你会建议什么? 3卢比? Facebook 和 Twitter 是准娱乐公司,但仍然是教育公众的艰苦学校。我们作为一个社会正在解决这些缺陷。 FX,我们现在知道过多的屏幕时间会让很多年轻人更加焦虑,有时会带来严重的后果。等等。
    % ~$ |: l1 v& w) g! r/ FRecommend 推荐Share 分享; A* s9 n* b) W, p! t6 A
    Flag 旗帜. X, P8 g/ E, B
    Joe Trump commented August 9/ L) j! J( i' E( r, O
    5 u* f5 k7 j7 zJoe Trump 乔·特朗普
      z0 G, v$ E  u3 B& UEarth/MarsAug. 9  k) \: f) }* R! n) t. J4 F
    地球/火星8 月 9 日
    , \, }' I' c  @- v- X; Q@Jack then why are Republicans investing in those companies and buying their stocks.
    - y. _' o2 j9 S% v% d, w: V@Jack 那么共和党人为什么投资这些公司并购买他们的股票。& p& Z+ [, A- ?# B7 o( c! c
    Recommend 推荐Share 分享
    + x! d9 N& s, j1 I, d4 z% TFlag 旗帜! ^  y& b  o: M
    Jack commented August 9
    2 _  |. v) B: C, ]2 d2 R 6 F8 u6 {& z' J/ u0 _. P0 i" j
    Jack 杰克; J  \& R, ~' k$ ?
    East End of The Isle of LongAug. 95 {7 s4 M. d) M* f9 m( @* `6 |  ]
    长岛东端8 月 9 日$ j, e& ~5 R# V( s( n# ?$ ^& Z
    rtischer8277 and Joe Trump Social media are solutions in search of problems. Much of what we consider high tech innovation is driven by this kind of thinking - let's build this thing and then we will create the need.! }  y* Y# w! F1 a: T
    rtischer8277 和乔·特朗普 社交媒体是寻找问题的解决方案。我们认为的大部分高科技创新都是由这种思维驱动的——让我们构建这个东西,然后我们将创造需求。5 h) V7 K8 u3 T+ F/ x
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    * G' _1 F9 G) U: IFlag 旗帜- R3 Z+ M- k9 C$ H" s
    CJL commented August 9
    9 M! h7 F2 J% v1 eC) p$ g8 f( E3 b8 c; H. B  s
    CJL 西吉林. }1 {5 i4 ?; j. S& Y3 ^2 B
    Los AngelesAug. 9" v; G$ v5 N! e, }/ M) E* @
    洛杉矶8 月 9 日! {' z7 n8 J* S
    The article is a pleasant exception to the almost endless series of articles in US publications about how China "steals our stuff" and "cheats". Anyone who's been in an engineering class with students from China, or indeed India and other countries, knows that there are plenty of very very smart hardworking folks outside of the US. They'll steamroller right over you if you don't work just as hard. They learned from America how the game is played, and they're playing it better.
    5 F0 S5 t& A6 ^/ b这篇文章是美国出版物上几乎无穷无尽的关于中国如何“窃取我们的东西”和“欺骗”的系列文章的一个令人愉快的例外。任何与来自中国、甚至印度和其他国家的学生一起上过工程课的人都知道,在美国以外有很多非常聪明、勤奋的人。如果你不努力工作,他们就会压倒你。他们向美国学习了这项运动的玩法,而且他们玩得更好。. P7 t+ `& @1 l; `6 c
    81 Recommend 81 推荐Share 分享
    . q- |# V2 B! Y: I* Q/ PFlag 旗帜
    ) g+ _* ]' M2 o8 c: q) r, _2 REPLIES 2 条回复
    4 |9 o  }( J6 z$ f; PMichael commented August 9
    * V- L2 ^! U* K' V0 L8 wM- X% ?) ?* J& {( P# V. K
    Michael 迈克尔
    - @5 m# D7 l5 R# \* K' PSan FranciscoAug. 9* S* z/ |3 K; u+ h0 m4 e8 q# H
    旧金山8 月 9 日" m' c7 `/ H- X; H2 B
    @CJL I don't think it's a valid analysis to compare Indian and Chinese or other hard working ambitious cultures to say they are necessarily " learning these behaviors " from the United States. These cultures already have a huge hard work ethic for centuries which now given globalization are manifesting themselves in science and technology especially in application of such knowledge for practical use. The article fails to mention that many of these countries have an academic strategy usually led by public universities and government industrial policies. The other factor not mentioned are the sheer numbers of scientists which India and China produce given their enormous populations of more than or near three billion people.
    : z, V2 i! `& L2 V/ q9 m7 [% B, q. Y@CJL 我不认为比较印度和中国或其他勤奋雄心勃勃的文化的有效分析说他们一定是从美国“学习这些行为”。几个世纪以来,这些文化已经具有巨大的勤奋工作道德,现在全球化正在科学和技术中体现出来,特别是在将这些知识应用于实际用途方面。文章没有提及其中许多国家都有通常由公立大学和政府产业政策主导的学术战略。另一个没有提到的因素是,鉴于印度和中国拥有超过或接近三十亿的庞大人口,两国培养的科学家数量之多。& Y% \1 l" s! }4 F
    22 Recommend 22 推荐Share 分享
    . m3 C7 c. {4 }( L/ W2 sFlag 旗帜/ |6 E: f$ ]- @/ r+ o
    Ima Palled commented August 9
    3 k- V: s0 R- \3 l2 a/ N, D6 qI 我8 ?6 R, `( q( j; D3 s0 h/ n
    Ima Palled 伊玛·帕莱德
    1 z$ J" P2 V$ D4 l" f) NGreat North WoodsAug. 9
    ! E' O9 p9 I* d# P9 T大北森林8 月 9 日, c) i7 s' T. k3 M( O
    CJL was not asserting that other countries lacked their own cultures and work ethics to bring to economic development, but only that as the United States has abandoned the hard work of learning science and technology and has scorned public education, China and India have been more than happy to pick up the slack.* U" a  ^2 D- }) y/ `" {7 `
    ; O% f* O" q- \8 b; Q9 A6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享& n4 y9 t, {" v" x  p
    Flag 旗帜) B9 g0 p# J# j5 @. i7 \
    Keith Bradsher commented August 9
    8 B7 e4 Y; x7 s# k5 o, @% X$ }* Z3 Q; m
    4 B0 _" h1 w% KKeith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍- c# B4 @3 y5 @& ~: @
    Beijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9
    1 D" F' }: R: y) A. Q; b( a8 w$ u北京分社社长8月9日
    : K* J. n( K6 ^4 M$ k+ |@Radek The West has certainly underestimated China in the automotive sector, and arguably in research and development more broadly. Most foreign auto executives left China during the pandemic, and did not see the progress that was being made. Engineers at Chinese companies kept working hard on new designs, particularly electric car designs, throughout the pandemic. As foreign executives have returned to China over the past year and a half, they have found the Chinese industry to have become much more competitive and innovative than they expected.
    9 j4 \/ u; e! n/ a4 K- \0 ~@Radek 西方肯定低估了中国在汽车领域的表现,可以说在更广泛的研发领域也低估了中国。大多数外国汽车高管在疫情期间离开了中国,并没有看到中国正在取得的进展。在整个大流行期间,中国公司的工程师一直在努力进行新设计,特别是电动汽车设计。随着外国高管在过去一年半的时间里回到中国,他们发现中国的产业比他们预想的更具竞争力和创新性。
      X( O  B9 {; }  w& \7 h8 k- H81 Recommend 81 推荐Share 分享! w& y$ K- u* M: ]- X
    Flag 旗帜% `$ [  ]* e2 Y
    Victor Webster commented August 9) a, x0 U3 p; h) n5 a" v  r
    V: l/ E% o8 e, U. N+ G
    Victor Webster 维克多·韦伯斯特4 k, w( l+ t! i0 w% `# H) m: j
    SydneyAug. 9
    5 F; i, J& j! H悉尼8 月 9 日
    / \8 |; s. l( d- \How the US responds to China’s resurgence as a major world power is of the utmost importance. If history is any guide, it will be with belligerence. This is profoundly unsettling, especially to us down under, to the extent that there is a growing conviction that we should sever our “defence” alliance with the US. A much better way would be for the US to invest heavily in public education, even if it requires more tax on the wealthy. But THAT’S SOCIALISM, so it ain’t gonna happen.
    : F" h: ?( T* E1 I美国如何应对中国作为世界大国的崛起至关重要。 如果历史有任何指导意义的话,那就是好战。这令人深感不安,尤其是对我们澳大利亚来说,因为人们越来越相信我们应该切断与美国的“防御”联盟。 更好的办法是美国大力投资公共教育,即使这需要对富人征收更多税。但这是社会主义,所以它不会发生。9 f* O7 o' v& L! B7 X
    75 Recommend 75 推荐Share 分享. }& W0 Z$ `: E2 p  F
    Flag 旗帜# N/ o" d+ v* _  h* r% E* z
    Tomato commented August 99 S" j7 `# x, b6 i

    8 k* N$ o: m5 r/ G4 S* uTomato 番茄
    ) `2 ~9 U/ }3 i' WI don't kno2Aug. 9# @* v' b  L+ y! `9 p! j# N0 t5 o
    不知道8月9号5 C9 I) L$ l5 h4 ^' w( ]* O7 O
    I bet their parents aren't grossing about banning books, blaming teachers for their students bad behavior and performance even when the student is chronically absent, and all the malarkey that is going on in the states.! q( G1 N  i2 M- @" e' @
    ; Q2 W5 C" @1 S4 Replies 4 条回复68 Recommend 68 推荐Share 分享
    % I, K6 R2 r0 i# F5 AFlag 旗帜4 l% K8 e5 s2 }
    J T commented August 9; T- F; i! _8 @) m! q( m( |7 N$ ~; I3 H
      Q4 H5 l4 T  t3 _7 x8 E. BJ T 杰特
    $ k6 ?$ L8 N2 d5 C. F' Z/ M$ a! J" PUnited StatesAug. 9
      J3 l9 [. ?1 u. ?& C美国8 月 9 日, F1 \8 E9 z. ?" y6 c( f, l
    As a teacher, what is extremely concerning is this trend coupled with the fact that most students that we are producing in the US are functionally illiterate. Even when they can decode the words, many of them can’t comprehend what they read whatsoever. We have enabled a culture where parents are not expected to engage with and raise their children and every aspect of child-rearing is dumped on underfunded and understaffed schools. Furthermore, we allow (Chinese) apps like TikTok to take up a majority of a child’s day, decimating their ability to process real information and pushing destabilizing “trends” like “destroy the school bathroom challenge” and “punch the teacher challenge”. Chinese students are going to be able to outpace us in every way because there is no real competition. Our society and culture has been broken to a sickening degree in which learning is not the main goal of schools, parents who don’t read to their kids or teach them social skills is normalized, and allowing them to waste away on iPads is acceptable. We did this to ourselves, and China is smart to capitalize on it.
    . q1 O; y' w! a# Z1 A; L作为一名教师,最令人担忧的是这种趋势,加上我们在美国培养的大多数学生都是功能性文盲。即使他们能够解读这些单词,他们中的许多人也无法理解他们所读到的内容。我们创造了一种文化,在这种文化中,父母不应该参与和抚养孩子,养育孩子的各个方面都被倾销给资金不足和人手不足的学校。此外,我们允许像 TikTok 这样的(中国)应用程序占据孩子一天的大部分时间,削弱他们处理真实信息的能力,并推动“破坏学校厕所挑战”和“打击老师挑战”等不稳定的“趋势”。中国学生将能够在各方面超过我们,因为没有真正的竞争。我们的社会和文化已经被破坏到了令人作呕的程度,学习不再是学校的主要目标,家长不给孩子读书或教他们社交技能已成为常态,允许他们在 iPad 上浪费时间是可以接受的。我们对自己做了这件事,而中国很聪明地利用了这一点。( P, E0 V, Q2 ?7 L. @
    3 Replies 3 条回复64 Recommend 64 推荐Share 分享% ?& _7 E- c$ m5 h! n; C8 _2 O
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    ( f) _% H8 V4 ~0 tKeith Bradsher commented August 9
    : K# j( @# h7 Z  L ' \: }2 z+ b, d9 Y' Y
    Keith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍6 g- `3 q3 q( O
    Beijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9" H! c/ p. U) p/ d/ N/ g, g: w7 \1 ]
    3 x; p, `( K5 s( g. K@Ann By coincidence, I was reporting on Wednesday elsewhere in China at a high school. Even though now is summer vacation, many students were there. The rising seniors are already studying full time over the summer before their final year of high school to prepare for their college entrance exams, which in China are a very comprehensive test of knowledge in a wide range of subjects. Also there were younger students preparing advanced chemistry projects for science fairs.
    & u4 D4 |3 k- `) v# s9 N/ v@Ann 巧合的是,周三我在中国其他地方的一所高中进行报道。虽然现在是暑假,但还是有很多学生。即将升入高中的高年级学生已经在高中最后一年之前的暑假进行全日制学习,为高考做准备,在中国,高考是对广泛学科知识的非常全面的测试。还有一些年轻的学生正在为科学博览会准备高级化学项目。
    . [) |) b6 J; w& @# A5 K58 Recommend 58 推荐Share 分享
    / q. K9 m9 W2 U7 OFlag 旗帜( ^0 z! W7 f3 Q( J$ x4 f
    Steven McCain commented August 95 o- a" v) J; o
    4 V: O! Y6 I7 z/ g) s# `, eSteven McCain 史蒂文·麦凯恩
    * k6 J4 x: K! Y( X" ]2 |- s3 cNew YorkAug. 9
    2 {8 O% m: J& A7 x1 y) r* [纽约8 月 9 日
    * ^' E$ f) H  |3 `) s4 P& c; HWhile we built 14-billion-dollar aircraft carriers and 250 million fighter jets that are too expensive to maintain they build science labs. Not to mention a great deal of chips to power our Military Industrial Complex. The old story about Guns or Butter is true. We would rather maintain forces in a hundred countries around the world and play cop for Europe while China builds roads in Africa and the Caribbean. Now that their technology has almost made our Aircraft Carriers no more than big targets what do we do. We could wake up and smell the coffee and start educating our children not on a system that rewards class and privilege. All of the masters of the universe need not come from the Ivy Towers.
    # D' B+ Z2 t0 g& `" n虽然我们建造了价值 140 亿美元的航空母舰和 2.5 亿架战斗机,但维护成本太高,而他们却建造了科学实验室。更不用说为我们的军事工业联合体提供大量芯片了。关于“枪炮还是黄油”的古老故事是真实的。我们宁愿在全球一百个国家驻军,为欧洲当警察,而中国则在非洲和加勒比地区修路。现在他们的技术几乎让我们的航空母舰成为了大目标,我们该怎么办。我们可以醒来闻到咖啡的味道,然后开始教育我们的孩子,而不是在一个奖励阶级和特权的体系上。宇宙中的所有大师不一定都来自常春藤塔。
    ; F3 J! }+ n& J) \+ b( }6 B( S2 Replies 2 条回复57 Recommend 57 推荐Share 分享
    9 I* m/ Z$ m! G/ DFlag 旗帜& q3 \# C9 X. p1 i( [, K# v
    B. commented August 9
    6 s3 \5 Y$ N5 lB9 C) D: A  p4 S
    " e" ~9 _$ Q5 K, tBrooklynAug. 9
    3 H$ r% g6 O. x3 Z/ M+ O4 l布鲁克林8 月 9 日
    9 f  o4 n8 d' ^, lAt least in New York City, a lot -- and I mean a lot -- of funding for education is thrown away on futile remedial programs for students who just cannot or absolutely will not learn. Such students would do better were we to guide them into non-academic courses. It isn't as though we cannot use craftsmen and draftsmen, or electricians. The money would be better used to get motivated, able, but needy students over whatever small learning hump they have. They would do well. Doing so would be an excellent use of money. Then there are places like Stuyvesant and Bronx Science. The effort to water down our best high schools in the name of equity is unbelievably misguided and counterproductive. Some kids can fly, and others cannot. We need to help them all where they are. Putting kids into schools in which they can never excel is cruel both to them and to those students whose quick progress is impeded by those who cannot keep up. For students who absolutely will not be helped but prefer to engage in behavior not compatible with civilized living, and we know very well that these are the students whose behavior interferes with the learning of their classmates, well, why are we wasting funds trying to get them into college?" U3 _. U2 i7 D' g, o: ~
    至少在纽约市,很多——我的意思是很多——教育资金被浪费在了针对那些无法或绝对不会学习的学生的徒劳的补习计划上。如果我们引导这些学生学习非学术课程,他们会做得更好。我们并不是不能使用工匠、制图员或电工。 这笔钱最好用来激励那些有动力、有能力但有需要的学生,以克服他们在学习上遇到的任何小困难。他们会做得很好。这样做将是一种很好的资金利用方式。 还有像史岱文森 (Stuyvesant) 和布朗克斯科学 (Bronx Science) 这样的地方。以公平的名义淡化我们最好的高中的努力是令人难以置信的误导和适得其反的。有些孩子会飞,有些则不能。我们需要在他们所在的地方为他们提供帮助。让孩子们进入他们永远无法出类拔萃的学校,对他们和那些因跟不上进度而阻碍快速进步的学生来说都是残酷的。 对于那些绝对不会得到帮助却宁愿做出与文明生活不相容的行为的学生,我们深知这些学生的行为干扰了同学的学习,那么,我们为什么要浪费资金试图去解决这些问题呢?他们进入大学?+ G6 `" `5 K. c0 r
    1 Reply 1 条回复57 Recommend 57 推荐Share 分享
    : W. M- {  m/ a2 E9 w6 M8 u6 @Flag 旗帜) y$ d* D! y) y. g0 v4 K
    B. commented August 94 Y2 \0 f9 I3 Y" Y' `: y+ V" Q7 p
    B2 ?9 _1 Y' a" x1 S+ K
    B.% d6 r9 U- k+ t# U, s
    BrooklynAug. 9
    " j; `4 H; C: _6 M' _布鲁克林8 月 9 日
    # b, P6 K5 Q7 F@Radek Learning Mandarin is fine. Making sure our children learn to sound out words, read, and learn math would be better. Getting an education takes hard work. When parents do not teach their children patience, perseverance, and a modicum of good manners, there can be no learning: Teachers will have a difficult time doing anything but trying to keep order in their classrooms. When the educational establishment prioritizes fun in the place of actual learning, which requires application and concentration, because a proportion of parents are derelict, our schools are lost. Please do not blame "bad schools" on poverty. Places like Stuyvesant and Bronx Science are filled with poor students who are immigrants, or whose parents are immigrants who work two and three jobs, but who understand that education takes effort and whose parents have instilled in them a work ethic. Similar to those Black children in segregated schools who, even without adequate text books and playing fields, were taught to cherish learning, were worked hard by dedicated Black schoolteachers, and went on to Howard University and Spelman College and became educators, physicians, lawyers, and judges. From kindergarten upwards, we have taken the easy way.
    2 Y9 _5 d' V7 t: i@Radek 学普通话还是不错的。确保我们的孩子学会发音、阅读和学习数学会更好。 接受教育需要艰苦的努力。如果父母不教导孩子耐心、毅力和一点点良好的举止,就不可能学到东西:老师除了努力维持课堂秩序之外,什么都做不了。 当教育机构将乐趣置于需要应用和集中注意力的实际学习之上时,由于一部分家长的疏忽,我们的学校就迷失了。 请不要将“糟糕的学校”归咎于贫困。像史岱文森和布朗克斯科学这样的地方充满了贫穷的移民学生,或者他们的父母是打两份或三份工作的移民,但他们明白教育需要付出努力,而且他们的父母向他们灌输了职业道德。 就像那些在种族隔离学校里的黑人孩子一样,即使没有足够的课本和操场,他们也被教导要珍惜学习,在敬业的黑人学校老师的努力下,进入霍华德大学和斯佩尔曼学院,成为教育家、医生、律师,和法官。 从幼儿园开始,我们就走简单的路。- J8 s, j, w+ d% {& D! Y2 J& O
    51 Recommend 51 推荐Share 分享
    9 d, j3 u& E! q+ |; D, l8 n1 U+ LFlag 旗帜( q1 ~7 N: \! j
    Kevin Blankinship commented August 9) m% t" r: s' i0 V
    ( q, b; d5 t/ L) c
    Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普$ G# u1 h" c1 W8 r, W7 \* }
    Norman, OKAug. 9! i8 {+ R5 S; t4 c( G
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日5 r* U6 a$ E4 X6 o; ?# y
    Our problem is not science education, but our culture. America is a commercial culture and in most parts of the country, religiously Christian. As such, our society extols the business-person, and values most the skills that are associated with that occupation. The commercial culture is why there is an over-riding emphasis on sports and interpersonal skills in our schools. STEM is viewed as incidental in such a culture, something workers do, not leaders. Religious fundamentalism is part of a disdain for science here, as the two are incompatible. This is integral to industry as well. What society values is reflected in how business chooses its leaders. Despite vague claims of "problem-solving" skills, there is no stress on critical thinking. In fact, being a critical thinker is a trait of someone who "rocks the boat." It is also at odds with conservatism. America's cultural roots are in the Reformation, where Calvinism forged a nexus of religion with business. We're seeing the limits of what a society with that ethos can do. It works well for low-tech, production-oriented societies. East Asia does not have that cultural baggage, so they are positioned to excel. We saw that threat with Japan in the 1980s, and now with China today. East Asian culture has its advantages, but America is now too conservative to learn from them., [% z+ D3 f7 C0 _
    我们的问题不是科学教育,而是我们的文化。美国是一种商业文化,全国大部分地区信奉基督教。因此,我们的社会推崇商人,并且最重视与该职业相关的技能。商业文化是我们学校非常重视体育和人际交往能力的原因。在这样的文化中,STEM 被视为偶然,是工人而不是领导者所做的事情。宗教原教旨主义是对科学的蔑视,因为两者是不相容的。 这也是工业不可或缺的一部分。社会的价值观反映在企业如何选择领导人上。尽管模糊地声称“解决问题”的能力,但并不强调批判性思维。事实上,批判性思考者是“破坏现状”的人的一个特质。这也与保守主义相悖。 美国的文化根源在于宗教改革,加尔文主义在宗教改革中建立了宗教与商业的联系。我们看到了具有这种精神的社会所能做的事情的局限性。它非常适合低技术、生产导向型社会。东亚没有这种文化包袱,因此他们有能力脱颖而出。我们在 20 世纪 80 年代看到了日本面临的威胁,现在又看到了中国的威胁。东亚文化有其优点,但美国现在太保守了,无法向其学习。7 ^% y$ I* O9 o2 Q. m
    3 Replies 3 条回复49 Recommend 49 推荐Share 分享
    $ E+ U8 b) T9 S( GFlag 旗帜& [1 D: v- }+ H$ O4 @/ {
    S. Benson commented August 9& ~3 l. w3 g: ]8 Z/ W
    1 T6 Q: q! G; d% t& }  _( dS. Benson S·本森
    9 E6 y* A$ A* V) bNew YorkAug. 97 Z1 p7 J) x7 o
    纽约8 月 9 日
    % d% U( s" A  Y/ r6 b9 n! VThis is not an education problem. Yes, we need to improve schooling. But we need to create (go back?) to a manufacturing economy that gives STEM graduates a place to work. Why go the trouble of an engineering degree if you can't find a job? Intel is having a tough time: just laid off 10,000 chip workers! (oh, and the CEO made $179,000,000) God forbid the CEO, et al, take a haircut and save the workers (and their institutional knowledge).  We need to create an economy in which long-term investment is seen as a good idea even if it is a drag on quarterly profits. Remember Bell Labs?
    8 j+ V* @6 a' \1 l这不是教育问题。 是的,我们需要改善学校教育。 但我们需要创建(回到?)制造业经济,为 STEM 毕业生提供工作场所。 如果你找不到工作,为什么要费力去攻读工程学位呢? 英特尔日子不好过:刚刚裁掉1万名芯片工人! (哦,首席执行官赚了 179,000,000 美元) 上帝禁止首席执行官等人理发并拯救工人(以及他们的机构知识)。 我们需要创造一种长期投资被视为好主意的经济,即使它会拖累季度利润。还记得贝尔实验室吗?! H$ b8 ]( {* o  _$ X$ v7 v0 P
    1 Reply 1 条回复48 Recommend 48 推荐Share 分享! F8 q# I$ ]; e3 i
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    $ i" C) E2 ^6 Q1 R6 `6 L! x7 Z) b# KKeith Bradsher commented August 9
    # c( o" t3 e' \3 M
    : W! m6 c9 m; i) f* c4 l" ^Keith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍
    0 E/ r8 r% x0 z3 k/ n& s/ zBeijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9
    5 `6 z# B3 K- z3 {2 j' U: Y北京分社社长8月9日
    % K7 P" ^, Y+ U0 x, O# j& |@EastCoastResident Thank you, that is a striking anecdote. There is a very, very high level of public interest in engineering here in China. The competitive challenge for other countries is considerable. The United States does indeed rely much more heavily than China on students from abroad to fill graduate programs in STEM subjects.
    ! C) H  {0 w! u@EastCoastResident 谢谢,这是一个引人注目的轶事。中国公众对工程学有着非常非常高的兴趣。其他国家面临的竞争挑战相当大。 美国确实比中国更加依赖海外学生来填补 STEM 科目的研究生课程。* G5 ^; @& z% j& d8 u0 s
    45 Recommend 45 推荐Share 分享$ b' U% i2 Z! ~+ V2 [
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    ( m5 z* K& h* m. S4 UMelvin commented August 9( Q- m8 u2 k7 ^# H% ?
    M1 `# i8 A" y! n  Z3 J* m
    Melvin 梅尔文6 e3 ^# i0 J' F1 C3 ?
    SFAug. 9$ v: W9 `/ i, E2 v1 W" O# C" H
    顺丰8月9日& ?; T1 t2 |( l" E$ C3 |
    We need to ensure that all American students that graduate in science and engineering with bachelor’s degrees or higher have no student loan debt at graduation. That’s the kind of incentive that will get us where we need to go. That and elimination of H1-B visas.
    5 D. [+ B$ J1 n# x5 c3 e我们需要确保所有获得学士学位或更高学位的科学与工程专业的美国学生在毕业时没有学生贷款债务。这种激励将引导我们到达我们需要去的地方。 那并取消 H1-B 签证。4 A2 d2 p3 ~1 J  b% N0 ]% V: T" o# N3 R
    3 Replies 3 条回复44 Recommend 44 推荐Share 分享- [/ g: B$ S" _" M# u
    Flag 旗帜  u, v' I5 E: m" w
    Cosby commented August 9$ B- d' G. n5 E5 I( B) r
    C/ G- a# {* t8 `
    Cosby 科斯比8 w7 X" x7 [: _( M" ^7 e% N
    ConnecticutAug. 96 R' @; s* h- z8 j3 @0 o
    康涅狄格州8 月 9 日- x1 B2 U+ W& d: R
    “ By comparison, only a fifth of American undergraduates and half of doctoral students are in these categories” But we beat them hollow on Gender Studies.5 _. w/ P% C, C+ D7 u) X5 z1 Q& T
    “相比之下,只有五分之一的美国本科生和一半的博士生属于这些类别” 但我们在性别研究上击败了他们。4 Z( f$ s1 t: F, \  L
    44 Recommend 44 推荐Share 分享1 }/ \. Y- J% S) {1 I
    Flag 旗帜% u( I+ Z4 ~' e
    Ann commented August 9# Z$ V% ?/ t) n! W7 d& x8 j( t

    9 j8 C1 T+ M1 c- Q3 l) A0 _Ann 安
    3 ^7 \) x9 X. x: _CaliforniaAug. 9
    " q( T) l4 B5 P加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    : V6 T) N6 y- N  m8 S9 a0 X$ k: {. p@Alain-While the U.S waged its ill-conceived, illegal $4+ trillion wars on Iraq and Afghanistan , China inked deals for strategic resources like rare minerals and oil and gas across the planet, rebuilt the world's largest strategic shipping ports, and laid down railroads and roads across Africa. Sigh. Wishing our elected leaders had been in so educated to see this future." j, G; b. }  E5 z$ I
    @阿兰-当美国对伊拉克和阿富汗发动了考虑不周、非法、价值超过4万亿美元的战争时,中国签署了全球稀有矿产、石油和天然气等战略资源的协议,重建了世界上最大的战略航运港口,并奠定了基础横跨非洲的铁路和公路。叹。希望我们当选的领导人能够接受如此多的教育,能够看到这个未来。! T& c: ^& e* S; \
    43 Recommend 43 推荐Share 分享
    . k6 H; z9 t* T1 X2 {+ ]/ o) gFlag 旗帜
    & f" T  R1 j9 g+ K; F" v; kPigsy commented August 9
    " ~% B: e1 y" k% iP
    ' r* Y$ i: [- g  W, zPigsy 小猪佩奇
    1 A6 i3 g4 W, V7 O/ v4 r* x1 K% j/ _The EateryAug. 9; B) @' r" c" _3 ~7 M
    餐馆8 月 9 日
    ! P3 S& B! ]: e9 |@Radek Hubris and unfortunately, racism. It’s like that attitude exhibited by that Australian swim coach when China’s Pan won by a body length. He suggested that Pan was cheating, not because his speed was impossible, but rather that he couldn’t possibly have so soundly trounced “this field” of elite Western swimmers.0 }  Q! r# x$ [; W$ X
    @Radek 傲慢,不幸的是,种族主义。 就像中国选手潘以一身长获胜时澳大利亚游泳教练的态度一样。他认为潘在作弊,不是因为他的速度不可能,而是因为他不可能如此彻底地击败“这一领域”的西方精英游泳运动员。
    8 ~" K& |( g/ s3 u3 Q43 Recommend 43 推荐Share 分享
    # G. B, P7 J1 wFlag 旗帜7 N$ n: y9 D. k# a2 t
    Anonymous commented August 98 _6 \1 h/ e- d8 S% [
    " a+ l7 h' z3 d% u% m% _, wAnonymous 匿名的5 T9 V3 z9 s) N- X0 ]
    NYAug. 9
    9 g0 s( ^" d; s7 J: S/ Q纽约8 月 9 日
    . q* J, g4 G1 m* `I'm surprised to read this article, since one of the main narratives Western media has pushed over the years to discredit China's successes is that those successes have come only from rampant copyright infringement and the copying of Western ideas/know-how. As the article shows, China today is more than capable of leading fields the U.S. cannot lead. Overall, I think this has a positive impact for all parts involved. The fact that China can be a world leader when it comes to battery research means the U.S. can continue being a world leader when it comes to intersectional gender studies, for example.
    ; a. p- P7 d! J我很惊讶地读到这篇文章,因为多年来西方媒体一直在抹黑中国的成功的主要叙述之一是,这些成功仅来自猖獗的版权侵权和对西方思想/技术的抄袭。 正如文章所示,今天的中国完全有能力领导美国无法领导的领域。 总的来说,我认为这对所有涉及的部分都有积极的影响。例如,中国在电池研究方面可以成为世界领先者,这意味着美国可以在跨性别研究方面继续成为世界领先者。
    8 l) \" N/ i" P: e! Y% o. g1 Reply 1 条回复42 Recommend 42 推荐Share 分享& }; J% ?2 M' |; C+ f" l
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    6 H7 i. Y! d0 b4 nEthan Allen commented August 96 j! X& S9 S# x- s5 a  T$ x
    7 E. B+ G+ e3 _, i& K) Z/ H- {' }  WEthan Allen 伊森·艾伦/ H' @% M! ~  V
    VermontAug. 9  N' x# _! x2 Y  S3 G% \4 m, R
    佛蒙特州8 月 9 日. F( h* i4 }9 v4 C
    Hate to break it to you, but this has all been true for nearly a decade. Nice to see the ASPI getting a namecheck, as they produce excellent analysis of their closer neighbor, but none of this is news. It is vitally important though, but Americans simply refuse to listen, and US politicians obviously aren’t paid (off) to do what’s needed to protect our interests. China set out its intent to overtake the US in high tech R&D about thirty years ago, very clearly and publicly. They devoted huge resources to the project, and it has paid off in terms of the citations and patent metrics noted, as well as (more importantly) the creation of industrial, educational, and innovation prowess that should make the US very afraid. India has been trying much the same thing, but with far less success (due to their more chaotic form of government). So what was our collective national response? Was it a national research and industrial policy, of the sort we could imagine Vannevar Bush and Eisenhower might have cooked up? To ensure our safety in key defense technologies (comms, aerospace, materials, computing, etc.) and make us wealthy with new products and industries, by way of a national strategy for industrial R&D…? No - of course not. For decades our political system (all of it, on all sides, while they all just focus on keeping their snouts in the trough) has done absolutely nothing to prevent us slowly but now all of a sudden becoming the economic vasals of a foreign power.' F4 B2 z, P( X8 @, d* D
    不想向你透露,但这近十年来都是如此。很高兴看到 ASPI 获得命名,因为他们对近邻进行了出色的分析,但这都不是新闻。虽然这非常重要,但美国人就是拒绝倾听,而且美国政客显然没有得到报酬来采取保护我们利益所需的行动。 大约三十年前,中国非常明确、公开地表达了在高科技研发方面超越美国的意图。他们为该项目投入了大量资源,并在引用和专利指标方面取得了回报,以及(更重要的是)创造了让美国感到非常恐惧的工业、教育和创新实力。印度一直在尝试同样的事情,但收效甚微(由于其政府形式更加混乱)。 那么我们的全国集体反应是什么?这是我们想象中万尼瓦尔·布什和艾森豪威尔可能制定的那种国家研究和产业政策吗?通过国家工业研发战略,确保我们在关键国防技术(通信、航空航天、材料、计算等)方面的安全,并通过新产品和新产业使我们致富……? 不——当然不是。几十年来,我们的政治体系(所有方面,所有方面,而他们都只是专注于将自己的鼻子放在低谷中)绝对没有采取任何措施来阻止我们慢慢地但现在突然成为外国势力的经济附庸。! L" Z$ n" {  ]" ]. P3 y
    1 Reply 1 条回复42 Recommend 42 推荐Share 分享0 l! j' r+ a. [8 O: k
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    8 i2 S- |6 g* u7 n' v. uVinnie K commented August 9* e2 {4 J# p. g5 [! |! S: o
    " N2 ^1 R0 r# x4 {Vinnie K 维尼·K
    ) r( i4 x4 Q* H- _# jNJAug. 9( m  G& o8 u( t4 e/ d0 H2 E+ L' m6 L
    新泽西州8 月 9 日. j$ ]$ W3 s+ C6 Z5 d
    The US Congress has consistently, for years, CUT science funding. The US used to lead in research, in patents, in science... But that has long gone. The value of the US funding scientific research once led to all kinds of scientific and technological advance. Now long gone. Often science graduate students have to find their own research money BEFORE they can enter grad school – a near impossible situation. Therefore, the number of graduate students in sciences, engineering, and math is greatly reduced. And many cannot find jobs in their field. Instead, they take their analytical skills to Wall Street and the like. Congressional cuts leads to the result that US suffers long-term consequence.5 w/ K8 G0 A. v  F  E
    多年来,美国国会一直削减科学经费。美国曾经在研究、专利、科学方面处于领先地位……但这种情况早已不复存在。 美国资助科学研究的价值一度带动了各种科技进步。现在早已不复存在了。 通常,理科研究生在进入研究生院之前必须找到自己的研究资金——这几乎是不可能的情况。 因此,科学、工程和数学专业的研究生数量大大减少。许多人无法在自己的领域找到工作。相反,他们将分析技能运用到华尔街等地方。 国会削减开支导致美国遭受长期后果。
    6 h4 v8 Z: z- Z& d% R- b42 Recommend 42 推荐Share 分享
    ! x- L. v9 N' `7 j6 ?0 b- iFlag 旗帜
    - ]. K  }3 M4 Q. \Keith Bradsher commented August 93 K/ D4 z3 e) V! ?# i3 g
    ( `2 F6 ?7 |' ~$ m4 W: I
    Keith Bradsher 基思·布拉德舍  G& A2 T4 i( _/ p# j. f. p  s
    Beijing Bureau ChiefAug. 9
    5 R; `. e0 |# {, Q5 R" x8 W北京分社社长8月9日( g; I" L7 F9 d6 [7 Y
    @paul You make very good points. The United States has invested heavily in pharmaceuticals research. But as the Australian Strategic Policy Institute found in its broad review of technologies, China now leads in many fields. Chemistry, long a priority, has emerged as a particular area of strength. The chemistry department at Central South University in Changsha, which I visited, was immense. And there are similar chemistry departments at dozens of large universities in China. The only category identified by the Australian institute in which China is even more dominant globally in published papers than in battery chemistry was in hypersonics, a field used in the design of ballistic missiles. Graduates of Chinese chemistry programs earn half or less of what newly minted American chemical engineers earn. A Chinese graduate with a masters in chemistry can earn $25,000 to $40,000 a year straight out of school while a graduate with a doctorate in chemistry earns more like $55,000. But the cost of living is also much lower. A studio apartment in Changsha, a hub of the chemicals industry, rents for as little as $140 a month, and a spacious two-bedroom apartment is double that. Zoning regulations in China strongly encourage the construction of high-rises. That has meant a vast supply of apartments, which has kept rents down. A bubble in apartment prices has recently burst, however.8 f5 n) W5 b' N. n9 ^% l
    @paul你的观点非常好。美国在药物研究方面投入巨资。但正如澳大利亚战略政策研究所在对技术的广泛审查中发现的那样,中国现在在许多领域处于领先地位。化学长期以来一直是一个优先领域,现已成为一个特殊的优势领域。 我参观过的长沙中南大学化学系规模很大。中国数十所大型大学也设有类似的化学系。澳大利亚研究所发现,中国在全球发表的论文中比电池化学更占主导地位的唯一类别是高超音速技术,这是一个用于弹道导弹设计的领域。 中国化学专业毕业生的收入只有美国新化学工程师收入的一半或更少。一名拥有化学硕士学位的中国毕业生毕业后每年可赚取 25,000 至 40,000 美元,而拥有化学博士学位的毕业生每年可赚取 55,000 美元左右。 但生活成本也低得多。在化学工业中心长沙,一套单间公寓的租金仅为每月 140 美元,而宽敞的两居室公寓的租金是这个价格的两倍。中国的分区法规大力鼓励高层建筑的建设。这意味着大量的公寓供应,从而压低了租金。然而,公寓价格泡沫最近破裂了。
    % u$ Z& N9 G/ @2 D" \8 W, y41 Recommend 41 推荐Share 分享
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    ! b; G( z7 U4 h$ J9 k( ^, |
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-10-11 12:15
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:11:45 | 只看该作者
    Hieronymous Bosch 希罗尼姆斯·博斯- a+ ^. k. [0 m; w' Y5 f
    AntarcticaAug. 9( t6 E$ D! j0 E6 E. [$ }6 |
    南极洲8 月 9 日
      e. s2 B9 A( y& b. M; KAmerica needs to protect itself from Chinese subsidized EVs. Punitive tariffs, so that Americans can keep driving ICE trucks and so American high school students can continue to spend the day on TikTok (with an hour of mandatory Bible study).5 v/ {! h3 d- Z! j. O, n
    美国需要保护自己免受中国补贴的电动汽车的影响。惩罚性关税,这样美国人就可以继续驾驶 ICE 卡车,这样美国高中生就可以继续在 TikTok 上度过一天(强制学习一小时圣经)。2 O4 c) }, L* K! M4 c: g! I- z& l% N
    40 Recommend 40 推荐Share 分享
    - }, v/ j' q2 x7 k$ zFlag 旗帜+ n- {+ b& z2 |2 q& m' g
    Andrew commented August 9# `/ I5 @0 r7 X* P0 G& L
    A. Z( q+ Y9 h& M
    Andrew 安德鲁, q: ^! A. A% y: a4 H2 A% U
    Expat In Hong KongAug. 9) n8 g' p" Z; G$ o
    外籍人士在香港8 月 9 日' [' F& I+ T* ?- u* B6 e+ f
    “The government subsidies and policies that have helped fuel the factory boom”. You make it sound like a bad thing. You seem to have forgotten Obama’s and Biden’s subsidies for green energy (which were and are good and are partly responsible for Tesla’s success, not to mention Chinese support for Tesla). And what about JFK’s moonshot. Perhaps the billions provided in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry in the US could find better use?
    $ g* f! y. S& B/ L- `“政府补贴和政策推动了工厂的繁荣”。你让它听起来像是一件坏事。你似乎忘记了奥巴马和拜登对绿色能源的补贴(无论过去还是现在,这些补贴都是好的,并且对特斯拉的成功负有部分责任,更不用说中国对特斯拉的支持了)。肯尼迪的登月计划又如何呢?也许为美国化石燃料行业提供的数十亿美元补贴可以找到更好的用途?' Y' ^( C" R3 _1 o
    39 Recommend 39 推荐Share 分享. {: I  y0 v0 b/ u
    Flag 旗帜+ ]6 |( [2 N% s; ^( a9 S% Q0 b8 b3 [
    Rocker44 commented August 9
    $ }! z( ?: J! ZR 右
    , j- }; G+ X/ T: Q5 u8 E! ]0 oRocker44 摇杆447 R; [7 E& k* }1 s$ a
    New York, NYAug. 9
    5 @6 p4 Q' K& Z/ |; Z纽约州纽约市8 月 9 日
    - N5 W5 N  B: R1 Y'60,000 students learning STEM with a focus on battery technology development' - that's never going to happen in the US.. {# a2 M$ M9 O4 f' R3 l
    “6 万名学生学习 STEM,重点关注电池技术开发”——这在美国永远不会发生。
    . J' G6 {3 ~; q) Q: {: m0 i39 Recommend 39 推荐Share 分享
    , Y  a4 O6 u% j& D. R/ b* nFlag 旗帜; F* \. i0 A: ~% \, ]0 N
    Dennis commented August 9* q/ _7 G0 o4 @; _" L2 F7 A' B
    * T  Y! s! J# U7 {4 b3 ^  dDennis 丹尼斯
    ; P% c. z8 \2 e+ y! ~ManhattanAug. 9; i  R# g' z2 W' f3 Q) M
    曼哈顿8 月 9 日8 S; k, ~. _( J! z  o& I
    I’m sure the leadership of China is delighted with the current focus of the U.S. school curriculum.
    ' b& q5 p2 o( h3 c" i我相信中国领导层对美国学校课程目前的重点感到高兴。
    / L* @/ j/ c& w0 ~  l3 [$ w  ~1 Reply 1 条回复38 Recommend 38 推荐Share 分享# \- U. G* w1 Q( A( f9 z  t0 `
    Flag 旗帜6 i" }6 v. }& }  E# M+ F
    Patti commented August 9# U8 @' a' Y5 H. ?& v! p- Y# s  J5 {8 x
    P( |8 x  I) [1 |# _
    Patti 帕蒂
    ) S! I+ |1 A4 p% p, B  R0 PCasa de FundamentAug. 9
    1 m& ?9 B8 y1 {2 h# dCasa de Fundament 8 月 9 日
    & X1 A2 [) z/ o* k) r% e; fOne thing the article points out (for those who did read it), is that government research subsidies help China become a leader in technology. This is a "liberal" idea which has also had great success in the US on those occasions when republicans couldn't stop it. Meanwhile, Trump promises things like Foxconn, which turn out to be failures. Republicans say they support manufacturing, but do not actually "walk the walk". But sure, let those anti-education, anti-research cheats influence and limit your thinking.2 J* m' N" O& x' \9 T
    文章指出的一件事(对于那些读过它的人)是,政府研究补贴帮助中国成为技术领导者。 这是一个“自由主义”的想法,在美国共和党无法阻止的情况下也取得了巨大成功。 与此同时,特朗普承诺富士康等项目,但结果却失败了。共和党人说他们支持制造业,但实际上并没有“言出必行”。 但当然,让那些反教育、反研究的作弊行为影响和限制你的思维。
      n3 n/ a1 V5 e% o: n# v- N38 Recommend 38 推荐Share 分享
    1 e! c* ?$ [! w8 @7 [7 Y6 H" TFlag 旗帜( A* ?2 B7 V( w# [( }
    Bob commented August 9* F& g' M% S. [8 O" i# o5 {) j. Z
    * e+ l  X6 A* W$ I4 kBob 鲍勃% }$ _1 k0 G+ G1 o) @4 W( p
    WAAug. 9
    : L" r8 T% P! P, J西澳8 月 9 日9 |3 U+ o* B9 ?% k: h, M$ N
    @Radek It's easier for Americans to blame China for "stealing" technology than it is to accept that we are powerless in our desire to get American governance and business working together to become competitive in our own right.+ W6 {' m% |5 }% n& p
    @Radek 对于美国人来说,指责中国“窃取”技术更容易,而不是承认我们无力让美国的治理和企业共同努力,以提高我们自己的竞争力。' p, c* q/ d3 t/ R' n# a
    37 Recommend 37 推荐Share 分享* \; M. c" |6 K
    Flag 旗帜
    % i  T. c$ V& v* o& l# |7 t8 E: EEthan Allen commented August 9  L6 }' }' ]% z6 `
    E( s! D7 O5 j" X: W- t! `* _" M" x, ]
    Ethan Allen 伊森·艾伦6 h* V2 s/ F2 q5 h1 N9 W) R
    VermontAug. 9
    9 F7 ?! f) O2 p7 \& Z佛蒙特州8 月 9 日
    5 |0 Z9 t/ E! K* k5 ]  a6 t: H@Jim Little concept called PPP - purchasing power parity. The $5k in China buys a LOT more education than the $15k here. PPP is one big reason, but another is that out of your $15k domestic spend about 65% will actually be paying for ‘overhead’ or other components of (not for) profit in our highly financialized education sector. That’s not the case in China. So the cost/benefit advantage you believe we have is actually reversed and operating to our disadvantage, in real world and PPP terms. That’s what leads to the external metrics like citations, patents, and product innovation / unit production and prices.9 a, `0 `2 A% U, m% S6 c* Y
    @Jim 小概念叫PPP——购买力平价。在中国,5000 美元比在这里的 15000 美元能买到更多的教育。 PPP 是一个重要原因,但另一个原因是,在 15,000 美元的国内支出中,大约 65% 实际上将用于支付我们高度金融化的教育行业的“管理费用”或其他(而非)利润组成部分。中国的情况并非如此。 因此,您认为我们拥有的成本/效益优势实际上是相反的,并且在现实世界和 PPP 方面对我们不利。这就是引文、专利和产品创新/单位产量和价格等外部指标的原因。) ^, W2 U: t( T# N) }$ T
    34 Recommend 34 推荐Share 分享
    " Q4 X2 _* ~% [" |Flag 旗帜
    8 `* E. ]( w; u# T# |Harry commented August 9; I+ q) [. k1 S. b* `1 k
    H: V4 s: Q+ J7 J1 m3 Q9 j4 _7 P0 X
    Harry 哈利7 }( }6 y( q- b. Z1 l1 p
    michiganAug. 96 Y. y. B  R- [- J4 N# V9 ?4 G
    密歇根州8 月 9 日# x6 Z+ F0 L. }4 O
    I graduated HS in 75 with a class size of over 400. I took two years of chemistry, there were 12 kids in my class. Americans are totally free to choose ignorant bliss. Our country relied on the brain drain from other countries to remain competitive in advanced Stem fields. Now too many of our best and brightest seek business and finance digress. Now thanks to anti immigrant populist ideology we will continue our downward spiral into a service industry. Everything is dumbing us down, from our so called leadership, horrible parenting, to music , social media and the food we feed our children. Yea, I’m not optimistic.! I, Q; S! \  C0 Q3 D
    3 L0 L5 x: F, T; D% _/ J2 Replies 2 条回复34 Recommend 34 推荐Share 分享4 K( u/ `# Y" Q. B
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    + }. V9 {" K8 LRadek commented August 9
    + ], h* A( J1 x) K" D2 }2 PR 右
    7 f" b& `' j) i9 v6 c) i1 tRadek 拉德克
    9 ?9 d# S4 J. a! |; C6 APortland, OregonAug. 9
    % Q4 ^$ m  n6 }俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日, E- W  V6 F# @. u. ?3 Y( `6 u
    @R Mabry There wasn't enough space in a short comment to clarify on those details but this wasn't a formal invited delegation. It's more like successive private business trips over years for consulting and ideas exchange, without chaperoning. We could go and say what we wanted. This is another frequent missed point, how much China has changed not only in tech, but in its surprising openness for constructive criticism. Our press too often just slaps the "authoritarian" label on China and equates it with Russia but the two are worlds apart, thus the misconceptions. Ex. on accusations of China subsidizing its green tech and EV's, in fact they've been removing the subsidies as home-grown firms emerge and become profitable, and US firms (incl Tesla) get the same subsidies. In fact in this, China is actually more open in trade than the US has been lately--with massive tariffs on Chinese EV's and green tech products, while China still allows American car and renewables companies to sell there. Their system of govt. is evolving and they learn from us, but pick-and-choose as they too see our flaws. And that "real estate crash" as Western press reported it? That was pragmatic Chinese officials popping a housing bubble to makes homes affordable, a crisis for us in the US and Canada. Again it's generally undeniable how objectively fast China advances, even becoming a regional immigrant magnet so its demographics are also more solid than much of Western media has realized.# g6 F- V% w5 L1 f+ @: ^% r
    @R马布里 简短的评论中没有足够的空间来澄清这些细节,但这不是一个正式受邀代表团。这更像是多年来连续进行的私人商务旅行,目的是进行咨询和交流想法,没有陪同。我们可以去说我们想说的话。 这是另一个经常被忽视的一点,中国不仅在科技方面发生了巨大的变化,而且在对建设性批评的令人惊讶的开放态度方面也发生了巨大的变化。我们的媒体常常给中国贴上“独裁”标签,并将其与俄罗斯等同起来,但两者是天壤之别,因此产生了误解。 前任。指责中国补贴其绿色科技和电动汽车,事实上,随着本土企业的出现并盈利,他们一直在取消补贴,而美国公司(包括特斯拉)也获得了同样的补贴。事实上,中国的贸易实际上比美国最近更加开放——对中国电动汽车和绿色科技产品征收高额关税,而中国仍然允许美国汽车和可再生能源公司在中国销售。 他们的政府体系。我们正在不断发展,他们向我们学习,但他们也看到了我们的缺陷,因此做出了选择。那么西方媒体报道的“房地产崩盘”呢?这是务实的中国官员为了让人们买得起房而戳破房地产泡沫,这对我们美国和加拿大来说是一场危机。 同样,不可否认的是,中国客观上进步得有多快,甚至成为了地区性的移民磁石,因此其人口结构也比许多西方媒体意识到的更为稳固。  m& w7 n$ {  R( V! D
    34 Recommend 34 推荐Share 分享
    / b5 T0 }) _5 XFlag 旗帜6 W+ a/ i  Q0 j. P2 Y
    rsnc commented August 9; g+ J- J* `$ R3 R) G/ M! \- S
    . _7 {$ G& a) d% {; ~  krsnc
    , d! B+ i# ~! t" H1 \earthAug. 9
    2 ?* H: r) `2 M( M+ R1 B地球8 月 9 日& s. q  v2 `  l7 V1 ^
    Its amazing what can get done when your government isn't held captive by the fossil fuel industry.: q% s$ a9 {9 [4 A( a
    " C, T0 ?0 E/ i0 q: F1 Reply 1 条回复33 Recommend 33 推荐Share 分享) k' \, k; z6 q: r' t5 W
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      k4 m' s5 @# L: x! O: J8 \% U7 h, vMike Zhang commented August 97 q2 U' X& t4 N5 }
    M$ e+ B9 R" J. r5 k
    Mike Zhang 张迈克: Q( s9 N' K2 b- R/ v- t
    USAug. 9. G* |& e6 F' p$ W4 a) D
    美国8 月 9 日  J% o. Y  w( w& B4 Q& M
    The cost of higher education in the US is a real issue. In China, the annual cost is less than 10,000 yuan ($1,500) for most universities, including the best ones like Tsinghua University and Beijing University. In the US, a state university may cost more than $30,000, and a private university may have double the cost. Student debt is not an issue in China, as almost all Chinese students graduate debt free from colleges.; c7 O% @4 M/ j' A* ^
    美国高等教育的费用是一个现实问题。在中国,大多数大学的年费用低于 10,000 元人民币(1,500 美元),包括清华大学和北京大学等最好的大学。在美国,州立大学的费用可能超过 30,000 美元,而私立大学的费用可能是两倍。学生债务在中国不是问题,因为几乎所有中国学生从大学毕业时都没有债务。
    : q" y& j% o& y* O( x3 Replies 3 条回复32 Recommend 32 推荐Share 分享$ [. I" R8 _8 H3 g4 T# P5 N( t* s
    Flag 旗帜' w( v. I. ?2 W6 D6 |" I8 l7 E
    david lamy commented August 9
    # i+ y6 x6 O! N, B# D. vD
    ) I+ G2 z3 c: [& ]david lamy 大卫·拉米$ n0 t" |8 D! u0 D8 M9 D
    middletown, nyAug. 9  z5 F: B8 \4 H6 a7 M, H
    纽约州米德尔敦8 月 9 日( T  J) q2 k5 v5 z$ U
    Instead of supporting stock portfolios laden with defense contractors that produce ineffective overpriced weapons how about taxes providing free public university education?
    + o' B; H; ^$ L8 r+ ?& \与其支持那些生产低效、价格过高武器的国防承包商的股票投资组合,不如通过税收提供免费的公立大学教育呢?. e+ E; k$ S' o4 F
    3 Replies 3 条回复31 Recommend 31 推荐Share 分享
    / @/ r! O# z' ]* Z- l- r: A: qFlag 旗帜2 C; ]! P/ [) a6 L) U& O" B. O
    Guthlac commented August 9
    % i% J' B( L& t8 U& d5 b' wG
    " i1 N. w0 D2 ?) P& PGuthlac 古斯拉克
    7 Q! b. n) X: A5 c3 aNew JerseyAug. 9
    9 o+ _3 B# j2 S新泽西州8 月 9 日
    . S) N; `6 Z! _% S; Z  j0 TFor the past 15 years I have taught graduate level physiological chemistry in China. The unit where I teach always employs a recent US graduate to help the students with their English. Every time I visit that US graduate has the same question "are all Chinese students like this?" They are referring to the fact that these MS and PhD students begin work around 8am, take about 30 minutes off for lunch, take about 30 to 45 minutes playing basket ball or in the gym around 5pm, eat dinner, and then work until 8 or 9pm. The US graduate usually runs conversational English from 8 to 10pm. And this happens 6 days a week, and for some, 7 days. My answer is yes this is typical. In addition, I find most of these students are sponges, they not only come to my lectures they do extensive reading outside of class and pepper me with amazing questions. Truly a delight to teach. Here in the US I am lucky to have 5% of my students with such a work ethic.
    - \; ^" S2 b& Q4 z! ?在过去的 15 年里,我在中国教授研究生水平的生理化学。我所任教的单位总是聘请一名应届美国毕业生来帮助学生学习英语。每次我去拜访那位美国毕业生时都会问同样的问题“中国学生都是这样吗?”他们指的是这样一个事实:这些硕士和博士生早上 8 点左右开始工作,午餐休息约 30 分钟,下午 5 点左右花 30 到 45 分钟打篮球或去健身房,吃晚饭,然后工作到晚上 8 点或晚上 9 点。这位美国毕业生通常在晚上 8 点到 10 点进行英语会话。这种情况每周发生 6 天,有些人甚至 7 天。我的回答是肯定的,这是典型的。此外,我发现这些学生大多数都是海绵,他们不仅来听我的讲座,还在课外进行广泛的阅读,并向我提出令人惊奇的问题。教书真是一种乐趣。在美国,我很幸运我的学生中有 5% 具有这样的职业道德。
    - q4 h! `( u/ _! \30 Recommend 30 推荐Share 分享1 L5 b2 \% O- O* ?% K3 J" }" q8 \
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    ) _: r6 \* |0 jLeptoquark commented August 9  D- H( X3 @  v% C

    5 c+ {7 L/ M, ~- D5 [. q& cLeptoquark 轻夸克# M1 A5 H9 _9 X% I8 v
    Washington DCAug. 9
    1 o# G/ Q0 w3 r+ q4 ]华盛顿特区8 月 9 日8 `0 ?! B& \, t
    @Radek This shows you what is possible when you aren't held back by half of your political leadership not accepting climate change, many not accepting science itself, when you don't have entrenched fossil interests, who know the truth, actively sowing doubt and delay, and when the two aren't working together to preserve the status quo.
    , E. F8 D1 Y; n@Radek,这向你展示了,当你没有被一半的政治领导层不接受气候变化、许多人不接受科学本身所阻碍,当你没有根深蒂固的化石利益,他们知道真相,积极散播怀疑时,什么是可能的和拖延,以及当两者没有共同努力维持现状时。
    2 b" Q0 [" f3 p30 Recommend 30 推荐Share 分享
    6 H$ X" m: r7 hFlag 旗帜- b3 S& V4 R/ p% w0 l; r
    Vectoring commented August 9, p9 o" c4 Z: _) C, R2 P! c
    ! {6 X+ C& I! ?Vectoring 向量化% l8 ~2 h- ~6 ]
    CaliforniaAug. 9
    ( h, _/ z) ]! R- _加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
      G0 {0 S, w) j. h0 E, J@Leon Agreed. There's a sense of malaise in the most advanced economies. We're all guilty of it to varying degrees. Challenges like affordable housing, birth rates, education, and infrastructure, all have straightforward solutions. These solutions just upset the status quo, pensioners, and a small group of wealthy folks collecting rents. Instead we throw up our hands, say it's hopeless, and blame "the system" or laziness or some other nonsense. I too hope China wakes the West up.
    . R8 A; {5 h9 e6 \@Leon 同意。最发达的经济体都存在一种萎靡不振的感觉。我们都不同程度地对此感到内疚。经济适用房、出生率、教育和基础设施等挑战都有简单的解决方案。这些解决方案只会扰乱现状、养老金领取者和一小群收取租金的富人。相反,我们举起手来,说这是没有希望的,并责怪“系统”或懒惰或其他一些废话。 我也希望中国能唤醒西方。& f+ Y$ g% `8 r: x# w" _
    28 Recommend 28 推荐Share 分享- I* R9 r: x" V+ V
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    * x) ~+ g6 k3 L/ ?) Z/ Y: n% c! Y" pCJL commented August 9
    6 o6 |. W+ N: P8 n. i8 h2 V# ^  `C
    7 I6 l4 I4 D8 {, l9 D1 s& p, ECJL 西吉林% ?9 L9 b+ w: M/ n7 C$ M
    Los AngelesAug. 9
    : ^0 S2 ~4 a7 Q0 V1 Q洛杉矶8 月 9 日1 @# s( T3 ]2 R7 B; H3 f* e' `6 b9 }
    @Gabe. Old EV batteries are going to be recycled into new EV batteries. Every gram of lithium and semi-precious metals in a new EV battery are still there when the battery "wears out". All the elements will be extracted and reused. The Chinese most defiantly have not barked up the wrong tree with battery development, as the same technology will revolutionize energy management and distribution for all applications, not just cars.1 A2 \1 i2 F( }% D9 u, M9 u9 V! ^
    ; K$ F1 `) l% H- t9 L28 Recommend 28 推荐Share 分享
    ! o, O! {$ [+ ]* a3 Z( u- Z! `Flag 旗帜% v) M1 @# N* i6 f/ W
    Kevin Blankinship commented August 9
    ( ?6 n8 Y7 W9 R
    - ~0 d- O* ?- RKevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普5 }. w6 c" R6 h; h8 ]3 q, o0 n# c
    Norman, OKAug. 9& p. C3 t1 m$ Z* p) I, \( u$ R3 U
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日2 F/ i6 C/ \* h. r8 U, t( w
    @paul : Worse, our business-people tend to mistreat our STEM people. The latter are viewed as a 'cost-center' in firms that rely on engineering, while production is the 'profit-center.' The exploitation of engineers goes back to the 19th century when Thomas Edison claimed credit for the creations of his nameless staff. In the political realm, the business managers want government subsidies, but hate industrial policy. But when they decide how to spend R&D funds, it typically relates to improving industrial processes in a production context. Now with AI emerging, the business-people will be able to automate much if not most engineering work over time. By the way, if one looks at Musk, he, Edison, and Ford all belong in the same boat - as managers who organize research and engineering to profitable ends. Tesla was the true engineer and inventor.
    ; }' j. D+ z: U' ?5 J! C( m@paul:更糟糕的是,我们的商人往往会虐待我们的 STEM 人员。后者被视为依赖工程的公司的“成本中心”,而生产则是“利润中心”。对工程师的剥削可以追溯到 19 世纪,当时托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Edison) 声称其无名员工的创造归功于他。 在政治领域,企业管理者希望政府补贴,但讨厌产业政策。但当他们决定如何使用研发资金时,通常与改进生产环境中的工业流程有关。 现在,随着人工智能的兴起,随着时间的推移,商界人士将能够实现大部分(如果不是大部分)工程工作的自动化。 顺便说一句,如果人们看看马斯克,就会发现他、爱迪生和福特都属于同一条船——都是为了盈利目的而组织研究和工程的管理者。特斯拉是真正的工程师和发明家。
    / V& T" Y9 c. d! _: X5 v% G7 Q$ s28 Recommend 28 推荐Share 分享( w; L% |* X9 L$ R5 u0 m( L) ?
    Flag 旗帜: ]5 v7 a; p, ?" Q" d# b! E
    Mickey commented August 9. I) ?% d0 E5 v# C$ \: e9 q
    8 h/ I# i2 a0 N1 g6 N& Z8 c- qMickey 米奇
    * v9 G: V0 j2 AAustraliaAug. 9
    ! e, \# r% p( h: _5 ?) i澳大利亚8 月 9 日8 k9 Y( ^: h; m! O) t$ T, W
    This is what happens when education becomes a profitable business. Universities accepting large number of students wanting to study worthless degrees while the government is happy to trap these students into loans that many would spend decades paying it. Most countries offer their citizens either free college education or the at least very affordable tuition.0 S/ D/ @& `5 g3 R0 o
    ) t  h2 B7 B& H" v( C! `. A% ~8 a1 Reply 1 条回复27 Recommend 27 推荐Share 分享
    : k3 x9 t  H. j/ L4 \Flag 旗帜: D+ p8 K& i3 _
    Ethan Allen commented August 9
    2 \5 ^+ k$ k$ ]9 AE) T6 v/ U& ?: ?; h# y. d3 Y+ c0 @
    Ethan Allen 伊森·艾伦! F! O8 U* R0 l0 i
    VermontAug. 9
    8 z7 K1 d" i3 Q; F! G: ?/ i佛蒙特州8 月 9 日
    # x  J& X8 l  {' j% m@paul While you were there giving lectures I hope you didn’t tell them anything about the work done in your US labs or anything funded by NSF, DoE, DARPA, or other US agencies. Especially during the special ‘informal’ colloquia they arrange, or the fancy banquets where lips are loosened with mao tai! Inviting western academics on all expenses paid trips, visiting professorships, and other ego boosting boondoggles has long been a key part of the Chinese strategy for accelerating their R&D progress through ‘soft espionage’ tactics like this.9 L1 S+ k) n, s' H$ c& I
    @paul 当您在那里演讲时,我希望您没有告诉他们任何有关您在美国实验室所做的工作或由 NSF、DoE、DARPA 或其他美国机构资助的任何信息。尤其是在他们安排的特殊“非正式”座谈会,或者在豪华宴会上,用茅台酒放松嘴唇! 邀请西方学者进行一切费用的付费旅行、客座教授和其他自我提升的无用之举,长期以来一直是中国通过此类“软间谍”策略加速研发进程的战略的关键部分。# w# T8 x; h7 g& E4 ]6 P, E2 q$ k
    25 Recommend 25 推荐Share 分享
    % h5 l1 B" x: z( `3 ^7 p* a/ wFlag 旗帜
    , d* h) E# ~. ^/ d/ E- T$ n/ c2 BRick commented August 99 t5 W" _0 ?2 }' z, v
    R 右
    % c+ r/ u) Q/ u% L! A  DRick 瑞克! O9 v! o6 B0 Y+ ]+ l' Z
    USAug. 92 W) V3 ]& R3 l- l' x% G1 _. Q" w
    美国8 月 9 日- \. _2 H+ L, M. P+ a$ g
    "A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do." The US will lose our competitive advantage is countless areas unless we replicate this Chinese practice. djt screams at the top of his lungs about imposing trade tariffs on China and while it may make him and his supporters temporarily feel good, tariffs do nothing to solve an underlying problem: America is falling behind in education. djt and his followers decry higher education as "elite". Higher education is essential, not elite, but the followers of djt have no inclination to better themselves and would rather just wear maga hats and howl at the moon. All the while, China is learning. And they mean business.) Y) g' A8 |- j/ k: D1 m0 F
    “中国学生主修科学、数学和工程的比例比其他大国的学生要高得多。” 如果我们不复制中国的做法,美国将在无数领域失去竞争优势。 djt 大声疾呼对中国征收贸易关税,虽然这可能会让他和他的支持者暂时感觉良好,但关税无助于解决一个根本问题:美国在教育方面落后。 djt和他的追随者谴责高等教育是“精英”。高等教育是必不可少的,而不是精英教育,但 djt 的追随者无意于提高自己,宁愿戴上魔法帽对月嚎叫。中国一直在学习。他们是认真的。# F$ S/ t' \* N4 ~
    2 Replies 2 条回复25 Recommend 25 推荐Share 分享. h- G3 a5 \( o: }, D1 F
    Flag 旗帜+ v' p  T8 f4 Q. u) w
    cynlee commented August 9
    : F1 p! S" p# P7 HC
    ' s5 b. [8 J% H! r" d7 ucynlee 辛利1 r3 q3 ~0 B9 O
    Central IllinoisAug. 9
    ' {+ T' D* g  Z+ ~3 `0 z, b伊利诺伊州中部8 月 9 日
    1 ~1 H, b) c7 q+ A4 M: Q@Quimby - actually a lot of our students WERE encouraged to go into engineering and other STEM fields. Now that they have degrees they can’t get jobs because American companies would rather hire STEM workers abroad. Even American students who graduated with high GPAs are struggling.
    $ Y* S" j# B9 Q@Quimby - 实际上我们的很多学生都被鼓励进入工程和其他 STEM 领域。现在他们有了学位却找不到工作,因为美国公司宁愿在国外雇用 STEM 员工。即使是以高 GPA 毕业的美国学生也很挣扎。/ F& M2 M, z5 @2 I) n5 X
    24 Recommend 24 推荐Share 分享& T$ V) |- T# i* C; {6 o
    Flag 旗帜; m5 @6 K5 ?9 H3 p% a
    me commented August 9
    : q) T3 {) |9 T0 hM
    5 `! G! {. r: l2 K6 W- m- O" pme 我# V- @( p  n" y3 s( c0 E
    somewhereAug. 96 {& ]$ v5 X- U7 w. c& a
    8 月 9 日某处& i" w6 k- P- I
    @EastCoastResident Incredible. I gotta ask, where have you guys been all this time when our politicians were busy telling us how China is a failed Communist state? I mean, I am hands down convinced you are right, but most Americans think China is just a bunch of little kids building our smartphones for a bowl of rice.
    3 e3 Y6 y" W; }: e/ }% ?# P- m, f/ h@EastCoastResident 难以置信。我想问,当我们的政客们忙着告诉我们中国是一个失败的共产主义国家时,你们一直在哪里?我的意思是,我确信你是对的,但大多数美国人认为中国只是一群为了一碗米饭而制造智能手机的小孩子。2 l& ]) O, Y5 J0 F+ P" d( F
    24 Recommend 24 推荐Share 分享( E! C0 D, \- m. n
    Flag 旗帜" l+ Y* v4 R% U+ P
    Someone commented August 9
    + d4 s* ~' E( i/ M( s7 i( B0 WS
    - |3 q7 _' w2 `- `/ l: s( _Someone 有人
    9 g  y( q* ]% Q/ JElsewhereAug. 93 w% i8 r# M- S- X% F
    其他地方8 月 9 日/ k0 Z  H' r: h" q: W; a
    For all of China's "prowess" when it comes to EV batteries, the country still suffers from terrible water, air, and land pollution, the effects of which will continue to be borne by generations of Chinese to come. And therein lies a general truth about the country: it continues to be defined by its contradictions. While it may have taken the lead (in some respects) with clean technology, it is also the world's biggest polluter.& @& v- g8 }+ r6 i: c
    尽管中国在电动汽车电池方面拥有“实力”,但该国仍然遭受着严重的水、空气和土地污染,其影响将继续由中国的子孙后代承受。 这就是关于这个国家的一个普遍真理:它仍然是由它的矛盾所定义的。虽然它可能在清洁技术方面(在某些方面)处于领先地位,但它也是世界上最大的污染者。7 \: l4 e; M- U
    4 Replies 4 条回复23 Recommend 23 推荐Share 分享
    % T) I$ @; O) B( x- U9 |0 wFlag 旗帜
    # P+ ?9 R# S2 Y0 l' m) [MrQuick commented August 9
    ! b7 `- e) M% a4 R. WM1 ]. ]2 ^8 A! u. @) i8 ^
    MrQuick 奎克先生
    0 i- V4 Q) y( O4 yKingstonAug. 9
    " A. b+ r& l. J8 k3 }& S金斯顿8 月 9 日
    - X9 L9 f$ I& c: `  n7 |Chinese Tik Tok glorifies academically successful kids whereas Tik Tok US emphasizes stupidity. I gave a lecture at the University of Guangzhou and 1200 kids attended, ALL OF THEM taking notes and listening intently despite the fact that the opic was not super strategic (Reggae music) Six months later, I gave another lecture at the Westphal School of Music at Drexel University in Philadephia: kids were eating in class, looked at their phones, several were on social media. When I stopped to tell them that in China people were listening and behaved more studiously and respectfully, some kids were in shock and looked at me like I was an aggressor. Their professor even had to come on stage and tell those precious angels that I was from Europe and more strict than in the US... Their parents pay 50-60K a year and they dont listen??? We need a serious rebalancing of our priorities in the West7 H& a& P# |" G: i3 k& b
    中国的抖音颂扬学业有成的孩子,而美国的抖音则强调愚蠢。 我在广州大学做了一次演讲,有 1200 名孩子参加,他们都在做笔记并聚精会神地听,尽管这篇文章并不是超级战略性的(雷鬼音乐) 六个月后,我在费城德雷克塞尔大学韦斯特法尔音乐学院做了另一场讲座:孩子们在课堂上吃饭,看手机,有几个人在玩社交媒体。当我停下来告诉他们,在中国,人们正在倾听,表现得更加刻苦和尊重,一些孩子很震惊,看着我,好像我是一个侵略者。他们的教授甚至要上台告诉那些可爱的天使,我来自欧洲,比美国更严格...... 他们父母一年交50-6万,他们不听??? 我们需要认真重新平衡我们在西方的优先事项4 s- S/ v0 Y2 v3 V# ~4 M+ j* @) K
    23 RecommendShare) Q% }/ k; j1 E9 [6 Y
    9 L" {* R3 ?8 D0 sMichael commented August 9: c  j% V4 S6 x% w3 m
    M# @1 K( W' w" |3 o7 f
    Michael% G1 ^/ a, Z( n
    San FranciscoAug. 9
    4 R. n+ V: ~: i5 W@CJL I don't think it's a valid analysis to compare Indian and Chinese or other hard working ambitious cultures to say they are necessarily " learning these behaviors " from the United States. These cultures already have a huge hard work ethic for centuries which now given globalization are manifesting themselves in science and technology especially in application of such knowledge for practical use. The article fails to mention that many of these countries have an academic strategy usually led by public universities and government industrial policies. The other factor not mentioned are the sheer numbers of scientists which India and China produce given their enormous populations of more than or near three billion people.6 }* P; _# h# c9 S
    @CJL 我不认为比较印度和中国或其他勤奋雄心勃勃的文化的有效分析说他们一定是从美国“学习这些行为”。几个世纪以来,这些文化已经具有巨大的勤奋工作道德,现在全球化正在科学和技术中体现出来,特别是在将这些知识应用于实际用途方面。文章没有提及其中许多国家都有通常由公立大学和政府产业政策主导的学术战略。另一个没有提到的因素是,鉴于印度和中国拥有超过或接近三十亿的庞大人口,两国培养的科学家数量之多。
    : O5 s3 Z: N& T" ?8 _- [22 Recommend 22 推荐Share 分享
    9 N# l3 `* t) g4 u5 N$ q# S9 S6 @Flag 旗帜0 v; l9 p; w" U
    justgimmesometruth commented August 9
    " A$ ^( K' W  J+ T, j- u  zJ5 K+ h% @( A% `( P6 u
    justgimmesometruth 只给我一些真相# W2 K0 z7 _: d, f4 B2 X, {
    New YorkAug. 9
    3 `) x0 ?  ~$ l纽约8 月 9 日
    " Q( a, J0 ?; ~I'm an American engineer who worked for Huawei from about 2003 to 2010 when I retired. The talented Chinese engineers I worked with had to implement telecom standards in a language in which they were often not fluent. They worked incredibly hard to do this and were quite successful. Prior to 2000, Chinese companies did steal. Huawei was very significantly punished for stealing their IOS from Cisco. Beginning around 2000, China hired Western engineers (like myself) to help them with R&D so they would not have to steal, and they made a huge effort to educate a new generation of excellent and hard-working engineers. During this time the US continued to educate lawyers and social influencers. The notion that China was stealing has persisted long after they stopped. Today, it's quite difficult for them to steal. Who do you steal from when you're the leader in a technology area? Americans seem unwilling to do the hard work of catching up to China in technology. The US answer is trade restrictions and other roadblocks. This will NOT work. The answer is improved education and hard work. Another factor is that, traditionally, the CCP has had many engineers in their ranks. The US has no tradition of an engineering presence on Capitol Hill.) X1 j* Q0 J$ z, O& l0 K4 H2 T
    我是一名美国工程师,大约从 2003 年到 2010 年退休时在华为工作。 与我共事的才华横溢的中国工程师必须用他们通常不流利的语言来实施电信标准。他们非常努力地做到这一点并且非常成功。 2000年之前,中国公司确实偷窃。华为因窃取思科的IOS而受到非常严厉的惩罚。 从2000年左右开始,中国聘请了西方工程师(比如我)来帮助他们进行研发,这样他们就不必偷窃,并且他们付出了巨大的努力来教育新一代优秀和勤奋的工程师。在此期间,美国继续教育律师和社会影响者。 在他们停止偷窃之后很长一段时间,“中国正在偷窃”的观念仍然存在。如今,他们想要偷窃已经相当困难了。当你是某个技术领域的领导者时,你会从谁那里偷东西? 美国人似乎不愿意在技术上努力追赶中国。美国的答案是贸易限制和其他障碍。 这是行不通的。答案是改善教育和努力工作。 另一个因素是,传统上,中共的队伍中有很多工程师。美国没有在国会山驻扎工程人员的传统。$ ~2 N0 I( Q7 Z5 v6 P# l( I0 w
    22 Recommend 22 推荐Share 分享
    ; G) D  D( }/ Q1 HFlag 旗帜# i& `& y+ Y3 |! \7 M4 k$ K5 N5 P
    BenMays commented August 9
    . ^, L! R+ [# m3 M, HB
    ' F; X+ E% _/ U8 B( z! ]; CBenMays 本梅斯7 S" @  y3 y  |  `
    Clinton, ArkansasAug. 9/ R) W$ m8 ~  ~
    阿肯色州克林顿8 月 9 日5 R9 R- W1 g& R; m+ Q) V
    @Jim Reality check: Education spending is not equal across the states. Arkansas, for example, spends less than $8 K per student annually on education, and a huge portion of that money is spent on sports programs (not PE but rather varsity sports). While varsity sports programs are not mandated by school standards, many high schools spend more education tax money teaching their footballers how to play a better game of ball than they spend on the entire high school student body teaching the basic required courses of history, math, and science (all three combined). We need be aware of not just how much we're spending, but what we're spending it on. No other industrialized nation spends education money on varsity sports programs like the U.S. So while China my be leading in science and engineering, we can boast that our football teams are the best in the world.! m1 t+ P9 C* i  L. _. R! _" z; t
    @Jim 现实检验:各州的教育支出并不相等。例如,阿肯色州每年在每个学生的教育上花费不到 8,000 美元,其中很大一部分用于体育项目(不是体育,而是大学体育)。虽然学校标准没有强制规定大学体育项目,但许多高中在教足球运动员如何更好地打球上花费的教育税资金,比在整个高中学生群体上教授历史、数学、和科学(三者结合起来)。我们不仅需要知道我们花了多少钱,而且还需要知道我们把钱花在了什么地方。没有其他工业化国家像美国那样将教育资金花在大学体育项目上。因此,虽然中国在科学和工程方面处于领先地位,但我们可以夸耀我们的足球队是世界上最好的。& [$ O0 R; {) r" f
    21 Recommend 21 推荐Share 分享
    # f* z0 W  T. ~/ k" s6 t3 W8 RFlag 旗帜
    9 w3 q: L8 `# b6 Z* [, f5 MCarol commented August 9
    / w. d/ Z: _# \- U! G/ TC+ f, A5 }  j' ~7 Y& E. g
    4 x3 T" y- P2 y; L4 p) kNJAug. 9) H& z7 R6 U8 j" k7 c5 @% V4 n! r
    As a suburban elementary educator I wish parents put even half the time, energy, and money into their kids’ academics that they put into their kids’ sports.3 ^9 `( l  \2 @: J: S1 Y4 b
    21 RecommendShare
    ' y9 j9 k6 i  M; v. m# l# c# F& WFlag$ V* H+ f& q& x, c! B0 H
    Leptoquark commented August 94 P: @9 J5 f+ a5 e: ^! |

    ' \  K, P9 b- ALeptoquark( _9 O4 |% R5 r6 ?- P" @& j8 c( E
    Washington DCAug. 9
    , L. _& T5 L& w1 b@B. We also need to raise academic standards, not lower them. In my school district in the Maryland suburbs outside DC, they have no final exams. Having experience with both my kids, I can tell you that the school district is a master at making itself look good on paper, while not pushing the students too hard. It was only when my daughter got herself out of high school and into Montgomery College, which had a program for high school sophomores to finish their last two years, did she finally start digging deep, getting serious and raising her grades. Its what saved her. Now she's finishing a bachelors in Mechanical Engineering.
    ! j$ r0 V: k0 n21 RecommendShare) m6 s' {( B( \. ^+ D9 O4 u7 b
    Flag: m0 m8 z! {" Z/ o- m- v$ K
    d commented August 9& l' k  S. t0 C. J2 Q% |1 V
    D; T6 [8 e& c- \) `- n
    d: R, q- M2 q+ ^1 M, x! Z0 \6 Z$ D
    NYCAug. 9: q6 \, X, ]6 ?. y' x! ?; n
    @Jimmy what’s more important in school- science education or gender ideology? Whats more important? Working hard and eating it? Or DEi? China has answered your questions. The left will destroy this country.
    & y# _6 K1 L6 r! j, u8 ?6 p20 RecommendShare
    0 O# ^8 r3 S4 T) s9 F4 A+ GFlag
    . B3 R; S& K4 p2 B2 S3 m: `ACDC commented August 9# Q  [# ^, X$ [! r& L4 o
    1 S& W2 j1 G7 o4 r1 bACDC2 r! B+ J' }+ N0 `5 [  @
    Palo AltoAug. 9+ k- L4 @1 |/ R! N. r, i
    @Vectoring To compete, one needs to address the elephant in the room: the dumbing down of standards in K to 12 with massive grade inflation in high school and college. Need to bring back excellence if we want to compete.6 ~/ N2 S) A1 _: _# A- C/ i
    20 RecommendShare+ _2 D9 r) U, C# Q: ^; ^
    Flag& V/ Y  K% x( s0 p  M% _! ~) _  y
    JackC5 commented August 9  d6 k1 A; z/ A2 s3 t3 z# i
    , b" g" t% z2 i" i7 t
    JackC5 杰克C5
    ; H+ z! |& r) U4 @0 O" wLos Angeles Co., CAAug. 9
    ) S/ i4 |/ D, ~7 F. Y, U7 k/ v- `加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市8 月 9 日
    ; l( U- y% g% e; a: t# HSo in education, China emphasizes science, while the US emphasizes DEI and the associated feelings-based priorities. I think I know which country has the better long term future.
    $ O% m/ k1 ~' C3 h' X3 @& o所以在教育方面,中国强调科学,而美国强调DEI和相关的基于情感的优先事项。我想我知道哪个国家拥有更好的长期未来。
    1 [3 }# {# |& v0 @+ H8 t  ^  V/ }2 Replies 2 条回复19 Recommend 19 推荐Share 分享0 [9 {% |4 ]) d. s& _$ b
    Flag 旗帜
    5 S6 n! v, U# G5 k. D3 c2 DDC commented August 98 A6 N7 J  r- U
    D5 X# i% i5 W" e; a
    DC 直流' V# a7 P* F, X* J, u! @
    MemphisAug. 9
    # s  E; ^! `5 {孟菲斯8 月 9 日
    & q  S% L! s. f) f; x8 BAmerican teachers are only focused on diversity, equity, and gender issues to gain esteem with their colleagues by appearing enlightened and progressive. Actually teaching is a distant second.$ c, p: A8 ^$ }
    美国教师只关注多样性、公平和性别问题,通过表现得开明和进步来赢得同事的尊重。实际上教学远远落后于第二位。, Y$ w) c: O4 L* E; w3 d
    3 Replies 3 条回复18 Recommend 18 推荐Share 分享5 s2 {- l5 T% R
    Flag 旗帜
    + B2 c' V8 p1 o! ~& |* R0 @Michael I commented August 9+ W9 }+ Z5 R$ B. o
    M* C0 D3 e/ \  J' [5 w; K1 p
    Michael I 迈克尔一世
    3 z  K/ W& S8 U$ l8 ?ClarksvilleAug. 9$ Z  T- w9 r* {- i( H4 A
    克拉克斯维尔8 月 9 日
    " p& i+ a. s( }3 p2 Y" uI am a retired chemistry professor. An advisee once asked me what she could major in that requires no math. Americans aversion to math and science is indicative of the direction of this country. While America still innovates it’s being done by 1% of the population. We need less history, psychology, business majors and more STEM focused students.% O) J2 l* e+ \' U/ x/ o! ?# U! [
    我是一位退休的化学教授。一位顾问曾经问我她可以主修什么不需要数学的专业。美国人对数学和科学的厌恶表明了这个国家的方向。尽管美国仍在创新,但创新却是由 1% 的人口完成的。我们需要更少的历史、心理学、商科专业的学生,而需要更多专注于 STEM 的学生。
    % y. A& s- a2 U& o, C* m1 x: W18 Recommend 18 推荐Share 分享$ t  R# L% _/ S5 X( ]1 ?
    Flag 旗帜8 m  v, @! f6 O2 v& e- m
    Ellen commented August 9" E+ K! S- Z$ a
    E" y  P3 j* Q! [' X; R! |
    ! b8 r9 F9 w2 @NYCAug. 9
    ) A9 k7 O2 S" t, JAnd in the US - the 'smart' kids go into Finance or Programming ... whereas the kids that go into true engineering or research can look forward to starting salaries that are 1/2 their peers. Capitalism fails again.
    9 `/ J* V( P) G( I. x# S# Y- |; d' K18 RecommendShare
    1 r2 T) r. o# F" r: EFlag
    * Y5 O3 T9 A- M5 c2 GR Mabry commented August 9! Q: M7 B, }: T2 }
    R 右" h* I+ Q) ^4 A: H5 T2 x7 e+ M
    R Mabry R马布里
    ) g- ]  G% ]; d* R+ ?: tFranceAug. 9
    % m" R# @1 g3 ?$ I( y  ]# O* j法国8 月 9 日9 ]6 O$ U2 ~; k) i* P
    @Radek Anyone who visits China for a brief time and with an invited delegation is almost certain to return praising the system and attributing to it vision, perspicacity, and long-term planning. I've yet to meet a Chinese official or educator whose children are not abroad to study and in many instances to live. Are these officials and educators mistaken about their own country then? Or is it possible that unless one lives and works in China for an extended time, the views of invited foreigners, however interesting, are incomplete and limited and therefore quite possibly misleading?
    + G* j" A( H" l1 e% i& Z3 C3 u7 Y5 |@Radek 任何曾短暂访问中国并受邀代表团访问的人几乎肯定会回来赞扬这个体系,并归因于它的远见、洞察力和长期规划。我还没有见过哪个中国官员或教育家的孩子不在国外学习,而且在很多情况下是为了生活。难道这些官员和教育工作者对自己的国家有误解吗?或者说,除非一个人长期在中国生活和工作,否则受邀外国人的观点无论多么有趣,都是不完整和有限的,因此很可能具有误导性?- \7 x$ l& F4 M# ^
    18 Recommend 18 推荐Share 分享
    : r" H* O! d  M- @6 MFlag 旗帜$ N" _  n$ G3 I( j. n8 n
    Mikey commented August 97 d9 m3 D7 O  O" Y) ^( h6 [
    M/ W6 X: c# {. {! Z. h; G1 c! l; p
    Mikey 米奇8 V5 q# P! D' H" J
    NYAug. 96 P+ `) {- ~" S: X
    纽约8 月 9 日
    ) t0 j1 d3 g; B: a@Quimby Same thinking here. We have a housing crisis, an energy crisis, a food crisis, a climate crisis, our healthcare system is on the brink of collapse... and yet our colleges and universities are churning out kids with arts and humanities degrees.
      b1 ^3 e( z4 W/ ^+ ]+ W( c@Quimby 这里有同样的想法。我们面临着住房危机、能源危机、粮食危机、气候危机,我们的医疗保健系统正处于崩溃的边缘……然而我们的学院和大学却在培养拥有艺术和人文学位的孩子。$ ^5 ^5 C4 b1 Z( Q! B; r
    17 Recommend 17 推荐Share 分享/ ?1 [8 ]8 X- [8 b$ H3 X
    Flag 旗帜3 |& s, s# c* F- e0 E% n  K* X  Q/ \
    Chas commented August 9
    9 q% `! p  t3 z0 S& |1 k/ RC
    ! ~6 Q. l2 P4 i: z$ E( a" HChas 查斯0 W# H3 a/ m9 ]( K) y/ O$ B& ?
    NorCalAug. 9: B$ G% x, }  d5 B! X
    北加州8 月 9 日
    ! u# V: J# E8 E. k( t+ Z, `I appreciate Mr. Allen’s question “What happens when China passes the U.S. in R&D and they have the manufacturing base?” But, many Americans don’t believe in science. Many are more interested in making America great again and owning the libs (whatever that means). You don’t need to send your kids to college for that! Just attend some strip mall church or better yet, start a gun collection to protect yourself from the deep state. Those are the priorities today! Not math and science!
    6 Q& _7 A2 n/ R& {- Q3 E2 k$ {: d+ |我很欣赏艾伦先生的问题“当中国在研发方面超过美国并且拥有制造基地时会发生什么?” 但是,许多美国人不相信科学。许多人更感兴趣的是让美国再次伟大并拥有图书馆(无论这意味着什么)。您不需要为此送孩子上大学!只需参加一些购物中心的教堂,或者更好的是,开始收集枪支以保护自己免受深层政府的侵害。这些是今天的优先事项!不是数学和科学!
    6 s' g/ B) o; \* H. F% {17 Recommend 17 推荐Share 分享: v. k, q5 t5 e5 l% F) f+ H
    Flag 旗帜
    " `- X% x8 `* n7 |  o! T& r. \) TCJL commented August 9
    $ G% L& f6 }6 i: Y( bC
    5 `& y4 ?$ |! Z* P. o- I9 UCJL9 D1 w2 [/ d) b8 q
    Los AngelesAug. 9
    , D+ Q6 Y4 U6 R2 M* M2 r@Vectoring When the history of the rise and fall of the US empire is written, share buybacks will get a whole chapter. The chapter will be very near the end of the book.( T8 ^5 F8 t# y# v7 _, r! t) j  V
    17 RecommendShare
    ' I; d1 w7 B: p. C  @Flag$ b/ V3 V2 \( e+ f# L- ?
    Bruce Rozenblit commented August 9
    - m, z! [3 G. b- vB+ ^" R1 ~" t: D. @; i! z1 w& W, q
    Bruce Rozenblit1 @* f3 r" n! F$ n0 ~1 q  j
    Kansas City, MOAug. 9! a6 t% H4 L( P+ z0 ~; f* _
    In China, does tuition at a top notch university cost $50,000 a year? Does getting a doctorate put the student in debt to the tune of $200,000? Are their universities built like fancy country clubs with luxurious amenities and social activities? How much do they spend on school sports compared to research labs? Do their parents drive their kids to soccer practice after school or to music lessons? Do their students brag about belonging to the "I can't do math club" as if there is something wrong or "nerdy" about people who can? The answers to these questions will reveal why China is leading the way to dominating the world in high technology. Not only that, they are leading the world in the manufacture of high technology goods and materials. If they want to build a battery plant, they just build it. Here, a company has to spend years fighting through environmental impact studies, local zoning requirements, politicians for and against, NIMBY citizen groups, and the ever popular, don't ruin my pristine vista crowd. True, we have better labor protections but there it doesn't cost $2000/hr for a doctor. It doesn't cost $10,000/month for medicine. Because of these factors, we will never be able to catch up with China in the ever advancing high tech world. The 20th century was America's century. The 21st will be China's. But we have over 1000 billionaires. Hooray for us!) A2 b- T6 z4 A' W8 g# D( ~% p
    在中国,一流大学的学费一年要5万美元吗?获得博士学位是否会让学生背负 20 万美元的债务?他们的大学是否像豪华的乡村俱乐部一样建造,拥有豪华的设施和社交活动?与研究实验室相比,他们在学校体育方面的花费是多少?他们的父母放学后会开车送孩子去参加足球训练或音乐课吗?他们的学生是否会吹嘘属于“我不会做数学俱乐部”,就好像会做数学的人有什么问题或“书呆子”一样? 这些问题的答案将揭示中国为何在高科技领域引领世界。不仅如此,他们在高科技产品和材料的制造方面处于世界领先地位。 如果他们想建电池厂,那就建吧。在这里,一家公司必须花费数年的时间来应对环境影响研究、当地分区要求、支持和反对的政客、邻避公民团体以及永远受欢迎的“不要破坏我的原始远景”人群。 确实,我们有更好的劳动保护,但那里的医生每小时花费不到 2000 美元。每月的药费不需要 10,000 美元。 由于这些因素,在不断进步的高科技世界中,我们永远无法赶上中国。 20世纪是美国的世纪。 21日将是中国的。但我们有超过 1000 名亿万富翁。我们万岁!
    ( f2 P. t* b* l% z+ V- E! U  c2 Replies 2 条回复17 Recommend 17 推荐Share 分享
    & g& ^8 u& C# ~+ C1 J" ZFlag 旗帜
    % X3 B& Q" J: f  j" A" XName (required) commented August 9, _% b' \" ^# V9 h1 y/ k' M4 n
    . H. N2 s: n0 a3 ]( z5 m! kName (required) 姓名(必填)
    5 l- l% |$ _, v% GVirginiaAug. 9: C1 L' y) W  ]6 N: \- c
    弗吉尼亚州8 月 9 日0 I3 c6 d6 T- d. U9 y9 I
    They got all their ducks in a row. Even their science fiction literature is reflecting their knack for science. Take a look at Cixin Liu’s Three Body Problem Trilogie: Hard science from beginning to end to end. No super heroes with twisted mind but scientists who safe the day. Science there is not just an opinion to be debated on Instagram but the truth. This shows.
    . ~$ G0 g5 v0 @. s他们把所有的鸭子都排成一排。 甚至他们的科幻小说也反映了他们的科学天赋。 看看刘慈欣的《三体三部曲:从头到尾到结束的硬科学》。 没有思想扭曲的超级英雄,而是安全的科学家。 Instagram 上争论的不仅仅是观点,还有真相。 由此可见。( @" [6 Y8 z: Y9 b) J2 E8 d
    17 Recommend 17 推荐Share 分享) C: v( J* ~: n0 A" `
    Flag 旗帜' o) T' p8 y0 x/ v% V  l6 h4 E* w: c5 D
    Bill commented August 9
    5 |( I. m: g0 \3 C; h0 A# `/ dB
    4 `* l9 `7 E, h7 ~5 F' oBill 账单* \6 z, ]& V8 i, r) k
    New HampshireAug. 9( c! t+ `% t) T' v* A
    新罕布什尔州8 月 9 日
    6 T7 }) S3 Z$ C3 J8 XAnother thing I will point out, as both a former HS teacher and current professor in the US, is that beyond pushing students into STEM fields, the Chinese school system allows instructors at every level to hold their students accountable. Students there know they must dedicate themselves to their studies and that there are consequences for their actions if they do not or if they slack off. Meanwhile, here in the US, helicopter parents who blame educators for their kid’s poor grades, college administrators who blame educators if a student is upset about their grades, and students who know they can blame educators for their poor performance because they’ve had parents like this and they have administrators like this who allow students to skate by without learning a thing. Parents want their little Angel to get good grades, but the kids leave classes with no knowledge of the subject, and administrators want butts in seats so they can collect tuition money, so the kids get passed through no matter how they act or what quality of work they turn in. Until educators in the US are allowed to hold students accountable again, this is only going to get worse.4 z. E! Y! m" D
    作为一名前高中教师和现任美国教授,我要指出的另一件事是,除了推动学生进入 STEM 领域之外,中国的学校体系还允许各个级别的教师让学生承担责任。那里的学生知道他们必须全身心投入学习,如果不这样做或懈怠,他们的行为就会产生后果。 与此同时,在美国,直升机父母将孩子成绩不佳归咎于教育工作者,大学管理人员如果学生对自己的成绩感到不安,则将责任归咎于教育工作者,而学生则知道他们可以将自己表现不佳的原因归咎于教育工作者,因为他们有父母就像这样,他们有这样的管理员,他们允许学生滑行而不学任何东西。家长希望他们的小天使取得好成绩,但孩子们离开课堂时对学科一无所知,管理员希望他们坐在座位上,这样他们就可以收取学费,所以孩子们无论表现如何,素质如何,都能通过。他们上交的工作。 在美国的教育工作者被允许再次让学生承担责任之前,这种情况只会变得更糟。
    / T  n- D# B5 j, @3 t; V# J* z1 Reply 1 条回复17 Recommend 17 推荐Share 分享; O" s: y7 G1 F( E
    Flag 旗帜
    ) X* C* |4 T5 v# J/ v0 SVictor Webster commented August 9. t8 Z  o3 J3 ]2 x; ?3 n' b2 a
    5 E2 v* l6 E  U# \7 sVictor Webster
    % D/ g0 @9 k/ o& M0 gSydneyAug. 9: S( ]* {. K& M! k/ {1 `& I
    @Someone Irraqtional to describe China as the world's biggest polluter, while omitting the fact that they harbor over 20% of the world's population. The reality is that their per capita pollution output, especially of GHGs, is less than one half of that of the US and (my country) Australia. And China is doing as more than the rest of the world combined to combat it, although admittedly not enough. Are we going to applaud Tuvalu for being the world's lowest polluter?& u1 `% p/ G4 q2 x; }
    16 RecommendShare
    ) U% G0 d- o1 h; P- S0 X7 _6 I4 k( OFlag: k! S$ }; t# y( c8 `
    Ilse commented August 9, S; P( ]  f4 w: p& o9 |
    I 我* O) e* v) V; b3 @% `1 Z
    Ilse 伊尔瑟
    8 }4 e: V9 Z/ G9 X5 v- g% k9 oMinnesotaAug. 91 O; @) h. Q( Z8 ]9 v4 i8 H
    明尼苏达州8 月 9 日9 }% b( {/ j% P9 l; P: n# X
    @SDaley Global collaboration instead of competition is what's needed to solve climate change. I hope to see it in my lifetime.
    ' s+ ^+ g9 H) d. x) |: N@SDaley 解决气候变化需要全球合作而不是竞争。我希望在有生之年能看到它。7 R) z$ P4 g; l" T% [
    16 Recommend 16 推荐Share 分享
    5 E+ h9 D: N6 c3 T0 S# m6 KFlag 旗帜
    , S% a  n* T: e( cKevin Blankinship commented August 9
    7 t. G1 u& K! ?1 v' S# C7 M # f- _0 w$ e+ b9 q' q5 j
    Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普
    ) G$ \: d+ X; Q7 K$ E/ ?Norman, OKAug. 9
    - y" ~  r- M/ a诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
    7 t: }" s1 Y  K; }6 B, @4 @@Ann: Eisenhower had much to say about that, that we spent too much on guns and not on education. It was under him that STEM education got its greatest impetus. Our core problem is cultural, with education being only a symptom.3 X' K$ c6 ]* f4 ]
    ) U0 C9 l' ?* P, |; q! a16 Recommend 16 推荐Share 分享/ }0 \; c( H8 q
    Flag 旗帜
      \: N$ M- c2 \. q2 J6 {Investor123 commented August 9
    . R0 N* o0 T+ X% m  W1 a$ EI 我2 ?: Y  C4 A4 q0 a3 \- x+ W1 `+ u
    Investor123 投资者1231 s, a* i: v& w# V
    NyAug. 9
    0 P) J, w& N" m纽约8 月 9 日
    ) N+ H/ u' t8 {# x@Keith Bradsher you should cover the college admissions in China and contrast it with US -- no essays, just pure grades on a grueling exams covering entire subjects. Compared to Chinese college entrance exams, SATs and SAT 2s are a joke.; r$ v/ i+ h$ T0 L1 e8 ]4 w
    @Keith Bradsher,你应该报道中国的大学招生情况,并将其与美国进行对比——没有论文,只有涵盖所有科目的艰苦考试的纯粹成绩。 与中国的高考相比,SAT和SAT 2就是一个笑话。
    ! e7 V0 j) S8 M( s6 L% I+ g16 Recommend 16 推荐Share 分享8 D5 j' M+ H! }7 T& a8 ], O0 t0 O
    Flag 旗帜
      p1 L$ Y( E5 i/ n' Vd commented August 9" o4 a2 k1 E' u) ]( {, ^. K1 @) [
    , k2 v. A  M' h/ ld
    : p: I7 X, ]0 {$ lNYCAug. 9
    5 }- f1 Q# G! O/ a* h2 i. D8 w纽约市8 月 9 日9 M! o1 ^: U, b  p' v
    Our teachers unions are more concerned with making sure we have pride flags everywhere and that children are confused about their own gender. China is focusing on Mayan and science. Hmmmmm. Which is a better path? Listen- liberals, you are failures. Everything you think is a great idea is nonsense. The moral high ground you stand on where you whine about equity and genderless stupidity and high taxes and high crime is the same hill we will all die on if this continues. Bring Trump back. Let’s reset this.' M( W, ]: p0 |' y; S1 ^) U0 L0 Q
    我们的教师工会更关心确保我们到处都有自豪的旗帜,并且确保孩子们对自己的性别感到困惑。中国专注于玛雅和科学。嗯嗯。哪条路更好?听着——自由主义者,你们是失败者。所有你认为伟大的想法都是无稽之谈。你所站的道德高地,你抱怨公平、无性别的愚蠢、高税收和高犯罪率,如果这种情况继续下去,我们都会死在同一座山上。把特朗普带回来。让我们重置一下。, {( S9 w9 d0 U  f* r  c0 E
    4 Replies 4 条回复15 Recommend 15 推荐Share 分享
    2 W' ?0 g; E6 T6 UFlag 旗帜
    , G0 d" g: U% _0 c  U. GMichael Lewis commented August 9
    6 c! s% H  i/ |M: f8 X' S4 I9 r# }* b/ G
    Michael Lewis
    ' s2 L( j1 s2 N5 w! K  CArizonaAug. 9" {+ Q0 ^- x$ S' _
    China emphasizes science and America supports break dancing!) D% P% a% c  Y' P( T# y
    1 Reply15 RecommendShare& T3 k) k3 P* w2 z6 a! h, H
    Flag, N8 @4 k3 b; g( d
    Spencer commented August 9
    , g+ V8 e, K. p0 F: O$ YS
    , e8 ?3 B: P/ ?& |4 w! U5 kSpencer 斯宾塞
    * u, e" H$ S$ a  Y+ zNew ZealandAug. 9
    ; K: P# c9 x9 j6 i. s9 A1 T新西兰8 月 9 日
    * }* v. y6 ^  Q) z, B; D6 yLook at any major research journal and you'll see that most of the papers coming out are from China or have many Chinese authors. Not surprising given how well funded they are to do research. Western democracies could learn a thing or two from that.' }: f/ F# P0 R* r* q. ^
    看看任何主要的研究期刊,你都会发现大部分发表的论文都来自中国,或者有很多中国作者。考虑到他们进行研究的资金充足,这并不奇怪。西方民主国家可以从中学到一两件事。# b9 s* ^; ]' w& n3 u: X7 S
    15 Recommend 15 推荐Share 分享7 r+ y) e  S: [) v$ x8 E8 H9 r
    Flag 旗帜9 V& b, D5 N' y! t7 _% l5 y/ y
    Studentofhistory commented August 9
    ( x8 i0 H0 U: O( IS
    : J5 L2 p( k; ]1 _Studentofhistory 历史系学生
    # w+ R  n' J" p, k/ \Boulder, ColoradoAug. 9
    ) D% l+ O0 ?) j. s4 q科罗拉多州博尔德8 月 9 日- \5 C0 k% @# G" R  y' ?
    I would like to add that way too many in my graduated engineering class were from China or countries not the USA, while attending a top-20 US government funded institution. Why are we so idiotic? It should be obvious to absolutely everyone we need more engineers, not business students (no offense, but it’s true).
    3 T& g- p# h- c4 G7 m我想补充一点,我毕业的工程班中有太多来自中国或美国以外的国家,同时就读于美国排名前 20 的政府资助机构。为什么我们这么白痴?对于每个人来说,显然我们需要更多的工程师,而不是商科学生(无意冒犯,但这是事实)。$ Z. i8 Z9 N& v+ u/ d
    1 Reply 1 条回复15 Recommend 15 推荐Share 分享
    ( j' N/ r, N' f, sFlag 旗帜- }0 O7 }% r; ~) P( g$ r, f
    anne commented August 9
    ' t8 v4 ]) @4 z8 a" wA( W# q" A  f& V* X& m+ E, Z# \9 h5 [
    anne 安妮- X+ {2 A% n( e; I% }
    njAug. 9
    ! C8 @6 ~( J( a  ]# e; M: Z新泽西州8 月 9 日
    ) R* c3 c$ w1 Q; ]  E6 vPeople follow money. College grads are going into finance and marketing. That's what we're big on here. It isn't working. Battery technology is huge. The Swiss developed portable green hydrogen. Japan has the hydrogen fuel cell car.& ]0 B: [! x) u5 D) Q# U
    人们追随金钱。大学毕业生正在进入金融和营销领域。这就是我们在这里的重点。它不起作用。电池技术是巨大的。瑞士人开发了便携式绿色氢气。日本已经有了氢燃料电池汽车。1 i# i) x! k; H3 d* i4 a# u
    15 Recommend 15 推荐Share 分享
    ' P5 H2 e, h# f( V1 h# D0 [Flag 旗帜
    ! j! Y# @% _8 \2 R% h' JScott commented August 97 P$ l, Z, g' R
    / }% p. W. B% e. p6 Z& HScott 斯科特
    & `9 H: U% |: K  v9 WMnAug. 92 U8 d- h7 r8 V6 t1 h
    锰8 月 9 日/ _% e2 P; r0 n8 ~* M) h2 g
    Instead of spending money and resources on football stadiums and sports, we need to devote more time and effort to encouraging students to study math and sciences. We need to make heroes of our young scientists instead of the high school athlete or musician or actor. We need to promote the reality that math, science and education is what is needed to keep our country strong. We having been failing to do so for a long time. We may lead the world in Nobel Prize winners but how many of those people are immigrants and not native born? It speaks volumes of our educational system.+ c: A& z4 ^6 f- ^
    我们不应该把金钱和资源花在足球场和体育运动上,而是需要投入更多的时间和精力来鼓励学生学习数学和科学。我们需要让年轻科学家成为英雄,而不是高中运动员、音乐家或演员。我们需要宣传这样一个现实:数学、科学和教育是保持我们国家强大所必需的。 长期以来我们一直未能做到这一点。我们可能在诺贝尔奖获得者方面领先世界,但其中有多少人是移民而不是本土出生的?它充分说明了我们的教育体系。3 S# X, G6 \0 i8 F* N
    14 Recommend 14 推荐Share 分享
    . u5 x' B: ]4 d" l; sFlag 旗帜# O, f# W# f: o, U; P
    Christopher commented August 9
    : s- c6 P, [/ M1 }C
    8 e& P9 z" \4 u( L+ MChristopher 克里斯托弗3 B1 ]. z: C. O$ l4 S5 X
    ColoradoAug. 9+ r+ C, h+ }3 w. R
    科罗拉多州8 月 9 日7 t& X  w" z) L1 U1 F
    @Mad Dog when half of young people aspire to be an "influencer" you know our culture and society are doomed.
    6 i8 }9 U8 A+ m! y9 K: N, a" y2 @@Mad Dog 当一半的年轻人渴望成为“影响者”时,你就知道我们的文化和社会注定要失败。
    / V- D& R0 N0 @7 K5 u. b14 Recommend 14 推荐Share 分享
      d  ^( T3 [) u/ x" S6 D- ?Flag 旗帜, G: s0 U3 O3 S2 B$ }' D* }
    Steven commented August 94 I7 c) m* B8 h, O; ^( ~' W: g) e
    S, f: W0 U; E% v9 d) s' E4 r' N
    Steven 史蒂文/ w( p* @; p1 V  F8 T6 v+ c' c& W
    EarthAug. 95 d7 }. v  p+ l0 \8 Z4 }4 d
    地球8 月 9 日( a0 n2 ]% L8 o& }
    @Someone It is a lot cleaner than when I visit 15 yrs ago. They have made phenomenal progress and will continue to do so.% L8 ~$ _) q# X; J4 |' D  w. y+ j; F
    @Someone 比我 15 年前访问时干净多了。他们已经取得了惊人的进步,并将继续这样做。5 S" n& i! `* @, V- n* [* }
    13 Recommend 13 推荐Share 分享: o9 D& Z& W4 l* ?, P* b6 p
    Flag 旗帜4 l6 b; T& M8 c
    North County commented August 96 G( U) d, M2 V: ~4 o7 g3 y, i
    N! z, X/ o: c# N: v
    North County
    , F- E- n  }% _7 Y3 lMe tooAug. 9
    ( S- }1 v9 `# M! X@d No one wants to be a teacher these days because they do not make any money. They have limited recourses and very limited technical support. I am guessing that middle school and high school science labs have not changed much in 40 years. When I went to HS out side of Chicago 50 years ago my public HS was something to see. My physics professor (teacher) had a PHD from MIT. His class was inspiring and challenging. The same for my biology class. Today the best and the brightest aspire for wall street. US Tech companies outside of sales are staffed with Visa carrying graduates from India. The MAGS crowd looking to go back to the 50's are forgetting about the GI's returning from the great war heading off to college. Both my father and partners father were engineers as well as my partner. Now we have students and workers with 1.7 Trillion in student debt and 1/3 of the population following a party whose leader cannot do simple math , nor comprehend simple briefing reports never mind complex subject matters We are making great leaps and bounds as we head towards third world status.$ e2 n: _/ M- J# _
    13 RecommendShare
      H4 {/ j7 @! H7 w3 xFlag4 _3 `; W! v9 e9 d0 X- K- O( }
    left coast finch commented August 9" [1 m  \7 u& v* c" _  Y
    * C1 l: ]8 [% B% M- Ileft coast finch, H2 {& `+ g3 l' x7 B# y' X3 |
    L.A.Aug. 9
    4 S- w7 x  V+ _5 `0 R, n@Kevin Blankinship “America's cultural roots are in the Reformation, where Calvinism forged a nexus of religion with business. We're seeing the limits of what a society with that ethos can do.” Excellent analysis of the root cause of America’s decline. Thank you, it really clarifies the intertwining of the two biggest issues I’ve had with American society: an exponentially increasing worship of mythology and money over all else. After the Scopes trial, American fundamentalists scurried back into their churches and left America alone for a few decades to refocus its educational system on actual science and subjects that mattered to a “great society”, as Lyndon Johnson so wisely saw it, which led to the greatest period of its history that was also helped along by winning World War II. It was also the period that had the highest tax rates on wealth in American history. It wasn’t “god” that blessed and made America great but a singular focus on solving actual problems, building great schools and infrastructure, raising the money in taxes needed to fund those society-building projects, and an open-minded curiosity that ultimately sent Americans to the moon. Once wealth and fundamentalist religion regained their footing, they came together politically under Ronald Reagan’s “Big Tent” to wrest back control and send us swiftly back to increasingly feudal and superstitious times.
    & W/ ]2 A' ~% [13 RecommendShare
    / Y- k$ q, Q2 X. _* _Flag0 y3 }9 R& x4 W2 `
    No longer puzzled commented August 9) h, d. d& P' p: q
    N/ Z5 A6 Y7 a$ i7 D' Q& ~% O( D1 `
    No longer puzzled
    , d* _% j9 o% t1 PUSAAug. 9) K7 O1 X' }; Q7 r
    We have responded by droping out SAT, algebra,... all in the name of social justice.5 j- l9 _  S0 x; L! p) M  @+ b
    13 RecommendShare
    4 y+ {4 X* v( v8 Y8 Q. bFlag
    * _7 w0 `, B) z6 I4 {5 ^" |+ hTed commented August 9
    8 }- W9 U) c# K" L* fT
    1 B& i% ~" B& U' {) f5 STed( W, d2 j! ~! w+ a
    South KoreaAug. 9. t* Z6 V$ q8 A/ t* S- Y
    I mean China has grown significantly starting its race since 1978 to this day because if many reasons— abundance of resources, manpower, quality work with low pay (this is controversial), and etc.. From the example of electric car batteries, China has a ton of Lithium, Cobalt, Graphite, Aluminum, and much more. This has made a gap for them to start their competition with electric car brands such as Tesla, BMW, etc.. They have also grown in phone chip manufacturing with their reservoirs of REEs’ which are the core for producing them. All of this has lead for them to grow to become a ‘World Leading Country’ for their high GDP and good overall BR (Birth Rate).
    5 ~" j2 B  ^8 o9 \1 ~12 RecommendShare( o, o7 l/ r* D+ h' r7 w9 T
    & i0 i( l( ]* U/ Z9 I1 B# h# hJim commented August 9
    / t4 l6 Q0 v# X% Q7 c$ T; v/ E5 p4 x3 eJ$ y" i+ _7 K/ t/ Y7 ]
    : P- h, Q. d1 gNew YorkAug. 9
    + F: f( Y" X/ [! T& y$ Y8 JJust a little sanity check: US spending on education: $15K per student annually Chinese spending on education: Y39K (approximately $5K) The US spends more per student and a larger fraction of its GDP on education than does China.$ U. u$ i# |5 E
    2 Replies12 RecommendShare- W, J. I% G: e' T) v4 I
    ! R, [6 ^' j1 X% vCanceled Commenter commented August 9+ y6 g( c/ K& _. `- Q. Y: {
    3 o8 q" Q! f# a- aCanceled Commenter
    4 ]  j1 U5 A! K8 i9 H, a. U" @Berkeley, CAAug. 9
    ; L8 t! Q! M; }8 N5 @3 {Meanwhile, US math and reading scores have fallen to developing-nation levels, as MAGA parents demand books be burned or home-school Christian Nationalist dogma instead.
    * J( q6 G( H3 O7 P  k, i1 Reply12 RecommendShare* w" G) W; v$ _0 `6 y' S* J
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  • TA的每日心情
    2024-10-11 12:15
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:12:09 | 只看该作者
    Joe Trump6 g8 E+ j, r( o; t
    Earth/MarsAug. 9- M/ }7 A' x) l7 O
    Good luck with waving Guns and Intimidation with MAGA crowd and sending them immigrants back to China and India, they surely are making their countries greater than America.
    * C$ l8 F. C- d祝愿 MAGA 人群挥舞枪支和恐吓,并将他们的移民送回中国和印度,他们肯定会让自己的国家比美国更伟大。
    5 ?: Q( N2 W# V% V* ~6 H, L/ E12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    / z$ u1 \- S- JFlag 旗帜
    9 V0 d0 Y) l8 c8 d& W; kJeff commented August 9
    : o0 ^: q0 Q) Q! W) c1 W2 q# F( ZJ) O" j! z& @# D9 b( ?
    Jeff 杰夫& a- t5 _( J9 d: a2 e, y
    SydneyAug. 98 R  Q& }5 n1 {3 z6 J* F7 O
    悉尼8 月 9 日
    + u% E3 ?- _% L( l@Rocker44 The proof is in the sales figures? then how do you explain that U.S. electric vehicle sales in Q2 2024 totaled 330,463 (up 22.9% from Q1 2024, and up 11.3% year-over-year)6 s* c6 @% ?  X$ a: r2 R. M
    @Rocker44 证据就在销售数据中?那么如何解释2024年第二季度美国电动汽车销量总计330,463辆(较2024年第一季度增长22.9%,同比增长11.3%)
    * A  m3 m7 j6 e/ z( f12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享7 G: ]  S  I  Q! w; F, B$ g
    Flag 旗帜
    2 u6 b* \7 _8 Q5 i! d; ]  kM Eng commented August 9
    4 z2 z1 v: J  x' IM
    7 x( c# X4 W& y9 v' M' K/ q+ HM Eng 工学硕士& z' y- V6 J, s5 v7 C3 j
    CaliforniaAug. 9
    / r7 E- O4 F* }1 s加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日0 u3 u, \( M3 e4 v
    Were there similar articles about Russia during the Cold War, and about Japan in the 80s? It is good to have some urgency here, as the US has been playing financial games since the 80s instead of investing in engineering and manufacturing. At the same, let's not forget that Chinese researchers are even better at gaming the systems than doing research, and big chunk of the research investment went to corruption.# ?2 y9 \# l, v
    是否有类似的文章介绍冷战时期的俄罗斯和八十年代的日本? 在这里有一些紧迫感是件好事,因为美国自 80 年代以来一直在玩金融游戏,而不是投资于工程和制造业。 与此同时,我们不要忘记,中国研究人员比做研究更擅长玩弄系统,而且很大一部分研究投资都流向了腐败。
    4 }1 t2 ~' E- Q: `8 L0 n4 Replies 4 条回复12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享# m. }$ n8 d1 E- v  W2 t) d
    Flag 旗帜8 Q+ ?, j* Y' [1 [+ A) m- l
    B. commented August 97 b$ m5 t8 ]! n2 g+ M' l7 _
    - z/ O. v" w) G7 ~8 q+ f7 KB.' k' b  ]) z( F) |5 i
    BrooklynAug. 90 f) g# l6 R' x7 w  z
    布鲁克林8 月 9 日0 d' m8 G' E4 f  `+ c
    @M Parents find it difficult to get their children to do homework. Then they blame the schools. This is dereliction of duty: Who ever said that rearing children to be well-educated citizens was easy? Education gurus say that every child can learn with ever more remediation, and making learning fun, but we know that that's not true. Whoever said that the process of becoming educated wouldn't take patience, perseverance, and a work ethic? These must be taught early by parents -- and are indeed taught by those poor immigrant parents, at least here in New York City, often Asian, who might be busy working two jobs and don't see their kids but who model these qualities by their everyday behavior. And possibly the sort of brain that can handle concepts more complex than watching a TikTok video?
    3 M+ C3 z% S, T! p( A@M 父母发现让孩子做作业很困难。然后他们指责学校。这是失职:谁说培养孩子成为受过良好教育的公民是容易的? 教育专家说,每个孩子都可以通过更多的补救来学习,并使学习变得有趣,但我们知道事实并非如此。谁说接受教育的过程不需要耐心、毅力和职业道德?这些必须由父母尽早教授——而且确实是由那些贫穷的移民父母教授的,至少在纽约市,他们通常是亚洲人,他们可能忙着做两份工作,看不到自己的孩子,但他们通过以下方式塑造了这些品质:他们的日常行为。 也许大脑能够处理比观看 TikTok 视频更复杂的概念?
      `$ z/ w1 U" Z- E% H12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    8 v9 z: W: Y( b, G8 {8 o8 k7 vFlag 旗帜
    : O9 x, V$ Q# D( u/ y. N$ fSal Monella commented August 9" F; q- K5 @/ t
    S! p+ ?. Q  T/ T, x
    Sal Monella 萨尔·莫内拉1 u' `3 i7 P& G. {$ B% c' C
    My back porchAug. 9
    0 S; m+ Z4 T9 m6 {; m我的后廊8 月 9 日2 l# q" L& [. A4 Y8 g
    “A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do.” And the #1 ranked aspirational job by US school children is “Social Media Influencer.” I do hope the Chinese are courteous enough to leave us a few table scraps after they get through eating our lunch.
    1 T6 Z/ `1 t. W/ _" w4 ~; L; W, o“中国学生主修科学、数学和工程的比例比其他大国的学生要高得多。” 美国学童排名第一的理想工作是“社交媒体影响者”。 我确实希望中国人有足够的礼貌在吃完我们的午餐后给我们留下一些残羹剩饭。: Q$ k" ~, Q) u
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享8 I$ R1 `6 }  b1 y+ s5 }/ f
    Flag 旗帜5 k9 b, v) o! h6 }, A/ J
    L F commented August 9( j2 E! @) G3 w
    L9 B% j+ L9 K% P' x
    L F 低频
    ' G& G8 t( t6 I4 V1 C3 KCAAug. 9+ t* A! T0 _1 p: `0 l" R& d
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    1 W4 n/ S0 H4 W@AGuy Isn’t the right priority to study both? I’m a scientist myself, and science is littered with deeply unethical behaviour and immoral ideas for our future. Something we are living through now, and as I suspect, will come to a head very soon for us all.
    1 M! L7 T- N% H+ l. l+ I$ j! F@AGuy 两者都学习不是正确的优先事项吗?我自己就是一名科学家,科学充满了对我们未来的严重不道德行为和不道德想法。我们现在正在经历的事情,正如我怀疑的,对我们所有人来说很快就会达到紧要关头。
    1 Q' ?. y/ x0 ]7 w12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享, ]7 y5 c4 W! Q6 k7 a0 v! W4 m
    Flag 旗帜* j( H% A6 x& [: n* L  v
    Christopher commented August 9
    # n2 D, h# J: v3 r: \C4 O4 P8 B, e* {
    Christopher 克里斯托弗
    9 k( L1 ?6 i3 M: G. BColoradoAug. 9
    - l) S! N; o9 H* d& M" `1 i科罗拉多州8 月 9 日" i1 L9 G8 ~* T8 @3 W% G$ ^
    @cynlee High GPAs in the US are not on par with the rest of the world. Complaining parents has led to a culture of easy "A"s where everyone gets an A just for showing up and meeting basic assignment requirements.- a. W' |$ O; I) w9 N
    @cynlee 美国的高 GPA 与世界其他地区不相上下。抱怨的父母导致了一种简单的“A”文化,每个人只要出现并满足基本的作业要求就可以得到A。3 Q% `6 ~  z7 C) G" N
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享4 F# y8 I5 ^0 Q
    Flag 旗帜
    0 n$ R. M/ `1 R& yMm commented August 9! Q! E* J1 B( h
    M- }9 {8 A/ D+ h" X
    Mm 毫米: `) R5 O$ U* l, S
    OAug. 92 Y, E' h, C! n. B# i# _, K
    八月9 日3 @! Z; _: C( c) X
    @d Dei is a new phenomenon and has nothing to do with our lack of interest in science. In fact, your attention to DEI is exactly the problem. We refuse to think critically about how we got where we are. Over decades we've been encouraging students to become business leaders, advancing the charismatic sociopath over the technician. Now all we have are hollow speakers with no technical skills. Lots of MBAs and no scientists.7 _; q: g5 {8 p
    @d Dei是一种新现象,与我们对科学缺乏兴趣无关。事实上,你对DEI的关注正是问题所在。我们拒绝批判性地思考我们是如何走到今天这一步的。几十年来,我们一直鼓励学生成为商业领袖,将富有魅力的反社会人士提升为技术人员。现在我们只有空心扬声器,没有技术能力。有很多 MBA,但没有科学家。
    : n2 V# M1 G7 f& w  e8 o8 E4 v! b0 E12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享' F5 S. v/ l3 k9 |" J% Y% ^+ G
    Flag 旗帜
    0 m2 ?. f& t1 ~: c' a( ~! v6 x* Q" JTC commented August 94 i1 j+ f4 |$ r# m) E* I9 R1 L' ]
    T% M9 @5 R- k. ?2 j8 w
    TC( \; i! V' I6 \0 b; d9 h$ M
    LouisianaAug. 9
    , R5 P6 ]+ a5 V6 W; s7 y路易斯安那州8 月 9 日+ M6 t1 v& ?/ n# x* u
    @Radek China and India are aggressive when it comes to education. they expect people to work extremely hard and those who do the best are rewarded. contrast that to the US and even our current presidential candidate who has made a clear statement supporting equity of outcomes, not equality of opportunity. we have interstate of California because of the in lack of equity, instead of finding ways to improve the education of our disadvantage, you start disadvantaging people who work hard and are prepared by limiting access to advanced Math and science classes. You have our teaching universities focused on identity, politics and activism. and very little on science, math, reading and writing. these activists and I certainly wouldn't call them. edge cares or looking to change the world to conform to that ideology. of course, the only thing they're doing is weakening the West while China ascends.
    & L$ ?7 b0 G2 P+ Q5 L* s/ E2 d@Radek 中国和印度在教育方面非常积极。他们希望人们能够非常努力地工作,而那些做得最好的人会得到奖励。 相比之下,美国甚至我们现任的总统候选人都明确声明支持结果公平,而不是机会平等。由于缺乏公平,我们有加利福尼亚州际公路,你没有找到方法来改善我们劣势的教育,而是开始通过限制高级数学和科学课程的机会来使那些努力工作并做好准备的人处于不利地位。 我们的教学大学专注于身份、政治和行动主义。科学、数学、阅读和写作方面的内容很少。我当然不会称呼这些活动人士。边缘关心或寻求改变世界以符合这种意识形态。当然,他们唯一做的就是削弱西方,同时让中国崛起。8 u. z* \" O' M- H# q: ?
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享  O4 J4 p6 O: Q5 `
    Flag 旗帜+ S  I/ d6 W) k, e  V
    Martin M commented August 95 {/ n3 x' e' c1 \- `
    ) Z# y1 O% F1 o  J" V6 ?8 y2 SMartin M 马丁·M
    ( ^$ J3 p- s9 f7 y% fChicagoAug. 9: s! U8 u3 N1 m5 G- b4 v7 K; N
    芝加哥8 月 9 日
    - k" f9 U- F9 D! v2 w6 u/ AReally? You mean that an emphasis on STEM courses can actually result in brilliant, innovative engineers and scientists? That a country like ours that values sports and entertainment above all else, in which "nerds" are ridiculed and young women who show talent in science and engineering are bullied and driven out of STEM curriculums, that such a country might fall behind in areas critical to our future? Whoda thunk it?
    % w+ F" b) [, S/ I; H真的吗?您的意思是,重视 STEM 课程实际上可以培养出才华横溢、富有创新精神的工程师和科学家?像我们这样重视体育和娱乐高于一切的国家,“书呆子”受到嘲笑,在科学和工程方面表现出才华的年轻女性受到欺凌并被赶出 STEM 课程,这样的国家可能会在关键领域落后为了我们的未来? 谁知道?
    ; [- P* G* O. P12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享2 R  r; \( H7 o: x# H* r# ~% m
    Flag 旗帜
    ; t5 S$ c) `( w4 H1 }( V( L( kRadek commented August 9
    7 J1 b/ u# j- ^! @) oR 右
    3 `% G9 x& }0 A) G" xRadek 拉德克
    7 {+ ?5 m( C) X" VPortland, OregonAug. 9
    / ?7 e- r9 K; o4 ?俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日
    * Z* w) A/ f' K8 f! U, L@Bob Great points here and to follow, I'd say an esp important and concerning advantage for China (since we'd need deep reforms in failing US structures to address it) is their advanced industrial policy, ironically a la Adam smith, to minimize wasteful rent seeking costs while focussing on production, innovation and added value. This I feel like, is another key element to appreciate Keith's excellent article, it helps to explain a lot of why China has such a huge cost and quality advantage now. Too often Western (and esp the US and UK) media just attaches that to cheap labor (even calling it forced), but that's just not the reality anymore. Chinese workers are well paid now with much lower living costs (it's why China now has the world's biggest economy by far in GDP PPP terms, that corrects for purchase power). Instead, China's cost advantage now comes from vertical integration, heavy automation and less expensive consumer options--ex. alternatives to even major computer OS (Harmony) and word-processing software that's open-source and doesn't require costly subscriptions. But above all China has lower fixed business costs with ex. universal healthcare, lower university tuition and housing costs. The USA is less competitive now due to our high costs for healthcare, college, homes and childcare (unnecessarily high, as they extract without value) worsening cost-of-living. Higher salaries don't mean higher purchase power, and these fixed costs hurt our competitiveness.
    , G# O/ M/ a+ G3 [@Bob 这里和接下来的要点,我想说的是,对中国来说,一个特别重要且令人担忧的优势(因为我们需要对失败的美国结构进行深入改革来解决这个问题)是他们先进的产业政策,具有讽刺意味的是,亚当·斯密,以最大限度地减少浪费寻租成本,同时专注于生产、创新和附加值。 我觉得这是欣赏基思这篇优秀文章的另一个关键要素,它有助于解释为什么中国现在拥有如此巨大的成本和质量优势。西方(尤其是美国和英国)媒体常常将其与廉价劳动力联系起来(甚至称其为强迫),但这已不再是现实。中国工人现在的工资很高,生活成本也低得多(这就是为什么中国现在是迄今为止世界上最大的经济体,以GDP购买力平价计算,修正了购买力)。 相反,中国的成本优势现在来自垂直整合、高度自动化和更便宜的消费者选择——例如。甚至是主流计算机操作系统(Harmony)和文字处理软件的替代品,这些软件是开源的,不需要昂贵的订阅。 但最重要的是,中国的固定业务成本较低。全民医疗保健、降低大学学费和住房成本。美国现在的竞争力下降,因为我们的医疗保健、大学、家庭和儿童保育成本高昂(不必要地高,因为它们没有价值),导致生活成本恶化。更高的工资并不意味着更高的购买力,这些固定成本损害了我们的竞争力。9 B0 Y+ h, T. t# N
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享9 X7 y7 Z/ P+ t6 v" S1 q; r; n# x- }
    Flag 旗帜" v: i* L2 S$ I3 B: q4 b' ~
    paul commented August 9( A; o2 p" h/ n- F  X/ w
    P" ^) L9 h7 i2 C: b1 B! y+ T/ Z
    paul 保罗% c  u+ }, Y9 `: r5 u
    californiaAug. 9/ r5 t3 k; k9 B9 a- y
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日- k4 s4 @6 A- B
    I am a 68 year male that completed my Ph.D. in chemistry 40 years ago. I own a company that manufactures scientific instruments and sell primarily to research institutions in the USA, mostly in the physical sciences. The professors we sell to work day and night to write research grants with a less than 10% chance of getting funded, they then have to give 50% of their grants to university administration, their pay is shockingly low.
    9 S7 H' _: B! l& v$ C我是一名 68 岁男性,已完成博士学位。 40年前的化学。我拥有一家生产科学仪器的公司,主要销售给美国的研究机构,主要是物理科学领域的研究机构。我们卖给我们的教授夜以继日地写研究经费,获得资助的机会不到 10%,然后他们必须将 50% 的经费交给大学管理部门,他们的工资低得惊人。9 h0 \% I4 m& c$ |
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    - A3 A( d- x* n/ T. t4 wFlag 旗帜7 S# r# u1 E. q/ k
    CJL commented August 9
    . Z* y/ N. d  }: E% \' g% WC# [6 h8 o% d# J1 t. r
    CJL 西吉林% n2 Z2 z' R' C; {8 m" b4 n
    Los AngelesAug. 9# o2 U6 o, x7 V
    洛杉矶8 月 9 日
    * H! B/ T! e! u- h@Quimby Making things is very hard, and capital intensive. The US "masters of the universe" like to concentrate on rent seeking and money lending. It's so much easier.; j& }8 y. f+ z
    @Quimby 做东西非常困难,而且资本密集。美国的“宇宙主宰”喜欢集中精力寻租和放债。这容易多了。
    + G: n' a7 ?( @2 R/ @11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享0 b. k% e( @, e, J* \8 {0 W$ o
    Flag 旗帜9 k( Q0 y9 L0 @2 X( m
    Ilse commented August 9
    ( `9 D/ |/ y5 c: h& a! R( qI 我( y6 ^5 V. n# \( N5 T$ ~
    Ilse 伊尔瑟
    2 [2 f' y. G! @' c( ZMinnesotaAug. 9- W3 I& D2 j) }# t# Y( x
    明尼苏达州8 月 9 日
    9 M/ Y9 L  P- h* `- V9 M' l@J T About 5-8 years ago, China did something to block kids from playing video games at all hours. I said then: China has won.5 R2 g9 S; c% Y6 X
    @JT 大约五到八年前,中国采取了一些措施来阻止孩子们随时玩电子游戏。我当时就说:中国赢了。, b0 |" y. {8 Y4 l/ ]+ P
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享: q$ [- F5 ~; H
    Flag 旗帜
    - w5 m# \& E$ m+ HFranklin commented August 91 L8 Z! z1 @  _! O& b5 r* @
    % E  H( T; Z* ?+ R, [7 I& A7 ^! ^! kFranklin 富兰克林/ r6 b" B! L# t! n  H
    IowaAug. 90 z, S  c: H1 G" n% y, e
    爱荷华州8 月 9 日3 K7 u: ]  B) z
    Not much here about the debt loads that Chinese college students take on. The answer is none. The basic innovation in China is state led—much like it was in the US in the 50s and 60s. Back when America was innovative our college students received much more support and left college without debt. Many students today are too burdened with debt to be able to be expected to really focus on study. And it’s difficult to dream or be innovative when you begin life after college in a hole. Most people don’t major in business because they like it. They think it will pay off their debt.s. Back when the US was innovative we had progressive income tax rates (as high as 91% on the richest, lots of public investment, and very low tuition for students.
    3 H( U* w- e) D4 f$ w7 x: c) W$ u' n这里没有太多关于中国大学生所承担的债务负担的信息。答案是否定的。中国的基础创新是国家主导的——就像美国50年代和60年代的情况一样。 当美国处于创新时期时,我们的大学生得到了更多的支持,并且在没有债务的情况下离开大学。如今,许多学生背负着沉重的债务负担,无法真正专注于学习。当你大学毕业后开始生活时,就很难梦想或创新。大多数人不主修商科,因为他们喜欢它。他们认为这将还清他们的债务。 当美国处于创新时期时,我们实行累进所得税率(最富有的人税率高达 91%),有大量的公共投资,而且学生的学费非常低。
    * B5 c2 M! w; r2 Replies 2 条回复11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享: R3 X, v. E  I" U6 e
    Flag 旗帜
    - V( x5 i) i0 N$ ~! `Munjoy fan commented August 9
    $ Q2 n) a+ n# h* ]0 |( sM5 h8 o& C" h4 u" e
    Munjoy fan 蒙乔伊粉丝
    : ~. m4 d, S6 U) g" Q$ _MaineAug. 97 F! y4 _' ^0 J' x. H
    缅因州8 月 9 日
    6 r$ `% n" ^4 G: Y5 `% Y+ n4 j@Keith Bradsher and when are the political powers in this country going to allow us to buy Chinese electric cars, which are now all over the world? I am a comfortably retired middle class professional but the cost of an electric car in this country is out of reach. They need to be available in the $20-$30K range and they need to be designed to haul things. Teslas are useless town cars.( P. Y7 n8 M! h
    @Keith Bradsher,这个国家的政治力量什么时候才能允许我们购买现在遍布世界各地的中国电动汽车?我是一名舒适退休的中产阶级专业人士,但电动汽车的成本在这个国家是遥不可及的。它们的售价需要在 20-30,000 美元之间,并且需要设计用于运输物品。特斯拉是无用的城市汽车。
    3 Z/ h7 C4 Z# H7 A11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享: H/ H+ I7 z2 b8 w& t- A
    Flag 旗帜) a% C; |8 M4 J1 k
    Jane commented August 9, M3 y) A* _9 Z" [* Q5 b/ V# ~
    J: W% a" A' ~, s0 M5 r
    Jane 简! R6 F4 i( |) Z- k7 t
    VAAug. 9
    6 Z! M3 O* [: n+ K弗吉尼亚州8 月 9 日. B! w" E% H$ g3 B3 y
    Meanwhile, back in the States, we’re debating whether or not teaching Algebra 1 to our brightest students in middle school is a racist practice. Or if failing kids for doing nothing is hurting their social emotional beings. We’re going to get clobbered by the Chinese. Spending more on education does little to nothing if we’re not going to demand excellence from our students. And that is the problem with our educational system, and our pipeline for our workforce. We absolutely need to be OK with failing kids for substandard work. Why were we able to respond to the Sputnik challenge, whereas today we do the opposite by dumbing down our public schools?
    7 w5 @5 K3 l4 s0 }+ h与此同时,回到美国,我们正在争论向我们最聪明的中学学生教授代数 1 是否是一种种族主义做法。或者如果孩子因为无所事事而失败会伤害他们的社交情感。 我们将会被中国人打败。 如果我们不要求学生追求卓越,那么在教育上投入更多资金几乎没有任何作用。这就是我们的教育体系和劳动力管道的问题。我们绝对需要容忍那些工作不合格的孩子。 为什么我们能够应对人造卫星的挑战,而今天我们却反其道而行之,降低公立学校的水平?/ o2 Y8 t4 _0 ]  Q0 W; g* F
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享# b% s6 y& _8 F. Q
    Flag 旗帜
    7 w; q" H; l+ ~% B% d( V  r, PRadek commented August 9
    9 O: s# G  |, m* G8 H" _R 右
      f0 O! k# p) w& C" G: dRadek 拉德克
    4 R6 I& i5 G  x- W6 c+ |) SPortland, OregonAug. 9
    ' ~/ l3 |  V$ W7 d6 \3 N俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日: `, i8 |) G; V2 _3 N& t* X
    @Martin M See my elaboration above on this, I just didn't have space in the original comment so I followed up with another. It wasn't a formal delegation, there were no handlers or chaperones and we could go places and say things without restrictions--"delegation" was used in broad sense here, as a private group doing consultancy and exchanging ideas, so we could observe the changes over years on several trips. I think sometimes too much is made of the idea that guests are shown supervised, carefully managed views of China when this is absolutely not the case, at least not anymore. There's such massive movement in and out of China it wouldn't be doable anyway, but in general people are allowed to see the good bad and ugly, including in the less developed small towns which are still sometimes behind, but being advanced very quickly. China's system of government again, is evolving and hard to describe, it's really unique among the systems of the world. It obviously does have some authoritarian elements but also some surprisingly democratic and open elements, including village and district level elections. Chinese people regularly criticize and make suggestions on Weibo and other platforms (or open protests like we saw with Covid), and even annoyances like the internet firewall can be fairly easily bypassed with a VPN. It's useful to remember China is governed by engineers and researchers, who are interested in the open feedback to improve.
    + z1 J/ R2 a" V0 N1 }7 |% f2 ?@马丁M 请参阅上面我对此的阐述,我只是在原始评论中没有空间,所以我跟进了另一个。这不是一个正式的代表团,没有牵线人或陪同人员,我们可以不受限制地去哪里说话——这里的“代表团”是广义的,作为一个私人团体进行咨询和交流,所以我们可以观察多年来几次旅行的变化。 我认为,有时候,人们对中国的看法是受到监督和精心管理的,而事实绝对不是这样,至少现在不是这样。中国进出如此大规模的运动,无论如何都是不可能的,但总的来说,人们被允许看到好的、坏的和丑陋的,包括在欠发达的小城镇,它们有时仍然落后,但进步很快。 中国的政府体系又在不断发展,难以描述,在世界体系中确实是独一无二的。它显然确实有一些专制成分,但也有一些令人惊讶的民主和开放成分,包括村级和区级选举。中国人经常在微博和其他平台上提出批评和建议(或者像我们在新冠疫情中看到的公开抗议),甚至像互联网防火墙这样的烦恼也可以通过 VPN 轻松绕过。 记住中国是由工程师和研究人员统治的,他们对公开反馈和改进感兴趣,这一点很有用。5 K( m+ ^2 `* |8 }
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    2 `4 l. V! q6 B+ b% e& l! sFlag 旗帜: V2 _- e2 D3 v( ]
    oH commented August 9: s" [9 y: N: b9 R! r
    O* D3 i- \( T' Q- g
    oH 哦
    + K. q6 {( ~( U. jOHAug. 9
    : s! o+ @2 K4 c: [0 O哦, 8 月 9 日% |& o3 T' @% g
    We’re busy lamenting the disappearance of cursive writing and taking kids out of school for religion instead.
    3 J& H5 ~# L% C2 S7 _, s6 r我们正忙着哀叹草书的消失,并让孩子们因为宗教而辍学。& }% M) R- A+ Y
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享" Y6 u. ^! P1 c5 a% i
    Flag 旗帜
    , D) H% D8 o5 W. v& M' h% W; @0 pACDC commented August 9
    ( y! Z0 s3 o9 `  LA$ [9 a$ K' Y! o& }5 T
    ACDC 亚洲疾病预防控制中心
    ) m+ v1 x9 z4 o6 ]- x" N: J% UPalo AltoAug. 9
    , |/ T8 P# y: O3 k5 R帕洛阿尔托8 月 9 日* J* M/ s( c) a4 `5 b
    @Tomato Or the constant dumbing down of K to 12 standards and massive grade inflation in high school to college. Make SAT mandatory again should be a starting point.
    2 ^9 p7 s- @- P0 w* |4 Q( r! D( w3 W@Tomato 或者是不断地将 K 降低到 12 年级的标准,以及高中到大学的成绩大幅膨胀。再次强制要求 SAT 考试应该是一个起点。
    $ W; u( k$ m+ i# u" z8 P10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    , h/ ^# y( Y  n# q8 g6 UFlag 旗帜; }5 t* v2 q- y# B4 K, m2 D0 C# F" _
    me commented August 9, V" z/ s( j6 g& ]* H0 C& Z! l
    7 ^. O' @. N/ Q: G9 D; G  [7 ]me 我
    4 J$ \8 ]! ^5 ~+ |. V+ {2 gsomewhereAug. 9; g# C$ d* N8 h. ?) S
    8 月 9 日某处5 O, L- X$ |5 S3 c( r
    @Radek Very well said. @Radek 说得很好。
    ( F2 N7 Z1 }9 V; Y10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    ! ?: b7 \# Y% H) P3 F' c' I: YFlag 旗帜: }7 _9 h. D8 e5 @/ M  _
    Seyi commented August 92 }2 H9 S6 _9 p0 X
    / S& F/ M% [  Y: CSeyi 塞伊+ b5 }) \+ i* S3 O
    NYAug. 9
    6 x1 _) ^3 q" L" a纽约8 月 9 日0 ]& F$ B& x1 C7 C  f  g4 R" `% X3 G
    @DC - I disagree with your broad, non-fact based claim that American teachers are only focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. That’s some political talking point that’s just not rooted in any fact. I am a teacher of chemistry and while I value the importance of DEI in my approach to teaching every one of my students, teaching chemistry is always a top priority as that’s my passion. So please, before you just spew out a bunch of falsehoods, please recognize the hard work that teachers like myself invest in our students every single day. We, like many others are simply a component in a system( society) that’s designed to cater to a select few. Your simplistic evaluation sir, is insulting to educators across this country.
    0 y, e, v, @! m3 i2 S) V3 G, x5 R@DC - 我不同意你广泛的、非事实依据的说法,即美国教师只关注多样性、公平性和包容性。这是一些没有任何事实依据的政治话题。我是一名化学老师,虽然我重视 DEI 在我教学每一位学生的方法中的重要性,但化学教学始终是重中之重,因为这是我的热情。所以,在你吐出一堆谎言之前,请认识到像我这样的老师每天为我们的学生付出的辛勤工作。和许多其他人一样,我们只是一个旨在迎合少数人的系统(社会)的组成部分。先生,您的简单化评价是对全国教育工作者的侮辱。
    " [1 D0 {5 c9 t) ~10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享1 m8 ?6 t0 W  f% {$ e
    Flag 旗帜5 Z/ m7 ~, H7 Z. ^" W9 C& u8 X/ \% F
    Tom commented August 9
    + y: g; a4 v% f1 B% I& eT' |. |) k% C# M6 P/ H
    Tom 汤姆
    7 X2 i6 z3 X! u8 w! NTucson, AZAug. 9! p* O. j- \+ T$ s) j
    亚利桑那州图森8 月 9 日3 h$ C4 V/ J' T+ d# _( ^
    The inequity in STEM between US and Chinese has a complex web of underlying causes, many mentioned in the comments here. Here is another. Admission and advancement in education in China is based mostly on standardized tests that make sure only students with the highest aptitudes and abilities are admitted. None of the nonsense that goes on in US higher education.
      j1 e9 {! x* h5 g美国和中国之间在 STEM 领域的不平等有着复杂的潜在原因,许多评论都在此处提到。这是另一个。中国教育的入学和升学主要基于标准化考试,以确保只有具有最高资质和能力的学生才能被录取。没有任何美国高等教育中发生的废话。2 u* L- R4 h- P3 x6 G
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    $ d% ?3 w, z7 t6 W; f* R3 r1 XFlag 旗帜( ]$ y. d$ Y- @3 u) \2 b7 @
    Alex commented August 97 @3 ?5 u: t& F* s$ j7 T  A
    A  M( F# e6 c( I6 t/ Z! |! K
    Alex 亚历克斯' N7 q% v5 l+ F! x) T* U
    IndianaAug. 9
    2 i7 w4 p% i5 L: P! w印第安纳州8 月 9 日
    : ~. l: M$ @/ wThis is an extraordinarily serious issue. China is increasing the rigor of their education system, while the United States is dumbing-down our system. Looking ahead, we are loosing our ability to compete on the global stage. We cannot do anything about China in this regard, indeed we should applaud their efforts. But we need to change course on our own shores. Both K-12 and college-level education are removing requirements, especially for STEM courses, which are often, by their nature, challenging and sometimes difficult. Much (but not all) of these changes are being driven by progressive ideology, which seems to believe, falsely, that the way to achieve equity is through lowest common denominator teaching. Today, many college graduates are proficient in recognizing microaggressions and know how to chose "correct" pronouns, but they are not trained in college (and often high school) level math and science. This strongly limits their ability to make wise, well-informed decisions regarding personal and public policy in their jobs, their lives, and in voting booths. The pandemic made things worse; the decline in nationwide test scores and educational achievement is all too well documented. Much of this is a result of poor decision making by powerful, progressive teachers' unions. We badly need to change our philosophy towards education, and move back to an emphasis on merit, achievement, and rigor.
    7 V( B9 g8 Q/ }, S8 e+ I7 d* F0 }这是一个异常严重的问题。中国正在加强其教育体系的严格性,而美国正在简化我们的教育体系。展望未来,我们正在失去在全球舞台上竞争的能力。 在这方面我们对中国无能为力,确实应该为他们的努力喝彩。但我们需要在自己的海岸上改变路线。 K-12 和大学教育都在取消要求,尤其是 STEM 课程,这些课程本质上往往具有挑战性,有时甚至很困难。这些变化大部分(但不是全部)都是由进步主义意识形态推动的,这种意识形态似乎错误地认为,实现公平的方法是通过最低公分母教学。 如今,许多大学毕业生精通识别微侵犯,并知道如何选择“正确”的代词,但他们没有接受过大学(通常是高中)数学和科学方面的培训。这严重限制了他们在工作、生活和投票站中就个人和公共政策做出明智、明智决策的能力。 大流行使情况变得更糟。全国范围内考试成绩和教育成绩的下降是有据可查的。这在很大程度上是强大、进步的教师工会决策失误的结果。 我们迫切需要改变我们的教育理念,重新强调成绩、成就和严谨。$ o, S. l! @* c2 t
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享9 C+ f( r$ {- _! }7 O8 v& p
    Flag 旗帜: P* K) z% c3 I0 S4 |
    Gabe commented August 9
    & `0 n+ R# s5 W( wG
    0 b7 D% B5 g. b- b) ]8 WGabe 加布
    * d" Z' M: h! O% G  U$ AMinnesotaAug. 9. Q. l: p5 c% \& M8 w3 |5 w
    明尼苏达州8 月 9 日' _/ p3 F% p; I
    The problem for China is that EVs will be short lived. Near-term, Hybrids are in and more environmentally friendly - EVs and their multiple battery packs are not. Disposing of the spent, old batteries will become an environmental nightmare. Long-term, some new, more environmentally friendly technology or transport system will come along and replace EVs completely. China is barking up the wrong tree with EV investments and subsidies.; W5 _( B: ]/ Z) s# u/ T" w) Y
    中国面临的问题是电动汽车的寿命很短。从短期来看,混合动力汽车已经流行并且更加环保,而电动汽车及其多个电池组则不然。处理废旧电池将成为环境噩梦。从长远来看,一些新的、更环保的技术或交通系统将会出现并完全取代电动汽车。中国在电动汽车投资和补贴方面搞错了方向。- y' l& L5 q5 b* F& Y- ^
    3 Replies 3 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享( R( v2 L5 X0 v$ g( \2 t  k
    Flag 旗帜2 }, J% K8 Z6 F8 d7 [/ r0 L: X% o: T
    Shaun Narine commented August 9; i' @4 m& L3 R6 j2 t7 v0 ?# |6 L
    " k) ], U/ }" z$ `- FShaun Narine 肖恩·纳林
    , Q! j, L+ N2 ^! @! rFredericton, CanadaAug. 9
    1 {3 s+ |( d9 R加拿大弗雷德里克顿8 月 9 日- s, Z' p5 l# O
    @Leon To deal with Western problems, Western states need to raise taxes and require much more of the wealthy. Good luck with that, esp in places like the US, where the level of selfishness and rejection of the notion of a social good is pathological. The response to covid proved that. Moreover, the US has spent decades hollowing out its govt, making it incredibly ineffective and incompetent. Throw in blatant political and judicial corruption and it's hard to see any of this turning around soon.5 H1 J/ s6 {# Z
    @Leon 为了解决西方问题,西方国家需要提高税收并要求更多的富人。祝你好运,尤其是在美国这样的地方,那里的自私程度和对社会公益概念的拒绝是病态的。对新冠病毒的反应证明了这一点。此外,美国几十年来一直在掏空政府,使其变得极其无效和无能。再加上公然的政治和司法腐败,这种情况很难很快得到扭转。2 P2 Y6 s+ [# A# v9 T5 g) t
    9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    # M  k* d7 R! sFlag 旗帜
    . \0 o7 J7 V% U4 aDaniel Lake commented August 92 S4 y6 n* m2 p. I+ H
    $ ?; G( S" B+ z9 p  [+ L' r6 CDaniel Lake 丹尼尔·莱克
    $ ^' Q. v/ y+ {: sMirror Lake, NHAug. 9$ R& z; V. L! Z' q5 T
    新罕布什尔州镜湖8 月 9 日5 K) D; W4 d. t, H1 f3 i
    Simplest way to give it all to China is to elect Republicans who hate science.
    . X9 u7 m; U" [9 [8 F- y0 ?把一切都交给中国的最简单方法就是选举讨厌科学的共和党人。6 r6 L% p* \. f$ I. U8 Q
    9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    2 S1 y7 m# D0 v- r& y4 u, lFlag 旗帜
    0 A$ t9 ]& m9 `. j0 S# rStephen commented August 9) A  y$ }( i- ]" C: ?% Y
    S$ ?7 t/ C$ ?: _9 E/ f; m4 m5 x
    Stephen 斯蒂芬. o0 X, r% G, t9 `' |
    USAAug. 9
    . a7 d- I, }* C' _美国8 月 9 日
    6 g4 e* P0 _" ~% K: `0 v@stamp Yeah, I don’t entirely disagree. The complacency that has occurred here over decades will hopefully reach a breaking point. Besides, might be kind of nice to be the ones who end up stealing technology from China for a change!' _3 W' M- _; }/ I
    @stamp是的,我并不完全不同意。几十年来这里出现的自满情绪有望达到临界点。此外,成为那些最终从中国窃取技术以改变现状的人可能会很高兴!: D- I  J+ E2 Y; k. \; E3 X, h
    9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    3 X8 d, i: f4 _5 |6 I3 ^Flag 旗帜
    # S" ~2 }. N6 G( g% H$ c8 YB. commented August 9& m* ?; y/ h5 C# g/ ?; D
    4 Z# s; ?2 L, Z+ C4 [- x1 |9 _6 WB.# v8 r! q/ f7 n$ V- k" y( o+ l
    BrooklynAug. 9% F" F' b; b. B! D+ \" M# e
    布鲁克林8 月 9 日) W! Y& b" s" R
    @M Parents find it difficult to get their children to do homework. Then they blame the schools. This is dereliction of duty: Who ever said that rearing children to be well-educated citizens was easy? Education gurus say that every child can learn with ever more remediation, and making learning fun, but we know that that's not true. Whoever said that the process of becoming educated wouldn't take patience, perseverance, and a work ethic? These must be taught early by parents -- and are indeed taught by those poor immigrant parents, at least here in New York City, often Asian, who might be busy working two jobs and don't see their kids but who model these qualities by their everyday behavior. And possibly the sort of brain that can handle concepts more complex than watching a TikTok video?
    + T6 y* E2 _; |9 q@M 父母发现让孩子做作业很困难。然后他们指责学校。这是失职:谁说培养孩子成为受过良好教育的公民是容易的? 教育专家说,每个孩子都可以通过更多的补救来学习,并使学习变得有趣,但我们知道事实并非如此。谁说接受教育的过程不需要耐心、毅力和职业道德?这些必须由父母尽早教授——而且确实是由那些贫穷的移民父母教授的,至少在纽约市,他们通常是亚洲人,他们可能忙着做两份工作,看不到自己的孩子,但他们通过以下方式塑造了这些品质:他们的日常行为。 也许大脑能够处理比观看 TikTok 视频更复杂的概念?/ J# p5 O* P0 {2 E: O4 ?
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享4 L" B0 `( B, k
    Flag 旗帜% Z3 B% m8 n$ l: q  [' Z! [" m. n
    Sal Monella commented August 9
    5 e# |2 W# o/ |- [9 G3 _+ n0 B0 oS% u6 }- g2 R# U9 s7 `; w
    Sal Monella 萨尔·莫内拉; g1 r) n0 z. P0 ^( n, ~. o! b+ `
    My back porchAug. 9
    $ u/ A5 O# D5 A+ W' g& Q: |我的后廊8 月 9 日4 q- `4 [0 o5 C- C7 L& P
    “A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do.” And the #1 ranked aspirational job by US school children is “Social Media Influencer.” I do hope the Chinese are courteous enough to leave us a few table scraps after they get through eating our lunch.
    + |2 A" q* l4 [2 K( O; Q4 p“中国学生主修科学、数学和工程的比例比其他大国的学生要高得多。” 美国学童排名第一的理想工作是“社交媒体影响者”。 我确实希望中国人有足够的礼貌在吃完我们的午餐后给我们留下一些残羹剩饭。9 g7 H% a' p. G% G' u
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    7 W+ D4 z5 @5 ]8 ~Flag 旗帜
    / L* q$ A- L9 y0 eL F commented August 9
    , w* ?0 G3 X8 `9 A0 O; H' jL$ L) G2 D; H% `5 O. Z; R
    L F 低频
    4 |5 E% J2 f/ g5 r0 Y) M5 ACAAug. 9
    ( J( Z  Z  x0 p7 ~: D加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    8 Q1 L! ], \. }3 s$ L' b@AGuy Isn’t the right priority to study both? I’m a scientist myself, and science is littered with deeply unethical behaviour and immoral ideas for our future. Something we are living through now, and as I suspect, will come to a head very soon for us all.6 J4 V5 q- u* `" d+ N, q% ~
    @AGuy 两者都学习不是正确的优先事项吗?我自己就是一名科学家,科学充满了对我们未来的严重不道德行为和不道德想法。我们现在正在经历的事情,正如我怀疑的,对我们所有人来说很快就会达到紧要关头。
    * Q" P* L& A+ z9 w1 w12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享7 S# O# R% w7 `; s
    Flag 旗帜$ ~1 t2 ?$ d, E6 b/ d$ R( k
    Christopher commented August 9! ~' e4 j+ c  z$ B3 @- x8 z
    * b& y" n8 B5 f1 A" GChristopher 克里斯托弗0 [* v6 A) Y. F7 w7 W
    ColoradoAug. 9
    % }8 ]2 X" ^+ [. I1 {/ ?4 h0 d科罗拉多州8 月 9 日
    8 q' X  }% T/ F: `( W4 Y@cynlee High GPAs in the US are not on par with the rest of the world. Complaining parents has led to a culture of easy "A"s where everyone gets an A just for showing up and meeting basic assignment requirements.
    $ _+ {' U* j1 g& Y@cynlee 美国的高 GPA 与世界其他地区不相上下。抱怨的父母导致了一种简单的“A”文化,每个人只要出现并满足基本的作业要求就可以得到A。7 r; w6 K; U  @5 i% x* `4 _
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    & |8 C) o( K9 G, ~Flag 旗帜
    9 \+ n5 f1 f; U1 dMm commented August 9
    ; l0 O+ y$ G' f2 \M, R- V4 A/ S& P+ E" }
    Mm 毫米* w! @! w- p( A
    OAug. 9, @# {) f+ j8 V" _
    八月9 日; c  W2 ^  v+ H* [- i% D" w
    @d Dei is a new phenomenon and has nothing to do with our lack of interest in science. In fact, your attention to DEI is exactly the problem. We refuse to think critically about how we got where we are. Over decades we've been encouraging students to become business leaders, advancing the charismatic sociopath over the technician. Now all we have are hollow speakers with no technical skills. Lots of MBAs and no scientists.
    ( h( c; t6 ~9 K9 a' N2 X@d Dei是一种新现象,与我们对科学缺乏兴趣无关。事实上,你对DEI的关注正是问题所在。我们拒绝批判性地思考我们是如何走到今天这一步的。几十年来,我们一直鼓励学生成为商业领袖,将富有魅力的反社会人士提升为技术人员。现在我们只有空心扬声器,没有技术能力。有很多 MBA,但没有科学家。) W9 w3 B+ l2 w/ R" o% Z: u: l6 w  G# n
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享3 o7 e! e9 l9 @, Y5 _
    Flag 旗帜
    9 S* \  S* S' T* NTC commented August 9
    # o1 H% \) M2 b0 pT
    # u& K0 v1 L- g5 @* PTC) s1 j7 b. T/ G0 ]7 r5 ~
    LouisianaAug. 9
    4 a+ E+ l' d( k# y- W路易斯安那州8 月 9 日' a0 ?; v; Y& F  u" m* @
    @Radek China and India are aggressive when it comes to education. they expect people to work extremely hard and those who do the best are rewarded. contrast that to the US and even our current presidential candidate who has made a clear statement supporting equity of outcomes, not equality of opportunity. we have interstate of California because of the in lack of equity, instead of finding ways to improve the education of our disadvantage, you start disadvantaging people who work hard and are prepared by limiting access to advanced Math and science classes. You have our teaching universities focused on identity, politics and activism. and very little on science, math, reading and writing. these activists and I certainly wouldn't call them. edge cares or looking to change the world to conform to that ideology. of course, the only thing they're doing is weakening the West while China ascends.
      w, J( W+ A( Z, E  p: P@Radek 中国和印度在教育方面非常积极。他们希望人们能够非常努力地工作,而那些做得最好的人会得到奖励。 相比之下,美国甚至我们现任的总统候选人都明确声明支持结果公平,而不是机会平等。由于缺乏公平,我们有加利福尼亚州际公路,你没有找到方法来改善我们劣势的教育,而是开始通过限制高级数学和科学课程的机会来使那些努力工作并做好准备的人处于不利地位。 我们的教学大学专注于身份、政治和行动主义。科学、数学、阅读和写作方面的内容很少。我当然不会称呼这些活动人士。边缘关心或寻求改变世界以符合这种意识形态。当然,他们唯一做的就是削弱西方,同时让中国崛起。
    * d" l- D; @# s  s+ |7 _$ C5 J12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
      H0 q% W3 j! C5 d. I# F5 hFlag 旗帜: I7 q( o3 J  y
    Martin M commented August 9) ]5 n1 O0 q- H- i
    + h2 q3 l; A5 Q: N6 g2 u. cMartin M 马丁·M: R) e! a; g  F0 ?
    ChicagoAug. 9  n7 {3 r  s5 v1 g; x
    芝加哥8 月 9 日, L; F7 t; [' j) Z3 A
    Really? You mean that an emphasis on STEM courses can actually result in brilliant, innovative engineers and scientists? That a country like ours that values sports and entertainment above all else, in which "nerds" are ridiculed and young women who show talent in science and engineering are bullied and driven out of STEM curriculums, that such a country might fall behind in areas critical to our future? Whoda thunk it?3 J/ e; v1 ]. g# g6 N+ {; I  N
    真的吗?您的意思是,重视 STEM 课程实际上可以培养出才华横溢、富有创新精神的工程师和科学家?像我们这样重视体育和娱乐高于一切的国家,“书呆子”受到嘲笑,在科学和工程方面表现出才华的年轻女性受到欺凌并被赶出 STEM 课程,这样的国家可能会在关键领域落后为了我们的未来? 谁知道?2 D0 m8 x) b  Y2 \
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    8 v. E8 l4 H& E$ Q3 B0 [0 dFlag 旗帜
    ! @' _5 _+ q. bRadek commented August 9
    ; D9 t  N/ }8 I% N2 j1 r" jR 右
    ' }2 P1 N9 O5 ORadek 拉德克
    6 j; |: I2 \9 kPortland, OregonAug. 93 E, u; S7 B8 _$ W) F
    俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日
    6 b8 g) |; }2 U- X7 L# I  N@Bob Great points here and to follow, I'd say an esp important and concerning advantage for China (since we'd need deep reforms in failing US structures to address it) is their advanced industrial policy, ironically a la Adam smith, to minimize wasteful rent seeking costs while focussing on production, innovation and added value. This I feel like, is another key element to appreciate Keith's excellent article, it helps to explain a lot of why China has such a huge cost and quality advantage now. Too often Western (and esp the US and UK) media just attaches that to cheap labor (even calling it forced), but that's just not the reality anymore. Chinese workers are well paid now with much lower living costs (it's why China now has the world's biggest economy by far in GDP PPP terms, that corrects for purchase power). Instead, China's cost advantage now comes from vertical integration, heavy automation and less expensive consumer options--ex. alternatives to even major computer OS (Harmony) and word-processing software that's open-source and doesn't require costly subscriptions. But above all China has lower fixed business costs with ex. universal healthcare, lower university tuition and housing costs. The USA is less competitive now due to our high costs for healthcare, college, homes and childcare (unnecessarily high, as they extract without value) worsening cost-of-living. Higher salaries don't mean higher purchase power, and these fixed costs hurt our competitiveness.( l' v4 I# l9 {: B9 |- V; v
    @Bob 这里和接下来的要点,我想说的是,对中国来说,一个特别重要且令人担忧的优势(因为我们需要对失败的美国结构进行深入改革来解决这个问题)是他们先进的产业政策,具有讽刺意味的是,亚当·斯密,以最大限度地减少浪费寻租成本,同时专注于生产、创新和附加值。 我觉得这是欣赏基思这篇优秀文章的另一个关键要素,它有助于解释为什么中国现在拥有如此巨大的成本和质量优势。西方(尤其是美国和英国)媒体常常将其与廉价劳动力联系起来(甚至称其为强迫),但这已不再是现实。中国工人现在的工资很高,生活成本也低得多(这就是为什么中国现在是迄今为止世界上最大的经济体,以GDP购买力平价计算,修正了购买力)。 相反,中国的成本优势现在来自垂直整合、高度自动化和更便宜的消费者选择——例如。甚至是主流计算机操作系统(Harmony)和文字处理软件的替代品,这些软件是开源的,不需要昂贵的订阅。 但最重要的是,中国的固定业务成本较低。全民医疗保健、降低大学学费和住房成本。美国现在的竞争力下降,因为我们的医疗保健、大学、家庭和儿童保育成本高昂(不必要地高,因为它们没有价值),导致生活成本恶化。更高的工资并不意味着更高的购买力,这些固定成本损害了我们的竞争力。# J+ @2 g" X0 p& q9 Y! x
    12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享
    4 k& K5 ?5 k, Y& V8 e! TFlag 旗帜8 `0 J3 v( Q4 M* r* U
    paul commented August 9" `& R& U0 h" K' N! M' t3 q* }& v! i8 P
    3 O$ Q4 ?6 T- rpaul 保罗/ u) c+ N* ?  k8 P: w
    californiaAug. 9
    , p5 n0 E+ b2 v7 h加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日# M8 o' J  E; q6 l7 h, B6 N2 m/ e+ d, F
    I am a 68 year male that completed my Ph.D. in chemistry 40 years ago. I own a company that manufactures scientific instruments and sell primarily to research institutions in the USA, mostly in the physical sciences. The professors we sell to work day and night to write research grants with a less than 10% chance of getting funded, they then have to give 50% of their grants to university administration, their pay is shockingly low.
    - \; T3 z0 a, f: \9 f4 G% G我是一名 68 岁男性,已完成博士学位。 40年前的化学。我拥有一家生产科学仪器的公司,主要销售给美国的研究机构,主要是物理科学领域的研究机构。我们卖给我们的教授夜以继日地写研究经费,获得资助的机会不到 10%,然后他们必须将 50% 的经费交给大学管理部门,他们的工资低得惊人。
    1 {; V9 X3 q. o4 [# ^. G: {12 Recommend 12 推荐Share 分享% j  P! O2 _# A/ S
    Flag 旗帜8 L. [- d$ P+ z  ~# l0 Q6 x, b* m
    CJL commented August 9
    # X" z" N' e8 H1 q" ?% |" tC2 }1 h) M3 c4 [
    CJL 西吉林
    ; U2 W# e( ~- r8 _" @Los AngelesAug. 9
    * p- w$ z% L2 y8 {) X洛杉矶8 月 9 日
    ; }5 i/ e; s/ X@Quimby Making things is very hard, and capital intensive. The US "masters of the universe" like to concentrate on rent seeking and money lending. It's so much easier.( K- \$ j: c; g5 ^* E& B" b# W! U
    @Quimby 做东西非常困难,而且资本密集。美国的“宇宙主宰”喜欢集中精力寻租和放债。这容易多了。
    $ Z0 i$ ?/ @/ S8 b$ ]11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    0 O0 g1 @) E. xFlag 旗帜
    7 h! u9 D) J) }2 \0 f( y# UIlse commented August 97 Y, k; [7 M  {( S6 e
    I 我2 R% z/ e# e6 P/ x
    Ilse 伊尔瑟
    / _! ~% o( Y: a3 [, c1 M( q% ~MinnesotaAug. 9
    9 ]7 B9 r) v" G0 o7 q) n4 l明尼苏达州8 月 9 日
    , X0 ]8 V' S  f! T@J T About 5-8 years ago, China did something to block kids from playing video games at all hours. I said then: China has won.# A8 {$ B+ e8 J; n
    @JT 大约五到八年前,中国采取了一些措施来阻止孩子们随时玩电子游戏。我当时就说:中国赢了。
    # {' G: l5 J' N  y" J11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享* h8 N) `8 J4 n4 Q% y8 D( W* t
    Flag 旗帜1 ]& D% O2 e, @8 V
    Franklin commented August 9
    2 }: M' X0 M. V  t, D8 UF9 M% y# e" H: V8 w9 I
    Franklin 富兰克林
      n# u( Z  E( J4 GIowaAug. 9: ]& |. z' s+ X: I7 N
    爱荷华州8 月 9 日' M: D8 L. c% r, V8 g" H0 x
    Not much here about the debt loads that Chinese college students take on. The answer is none. The basic innovation in China is state led—much like it was in the US in the 50s and 60s. Back when America was innovative our college students received much more support and left college without debt. Many students today are too burdened with debt to be able to be expected to really focus on study. And it’s difficult to dream or be innovative when you begin life after college in a hole. Most people don’t major in business because they like it. They think it will pay off their debt.s. Back when the US was innovative we had progressive income tax rates (as high as 91% on the richest, lots of public investment, and very low tuition for students.0 m) X; h1 I" f
    这里没有太多关于中国大学生所承担的债务负担的信息。答案是否定的。中国的基础创新是国家主导的——就像美国50年代和60年代的情况一样。 当美国处于创新时期时,我们的大学生得到了更多的支持,并且在没有债务的情况下离开大学。如今,许多学生背负着沉重的债务负担,无法真正专注于学习。当你大学毕业后开始生活时,就很难梦想或创新。大多数人不主修商科,因为他们喜欢它。他们认为这将还清他们的债务。 当美国处于创新时期时,我们实行累进所得税率(最富有的人税率高达 91%),有大量的公共投资,而且学生的学费非常低。
    2 s' S+ x: @. V; K2 X2 Replies 2 条回复11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    0 |, T/ |3 L$ nFlag 旗帜. R5 f2 U2 w7 N2 M+ z& H( @* w
    Munjoy fan commented August 9
    1 k0 q0 g1 [: v: M! M$ ?M2 M+ D( U. F3 Z* _$ o7 ]/ }0 j
    Munjoy fan 蒙乔伊粉丝# V5 ?: o; s! A: ]9 c, h
    MaineAug. 90 t# r  R/ m4 P# D/ z
    缅因州8 月 9 日$ R' a  N" k: N
    @Keith Bradsher and when are the political powers in this country going to allow us to buy Chinese electric cars, which are now all over the world? I am a comfortably retired middle class professional but the cost of an electric car in this country is out of reach. They need to be available in the $20-$30K range and they need to be designed to haul things. Teslas are useless town cars.) N  f& r% `4 w0 R# A; r
    @Keith Bradsher,这个国家的政治力量什么时候才能允许我们购买现在遍布世界各地的中国电动汽车?我是一名舒适退休的中产阶级专业人士,但电动汽车的成本在这个国家是遥不可及的。它们的售价需要在 20-30,000 美元之间,并且需要设计用于运输物品。特斯拉是无用的城市汽车。& {7 U; A' c$ @+ |
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    : \5 e% k7 E+ l$ xFlag 旗帜
    7 `: `; a7 e/ AJane commented August 9
    ( H2 M& F+ Y2 H- C( lJ6 Z& Z. D: Z4 a
    Jane 简
    1 @& u* H( |( }VAAug. 9
    3 h1 I; }. X* F2 f. O" O/ X弗吉尼亚州8 月 9 日
    , ]5 I+ W; {1 s. {! p+ m& uMeanwhile, back in the States, we’re debating whether or not teaching Algebra 1 to our brightest students in middle school is a racist practice. Or if failing kids for doing nothing is hurting their social emotional beings. We’re going to get clobbered by the Chinese. Spending more on education does little to nothing if we’re not going to demand excellence from our students. And that is the problem with our educational system, and our pipeline for our workforce. We absolutely need to be OK with failing kids for substandard work. Why were we able to respond to the Sputnik challenge, whereas today we do the opposite by dumbing down our public schools?5 p, j9 U1 `2 }( [4 _8 w
    与此同时,回到美国,我们正在争论向我们最聪明的中学学生教授代数 1 是否是一种种族主义做法。或者如果孩子因为无所事事而失败会伤害他们的社交情感。 我们将会被中国人打败。 如果我们不要求学生追求卓越,那么在教育上投入更多资金几乎没有任何作用。这就是我们的教育体系和劳动力管道的问题。我们绝对需要容忍那些工作不合格的孩子。 为什么我们能够应对人造卫星的挑战,而今天我们却反其道而行之,降低公立学校的水平?
    $ C0 N6 X. j  m11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    9 d& p0 P- H5 C' o( u: `Flag 旗帜# N# z+ f3 w6 u3 U
    Radek commented August 9& G" P! p& l" ?' p( d, i$ U3 e. i$ g
    R 右8 z9 R: c; P% X, Y6 C( c2 a
    Radek 拉德克
    0 n) b9 m6 ]0 u% [$ f) ?/ nPortland, OregonAug. 9* K/ K5 r8 ]* S9 F# i' h2 J+ B
    俄勒冈州波特兰8 月 9 日: m1 v# Q& }' w  N7 d
    @Martin M See my elaboration above on this, I just didn't have space in the original comment so I followed up with another. It wasn't a formal delegation, there were no handlers or chaperones and we could go places and say things without restrictions--"delegation" was used in broad sense here, as a private group doing consultancy and exchanging ideas, so we could observe the changes over years on several trips. I think sometimes too much is made of the idea that guests are shown supervised, carefully managed views of China when this is absolutely not the case, at least not anymore. There's such massive movement in and out of China it wouldn't be doable anyway, but in general people are allowed to see the good bad and ugly, including in the less developed small towns which are still sometimes behind, but being advanced very quickly. China's system of government again, is evolving and hard to describe, it's really unique among the systems of the world. It obviously does have some authoritarian elements but also some surprisingly democratic and open elements, including village and district level elections. Chinese people regularly criticize and make suggestions on Weibo and other platforms (or open protests like we saw with Covid), and even annoyances like the internet firewall can be fairly easily bypassed with a VPN. It's useful to remember China is governed by engineers and researchers, who are interested in the open feedback to improve.
    $ d: t. ]* F+ v7 k@马丁M 请参阅上面我对此的阐述,我只是在原始评论中没有空间,所以我跟进了另一个。这不是一个正式的代表团,没有牵线人或陪同人员,我们可以不受限制地去哪里说话——这里的“代表团”是广义的,作为一个私人团体进行咨询和交流,所以我们可以观察多年来几次旅行的变化。 我认为,有时候,人们对中国的看法是受到监督和精心管理的,而事实绝对不是这样,至少现在不是这样。中国进出如此大规模的运动,无论如何都是不可能的,但总的来说,人们被允许看到好的、坏的和丑陋的,包括在欠发达的小城镇,它们有时仍然落后,但进步很快。 中国的政府体系又在不断发展,难以描述,在世界体系中确实是独一无二的。它显然确实有一些专制成分,但也有一些令人惊讶的民主和开放成分,包括村级和区级选举。中国人经常在微博和其他平台上提出批评和建议(或者像我们在新冠疫情中看到的公开抗议),甚至像互联网防火墙这样的烦恼也可以通过 VPN 轻松绕过。 记住中国是由工程师和研究人员统治的,他们对公开反馈和改进感兴趣,这一点很有用。$ _  g% q& Q# F3 F/ J8 }! o
    11 Recommend 11 推荐Share 分享
    ' m: `8 Q/ s! b) CFlag 旗帜
    9 L+ B; k5 b; D% ^- i2 L  d! `9 }1 ~oH commented August 9
    9 G  t7 p. A3 ]+ q; D3 A/ a% b. ZO
    $ `; y2 }! t+ [+ [oH 哦/ `& F$ }4 z8 g3 f' U
    OHAug. 9$ Y* s3 z% w3 P; q# w# K
    哦, 8 月 9 日- w; \  r  c1 u( L& ]
    We’re busy lamenting the disappearance of cursive writing and taking kids out of school for religion instead.
    * s. N* |" X8 w7 p# \我们正忙着哀叹草书的消失,并让孩子们因为宗教而辍学。
    + ^* N4 W6 w- w3 s+ u10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    0 I& A0 J- D* I7 [Flag 旗帜( K. V! ?9 u  _6 B
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    2024-10-11 12:15
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:13:03 | 只看该作者
    ACDC 亚洲疾病预防控制中心% w; b* \5 R% N7 B* S- U5 \
    Palo AltoAug. 94 o0 D" y( R0 W! m8 x
    帕洛阿尔托8 月 9 日
    % D& o8 f0 z5 ^' M: _; [6 X@Tomato Or the constant dumbing down of K to 12 standards and massive grade inflation in high school to college. Make SAT mandatory again should be a starting point.6 h5 T8 {. W4 [! j9 W
    @Tomato 或者是不断地将 K 降低到 12 年级的标准,以及高中到大学的成绩大幅膨胀。再次强制要求 SAT 考试应该是一个起点。
    # u- K+ s7 p  m10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    3 C8 C3 v. B* [+ q, {' {- EFlag 旗帜
    & J2 ~/ L. H2 W8 o1 z1 Xme commented August 97 h2 h4 f6 U/ U/ e/ J
    " i) O! D/ {- Eme 我
    ; H& u0 u* W% J" \# c/ O7 GsomewhereAug. 9
    # J) V. h1 o6 [! {1 K9 p8 月 9 日某处
    . c* x& w: N$ o  _; ~& p' ^@Radek Very well said. @Radek 说得很好。( ?- J5 G# y' e, S' {
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    0 A% \4 K9 ^6 U; NFlag 旗帜
    5 [# E: M4 k: G  {0 A- VSeyi commented August 93 Z/ R/ R! A. m
    5 }0 s0 W0 @) j2 }  c  [Seyi 塞伊+ J$ J* t2 D2 v
    NYAug. 9
    & @4 H3 ?4 ~" X9 c纽约8 月 9 日
      P1 \0 [1 H6 [. N@DC - I disagree with your broad, non-fact based claim that American teachers are only focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. That’s some political talking point that’s just not rooted in any fact. I am a teacher of chemistry and while I value the importance of DEI in my approach to teaching every one of my students, teaching chemistry is always a top priority as that’s my passion. So please, before you just spew out a bunch of falsehoods, please recognize the hard work that teachers like myself invest in our students every single day. We, like many others are simply a component in a system( society) that’s designed to cater to a select few. Your simplistic evaluation sir, is insulting to educators across this country.
    ; ~) R- i! d* [3 B@DC - 我不同意你广泛的、非事实依据的说法,即美国教师只关注多样性、公平性和包容性。这是一些没有任何事实依据的政治话题。我是一名化学老师,虽然我重视 DEI 在我教学每一位学生的方法中的重要性,但化学教学始终是重中之重,因为这是我的热情。所以,在你吐出一堆谎言之前,请认识到像我这样的老师每天为我们的学生付出的辛勤工作。和许多其他人一样,我们只是一个旨在迎合少数人的系统(社会)的组成部分。先生,您的简单化评价是对全国教育工作者的侮辱。9 J8 R( F: p3 Y, X4 _$ G( m
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享" o9 L& B2 S; H7 p
    Flag 旗帜. \% |' P- x  G. B& u
    Tom commented August 9- ^2 ]6 P$ ^4 t6 H
    T: V1 Q; q7 m5 U- \' X+ ]
    Tom 汤姆
    + V) [  N5 k8 {: W9 k8 oTucson, AZAug. 94 C$ q# P# s* [: J3 b; I0 D" G
    亚利桑那州图森8 月 9 日
    % N9 m' V7 E3 }0 ]" w. i6 dThe inequity in STEM between US and Chinese has a complex web of underlying causes, many mentioned in the comments here. Here is another. Admission and advancement in education in China is based mostly on standardized tests that make sure only students with the highest aptitudes and abilities are admitted. None of the nonsense that goes on in US higher education.
      R% Y  p4 n/ G. z6 ]3 [美国和中国之间在 STEM 领域的不平等有着复杂的潜在原因,许多评论都在此处提到。这是另一个。中国教育的入学和升学主要基于标准化考试,以确保只有具有最高资质和能力的学生才能被录取。没有任何美国高等教育中发生的废话。
    " I0 N0 S! ]* x, I6 b$ P" n10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享
    ; \: X  F, i8 h7 }Flag 旗帜; z! S* `( j* p: q1 E) p7 N
    Alex commented August 9
    / H* P+ g0 u8 D6 K8 _& {* QA, h' D: V# n2 O) C* u
    Alex 亚历克斯
      z  \; X; V7 G* F& v' TIndianaAug. 9
    * \' ~3 K  W( y9 a2 n印第安纳州8 月 9 日
    6 A) K) [' c* s( U+ `6 ~! a% pThis is an extraordinarily serious issue. China is increasing the rigor of their education system, while the United States is dumbing-down our system. Looking ahead, we are loosing our ability to compete on the global stage. We cannot do anything about China in this regard, indeed we should applaud their efforts. But we need to change course on our own shores. Both K-12 and college-level education are removing requirements, especially for STEM courses, which are often, by their nature, challenging and sometimes difficult. Much (but not all) of these changes are being driven by progressive ideology, which seems to believe, falsely, that the way to achieve equity is through lowest common denominator teaching. Today, many college graduates are proficient in recognizing microaggressions and know how to chose "correct" pronouns, but they are not trained in college (and often high school) level math and science. This strongly limits their ability to make wise, well-informed decisions regarding personal and public policy in their jobs, their lives, and in voting booths. The pandemic made things worse; the decline in nationwide test scores and educational achievement is all too well documented. Much of this is a result of poor decision making by powerful, progressive teachers' unions. We badly need to change our philosophy towards education, and move back to an emphasis on merit, achievement, and rigor.# @3 S: t. W, \! K5 ^1 c6 [
    10 Recommend 10 推荐Share 分享" `; f1 g$ j$ S) }/ B( {8 X- ~
    Flag 旗帜
    ) q2 P) x* r- g/ e4 T+ oGabe commented August 94 m& t; [' k1 D2 ~
    5 ^6 F9 B4 S2 K+ RGabe 加布+ s2 z1 F7 h: V- d
    MinnesotaAug. 9% B6 T' [/ D* n2 N# S
    明尼苏达州8 月 9 日4 }4 e& o8 s( f0 ^; E' \" v2 n: G
    The problem for China is that EVs will be short lived. Near-term, Hybrids are in and more environmentally friendly - EVs and their multiple battery packs are not. Disposing of the spent, old batteries will become an environmental nightmare. Long-term, some new, more environmentally friendly technology or transport system will come along and replace EVs completely. China is barking up the wrong tree with EV investments and subsidies.
    , I( d1 J8 Y! |. J& Z# R" r中国面临的问题是电动汽车的寿命很短。从短期来看,混合动力汽车已经流行并且更加环保,而电动汽车及其多个电池组则不然。处理废旧电池将成为环境噩梦。从长远来看,一些新的、更环保的技术或交通系统将会出现并完全取代电动汽车。中国在电动汽车投资和补贴方面搞错了方向。
    , B: E7 A# H% L: R/ _# `7 Q3 Replies 3 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享; y, k( G+ M' ]  L" @$ W3 R" M
    Flag 旗帜
    9 d, S* Y! \& s& r* i% BShaun Narine commented August 9& l7 S* y( T: d- K5 ]
      V* I0 k/ Y+ H! CShaun Narine 肖恩·纳林5 F- y# ]4 k/ M; Y
    Fredericton, CanadaAug. 99 w! A0 v, u, {: w: s6 z
    加拿大弗雷德里克顿8 月 9 日
    7 a& I4 J3 e% a@Leon To deal with Western problems, Western states need to raise taxes and require much more of the wealthy. Good luck with that, esp in places like the US, where the level of selfishness and rejection of the notion of a social good is pathological. The response to covid proved that. Moreover, the US has spent decades hollowing out its govt, making it incredibly ineffective and incompetent. Throw in blatant political and judicial corruption and it's hard to see any of this turning around soon.# n3 V. T, M. p1 [! w
    9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    + U& D1 }! ~% o. N! G+ JFlag 旗帜
    8 O0 q7 f# {% A' rDaniel Lake commented August 90 m9 @( k4 h$ l* \6 j- k, ?
    D4 Y4 k* V' Y- E
    Daniel Lake 丹尼尔·莱克
    ' C- B: W& o4 ?; z6 w3 `$ b% D* k$ R+ kMirror Lake, NHAug. 9" g% ~* X, V9 @( z2 E" X
    新罕布什尔州镜湖8 月 9 日2 A6 ^, b2 a/ i' Z" B( @8 y; u% q
    Simplest way to give it all to China is to elect Republicans who hate science.
    5 V+ F  [3 o/ ]- y把一切都交给中国的最简单方法就是选举讨厌科学的共和党人。
    2 T, y* u4 r) k; ^3 r9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    , G  X. Y" }* q! N( b0 A7 _Flag 旗帜! `( E* B/ G- r5 ?* N& [
    Stephen commented August 9) B% `  m- f+ m
    S% e: `7 U* V. E0 Y; T7 u
    Stephen 斯蒂芬
    2 p- I7 ~& g  N8 |% O  lUSAAug. 9: e! {' c5 z2 @
    美国8 月 9 日) @0 {" A. u) n( }* l8 p$ W
    @stamp Yeah, I don’t entirely disagree. The complacency that has occurred here over decades will hopefully reach a breaking point. Besides, might be kind of nice to be the ones who end up stealing technology from China for a change!# D" n! h) U& c( n$ Z. P
    9 Z# e. w6 M- a3 u5 D9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享* q8 j6 f: c3 [
    Flag 旗帜
    4 [+ x5 }% m5 W0 t0 kMC commented August 95 [, S' Q; Q4 v% K2 ]& ?: G
    8 ?6 m/ t' N) r7 T8 ~$ `+ @7 rMC+ F; g/ S- J; e
    ClevelandAug. 9* J1 i( {5 K7 S
    克利夫兰8 月 9 日
    ) ^4 M: ^1 \9 pImagine that. Prioritizing real education over things like putting the 10 commandments in every school.
    & l8 |7 T. M) i3 N想象一下。优先考虑真正的教育,而不是将十诫放在每所学校之类的事情上。
    9 ]0 ^: u% J9 I% S- s2 ^1 Reply 1 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享$ g) d0 e' V& r! C# J
    Flag 旗帜/ B2 \; U) M: F) L
    Joe Trump commented August 9+ E, w" Z0 l. h8 G3 s6 T
    J  P: {3 {2 H( b) p
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普% N9 A, T; |* f* F$ I4 Y3 n
    Earth/MarsAug. 9$ [2 R$ G9 t9 O) t, B' ]1 }
    地球/火星8 月 9 日: d. [4 ~# O! Z& o
    @Mike Zhang Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free healthcare and affordable housing.. C# ^1 R) X  U$ Y( i% |" l- V3 [/ L
    @Mike 张 在美国,教育、医疗、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房。
    3 e9 N" {) l# ]1 ^( W7 c5 O! Y: C3 f5 b9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    1 f# }# Q' u/ d: M! D/ u+ ~$ X% oFlag 旗帜
    ; X- G+ V  P2 kme commented August 9
    % ?- J" C3 P; X' l7 {$ A' m: cM
    ; y* n2 w" l# a% qme 我# T. y( v" d- Y  `' ]# }
    somewhereAug. 9
    . B* a7 h) k- C) @8 j8 h8 月 9 日某处& Y' a" W! q# q8 T
    @Ann Exactly. A couple of gotcha questions goes like this, "What country has the most English speakers?" And, "What country has the most billionaires?" The answer to both, China.% }( {- a' ]& w7 d" y* n+ x2 i5 h
    @安 没错。有几个问题是这样的:“哪个国家说英语的人最多?”还有,“哪个国家的亿万富翁最多?”两者的答案都是中国。
    / U0 U7 g& `- W; e! T6 }6 Y/ f9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    $ l3 v' _" \7 P3 Y; j& LFlag 旗帜0 P7 \% s+ l; M
    David M commented August 9
    3 b4 \6 I% F! w0 e( GD) A2 U+ X' S( t/ a, x: F
    David M 大卫·M
    1 H) {) k! X4 ?0 y# T- h- @; \! ABrowardAug. 9
    7 r8 ]! ~" E1 }1 g9 ?  K9 ?. v0 X布劳沃德8 月 9 日7 X7 W" U; z5 F8 c% ^' d# d
    The USA: water down our science curricula so people won’t fail. Equity over excellence!!0 B( i6 g4 _) P* X: n7 }/ R# \
    美国:淡化我们的科学课程,这样人们就不会失败。公平重于卓越!!, _) x' I8 ~8 @
    1 Reply 1 条回复9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    3 D9 H  o& W$ b- ?' MFlag 旗帜+ `0 p! q! W/ I  X
    Christopher commented August 9- y2 J+ ?9 M& Q
    % i( Q, m" b. w+ FChristopher 克里斯托弗& Q0 f- Y+ ~- L4 b; o
    ColoradoAug. 9* c: C+ C% {) \
    科罗拉多州8 月 9 日8 ~/ _3 @$ {+ d
    @ACDC exactly! I'm shocked at the GPAs of some of my Masters program cohorts. Some instructors even say, "just do the work and you'll get an A."
    ' n' W4 i2 F% k" v, `@ACDC 完全正确!我对一些硕士项目同学的 GPA 感到震惊。有些导师甚至说:“只要做完作业,你就会得到 A。”
    / F# I! i. t# g0 O- y$ U7 {# b9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享+ ]/ H5 K# R  G. P( K; u  H
    Flag 旗帜* X* l4 _9 O3 r) O) ?) h
    a concerned citizen commented August 90 H7 V. P+ d6 G4 d# Q$ g
    4 D( C& t) H* p0 P" ^& I4 z6 W- Ga concerned citizen 一位关心此事的公民9 Z. S" L$ \' [" I' J& Q
    planet earthAug. 9
    1 M, f% e; _4 u地球8 月 9 日2 ]3 Z; b6 H. G! q* D  \' ?
    Instead, we starve public education to fund charter schools and force the 10 commandments into the curriculum.. r4 \  x+ g% T* `
    ) N; i- v2 o3 A; A" M, p4 p9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享( g5 F7 S; z$ ~/ D
    Flag 旗帜; N* S9 {( K/ g% z
    RK commented August 93 h1 A# I3 J6 _
    R 右
    2 Z! j% M% Y1 C! Z5 l) k/ _! V( lRK
    ( m' \) c8 r3 o* N% SChicagoAug. 9) I; d3 I2 F. J2 L+ _2 `
    芝加哥8 月 9 日' a8 U& \$ F! b2 w
    Meanwhile we lower our education standards and rigor in the naming of letting more students graduate. It is sad to see how few of the graduate level students in the country are US citizens these days.; N- Y; a$ D/ ^) |* C/ X
    , M4 N# P  b0 o* Q, I. c$ A+ B9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    5 I) L% a6 i! m! {Flag 旗帜% W% e, y% [1 V! D  x
    Jane commented August 9+ O4 Z2 v% ]- [' I: }
    J8 ~/ Z+ Q4 ^2 y$ G
    Jane 简0 M2 X0 o% j% T* q1 W, @
    OregonAug. 9
    5 s$ W5 G  \* e: s/ p/ C# l俄勒冈州8 月 9 日
    % m, y2 \8 A# A- d0 ?; D@B. In the old days the school would just fail the kids that didn’t do the work8 g" j- c9 j' H" R6 B0 T9 P1 M
    + X2 x  {4 Q% u0 t4 B' P6 p% N9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    ! D9 ~  R: v# S& C2 K; m0 `Flag 旗帜
    - e8 G( R2 L  ]2 @5 XPigsy commented August 9
    9 u+ A$ D8 F& \8 ^P1 z! X) ?6 s5 I) N7 {4 U
    Pigsy 小猪佩奇
    + y0 H2 G2 `: y/ l" S  `The EateryAug. 9
    # m2 P6 P% \$ {3 h  b0 ]4 T, x- p6 m餐馆8 月 9 日9 S2 [( }% H& r, B3 `
    The West continues to underestimate China due to a mix of hubris and frank racism. The Australian swim coach expressed outrage over Chinese swimmer Pan's stunning win in the 100M Freestyle, exclaiming, "you don’t win 100 freestyle by a body length on that field!". Listen to him carefully. He did not say that Pan's speed was not humanly possible. What he found inconceivable was that Pan could beat elite Western swimmers by an entire body length without cheating. I doubt that he would've had the same reaction if one of his favored swimmers had won in a similar fashion. I have no idea whether Pan doped or not, but that is not the point. The point is that if you cannot even imagine that a member of another group could possibly best you, you have already lost.. H& d' N  A, I8 A- }% }: a
    由于傲慢和坦率的种族主义,西方继续低估中国。 澳大利亚游泳教练对中国游泳运动员潘在100M自由泳中的惊人胜利表示愤怒,并感叹道:“你在那个场上不是以一个身体长度赢得100米自由泳的!”。 仔细听他说。他并没有说潘的速度不是人类所能达到的。他觉得不可思议的是,潘能在没有作弊的情况下击败西方优秀游泳运动员一整个身体长度。我怀疑如果他最喜欢的一位游泳运动员以类似的方式获胜,他是否会有同样的反应。我不知道潘是否掺杂了,但这不是重点。关键是,如果你甚至无法想象另一个群体的成员可能会超越你,那么你就已经输了。
    % i" n4 P  `' b. ]7 S7 g8 g9 Recommend 9 推荐Share 分享
    1 S9 Y& O$ g* K" e; }! n& yFlag 旗帜
    & l, G3 r9 k6 I% Q9 b' U# b' Z7 E) PPaul commented August 9) ~5 ~. F" N$ Z. ~2 v6 W

    0 m# R' S* E# ]% i4 j! e9 e9 G. sPaul 保罗# w$ y$ P" T! P7 [# m2 _+ e- K2 J* j
    NHAug. 9
    " R. @9 g# O4 Y! @新罕布什尔州8 月 9 日
    0 q+ f0 \# s% k+ Q$ T/ o3 fChina put huge efforts into reality - STEM education, and it's paying off big time. America has the anti science Republican party led by climate denying Trump. The American leader in STEM promotion is inventor Dean Kaman, right here in NH. His FIRST organization(for inspiration and recognition in science and technology) is a robotics competition teaming high school students with engineers. Over 30 years old, it now involves students all around the world. Kamen correctly points out we have the wrong heros. Inventors and engineers discovered the Covid vaccine, not Tom Brady.
    : o  Q2 e" a& d' j% A2 r; O中国将巨大努力变为现实——STEM 教育,并且得到了巨大的回报。 美国有以气候问题为首的反科学共和党,否认特朗普。 美国 STEM 推广的领导者是发明家 Dean Kaman,他就在新罕布什尔州。他的第一个组织(为了科学技术方面的灵感和认可)是机器人竞赛 将高中生与工程师组队。它已有 30 多年的历史,现在吸引了世界各地的学生。 卡门正确地指出我们选错了英雄。发明家和工程师 发现了新冠疫苗的人,不是汤姆·布雷迪。
    & z) ^! y# j. H; [' g8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
    3 m3 t! S% v9 _8 v  p5 L/ P8 Q8 QFlag 旗帜7 C+ l1 N, l8 x5 T/ E. e
    Chas commented August 9$ \# z, C: Y: x8 T8 V! `8 w
    C% V: W& K  ?: c% x2 `* X$ P
    Chas 查斯
    + R! i- g. S' T+ ^NorCalAug. 9
      G( x9 u* f! E北加州8 月 9 日' Q  ]" {- {, ^5 y4 n
    @AGuy. No doubt about it." R/ A+ [8 {! x" `/ K7 U6 k
    + N! o6 ~5 w) I7 D2 p8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享0 q3 {: [, h, p( L$ ^6 d
    Flag 旗帜  w$ y3 m3 h  n/ C, b9 R( y
    MSK commented August 9, ]- S  @; y0 q8 C- A; A2 F- I- t/ {
    M" q; R* R% V! y+ {! c) j
    ( |: _4 s& i/ K, E: Z4 W* j4 lUSAAug. 9" \  H! t3 b$ O# D/ P+ ~* v
    美国8 月 9 日; W6 s7 a' G- U2 l9 y% ^! Y
    @Ethan Allen Instead, congress is spending 500 millions dollars in anti Chinese propaganda rather than investing in American education to compete with China. Congress has decided the only way to beat China is to manufacture consent from its citizens to start a war with China.. [$ s* ^2 j5 t$ K. T: v7 F/ H# u! B
    @伊森·艾伦 相反,国会花费了 5 亿美元用于反华宣传,而不是投资于美国教育来与中国竞争。国会决定击败中国的唯一方法是获得其公民的同意与中国发动战争。1 P, R/ J1 C4 y" V2 X' T! w5 r
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享" Z* `4 Z. x: ^  D3 a+ B
    Flag 旗帜
    ! b4 N! `) Z' Y7 x3 s" XA commented August 9
    ( ]  o- `! P( G. a6 p" A9 WA
    * C; ]3 e0 {+ P, P6 cA
    8 i5 c7 r3 h# M! n$ [+ I$ GBangkokAug. 94 @. `$ Y( t, {$ N7 A9 t; X
    曼谷8 月 9 日
    0 O5 W4 T1 X/ i8 P. `( u5 w(Obviously) I live in Thailand. I have been amazed at how fast solar-panel technology has spread across the country. This is clearly due to advances which Chinese companies have made in solar energy generation. We are witnessing a rapid transformation of solar- and battery-powered energy that will change everything. Fasten your seatbelts.; e4 I, O6 X( I. c
    (显然)我住在泰国。 我对太阳能电池板技术在全国传播的速度感到惊讶。 这显然要归功于中国企业在太阳能发电方面取得的进步。 我们正在见证太阳能和电池供电能源的快速转变,这将改变一切。 系好安全带。
    % [% C) z, V* }8 b  y8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
    6 ?  G' P7 @" ?7 C( s  }/ JFlag 旗帜
    ! a8 x: {3 l# N% t6 t, KKevin Blankinship commented August 9
    7 M  J& a7 l* L4 l   d! W( e+ U+ b4 v% |
    Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普' a3 x( \0 s. K" Z  K
    Norman, OKAug. 95 d$ N2 Q% a# ]: L/ Y3 I. g6 O+ V* _
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
    * C, R5 a- \, v6 n, o, J" g@EastCoastResident : Most Americans who grew up here when in engineering school disdain PhDs./ o$ R' R) V+ J8 U; Y$ V5 W
    @EastCoastResident:大多数在工程学校长大的美国人都鄙视博士学位。- Z- l" E, A, `1 N/ P% c7 ]
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
    " R% D# G5 A, l% l$ h  wFlag 旗帜
    ! K2 ^# J! I+ R9 e% ]me commented August 9' S) M+ L& O. V, L; j
    M. T/ {) G% i0 v. @
    me 我6 ~* E. X: B- w  w4 z" U: z
    somewhereAug. 9
    0 A8 l1 C4 l. O" ~% [! X! n: g8 月 9 日某处+ K5 v* h4 |; Q+ f0 B
    @Keith Bradsher Impressive. Reminds me of tech school in the Air Force. They shoved electronic theory down our throats from 6 AM to 12, Monday through Friday. Every day after lunch, I would be hitting those books another solid five hours before a quick sleep and back to class." t; [( r/ m4 V2 ?
    @基思·布拉德舍令人印象深刻。让我想起了空军的技术学校。他们从周一到周五早上 6 点到 12 点向我们灌输电子理论。每天午饭后,我都会再读五个小时的书,然后快速睡觉并回到课堂。
    5 S. e! z4 A8 n8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享0 `* V3 R3 z- S7 I6 _' h3 t
    Flag 旗帜
    ) W1 m0 A0 w* M* j' Q. ^Ellen commented August 9# `% g/ `& U# f: Z/ s, _
    % S9 i( K, F) v# _+ {- LEllen 艾伦9 U; ~; H% v; {
    NYCAug. 9$ @0 P* J4 U$ n+ F# h5 _+ i
    纽约市8 月 9 日, F3 B$ b$ c! `7 N; F7 G  E5 ]* N. p
    @Melvin - Exactly - Those H1-B visas just push down the value of an STEM degree for US students. They profit the tech companies who can pay lower wages. So US students go into finance.0 P0 A7 U! M; R4 L
    @Melvin - 确实如此 - 这些 H1-B 签证只会降低美国学生 STEM 学位的价值。他们让那些可以支付较低工资的科技公司获利。所以美国学生进入金融领域。
    ; l/ l5 Q# j" d* a8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享, d2 I3 Y+ h6 r
    Flag 旗帜
    7 R0 ?! m; i& |/ o) CFXQ commented August 9
    ; X) m- M4 Y8 G9 q" ?- Z% dF
    & J: f, Y5 z  w: R7 J0 {' mFXQ# H$ w& |4 N; m6 ^
    CincinnatiAug. 9
    , a( y. d. K6 }7 m辛辛那提8 月 9 日
    , h  h  B+ I6 L( |" B5 ^+ x+ h" G% gThink of all the trillions of dollars we've wasted on all our endless wars and over one thousand military bases. China took all that money and invested it in their economy, education, and infrastructure. This is what a decline of an empire looks like. We've failed to understand that our strength comes from our economic power not our military. So, as we continue to waste trillions of dollars on useless weapon systems, endless wars that are fought never to win but to allow the defense contractors to pull up to our Treasury and loot and walk out with bundles of cash in their arms, just remember, China hasn't fought a war in decades, hasn't invaded one country and has used its capital to invest in its economy, which is where the real power lies. As the former Soviet Union collapsed under a mountain of debt and propping up other country's economies, so too will go the way of the U.S. This is what happens when the military-industrial-political complex captures a government. There's a reason it places its plants in key congressional districts and uses the money we give it to legally bribe our Representatives. We will hang on for a while but morph into what the British are now, a has-been empire that lives vicariously through its cousins across the pond, but without real power or influence in this new world order of the Global South and BRICS+ economic alliance. The U.S. and the West are fading stars.- x4 ?2 L# k) z3 \7 o& ~! f* u
    想想我们在无休止的战争和一千多个军事基地上浪费的所有数万亿美元。中国拿走了所有这些钱,并将其投资于经济、教育和基础设施。这就是帝国衰落的样子。我们不明白我们的力量来自我们的经济实力而不是我们的军事力量。因此,当我们继续在无用的武器系统上浪费数万亿美元,进行无休止的战争时,这些战争从来不是为了胜利,而是为了让国防承包商来到我们的财政部进行抢劫,然后怀着大把的现金走出去,请记住中国几十年没有打过一场战争,没有侵略过一个国家,把资本投资到了经济上,这才是真正的实力所在。随着前苏联在巨额债务和支撑其他国家经济的压力下崩溃,美国也将走上美国的道路。这就是军事工业政治复合体夺取政府时所发生的情况。它把工厂设在关键的国会选区,并用我们提供给它的钱合法地贿赂我们的代表,这是有原因的。我们会坚持一段时间,但会变成英国现在的样子,一个过时的帝国,通过大洋彼岸的表亲代替生活,但在全球南方和金砖国家+经济联盟的新世界秩序中没有真正的权力或影响力。美国和西方正在逐渐黯淡。- J/ F$ `" }* R: D
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享/ Y5 E& h( e& g* T
    Flag 旗帜6 m$ k) p" v0 v) i
    Jane commented August 9  o( H7 C0 L6 k  c" V, z4 e' R0 x
    ( n# O8 j  {. c( ]( WJane 简. B, w  k( ?" D8 v, s6 N- U
    OregonAug. 9
    8 [0 X' Z  Y; ~9 P' i# T! k+ O& E俄勒冈州8 月 9 日
    / _2 c1 f6 {0 F@M the focus on equity, no child left behind, feelings, self esteem, etc.
    5 c  T$ N4 m, Z+ I( S: C@M 关注公平、不让一个孩子掉队、感情、自尊等。
      w4 z) Q# C6 O3 l2 N, `; x* f/ c8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享2 Y4 p' ^* m# C  c/ V
    Flag 旗帜
    4 H" P2 {9 N/ K' Z; @" XJoe Trump commented August 9; a$ o$ v+ l' J- {6 {6 P6 J
    ( c; V3 R' B% ~% l. f' RJoe Trump 乔·特朗普
    0 _2 {9 w$ I2 t+ l' ~3 ]& a; HEarth/MarsAug. 9
    7 `# @/ I1 U# g/ _2 J地球/火星8 月 9 日
    * M. P9 P# o* w5 r@paul Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.* n! |" |3 d4 k2 h; R$ n* o# O
    @paul 例如,美国的教育、医疗保健、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。, G7 _: X3 k# E6 P' s
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享3 O$ {3 \6 G* L+ i9 E# n' }
    Flag 旗帜
    # f* V( a- \4 r  MA Thinking Liberal (not a Left Winger) commented August 95 c- p7 g, B6 z- @4 v) [  t
    A/ _- O$ b# I( L; E- i# X
    A Thinking Liberal (not a Left Winger)7 a) q3 a- ]- y3 G( G
    % m7 X& H/ `$ r5 W( }CAAug. 9) y. h8 I% w$ M( J* M
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    , ^5 |/ ?2 o& S+ }+ Z/ S% f3 bWhile China and India focus on achievement and excellence, we are obsessed with social justice, white privilege, and collegiate sports. It starts with culture. Look at how we treat and pay teachers in America. Culture matters.
    2 s- K7 F( c& ?中国和印度注重成就和卓越,而我们则痴迷于社会正义、白人特权和大学体育。 这要从文化开始。看看我们如何对待美国教师和支付教师工资。文化很重要。, J* ^6 I; b+ C2 M5 t' g8 _6 s
    8 Recommend 8 推荐Share 分享
    1 i$ F* H: }5 F/ [' f7 NFlag 旗帜
    4 z% A$ s5 x& a4 L! Y, u; w1 |3 `Steven McCain commented August 9/ M0 P0 x9 c3 g( i7 N# x
    S: G; U  o( D! }/ S( d
    Steven McCain 史蒂文·麦凯恩- K6 `+ j9 Z9 S; v9 v
    New YorkAug. 9
    , r7 d/ v7 h/ L& N纽约8 月 9 日
    % V  q8 v) H9 [8 @0 w! G2 ]8 fWe embrace building more destructive ordinance while they build iPhone. A truly impartial observer would tell you who is going to win. Spending many times the GDP of many countries on our military is sure paying dividends. Problem is dividends for China. There is a reason why we have 12 or more aircraft carriers than them and we all have iPhone. The handwriting is on the wall we just refuse to read it.
    : k) M8 s+ S  {. K1 C7 ^当他们制造 iPhone 时,我们拥抱制造更具破坏性的法令。一个真正公正的观察者会告诉你谁会赢。在我们的军费上花费许多国家GDP的许多倍肯定会带来回报。问题是中国的红利。我们比他们拥有12艘甚至更多的航空母舰,而且我们都有iPhone,这是有原因的。墙上的字迹我们只是拒绝阅读。+ \3 M2 ~; Z' l- T0 v! {
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享6 o& A# X$ r' h/ B3 ?! b
    Flag 旗帜
    . `. C* o0 ?8 ~RCS commented August 9
    / F# k" D# K' K7 W- gR 右$ K, L2 L; R$ U9 U3 i
    RCS( U; F8 D6 t, y( v% F
    Princeton JunctionAug. 95 u# p: u5 ~2 k1 j+ y
    普林斯顿交界处8 月 9 日
    * W: }+ E0 Y; xAs a global professional, I have visited different locations in China and have interfaced with Chinese colleagues. From my vantage point, Xi is concurrently pursuing a very dichotomous path for China: Emphasis on Scientific Education and extensive instances of human rights abuses, speciality for the Uyghurs. Furthermore, his close ties with “War Criminal” Putin is highly alarming for World Peace. Nothing else to say.# b- ^8 S. y6 d/ E/ u6 p' e3 W
    作为一名全球专业人士,我访问过中国的不同地点并与中国同事进行过交流。 从我的角度来看,习近平同时为中国奉行一条非常二分的道路:强调科学教育和广泛的侵犯人权事件,特别是针对维吾尔人。此外,他与“战犯”普京的密切关系对世界和平来说非常令人震惊。 没什么可说的。
    - }1 U  L* ~0 U- T- I; J3 Replies 3 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享5 j" r! y0 Z2 \+ ?# ?* E
    Flag 旗帜
    ( |" v7 M- W+ g8 h4 E9 QHalf Sour commented August 9
    . E( {4 B$ X8 m5 B* AH
    2 n/ ~8 W& q4 O2 t1 L' `, \; ]Half Sour 半酸" \, t' D9 R+ G7 v4 g) i" u
    JerseyAug. 9
    & H' k- Y8 E6 Z. p; m! v4 [泽西岛8 月 9 日# P6 N9 x) w3 h) J5 h
    Also, wide spread, government-abetted industrial theft. That helped, too.- @' A! d5 Z2 n" i+ i/ g* I& x9 }' o% Z
    此外,政府怂恿的工业盗窃现象广泛存在。这也有帮助。! T. e) J  D, K" w0 [$ ~
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享& B+ W/ H+ W7 y5 l- }1 h7 C
    Flag 旗帜
    7 |: R8 j% O9 oMD commented August 9) W+ q& x# s0 O
    : v& T: Z  ?; }1 `2 ^. bMD 医学博士& |+ N" Z. X# u" [2 J. s
    EarthAug. 9
    : H$ _- O! B4 J0 t) l地球8 月 9 日. |4 i' J" u% ?1 o/ }
    America needs to take a serious look at its education system and make the needed investments. Given the absurd proportion of fellow Americans captured in the thrall of conspiratorial nonsense and unable to parse political propaganda, delusion and reality, the investments in real education are long overdue.% B5 y" n( @- N- X
    + b. ?( O8 H; Z( O9 Y. X$ `+ c1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    # q7 u, T2 s1 NFlag 旗帜
    - k5 R7 B* D( t* D$ J' {" M+ o7 mJoe Trump commented August 9
    4 @, {5 r2 g; {5 X/ PJ0 M, z, M/ }6 ?7 Q6 r, ?( M7 x
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普
    5 c3 @& L. \- s# G9 O8 }Earth/MarsAug. 97 M" A" [0 @0 d5 Q9 Z' U9 f
    地球/火星8 月 9 日
    9 o- g2 b1 U) lI have great faith in Trump University graduates who are going to create miracles!
    . H9 _1 M5 A. M0 K我对特朗普大学的毕业生充满信心,他们一定会创造奇迹!
    " C+ `# G4 `! i2 Replies 2 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    . y4 c- r3 X- ?" JFlag 旗帜! c) \! d" s0 ~* @+ V6 N. N
    Kevin Blankinship commented August 9; z+ f+ r( q6 A2 P8 `
    9 W! `1 b4 L% I" h7 E) e
    Kevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普0 I- u) L6 V- T% E
    Norman, OKAug. 92 q+ {( D, P* ]0 T/ f" m0 [
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日' m: H2 [+ J: v6 D
    @Melvin: The importation of STEM people from abroad excuses business from being taxed to educate them here. They push that cost onto other nations to subsidize them here. Part of globalization.
    & i. K( G' E' y@Melvin:从国外引进 STEM 人才可以让企业免于征税来在这里教育他们。他们将这笔成本推给其他国家来补贴他们。全球化的一部分。  _0 I8 h: b9 J8 c
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享! O, B3 p# O) H( H4 E! {$ k' V
    Flag 旗帜8 b* X; U: a( C  `" I# {7 \+ T
    Richard commented August 9
    7 ?7 Q- o$ L) r: r: e' I6 @R 右& o+ q# W. t% i
    Richard 理查德
    7 f9 ?! B  d" g& ?& QAlbany, New YorkAug. 9
    4 y' d+ I8 d2 D+ y* H纽约州奥尔巴尼8 月 9 日
    - f, y. b" i5 ?@DC As a parent whose children are graduates of the local public schools, this is absolute bally rot. They had a rigorous science education, math through calculus, solid social science and English. No effort to do anything but teach. All were very successful in college, as were their schoolmates. I don’t know if it is different in Tennessee.
      M" x6 M2 T% G; w$ {@DC 作为孩子是当地公立学校毕业生的家长,这绝对是烂透了。他们接受过严格的科学教育,包括数学、微积分、扎实的社会科学和英语。除了教书之外,什么都不做。他们在大学里都非常成功,他们的同学也是如此。不知道田纳西州的情况是否有所不同。
    0 u  A: ~. i# u$ v7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享& W  d1 u; j: w
    Flag 旗帜
    * [1 o2 n. l+ XDhg commented August 9
    # A/ g: g; v. A: j/ z6 i5 MD
    ( J9 ^% d% S# i) p3 I& dDhg9 r  ?& Z: a* ^
    NYAug. 95 G  o3 I! e4 w5 A
    纽约8 月 9 日
    ! C3 s( X0 N4 m1 e@david lamy China's military spending is growing rapidly and will surpass America's, as I would guess you know. Even more forebodingly it's been shown that China and Taiwan get more bang for their bucks. America must spend double, triple as much or more to build a chip factory in Arizona with inferior results. The same probably goes for military technology.
    + G: R, Q- {8 F3 |5 [# A4 v@david lamy 中国的军费开支正在迅速增长,并将超过美国,我想你也知道。 更令人不安的是,事实证明,中国大陆和台湾的投资更划算。美国必须花费两倍、三倍甚至更多的资金在亚利桑那州建造一家芯片工厂,但结果却很差。军事技术可能也是如此。
    6 O' _! D' n7 ^% @0 z* b7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享1 b4 X5 m  A+ B' F( P) @
    Flag 旗帜9 t% V# B% u  M. K  o" a
    Tom commented August 9
    . b# {4 G5 Q8 T8 q$ wT
    4 b' C: S! T0 k4 ?  y5 \6 v& _Tom 汤姆0 `; a& I. r4 C
    TorontoAug. 9/ S% ^' S  E5 q9 }) Z
    多伦多8 月 9 日
    ' T6 s" E; D- t, h' RI've worked with engineering teams all over the world, Germans use to be the best, but I would say Chinese are now at the top of their game. The US shops are dominated by Indian immigrants, and India just doesn't have the diverse basic industry (electronics, mechanical, chemical) to build practical experience. Just compare Tata Motors vs BYD or Tata IT vs Huawei.# i0 \% d6 A4 N" h1 k( }
    我曾与世界各地的工程团队合作过,德国人曾经是最好的,但我想说中国人现在处于领先地位。美国的商店以印度移民为主,而印度缺乏多样化的基础工业(电子、机械、化学)来建立实践经验。只需比较塔塔汽车与比亚迪或塔塔 IT 与华为即可。  t* A; c- Q: Y6 W  p6 f
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    / a. _5 z/ T5 h" m! CFlag 旗帜
    ; x: ?: S2 g: S; V1 k( x+ ?& ~Toxix Avenger commented August 9
    3 a, p  W4 A4 Q1 u, h% P& ZT
    ; q, I8 F* Y9 p9 A. xToxix Avenger 毒素复仇者
    ) @* F/ X% u/ E6 |: w: GWest CoastAug. 95 ~" y6 K9 o" n+ P/ E
    西海岸8 月 9 日
    * A& ~8 A, q5 {9 u5 R$ eI had several Chinese post-docs in my genomics lab. Smart and hard working. Unless the US gov increases research funding they’ll also be eating our lunch in that field very soon.
    ' d" O" o* B" ?# y/ m' z( p8 L我的基因组学实验室里有几位中国博士后。聪明又勤奋。除非美国政府增加研究经费,否则他们很快就会在该领域吃掉我们的午餐。& k# _" ^7 J- T3 Z& v
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    ) H5 E7 n4 @# V: s, a% FFlag 旗帜
    $ Z$ }, e6 s8 JMunjoy fan commented August 9) M2 F9 d2 ~' n; n0 ^* A( ]/ _! B
    M6 L4 P' Q" l: V' w, j: m" ^0 F/ Q
    Munjoy fan8 l/ E  H3 `, x4 P8 Y$ s
    MaineAug. 94 S3 u4 j0 I9 E0 G8 N, u9 x
    Take a good look at the science and math qualifications of our elementary teachers. Secondary teachers can only accomplish so much when they are teaching kids who didn’t learn number facts, patterns and operations in elementary school, nor basic scientific thinking and skills. Are we still allowing elementary teachers to graduate after avoiding higher level math classes in college (by which I don’t mean algebra 1) by offering “Math for Elementary Teachers”? And ditto for science.
    7 \$ ?$ T$ I, }* T( J2 Replies7 RecommendShare
    ' Z7 W  x5 f" I1 T$ o( JFlag; @" P. }4 t5 g" c. v8 x4 q* f
    Per Spective commented August 9& ?9 o6 v. g. \7 j2 S
    P4 E8 r  J* _/ A& }" g; t
    Per Spective, S8 z  E1 R( T7 J
    NY BackwatersAug. 9# i9 J6 Z2 m$ j: e8 |1 T
    @B.Last teaching gig before retirement was at the Bronx H.S. of Science, teaching what was essentially a hands on summer school shop class for students (who for reasons of prior course failure, or, just no room in normal school year programming ) had yet to fulfill a graduation requirement. The most insightful, memorable, revelation I learned from the experience was that kids in this premier school, like the ones in the South Jamaica school where I’d spent most of my teaching years, just couldn’t measure using the United States Customary Systems! The inch and fractional parts, as well as computing metric equivalents were as foreign as Mandarin! How can we expect students in this country to “measure-up” to their Chinese counterparts if they haven’t even mastered the technological basics? Though long retired, I still bemoan the shuttering of those “hands-on” shops that were in the process of evolving into classrooms centered on problem solving! Definitely a shortsighted development in educating a technology capable population!
    5 @/ o1 e! D* N" B4 e3 y+ Q! F7 RecommendShare! Q$ o  t8 e. e, t* }
    % ^+ Z- O+ {; M8 v' aNo Party for the working class commented August 9% f# T7 C# N" j# I
    ' M+ g7 h$ D  h' S2 G
    No Party for the working class
    $ L% y  G( D/ I" PFly over countryAug. 9
    2 Q& [: A/ l: f2 Y@me China does have millions of people slaving away for very low wages making smart phones, that is part of what allows them to fund free advanced STEM degrees for smart kids. They pay the education of engineers with money we give them for our baubles.
    9 _& |% @8 G( X" u8 i/ _7 RecommendShare
    5 h7 g1 B, I; z5 @Flag. T/ a, s9 T  t  X
    AGuy commented August 9
    $ v  \' p* \$ }7 UA
    * g4 O, ~. @& t" k5 [# e; nAGuy
    , m( M: \0 B( D- ], H' [APlaceAug. 90 ^6 u2 G  n4 T( \0 h
    @L F Excellent point. A compassionate and empathetic moral and ethical foundation is essential no matter one's worldview. But that's not the same as forcing one's religion into the minds of children.3 t4 d% [# F7 G) q& p9 L+ a8 K2 G' F
    7 RecommendShare$ ^0 N6 y& n2 _( u9 `1 F" t
    Flag$ h$ f, v( p* d' V" A
    John H. commented August 9
    7 `* k" {- g  L/ _J% g* h! [6 t/ z; O8 q5 M$ E' J& t
    John H.
    ; K; B: v2 h) Z) q3 KNew YorkAug. 9" h7 @" v! d! K: ]
    "A considerably larger share of Chinese students major in science, math and engineering than students in other big countries do." Yes, but I hear they are way behind on gender studies.7 P) i: a4 m. l% w1 _  V3 m
    7 RecommendShare" K7 \* p3 X1 C& \
    5 P  m+ c+ Y- y4 }; aEAH commented August 9
    9 ?: G: H1 H! A2 R" H6 W4 j9 hE
    . d: L( K: j0 P, f8 t; G, R6 `EAH
      Q. P7 f3 D& z- Y, |NYCAug. 9
    6 B4 k; \- K5 nChina teaches science and chemistry while education system is worried about making sure everyone uses the correct pronouns
    : ^- c; v" _! x# _" m7 RecommendShare
    & O2 Z7 ~. b0 y! YFlag* _0 X$ G( [, l  y1 D5 }! o# Q
    Joe Trump commented August 9! p2 L3 R( ^5 P  H
    J/ ~6 F$ Z( U  k
    Joe Trump
    9 o% u' y9 N# N: jEarth/MarsAug. 9& k8 e3 G! X& ~; C2 s6 n9 V* P
    @Radek Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
    ; A. g/ V6 w/ }7 RecommendShare6 \- p' y! d" N) ~% ~  o3 D  g2 z/ f3 ~
    8 W2 x% X- J" C( _4 ?dt commented August 9
    % o- A+ x) b! S' {+ qD
    & b/ [  Q/ z1 D5 H6 pdt
    & q- Q" B- p. c% v& DLAAug. 9( f' {2 M# c" x/ a
    Several years ago when I was looking for a middle school for my daughter I observed a middle school on the Lower East Side. The chemistry teacher was in the middle of actually dry reading the periodic table to his understandably bored class. I saw the math teacher make two mistakes in the five minutes we observed his class. And then I watched other parents become visibly impressed with the fact that the bio lab had a single microscope. My daughter ended up at East Side Middle School, considered one of the better public schools at the time. They were proud to have a science teacher with a "science background." He had a psychology degree. Over the year I saw that he made the type of mistakes in his teaching that might be typical of someone with limited scientific knowledge. For example, confusing vitamin K with potassium and misidentifying the valves of the heart. We left the public school system. I have little hope that either of the two controlling parties will do anything to change this. We have one political party that "loves the poorly educated" and another party that writes one group of uneducated off as "deplorable" and lowers standards for others./ Z' _: X9 @) G" T
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享+ w6 S+ m: k  Z) @5 L
    Flag 旗帜0 f: E) s) C1 X  Y! C
    William Boardman commented August 9. v  j5 Z" {% D' ?1 `  p9 h
    W 瓦
    / ^2 j1 k' _' I8 J  Q8 n, X7 [. eWilliam Boardman 威廉·博德曼
    ) e7 c  U+ i& a7 I8 G% w; _ChicagoAug. 9/ G! J$ l! C- b
    芝加哥8 月 9 日
    - S5 D8 \4 Y6 y: Y9 G! z# FChina values an educated populace. They train scientists and engineers. America values putting kids into lifelong debt in the pursuit of profits for a few. America is domed if it doesn't fund it's once great public school system and make college free for all.
    9 b! P1 b: F- e+ w$ p3 \中国重视受过教育的民众。他们培养科学家和工程师。美国重视让孩子终身负债以追求少数人的利润。如果美国不资助其曾经伟大的公立学校系统并让所有人免费上大学,美国就会陷入困境。" R# I2 z( ~7 |$ a% _
    1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享. j0 _3 P6 T+ R: R
    Flag 旗帜
      E; a! l" \; s# H. ?% t* v* IJoe commented August 9, Q' q. G. }( j" f! a  l2 e1 b
    J8 W. J6 H+ |" U; {; r2 Z/ F7 w; n4 E
    Joe 乔  S1 i: \) l7 B' j# M" n: C  Y% h
    Saratoga SpringsAug. 9: _# r8 W" P4 Z, I1 z7 j1 m/ `
    萨拉托加温泉8 月 9 日  s/ u; v; [5 ~! c& U7 |# w8 g$ @
    So people have finally noticed. I'm an engineering manager at a major tech company. For every 1 job post I get 50 resumes from Chinese Ph.D engineers (another 50 from Indian Ph.D's - but that's story for a different article). They are trained, ready, willing and excited to engage. If those jobs go back to the other side of the world they ain't coming back. Its not a secret at American universities either, if China turns off the tap to the talent pipeline the academic machinery grinds to a halt.
    6 g* H4 L8 x0 M* Y+ w/ w! I2 _于是人们终于注意到了。 我是一家大型科技公司的工程经理。 每发布一个职位,我就会收到 50 份来自中国博士工程师的简历(另外 50 份来自印度博士工程师的简历,但这是另一篇文章的故事了)。他们训练有素、准备就绪、愿意并兴奋地参与其中。如果这些工作回到世界的另一边,他们就不会再回来了。 这在美国大学也不是秘密,如果中国关闭人才管道,学术机制就会陷入瘫痪。, I. e; x; M5 d
    1 Reply 1 条回复7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享
    % `0 ]' E1 a9 b* r2 zFlag 旗帜% K: _! ?9 p0 d: l$ J
    Riotta Rigotta commented August 9
    % t/ _1 J/ A0 f/ `, o$ |+ P' a: F8 `R 右
    9 `, U2 z- Z* v& z0 BRiotta Rigotta 里奥塔·里戈塔" R( R# v. T! L) @7 e6 _% f: T
    ManitobaAug. 9; ?6 H, I$ k( t; y/ b0 L" U
    马尼托巴省8 月 9 日/ u) ~3 T& ^3 J4 w
    there is also a fundamental attitude difference to work. I taught in north America for 30 years before working overseas in Singapore. the work ethic is completely different. in Singapore I would have assignments sent to me at 2am. the competitive spirit of students striving to achieve was off the charts compared to my north American students. and it began early. parents would move to upper end areas of the city, and volunteer at the local high achieving school to ensure their child would be accepted at the elementary level. this attitudinal difference came to light in yesterday's article on the new Taiwan chip manufacturer now being built in Phoenix. 'TSMC is known for its rigorous working conditions. It’s not uncommon for people to be called into work for emergencies in the middle of the night. In Phoenix, some American employees quit after disagreements over expectations...' besides securing a robust supply chain and implementing advanced technologies Americans will have to develop a competitive work ethic to compete with the Chinese.
    0 N2 g& `* m$ j" W, n. j3 S$ ?: t工作态度也存在根本差异。我在北美任教了 30 年,然后到新加坡海外工作。职业道德完全不同。在新加坡,我会在凌晨 2 点收到作业。与我的北美学生相比,学生们努力取得成就的竞争精神是超乎寻常的。而且很早就开始了。父母会搬到城市的上端地区,并在当地的高中做志愿者,以确保他们的孩子能被小学录取。 这种态度差异在昨天关于正在凤凰城建设的新台湾芯片制造商的文章中得到了体现。 '台积电以其严格的工作条件而闻名。人们在半夜因紧急情况被叫去上班的情况并不少见。在凤凰城,一些美国员工因与期望存在分歧而辞职……” 除了确保强大的供应链和采用先进技术之外,美国人还必须培养有竞争力的职业道德才能与中国人竞争。2 q- O1 w' y8 g4 b3 E8 w* p# ?
    7 Recommend 7 推荐Share 分享# z6 ?) }* A. J
    Flag 旗帜
    6 Q9 G7 j0 A2 m& f) t: kYL commented August 9
    6 ]: e  @. t$ D) v* F' o  O* xY
    # f& \8 q$ R! g. n8 q  K4 S: KYL
    8 x7 H* r+ Y* A, e; ^. [/ w( mBerkeley, CAAug. 92 B8 t6 m& m6 q% X
    加利福尼亚州伯克利8 月 9 日
    ; z% u. b$ ^1 ~( `1 e+ cThis report towards the end is quite optimistic about the U.S. keeping pace in research funding. Perhaps journalists not familiar with federal research funding do not realize that each time Congress operated on continuing resolution, it is essentially a funding cut by the inflation rate — the continuing resolution only funds based on the previous levels, sans inflation adjustment. So if you want to understand a significant part of where the U.S. research funding is where it is now, check what fraction of the year the government was funded using continuing resolution over the past decade: https://www.gao.gov/blog/what-co ... vernment-operations
    # F- M' u! r8 T& s1 W) h这份报告最后对美国在研究经费方面保持同步持乐观态度。也许不熟悉联邦研究经费的记者没有意识到,每次国会实施持续决议,本质上都是根据通货膨胀率削减资金——持续决议只根据之前的水平提供资金,没有通货膨胀调整。因此,如果您想了解美国研究经费的很大一部分现在的情况,请检查过去十年中政府使用持续决议获得资助的比例: https://www.gao.gov/blog/what-co ... vernment-operations6 ^# ^: J2 M' ^; H6 n% J
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享2 [  u& X6 z3 O
    Flag 旗帜9 y( v* b# z4 u8 M5 l: o7 s4 a
    rude man commented August 9. L9 E6 q4 L$ `) E' B
    R. {* t/ W8 C& [% t6 B6 r% Y1 L
    rude man
    , M( ~# ^* N  o% KPhoenixAug. 9- \* a  t/ v; r2 O# Q5 ^
    And we, in our infinite wisdom, will not be benefiting from this advanced Chinese technology since we are doing what we can to prevent imports based on their technology. So we pay 25-35% more for an EV than we would were Chinese EV imports allowed. Way to go, U.S.6 \4 W4 F( Y, {/ i+ N+ {( u
    6 RecommendShare
    - a! F3 I" n" R, `1 A, o9 ?; KFlag! A# `- C4 L2 _/ }: s5 M* W
    Ima Palled commented August 9& g& ^: I' A! |8 x2 H% J
    % l, t5 U; w5 {$ s: ?Ima Palled% K  g0 X9 K% u* s; L; ?) P
    Great North WoodsAug. 9
    - @: f/ _5 h5 rCJL was not asserting that other countries lacked their own cultures and work ethics to bring to economic development, but only that as the United States has abandoned the hard work of learning science and technology and has scorned public education, China and India have been more than happy to pick up the slack.: K1 I0 Z& C) |
    6 RecommendShare
      f0 ^1 q1 z: h/ W3 V5 s: \Flag8 ?) ]6 Z. L3 p, i) t2 M3 t
    Adent commented August 9
    ; ~/ |! b6 J$ Q% g5 c( KA
    : y3 ~0 I( w4 Z( s( Y' Z" }7 CAdent  ~0 U- h' K# a' r4 u
    nyAug. 9. s& E6 _% H6 [% h
    Too many silly and useless majors in US universities. But we’ll easily bypass China in the number of baristas and Walmart greeters generated./ S/ a4 x5 k* i/ T1 K
    6 RecommendShare. @! p& g/ Y6 Z, u/ B$ P
    Flag0 S' ]7 U) |# C1 d
    Christopher commented August 9
    ! a; s7 W) t' z! oC7 j5 X& o  K2 `% |) h% c, l
    : W0 e6 r8 y# F) i% O/ @1 zColoradoAug. 92 |+ `: h/ E) |; B
    @Keith Bradsher I took a couple of online Masters level history classes this summer and they were at least half filled with Chinese students via my schools partnership with a University in Beijing.: s5 Q! F9 p9 c# A1 n2 ?. l5 |7 k
    6 RecommendShare/ b) u+ c) {5 n! t1 @
    Flag, i  E5 ?8 K3 |; ?
    Joe Trump commented August 9
    9 y% R) U' ]6 U+ I8 ?& V5 PJ9 P& \. A5 L( Q1 O. x" l+ E
    Joe Trump
    ; H* _, m) O* }- M( _+ sEarth/MarsAug. 90 b* u+ P. P8 x. f' \7 b
    Education, Healthcare, Housing and Retirement all are going wrong in US, eg. Germany and other EU nations have free Education, France has great Retirement benefits, Canada/UK has free Healthcare and affordable housing, add that with instability and insecurity of jobs it's a nightmare to live in.
    & F' Y+ S- C# ]( l例如,美国的教育、医疗、住房和退休都出了问题。德国和其他欧盟国家有免费教育,法国有很好的退休福利,加拿大/英国有免费医疗保健和经济适用房,再加上工作的不稳定和不安全感,生活在其中是一场噩梦。
    $ i( Q% @$ {$ ~# |: ~6 r8 c% A4 _6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    - l5 O# g1 L* }7 e0 }6 ^2 l7 eFlag 旗帜
    ) ^$ j* \! E, R! x5 j- x, zNed Terry commented August 9
    ' w! A4 L0 ?" Z5 l7 D% TN
    & u' L9 U2 R. C5 y/ GNed Terry 内德·特里
    4 Y: R1 `/ ^4 h6 S4 W' i4 mPortsmouth, NHAug. 9
    # E$ U: t5 @' W- i新罕布什尔州朴茨茅斯8 月 9 日2 I- E8 Y, w7 Q- X
    No gender studies. No ESL. No diversity. How can they be successful?3 o- K$ v- C2 n$ C& a
    没有性别研究。 没有 ESL。 没有多样性。 他们怎样才能成功?& F4 }7 }6 P* f$ ^
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享' C4 \6 T% Y8 z6 L7 b
    Flag 旗帜
    ' p6 q5 O) [9 fSC commented August 9
    4 ]9 u: i" i: ?5 J. FS
    8 o) \6 t6 J3 Q. ISC
    + x9 q9 v3 s, z: A- SPhilly SuburbsAug. 9$ H, T- @: E$ [
    费城郊区8 月 9 日
    , Y; S* |- A& `( n  K@Bill This is a big part of the problem. I wish more people would see it. Teachers sure do.- Q  o5 F  J* h9 G, N) i
    @Bill 这是问题的很大一部分。我希望更多的人能看到它。老师们肯定会的。  ?. R% w& A' k
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享* R+ ?- r) D/ k
    Flag 旗帜
    ! l0 w  U9 C, eMadmax169 commented August 9; S4 y7 W; J8 B" |
    M2 S9 w7 ]( R! V) x( M; J0 ?, {, d
    Madmax169 疯狂麦克斯169* u8 W) \! c: c8 [- h
    DCAug. 9
    / E% @/ {( ^0 B& a, m: j4 K华盛顿特区8 月 9 日, A; A0 O5 X  t) {, _5 a, ?3 X; v& i
    Yeah, this is called competence and rigor, for those of you making your way through the U.S. educational system of the last 30 years who may not be familiar with these concepts.
    . [* c$ u4 Z( O是的,这就是所谓的能力和严谨,对于那些在过去 30 年里经历过美国教育体系的人来说,他们可能不熟悉这些概念。
    % ~/ U: G( a' \+ Q9 P0 q6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    ' @2 n( W# i2 j: H8 K/ u5 wFlag 旗帜. |' U2 _% {7 h# t& u
    Leptoquark commented August 9
    % T  H$ I" e) z4 R: N; A
    " _5 V! c5 `4 r! t& X* @" s0 zLeptoquark 轻夸克
    : c, F0 c0 ?! l' iWashington DCAug. 9
    - r8 Y9 w  E/ q1 Z7 C1 [华盛顿特区8 月 9 日
    ( i6 L; v2 W2 \This shows you what is possible when you aren't held back by half of your political leadership not accepting climate change, many not accepting science itself, when you don't have entrenched fossil interests, who know the truth, actively sowing doubt and delay, and when the two aren't working together to preserve the status quo.4 t% i& O9 E1 c2 C
    这向你展示了,当你没有一半的政治领导层不接受气候变化,许多人不接受科学本身,当你没有根深蒂固的化石利益,谁知道真相,积极播种怀疑和拖延时,什么是可能的,以及当两者不共同努力维持现状时。* T' X3 [3 x) M+ [; \! }
    6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    4 \0 e6 p* e2 D* \' R; y$ P8 [0 M" ~Flag 旗帜
    ( x4 ~8 v9 a5 Z/ p- @8 P6 jBob commented August 9
    9 O4 k4 i% W; `5 x8 K) Y7 NB6 w" F0 l9 G5 n2 S% J9 o$ b9 d* @
    ; x' t+ [2 m) u9 V5 zWAAug. 97 s' o& Y5 O3 x8 k1 w$ o; n3 j
    @Studentofhistory If the university stopped taking international students your engineering department would have to fold. Getting more American students into STEM is a challenge for sure, and would benefit from serious governmental incentives.
    , Q7 }% ]7 Q3 u6 ~) \6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    / `8 ]* n* H" H% B2 v0 a- GFlag 旗帜
    % n& U! r7 g: c! nTamza commented August 9
    1 Z1 [1 ^) v9 X& \" NT
    0 {# {  S4 ~; G$ n  XTamza
    - \2 T& T; q5 RNoCalAug. 95 Z0 T+ T4 y4 c0 D& Q, p
    @Ethan Allen ALL research done in the various national labs is in the ‘public domain’ - unless ‘classified’. The world [incl China] has ‘free’ access.
    3 L- }+ C, [& g/ {: J8 x6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享' s- `# n9 ^& n! Z9 [
    Flag 旗帜  T6 R) B8 f, ~
    David commented August 9+ a3 `; u! U/ u2 w( f$ U: p- Z
    # M' ?2 ^( {; H# b3 |6 c; i' w4 }' v( jDavid 大卫
    1 }* h" k9 J5 O8 UNevada DesertAug. 91 c6 a+ l5 I5 u) ]
    内华达沙漠8 月 9 日" }5 {! k# o" m# k8 ]
    The gatekeeper to STEM is 1st year algebra in MS/JHS. Most math teachers don't understand algebra enough themselves to teach it to kids who understand it even less. Unfortunately, people with a solid understanding of algebra and calculus don't go into teaching when they make can much more in industry and not put up with students who still function at the arithmetic/ pocket calculator level, Get good math and science teachers, pay then what they are worth and more students will succeed in STEM. No secret here.6 e9 R& N  y4 c) U4 A; @
    STEM 的把关人是 MS/JHS 中一年级的代数。大多数数学老师自己对代数的理解不够深入,无法将代数教给理解程度更低的孩子。不幸的是,对代数和微积分有深入了解的人在工业界做更多的事情时不会进入教学,也不会容忍仍然在算术/袖珍计算器水平上发挥作用的学生, 聘请优秀的数学和科学老师,支付他们应得的费用,更多的学生将在 STEM 领域取得成功。这里没有秘密。
    * W7 |8 T1 Z3 J( @& M: Q6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
    5 G; K5 W" s7 p( m' w: _  [( `Flag 旗帜
    , \$ }/ K8 i$ p5 z& mJj commented August 9
    ( l& o% @+ @- k9 |& Y' ]2 ]3 @J
    ; ]8 N& @  }+ MJj% ]: V+ p9 c  E- m  P+ E* ?
    Middle EarthAug. 97 U$ M- w: U# ]" j1 y8 B. j1 J
    @Radek 28 2 to 4 week trips to China over 20 years, almost every province. It became clear long ago that the Chinese were better capitalists that we are. It's easier to blame the Chinese than ourselves for what's going on. 20 somethings who spoke 3 languages had degrees in both science and business were three deep in every office putting in 60 hour weeks. Innovation that has yet to make it to the states.
    4 M2 u5 C" |7 s1 [3 r! L@Radek 28 20 年来中国 2 到 4 周的旅行,几乎每个省份。很早以前就已经很明显,中国人是比我们更好的资本家。 对于所发生的事情,责怪中国人比责怪我们自己更容易。 20 名会说 3 种语言的人拥有科学和商业学位,每个办公室都有 3 名员工,每周工作 60 个小时。 尚未进入各州的创新。
    . u; k6 g+ v! [6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享; C+ d& d9 d- i. ~# U5 t% R
    Flag 旗帜8 V6 N8 a4 C6 ~2 b2 P, E& r1 B6 T
    Paul Rosenberg commented August 9
    & |" g2 R4 k, N# J; @$ [5 }# i3 K: ^! pP6 z  k% a; B, A! b
    Paul Rosenberg 保罗·罗森伯格
    & N  p; I# N1 mSanta CruzAug. 9
    ! S2 d7 a7 V% c; p' Q圣克鲁斯8 月 9 日
    9 B* h- G& C6 z3 r: BAs a retired mechanical engineer who worked for HP most of my working life, these trends have been evident for 30 years. Too few of our brightest people enter STEM fields. If we graduate 1000 lawyers and China graduates 1000 (or 10,000) engineers, which country is likelier to produce more real wealth over the next 25 years.0 e5 K  ^8 r/ E/ O3 E
    作为一名退休的机械工程师,我的大部分工作生涯都在 HP 工作,这些趋势已经持续了 30 年。我们最聪明的人进入 STEM 领域的人太少了。如果我们毕业 1000 名律师,而中国毕业 1000 名(或 10,000 名)工程师,哪个国家更有可能在未来 25 年创造更多的实际财富。
    ; H8 M  H0 j5 C5 C% e0 J$ P' m6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享; p0 t" G* X3 R. X
    Flag 旗帜0 K: x0 b+ x# A) e
    JBDanforth commented August 9$ u3 ~& Z9 t& d/ H- N! a
    - e5 _5 M5 `3 p. B9 r* D( W/ {% C0 aJBDanforth JB丹福斯
    8 S2 F, G/ E$ G3 [& M% [! p. NPacific NorthwestAug. 9
    - M2 l2 W5 `/ F* R9 g2 n- C太平洋西北地区8 月 9 日
    , }- l/ R8 N0 ?I am so excited to watch China, since meeting my wife there in the mid-90’s, as it spins and weaves the most amazing developments for a better China and, indeed, world. Americans and Chinese ought to be best friends and engage extensively to improve our relationships and our contributions to mankind.
    . d4 U1 r& U  a0 v2 l& K. [$ u自从 90 年代中期在中国遇见我的妻子以来,我很高兴看到中国为更美好的中国乃至世界创造了最令人惊叹的发展。 美国人和中国人应该成为最好的朋友,并广泛接触以改善我们的关系以及我们对人类的贡献。
    0 b3 n. [& ]2 ]  r$ R6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享- q- A/ |" U$ t
    Flag 旗帜
    0 q  w% B$ w" Z5 S' i3 P% HJoe commented August 9/ m* K4 y; D# w8 o1 S( P
    J% M2 v2 v: M, t' o$ z# j* i- m
    Joe 乔1 L# Y) w& b+ V  r9 C
    BostonAug. 9
      e, Q  V0 d- R: G; J/ J4 S波士顿8 月 9 日& k- L2 m$ ]/ H7 E! F, I$ T5 o
    US leadership has mismanaged our country for decades. We have individualism and capitalism and a wild political system- all gamed to favor the elites who want to avoid taxation. Meanwhile Chinese leadership has brought millions out of poverty and is turning China into an advanced country that will eventually exceed us. I have to think part of it is due to ideas of socialism that try to advance the society as a whole. The US will of course try to retain its grip on hegemony through tariffs and military threats. But I'm afraid the long-term trend is not in our favor. The Roman Empire fell from its perch. We will too.
    $ [+ x* ~2 r2 D. c7 [1 p4 s几十年来,美国领导层对我们国家的管理不善。我们有个人主义、资本主义和疯狂的政治体系——所有这些都被用来支持那些想要避税的精英。与此同时,中国的领导力已经使数百万人摆脱了贫困,并将中国变成一个最终将超过我们的发达国家。我不得不认为,部分原因是社会主义思想试图推动整个社会的发展。 美国当然会试图通过关税和军事威胁来保持其霸权地位。但恐怕长期趋势对我们不利。 罗马帝国从此衰落。我们也会的。
    0 ]' {! P$ b$ v! R/ g. y' d/ [) M6 f6 Recommend 6 推荐Share 分享
      i  `" C. U/ p8 E1 gFlag 旗帜
    6 l, N& A% l6 ^7 wtom commented August 9
    2 \2 ~8 ~+ j# D- R0 Y" ^T
    ; c- f  `7 I$ f! @. l* y$ Mtom 汤姆
    ) j7 T2 {0 u! L/ i8 l- x$ iirelandAug. 9
    # c7 C" |" \1 l& p& ]爱尔兰8 月 9 日
    ) o" j9 `; }  s! i, bThey also spend huge amounts on hacking and stealing industrial data from Western company's
    / [) @& b5 G* E" p4 c他们还花费巨资从西方公司窃取工业数据
    ( a5 `/ }- i$ m+ f5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享  s3 q9 R  H- Q
    Flag 旗帜
    8 o) q4 G1 k$ _Philip commented August 9
    * A( I* j# ]3 f4 K6 e/ XP
    ) `9 x' M0 C/ b# NPhilip 菲利普
    & Z5 m8 H+ ~1 S2 V. d6 Q  vNYCAug. 9
    , Z3 U5 e$ H: p. E: A. _0 M纽约市8 月 9 日, _# x. J+ |: r9 C# U' \7 E1 z) C' R6 t
    @Josh probably pretty much the line that Mr Benz heard in 1885 when he introduced his „motorwagen“ to the public. „What, this thing needs fuel in bottles, from a pharmacy?? I can get hay for my horses everywhere!“. And here we are.  N& V" Q9 v1 J- p1 u( C
    @Josh 很可能就是 Benz 先生在 1885 年向公众介绍他的“motorwagen”时听到的那句话。 “什么,这东西需要瓶装燃料,从药房买??我可以到处为我的马取干草!” 我们到了。# C. F" ~! U* n& l1 J
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享# [$ |# r/ K0 W; O. A- u
    Flag 旗帜
    . ]. h# \; M% A9 r7 HEric commented August 9! j. l1 O( Q2 L  w, C# \
    E. V# A0 U1 P- Q( H
    Eric$ t$ o) m7 N2 I5 O; z
    IncredulousAug. 9) M' v4 o( k3 n) N
    Well, the usual tropes about the Chinese stealing IP from the West are very true. What's also true is that: 1. They work much harder than we do (not necessarily a good thing, but true) 2. They have a much less restrictive regulatory system (think environment, labor laws) which enables stuff to get done more quickly and more cheaply 3. All of their university students are *desperate* to succeed. Very many of ours simply feel entitled to succeed 4. Their university administrators are more focused on educational outcomes than left wing political indoctrination and virtue signalling 5. Employees are hired and fired on ability, not quotas and box ticking 6. Their corporate accountants and lawyers are engaged in more productive work than devising new ways to dodge tax Not saying any of this makes China a great place, but combined with brazen and ongoing theft of IP, it does explain why they are such a serious challenge to our economic, technical and (increasingly) political leadership.  b! B: q2 z2 b
    5 RecommendShare3 I& D/ h5 q" ?/ l
    : M% R) k3 N8 ~4 I2 ?. F! \Davey Boy commented August 9+ |5 r  F0 |% G% m. b% }" [
    D, {0 i% ]# r1 J
    Davey Boy
    + q/ \1 {. p1 u. p5 kNYCAug. 9
    7 z7 c6 A) ]7 u7 R3 a5 `Don’t forget that while a society might promote a certain type of education to advance its technological prowess, it must also offer an education on using its technological advances in a morally correct way. Without the latter, the former means absolutely nothing.
    * J* a' Z9 y  W1 a5 b9 J$ g5 RecommendShare5 J! ]% t% ]7 f9 S* z$ e
    Flag  T1 z( t7 w3 \2 ?# _  M
    T commented August 9. z+ {8 M6 [/ k1 |0 u
    3 Y* V. B4 p$ E& T7 CT/ R* I6 Q: i" b: t! g  }
    NCAug. 9- `$ h# L& V6 `1 _* z7 \7 L3 ~& @
    @Rick One of the ironies of politicians who attack elite education is that they are themselves graduates of those elite universities. They’re trying to destroy those universities so no one else will be able to get the kind of education they got.
    ; m- ~" i$ {6 T+ ~& B' x5 RecommendShare7 k0 S  C& @# a' m8 k
    Flag6 U. E+ ]' V: x- ?
    cynlee commented August 9, ^$ x/ {6 P' X/ A7 T( I8 T) W
    C; E/ @" x* r. c; l3 R. j" Z
    5 \2 j  w+ ~$ V. e( n) G) }Central IllinoisAug. 9
    - `+ U) i% R# [& t2 ]@M Eng - I don’t know about articles, but during the Cold War the United States increased spending on science education in high schools in order to grow the pipeline for students to study technology in universities and fill research and other technology roles. My high school (and it is not unique or particularly rich) actually had its own planetarium. Unfortunately now, high schools are struggling to fund basics - forget about STEM. And in Illinois, in-state students (even those with near perfect SAT scores) are getting shut out of University of Illinois’ Grainger school of engineering. Instead the university admits thousands of students from China whose parents can spend tens of thousands of dollars on extra academic prep and who pay full tuition. University representatives even tell in-state students that if they get in as a non Grainger student, they will not be able to eventually transfer in even with a 4.0 grade point average. This is one way that our University system is supporting the development of technology talent for China and not the U.S.) G2 K  U$ M5 j8 c: J2 _( r
    5 RecommendShare
    * |% V8 l9 V0 N: ?, wFlag
    # k; K, ]7 V4 [, G) m' @left coast finch commented August 9& B$ z% V! e0 F) G- g* Q. N
    , h% n6 b5 V: G  F4 s- Q; X* b5 Kleft coast finch
    5 v2 c# c3 [1 \1 z: ?6 M3 }7 @8 cL.A.Aug. 9% B3 z+ |* T; g% ~1 J! v
    @JackC5 It’s not “DEI” but religion that’s killing our educational system. It’s religious bigots who don’t believe in science that are attacking our school systems and stripping libraries of books that don’t conform to their Iron Age mythologies. There is nothing more “feelings-based” than evangelical Christianity and since it got in bed with the wealthy under Reagan’s “Big Tent”, the two groups have been attacking and defunding our educational system to the point we’re at today. It was Republicans who demanded insane tax cuts on the wealthiest that defunded our once fabulous and low-cost universities. It was religious fundamentalist who saw free public education in a wide-range of fields as threatening to Christian hegemony. It’s the systemic disinvestment of our educational system by Capitalism and refusal to tax wealth at the same high rates that were in place during America’s greatest period, the post WWII period.
    1 D7 Z  G) m$ G$ j$ C5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享
    + P& i& p9 P6 X* sFlag 旗帜
    3 ~& W$ C+ U5 C8 q4 I4 OKevin commented August 9
    2 [% k, N4 V, X( V8 P9 K% S  B8 s# RK
    0 Z6 V+ K: R" b/ HKevin
      C( v; n# }; S! J5 \2 y, J% rColoradoAug. 92 A8 v4 O% t* i, L8 C
    Besides all of our shortcomings in our education system, the leaders of our businesses seem to be under the delusion that an emphasis on financial engineering is what will make us competitive against China and the rest of the world. There are many US companies that have been sleepwalking like Boeing and haven't shed the delusion that their size and historical performance will allow them to dominate well into the future. Boeing so far, appears to have woken up, but many other companies with an unhealthy short term focus on the wrong things will surely be road kill. They can hire all the MBAs and social influencers they want to try to obscure their product is slipping, if there isn't solid expertise in STEM and the other elements of core businesses , the market ultimately will decide that shoddy and unsafe products won't allow them to maintain their dominant positions and other countries will benefit from our systematic inattention. Some might call that creative destruction when new players claw their way to the top of a market, and in some cases it is, but you can also make a case that previously thriving businesses in the US that have done well for decades and still should be, are being outcompeted with bad management being as big a cause as our education system's mismatch in furnishing the skills that our society needs.
    ) b! U, S+ ]7 Q/ G除了我们教育体系中的所有缺陷之外,我们企业的领导者似乎还存在一种错觉,认为对金融工程的重视将使我们与中国和世界其他国家竞争。有许多美国公司像波音公司一样一直在梦游,并没有摆脱这样的错觉:他们的规模和历史业绩将让他们在未来占据主导地位。到目前为止,波音公司似乎已经醒悟了,但许多其他不健康的短期关注错误事物的公司肯定会被杀掉。他们可以聘请所有他们想要的 MBA 和社会影响力人士,试图掩盖他们的产品正在下滑,如果没有扎实的 STEM 和核心业务其他要素的专业知识,市场最终将决定劣质和不安全的产品不会出现。让他们保持主导地位,其他国家就会从我们系统性的忽视中受益。当新的参与者爬上市场的顶峰时,有些人可能会称之为创造性破坏,在某些情况下确实如此,但你也可以举出一个例子,以前在美国蓬勃发展的企业几十年来表现良好,但仍然应该被淘汰。 ,由于管理不善而在竞争中被击败,这与我们的教育系统在提供社会所需技能方面不匹配一样重要。; v' j' C8 l6 p2 S4 `2 f
    5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享: \& F' u( b4 x$ j* u5 m" U4 n2 t
    Flag 旗帜7 t8 `) \% f# U4 Z
    George commented August 92 e0 S0 x' s  ]. e' ^
    G) b* [6 C4 y5 K5 p5 ]! G, f
    George 乔治
    : i4 `( f( ]4 v" H- ANYCAug. 9
    4 V& w9 o5 r4 l: ~5 G纽约市8 月 9 日
    ( k: M  I! ?3 r0 oWhat's ironic is that it wasn't like China was acting in secrecy. We've been seeing for years how young Chinese students were educated both directly in schools and with after-school tutoring in order to pass stringent exams. Exams that would determine who would ultimately be recruited by companies to engage in sophisticated R&D. Often our MSM reported the stresses placed on Chinese students as "too demanding", comparing and contrasting it with our rather, to say the least, lackadaisical approach to learning. When Deng opened up China he insisted that Western investments into China's economy include technology transfers. He was determined that China not just become the West's workhouse engaged in low level assembly of goods. This foresight is now apparent as we see how China has coupled its demand for childhood education with technological advancement. China no longer needs technology transfers -- it is now advanced enough to be the investor as likely as not to be expected to transfer its own technology. But, the risk of that, of course, is that such transfers also give China a back door into the West's defense. What is needed now is an enlightened policy where we learn how to trade and interact with China as at least a technological equal if not, in some areas, a superior.9 O1 {% p  T' [. H% X' g/ o
    讽刺的是,中国并不是在秘密行动。 多年来,我们一直看到年轻的中国学生是如何通过学校直接教育和课后辅导来通过严格的考试的。 考试将决定谁最终会被公司招募来从事复杂的研发。 我们的MSM经常报告中国学生承受的压力“要求太高”,并将其与我们至少可以说是懒散的学习方法进行比较和对比。 当邓小平开放中国时,他坚持认为西方对中国经济的投资包括技术转让。他决心让中国不仅仅成为西方从事低水平商品组装的济贫院。 当我们看到中国如何将儿童教育需求与技术进步结合起来时,这种远见就显而易见了。 中国不再需要技术转让——它现在已经足够先进,可以成为投资者,甚至不需要转让自己的技术。 但是,当然,这样做的风险在于,这种转移也给中国进入西方国家的防守留下了后门。 现在需要的是一项开明的政策,让我们学会如何与中国进行贸易和互动,至少在技术上与中国平等,即使在某些领域不是优于中国。
    9 d4 B5 s; F" k: Y: C& q; \5 RecommendShare
    - s$ h$ R1 d% m5 IFlag
    6 }2 Y; W) m: }Middle Of CT commented August 96 I" t- k! d0 X7 a
    + g$ @" m- l, ~Middle Of CT
    * t$ l1 o5 l; R9 T3 l$ _. e5 |7 J' [Middle Of CTAug. 9' F  S: U( ?7 N+ p0 t! _, ?" d
    I see no problems here. If China wants to sell their high tech products here, it will just have to give us access to their technology.  f) m4 e# Q! ~" _
    5 RecommendShare
    3 D, p# D# ?2 p9 H: n! nFlag
    ' M1 j3 S* ?5 ~6 A- H: B2 o1 IMemes commented August 9% d6 c) ]- z7 ?( t9 W; Z
    3 U' ^/ Y7 X; kMemes
    # W( X' L% U9 y3 m% u5 oChicagoAug. 9
    3 Z: ~) n- J3 U% D8 qI spent some time this summer watching the eurocup from home and during some travels in France. It was very interesting to see the advertising from Chinese firms (predominantly BYD). The US bans have created the effect of us closing our eyes and pretending Chinese competition is not there.8 E" X7 _1 s8 d" ~
    5 RecommendShare
    ( ?& ?( l7 I) JFlag
    , t, S) ]7 ]2 X# a, G3 T' ]4 F5 gUzi commented August 9
    3 |- q% R$ M0 Q& i$ a- ?3 ]7 \5 s1 c   n- t0 G# N) @7 Z
    Uzi# c! e; c- [4 F% z4 G* X
    SCAug. 9
    # ]% u8 g+ o4 o4 T1 \NYT.8.9.2024.How China Built Tech Prowess: Chemistry Classes and Research Labs. Congratulations, NYT, for this informative article on China's approach to research. In the second half of the 1970s, I was a Brazilian student pursuing my Master's and PhD degrees in natural resource economics at MSU. The first thing that caught my attention was the significant number of international students and few Americans pursuing graduate studies in hard sciences, like engineering, computer sciences, chemistry, etc. Now, with Chinese students dominating hard science areas on all American campuses, we are witnessing a profound shift in the global higher education landscape. In advanced sciences, China today is the US of the past.
    ( T( D4 f) Q* S( P5 RecommendShare
    / a7 o; m! C+ JFlag
    2 S2 F7 P$ w, i  P2 h" m2 {9 _: ~Chip commented August 9
    , j/ F* M2 ~3 A3 M) V1 p* N* Y % E$ U" U4 |7 N, Y7 }7 B: x) x
    $ x% ]# D" f* a' k; W4 yWheelwell, IndianaAug. 9
    8 r  a, H* j& t. s1 N, i1 e# HI do wish US parents made their kids work hard, do well in math, care about science. Too many parents seek dumbed down curricula, excuse their kids’ laziness, focus on sports and popularity, and even try to ban books and push the teaching of religion on schools.% T5 ~/ o" l% k  Q: E
    5 RecommendShare5 B0 |/ R6 l/ C7 ]& A+ w
    , m: R" G' T! {7 |Srini commented August 9
    ; I5 r. S8 o- @( h, N$ r5 T# s" `8 ?S+ E  ~8 ~0 t, y$ f
    " ^" m: r5 G/ q  _TexasAug. 9- i; l3 I( ?( A2 \8 m
    Meanwhile in America, with its anti-intellectual traditions, universities and professors are vilified and worse, interfered in by politicians. What was done recently to Ivy League Presidents (all women - imagine that!) is beyond shameful and shows you how little Americans care about education despite the fact that most American universities have world class research being conducted. And we respond to other countries with 100% tariffs.
    - \  Z+ C; P$ ?  |. Y& t1 Reply5 RecommendShare
    8 k7 ?+ A& K7 i, C, ^  O6 q) cFlag' r+ `0 [3 M/ z5 {  J  c% v, y
    TC commented August 9/ P* h4 X  S6 s/ x  o  M3 C6 |
    1 V' F. V' z+ V* ]- J: b$ n2 vTC; S; |8 B: r  ?! a
    LouisianaAug. 9
    % c( Q. V% \) G) M! `@Leptoquark what a tribal view. which party is focused on identity, politics and equity? our teachers and our teacher teaching colleges are far to the left and their focus is on identity equity and activism in place of science, math, reading and writing. One simply needs to point to California and they're pushed to create equity by limiting access to advanced classes, especially in middle school for those who are capable and well prepared.6 @4 _1 s& v4 u: w% `
    5 RecommendShare
    9 C: `% ]: |! Q  |: p  l4 i& F! ?' gFlag
    ! ?4 w! J8 {( J+ K, c6 d) gVoter who still cares commented August 91 J5 E9 K8 e" L8 E. H. P$ U
    V+ t- B) f0 J% M% }; N/ y  H% V9 X; t. k
    Voter who still cares
    8 b$ d: s& b8 lVirginiaAug. 97 N- |9 V9 L- X3 ]0 H1 W
    How about we start by prioritizing American students in our universities? The Chinese come here for advanced STEM education.+ X0 c- w- a2 G+ F. f9 V
    5 RecommendShare
    * S* W7 j: c; Q- p# TFlag
    1 J- R7 M5 I* B; CJohn Mitchell commented August 99 S2 y: v9 Z+ _$ M7 R
    J( {: V& E$ P5 o
    John Mitchell
    ( Q9 Q$ e* F; a) fNYAug. 93 a, ~3 |5 N( Z  c  ~, \
    U.S. society is anti-intellectual. I've been told that in China, the leading mathematician Shing-Tung Yau is well-known and revered. Try to name one living mathematician in the U.S. who is known to the general population and respected for his or her work.  k9 S. S- K. M. ^; ?, K0 ~3 ^  a) |
    5 RecommendShare
    % G! n' }5 g' O; ?& W' z- a3 IFlag
    & C& l2 R2 g, k8 A; v/ E. FJCAZ commented August 9
    ' N: j; e& U# cJ+ g* B2 T! F: ^0 Y( \& E3 F( \' b% |
    JCAZ- {/ h. l8 U3 M. ^
    ArizonaAug. 9
    & J5 \0 d0 m) G8 B' ~0 R# Q- ^And here in the US, one of the political parties wants to push the Ten Commandments over reading, writing and arithmetic. With that attitude, we will be our own worst enemy.
    3 y% [: k0 E, H! E' A8 e* W% h5 RecommendShare
    6 w5 m' }, n" r! J1 `: UFlag
    - V9 K- }0 G$ F, E& PEd Watters commented August 9
    6 J" U+ f% j, k2 z* Z7 R
    : S" q; x& O3 U9 qEd Watters7 ~+ A* [  L( n
    Western PAAug. 9
    0 w: y3 P% g- [) @" UIn China, the government controls the corporations. In the US, the corporations control the government. The past 30 years have shown quite clearly which system works better.9 h4 o" [" t" H" w* O1 u) L4 n7 T
    5 RecommendShare
    " Q! w, L3 a7 B; Q  m2 L0 h$ f1 c  {$ iFlag9 g4 t1 N/ B$ |/ o) |3 X
    ShipHasSailed commented August 9
    & Q! \( k. C# c! k/ g( X, M# kS: B1 ^& x6 t3 O8 [. N
    ShipHasSailed3 f/ M# r; Z; f* Y. N+ u8 L* u
    GlobalAug. 91 s$ J0 U6 Q- `( R
    @TC: Let’s talk about “equality of opportunity “: people of color in this country have tried and tried to get a good education in areas that were mostly white and didn’t accept integration in their schools. So those folks have been forced to stay in their own neighborhoods where the schools may not be as good or where good teachers may not want to teach. I’m so tired of folks trying to say that blacks or hispanics are not interested in real learning and want a free pass. To those veiled gaslights, I have two words: white flight - that is still and forever going on.
    , a! s8 u6 A- f  V% a( {6 e" u5 RecommendShare( O3 ^1 {6 C$ {$ I, S
    / {. K9 u, s4 \. S4 mRWG commented August 9% `# l; P6 ~  C% f& ~; c1 K5 d
    * {# Z: g/ H6 G; y; M$ C6 H! _RWG
    6 N; }& m% T8 c0 m' B2 xMaineAug. 9
    : J, g* e' Q$ t8 `2 r/ n@R Mabry I’m an engineer. and I visited China and have worked wit Chinese academics, and everything @Radek writes is spot on.
    / S. J9 \" h9 P( w- R9 Z: z' D; W5 RecommendShare
    0 e/ o  p3 `2 y! E0 T# P5 TFlag# H& V" b9 c: z# Q/ k4 C" e7 x
    Richard Buchanan commented August 9
    $ [% W( M1 ~; ~0 u# j) f3 FR
    3 K- O1 e( x. ]1 w: H9 S% gRichard Buchanan
      Y/ Q) v5 i' V, x3 N$ }Peterborough, NHAug. 9* R1 ?% I7 B, j6 Y0 ?* q
    Oh yeah? Well we have the Ten Commandments in our classrooms, and we ban books that are not Christian! So there!!
    . c7 d: q9 S$ [/ Y2 T5 RecommendShare
    . e5 n2 S$ B/ P# }/ J# V+ uFlag
    3 e  d8 T3 ~% {Tom commented August 99 C) _2 J/ W$ p% ]5 i6 d- u( J4 k6 \
    ( ]3 @0 ?, k6 @" V. e% _Tom  \4 l  ~& f; ?, G( f
    AtlantaAug. 9
    ' c3 ?" C# C$ p* FUnfortunately our view is frightening myopic and we think (Democrats and Republicans) that by putting tariffs on Chinese exports (Electric Vehicles) we can compete with China. Remember back in early eighties when Japanese started exporting very good quality automobiles at almost half the cost, our auto industry was in shambles. A friend of mine bought Honda car and he remarked “This car is poor man’s Rolls Royce. The steering is so smooth and ride is so comfortable.” Tesla and other EV manufacturers here have to step up, innovate, and reinvent to compete with China. Putting tariffs on Chinese EVs will send following messages to American auto manufacturers: 1. You don’t need to compete. 2. You are guaranteed your customer base in America. 3. You can sell your product at prices you like. Make no mistake that tariffs are ultimately paid by Americans. A company that will make the following EV parts of very high quality will dominate the EV market: Battery, battery, and battery! Because everything else in an EV is pretty much traditional technology.
    1 C; T2 H# i+ u& X! f5 RecommendShare
    , L% a1 n: K5 [* ~1 Z! r5 xFlag; I7 R9 z  v7 U/ V: y/ I
    Andrew commented August 9
    , S. G" Z' x9 Q' S* X# TA
    7 [) I3 I3 V! d, k4 MAndrew
    ; N+ d8 k5 N6 ~( uNaplesAug. 9& N6 g$ `6 u# P, Y4 {6 ^
    Our inner cities produce students that can’t read anywhere near grade level. Too many teens are addicted to TikTok. We belittle merit. We cancel gifted and talented classes. Our colleges are in some mad arms race on athletics. China is a long player. They see our culture and its corrosive impact on education and youth development and they believe, not without good reason, that the US is weakening from within and is doomed to fail.$ i1 F! T& N* w3 O
    5 RecommendShare
    7 {* {' M2 ]/ J" E6 N6 jFlag  L1 [6 c3 j1 W# A* z
    Mandy commented August 9
    $ Y) z; J" R: r3 u4 _4 ]M* o$ P+ ?' G$ N+ z5 Z+ t# D! U
    Mandy0 x' e; [) m- }3 [3 P+ g( p) V$ u" l
    MichiganAug. 9- D, x, f# y$ r" o
    The problem that America has is that advanced stage Democracy doesn't appear to work very well. We spend so much effort - time and money, on just choosing who gets to have the golden keys. And then those who lose spend all their efforts on making sure the winners don't succeed so next time they will be the winners. Talk about dysfunctional. And now in America someone so totally unsuitable to be a leader , Trump, is turning everyone against each other, and the system has no good way to counteract. The same is true of late stage Capitalism. Where so much of the money, and power concentrate with the few, and often those few are not that great. And now we have late stage capitalism taking over our Democracy. Where money buys huge influence ( see AIPAC buying primary wins) . A big reason for America's present condition is the fact that the US dollar is the world's reserve currency. That gives us great wealth but means we need to spend huge sums on military to keep that position. It also makes us lazy. And it means it is better money to be in finance than engineering. And with our currency so valuable it is cheaper to just buy stuff from other countries. China doesn't have these 'problems' . The economy is heavily government controlled so it will be for the benefit of everyone. The wealthy are kept in place. Social media is not let alone to rot. It is very hard to have a meritocracy that lasts, but China seems to be doing it.
    ; J/ S! g6 p/ n- t+ S) O美国面临的问题是高级阶段的民主似乎运行得不太好。我们花费了如此多的精力——时间和金钱,只是为了选择谁能拥有金钥匙。然后那些失败的人会尽全力确保胜利者不会成功,这样下次他们就会成为胜利者。谈论功能失调。现在在美国,特朗普这样一个完全不适合当领导人的人,正在让每个人都互相对立,而这个体系没有什么好的办法来应对。 晚期资本主义也是如此。如此多的金钱和权力集中在少数人手中,而这些少数人往往并不那么伟大。 现在,晚期资本主义接管了我们的民主。金钱可以买到巨大的影响力(参见 AIPAC 购买初选获胜)。 美国现状的一个重要原因是美元是世界储备货币。这给我们带来了巨大的财富,但意味着我们需要在军事上花费大量资金才能保持这一地位。这也让我们变得懒惰。这意味着从事金融业比从事工程业更赚钱。由于我们的货币如此宝贵,从其他国家购买东西会更便宜。 中国不存在这些“问题”。经济受到政府的严格控制,因此这将造福于每个人。有钱人都留在原地。社交媒体不会腐烂。 维持持久的精英统治非常困难,但中国似乎正在做到这一点。
    7 v$ c) R8 ^+ E" @6 {5 Recommend 5 推荐Share 分享2 m. u/ P; C. C  a4 [4 s
    Flag 旗帜. E( D- h1 f; i: ~: f; R
    Former HS Math teacher & engineer commented August 9
    3 B1 W5 [: H3 g, a5 k7 MF
    # a# _4 X8 H  n8 B4 x( \2 k. vFormer HS Math teacher & engineer
    5 O( n" u! R  ~5 O' f前高中数学老师和工程师
    3 s+ k8 w& Y& _New EnglandAug. 9- b  j/ Z* z/ t; ?$ A! \
    新英格兰8 月 9 日
    ; J7 A% n9 _8 I@TW I agree that string math and science students in high school deserve more support, and frankly, more challenge. There is too much focus on grades and getting into the most exclusive and prestigious colleges. That forces top students to stress and complain when teachers like me challenged them with difficult concepts, problem sets, exams, and foremost - high expectations. My former students did very well in college math, science, and engineering courses at top colleges and universities. On another note, I taught many students with a variety of cognitive and learning challenges. These students, as far as I could tell, are not headed into STEM fields at the research or engineering level. And unfortunately, many waste taxpayer dollars by failing to work hard and take advantage of the great assistance they receive from teachers and special education professional .+ B1 d1 D! n7 v5 m9 r0 W$ b* X
    @TW 我同意高中弦数学和科学学生应该得到更多的支持,坦率地说,更多的挑战。人们过于关注成绩和进入最独特、最负盛名的大学。当像我这样的老师用困难的概念、问题集、考试,以及最重要的——高期望来挑战他们时,这迫使顶尖学生感到压力和抱怨。我以前的学生在顶尖学院和大学的大学数学、科学和工程课程中取得了很好的成绩。 另一方面,我教了许多面临各种认知和学习挑战的学生。据我所知,这些学生并没有进入研究或工程层面的 STEM 领域。不幸的是,许多人浪费了纳税人的钱,因为他们没有努力工作,也没有利用从教师和特殊教育专业人员那里得到的巨大帮助。% q4 \, w4 ^- f4 ~8 a! r. |
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    1 ^6 r6 r% R8 H) d  J0 @% b' ^Flag 旗帜
    - ?9 |0 S" f' Q. `: E1 Q1 V  Z4 XAndio Ryan commented August 9. M: k7 F9 ?" A, _4 `
    , z$ G5 J: ~0 b& {; Q: MAndio Ryan 安迪奥·瑞安& O0 [# N; u+ H# R" v/ @+ c
    Los AngelesAug. 9
    / k! e+ A1 C7 }. d" R' X洛杉矶8 月 9 日
    & U" v2 c/ S# ^; |! Y- T2 BIn the US we care more about equity (equal outcome for all) than merit (earning reward or status through hard work). In the US we eliminate tests for achievement and advancement and instead use identity as a measure for achievement and advancement. Is it any wonder we are doing so poorly compared to China?  T+ z: d6 r9 x7 P4 A
    在美国,我们更关心公平(所有人的结果平等)而不是功绩(通过努力工作获得奖励或地位)。在美国,我们取消了对成就和进步的测试,而是使用身份作为成就和进步的衡量标准。 与中国相比,我们的表现如此糟糕,这有什么奇怪的吗?( ~4 _$ G1 n  j3 I5 ^
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    ! T% k" W7 X4 d3 z# m% yFlag 旗帜4 T- F# K7 T$ x) M1 Q0 w4 N/ k
    Jeff commented August 9
    ' X' r& }7 g3 [2 HJ
    2 j1 \6 T6 k2 B" \Jeff0 z% ~# J* t/ N4 F- `8 p
    ORAug. 9
      S, C$ H1 H) K2 g" |In China, if the students don’t do well, they are shamed and punished, which is bad. In the US, if students don’t do well they are given a B as soon as their mom calls the school to yell at the principal.$ n) [% D( X0 u; q: _1 [6 ^
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      z4 d# N* p" K( B, Y+ `$ gFlag
    0 H, r/ N; Y- KRedcedar commented August 9
    4 v: }/ M. ~* Y& F) }- VR
      k  e1 c* c9 |$ vRedcedar
    * v& Y9 o% K# p9 j& P! C- }  fEverett WAAug. 9
    0 f) q, Q4 D" F1 RMy wife is from Changsha, as is her mother who at 96 now lives with us near Seattle. Changsha is a fun city, beautiful parks that encourage us to be outside and active. On Saturday nights in the summer, the local fireworks manufacturers put on incredible displays for us to enjoy, gathered on the riverbanks to launch our paper bag candle balloons. Like us, they are building middle class lives based on their ingenuity and hard work. My hope is that we avoid open confrontation until time erodes what is left of the fear and enmity that keeps us apart. I would love to see the Chinese hired to build high speed rail in America, as they have done for the past decade across China itself. There are so many ways in which we could work cooperatively. Can we begin working in that direction?4 v1 s+ u. n& B6 ?
    5 RecommendShare' X- B7 D2 m- k9 H
    7 |  c& C" G/ b, G0 |/ KJj commented August 9
    7 [9 @- h7 y0 H$ d& H4 `$ WJ
    ! o! X8 o7 ?& A0 e1 x2 z3 x4 IJj: W) z! p; S) B$ l
    Middle EarthAug. 9# Q# j8 V" w" i  a
    @R Mabry 28 trips 2 to 4 weeks each, no invitation. Most of the time doing unannounced factory tours. I couldn't agree more with Radek- n3 L* ]0 \& }( G( S/ R
    5 RecommendShare
    8 z/ o, [8 x+ d4 ?0 D" D5 q5 v1 p! ~. |Flag
    + o" f2 }1 J$ b, MPottree commented August 9
    9 f" p/ U3 L# T- O, Y$ ]! kP
    . q3 U( n! H- c) `/ LPottree( f$ i9 R5 M9 y* [5 S$ M
    Joshua TreeAug. 9
    2 o: ~! w4 W" H$ S* l; B; A! U@Radek This issue with comparative US costs is not limited to China. It's similar when we compare the US with most of our peer nations. Here, there are sticky fingers in every piece of the pie and all are reluctant to let go because this is how they survive economically. Hanging on to the US status quo when it comes to metrics like healthcare, education, childcare, education, and, yes, even social housing is surprisingly easy: Americans are eager and willing to suspend disbelief when the magic words (Socialism! Communism! Marxism!) are invoked. We've been trained to years to accept being more stressed and less competitive in the global economy to avoid the horror of Socialism here at home. It's akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. And some politicians still make hay out of fulminating by threatening to reverse the few paltry successes we've managed to achieve on this front. It is not just STEM subjects that suffer in our system: we are largely unskilled and unwilling to observe analyze, or even think - skills necessary for all walks of life.; H5 g, J; _# o; ?7 {/ s
    @Radek 美国成本比较的问题不仅限于中国。当我们将美国与大多数同类国家进行比较时,情况也是相似的。 在这里,每一块馅饼都有粘手,所有人都不愿意放手,因为这就是他们的经济生存之道。当谈到医疗保健、教育、儿童保育、教育,甚至社会住房等指标时,保持美国现状出人意料地容易:当神奇的词(社会主义!共产主义!马克思主义)出现时,美国人渴望并愿意停止怀疑。 !) 被调用。 多年来,我们接受了在全球经济中承受更大压力和竞争力下降的训练,以避免国内出现社会主义的恐怖。这就像割掉你的鼻子来侮辱你的脸一样。 一些政客仍然通过威胁要扭转我们在这方面取得的微不足道的成功来利用谴责。 在我们的系统中受到影响的不仅仅是 STEM 科目:我们很大程度上缺乏技能,不愿意观察分析,甚至不愿意思考 - 各行各业所必需的技能。" d( |  ?: z/ x7 y
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    2 z$ o( v5 `, W4 o. x6 N8 _EB53 commented August 9
    + c2 F( N* r  TE
    * I5 j) J0 @* ~: ~. v  [9 lEB533 ]) U7 g+ w7 h1 [
    Pacific Northwest theAug. 98 k' H; }% e/ X9 ?( o
    太平洋西北地区8 月 9 日! d& A  s8 A: A: S; A
    During my years as a biology professor at a major research university I taught many mainland Chinese students. A bright young woman took several of my classes and she asked to work in my lab. When she was approaching her senior year she asked me for advice on applying to PhD programs here rather than China, even though this meant visa and financial complications. I asked her why she wasn't applying to one of the good Chinese universities and in her quirky English said "Chinese science no good. They teach you to cheat. I like doing real science." This jibed with all the reports of retracted science publications from Chinese investigators. There are excellent scientists in China, many trained in the West, but the incentive system for science research is perverse, with funding allocated according to the number of papers published in high visibility Western journals like Nature and Science, rather than by peer review of the proposed research's merit as is done here. Engineering is a different enterprise and China clearly does well in training in this field. But science training in China is more problematic., a3 g2 A, B* p5 S
    在我在一所主要研究型大学担任生物学教授期间,我教过许多中国大陆学生。一位聪明的年轻女士选修了我的几门课程,并要求到我的实验室工作。当她快要读大四的时候,她向我寻求关于申请在这里而不是中国读博士课程的建议,尽管这意味着签证和财务上的复杂化。我问她为什么不申请中国一所好的大学,她用古怪的英语说:“中国科学不好。他们教你作弊。我喜欢做真正的科学。”这与中国研究人员撤回科学出版物的所有报告一致。中国有优秀的科学家,其中许多人在西方接受过培训,但科学研究的激励制度不正当,根据在《自然》和《科学》等西方知名期刊上发表的论文数量来分配经费,而不是根据同行评审来分配经费。拟议研究的优点正如这里所做的那样。工程是一个不同的行业,中国在这一领域的培训方面显然做得很好。但中国的科学培训问题更大。. t9 S9 i1 E& g
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    5 c5 H2 [' x6 p5 bFlag 旗帜
    / d$ [1 M" G5 ]& V; S% e3 eFrank commented August 9
    / b0 k! _, t( c( C: u! t( l9 E0 VF+ y2 z* \, Q! W& \4 ~* u
    Frank 坦率
    / F! p3 R! I2 m: D$ J. [$ dSydney OzAug. 9
    8 T6 R& i( s* k" ^5 s悉尼奥兹8 月 9 日) _+ `8 p. }% u: _
    sounds great but the view from Australia which has some of the largest deposits of lithium and rare earths is that China CCP made the decision to focus on those. While clean environment laws prevented the refinement of lithium and other rare earths in Australia which apparently are extremely polluting of environments, China were 'hey let's dominate this market' and were gung-ho about refining the rare earths. If millions in China suffer and die from the resulting pollution, hey - there's plenty more where they came from ... !
    3 l) k* ^" k  u; v2 @; t听起来不错,但拥有一些最大的锂和稀土矿藏的澳大利亚的观点是,中共决定将重点放在这些领域。 虽然清洁环境法禁止澳大利亚提炼锂和其他稀土,这些显然对环境造成了极大的污染,但中国却“嘿,让我们主宰这个市场”,并热衷于提炼稀土。 如果中国有数百万人因由此产生的污染而遭受痛苦和死亡,嘿 - 还有更多的人来自......!, m' j* b# ~# F: o
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享; x0 t) t  T. l4 @  {& v% l7 X3 f7 R% d
    Flag 旗帜" q( u" G% v" h4 l3 T
    Mike Livingston commented August 9
    $ s" b6 A% E5 c* [M/ h! ~& b- g3 |  M
    Mike Livingston 迈克·利文斯顿; n) x6 T% D: E  e3 x
    PhiladelphiaAug. 90 ]% u) F. d9 f# O9 a9 T2 ?3 O
    费城8 月 9 日' x, T$ J9 e5 R1 I: m( u
    Maybe. But most of the original science is ours. I wouldn’t trade places with them./ k  \+ m0 @) Y  I; @# v, X/ y/ @5 d
    或许。但大部分原创科学都是我们的。我不会和他们交换位置。4 p/ c: [; u! n* M  J# M
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    , D+ B6 I$ q8 x0 T+ g2 J: RFlag 旗帜# w; y  `% ?* W
    Jeff commented August 9
    # s% N5 E0 J' m) h+ n8 }8 _J! m  k+ I9 S+ |+ N$ |1 s0 B
    Jeff 杰夫' o+ u" C) S% m6 J
    SydneyAug. 9- T) Z* P# g9 s6 O, A6 b
    悉尼8 月 9 日
    + A4 w9 g: S" [2 ^6 m2 y@Josh Nothing you have said is factual. EV sales are growing according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global EV sales are expected to reach 16.6 million vehicles this year, up from 13.7 million in 2023. Lifecycle emissions of EVs are much lower than ICE. https://www.cotes.com/blog/green ... 20calculator%20that,(24%2C140%20km)%20of%20driving.- }+ M' \9 v6 F. O4 g6 l  C
    @Josh你所说的一切都不是事实。根据国际能源署 (IEA) 的数据,电动汽车销量正在增长,预计今年全球电动汽车销量将达到 1,660 万辆,高于 2023 年的 1,370 万辆。 电动汽车的生命周期排放量远低于内燃机。 https://www.cotes.com/blog/green ... e-vehicles#:~:text=尝试%20out%20this%20calculator%20that,(24%2C140%20km) %20of%20驾驶。
    9 t( f* C; Q+ n  w5 {2 c4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    3 ]; ~' U! n2 h. _8 ~+ p( F+ Q# IFlag 旗帜
    0 k( D" ~5 \! BHerb commented August 90 j0 e! o( }9 q0 v: Q
    H9 [9 z) E- S+ D0 a' O& F
    Herb 草本植物
    - _9 K, j3 D6 N$ ^2 W# Y4 c0 bParkville, MDAug. 9* L% Z7 Y* G6 u7 `
    马里兰州帕克维尔8 月 9 日0 Q0 ~6 L. s+ C4 a' i- x
    @jeff The article seem to rebut your claim quite forcefully.2 z: ?$ Q1 j/ D  n1 B
    @Jeff 这篇文章似乎非常有力地反驳了你的主张。* l$ I/ P# K; D
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    ( {6 k5 f, ?0 l+ I) x$ M) qFlag 旗帜
    2 l% C$ n. q9 ?5 oHarry commented August 9- i) r$ ?" ]2 c9 }) ~% Q* D' D5 D
    ' b' b& Y( s+ h4 Z/ xHarry 哈利( J8 Z4 _' L& r! f% j+ z
    michiganAug. 9# s! t4 K9 B* X1 p( j- H
    密歇根州8 月 9 日, x- L- B( |/ [/ Z8 G
    @Gabe. With current battery technology, but you ain’t seen nothing yet. The issue isn’t the battery chemistry, it’s making clean power. Then try convincing Americans that driving massive vehicles is necessary. Don’t hybrids use batteries?9 B' @: H" _( Z7 ~. H
    " o/ V. V# F/ O; a  B$ K5 o4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享9 X0 s* H  R8 m& Z+ ?
    Flag 旗帜7 a) @/ ~' z. h, S: u) D4 J, E
    Joe Trump commented August 9
    6 V9 {, L  O' G+ j) nJ2 ?' ^- Z& n4 h* f/ Y3 f
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普5 P* w6 |: V" r' o$ h4 I
    Earth/MarsAug. 9
    ; g3 k" F; M" f6 I/ ]5 v9 L# Z地球/火星8 月 9 日
    8 L8 r' i: e1 W@d Trump and his Gun lobby MAGA breeds are the problem and not the liberals but you ain't gonna be able to understand the Science behind it! As if Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley or Yale were founded by Republicans or Trump University is great in those Researches and has earned some name.
    3 @5 f' |4 R  Y9 Q) R* [@d 特朗普和他的枪支游说团体 MAGA 品种才是问题所在,而不是自由主义者,但你无法理解其背后的科学!好像哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、伯克利大学或耶鲁大学是由共和党人创立的,或者特朗普大学在这些研究方面很出色,并赢得了一些声誉。/ {1 k* `" o4 u" J. e6 s1 s5 v
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    7 o! `0 r/ M/ |+ rFlag 旗帜/ L5 q1 a! x* ^# u# c3 u
    Trina commented August 95 }) u$ g( _( M5 ]/ _
    9 W, y  _. P, _6 b7 V' `Trina 天合光能  i7 `% m6 ^! j+ W
    IndianaAug. 9
    / p) o2 `0 J+ v- t印第安纳州8 月 9 日3 I6 X4 I) N2 n5 b" m' O7 T
    @M Eng The same was once said of Japan. Yet that nation [Japan] beat the pants off the United States at every turn: Automotive, automation/robotics, eletronics, music instruments, and steel. Who's the current leader of automotive manufacturing in the World? The Japanese gamed the system by build a better car. Investing in engineering and manufacturing requires the United State to invest in education. The world economy is here to say. The false narrative that China made gains because they took something away from use needs to cease. The United States consciously deindustrialize this nation, in the 80s. Many Americans didn't understand Reagan when he said, "The Untited States was going to be a service economy."2 j  K$ K# I2 }) c$ i2 H3 I5 v1 T5 K
    @M 恩格 日本也曾说过同样的话。然而,这个国家(日本)在汽车、自动化/机器人、电子、乐器和钢铁等各个领域都击败了美国。目前世界汽车制造业的领头羊是谁?日本人通过制造更好的汽车来玩弄这个系统。 投资工程和制造业需要美国投资教育。世界经济在这里说。认为中国取得收益是因为他们从使用中拿走一些东西的错误说法需要停止。 美国在八十年代有意识地使这个国家去工业化。当里根说“美国将成为一个服务经济体”时,许多美国人不理解他的意思。* S! k; V$ y9 Z- y0 `
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享9 c( M* ]- o- z, h
    Flag 旗帜, d/ [! H! a" u
    Dhg commented August 9
    ' J. h8 E+ L7 eD
    + }7 x: H/ U" M" v* V) v- LDhg( \2 C7 [$ o& K3 }7 O: M$ t
    NYAug. 9
    & L! b1 y7 f0 M( D& U纽约8 月 9 日
    0 Z% C) l6 u# w3 j# E* ?@B. "For students who absolutely will not be helped but prefer to engage in behavior not compatible with civilized living, and we know very well that these are the students whose behavior interferes with the learning of their classmates, well, why are we wasting funds trying to get them into college?" Or elect them president and maybe do so again in 2024.
    & ^: O9 J# I( e" O( X, x@B。 “对于那些绝对不会得到帮助而是宁愿做出与文明生活不相容的行为的学生,我们很清楚这些学生的行为干扰了同学的学习,那么,为什么我们要浪费资金试图让他们考上大学?” 或者选举他们为总统,也许在 2024 年再次这样做。
    ! m( C& c" c( Y# u2 |8 \4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ( K- i; s) g+ G2 t2 bFlag 旗帜% U0 U$ Q2 I: n, _' y9 `7 Q
    Just Another commented August 9% h, v* i, A: P2 z( m# j& c! O' m; U
    ( d: _! a6 N8 e9 ?; }' ~4 HJust Another 只是另一个% b( ?3 U, d, d
    New YorkAug. 9; G$ b; Z9 g+ o2 m
    纽约8 月 9 日: a) F, b! g5 C( \
    @S. Benson , You've hit the nail on the head. It's the way the market incentives work and the way corporations respond in the U.S. Changing that would require large scale government intervention and tax funded spending, which would be difficult because of political and financial resistance.7 ]$ |/ E3 S1 w
    @S。本森,你说得一针见血。美国市场激励机制的运作方式和企业应对方式的改变将需要大规模的政府干预和税收资助支出,而由于政治和金融阻力,这将是困难的。) x* O% K4 O5 f" Z. }+ s+ w
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享+ n9 V# {8 ?5 L6 @4 G7 e, N# F; C
    Flag 旗帜7 i0 F! A: h  T! d
    me commented August 9
    1 ]" F. o' e2 J, }9 l* bM
    8 c3 E  z* S" o+ zme 我
    ' x& h* R% o$ P5 msomewhereAug. 9  ]& z( g7 p0 T+ F
    8 月 9 日某处
    8 b7 J  d! m( y9 nWe are so dumb here in America. We buy everything from China. We even pay them to build our own products, and we wonder why they are about to surpass us in GDP and actually already have if you use the more modern, favored measurement of PPP. The reason is quite simple. "Rugged American Individualism" has each horse in our cart pulling in a different direction while all of China's horses are in unison.
    * {% F$ o8 W5 a+ I我们在美国真是太蠢了。我们从中国购买所有东西。我们甚至付钱让他们制造我们自己的产品,我们想知道为什么他们的 GDP 即将超过我们,而且如果你使用更现代、更受青睐的购买力平价衡量标准,他们实际上已经超越了我们。 原因很简单。 “粗暴的美国个人主义”让我们车上的每一匹马都朝着不同的方向拉动,而中国的所有马却齐心协力。
    5 a$ [, x0 A$ J& Y4 r7 }4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    9 W2 J1 F; Q" i9 G# I  D! ?7 YFlag 旗帜: H  O* k* `8 `: h
    Metallurgist commented August 9+ p+ {7 \$ o9 |, b3 s7 H  {3 z7 t0 c
    * `, [4 ]& U+ k! ?3 Z
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:13:36 | 只看该作者
    Metallurgist 冶金学家
    ; ]( j, V3 H" d+ RMidwestAug. 9
    6 y, o8 j  V# ], D4 o5 |中西部8 月 9 日
    6 p2 g( I' o" x* I# p% BThank you for an important article on how China is rapidly gaining innovation edge Vs the US. Please follow up with in-depth articles on China's policy formulation and their implementation of policies. How does China determine winners and losers in deciding which technologies to fund, and the pathways of bringing the technologies to the market place.
    - |# _) p1 N/ e  e; s5 S2 e' }3 D- j感谢您发表一篇关于中国如何迅速获得相对于美国的创新优势的重要文章。请后续关注中国政策制定和政策执行的深度文章。在决定资助哪些技术以及将这些技术推向市场的途径时,中国如何确定赢家和输家。
    4 X8 ^: o5 Y* m! K- N% ?4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享: Y2 \& m. D9 [$ A# \
    Flag 旗帜+ x5 i+ h, b$ Z2 K5 P
    Arctic Fox commented August 9
    + [  v6 C9 K- @  u1 ?, G% k3 KA3 E  J3 f, E: ~  N4 W/ R  t+ d( w+ \
    Arctic Fox 白狐
      a) _/ y% v: C) R0 tPrudhoe Bay, AlaskaAug. 9$ U% a" v+ n& R) I0 _+ ^
    阿拉斯加州普拉德霍湾8 月 9 日
    , ~8 d, j- J" h+ S0 ~Some yrs ago, at a large industry conference, I sat next to a Chinese geology professor from Wuhan (yes, that Wuhan). I asked how many students studied at his university: “Oh, about 40,000 or so,” he said. “Do all study geology,” I asked… kind of in jest. “No,” he replied; “Only about half of students study geology. About 20,000.” He was serious. By comparison, that’s more geology students at one Chinese university than the entire enrollment across all of US academe.9 h5 g; |2 `; ]
    几年前,在一次大型行业会议上,我坐在一位来自武汉(是的,就是那个武汉)的中国地质学教授旁边。我问有多少学生在他的大学学习:“哦,大约四万左右,”他说。 “大家都学地质学吧,”我有点开玩笑地问道。 “不,”他回答道。 “只有大约一半的学生学习地质学。大约两万。”他是认真的。相比之下,中国一所大学的地质专业学生数量比美国所有院校的总入学人数还要多。
    ) R$ a7 [4 F' Y4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享  t/ z" B, g7 {1 B' E: p& |) L4 |- ]# w
    Flag 旗帜
    4 S9 ^9 r9 y. M2 c! xBob commented August 9  b, H; A6 j( D, Y3 U5 f
    # Z5 I7 k4 O1 D% X/ c. h2 oBob 鲍勃
    4 N6 s4 ?. r6 u3 _+ I* \2 fWAAug. 9
    * ^8 }) W, r! q% j) E( D; S- d) A! z西澳8 月 9 日/ C" H) a  Q0 ^, P; t8 J
    @Deborah Sometimes accepting that others have more money than ourselves is challenging.
    ) D7 w9 w* S( G% f: s@黛博拉有时接受别人比我们有更多的钱是具有挑战性的。, G0 a* H- V; x: \, B8 W4 N: D
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    , ?8 v! p4 U: d: A- {* nFlag 旗帜. I: ^0 J: {2 v- `/ `
    Got2Work commented August 94 `, O4 U% Z- {  s
    G& Q' O, d  Q1 Z  i# c6 Q* Z+ I
    Got2Work 上班了
    " B2 ?# x/ ^1 [NYAug. 9
    % i$ Y6 j3 q. F1 W) [纽约8 月 9 日2 Z/ f4 p6 Q, `0 L: J" P4 i
    @J T Yes. Schools have taken over responsibility for all aspects of child-rearing and a good education has fallen by the wayside.& A2 }6 @  Z% L6 @5 L9 {* B" t
    @JT 是的。学校接管了养育孩子各个方面的责任,良好的教育被搁置了。3 P( J$ X9 T; L9 g* H7 r5 _
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    + b& ]! p4 v+ HFlag 旗帜
    3 V! ~/ B8 ]+ p' W+ a: t* tDWS commented August 9! l4 f3 X2 H6 I. W
    7 t( Y4 ^7 g; ?6 sDWS 分布式WS
    ( h$ W1 h# j1 Q$ ^+ b, _DallasAug. 9
    1 K, o+ e+ C% b. e达拉斯8 月 9 日" j7 O9 ?# ~. _
    It's my observation as an American citizen with considerable experience rolling up his sleeves in China, that much of the dialog in the USA regarding China panders to racial bigotry, is fashioned and perpetuated by those with vested commercial or political interests and alarmingly little personal experience in China. In effect, lies made from whole cloth concealing the teller's true intents. If our educational systems and society have a critical failing it is lack of critical thinking. With regard to China, by allowing people with zero expertise to repeat falsehoods about China without question, we resemble some gossiping medieval villagers blaming the Jews for poisoning the village well--when indeed everyone is sick due to our failure to dig a latrine downstream of well. Next time you hear someone saying something about China who can't pronounce Chinese proper nouns question that authority (it ain't hard, learning the rules for pronouncing the romanized Chinese pinyin can be disposed of in 2 hours). Faster, cheaper, better are the watchwords, behind every commercial decision made in China is the question does it scale? While we congratulate and shower one billionaire with more billions for knitting a few fashionable EVs with high margins for the wealthy, China's teams of engineers build out a high speed rail network that moves millions of people everyday (and in the meantime manages to hand out low priced EVs like chiclets).
    ) |; i$ k# {5 b# L) r6 m作为一名在中国有丰富经验的美国公民,我观察到,美国有关中国的大部分对话都是为了迎合种族偏见,是由那些既得商业或政治利益、个人经验少得惊人的人所塑造和延续的。中国。实际上,谎言完全掩盖了说谎者的真实意图。 如果说我们的教育系统和社会存在严重缺陷,那就是缺乏批判性思维。就中国而言,允许零专业知识的人毫无疑问地重复有关中国的谎言,我们就像一些八卦的中世纪村民指责犹太人毒害了村庄——而事实上,由于我们没有在下游挖厕所,每个人都生病了。出色地。下次当你听到一个不会发音中文专有名词的人谈论中国时,你会质疑这个权威(这并不难,学习罗马拼音的发音规则2小时内就可以搞定)。 更快、更便宜、更好是口号,在中国做出的每一个商业决策背后都是一个问题:它能否规模化?当我们祝贺一位亿万富翁并为他提供了数十亿美元的礼物,因为他为富人编织了一些高利润的时尚电动汽车时,中国的工程师团队建造了一个每天运送数百万人的高速铁路网络(同时设法以低廉的价格提供)像巧克力一样定价的电动汽车)。1 x+ U( y+ z1 Z2 g! K9 j
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    $ J6 W; Z* x1 K& F% U  [  SFlag 旗帜: k. t/ }* e4 U5 W& V
    Bill White commented August 9
    : A4 P4 l7 _9 AB; h* z3 ~+ Y2 i0 e8 {# A
    Bill White 比尔·怀特
    ( j& S; g* m5 h: j& aIthacaAug. 9& D$ M& a8 S; a6 ~6 c
    伊萨卡8 月 9 日
    9 H6 g9 j/ a% o" ?" w. E8 D% H4 A@Katz First, paywalls are rapidly disappearing as more and more journals transition to open access (which has the downside that authors or their institutions must bear the cost of publication). Second, most major universities and corporations have subscriptions to these journals and hence researchers such as myself have no cost access to journals. Third, anyone else can always e-mail the author and ask for a reprint. Paywalls are not the problem. Of course, some private sector research is not published, at least until patents are granted, but that is a different issue. Finally, as the article states, the Chinese are indeed now doing leading edge research across a wide spectrum of science.
    ! F; p: u& |8 s6 r@Katz 首先,随着越来越多的期刊转向开放获取(其缺点是作者或其机构必须承担出版费用),付费墙正在迅速消失。 其次,大多数主要大学和公司都订阅了这些期刊,因此像我这样的研究人员可以免费访问期刊。 第三,其他任何人都可以随时向作者发送电子邮件并要求重印。 付费墙不是问题。当然,一些私营部门的研究不会发表,至少在获得专利之前是这样,但这是一个不同的问题。 最后,正如文章所述,中国人现在确实正在广泛的科学领域进行前沿研究。
    5 H9 e5 t8 U% V3 L7 V4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享0 u9 l8 h3 f3 p% O+ y6 s( W! o
    Flag 旗帜
    ; P" z( P; b1 U+ w& H, U& uTDurk commented August 9  v( x! b0 x) C9 k! U' Q. L
    T' }7 h7 I2 D! V4 B2 t
    TDurk 杜尔克, k' l, V' N. b% |
    Rochester, NYAug. 9
    / K$ {7 W" X3 ~: C( {# ]. A纽约州罗彻斯特8 月 9 日+ a- A1 D. ?) C$ B. [  c8 {
    The root cause of American declines in basic scientific research and accomplishments outside of IT and pharmaceuticals is the failure of our people to value education that demands study, learning, metrics, attendance and grades that matter. This is a cultural issue that highlights what people and governments value most. We certainly have the nucleus of genius capable of out-innovating others. But those who can typically gravitate to higher paying fields that use chemistry for commercial purpose. They prosper there financially and are quite happy. There aren't enough of them to gravitate to other new fields with the same degree of competence. There aren't enough of them because public education has evolved from educating students basic math, science, literacy skills to proselytizing about social justice. The current social justice warriors of the Dpt of Education, the leaders of the NEA and the progressive activists have demanded that schools and teachers fix broad social problems rather than educate our young. This is a cultural issue.
    ! `! D4 b# \7 |4 V+ G美国在信息技术和制药之外的基础科学研究和成就下降的根本原因是我们的人民未能重视需要学习、学习、指标、出勤和成绩的教育。 这是一个文化问题,凸显了人民和政府最看重的是什么。 我们当然拥有能够超越他人的天才核心。但那些通常会倾向于将化学用于商业目的的高薪领域。他们在那里经济繁荣并且非常幸福。 他们没有足够多的人去吸引具有同等能力的其他新领域。 它们的数量还不够,因为公共教育已经从教育学生基本的数学、科学、识字技能发展到宣扬社会正义。目前教育部的社会正义斗士、国家教育局的领导人和进步活动人士要求学校和教师解决广泛的社会问题,而不是教育我们的年轻人。 这是一个文化问题。: A: n8 R% E& a
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享) `" `) J; C/ s0 O8 O
    Flag 旗帜& u9 K7 a& @) G3 D! e1 ^) E
    nolongeradoc commented August 9% K/ z+ r; E+ z5 e" ~
    - ^  X  @9 S4 X* P1 P: `nolongeradoc 不再是拉多克
    4 k1 K5 j' K1 I" G/ GLondon, UKAug. 9
    & v3 ?4 N1 c" [) c2 i英国伦敦8 月 9 日+ V6 L) _! q) G" P! E2 q
    Oh please... Not again. We're required to believe that EVERY single major technical advance, every single commanding lead by any country that isn't the USA, has come about (no matter how tenuously) because, in some way, Americans were deprived of, cheated out of, had stolen, some essential discovery, industrial process, some crucial manufacture OR that advancement was gained only through American financial or expert intellectual support - all without which any non-US country would have been quite incapable of making that advance, gaining that lead or whatever. The world has changed. Not only has China become an R&D powerhouse but cutting edge bioscience, semiconductor, AI R&D (to name but a few) is being done in Japan, Taiwan and the member nations of the European Union (to name but a few) all entirely independently of the US. Really. The US is getting beaten, even sometimes beaten badly, on technical progress. Not one but TWO recent world academic rankings show that of the global top 10 universities, FOUR are British. And, that's just one example of non-American academic prowess. Worth remembering when it comes to the ownership of research IP.3 U  S  M9 q6 }, f- G# ^+ O5 W" r% Q
    哦,拜托...不要再这样了。 我们必须相信,每一项重大技术进步、每一项非美国国家的领先优势,都已经实现(无论多么脆弱),因为在某种程度上,美国人被剥夺了、被欺骗了,窃取了一些重要的发现、工业流程、一些关键的制造,或者只有通过美国的财政或专家智力支持才能取得进步——如果没有这些支持,任何非美国国家都无法取得这一进步,获得领先地位或任何。 世界已经改变。中国不仅已成为研发强国,而且日本、台湾和欧盟成员国(仅举几例)也正在完全独立地进行尖端生物科学、半导体、人工智能研发(仅举几例)。美国。真的。美国在技术进步方面正在被打败,甚至有时被打败。 最近的两份世界学术排名显示,在全球排名前 10 的大学中,有四所是英国大学。而且,这只是非美国学术实力的一个例子。当谈到研究知识产权的所有权时,值得记住。
    0 `/ V5 j( X+ D# ?0 {$ ?1 Reply 1 条回复4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    8 Z  a" o2 i, w3 @Flag 旗帜7 A6 g7 I" Q6 @, y8 ]
    PC commented August 9$ [% G5 Q9 P# m$ F" e
    P  s  ^! n! o1 e0 H$ O
    PC 个人电脑
    ' K" S. }, g6 g) v/ H* vAurora, CO.Aug. 9
    5 o, x$ G* ^. T  h8 }8 q$ ^科罗拉多州奥罗拉8 月 9 日
    - T" o- ^" e5 |0 EI’ve been pretty critical of China because I’ve worked with Chinese computer engineers who were stealing secrets. I loathe this for obvious reasons but I’ve felt that if China is truly a superpower then they must earn their chops like everyone else instead of stealing everything not nailed down. I’ve changed my mind. “Empires of Silver” - Curiosity Streaming, three segment documentary England and East India Company has treated China very poorly. So too other European countries, Japan and Americans. For most of recorded history China has simply wanted to be left alone. I understand that completely. These nations, out of greed, invaded several times over the centuries, and imposed outrageous debt requirements that would forever cripple any nation. Much like Germany after WWI. Try experiencing that history and not seething with hate and contempt for the countries who were responsible. I’ve known Spain, England and other colonizers were evil but I never understood exactly to what extent. A well written and concise documentary.
    * o, U: E: ?3 o# ?+ \我一直对中国持批评态度,因为我曾与窃取机密的中国计算机工程师一起工作。出于显而易见的原因,我讨厌这一点,但我觉得,如果中国真的是一个超级大国,那么他们必须像其他人一样赢得自己的印章,而不是窃取一切未确定的东西。 我改变了主意。 “白银帝国” - Curiosity Streaming,三段纪录片 英国和东印度公司对待中国非常不好。其他欧洲国家、日本和美国也是如此。 在大部分有记录的历史中,中国只是想不受干扰。我完全理解这一点。这些国家出于贪婪,在几个世纪里多次入侵,并强加了无耻的债务要求,这将永远削弱任何国家。就像第一次世界大战后的德国一样。 尝试体验那段历史,不要对那些负有责任的国家充满仇恨和蔑视。 我知道西班牙、英国和其他殖民者是邪恶的,但我从来不知道到底邪恶到什么程度。 一部写得很好、简洁的纪录片。  {1 ^* g6 d$ W) k8 C
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享9 o7 B; E, A; d% s
    Flag 旗帜
    5 ^0 P$ }  F; w* i+ G$ I% ?1 XMark commented August 9
    " E0 Q" u8 l9 ?M5 F" z$ ^" i. R8 Y, Q. p
    Mark 标记
    1 }2 @: e8 H" z$ ^8 ~7 P7 _PortlandAug. 9& I% x8 A9 F5 t, ~$ r; u3 K
    波特兰8 月 9 日
    4 W1 ?: f  {5 d+ ^$ mWe need our youth to find science cool again. Business as an undergraduate major? Seriously?3 L: M% {" Z+ R3 l& X
      x& h1 V( j4 H. U" f: }) c4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ! v- P/ h9 {, |$ @" ]% t, L5 gFlag 旗帜& x& R! N  U& r$ N- Q3 N, s
    Mtnman1963 commented August 9) M$ u; O2 u! ?
    M# f% w, p9 ~( v/ n8 {
    Mtnman1963 曼曼1963/ z/ R( g3 a& ~, P; w" l
    MDAug. 9) Q  l0 \" L% q9 S
    医学博士8 月 9 日0 v# L' U# [7 O/ k8 f8 o5 Z
    DO NOT assess technological achievement by paper counts and citations. China incentivises their researchers to publish to such an extent that they put out essentially undergrad class assignments, then run up the cite counts by self-citation. Long ago, Western scientists stopped citing Chinese research in many fields. Most is useless or garbage
    7 j# A% K4 n) z$ L  U不要通过论文数量和引用来评估技术成就。中国鼓励研究人员发表论文,他们基本上会布置本科生课堂作业,然后通过自引来增加引用次数。很久以前,西方科学家就不再在许多领域引用中国的研究成果。大部分都是无用或者垃圾
    - I6 z* U# V) g5 Y; F& `4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享' U4 ~0 C1 ?- X
    Flag 旗帜
    # y! c$ X( Q. F. I3 pJack commented August 98 E; O5 L1 _9 S+ n

    9 |" T( k- ~( _7 x- W5 rJack 杰克
    - T5 f( m) V& [' N( bEast End of The Isle of LongAug. 95 W8 o* P+ z9 P& `$ P$ n
    长岛东端8 月 9 日
    0 A/ \- H4 Q: a8 V/ nrtischer8277 and Joe Trump Social media are solutions in search of problems. Much of what we consider high tech innovation is driven by this kind of thinking - let's build this thing and then we will create the need.- E# Y" m: G7 Y0 B
    rtischer8277 和乔·特朗普 社交媒体是寻找问题的解决方案。我们认为的大部分高科技创新都是由这种思维驱动的——让我们构建这个东西,然后我们将创造需求。5 n, r5 R' T. \9 e* i
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    - [+ ^7 [7 u9 O9 w4 n! UFlag 旗帜5 p6 M/ n$ f0 A
    Ted commented August 9
    ; B' J! h' |( U0 C& I5 ET
    + d! G$ m' X- N8 w+ T! pTed 特德
      \7 }8 w5 A" jBCAug. 9
    ; d4 p/ \- @5 ?公元前8 月 9 日# x$ s4 @. I* i4 m' h" B. V  F# T; b: q
    Those of us of a certain age remember all the great discoveries at Bell Labs and the various space program related breakthroughs. Those days are long gone. We once led the world by investing in ourselves. Those days are gone too.
    : Z$ i5 X" f" j我们这些上了一定年纪的人都记得贝尔实验室的所有伟大发现以及各种与太空计划相关的突破。那些日子已经一去不复返了。我们曾经通过投资自己来引领世界。那些日子也一去不复返了。. f# p+ T4 \8 x) o
    4 RecommendShare
    9 \0 `* z1 v/ S' l' c0 W4 s1 r$ A; nFlag
    , g+ h1 `) f$ _3 aAshish commented August 95 U. l+ c: D# C; G9 H
    / t0 }+ I& |- {- ~Ashish 阿什什' p% e; n% u& C# O2 T' [
    NJAug. 9
    & c/ `) C$ U. |# H, U$ m( f  @新泽西州8 月 9 日
    7 T" ~" u2 I# V2 K* e2 S1 D& RSince much of the western world can’t comprehend long sentences/paragraphs, I will use bullet points to make my case. 1) we live thinking about the past glory days. 2) we travel to well advertised places and think we have seen the world. 3) we haven’t seen the world that has developed since 2000s. 4) our education system allocates few resources to STEM classes including hands on learning. 5) our kids want all the fun and no pressure to learn in school. Not motivated enough. 6) our so called global corporations want to make money and not necessarily improve human life while improving everything else that surrounds us. Yes, I am talking about environment. 7) when you focus on the past, you can’t see what’s happening in front of you. 8) countries like India and China will surpass the western world and surprise us - well maybe not much a surprise. Solution is well funded schools and colleges. High quality college education shouldn’t cost $50,000 to $80,000 a year.  e( e- v" y. t- z. O6 p0 m
    由于西方世界的许多人无法理解长句子/段落,因此我将使用要点来阐述我的观点。 1)我们一直在思考过去的辉煌岁月。 2)我们去广告宣传得很好的地方旅行,并认为我们已经见识过世界了。 3)我们还没有看到2000年代以来发展的世界。 4) 我们的教育系统为 STEM 课程分配的资源很少,包括实践学习。 5) 我们的孩子希望在学校学习充满乐趣且没有压力。动力不够。 6)我们所谓的全球性公司想要赚钱,但不一定要改善人类生活,同时改善我们周围的一切。是的,我说的是环境。 7)当你专注于过去时,你就看不到眼前发生的事情。 8)像印度和中国这样的国家将超越西方世界,让我们感到惊讶——也许这并不令人意外。 解决方案是资金充足的学校和学院。高质量的大学教育每年不应花费 50,000 至 80,000 美元。
    5 x: @0 @  ]/ b' u3 y: n. q! i( E1 Reply 1 条回复4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    # {( C$ l4 `* a+ _, g4 l) JFlag 旗帜
    $ F+ H9 l$ `. bmfh33 commented August 9
    ; R. v2 H$ c6 M# r; S4 |$ f9 yM
    , _  l" H3 G" x+ m7 d2 cmfh332 G# L2 J2 d2 V  Q) S
    HackensackAug. 9
    6 v! J' o0 g) @/ o* O; u7 W8 V哈肯萨克8 月 9 日! r* E$ I( h1 E
    The essential purpose of standardized testing is to identify high-potential students regardless of background. China is not afraid to see if you can cut it, and tell you that you can't. Given the forces against merit-based admissions and advancement, is it any wonder why US men are in droves saying no-thanks to university? Despite being communist, the ideas of "equity" and equality-of-outcome are laughable in China.
    $ S- u9 }# w( Q标准化测试的根本目的是识别高潜力的学生,无论其背景如何。中国不怕看你能不能砍,然后告诉你不能。鉴于反对择优录取和晋升的力量,难怪美国男性成群结队地对大学说不?尽管是共产主义国家,“公平”和结果平等的观念在中国却是可笑的。
    6 ]% n% p7 A4 [( e% Q) V. s* @* b* x4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享6 X$ L% Q6 O- g7 w& H
    Flag 旗帜
    ( h( x7 m- j8 [8 X. ZCD commented August 93 C5 j! R% v+ E8 s2 p; ~
    C( g; W# T$ k& e0 g( e; i" N
    CD 光盘/ T+ C. [/ s0 ^# E/ v0 g
    BostonAug. 9
    " P7 ~' |! P! ~5 \) v$ D) R波士顿8 月 9 日: B6 B& U- h* n0 }" k4 T5 @
    Academic excellence in the US is valued by some parents and adults, but in general not by adolescent peers. There are still excellent individual students in the US, who have individual, personal drive, and they are supported by their families and small social groups. But in various political and social subgroups, the US frames academic achievement in terms of nerdiness, inequity, unpopularity, being unathletic, or being privileged...or even reframed arguing the definition of excellence is subjective and its measurement is inherently biased. In Asia, the definition of academic excellence is unambiguous. Achievement is respected by adults and age-matched peers and there aren't strong competing narratives about popularity or social inequality. This article reflects the stark difference between our cultures, the consequences of this divergence, and gives insights to the decades to come.. @) [( d, A: l- P5 p
    在美国,一些家长和成年人看重学业成绩,但一般青少年同龄人并不看重。 美国仍然有优秀的个体学生,他们有个性、有个人动力,并且得到家庭和小社会团体的支持。但在不同的政治和社会群体中,美国用书呆子、不平等、不受欢迎、缺乏运动能力或特权等来界定学术成就……甚至重新定义卓越的定义是主观的,其衡量标准本质上是有偏见的。 在亚洲,学术卓越的定义是明确的。成就受到成年人和同龄人的尊重,并且没有关于受欢迎程度或社会不平等的强烈竞争性叙述。本文反映了我们文化之间的明显差异以及这种差异的后果,并对未来几十年提出了见解。
    2 p) n4 D" d8 e" j0 X4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    0 V& i7 k9 T" ~/ S1 QFlag 旗帜
    / [5 N* z& H% [2 i6 mRadioStar commented August 9
    7 M' z- z# B6 h1 Y% U. ?) AR 右; s) e6 J, s3 s) p. A1 l
    RadioStar 广播之星
    4 t2 g1 K" M  QCanadaAug. 9
    ) m# s% E' c: u" O加拿大8 月 9 日; K; V% }  S6 H  l, }: q4 X: e
    Americans will never have the strict behavioral nor technical discipline to compete against Asians on a large scale. Americans can lead a cutting edge research but it takes a different mindset to effectively and consistently commercialize technologies with high quality. The pragmatic way forward is to employ crippling tariffs to limit the influx of foreign technology. If we can't compete, erect barriers.
    ' T$ w( ?; E5 x6 j7 C美国人永远不会有严格的行为或技术纪律来与亚洲人进行大规模竞争。美国人可以领导尖端研究,但需要不同的思维方式才能有效、持续地将高质量技术商业化。 务实的前进之路是采用严厉的关税来限制外国技术的流入。如果我们无法竞争,就设置障碍。6 S" E) I% R# }1 o2 r0 S
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享0 W* z' \' t5 {2 r& ^
    Flag 旗帜" R/ w/ ?. ]6 I2 z& R9 X, E
    JS commented August 9
    * h7 X' r* k& W5 \J
    4 ]* Z1 @& g! F/ r3 f7 m" wJS
    # D* W" x) o. g# G! \  ]5 \- [3 tLos AngelesAug. 9
    ) k5 E0 H" S; z9 o: s( @: t1 s洛杉矶8 月 9 日* w% n* f  a' @) H3 ~- Q5 t5 g: K1 U
    Meanwhile our leaders remove algebra classes from public schools… great policy.
    + f4 E& ~: D) G: n' w! d与此同时,我们的领导人从公立学校取消了代数课程……伟大的政策。
    + D0 X4 c7 @, @# @% U( [4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享( Q3 Z0 _5 ~( i' l! B
    Flag 旗帜) Q2 x* v8 G0 a3 E0 h
    Steve F. commented August 94 w; f7 E- _& w( D6 D0 T
    " O$ \' ~, w8 V; s! \/ BSteve F. 史蒂夫·F。
    + h8 V; {( l& BPompton Lakes, NJAug. 9
    5 t% p# C- ?) `: s& J! m' \, h; d新泽西州庞普顿湖8 月 9 日) j3 t2 G# }4 x- k4 l" q
    Talk about Tech Prowess, a simple internet search comparing high speed rail: China has 28,000 miles of high speed rail. US - 49.9 miles. The US is pretty good at making weapons though. Maybe that's a good thing, but it may also be telling what the US prioritizes.
    # _. F7 V& H/ r; Q  F1 c谈论Tech Prowess,一个简单的互联网搜索比较高铁: 中国拥有28,000英里的高铁。美国 - 49.9 英里。 美国在武器制造方面还是很擅长的。也许这是一件好事,但它也可能表明美国的优先事项是什么。; `* r& `8 F! o2 k7 F9 s0 B
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ; G2 \0 N2 ^1 f& q2 P! C6 FFlag 旗帜
    ; ^. m# e2 ]  d% KI.Keller commented August 9, V* ?& \6 F, Y% Q  T. ^
    I 我
    4 D: v8 r! O8 w1 a! b9 L5 ?I.Keller 凯勒# ~2 x4 g. U' G, t9 k1 h3 P, T
    FranceAug. 92 E8 w4 L9 W, A8 i2 Z2 e
    法国8 月 9 日( C# v) \. `, G4 ^; G
    @Ethan Allen : that is not how research works. You are thinking of classified research programs which are an entirely different beast.." v; J. F" S# d9 T
    @Ethan Allen:研究不是这样进行的。你正在考虑的分类研究项目是完全不同的野兽。
    6 `0 \( G* i4 |* A4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享: ?& u( U( e: d. g$ h% [0 `5 q
    Flag 旗帜8 @1 Q. d* n0 K- k8 e/ U' }
    Wei commented August 9
    & V$ g. {  W5 O8 A: G* G6 `W 瓦; k, O$ i# Y2 Q& I" H/ A
    Wei 魏
    % b- l3 r  O( b/ Y" E* VNYCAug. 91 v# U- X+ ]2 i& P, x
    纽约市8 月 9 日/ B; I9 m4 ]) _4 I6 i5 h
    We don’t need STEM. We’ve got diversity.6 x5 T$ J1 s( \& a: [! ]% G& f
    / D6 l' Q1 _( c4 a. Y5 K4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ! N& A# p( ?  v4 b- A  c! G" G+ rFlag 旗帜
    ) f2 G" k% B0 Q# AJane commented August 9, {6 H2 D9 h4 B5 }
    0 D! D9 `# n8 {0 yJane 简
    : T2 v+ z, G" ], m' u! M" p* o( l3 aOregonAug. 9( [8 r/ r" Q# ?5 D
    俄勒冈州8 月 9 日
    3 r& Q( E2 m9 p% Q* a: {@J T schools need to push back. If kids have bad behavior suspend and expel them. If they don’t do the work, fail them. Many kids and parents don’t care because there are no consequences anymore. Make it the parents’ problem again.* e# v. O. ^" C! i
    @JT 学校需要反击。如果孩子有不良行为,则暂停并开除他们。如果他们没有完成工作,那就让他们失败。许多孩子和父母不在乎,因为不再有任何后果。再次成为父母的问题。
    # \9 W8 }. M- A4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享0 u$ g% E& g+ W) L- H% ?) G
    Flag 旗帜
    - U- H' p% D$ J% Z$ `& d- d/ bRaps commented August 9
    : B0 {) I/ G2 H  k. C$ }2 B
    " T& s: Q$ G; N/ h% N1 Z; HRaps 猛禽6 S- z; s- Q/ F% ?- o" c
    New YorkAug. 9) T+ @) [* R) q/ O2 Q9 r4 X$ P
    纽约8 月 9 日& D& I4 g( g1 p( g, K
    The United States needs to stop complaining about Chinese government investment in research and development. Such investment is entirely appropriate in countries interested in improving the standard of living of all its people. Better education, better infrastructure, better health care and better housing all contribute to a better standard of living. We don't have to agree with every aspect of Chinese governing, but we ought to be able to recognize their successes. And maybe even learn from them.3 V) a9 i- @1 l
    美国需要停止抱怨中国政府对研发的投资。对于有兴趣提高全体人民生活水平的国家来说,这种投资是完全合适的。更好的教育、更好的基础设施、更好的医疗保健和更好的住房都有助于提高生活水平。 我们不必认同中国治理的方方面面,但我们应该能够认可他们的成功。甚至可能向他们学习。# O# h& ]# C1 ]1 o3 t% j8 m9 `7 b
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享$ y5 e4 z+ B1 C! \
    Flag 旗帜
    1 M2 s( ~+ Y& d1 k, kTulipsinyard commented August 9
    4 {3 }+ L7 [$ k5 C- j1 QT
    ! a, w0 h2 Q$ {& p" ~( L! n- ~+ X# \Tulipsinyard 郁金香庭院  n) O% P- r( }/ ?3 W3 k4 g% [2 [
    CanadaAug. 9( m/ E. r4 H2 d8 C) H  |# W" [
    加拿大8 月 9 日4 S" G) T, y, Z% V5 I9 o, J4 N' v
    I went recently for a conference (in a STEM field) along with my current PhD students. The researchers present included scholars from China. After a networking event aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, my students and I met at their insistence. They had spoken to their counterparts in Chinese universities, and compared their respective training in mathematics (a backbone of many technical fields). The kids in Chinese research universities had taken about 3 times as many advanced courses in math as had students in the US and Canada. In this sense the elite engimeering training in China is now comparable to that in France. North American engineers are not as well trained in math compared to those from even 25 years ago. Back in many north american university, we continue to -shrink- the math requirements in engineering and science programs.$ z  d# I4 ~1 i; O! }
    我最近和我现在的博士生一起参加了一个会议(STEM 领域)。出席的研究人员包括来自中国的学者。 在一次针对研究生和博士后的社交活动之后,我和我的学生在他们的坚持下见面了。他们与中国大学的同行进行了交谈,并比较了各自在数学(许多技术领域的支柱)方面的训练。中国研究型大学的孩子们参加的高级数学课程大约是美国和加拿大学生的三倍。从这个意义上说,中国的精英工程培训现在可以与法国相媲美。与 25 年前相比,北美工程师在数学方面的训练并不好。 回到许多北美大学,我们继续降低工程和科学课程的数学要求。: J; V* B9 @8 b4 N, R  w# ?
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享( t$ ]4 U  h, V
    Flag 旗帜
    / [. S% ]# ?( Jcatnogood commented August 90 o' g; R/ w$ G  }
    ; S/ ?% ~- c1 S4 mcatnogood 卡特诺古德" @# a, U, i- s/ U" A- H
    White Salmon, WAAug. 94 }' ]; x0 G* z" H6 s
    华盛顿州白鲑鱼8 月 9 日
    , l; H% e1 t  m3 D3 aYes, but we graduate more lawyers.
    5 C: {" c$ B! r& P& Z5 P+ h是的,但我们毕业了更多律师。
    . Q/ h( f5 B  X0 W6 p4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享& N, q2 |5 e! `/ u$ R3 G
    Flag 旗帜7 a+ _7 n7 Y6 f, U  Q! V$ O
    Metallurgist commented August 9! R3 ?  s1 N- C( @
    0 \  l9 H  s2 ^3 [2 l
    Metallurgist 冶金学家8 g/ h* r! l  ?, o' W5 i) o
    MidwestAug. 9/ @& s+ p5 P: u) p) \1 V. L
    中西部8 月 9 日) }, i# y- v* f: m$ R8 H
    Thank you for an important article on how China is rapidly gaining innovation edge Vs the US. Please follow up with in-depth articles on China's policy formulation and their implementation of policies. How does China determine winners and losers in deciding which technologies to fund, and the pathways of bringing the technologies to the market place.
    1 @( P- L6 ~! f2 e  r感谢您发表一篇关于中国如何迅速获得相对于美国的创新优势的重要文章。请后续关注中国政策制定和政策执行的深度文章。在决定资助哪些技术以及将这些技术推向市场的途径时,中国如何确定赢家和输家。
    7 g+ k$ h( `$ s. k4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享8 B  U, A5 B$ [8 \) Z( q* k+ M3 Q' @+ {
    Flag 旗帜$ T/ Z, w1 {4 U9 E) V
    Arctic Fox commented August 9
    $ B  l( ~1 ]/ S1 s1 [A
    * b. i+ l' i$ eArctic Fox 白狐9 H9 g( f& p9 b7 a" K% F
    Prudhoe Bay, AlaskaAug. 9
      n( y% \, ?! |/ Z: d5 k: ?阿拉斯加州普拉德霍湾8 月 9 日9 p$ x* @8 i2 S1 t3 h6 h% {
    Some yrs ago, at a large industry conference, I sat next to a Chinese geology professor from Wuhan (yes, that Wuhan). I asked how many students studied at his university: “Oh, about 40,000 or so,” he said. “Do all study geology,” I asked… kind of in jest. “No,” he replied; “Only about half of students study geology. About 20,000.” He was serious. By comparison, that’s more geology students at one Chinese university than the entire enrollment across all of US academe.
    3 u- C' K: @0 G+ Z8 P几年前,在一次大型行业会议上,我坐在一位来自武汉(是的,就是那个武汉)的中国地质学教授旁边。我问有多少学生在他的大学学习:“哦,大约四万左右,”他说。 “大家都学地质学吧,”我有点开玩笑地问道。 “不,”他回答道。 “只有大约一半的学生学习地质学。大约两万。”他是认真的。相比之下,中国一所大学的地质专业学生数量比美国所有院校的总入学人数还要多。9 C3 h% X% V. M" B
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    7 R7 ^' i  C. j$ t0 B/ B4 `4 ^. C5 DFlag 旗帜* w; j% J2 |- x4 a, Q
    Bob commented August 9
    4 |5 q, ?  \# i6 u4 U' GB
    - t8 Q+ _' g! `5 n" v, U* oBob 鲍勃
    9 P3 @9 G  D4 d; `2 G. W8 ?: BWAAug. 9: P+ T0 d, C( \1 H4 @
    西澳8 月 9 日
    - u% n4 ?! ^* g& @; F9 F1 S@Deborah Sometimes accepting that others have more money than ourselves is challenging.
    % C# r$ G+ s( K+ t1 t9 q@黛博拉有时接受别人比我们有更多的钱是具有挑战性的。5 ?0 r$ @5 n3 E; S
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享5 R0 M2 i: }6 X) R
    Flag 旗帜
    - o: H# C" k. Q& w+ {# ]# G( aGot2Work commented August 9' j5 h4 q  a/ Q1 S! l
    G) ^2 V3 _, g: Q: \& y# n9 g& S  d
    Got2Work 上班了& a# T- b6 `) Q
    NYAug. 95 O: Y/ u+ X$ i% a  h; W. Q2 A# v  f
    纽约8 月 9 日, Z1 ?  e% d' o9 f) \% N
    @J T Yes. Schools have taken over responsibility for all aspects of child-rearing and a good education has fallen by the wayside.
    & c# l# K/ ?) z@JT 是的。学校接管了养育孩子各个方面的责任,良好的教育被搁置了。' }% j) x& K0 M" Y
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    5 v2 j5 k# i0 w' |) x" w( e. PFlag 旗帜  w( z, U) ~( G
    DWS commented August 9
    ! g, I. g! k/ R8 S, a! U6 XD
    5 w+ w( T" Z& C2 t& t7 KDWS 分布式WS
    & \9 \# s) v2 ?9 D  N: J# k; B8 _1 XDallasAug. 9* {' g. s& Z8 K3 b* D( X+ n- G* O
    达拉斯8 月 9 日
      |. [/ _/ V) a  s- T4 \It's my observation as an American citizen with considerable experience rolling up his sleeves in China, that much of the dialog in the USA regarding China panders to racial bigotry, is fashioned and perpetuated by those with vested commercial or political interests and alarmingly little personal experience in China. In effect, lies made from whole cloth concealing the teller's true intents. If our educational systems and society have a critical failing it is lack of critical thinking. With regard to China, by allowing people with zero expertise to repeat falsehoods about China without question, we resemble some gossiping medieval villagers blaming the Jews for poisoning the village well--when indeed everyone is sick due to our failure to dig a latrine downstream of well. Next time you hear someone saying something about China who can't pronounce Chinese proper nouns question that authority (it ain't hard, learning the rules for pronouncing the romanized Chinese pinyin can be disposed of in 2 hours). Faster, cheaper, better are the watchwords, behind every commercial decision made in China is the question does it scale? While we congratulate and shower one billionaire with more billions for knitting a few fashionable EVs with high margins for the wealthy, China's teams of engineers build out a high speed rail network that moves millions of people everyday (and in the meantime manages to hand out low priced EVs like chiclets).) C8 H1 v+ y  B3 i9 ?6 x% s
    作为一名在中国有丰富经验的美国公民,我观察到,美国有关中国的大部分对话都是为了迎合种族偏见,是由那些既得商业或政治利益、个人经验少得惊人的人所塑造和延续的。中国。实际上,谎言完全掩盖了说谎者的真实意图。 如果说我们的教育系统和社会存在严重缺陷,那就是缺乏批判性思维。就中国而言,允许零专业知识的人毫无疑问地重复有关中国的谎言,我们就像一些八卦的中世纪村民指责犹太人毒害了村庄——而事实上,由于我们没有在下游挖厕所,每个人都生病了。出色地。下次当你听到一个不会发音中文专有名词的人谈论中国时,你会质疑这个权威(这并不难,学习罗马拼音的发音规则2小时内就可以搞定)。 更快、更便宜、更好是口号,在中国做出的每一个商业决策背后都是一个问题:它能否规模化?当我们祝贺一位亿万富翁并为他提供了数十亿美元的礼物,因为他为富人编织了一些高利润的时尚电动汽车时,中国的工程师团队建造了一个每天运送数百万人的高速铁路网络(同时设法以低廉的价格提供)像巧克力一样定价的电动汽车)。# |$ O7 e  g) }
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ) ~2 [9 S% B, mFlag 旗帜: b; q2 N1 T" U- b& `
    Bill White commented August 9& t# U! d! s+ K" [1 t) ^
    B( L3 `6 ~) m, d
    Bill White 比尔·怀特' h4 W' [" I7 e0 n6 }
    IthacaAug. 9( l) k1 k: N" p+ L6 r# a1 |
    伊萨卡8 月 9 日
    * p, L7 g7 g. n6 q- {@Katz First, paywalls are rapidly disappearing as more and more journals transition to open access (which has the downside that authors or their institutions must bear the cost of publication). Second, most major universities and corporations have subscriptions to these journals and hence researchers such as myself have no cost access to journals. Third, anyone else can always e-mail the author and ask for a reprint. Paywalls are not the problem. Of course, some private sector research is not published, at least until patents are granted, but that is a different issue. Finally, as the article states, the Chinese are indeed now doing leading edge research across a wide spectrum of science.' W6 @, D. _7 f# Z# \' K0 S" S7 }
    @Katz 首先,随着越来越多的期刊转向开放获取(其缺点是作者或其机构必须承担出版费用),付费墙正在迅速消失。 其次,大多数主要大学和公司都订阅了这些期刊,因此像我这样的研究人员可以免费访问期刊。 第三,其他任何人都可以随时向作者发送电子邮件并要求重印。 付费墙不是问题。当然,一些私营部门的研究不会发表,至少在获得专利之前是这样,但这是一个不同的问题。 最后,正如文章所述,中国人现在确实正在广泛的科学领域进行前沿研究。' K  o9 B# K, p/ T# C6 a; R
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    # d4 X) u8 L% Y2 {' OFlag 旗帜, m7 H3 M9 r" D4 x1 {% q) s
    TDurk commented August 9
    $ ]' X& t) `" H6 H$ ?, I' z, j4 FT& z+ W0 a% h; U
    TDurk 杜尔克! |0 w% Q7 a0 H3 V& r
    Rochester, NYAug. 9
    . b$ a* M. e! d纽约州罗彻斯特8 月 9 日) p" t. ?) d3 M" @  |
    The root cause of American declines in basic scientific research and accomplishments outside of IT and pharmaceuticals is the failure of our people to value education that demands study, learning, metrics, attendance and grades that matter. This is a cultural issue that highlights what people and governments value most. We certainly have the nucleus of genius capable of out-innovating others. But those who can typically gravitate to higher paying fields that use chemistry for commercial purpose. They prosper there financially and are quite happy. There aren't enough of them to gravitate to other new fields with the same degree of competence. There aren't enough of them because public education has evolved from educating students basic math, science, literacy skills to proselytizing about social justice. The current social justice warriors of the Dpt of Education, the leaders of the NEA and the progressive activists have demanded that schools and teachers fix broad social problems rather than educate our young. This is a cultural issue.8 L6 B6 F2 ^$ S, Q, H" Z0 N
    美国在信息技术和制药之外的基础科学研究和成就下降的根本原因是我们的人民未能重视需要学习、学习、指标、出勤和成绩的教育。 这是一个文化问题,凸显了人民和政府最看重的是什么。 我们当然拥有能够超越他人的天才核心。但那些通常会倾向于将化学用于商业目的的高薪领域。他们在那里经济繁荣并且非常幸福。 他们没有足够多的人去吸引具有同等能力的其他新领域。 它们的数量还不够,因为公共教育已经从教育学生基本的数学、科学、识字技能发展到宣扬社会正义。目前教育部的社会正义斗士、国家教育局的领导人和进步活动人士要求学校和教师解决广泛的社会问题,而不是教育我们的年轻人。 这是一个文化问题。5 n& Y5 d. V8 x& ~# s) p# L- c
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    ; U( H0 a9 c/ U7 G, a9 t2 p% @- w4 JFlag 旗帜9 M1 l: R4 ^; M" J# @$ M0 x% U
    nolongeradoc commented August 93 |1 T8 G, b4 d: f: X! f
      |/ t1 z1 j4 N  W8 Nnolongeradoc 不再是拉多克
    # i5 ]/ r4 c$ _0 O& ]London, UKAug. 97 L! E. K; K3 U- a5 H  j
    英国伦敦8 月 9 日
    6 V7 N  W4 Q+ E3 V& s+ bOh please... Not again. We're required to believe that EVERY single major technical advance, every single commanding lead by any country that isn't the USA, has come about (no matter how tenuously) because, in some way, Americans were deprived of, cheated out of, had stolen, some essential discovery, industrial process, some crucial manufacture OR that advancement was gained only through American financial or expert intellectual support - all without which any non-US country would have been quite incapable of making that advance, gaining that lead or whatever. The world has changed. Not only has China become an R&D powerhouse but cutting edge bioscience, semiconductor, AI R&D (to name but a few) is being done in Japan, Taiwan and the member nations of the European Union (to name but a few) all entirely independently of the US. Really. The US is getting beaten, even sometimes beaten badly, on technical progress. Not one but TWO recent world academic rankings show that of the global top 10 universities, FOUR are British. And, that's just one example of non-American academic prowess. Worth remembering when it comes to the ownership of research IP.. n  n9 [/ v% ]
    哦,拜托...不要再这样了。 我们必须相信,每一项重大技术进步、每一项非美国国家的领先优势,都已经实现(无论多么脆弱),因为在某种程度上,美国人被剥夺了、被欺骗了,窃取了一些重要的发现、工业流程、一些关键的制造,或者只有通过美国的财政或专家智力支持才能取得进步——如果没有这些支持,任何非美国国家都无法取得这一进步,获得领先地位或任何。 世界已经改变。中国不仅已成为研发强国,而且日本、台湾和欧盟成员国(仅举几例)也正在完全独立地进行尖端生物科学、半导体、人工智能研发(仅举几例)。美国。真的。美国在技术进步方面正在被打败,甚至有时被打败。 最近的两份世界学术排名显示,在全球排名前 10 的大学中,有四所是英国大学。而且,这只是非美国学术实力的一个例子。当谈到研究知识产权的所有权时,值得记住。
    4 C6 M, G1 n! V' [1 Reply 1 条回复4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享% Q& p: g: i9 W9 o5 S5 O
    Flag 旗帜
    - P  Q  |% L* |! P9 v0 e, g! s0 jPC commented August 9! M+ u7 `  Z6 @% h4 e5 L
    ! Y4 @  Q2 E: _7 x7 \2 ?PC 个人电脑$ t* Z1 o% e  A2 V& U
    Aurora, CO.Aug. 9
    4 m+ o' e5 u$ |- B& E* w. I  g2 F科罗拉多州奥罗拉8 月 9 日
      K! \! W, R! f  _, Y6 c/ oI’ve been pretty critical of China because I’ve worked with Chinese computer engineers who were stealing secrets. I loathe this for obvious reasons but I’ve felt that if China is truly a superpower then they must earn their chops like everyone else instead of stealing everything not nailed down. I’ve changed my mind. “Empires of Silver” - Curiosity Streaming, three segment documentary England and East India Company has treated China very poorly. So too other European countries, Japan and Americans. For most of recorded history China has simply wanted to be left alone. I understand that completely. These nations, out of greed, invaded several times over the centuries, and imposed outrageous debt requirements that would forever cripple any nation. Much like Germany after WWI. Try experiencing that history and not seething with hate and contempt for the countries who were responsible. I’ve known Spain, England and other colonizers were evil but I never understood exactly to what extent. A well written and concise documentary.5 s0 X, y+ D0 |, G" w. g- c
    我一直对中国持批评态度,因为我曾与窃取机密的中国计算机工程师一起工作。出于显而易见的原因,我讨厌这一点,但我觉得,如果中国真的是一个超级大国,那么他们必须像其他人一样赢得自己的印章,而不是窃取一切未确定的东西。 我改变了主意。 “白银帝国” - Curiosity Streaming,三段纪录片 英国和东印度公司对待中国非常不好。其他欧洲国家、日本和美国也是如此。 在大部分有记录的历史中,中国只是想不受干扰。我完全理解这一点。这些国家出于贪婪,在几个世纪里多次入侵,并强加了无耻的债务要求,这将永远削弱任何国家。就像第一次世界大战后的德国一样。 尝试体验那段历史,不要对那些负有责任的国家充满仇恨和蔑视。 我知道西班牙、英国和其他殖民者是邪恶的,但我从来不知道到底邪恶到什么程度。 一部写得很好、简洁的纪录片。
      ?- e6 ?+ j, x4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    & u; p# O0 _9 Y. {; a0 W) Z; i! sFlag 旗帜: L1 g" [' I; m  m2 {& y  J- I
    Mark commented August 9
    + W" K7 c0 B0 FM! Q0 a( L: D1 }- ]  J  V  ~5 Q- Y3 d
    Mark0 B0 f# {6 f7 O, Q
    PortlandAug. 9. H- E: m6 B* w( B9 k
    We need our youth to find science cool again. Business as an undergraduate major? Seriously?
    8 m/ ~+ T  Y2 |+ D( h. C4 RecommendShare  N$ z! |+ d0 S: y/ `9 k% ]6 N
    Flag/ \; U( E' [% M* O
    Mtnman1963 commented August 9
      m  v* I( {' R7 fM0 K: x, S% q; C/ W! [# V
    Mtnman1963) R4 ]# n2 ]6 v8 S$ d# D/ X# Q
    MDAug. 9# p( Z5 g! f* x# [
    DO NOT assess technological achievement by paper counts and citations. China incentivises their researchers to publish to such an extent that they put out essentially undergrad class assignments, then run up the cite counts by self-citation. Long ago, Western scientists stopped citing Chinese research in many fields. Most is useless or garbage
    ! i' L* g! C3 v" o4 RecommendShare
    $ H- b+ _4 J6 ]. V, DFlag
    6 L* t" K9 l5 A& oJack commented August 9/ M) y5 Q) G$ y

    / e. m- {1 x4 F/ `Jack
    5 v$ m$ ^" v! ^7 I9 p2 rEast End of The Isle of LongAug. 9; m# Z, Y# d( ^" Y4 o( I
    rtischer8277 and Joe Trump Social media are solutions in search of problems. Much of what we consider high tech innovation is driven by this kind of thinking - let's build this thing and then we will create the need.  c9 V% {5 p, }
    4 RecommendShare1 K: t+ F8 [- N8 l2 e& d( I
    * d3 ]9 E" Z1 `8 S2 {8 z# _Ted commented August 98 ?. [+ n5 I$ u; g; `, F! y
    T) j" f9 ?" x* F. G4 H" `- r8 [
    Ted1 W# R" p6 \/ w  {
    BCAug. 90 e8 T$ Y% b; L2 z
    Those of us of a certain age remember all the great discoveries at Bell Labs and the various space program related breakthroughs. Those days are long gone. We once led the world by investing in ourselves. Those days are gone too." e& ~7 n/ S" `% S$ u
    4 RecommendShare1 d3 }! u0 b0 s" E; q8 ?& V
    Flag. c! \: R7 `% S' x' `
    Ashish commented August 9
    ( h( O  A" v+ L. \A+ \, S" A. N0 h" a
    Ashish6 C( v' M, y: \! Y6 O3 t
    NJAug. 93 ?' `% |# S! l- ?
    Since much of the western world can’t comprehend long sentences/paragraphs, I will use bullet points to make my case. 1) we live thinking about the past glory days. 2) we travel to well advertised places and think we have seen the world. 3) we haven’t seen the world that has developed since 2000s. 4) our education system allocates few resources to STEM classes including hands on learning. 5) our kids want all the fun and no pressure to learn in school. Not motivated enough. 6) our so called global corporations want to make money and not necessarily improve human life while improving everything else that surrounds us. Yes, I am talking about environment. 7) when you focus on the past, you can’t see what’s happening in front of you. 8) countries like India and China will surpass the western world and surprise us - well maybe not much a surprise. Solution is well funded schools and colleges. High quality college education shouldn’t cost $50,000 to $80,000 a year.
    " L6 B/ Z0 U  O; k  n1 p1 Reply4 RecommendShare5 R& A, f$ v; ~
    6 S: R, N0 }$ u* i& mmfh33 commented August 9
    8 g3 ]6 ?; I  H2 ZM
    6 I9 s) t$ z5 z& w* R& ~. O* Qmfh337 x( X( A1 [7 P1 H! H  `
    HackensackAug. 9
    ( S! Q* ]0 e) f, w& i% J) f9 L5 s哈肯萨克8 月 9 日+ ]. a/ f8 e$ ], _# X
    The essential purpose of standardized testing is to identify high-potential students regardless of background. China is not afraid to see if you can cut it, and tell you that you can't. Given the forces against merit-based admissions and advancement, is it any wonder why US men are in droves saying no-thanks to university? Despite being communist, the ideas of "equity" and equality-of-outcome are laughable in China.
    " H; Z' F. _; Q8 `0 C/ G- k标准化测试的根本目的是识别高潜力的学生,无论其背景如何。中国不怕看你能不能砍,然后告诉你不能。鉴于反对择优录取和晋升的力量,难怪美国男性成群结队地对大学说不?尽管是共产主义国家,“公平”和结果平等的观念在中国却是可笑的。
    * t' r, E' m5 t$ ]; R. p8 s8 |2 k4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享0 X" y- h$ z& @# R
    Flag 旗帜+ ]  G! C* [. R8 y  V5 s" N
    CD commented August 9. x- A' T9 P3 O( i& I+ B
    C) `) O1 s3 P  [7 u% D
    CD 光盘
    1 \3 ]: r, u% K5 |! k( Z# m- RBostonAug. 9
    - K6 c9 c. v$ Z3 s8 |4 w6 X. |波士顿8 月 9 日
      s" \. D; o0 a7 H5 WAcademic excellence in the US is valued by some parents and adults, but in general not by adolescent peers. There are still excellent individual students in the US, who have individual, personal drive, and they are supported by their families and small social groups. But in various political and social subgroups, the US frames academic achievement in terms of nerdiness, inequity, unpopularity, being unathletic, or being privileged...or even reframed arguing the definition of excellence is subjective and its measurement is inherently biased. In Asia, the definition of academic excellence is unambiguous. Achievement is respected by adults and age-matched peers and there aren't strong competing narratives about popularity or social inequality. This article reflects the stark difference between our cultures, the consequences of this divergence, and gives insights to the decades to come.3 E* B# V# k# ?% Q  @. R" l
    在美国,一些家长和成年人看重学业成绩,但一般青少年同龄人并不看重。 美国仍然有优秀的个体学生,他们有个性、有个人动力,并且得到家庭和小社会团体的支持。但在不同的政治和社会群体中,美国用书呆子、不平等、不受欢迎、缺乏运动能力或特权等来界定学术成就……甚至重新定义卓越的定义是主观的,其衡量标准本质上是有偏见的。 在亚洲,学术卓越的定义是明确的。成就受到成年人和同龄人的尊重,并且没有关于受欢迎程度或社会不平等的强烈竞争性叙述。本文反映了我们文化之间的明显差异以及这种差异的后果,并对未来几十年提出了见解。( e  y4 \- y* e6 U; @; k. `
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享
    - c5 J  _/ y, I0 X; x! Z- K  M% R/ `Flag 旗帜
    % E5 _8 j8 q  M  P7 dRadioStar commented August 9( H0 K& q+ H& G5 X* ]
    R 右3 l9 U  K! S$ O* @$ g/ S
    RadioStar 广播之星
    $ d5 [4 s5 V- v, M4 B1 I) tCanadaAug. 9; r2 H) {; z  X5 W: z
    加拿大8 月 9 日
    1 K5 {6 A3 t, y: p% YAmericans will never have the strict behavioral nor technical discipline to compete against Asians on a large scale. Americans can lead a cutting edge research but it takes a different mindset to effectively and consistently commercialize technologies with high quality. The pragmatic way forward is to employ crippling tariffs to limit the influx of foreign technology. If we can't compete, erect barriers.
    + Y# K7 I& i5 C美国人永远不会有严格的行为或技术纪律来与亚洲人进行大规模竞争。美国人可以领导尖端研究,但需要不同的思维方式才能有效、持续地将高质量技术商业化。 务实的前进之路是采用严厉的关税来限制外国技术的流入。如果我们无法竞争,就设置障碍。* E5 V2 k+ Y) p9 o; G
    4 RecommendShare
    1 ^6 _- U+ c2 J  C0 v5 H, A4 |Flag7 I" ]* q( K' {  k4 q1 V" @
    JS commented August 9* T0 B( M4 ^6 v0 X
    9 w3 k, m) Z8 b+ A3 Y- h: i# iJS( ^0 G; X$ Y. p* d* c# X
    Los AngelesAug. 96 e7 q5 h/ R  ?' Y) R  n
    Meanwhile our leaders remove algebra classes from public schools… great policy.. I  m- ?& W3 P  U5 U
    4 RecommendShare
    2 w: L' O" @5 O0 Q8 {7 L# ~. @9 n: hFlag' l2 D4 T: H5 N  E- m6 y. d
    Steve F. commented August 9" t  V5 O* R% a+ [/ a& ?
    S0 M$ {. t2 f8 D3 `% z! X& U- J% L: V
    Steve F.
    ' n7 z& A9 g1 d7 Y$ E& @Pompton Lakes, NJAug. 96 C% t9 j$ j$ E' p$ M5 C2 b
    Talk about Tech Prowess, a simple internet search comparing high speed rail: China has 28,000 miles of high speed rail. US - 49.9 miles. The US is pretty good at making weapons though. Maybe that's a good thing, but it may also be telling what the US prioritizes.8 Q/ u: ?& \5 L1 J7 S5 f1 G6 u8 L
    4 RecommendShare
    + L. p6 G" W6 `) e- I, F: n2 YFlag; T. d  k/ [- a9 K. ]& E/ ^' E
    I.Keller commented August 9
    ! R) Q- e7 l9 y/ y. _( |% aI, g& [& W% i6 F; ~
    I.Keller7 s* g) F$ S; m3 L* ]$ @" \. q
    FranceAug. 9
    : j& `: F/ e& R2 N& _@Ethan Allen : that is not how research works. You are thinking of classified research programs which are an entirely different beast..' q* G2 `. {4 O) ]0 n- B$ |
    4 RecommendShare
    6 q1 P' `) K* A$ |Flag& B+ @. @/ K: W
    Wei commented August 9- Q* G8 U7 v+ l' \2 l
    2 f' V0 C7 O7 Y. `Wei! U. v3 U5 I% P, P: R; L
    NYCAug. 9: S2 m3 L4 L0 `6 G$ j
    We don’t need STEM. We’ve got diversity.1 J" r& V1 n1 ^; a' J8 ?. f
    4 RecommendShare0 p% V: Y4 S5 f8 B
    Flag( M) a+ x' ]3 O8 D
    Jane commented August 9
    & \2 [  a' E# m2 ?- X+ iJ4 ~  o4 d; U+ o* F
    6 F  z/ i) e/ p* b- SOregonAug. 9
    4 w# e& L4 T9 L: U@J T schools need to push back. If kids have bad behavior suspend and expel them. If they don’t do the work, fail them. Many kids and parents don’t care because there are no consequences anymore. Make it the parents’ problem again.
    2 @. i$ U8 o+ a6 r4 RecommendShare
    7 g: L2 k& ~& w* u8 s  oFlag+ i6 _) g" ~5 g1 }
    Raps commented August 9
    % A! t% m2 N) R$ m! g# R" b" h
    " v: Z' n* k, N5 W2 v" `0 HRaps  p# g* o, @3 y- Q* P* M. l
    New YorkAug. 9( q, m3 Z9 `3 }/ B/ d/ u
    The United States needs to stop complaining about Chinese government investment in research and development. Such investment is entirely appropriate in countries interested in improving the standard of living of all its people. Better education, better infrastructure, better health care and better housing all contribute to a better standard of living. We don't have to agree with every aspect of Chinese governing, but we ought to be able to recognize their successes. And maybe even learn from them.5 p5 h  ?# M& {+ s( q9 Y
    4 RecommendShare
    - Y8 j' `6 g* b7 @1 N# AFlag0 P, \' l: ~* Z0 ]1 ^
    Tulipsinyard commented August 9
    ! E$ j% j1 H# U/ X3 L+ x8 z7 YT
    ( ~2 H( u7 p7 c. F! LTulipsinyard
    ; w' v3 E/ Y% R5 l- l" p  KCanadaAug. 99 {( M$ r* s$ |  \$ M
    I went recently for a conference (in a STEM field) along with my current PhD students. The researchers present included scholars from China. After a networking event aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, my students and I met at their insistence. They had spoken to their counterparts in Chinese universities, and compared their respective training in mathematics (a backbone of many technical fields). The kids in Chinese research universities had taken about 3 times as many advanced courses in math as had students in the US and Canada. In this sense the elite engimeering training in China is now comparable to that in France. North American engineers are not as well trained in math compared to those from even 25 years ago. Back in many north american university, we continue to -shrink- the math requirements in engineering and science programs.& M' j7 U$ d! O
    4 RecommendShare; J1 G1 ]) r; d# y: w! C) ~$ Y
    Flag- X5 r5 H2 [% k. Z! M2 z9 S
    catnogood commented August 9( @* I- P) b2 `
    C% H2 j, H- F  c
    catnogood$ H. m1 s! c  M9 X' u
    White Salmon, WAAug. 9, y& `( s* E0 N# a# b! W+ ^+ Q
    Yes, but we graduate more lawyers.& D2 {. d9 |) ?! A) l) `$ C+ {
    4 RecommendShare
    * D5 z+ H( o, Z% tFlag
    ( H  ^* `( O7 U" G3 mSteven commented August 9
    9 b% n% i9 N2 F/ w% j+ I- @S
    ) \5 T( h4 ]8 F( b2 q+ vSteven
    0 C- A7 V( y! X6 n1 |& k- ?OregonAug. 9' M3 X% `) F* g: X
    It’s a shame the US has spent 40 years stressing poor, religious educations instead of anything useful in the real world. At least the GOP got the low-information, easy-to-lie to electorate they wanted.( ^' V7 `/ a3 i. H
    遗憾的是,美国四十年来一直强调贫穷的宗教教育,而不是任何在现实世界中有用的教育。至少共和党得到了他们想要的信息少、容易撒谎的选民。5 b6 }9 w( f# t
    4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享( K5 ~) u" a2 {7 f! O
    Flag 旗帜
    5 f. [. N1 P- p8 u/ j# LMatt Warburg commented August 9' N8 s+ E6 B1 h: v; |+ m: V5 z
    ( f5 h! h* f# G( p8 vMatt Warburg 马特·沃伯格4 {  q7 }& p; b) @
    SeattleAug. 94 E0 N3 ]" ^: Q, q- E' W
    西雅图8 月 9 日
    7 y: K- U: L( y0 @@Alain Exactly....the Chinese school year is 40 days longer than the US school year. The Chinese school days in 90 minutes longer than the US school day. Result.....by the time they start high school, Chinese students are roughly two years ahead of US students. By the time they start college, almost three years.
    9 t' {- n& R, E+ g@Alain 没错……中国学年比美国学年长40天。中国的上课时间比美国的上课时间长90分钟。 结果......当他们开始高中时,中国学生比美国学生大约领先两年。 当他们开始上大学时,已经快三年了。
    : W5 q4 j( c% z7 `  m$ N4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享3 U$ w# F. n& C% k2 U* \& \
    Flag 旗帜
    ' {9 S( j9 z( C# P/ T- ^5 H: jMIKEinNYC commented August 9
    5 ~& n5 d/ \$ O  e& F7 R' N5 S , t7 q4 i) q$ v/ y  u+ t
    MIKEinNYC 迈克在纽约
    ( s. _# x: |1 qNYCAug. 9
    9 `. i3 i6 k1 f" y) Q& s纽约市8 月 9 日
    2 w/ c9 V0 N/ f% o/ h5 |; l8 LPlus, most likely they showed up to class and did their homework.
    6 \  j% j! Y& _% [. q3 e另外,他们很可能会去上课并做作业。
    2 o3 l1 l. h% {6 R6 B) P4 Recommend 4 推荐Share 分享5 {; F3 P# G. M! [
    Flag 旗帜: H1 t+ \: X( K7 w" |! p
    Tom commented August 91 h6 v/ A; R0 C7 g- W+ j
    8 K- n& R7 x* E' M8 K+ fTom 汤姆
    0 }( a( }8 a! f  O. s% s) nCAAug. 9$ O$ L  n+ T, q0 X, }5 [, c+ K
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    0 q  M  e+ i6 X9 j, m/ u. MBattery researcher with a PhD here. When I went to grad school a decade ago for battery research, my research group was 80% Chinese — and this was at a U.S. university! But here was the bigger issue: with a newly minted PhD in battery materials, it took me close to two years to get an industry position. Meanwhile many people in the early/mid 20s cohort were making handsome salaries in finance & software with just a bachelor degree, often holding multiple job offers. So here are my takeaways from the travails I endured: the U.S. says they want to be a technical leader, but they don’t really want to put in the work. PhD students are underpaid, go into a job market with very few open positions, and are at the whims of accountant bean counters for their career stability. I loved my PhD work and the people I met. However, knowing at where it led me, I would tell my young 20s self: go into tech, or medicine.
    : a, \7 [1 G7 u/ u% B电池研究员,拥有博士学位。十年前,当我进入研究生院进行电池研究时,我的研究小组 80% 是中国人——而且是在一所美国大学! 但更大的问题是:作为一名新获得电池材料博士学位的人,我花了近两年的时间才获得行业职位。与此同时,许多 20 岁出头/中期的人仅拥有学士学位,就在金融和软件领域赚取了丰厚的薪水,而且往往持有多个工作机会。 以下是我从我所经历的痛苦中得出的结论:美国说他们想成为技术领导者,但他们并不想真正投入工作。博士生的工资很低,进入的就业市场上空缺职位很少,并且为了职业稳定性而受到会计算计的突发奇想。 我喜欢我的博士工作和我遇到的人。然而,当我知道它会把我引向何方时,我会告诉 20 多岁的自己:进入科技行业,或者医学行业。6 Y3 u2 J  Q  G$ \4 `' ]: e2 U: e
    4 RecommendShare
    # M8 i" T/ \5 t6 UFlag+ f# W6 I5 P$ }. ^+ \, l; N0 U
    TW commented August 9
    : w# [; W6 ^& I' b# @T
    " o& z5 l# Z0 H4 UTW! j' w5 N8 y1 w2 y
    OaklandAug. 9! ]$ D5 o6 D' M4 N. {& ?( q
    @Someone “ The fact is that the Chinese still haven't been able to innovate” This is outdated and frankly racist. Just as the talk that Chinese don’t care about business successes. There is a reason China only trails the US in number of billionaires.0 k1 t3 |/ }( X; V3 Z3 Z
    4 RecommendShare: b' u; S% M# h, E8 D: I
    Flag* A" r$ d5 B9 O8 M& r' U) c( p/ F
    Josh commented August 9
    : b* r% B1 A7 }! a, x. DJ2 `2 I8 A. q& ?5 s/ ?
    Josh 乔什
    ! n9 V$ f9 u% O; ^- Y, y9 m; KLos AngelesAug. 90 W# d6 I  _2 q! M3 h4 T
    洛杉矶8 月 9 日
    * a! P0 M, j, o1 T6 i8 gUnfortunately for China, the world is starting to wake up to the absurd fallacy that is electric vehicles. They pollute more than ICEs, have poor range, lack adequate charging speed/locations, and are just plain ugly. Give me a good-old fashioned V8 work truck and let Tesla keep its stainless steel nonsense.
    3 l- [0 g1 _: N, u对中国来说不幸的是,世界开始意识到电动汽车的荒谬谬论。它们比内燃机污染更多,续航里程很短,缺乏足够的充电速度/位置,而且很丑。给我一辆老式的 V8 工作卡车,让特斯拉保留它的不锈钢废话。, N/ c; w& F, C, N. i* U' Y3 ~
    5 Replies 5 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    + y% S2 O1 i! ~, J9 TFlag 旗帜% q+ l$ k: A( }
    Jeff commented August 9' ^8 T5 {4 M( ^6 m9 w: u- H
    J, c; {; D' l; b
    Jeff 杰夫
    # u7 `" j2 F. y! h3 `Northern CaliforniaAug. 9
    & K$ X+ k3 E$ h3 l2 a/ `$ E+ v1 v北加州8 月 9 日5 x0 R+ j) U7 B/ Z7 T
    China brings nothing of value to the world but cheap labor, thought control, and mass pollution. They are a foreign extension of the Republican Party.
    " U2 _. a0 W; K; x; y  B中国给世界带来的只是廉价劳动力、思想控制和大规模污染。他们是共和党的海外延伸。
    7 ]0 O2 @! p* b# S. U! ^5 L5 s2 Replies 2 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享3 q& B6 O% ?4 [
    Flag 旗帜  Z) h: f. j0 _4 z; H" w! |7 V' r
    Ray commented August 9
    5 l9 ~. g; w0 M4 r( ^  lR 右
      L6 G4 t# G& ]3 ^Ray 射线
    ! ~$ F% U5 h* X* uMullenAug. 9
    . S  C+ t0 s- x" S) R( Q& o马伦8 月 9 日
    8 n' ^# K8 T9 E* @4 @8 G5 [How much IP has China taken with full support of the State?
    . U9 M$ h/ L- \中国在国家的全力支持下拿走了多少知识产权?9 }/ Z, L/ X% G+ F0 L" b
    1 Reply 1 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享7 F5 p  v6 Y2 B* r& `/ F" y; z. T- @
    Flag 旗帜
    ( \0 w& }; F. \' ]" kHistoryRhymes commented August 9
    " C# b; V8 N, f& r4 Y, kH
    9 l5 e% l: h4 A+ CHistoryRhymes 历史韵律
    - n- O+ r# [0 N0 mNJAug. 9
    1 ^% H' g+ H- b8 y新泽西州8 月 9 日$ ?1 |3 O) V! m/ u5 z
    Good for China! When you have a coordinated policy, see what can happen.  ]2 ~! \9 ~/ J' x6 h* f, y
    对中国有利!当您制定协调一致的政策时,看看会发生什么。* |( e! ?; f, n/ N" r2 ?" s; I
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    0 I" u& h% }7 J7 uFlag 旗帜
    8 {" @4 V1 N! j3 s5 |$ M2 p* j: v. m
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    2024-10-11 12:15
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:14:02 | 只看该作者
    Josh 乔什
    ; n8 S% C( d7 K  I/ E3 lLos AngelesAug. 9) W* k( O* [; _7 }6 O3 q2 z; }  a
    洛杉矶8 月 9 日
    4 O- N" o7 v- U0 C3 Q( x@James Steerforth Oh, there’ll be a sales surge in the beginning. No doubt. But ICEs will never go away. Sales of electric vehicles in the US have been steadily declining (massively in several markets) for the past 18 months. Things will be no different in developing countries once people find out what an unreliable pain EVs are to own.. B& S) s! k% P% z+ G1 S( B9 U/ D
    @James Steerforth 哦,一开始销量就会激增。无疑。但 ICE 永远不会消失。过去 18 个月,美国电动汽车销量一直在稳步下降(在多个市场下降幅度较大)。一旦人们发现拥有电动汽车是多么不可靠的痛苦,发展中国家的情况也不会有所不同。0 t. _6 |1 ^. m. \4 z& ~  E
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享2 f( _1 y& Z4 @+ o6 v' m  _
    Flag 旗帜
    . S7 O( E. ^, R( B( APatti commented August 9! C2 \+ Y/ o, D/ S
    5 D5 {) z; S& ?9 H/ |& n- CPatti 帕蒂
    / L+ y+ w, k5 z5 m' {Casa de FundamentAug. 9
    ) i& c- F' C4 g! a3 Z: ]Casa de Fundament 8 月 9 日4 \& @" c* [! |3 l6 p) q* n
    Sure, sure - let's bring back the ten commandments instead of science. Maybe you republicans ARE right, after all.
    - c2 M$ V; `9 [; p5 H4 ^9 F; q当然,当然——让我们带回十诫而不是科学。毕竟,也许你们共和党人是对的。& U" U, J5 X3 F7 W
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    " G$ ?6 q6 z  {* N0 v2 @5 [4 IFlag 旗帜
    # S5 C4 x0 U) B9 PJoe Trump commented August 9% W& v- A0 U$ m* m
    ! c8 V* \8 i5 ZJoe Trump 乔·特朗普
    4 U% ]/ `& T4 A# N% x' t/ s- oEarth/MarsAug. 9" E! c0 P, }+ l7 D6 d/ c3 `7 c/ W
    地球/火星8 月 9 日" K: `, w2 t6 X
    @Gabe And what exactly are Americans investing in? AI Robots like Alexa, Siri, Cortana, Bixby, ChatGPT etc. and automating Advanced jobs but not the hard manual labor of Farming and Construction How will it impact on other jobs and Unemployment?' A+ M, ~. C" i
    @Gabe 美国人到底投资什么? Alexa、Siri、Cortana、Bixby、ChatGPT 等人工智能机器人可以自动化高级工作,但不会自动化农业和建筑业的繁重体力劳动,这将对其他工作和失业产生什么影响?& R0 l$ V' Y) I! p; {. |, x) n- p
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享  \. W# v. ]0 ^/ E% }* c
    Flag 旗帜
    : ~$ t7 ]' {* l7 g4 ]# ?; O4 cEastbackbay commented August 9
    5 ]/ m4 ~, p' h0 ~* i1 h7 tE
    5 j! Q4 u  D9 P4 s" _Eastbackbay 东巴克湾
    " |7 f7 a- c% g) t9 ~- ?+ WEverywhereAug. 9
    ' e6 c7 V7 j# \; y8月9日无处不在
    * }' ?( B* m) D2 W- qThey are doing all the right things to become a society prepared for the future, even direct the future.
    & j- i* D3 t9 I* i: @3 H& s他们正在做所有正确的事情,以成为一个为未来做好准备、甚至指导未来的社会。
    / ?, a" e2 F' e! \; ]3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享( A: j1 P; b& b+ u/ x# v
    Flag 旗帜
    2 Z- N6 c4 F2 t  w1 O2 X* aJoe Trump commented August 9; M+ b# E  k1 n; E7 I
    J) D1 _( P. M; H1 x9 R3 _! Y
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普
    * K) o% H8 t( lEarth/MarsAug. 9
    4 d* |+ X" ^; l5 i& g: l地球/火星8 月 9 日
    & ?# C! t6 L2 J@Ray That time has passed long ago now intellectual property is being stolen by the UncleSam.  {+ M- c$ V' Q4 S0 g
    ; y$ y- X0 y9 d" \7 l+ \3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享% @; q1 ?' b( b6 v  j1 r, R' ?5 Q
    Flag 旗帜/ X% z; ~7 \* q' S; ^* w
    Kevin Blankinship commented August 9
    * m0 s1 _2 ^4 v9 `! M4 C
    2 ~0 [( e# q' dKevin Blankinship 凯文·布兰金希普
    $ O# P# e1 M/ l& T* U! ?8 p/ m% ZNorman, OKAug. 9' _$ U& S5 I  P! Q
    诺曼,好的, 8 月 9 日
    " e+ H) [4 W8 q% K@JackC5 : China's approach to DEI is the re-education camp to stamp people in the Communist party line.0 ~- s+ I& Y! r9 N
    ) J( p) {$ m; I/ V' {/ D# ]3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享! r, K# _8 O" C' d* x. M$ U
    Flag 旗帜5 Q; ]. D9 {3 o5 K' S2 G* p! q
    Franz Bieberkoph commented August 94 K0 ]/ _3 j9 b7 ]
    F* }1 _* \4 ~/ o
    Franz Bieberkoph 弗朗兹·比伯克夫
    4 L8 S  f0 o3 J1 e% cBerlinAug. 9
    . v8 a; i2 k$ x柏林8 月 9 日2 _- U& u0 x6 e2 i
    We sent Chinese students home starting under Obama, an then under Trump. This has really hurt American universities and American R&D. Germany eliminated some of its most brilliant scientists in the 1930's and it is still hurting them.
    + C2 L" I4 L: `$ j: u我们从奥巴马时期开始送中国学生回国,后来又在特朗普时期。这确实伤害了美国的大学和美国的研发。德国在 1930 年代消灭了一些最杰出的科学家,并且仍在伤害他们。) X1 h) a: s, I! u% I5 g
    1 Reply 1 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    $ Z9 F- M" ]: W1 k/ V% O3 h# }# jFlag 旗帜! f0 c8 D2 O# i, U7 a) o7 s# [, T. a
    TK commented August 9
    ! y* I- H3 s- u6 y/ z9 i4 `; x) D: k8 ^T) i; Z& T$ p1 g: n
    6 ?, i# f' c. e$ [1 B) ]BostonAug. 9, @0 A; a( f8 V# n" \' b; q* u$ O
    波士顿8 月 9 日+ V& z- K/ S: O2 k0 O6 R- {' {
    @Trina thanks for putting this so well. While parts of America are losing their minds to grievance politics, conspiracy theories and culture wars, China is pulling ahead. Theatrical ‘anti-China’ band-aid solutions like slapping on tariffs or shipping talented immigrants back home with PhDs (‘because they’ll take our jobs’) is the type of short-sighted solution you get when you fall prey to MAGA. America is known for technological innovation and for businesses that have been a source of global admiration and even envy. Yet the government circus continues so we remain distracted and vulnerable. Immigrants still find America appealing (primarily the cities — yes when you’re busy studying and working you don’t indulge in apocalyptic crime-infested thinking) but we continue to find ways to tear each other down and spread lies.
    $ V' N: D7 P0 f' Q( m* m% J@Trina 谢谢你把这个说得这么好。当美国部分地区因不满政治、阴谋论和文化战争而失去理智时,中国正在走在前面。戏剧性的“反华”创可贴解决方案,例如提高关税或将拥有博士学位的有才华的移民送回国(“因为他们会抢走我们的工作”),是当你成为 MAGA 的牺牲品时所得到的短视解决方案。美国以技术创新和受到全球钦佩甚至嫉妒的企业而闻名。然而政府的马戏表演仍在继续,因此我们仍然心烦意乱且脆弱。移民仍然觉得美国很有吸引力(主要是城市——是的,当你忙于学习和工作时,你不会沉迷于犯罪猖獗的世界末日思维),但我们继续寻找方法来互相拆台和传播谎言。
    , G) n+ M+ w/ D' O3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享9 l1 n4 h5 E9 }9 E, s
    Flag 旗帜: l# j" o# X9 X* e$ N1 _: O( ?
    Joe Trump commented August 9
    . O$ G9 G1 B' k: U) d, _J
    0 }# ]7 q; a' aJoe Trump 乔·特朗普- f5 R0 o1 E5 Q7 ^7 h9 Q
    Earth/MarsAug. 9
    4 n' Z$ ?1 ~+ k1 O! v地球/火星8 月 9 日
    $ |" e! U  |. qElecting Trump as the President tells a lot about the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) of average Americans.
    / M) R' _9 c6 b# F$ [' T特朗普当选总统很大程度上体现了美国人普通人的智商(IQ)。8 @& \; p  s5 h7 R2 q
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享' S3 w8 e) H# S8 U1 M$ z! d, Y
    Flag 旗帜* t) ~, I$ I$ [2 N3 d' |1 A- |/ q
    AjG commented August 9' Z- K7 u5 _5 k1 W1 h7 {" e
    A1 T7 E$ z8 a! K1 j$ R, o- _
    * W- _% G2 e9 h' _9 Q- tCtAug. 9
    ( C; D0 ^% W0 c/ v, o2 I3 [6 ACT 8 月 9 日4 G. o  m% p% H
    There is no future for for Tech in the US. Better to have an MBA, MD or possibly law degree. American engineers are too expensive. Better to import cheaper H1B's or just export product development and production overseas leaving hollowed out sales and distribution companies. America is just a market until nobody has any money to buy with their service economy jobs. American companies have exported critical technologies to gain a foothold in the Chinese market. What happens to your business when your Chinese subcontractor is your competitor? Or do you plan to be somewhere else when things collapse? And why are there so many Asian and Indian students in US graduate programs? Non-Asian US students (and their parents) feel entitled to a good life with no effort. US K-12 education seems to be more about fixing social problems than educating. There is little respect for teachers who face grilling by aggrieved parents. It is no wonder that the US is lagging in product development and education. It will take major changes in culture and business attitudes to repair the damage.
    ' T1 ?+ T+ D" {. N8 R科技在美国没有未来。最好拥有 MBA、医学博士或可能的法律学位。美国工程师太贵了。最好进口更便宜的 H1B 签证,或者只是将产品开发和生产出口到海外,从而让销售和分销公司空虚。在没有人有钱购买服务经济工作之前,美国只是一个市场。美国公司出口关键技术以在中国市场立足。当您的中国分包商成为您的竞争对手时,您的业务会发生什么?或者当事情崩溃时你打算去别的地方吗? 为什么美国研究生项目中有这么多亚洲和印度学生?非亚裔美国学生(及其父母)觉得自己有权不费吹灰之力就过上美好的生活。美国K-12教育似乎更多的是解决社会问题而不是教育。面对委屈的父母的拷问,老师们几乎不受尊重。 难怪美国在产品开发和教育方面落后。文化和商业态度需要发生重大变化才能修复损害。
    ( j1 {, z$ G% O3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享$ o1 v9 Z* C, b
    Flag 旗帜
    : ]( D. D* S: D% i9 {Chasen F Lai commented August 94 J& G8 Z9 H& s) o: v
    $ O: [, s5 {" Q& cChasen F Lai 赖查森
    2 ?( U! ]: u4 ^& t7 VCebu, PhilippinesAug. 9
    ( r1 d; k/ ]/ i" Q7 P" s菲律宾宿务8 月 9 日
    7 ]% X: q' l( n$ k9 R% q# ?@Dennis By “the current focus,” I take that to mean the ridiculous fixation on religious claptrap and banning books.
    " \- a6 G3 O$ E; d, v@Dennis 我所说的“当前焦点”是指对宗教哗众取宠和禁书的荒谬执着。/ ~; S2 L- a5 _) O6 Y
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    # h, T( L' a+ o: G; Q5 Z% ^* f) dFlag 旗帜
    ! W3 L' ?# b' m8 Nsomeone in NJ commented August 9
    $ V# k4 S! v5 {, W9 v, o! ~+ cS; F7 c  M" M9 X+ q6 ^5 h
    someone in NJ 新泽西州某人( A! Q. i: C6 A3 Y8 R
    Central NJAug. 98 r1 V, B6 L7 x1 f& t
    新泽西州中部8 月 9 日$ Y1 o$ i$ H3 h
    Not just battery chemistry sector, China is also a leader of basic chemical ingredients. It decades focusing in science narrowly has been paid off even though western education experts continue to criticize China style of education.% t! |+ Z2 [6 J% q6 w) F# @& z
    2 Q: x$ f2 L" l7 G2 B8 J3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享" L" G) x; F1 \0 A* P  d
    Flag 旗帜
    5 p$ g7 H8 N' n9 s+ u2 N/ GDeborah commented August 9
    ( ?8 ^! V! G, o/ _' ]5 iD
    4 w) p" O7 N% H" ~, EDeborah 黛博拉
    7 N! T' T* B+ k' B) T$ v! m* }Planet EarthAug. 9
    * v2 h, j) ~$ j& {' T行星地球8 月 9 日9 A& ]( U0 {$ N0 [9 ^& q- ~% j
    And the house that my son and daughter-in-law just bid on was out bid by Chinese people. $1.212 million( h# h0 }% k: B- ~2 N
    而我儿子儿媳刚刚竞拍的房子,也被中国人竞拍了。 121.2万美元5 C. _  u6 d: q- K* N
    2 Replies 2 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    ( z- ~5 |7 q: t4 m3 M) F0 OFlag 旗帜
    9 V$ J+ f" @+ M  hTom R commented August 92 G% {% I  R% }. @4 F; H0 U# m7 x
    4 x7 p/ k/ [4 H5 X7 MTom R 汤姆·R& n+ R3 o; |. A% x' Z
    Estero, FloridaAug. 9* _! o5 q8 E$ s
    佛罗里达州埃斯特罗8 月 9 日' a, V6 |  f4 s
    @Kevin Blankinship From someone who spent nearly his entire life in the sciences and education, spot on! My undergraduate degrees were in humanities and my graduate degree was in Computer Science, and I couldn’t have said this more succinctly and forcefully. Now, I wonder who is listening and does this country have the will to change?( n9 ^5 u% A' m. C0 F- F; j  L
    @Kevin Blankinship 来自一个几乎一生都在科学和教育领域度过的人,说得对! 我的本科学位是人文科学,研究生学位是计算机科学,我不能更简洁有力地表达这一点。 现在,我想知道谁在倾听,这个国家是否有改变的意愿?
    6 Y; r, Z/ H) q0 k/ g3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享  I' ~2 N4 s7 I: J; S
    Flag 旗帜
    - g) {! a7 l% P) dDhg commented August 9
    # s2 T! K9 _9 B- w) L+ o' TD* t4 q  i, M3 O% h/ S2 r* n) }% {
    Dhg. L* }2 n4 C& a! |6 P
    NYAug. 92 \' E, ^2 k% W: c& g" A/ t, ^3 o3 L
    纽约8 月 9 日* L+ \/ T! X9 o, h+ r0 F& X, Y3 y
    @Mickey "Most countries offer their citizens either free college education or the at least very affordable tuition." True, but only to the best students. Rigorous exams must be passed annually in France to continue free higher education. American students largely enjoy uncompetitive admissions to college, graduate and professional schools. Many schools accept well above 50% of applicants. Meanwhile the Ivies, Stanford, etc. offer free tuition to those who need it. But their students are not just self selected, they're highly competitive.
    ! `  J1 _  h% Z. ^# ^3 e: M@Mickey“大多数国家为其公民提供免费的大学教育或至少非常实惠的学费。” 确实如此,但仅限于最优秀的学生。在法国,每年必须通过严格的考试才能继续免费高等教育。美国学生在很大程度上享受着没有竞争力的大学、研究生院和职业学校的录取。许多学校录取率远远超过 50%。 与此同时,常春藤盟校、斯坦福大学等为有需要的人提供免费学费。但他们的学生不仅仅是自我挑选的,而且竞争激烈。
    1 m; R; t) o! g3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    / L4 _: y3 |$ ?* `. E3 ?% QFlag 旗帜
    & d- }; \( M' q( qAndrew Boughton commented August 9
    7 _8 y1 U  W# K+ V6 j; nA
    , d" h/ d) V# [7 _& ?  b* yAndrew Boughton 安德鲁·鲍顿5 B2 v( M) j1 F6 F& u0 u8 E/ {
    SydneyAug. 94 C. _6 h: [& x( w, `
    悉尼8 月 9 日3 W4 E/ D: p* C2 K0 ~
    @Radek Bingo. You must be Balkan, with that kind of realism.
    ' J+ P7 W5 O5 [4 d$ r6 b@拉德克宾果。你一定是巴尔干人,有那种现实主义精神。
    " ^6 i2 L& T+ ^9 T% f1 J) y/ m- u3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    7 m& x# p3 o; N5 p. i+ CFlag 旗帜
    5 ]% c: w* X% ~( k7 w4 W* ~Florida Person commented August 9
    7 ~) H* A7 x9 M8 jF# [5 n1 M5 d( X; W+ q
    Florida Person 佛罗里达人% ]) |. I5 J. {1 g; }: {
    But still loves democracy.Aug. 9
    4 S8 W- m" m7 v* q( S但仍然热爱民主。 8月9日
    6 U! X9 V9 ^* f: m  mPeople are people. They all have their prejudices, usually taught to them by their culture. I once hired a Chinese programmer by sponsoring him to enter the states. Twenty years ago. He was smart but very devious. I fired him within three months for using my systems to provide software to another company he had an arrangement with. My manager did not catch him, I did. I walked into the programming office and saw that his computer was hooked up to a modem which was active. I asked him what was up and he immediately disconnected it. I moved him aside and saw what software he was transferring and immediately fired him. He asked me if he could take the work he was working on. I told him to get out before I call the police on him for trespassing. The next month I fired that manager. I hoped he was one in a million but I don’t think so.  f0 W" Y" j, g* K
    人就是人。他们都有自己的偏见,这些偏见通常是由他们的文化灌输给他们的。我曾经雇佣过一位中国程序员,资助他进入美国。二十年前。他很聪明,但非常狡猾。我在三个月内解雇了他,因为他使用我的系统向与他有协议的另一家公司提供软件。我的经理没有抓住他,是我抓住了他。我走进编程办公室,看到他的计算机已连接到处于活动状态的调制解调器。我问他怎么了,他立刻就挂断了。我把他移到一边,看到他正在传输什么软件,然后立即解雇了他。他问我是否可以接受他正在做的工作。我告诉他先出去,然后再报警指控他非法侵入。下个月我解雇了那位经理。我希望他是百万分之一,但我不这么认为。: M8 U: E( ~5 Y1 |8 n; [
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    4 d& q  o0 R! S8 t/ X% \3 wFlag 旗帜: K* ~/ m5 c; `9 n6 R+ J0 H; f& B
    Fred Sauter commented August 9
    6 @3 e9 }/ h2 E0 n6 gF
    % `9 \3 ~+ a% `6 K- G5 hFred Sauter 弗莱德·索特
    ' S5 B- s  \" ]7 ~6 l$ ]Rochester NYAug. 9* D# G( H# v3 l
    纽约州罗彻斯特8 月 9 日8 Q2 v" E& d' {2 h' P1 U! v
    While the USA and some of its “leaders” question science at every turn. Dark days ahead.
    3 g) w9 X- Z" G9 R7 P/ [而美国及其一些“领导人”却处处质疑科学。黑暗的日子就在前方。
    ! i5 e) f) _2 p7 l3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    / f/ O, U& ]3 P# O$ ?Flag 旗帜5 i, _+ X" }+ L* x) Z! ]
    Heyjude commented August 93 x5 J' S9 X- Q: a+ M
    H% b0 y- U, g% o/ D* L
    Heyjude 海朱德
    * y) ^( ]+ [* Z: hFloridaAug. 9& C1 N. A+ `  C! f0 R9 V9 U; {
    佛罗里达州8 月 9 日
    . ^1 ~9 K  y- Z' ?9 I@Joe Trump Yes, and here we are with a good chunk of the blue collar middle class the ones that would benefit the most from such policies believing a neo-fascist con man to do the opposite which only benefit the top 1% and his plutocrat friends.9 _, N% n  e0 `0 H8 Y, O' F
    @Joe Trump 是的,我们这里有很大一部分蓝领中产阶级,他们将从这些政策中受益最多,他们相信新法西斯骗子会做相反的事情,这只会让最顶层的 1% 和他的富豪受益朋友们。
    : Y0 d/ m( Z; I( k3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    . A4 ?9 L$ x4 S+ nFlag 旗帜
    ! U; n, N: x" x; bJRS commented August 9
    6 R" w7 r5 e  W/ [J+ J( o7 V2 p$ z5 T4 s( X" ~
    JRS 杰瑞斯% t; [. H% t! a3 V  P7 D4 {
    MassachusettsAug. 9
    8 m; Q2 z2 h6 e/ c8 c7 X# j马萨诸塞州8 月 9 日
    " d7 m! \2 T) g7 e' ~. HWhat are we stressing? Bible study and the 10 commandments in the classroom. Goodbye US scientific leadership.0 ~7 S- i9 M7 J. l: Y+ F
    我们强调什么?在课堂上学习圣经和十诫。再见,美国的科学领导地位。8 v/ `2 o; V, u8 W9 u
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享2 G4 ?7 ~- O8 t3 \7 b. b% e
    Flag 旗帜# [! ?4 ]2 p/ q) r$ C. Y, z
    Peter Jansen commented August 9
    $ a- O: F, x( Y4 q' x. a. hP
    ( O7 n3 t: D* ~7 P& W( {Peter Jansen 彼得·詹森9 |/ h+ y+ u# G$ ]) l4 v
    NZAug. 9
    ' D1 h+ J% R' {( K9 E, e2 t新西兰8 月 9 日1 W$ o! @6 w: x* f8 }% R# ?& }7 l7 g! B
    Hopefully this puts a huge dent into the myth that all the Chinese can do is steal and copy western technology. Sure they still do too much of that, but now they should also be given credit for breaking new ground in technologies that may shape the future of transportation.3 O& ?) A5 v# D6 P
    希望这能彻底打破中国人所能做的就是窃取和复制西方技术的神话。当然他们仍然做得太多 但现在他们也应该因在可能塑造交通运输未来的技术方面取得新突破而受到赞扬。9 Y9 I- f, ?3 r) a
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享" N% I  ?$ \& y% S. C# P
    Flag 旗帜
    3 r9 X* C6 O: ?TC commented August 9
      D6 {8 U4 [5 `7 y; zT
    & M; I. j1 G8 JTC% I4 ?# d" D2 V. E  k; @" R/ g
    LouisianaAug. 9
      G/ J, |# `8 o7 l& E% g$ X8 Q. C路易斯安那州8 月 9 日
    $ E2 f% x* Y" c$ L; d. ^' X3 H0 @@Alain We invest massively in education. I venture to say significantly more like then in China. the difference is where the money goes. compare the number of people here that major in the social sciences versus China.we have large numbers of people we have here from this social sciences trying to make up make believe worlds that fit their ideology and become activists demonstrating and complaining without really contributing much but noise. then the gainfully employed who didn't even go to college have to pay off trillions in their loans when they can't get a job. then we have to look at the University government industrial complex. the university and government two places where you're never accountable for your mistakes you just keep growing and increasing your costs while the taxpayers that pennies on the dollar
    9 |& U, F# p( p5 w" A6 \8 @& F@Alain 我们在教育方面投入了大量资金。我斗胆说,中国的情况比那时要多得多。区别在于钱的去向。比较一下这里主修社会科学的人数和中国的人数。我们这里有很多社会科学专业的人试图创造一个符合他们意识形态的世界,并成为示威和抱怨的活动家,但没有真正做出太多贡献,但是噪音。那么那些甚至没有上过大学的有酬就业者在找不到工作时就必须偿还数万亿美元的贷款。 然后我们还要看看大学政府工业综合体。大学和政府这两个地方,你永远不会为你的错误负责,你只会不断成长并增加你的成本,而纳税人则一分钱一分货
    ) ?5 }( C  @( W3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享+ Z9 r5 I% m9 F% s0 t8 |
    Flag 旗帜
    * p8 R+ `( c% V6 f6 ^' o7 p6 FEd Marth commented August 9
    9 {5 t* ~7 L* P8 W* |0 gE9 {" A  ^* o0 l: H" x, n; ~
    Ed Marth 艾德·马思: I$ Y  C- F% S8 N
    Saint Charles ILAug. 9
    + E0 U% t- R0 U; r伊利诺伊州圣查尔斯8 月 9 日
    6 q, y8 e3 T, e" Q' O2 C( }# Z4 D6 ?Here, the hard-right Bible thumping anti-education promoters of lying rather than searching for knowledge and promoting public education are happy to be second or even near last as long ad they have power.
    0 E+ o1 p" W  q0 ~在这里,极右翼《圣经》猛烈抨击反教育倡导者撒谎而不是寻求知识并促进公共教育,只要他们拥有权力,他们就很乐意排名第二,甚至接近垫底。
    * s: N$ x6 L7 a% ]7 f2 ^3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    8 a) K) \; r5 \+ q! H. fFlag 旗帜; T' h# B% V, Z5 R4 O
    Larry commented August 9, o; c2 v- {& a9 }/ w2 R
    3 ^$ N) N& V6 m# _- qLarry 拉里, T+ k- d+ x: J2 x
    Sunny FloridaAug. 9
    " a+ b/ D, Z& i佛罗里达州8 月 9 日阳光明媚8 Z* s0 z$ P' t  R4 Z
    China and Asia in general are the makers. Their job is to innovate and build. America is the consumer. Or job is to buy the things that China and Asia produce.6 B6 k# O% u: I5 J- [
    中国和整个亚洲都是制造者。他们的工作是创新和建设。美国是消费者。或者工作就是购买中国和亚洲生产的东西。$ j; t5 B! U) ^% E7 k
    1 Reply 1 条回复3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    ' ^/ V* O. i! tFlag 旗帜) |/ b+ k& v8 {# K
    Bob White commented August 9
    4 x! D. b) L/ Q6 K. i2 M; @B
    * ?) f6 I+ j8 x. wBob White 鲍勃·怀特& G# R" y) ~) y) _
    Rockport, MaineAug. 90 s$ v$ L6 d; I$ O4 O% t( }
    缅因州罗克波特8 月 9 日- J) D+ P# g' F+ {" E9 g
    @Munjoy fan as a long time high school chemistry teacher, I heartily second this. In fact, I would add that a good number of elementary teachers are actually afraid of math and telegraph that fear to their students. And science education, right up until high school chemistry and physics, is really just story telling and fact memorization. Math, taught by folks fearful of math and never used outside of math class, leads to a frightful innumeracy in the majority of tenth graders.
    5 [. ^( l6 j+ S. a, s0 s@Munjoy 粉丝作为一名长期的高中化学老师,我衷心赞同这一点。事实上,我想补充一点,很多小学老师实际上害怕数学和电报,就像他们的学生害怕的那样。科学教育,直到高中化学和物理,实际上只是讲故事和事实记忆。 数学是由那些害怕数学的人教授的,并且从未在数学课之外使用过,导致大多数十年级学生的计算能力惊人。6 ]) {7 P6 [" t6 ^- t: S
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    & i7 B4 w& R( u) ]; a$ nFlag 旗帜
    ! C9 \( F$ d3 m, b: TBill White commented August 9' ~* l1 X: C1 n  {/ Z5 k9 B& @
    B4 f: v( E; R3 ~" f
    Bill White 比尔·怀特' _( {" e* K  K6 _
    IthacaAug. 9, w/ Q2 ?2 \! }$ F6 W, a: v# ^1 ?! o
    伊萨卡8 月 9 日% Z9 B2 _% U0 k0 V$ w
    People are any country's greatest resource. But just like an ore deposit, that resource must be mined and refined. That's what education does - mines and refines people, transforming a potential resource into an actual one. We still invest too little in university education in this country. There are large numbers of bright people out there who do not go to college because they or their parents think they cannot afford it. We are leaving too much of our people resource in the ground, unmined, unrefined.
    ! B- Y) p; i: l9 a7 w# b% o人民是任何国家最大的资源。但就像矿床一样,该资源必须被开采和提炼。这就是教育的作用——挖掘和提炼人,将潜在资源转化为实际资源。 我们国家对大学教育的投资仍然太少。有大量聪明人没有上大学,因为他们或他们的父母认为他们负担不起大学费用。我们把太多的人力资源留在地下,未经开采、未经提炼。. A3 _9 ]. @' F/ }" a) P2 N0 h
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享! q6 N' W) U1 [& _; q6 [6 [
    Flag 旗帜; g, c3 L6 o3 G8 I+ t
    Martin M commented August 9  |: }& R3 S% X
    M, q, n5 M& R' I. g5 h: X6 s
    Martin M
    & |. U" a8 Z( e5 e( S4 t( h) Y$ |ChicagoAug. 9
    3 ]9 \: b2 w. e0 N4 |: p: W@Radek No offense, but visiting with "delegations" gives one a view of China that is heavily influenced by handlers. Work there for 6 years as I did and you'll notice dramatic differences between the China your handlers painted for you and reality for the Chinese people, especially in the countryside.. X# J4 I) Y4 Y+ `  `/ w# C+ N! P
    3 RecommendShare& Q# v% h4 F5 k% k
      [6 v/ x2 x3 \6 C* x. dEva commented August 99 Z$ [' r3 }  w4 A* W
    4 I0 s4 c8 ]; M* l$ ?" qEva
    6 N% o% i; e8 ASan DiegoAug. 9
      y, c" O, O7 J6 jIs anyone surprised by this? Research funding in US so insanely competitive that basically less than 10% of grants get funded. That means we are throwing away 90% of ideas. The cost of research has been going up while funding levels have remained flat. Most researchers in US are foreign born. Sorry but Americans simply don’t want to work that hard and feel the pain of frequent failure at low pay and decades of training and sacrifices. Finally while China is doubling its investment we are causing STEM companies to fail but not allowing expensing of R&D. We need 10x of CHIPS acts and we need it to do to research and not to subsidize large companies.4 \1 p1 l" ~  J2 j. `
    有人对此感到惊讶吗?美国的研究经费竞争非常激烈,基本上只有不到 10% 的资助得到资助。这意味着我们放弃了 90% 的想法。研究成本一直在上升,而资金水平却保持不变。美国的大多数研究人员都是在外国出生的。抱歉,美国人根本不想那么努力工作,并承受低薪和数十年训练和牺牲的频繁失败的痛苦。最后,当中国将投资加倍时,我们正在导致 STEM 公司失败,但不允许研发费用。我们需要 10 倍的 CHIPS 行动,我们需要它来进行研究,而不是补贴大公司。) `8 r9 {$ A# u7 m7 g4 `
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    / b& l# A7 U( R$ K. uFlag 旗帜
    ' I, _& G( T, O2 R6 _' e% \4 PNYT Reader commented August 9
      K+ n- j' J) J, e# _$ x& }N
    % p- ]1 @# C" M5 w+ ^# o8 WNYT Reader4 z3 @- d1 B- W) ?) W4 `1 }2 z( R
    ColoradoAug. 9& L6 K" }/ z9 Q. m. D
    Chinese political culture is profoundly repressive, prone to secrecy, top-down diktat, mass censorship, mass surveillance, and quick to suppress any gestures of resistance to its decrees. There is no daylight between the party and any significant social, cultural, or educational institution. Independence of thought and action is a non-starter there. Any admiration for its educational institutions or methods of promoting research or production of knowledge must be tempered with that reality and acknowledged upfront. Furthermore the environmental effects of this chemistry research and commercial activity are unlikely to be carefully considered and controlled, nor is independent data and analysis likely to be available. Curiously, this reporter chose to omit this reality. I’d like to know why.
    . i1 W& n+ `8 K7 ?" w. c中国的政治文化具有深刻的压制性,倾向于保密、自上而下的指令、大规模审查、大规模监视,并且会迅速镇压任何抵制其法令的姿态。 该党与任何重要的社会、文化或教育机构之间不存在任何联系。在那里,思想和行动的独立是不可能的。 对其教育机构或促进研究或知识生产的方法的任何钦佩都必须适应这一现实并预先得到承认。 此外,这种化学研究和商业活动对环境的影响不太可能得到仔细考虑和控制,也不太可能提供独立的数据和分析。 奇怪的是,记者选择忽略这一事实。我想知道为什么。
    2 ^& ~3 ?& }. z$ Q3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享5 M; j2 x6 x! D1 o; D# ^
    Flag 旗帜
    : m  l9 Q9 t. t3 v7 CSam commented August 9
    ' k, O5 [! y/ t6 ^5 L6 aS
    7 p0 Y3 ?8 k& ~Sam 山姆
    ) s/ ]2 o$ L9 j, o* o8 kMIAug. 9" I, C, n* U$ n& W; B; {, t( o
    密歇根州8 月 9 日
    . U) H# N, g) j@L F Many great and ethical scientific minds were atheists. Ethical behavior is found in both believers and nonbelievers.
    / ?6 w1 N- R% Z, I4 z@LF 许多伟大且有道德的科学头脑都是无神论者。信徒和非信徒都存在道德行为。; I/ M3 ~, b  T8 K( {! y
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    $ \1 j* M  C" M# A  [0 q/ n, |Flag 旗帜, h. B; V( O# k" i" b4 y, t) \
    Eddy commented August 9# |1 G& z& M' i
    0 r4 D2 Z6 g3 JEddy 涡流
    0 X; f/ m* |2 |Oakland CAAug. 9* M& o) \- H" F: J
    加利福尼亚州奥克兰8 月 9 日& T0 n. B9 O0 q8 _. u: v0 P& }* H
    @Radek If they are so advanced... then how come the country keeps literally its entire population under strict authoritarian rule? If they are so advanced, how come they imprison millions of ethnic people in camps? If they are so advanced how come they have one of the worst records when it comes to freedom of the press and has more journalists behind bars than any other? I could go on...
    + U- x8 s2 [& u$ \1 x8 v@Radek如果他们如此先进......那么这个国家为什么将其全部人口置于严格的独裁统治之下?如果他们这么先进,为什么要把数百万少数民族囚禁在集中营里?如果他们如此先进,为什么他们在新闻自由方面拥有最差的记录之一,而且入狱的记者比其他任何国家都多?我还可以继续...' m! n, C. ]0 Y4 B* E2 ]
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    9 U/ s1 c2 \7 U7 VFlag 旗帜
    7 m/ l& N& J/ h3 tRWG commented August 9
    % C& u) `3 D' U' t7 u/ zR
    1 C; N' d9 ]8 u! yRWG
    6 B6 h" N" H% p: z/ _% K5 I0 ^MaineAug. 9" f6 W0 W. s4 _( e2 o% I
    @Radek My experience in China, precisely., L) S9 r0 i$ Y' U% R2 g  H. @
    3 RecommendShare
    " {  `0 K4 h  }Flag
    ! _1 T& c% R+ G! d- j$ D0 s6 ^Heidi commented August 9
    $ C8 D/ V6 |- x2 {7 ZH( i7 U/ B$ j$ V" F. g  j
    Heidi2 x0 T8 m/ c: [! \% c
    MoAug. 9
    0 C+ d, H* w) ]9 K( m; ~' cChinese simply are better organized and work harder as a whole, that's all. No way America can catch up except for occasional brilliance (usually an immigrant).. _6 {( |' T% E" L! H+ l3 O
    3 RecommendShare! i' [/ `# y' X, _2 A; Q
    9 ^6 w. y" }. ?1 U7 Q& P4 jcc commented August 9
    5 j/ u% ?( u% S; I  h3 y6 iC
    - x% V0 Y* _1 h0 h2 Q( tcc, C: i) ]% G, D4 a; E5 W- @
    Los AngelesAug. 94 [% S# W9 M$ B: C4 C# t
    @Tomato. Their government takes care of the book-banning part. But I agree with the rest of your comment.
    % z9 t: \- {: g, M: T( F3 RecommendShare" ~7 G6 o% \1 {
    8 f, n+ C# u7 j) B" u, _2 zMohun commented August 92 Z) M+ d4 J6 }7 _
    M' Z% Z; U( R1 z! S/ d, W+ V3 @
    4 ?! A( s& p$ k! }4 T8 `% N7 FDallas, TXAug. 9
    4 u4 T% y2 P5 N4 e; Z% b" JLet us acknowledge that China has become a leader in manufacturing and science and technology. Many in our nation are totally oblivious to China's accomplishments. In a few decades China will surpass the US and will become the most dominant nation in the world. There is a general malaise in our nation in politics, manufacturing, education and research. The spark of this nation has diminished and whether it can be rekindled remains to be seen.2 F* E' R- G2 q% b, G" ?% s  l) V
    1 Reply3 RecommendShare
    6 B5 l- t  f* k/ d3 j% ZFlag
    1 u& f8 w* O) l# WDean commented August 92 K! Q2 p6 U( ?* V
    D; a' I. S8 J5 K- e
    ! Q- Y/ p3 w/ o/ [) FMinneapolisAug. 9
    4 U8 X. R) _& f# ^8 p! v0 G5 f3 fMeanwhile, in the US, we are telling everyone to be plumbers.
    / @9 E4 B4 {0 m# I: R2 P6 {# I3 K8 F+ N3 RecommendShare
    # D$ @. z# j; vFlag
    + K6 A7 c# e' ?7 uTW commented August 91 V" N& z+ \# H6 R" h! C$ x; l
    # p3 P7 z8 l. S; ]9 d5 {1 ~0 |1 TTW
    / L$ J, Z( E* s  AOaklandAug. 9
    : Q% ?5 l! D' |7 @@paul We need scientists and business people. We need more Musks, business people with deep technical understanding of the products that they are developing and innovating. Perhaps less focus in college admissions in excluding 50% of the country that doesn’t buy into the left’s agenda and more focus on test results might block some of our hidden potential. Spending and focus in elementary school on the top math students wouldn’t hurt either. We spend far too much time and money on special education and the low performing students, assuming that tge top students can progress on their own.
    ) k" l3 q1 {: r1 a3 RecommendShare
    1 P5 R: a4 |( m! v  X: GFlag
    4 a& k+ k. m, z, s5 E( A" WTW commented August 9
    % u9 U2 O  n4 _, a6 a, d8 e# C' |T2 v% T  l' V1 r
    , Q7 y8 C4 ?0 [; ?8 sOaklandAug. 9+ K: n# {) N: `0 f7 }% [: A; w' k# |
    @M exactly this. The school system in the US, particularly in deep blue regions, is more focused on getting everyone to graduate, by lowering standards, then they are on producing great students. Look at the controversies at magnate schools like Lowell and Thomas Jefferson - those schools producing great students are denigrated by progressives as fundamentally racist. Go ahead and blame the Republicans without looking at yourself.
      q& v( D. ^% T, f5 h3 RecommendShare( z: ?. N$ I/ z) p1 J  h; \
    : S  m! N" }- b8 Z8 g0 N1 ]9 }Havoc Reaper commented August 98 ^1 p6 l# y4 [& H& G9 R
    + {  f- l$ a9 A' K' iHavoc Reaper) D" M; d7 L( W$ t+ j9 z
    New JerseyAug. 9+ r7 f% e- e; u  k* N; N) A
    Great for them but I bet their college football teams stink! /s
    2 a# [7 S5 P  e* f5 j3 RecommendShare6 _1 p6 S  [6 |5 A
    8 I5 K+ Q7 T1 e& H; @michael kanellos commented August 9
      t) U. `' \5 F& w: K5 T' cM
    # |. m! N& v1 X; z+ q1 X/ _( Zmichael kanellos/ o$ H/ W. K" \2 b/ Q
    san franciscoAug. 9* q1 O$ U4 V$ Y: f, D4 g
    In 2007 I interviewed the dean of engineering at Tsinghu University for a series of articles on China. "We will not make the DVD mistake again," he said five or six times, meaning that China would no longer rely on western standards or R&D and play the role of the assembler. We then toured the supercomputing lab. When I got back to the US most didn't want to hear it claiming that many of their engineers were really technicians. He was right.& ]( p3 G- g9 w- i
    2007年,我采访了清湖大学工程学院院长,撰写了一系列有关中国的文章。 “我们不会再犯DVD错误”,他说了五六次,这意味着中国将不再依赖西方标准或研发,扮演组装者的角色。随后我们参观了超级计算实验室。当我回到美国时,大多数人不想听到有人声称他们的许多工程师实际上是技术人员。 他是对的。
    ( D- j$ G$ r7 ]$ w+ q# I3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    $ \- w- w7 D) Q- R* Q, ]Flag 旗帜
    , |, T8 o" b) P9 D% {dr_j commented August 97 F! u7 X  U+ Q) [! k( G, M
      m. |4 V3 f* R' k. M# T! r2 ^/ gdr_j 博士_j  @' r! B3 e( _) U/ i+ e
    Sunny CAAug. 9
    $ P5 o$ U% k6 n2 }加州阳光明媚8 月 9 日8 ^  Z# o+ W, m4 K" @3 ?- W% D
    Say what you will about China, but their ability to play the long game is really quite impressive.
    9 N/ B! e9 p7 ], \6 h1 ]不管你怎么评价中国,但他们持久战的能力确实令人印象深刻。  l: b. q- |& v2 S, J: e5 h
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享# k; t7 H7 [7 E+ l
    Flag 旗帜* \& B' t' ^. p* E
    James Jordan commented August 9. v% t9 g1 b; F6 w, Z  B

    3 x7 O$ q6 n# U& C) SJames Jordan 詹姆斯·乔丹: }$ s6 O9 X8 ^8 m* f
    Falls Church,VaAug. 9
    % j$ ^. ~# H# K. Q& }# G8 D弗吉尼亚州福尔斯彻奇8 月 9 日" z7 h9 @5 e( X! |$ I/ \, m0 w
    Another technology that China seems to be bringing into focus is maglev transportation. It seems that they are focusing on high-speed passenger guided-transport. And I just saw yesterday that they have set up a test of a vacuum tube or pipe ultra-high-speed maglev demonstration. However, somewhat like Japan, Europe and the U.S. they have focused on passenger travel and have not focused on logistics, moving goods and containerized freight trucks, at very high speeds using the power of magnetic levitated carriers. Our studies show that the real economic benefit of high speed maglev is in logistics. We find that the maximum return in terms of reduced costs per ton mile and reduction in health-harming pollution is achieved by reducing the heavy highway truck hauling. It is a terrible problem in the U.S. in delivering goods to our densely built metropolitan regions and I remember reading about the horrific truck backups in China. My group has proposed a nationwide superconducting elevated network running mainly along the rights of way of our Interstate highways that also is capable of electronically switching to Maglev adapted rail trackage to enter our city passenger rail terminals, where rights-of-way are incredibly disruptive & costly, if not impossible, to acquire. We believe this is the way to evolve both our passenger and freight infrastructure systems to meet the future needs of our growing urban populations and reduce tailpipe emissions with this electric system.& M5 b+ F6 D0 f. C5 c
    中国似乎正在关注的另一项技术是磁悬浮交通。看来他们的重点是高速客运引导运输。我昨天刚刚看到他们已经建立了真空管或管道超高速磁悬浮示范试验。 然而,有点像日本、欧洲和美国,他们专注于客运,而不是专注于利用磁悬浮载体的力量以非常高的速度运输货物和集装箱货运卡车。 我们的研究表明,高速磁浮的真正经济效益在于物流。我们发现,通过减少重型公路卡车的运输量,可以实现降低每吨英里成本和减少危害健康的污染方面的最大回报。在美国,向人口密集的大都市地区运送货物是一个可怕的问题,我记得读过有关中国可怕的卡车备份的文章。 我的小组提出了一个全国性的超导高架网络,主要沿着我们的州际高速公路的通行权运行,该网络还能够以电子方式切换到磁悬浮改造的铁路轨道,以进入我们的城市客运铁路终点站,而那里的通行权具有极大的破坏性即使不是不可能,也要付出昂贵的代价才能获得。 我们相信,这是发展我们的客运和货运基础设施系统的方式,以满足我们不断增长的城市人口的未来需求,并通过该电力系统减少尾气排放。( \1 ]- ]6 a$ L7 n, X
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享% g- }: w# O) ?. H6 z  Q
    Flag 旗帜! B' d- E/ s- x4 F
    fryman commented August 9* x$ t4 B+ l( o7 R2 @2 T) ?
    6 p1 g3 @0 z8 qfryman 弗里曼" M& L7 h  d3 z' p" ?
    Delmar, NYAug. 9) A* @# R' O0 \
    纽约州德尔马8 月 9 日
    " M, A' @4 O0 b1 ~"“If the U.S. wants to build up a supply chain quickly, the best way is to invite Chinese companies, and they will set it up very quickly and bring technology,” said Feng An, the founder of the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation, a nonprofit research group in Beijing and Los Angeles." If the U.S. establishment was serious about global warming, that's exactly what they would do. For example, the U.S. has vast deposits of soda ash, which could be used to create inexpensive sodium battreries. These batteries are not "temperature sensitive" and require much less of other "rare metals" like cobalt. China has done much research into this. But their country has relatively little soda ash. This presents the perfect opportunity for a joint venture to manufacture sodium batteries for both countries. But our leaders are so bent on "hegemony" that they refuse to even consider the idea. Instead, they send aircraft carriers and marines to menace China's coast.1 [1 Q* D" V/ X0 y3 Y3 H3 C: v3 j' ^: s
    3 RecommendShare
    , e& V/ U" \; P" GFlag+ j, Y+ X5 |- X' L, H2 k  h
    Captain Nemo commented August 98 U% F, x6 I/ q& O* b
    2 s# j$ k% [  I5 F0 M) k4 r
    Captain Nemo 尼莫船长
    * Z, u0 D, A* h7 @On the NautilusAug. 9
    6 I! c' @8 X) U& w2 b/ G8 月 9 日在鹦鹉螺号上' A/ m2 a# w, e2 o0 r" h; p5 x
    What holds America back is the complacency, entitlement and laziness that are the hallmarks of our progressive road to decadence. The result is overregulation and the sense of victimization our "progressive" politicians use as legitimization of new legislation that only serves to degrade our international competitiveness further.  W/ x4 w" t" ^" w; H& l8 t
    阻碍美国前进的是自满、自以为是和懒惰,这些都是我们走向颓废之路的标志。 结果是过度监管和我们的“进步”政治家利用受害感作为新立法的合法性,这只会进一步降低我们的国际竞争力。
    7 T, q6 g- T3 Q5 ^3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    8 {% z2 z! p5 d" L! eFlag 旗帜
    4 X, w0 ?0 V( g! a. n$ \  hJoseph Katz commented August 9% t' o! C' B5 Z3 g' [* B
    J  V- S1 K( {0 w
    Joseph Katz 约瑟夫·卡茨- M. S# e/ `7 M2 F6 I
    Hamburg, GermanyAug. 97 D* K) K0 }! @6 L6 _! f
    德国汉堡8 月 9 日! ~& F5 |* e6 q8 E  ?# ]( q
    First step: Close all university departments outside of STEM. They are not just wasting talent by turning them into literature scholars, they are actively undermining our society by promoting grievance studies and hatred. Talented young people should be guided into contributing to society. That means STEM, in some form or other.
    7 ]. G$ h' g% d- }; _- s: N2 q/ b第一步:关闭 STEM 以外的所有大学院系。 他们不仅通过把他们变成文学学者来浪费人才,还通过宣扬不满研究和仇恨来积极破坏我们的社会。 要引导有才华的年轻人为社会做出贡献。这意味着 STEM,无论是某种形式还是其他形式。
    1 P# j* e  x& m$ K: ~) v3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享! l* p# E. x& E) I; T
    Flag 旗帜
    6 |8 A- j6 ]3 u( `- M, z8 ITrue Norwegian commented August 9
    9 H/ V' P2 O- T4 m" u# |T( m: a2 P8 N0 O9 K+ f
    True Norwegian 真正的挪威语
    + n5 o5 F8 T, W: d7 A; JCaliforniaAug. 95 o. u, ~* F+ S9 K6 K' ^; W
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日; ~8 U* V3 b* s/ l
    @Joe. And having worked with and interviewed more Chinese PhD graduates than I care to count, I can definitely count on one hand the number of those who were not superficial in their supposed knowledge domain. Not to mention the shortcut taking to get to the end result by any means necessary. But by all means, continue to perpetuate the myth of the U.S. STEM shortage. Unfortunately, Chinese mangers in the U.S. hire their own, and same with principal researchers at universities.
    ! [* Q5 R* h+ `4 y  j; r2 U  _# I@乔。与我一起工作和采访过的中国博士毕业生多得我无法统计,我一只手就能数出那些在他们所谓的知识领域并不肤浅的人的数量。更不用说不择手段地走捷径来达到最终结果了。但无论如何,请继续延续美国 STEM 短缺的神话。 不幸的是,在美国的华人经理自己雇佣自己的人,大学里的主要研究人员也是如此。$ H! a. @3 b8 W- F/ z" K  l; R3 z
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享3 K# ~: Z1 r2 U. I  l7 M, a  x5 F) m1 n
    Flag 旗帜" s' F& L, I. c: |- u& G# j% Y
    Arnie Fein commented August 9/ X& ]: n8 m' c" |. K2 X8 _! c
    * O5 ^8 X/ W% tArnie Fein 阿尼·费恩" r# p; G1 w9 o% h8 |. Y! Z
    ManhattanAug. 9/ ]6 _* s( C5 R
    曼哈顿8 月 9 日
    , {3 z+ b) t3 L( G6 B. r/ m9 \Science!...but I bet we lead China in prayers.
    ! |4 u$ }; t5 t+ R' C* @* i科学!……但我敢打赌,我们在祈祷方面引领中国。4 y4 y% k! Q" n8 ^7 d0 [8 z
    3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享6 f1 c' i+ U6 h, k
    Flag 旗帜1 ^3 G. Z; z$ b+ j: S
    Chris commented August 9  b1 j! b5 i1 F& q' _# {' ]
    3 h3 U5 k9 T: e! |9 W# dChris 克里斯
    4 S; c  n9 X5 W; t4 D! QHouston TXAug. 9
    1 w+ Y1 E( }2 q$ L# N1 ^! b德克萨斯州休斯敦8 月 9 日# r4 c) j# [: x3 F" D0 t
    @R Mabry Let me offer 2 possible explanations: 1. Sending your kids overseas is a status symbol. Much like carrying a loud LV or Prada bag. In the west, this would now be considered to be poor taste, but in China its still something to brag about. 2. Their kids couldn't hack it in the ultra-competitive Chinese system. Read up about their Gaokao where millions of Chinese students take intense standardized tests to compete for limited university spots. And before you ask, yes, I lived in China for 15 years.; c$ Z. N2 j# Z8 o5 e8 O  ~1 [# X
    @R马布里 让我提供两种可能的解释: 1.送孩子出国是身份的象征。就像背着一个响亮的 LV 或 Prada 包一样。在西方,这现在会被认为是低俗的,但在中国,这仍然是值得吹嘘的事情。 2. 他们的孩子无法在竞争异常激烈的中国系统中破解它。了解他们的高考,数以百万计的中国学生参加高强度的标准化考试,争夺有限的大学名额。 在你问之前,是的,我在中国生活了 15 年。
    ! ]- l6 Q+ s5 r# H" x3 Recommend 3 推荐Share 分享
    " g+ d2 a1 h& n. `. aFlag 旗帜4 H% u) k9 e" F# d' y, V6 S
    JJ commented August 97 g# K0 r7 s+ ]" q9 L* W, ^
    . G2 M6 x3 A3 dJJ 杰杰' q" d( r7 W; O1 f, r: x+ G( Y
    CaliforniaAug. 9
    7 s8 x/ e  c% S6 g+ L/ Z3 P" J% L& t加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    2 I1 y* U! L1 @# G9 G2 ^In the US anti-science reigns with half the population. GOPs climate change denialism, vaccine lies, sharpie weather reports, and a House Speaker who owes his career to legal work for the Noah’s Ark Experience which draws funding from evidenced based geology indoctrinate followers with anti-scientific dispositions. Surveys indicate US adults know about as much about Nature and math as those from a devasted peasant society. We have some very good science teachers and until recently a disporoportiamte number of grad programs. But top highschool teachers are not adequately paid and students don’t see the point of math (AI does not replace it The language of Nature is not translatable to English, so to read and input useful data to an AI requires reading equations). Women grad. students have it the worst. The system was designed by men almost 1000 years ago and does not adequately acknowledge childbearing clocks. 22 y.o. 6 year PhD 5 year post doc 5 year tenure race = 38. Pay has to increase, track merit more tightly year to year and offer parental leave. Genius woman who want children and a scientific career pick science or marry older and richer. This should not be the plan.
    ( H' |& q4 `; d7 l6 w在美国,反科学占了一半人口的主导地位。共和党的气候变化否认主义、疫苗谎言、尖锐的天气报告,以及一位众议院议长的职业生涯归功于诺亚方舟体验的法律工作,该体验从有证据的地质学中获得资金,向追随者灌输反科学倾向。调查显示,美国成年人对自然和数学的了解与来自遭受破坏的农民社会的成年人一样多。 我们有一些非常优秀的科学教师,直到最近,研究生项目的数量仍然不均衡。但顶尖高中教师的工资不高,学生也看不到数学的意义(人工智能无法取代数学。自然语言无法翻译成英语,因此要阅读有用的数据并将其输入人工智能需要阅读方程式)。女毕业生。学生的情况最糟糕。该系统是由人类在大约 1000 年前设计的,并没有充分认识到生育时钟。 22岁6年博士5年博士后5年终身教职竞赛= 38。工资必须增加,每年更严格地跟踪绩效并提供育儿假。想要孩子和科学事业的天才女性会选择科学,或者嫁给更年长、更富有的人。这不应该是计划。' N* A7 F+ B. e* c' t- t
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    6 f; m/ H3 V. A5 H0 F  H* y) K9 IFlag 旗帜3 d, f6 k9 F& S% I  X
    Mandrillus sphinx commented August 9' O; U" h4 Z2 G! ^( b! D

    ' I6 Y/ B7 I: ~7 f: r4 L. S( x3 @Mandrillus sphinx 山魈/ a8 J2 g! C4 h8 A$ u. |/ U+ o
    Out westAug. 9
    5 ]- ?8 V5 O! I8月9日西出0 _; N' b8 l# `4 ]
    The US started giving up on education decades ago. We’ve morphed into a society of anti-science; I know more than the experts. We need to refocus our energy and resources on education at all levels. Why spend time gaining knowledge when ignorance is instantaneous. /s7 g6 ~8 l& ~( C2 J8 I) ~- k
    美国几十年前就开始放弃教育。我们已经变成了一个反科学的社会;我比专家知道的还多。我们需要将精力和资源重新集中到各级教育上。 当无知转瞬即逝时,为什么还要花时间获取知识呢? /秒
    - n: g3 w1 x% G. S2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享5 @" m; U% h% m, ]; ?; [
    Flag 旗帜
    8 v; h5 k+ S& A7 MGene commented August 9+ T" P4 J* |$ N0 r
    . A9 o' J7 V$ ^Gene 基因
    2 c/ Z0 ]/ ~# E; \" L; A: P. tMinneapolisAug. 9( a9 A0 i5 O& c8 Z6 G, h  T
    明尼阿波利斯8 月 9 日6 F- O$ N1 Q' p7 x) A
    @CJL - We need a technology that doesn’t rely on recycling.
    " a: y5 u7 D8 M) S@CJL - 我们需要一种不依赖回收的技术。
    5 g( N2 T/ r* f8 N$ ~2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    8 U) E. v4 Z$ J( HFlag 旗帜# L) t5 h+ r  G
    Colenso commented August 9: y, M. a/ w1 q* z% |4 [5 Q# M
    $ D/ z5 N1 e% w" W; q
    Colenso 科伦索$ p1 H" x! \3 T' E* o- x, O
    HomelessAug. 9
    $ b* }1 _. t( d8 月 9 日无家可归
    : _& k; Z; n% m, I4 r@Alain I beg to differ. I'm very highly educated. Some might say overeducated. I lack the right skills, however, in the right areas. I'm too old, decrepit, sick, weary and torpid to retrain. We in the West need more very highly skilled workers. Nothing to do with education per se. Everything to do with schooling, training, skilling up./ Y& D! M! u* I
    @Alain 我不敢苟同。我受过高等教育。有人可能会说教育过度。 然而,我在正确的领域缺乏正确的技能。我太老、太衰弱、太病、太疲倦、太迟钝,无法重新训练。 我们西方国家需要更多高技能工人。与教育本身无关。一切都与学校教育、培训、技能提升有关。' r1 R9 T& u2 }! q8 f
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    # M5 v2 q6 F- p( j8 H1 Z( n* gFlag 旗帜6 T, n5 q- ]. h* v9 X
    Joe Trump commented August 9
    ( l6 ?! ^! `& X1 c& I+ Z( k' iJ
    8 Y5 E3 s  K) L% mJoe Trump 乔·特朗普
    ! u( E3 O7 K9 P' w& P0 R* c* iEarth/MarsAug. 9
    ' i: Q, }, y) K+ {2 V& k# [7 G地球/火星8 月 9 日, i- O' ^$ q; O% U# i  T
    Ironically, I see rooftops filled with solar panels and not by a Gunman want to kill Xi Jinping they must not be as upset with Xi afterall./ E$ C# h- n' Q, A
    + Z/ ]% y/ u! q  h- S5 z3 Replies 3 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    * M. l& Q& d+ W) hFlag 旗帜4 u$ s7 E) f$ M
    rude man commented August 9
    ; P+ G! d7 V/ [" H) |8 ?R
    4 t- n! C1 N" Irude man 粗鲁的人$ ]6 o* s3 j9 a7 w* v! p6 b% i" \
    PhoenixAug. 9
      Q, j' x# o, ^  `凤凰城8 月 9 日& Y# O& T( F: T
    @Josh For a single person an EV may not make sense but for a family of 2 or more vehicles it does. The EV would be for short-distance errands like shopping, drs app'ts etc. while the ICE vehicle would be the family's touring car. Li ion batteries are admittedly still somewhat problematic, with their extreme weight and environmental questions, but the Chinese are the best hope for addressing these issues - and if they do well enough, then look out ICE's!) H$ w* i  Y) G7 D3 [4 [  h: y- G
    @Josh 对于一个人来说,电动汽车可能没有意义,但对于拥有 2 辆或更多车辆的家庭来说,它却有意义。电动汽车将用于短途任务,如购物、drs app'ts 等,而内燃机汽车将是家庭的旅行车。 诚然,锂离子电池仍然存在一些问题,包括极端的重量和环境问题,但中国人是解决这些问题的最大希望 - 如果他们做得足够好,那么请留意 ICE 的!" B: `& r& R5 V8 P. X
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    , [9 [5 l* C1 IFlag 旗帜! U7 C! G+ e- }! n# U
    Chris commented August 9
    . Y3 S* W  }! \% TC
    * t  L' |, A; z1 M, [Chris 克里斯
    : p$ u5 R1 E& j/ X; k$ dATLAug. 9& A* ~1 X; [' p
    亚特兰大8 月 9 日4 X4 o) h1 `$ Z" N
    Average Americans can’t do addition or subtraction without a calculator and that is if they know how to use calculator. Why do we need to understand math or science when we have guns and bibles?
    6 L( d% H  N; `2 [2 S普通美国人如果没有计算器就无法进行加法或减法,前提是他们知道如何使用计算器。当我们有枪和圣经时,为什么我们需要了解数学或科学?, R; ^! V7 `( G( y! O
    1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享5 J2 R, d9 _; O! j; ]
    Flag 旗帜0 F  e# U2 _# N8 a/ E) V
    Anonymous commented August 9% a1 j- j7 S4 ]8 L; y/ ^
    A$ m5 c2 J! D! R
    Anonymous 匿名的0 d8 D( V4 P5 X' h/ F" I! a  X
    NYCAug. 9
    2 H) \0 o' d3 A/ P' x纽约市8 月 9 日
    0 ]: |0 Y8 r9 d- K4 `: b! \2 e' q@DC That dtreet goes both ways. Teachers are only focused on bringing religion into the public school classroom and teaching evolution over science.7 b6 F6 y9 @- Q: l
    @DC 这条街是双向的。教师只专注于将宗教带入公立学校课堂,并教授进化论而不是科学。
    / B. _6 N$ ^) j8 ~# Z2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    9 y$ {( X5 O8 V9 \) m, y% N* lFlag 旗帜
    : W* [7 V6 Y" J1 |0 X  `$ hB. commented August 9. Z0 e! T$ o) r& O: g8 s
    B  |) J& k3 w" |( G
    $ |, m9 {( w2 C3 Y. f$ sBrooklynAug. 9/ e, y7 B! o# {" ^) i; X& _
    布鲁克林8 月 9 日. h/ U: j% S3 [) X; J9 N" v5 M5 E; M
    @Tomato Grousing. But you are absolutely correct.
    5 C+ l: ^' I4 H" f: _$ h0 B@Tomato 抱怨。但你是绝对正确的。- a3 r* O! [: C2 z3 a7 |
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    0 j: V" @, h5 \+ f3 U) D/ r- qFlag 旗帜. R5 x3 N0 b# T( \7 |) x, z9 }2 f8 J
    Wei commented August 9. Q! X  h8 s5 U8 k/ B4 c
    W 瓦
    - U' l( L" v& C9 u% HWei 魏
    6 Q1 b* x! \$ k: p# q' sNYCAug. 9
    ) \7 ^8 c% a' ]/ C. {# @纽约市8 月 9 日4 y) L" [5 u) |
    The Great Wall is the symbol of China, opposition to anything and anyone nonchinese. Chinese tore up the tracks when a railroad was first built in China. Chinese who seemed to have great difficulty seeing were unaware Europeans invented a solution. But when the boy Emperor PuYi, in the 20th century, was fitted with glasses by his tutor PuYi’s father was outraged. Better to be blind than the Emperor of China wear something foreign. Chinese attitude towards foreigners is still super xenophobic. “Build A New Wall” is the Chinese national anthem. Look around you right now; Nearly everything in technology and science is the result of white men, who woke says are responsible for every wrong in history and every disturbance in the Milky Way. Biden said the greatest threat is white supremacists who we are led to believe are everywhere. It wouldn’t be surprising for some liberals today to refuse to study STEM. The Chinese eventually got woke to the importance of STEM. Americans will be left behind if they don’t embrace the new reality of foreign competition
    1 Q2 _0 p# s7 m# [8 g: |长城是中国的象征,反对任何非中国人。当中国第一次修建铁路时,中国人把铁轨撕毁了。中国人似乎很难看到,但他们不知道欧洲人发明了一个解决方案。但当20世纪的小男孩溥仪被他的导师溥仪配上眼镜时,他的父亲感到愤怒。瞎了总比中国皇帝穿洋货好。中国人对外国人的态度仍然是超级排外。 《筑起新墙》是中国国歌。现在看看你的周围;几乎所有技术和科学都是白人的成果,他们醒来后说,他们对历史上的每一个错误和银河系中的每一次骚乱负有责任。拜登表示,最大的威胁是白人至上主义者,我们相信他们无处不在。对于今天的一些自由主义者来说,拒绝学习 STEM 并不奇怪。中国人最终意识到了 STEM 的重要性。如果美国人不接受外国竞争的新现实,他们就会落后
    - z9 I+ F- V3 W# r) I( {8 m2 N3 ~1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享# F; V( D3 v9 Q1 T+ o
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    / L: U) Z' q: X: e, g$ TR Mabry commented August 92 R$ O6 _$ g: h
    R 右: m" q, n0 [. L. w# e% \4 T* Q
    R Mabry R马布里
    5 |* p! _& M' k6 C" @' h0 NFranceAug. 9
    3 \* {$ o  {- E/ l* a: J+ E; {6 H法国8 月 9 日
    1 w+ J) v( t, b& b, dThese analyses of China and its technological prowess and commitment to education are tales of progress and potential that few Chinese would recognise. Of course there are various institutes, mostly vocational, that excel in specific technologies. But a considerable number of Chinese students, especially in SMET fields, emigrate and few return to China (when they do State media in China makes it a big deal precisely because it is so uncommon, and prefer not to note that these returnees often retain foreign citizenship). For many Chinese students, exceling on the national exam gets them into a "key university" and from there they get to watch their professors devote their time to graduate students, to research projects, and to side businesses which are often housed in faculty offices that are rented out to people unaffiliated with the school to sell tea, liquor and other amenities online. Universities in China are meant as centres for social connection, not places to explore or problem-solve in the ways that so many Westerners think they must be. As intellectually gifted as many Chinese researchers are, there are far more whose lack of creative thinking catches up with them as they advance, and depart. The United States has many challenges and manufacturing green and clean energy is certainly one of the more vexing. But it would be wrong to look to China for a model to emulate when so many Chinese students and Chinese faculty are in fact gazing in the opposite direction.
    ( O) E; o( K8 e) r+ S这些对中国及其技术实力和对教育的承诺的分析是很少有中国人认识到的进步和潜力的故事。 当然,有各种在特定技术方面表现出色的机构,其中大部分是职业机构。但相当多的中国学生,特别是在 SMET 领域,移民了,很少有人返回中国(当他们这样做时,中国的官方媒体将其视为一件大事,因为这种情况非常罕见,并且不愿注意到这些海归者经常保留外国人)国籍)。对于许多中国学生来说,在全国考试中取得优异成绩可以让他们进入一所“重点大学”,从那里他们可以看到他们的教授把时间花在研究生、研究项目和副业上,而这些副业通常都设在教职员工办公室里。出租给与学校无关的人在网上销售茶、酒和其他设施。中国的大学是社会联系的中心,而不是像许多西方人认为的那样是探索或解决问题的地方。尽管许多中国研究人员具有智力天赋,但还有更多的人在前进和离开时缺乏创造性思维。 美国面临许多挑战,而制造绿色和清洁能源无疑是最令人烦恼的挑战之一。但当如此多的中国学生和中国教师实际上在看相反的方向时,向中国寻求效仿模式是错误的。
    3 {; _9 j2 S, y; u: Z2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享6 `! l( f$ j# E4 v, `
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    9 b, x8 i8 z* O  b, HJim Kinateder commented August 90 r' o" G/ h: \; K
    J& q: B- w' a6 v4 j+ J& `4 W' w) K
    Jim Kinateder 吉姆·肯尼德2 h( i* W& P0 X7 U  B* w3 H
    Roseburg, OregonAug. 9
    # v& e, f3 \' F! x) A; \俄勒冈州罗斯堡8 月 9 日  Z# B8 h0 A9 P
    I wish we could have a federal government and state government policy of providing a free univeristy and graduate level education to students in the sciences. I know this would quickly devolve to all of the others programs like teeachers and medical education, but what we need is funding of research and students to carry us forward in the sciences. Too bad, once the government starts baking a pie, everyone and their uncle is lined up at the trough.
    & x0 x4 l/ {. q9 [$ Z" z我希望我们能够制定联邦政府和州政府的政策,为科学专业的学生提供免费的大学和研究生教育。我知道这很快就会转移到所有其他项目,如教师和医学教育,但我们需要的是研究和学生的资助,以推动我们在科学领域的发展。太糟糕了,一旦政府开始烤馅饼,每个人和他们的叔叔都会在槽边排队。$ \3 @$ c) `& P5 x) d. ]; o
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    2 g+ v2 q7 T( `8 `Flag 旗帜, \* B3 J1 X4 t% C' c
    George commented August 9
    1 g/ Z2 l4 F9 L: p/ tG
    4 @( b) z2 l; v* YGeorge 乔治& ~: P3 a# l& X6 T
    Chicago, ILAug. 9
    8 m* t. t1 {% i2 s5 R, m' q伊利诺伊州芝加哥8 月 9 日
    4 y7 G6 Y$ ?2 |. y' o  j0 B. OOne thing to keep in mind is that China also 4x as many people as the US. At some point in the not too distant future, it seems quite possible that half of all university students in the US will be Chinese and Indian, with much higher percentages in STEM fields. One thing I’d like to hear more about is the experience of going through the Chinese education system. Children have to endure a competition pressure cooker, especially in high school. Everyone gets funneled through the same school system, everyone takes the same college entrance exams, and virtually everyone is Han Chinese so there’s one dominant value system/cultural approach to life, shaped in part by the CCP. A friend told me that everyone he knew would be in cram schools until 10pm during high school (I’m super curious to know more than just anecdotes about this topic). This system selects for those with high levels of discipline and motivation, but I imagine it must also be making a lot of kids unhappy. I’ve heard multiple times from Chinese grad student friends that one reason they want to stay abroad is so that their own children don’t have to go through that experience. It’s much easier to grow up in the US. I wonder about the sustainability of the Chinese educational model. That said, while that model may not foster creativity, with 4x the population of the US, you’re still going to get a lot of creative minds nonetheless.5 u1 Z% j9 x  G8 e' s7 {* b
    需要记住的一件事是,中国的人口数量也是美国的四倍。在不久的将来的某个时候,美国一半的大学生似乎很可能是中国人和印度人,其中 STEM 领域的比例要高得多。 我想更多地听到的一件事是经历中国教育体系的经历。孩子们必须忍受竞争的高压锅,尤其是在高中。每个人都接受相同的学校系统,每个人都参加相同的高考,而且几乎每个人都是汉族,因此存在一种主导的价值体系/文化生活方式,部分是由中共塑造的。一位朋友告诉我,高中时他认识的每个人都会在补习班直到晚上 10 点(我非常好奇,想知道的不仅仅是关于这个话题的轶事)。这个系统选择的是那些具有高度纪律性和积极性的人,但我想它也一定会让很多孩子不高兴。我多次从中国研究生朋友那里听说,他们想留在国外的原因之一是为了让自己的孩子不必经历这种经历。在美国长大要容易得多。我想知道中国教育模式的可持续性。也就是说,虽然这种模式可能无法培养创造力,但尽管美国人口是美国的四倍,但你仍然会获得很多创造性思维。' b0 F8 |% q/ _9 }! `$ S
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享  D6 ?% E2 l4 E2 W5 d1 \9 S/ A; }
    Flag 旗帜: j" t7 O8 ?* I% _
    JL In jersey commented August 9
    4 A! W& p* O. V; D/ }+ VJ2 A9 o( g, R. \$ U4 ?
    JL In jersey JL 球衣
      \1 Y7 w+ ?, g, v# o. i. X/ cnJAug. 98 O/ B/ o6 o2 \) M" x" {
    新泽西州8 月 9 日
    . N1 j- `/ E1 ]4 [My education benefited from the flight of Sputnik. I can remember being outside on a very cold night with all the adults in neighborhood pointing at the sky. The Russians were looking down on us ! NYC schools were suddenly pushing science and math. On top of that American industries (now unfortunately overseas) were lobbying for better science, math, laboratory, machine shop training and education. People forget the manufacturing that went on in NYC it was perfect storm for better technical education. The lobbying now is primarily for the humanities and writing no matter how eloquent will not alone ,solve global warming.
    * h3 c: Q" k- G我的教育受益于人造卫星的飞行。我记得在一个非常寒冷的夜晚在外面,附近所有的成年人都指着天空。俄罗斯人瞧不起我们!纽约市的学校突然大力推动科学和数学的发展。除此之外,美国工业(不幸的是现在在海外)正在游说更好的科学、数学、实验室、机械车间培训和教育。人们忘记了纽约市的制造业,这是更好的技术教育的完美风暴。现在的游说主要是针对人文学科,写作无论多么雄辩都无法单独解决全球变暖问题。9 Z) B3 a$ J" ^
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享7 g5 O2 b- n8 k* g' H9 K# ?9 X9 v! U
    Flag 旗帜. s, x# u" M' [. [
    Bob commented August 9
    0 t4 H! p0 O1 r5 u" j" `B
    . i5 n  u' j! v. |Bob 鲍勃
      t6 v3 E7 w4 s- E7 TWAAug. 9
    1 F% E# {0 ^: G+ k$ [% h西澳8 月 9 日5 g! s4 s* [# y+ K- V
    @eve Nope. Beginning with the Clinton administration American businesses wanting factories in China had to partner with a Chinese company and share their tech. We gave it away. For decades, international students from across the globe have gone to graduate school in STEM fields and taken that knowledge home.
    & i$ `- N9 N* a+ G, ^" |@eve 不。从克林顿政府开始,想要在中国建厂的美国企业必须与中国公司合作并分享他们的技术。我们把它送人了。几十年来,来自世界各地的国际学生纷纷前往 STEM 领域的研究生院学习,并将这些知识带回家。" g& W  z7 i' J! x
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享4 }' @8 b& a$ m5 A6 }: ^+ h0 x
    Flag 旗帜
    . o9 ?2 n% U8 Q" x9 qCarlos R. Rivera commented August 97 D6 O" P% M: W1 n* i) _( m, `
    ! G  O% z1 k3 J+ ~Carlos R. Rivera 卡洛斯·R·里维拉# Q& P8 B* U2 {  c7 t: @. [, Y
    Coronado CAAug. 9
    3 Q1 P+ q: Y" R5 {+ Z加利福尼亚州科罗纳多8 月 9 日5 Q$ C/ @! O2 Y3 Q$ P7 A' B6 ]
    @Quimby You forgot "influencers" in the West!/ ~( Q' t  W, |$ K# T2 B5 y
    @Quimby 你忘记了西方的“影响者”!
    , F/ n" G: s, ^  r2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享& w& G8 S: M" p$ N5 U3 }9 W
    Flag 旗帜9 O% }+ e6 \1 w' \9 j- X) D
    BobE commented August 9) X' J" M0 ^% Q1 d- D
    B. T9 I; F5 `6 p$ }  L+ F! b
    BobE 鲍勃·E
    : K  l7 |- P; V; J- S/ SWhite Plains, NYAug. 95 u- b1 z/ w- [' o
    纽约州怀特普莱恩斯8 月 9 日* O; |: L$ \% x2 |( E. ~
    The “encouraging” of students identified (at like the middle school level) to have the capabilities to become engineers, and other professions, has been going on for many, many years in China. These students are then placed in schools to advance their abilities, usually away from their family. This opportunity for these students is also encouraged by their parents, as the alternative does not offer anything better. This has resulted in that there are many graduate engineers waiting tables in Beijing, because the market is flooded with these engineers. This fact has been reported on in the past and is not anything new. It is hard for me to imagine this kind of “encouragement” happening is our country.
    ( O4 f" U$ O, r/ K; b) z: E! a  n* Z在中国,“鼓励”那些被认为有能力成为工程师和其他职业的学生(如中学水平)已经持续了很多很多年。然后,这些学生被安置在学校,以提高他们的能力,通常远离家人。这些学生的父母也鼓励他们有这个机会,因为其他选择并没有提供更好的东西。这就导致北京有很多研究生工程师在候补,因为市场上充斥着这些工程师。 这一事实过去已有报道,并不是什么新鲜事。 我很难想象这种“鼓励”发生在我们的国家。3 g! d7 \5 ]+ C; E* Q5 c/ B1 v
    1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享# I- v. p! y5 c
    Flag 旗帜4 N, H* k1 B" w( P  E4 p" v
    Franklin commented August 9
    & |4 y! s4 n0 s# jF
    + A3 C  C* [' M7 ~( b- u2 zFranklin 富兰克林7 Z  A# E& v% K& }6 R
    IowaAug. 9
    9 G. c6 f. r. N; v/ P9 A: `爱荷华州8 月 9 日
    - d9 j4 k8 n6 F9 B2 M@Ned Terry Actually you are not entirely correct there. They have also built a lead in many other fields—albeit not ones with a political edge. STEM at the expense of other areas of human inquiry is a mistake. Humans live to be more than engineers and students should have the freedom to choose their area of excellence. Supporting education is supporting education. Full stop.
    ' l+ I5 I: p7 k  z@Ned Terry 实际上你并不完全正确。他们还在许多其他领域建立了领先地位——尽管不具有政治优势。 STEM 牺牲人类探究的其他领域是一个错误。人类不仅仅是工程师,学生应该有选择自己擅长的领域的自由。支持教育就是支持教育。句号。
    ( H; ^. K7 M' |' k2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享$ h; u, p: L5 w
    Flag 旗帜
    $ B3 t+ Y# v( [& ]7 S0 {Abbott Hall commented August 9" F& F! a5 U  h5 C/ k
    A$ }' S* r9 ^# f* j/ Y/ t, d
    Abbott Hall 雅培厅
    ( q4 ]! {+ h* z+ X5 mWestfield, NJAug. 91 e" h8 z, f3 Y1 w' d
    新泽西州韦斯特菲尔德8 月 9 日( T( H+ v% `: y! k
    The Chinese are to be applauded for their drive and achievements. By contrast, in the USA we see efforts to eliminate advanced math classes to achieve equity. How can we be so stupid? The USA has already lost the science race but we are now going to spend trillions on new nuclear weapons. Instead of fighting China, we need leaders who can cooperate with them. If they can produce cheap EVs of high quality it is counter productive to start a trade war. With all the problems that humanity now faces, it is time for the two biggest economies to work together for everyone’s benefit.2 T# t& p% `! g/ E
    中国人的干劲和成就值得赞扬。相比之下,在美国,我们看到了取消高等数学课程以实现公平的努力。我们怎么可以这么蠢呢?美国已经输掉了科学竞赛,但我们现在将花费数万亿美元购买新型核武器。我们需要的不是与中国对抗,而是能够与他们合作的领导人。如果他们能够生产高质量的廉价电动汽车,那么发动贸易战就会适得其反。鉴于人类现在面临的所有问题,两个最大的经济体现在是为每个人的利益而共同努力的时候了。" _% \; @8 d! J6 \5 T- Y
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享0 `& Y" A- T- @8 O; y' I
    Flag 旗帜
    * u9 m& b" |2 |0 e1 Css commented August 9
    9 [* o- D  {1 n  B# _+ n9 yS
    ( @; g- y& g# O% o: J- wss
    % m9 [0 C6 _2 BBostonAug. 9) u% ~/ [4 N; K  r
    波士顿8 月 9 日7 u& z6 k9 a+ u- ?
    Meanwhile, the stress in US education is on gender identity and 'soft skills'. They'll rule us in not so long future, first economically, and then, who knows, might be even something worse.
    8 D1 y0 r2 \$ V" M5 V" m9 E% k与此同时,美国教育的重点是性别认同和“软技能”。在不久的将来,他们将统治我们,首先是经济上的统治,然后,谁知道呢,情况可能会更糟。
      H2 `4 {; N1 e2 Y2 s2 Replies 2 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享5 ^6 r# f" P3 t# w% d. ~  Z
    Flag 旗帜
    , z/ G- k7 ?$ `. y2 ]) z/ fMM commented August 9
    1 s, S  b  x# Z; M( pM6 H1 H9 g1 J/ ~$ e
    MM 毫米9 ^) c' a( p6 t) M
    SeattleAug. 9
    $ A- a& g/ J0 }西雅图8 月 9 日
    7 {3 I( D3 }, m1 W( V@Quimby Don't forget the useless humanities where all you learn is how to berate and hate the US.: O. B9 Z, T/ \/ e& `' v6 a! f( T& h
    @Quimby 别忘了那些无用的人文学科,你学到的只是如何斥责和仇恨美国。/ b. G$ @3 X* B4 s$ y" u* h: S0 K
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享; h! t0 V3 D! t
    Flag 旗帜
    ) t' z7 r! A5 L/ q# jRUSSELL *********************** commented August 97 N* @2 d5 `/ X$ R4 U5 q
    R 右
      z+ U7 g8 q9 k* n; Q* b. iRUSSELL ***********************# N, x: m# k0 n2 t. T; E6 ]
    拉塞尔************************- Z* l  Z- y& h- m( X6 Q
    HoustonAug. 9
    ! ^+ [8 }$ F. i  r; e休斯顿8 月 9 日
    9 c  ~! l3 \7 Y( P" E# dThe Chinese government in some ways puts ours to shame - 5 and 10 year plans - sacrificing for the future - we spend too much time celebrating the past and too little time preparing for the future. We need to learn from them - copy their great ideas - no people have a monopoly on knowledge and success.
    0 a) M. ^0 o! o- X中国政府在某些方面让我们的计划相形见绌——五年和十年计划——为未来做出牺牲——我们花了太多时间庆祝过去,却太少时间为未来做准备。我们需要向他们学习 - 复制他们的伟大想法 - 没有人可以垄断知识和成功。6 r- Y- |4 l9 W) ^' w) ]
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
      n: }' O# B9 u8 L) IFlag 旗帜) \5 C; s0 S' u- D' T6 f
    Tim commented August 9
    7 X8 b' e/ |& E( s& NT
    , V2 t* _, U( `3 A/ A* HTim 蒂姆
    6 M; S" Y! u$ tMassachusettsAug. 9
    ; _; P. \( T& [. w! k" Q马萨诸塞州8 月 9 日4 ^) W# y- N2 C/ b+ f
    "Jump-starting America," by professors Gruber and Johnson, describes how investing in centers of research around the country could have tremendous benefits for the workforce and economy. Biden proposed doing this but Congress only provided a limited amount of money for the program. We need more of these investments if we hope to stay anywhere close to China in technology over the next few decades. Otherwise, we'll be like the pitcher in Springsteen's "Glory Days," living off past glory.5 ~) h- s, _" A. N
    格鲁伯和约翰逊教授的《启动美国》描述了投资全国各地的研究中心如何为劳动力和经济带来巨大的好处。拜登提议这样做,但国会只为该计划提供了有限的资金。如果我们希望在未来几十年内在技术方面与中国保持接近,我们需要更多的此类投资。否则,我们就会像斯普林斯汀《光辉岁月》中的投手一样,靠着过去的辉煌而生活。0 M+ L, Y7 S" K, l
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    2 w7 x4 V1 t! Z6 o# A9 F& hFlag 旗帜
    ' G7 ]5 u0 O1 v3 m3 L; X3 p5 |NoSurprise commented August 9
    1 R& e) Z9 P3 M# ?% {; q2 l
    ( M; ?( V( y, j1 i2 YNoSurprise 没有惊喜
    ! C. ~+ O" ?2 m, L' @+ r; y0 I# |# [& lLexington MAAug. 9
    / u* h* w# r, C马萨诸塞州列克星敦8 月 9 日
    : z# m3 v; g; Q3 k& ~The Chinese EV surprise to the West is a lot like Han dynasty surprised Xiongnu empire with Han cavalry more than two thousand years ago. The first emperor of the Han dynasty started building cavalry from nothing. It took about a hundred years and many many “contributions” to Xiongnu empire to make peace in the meantime. While Xiongnu empire was indulging with their “earned” wealth and bitter with infighting. Han cavalry knocked their doors. Disbelieving the Han cavalry, Xiongnu lost their bearings and collapsed no long after. Pride comes before a fall, hope not, deflating a bit is a lot easier than blowing up.) x% e* S5 U" ~8 }, B9 }; g- r
    中国电动汽车给西方带来的惊喜,就像两千多年前汉朝用汉族骑兵让匈奴帝国惊讶一样。 汉初皇帝白手起家,开始建立骑兵。在此期间,匈奴帝国花了大约一百年的时间和许许多多的“贡献”才实现了和平。 而匈奴帝国则沉迷于“赚来的”财富,内讧不断。汉军骑兵敲门。匈奴不相信汉骑兵,不久就迷失了方向并崩溃了。 骄傲先于堕落,但愿不会,稍微泄气比爆炸容易得多。  V- M. X+ c' O- J
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享; T! ?8 r1 U  y
    Flag 旗帜
    ! J8 Q2 F/ j+ y# G2 H  CRickW commented August 94 d1 ?6 }5 p- H6 k+ w4 D" `' ^+ E
    R 右) f8 j% h6 f  J
    RickW 瑞克W
    . i0 P- Y  ]3 Z0 [9 uBay Area, CAAug. 9
    ! H$ {7 f4 z# g加利福尼亚州湾区8 月 9 日( @0 a4 \# ?- K% l3 \7 F
    The USA doesn’t prioritize education. If we did care about education, then school wouldn’t be so expensive. And too many of our students study business, while too few study STEM. Also, for those who might not fit the college model, we should be enticing them with vocational studies. But we don’t.
    8 X8 s$ K+ r! r% J3 q/ _美国并不重视教育。如果我们真的关心教育,那么学校就不会那么贵。 我们有太多的学生学习商科,而学习 STEM 的学生却太少。 此外,对于那些可能不适合大学模式的人,我们应该通过职业学习来吸引他们。但我们不这样做。
    & H5 H" T3 N" i8 c" Y2 |2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    / o3 f5 M$ i. q0 s6 i  `9 T7 k6 {Flag 旗帜% |. F& h4 L  v: C! P  \  b
    SR commented August 9
    % @( @( W' z3 c9 [( LS9 W1 a9 o3 n: V! c  x' o
    SR% l3 u4 p8 r, q, _) m
    SomewhereAug. 9
    * ~# G$ O0 w; }5 }8 月 9 日某处' m+ v1 h- r6 {- u# F( U5 X1 B
    I am a faculty member at a tier 1 research university. In this institution, as well as past institutions I have worked, I have made my own, admittedly anecdotal, observations that a significant number of post-doctoral students and researchers in science core labs, be it related to molecular biology, chemistry, or other fields, are Chinese (and not Americans of Chinese origin or extraction). To me this bolsters your viewpoint on the emphasis laid on the important of scientific education for creating the next generation of innovation.
    6 u$ J0 b) m6 Q$ i% A# L& K5 d我是一所一级研究型大学的教员。在这个机构以及我过去工作过的机构中,我做出了自己的、不可否认的轶事观察,即科学核心实验室中的大量博士后学生和研究人员,无论是与分子生物学、化学还是其他相关的领域领域,都是中国人(而不是具有中国血统或血统的美国人)。对我来说,这支持了您的观点,即强调科学教育对于创造下一代创新的重要性。
    , O1 ^4 _& W- x6 y6 t% T2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享1 Z6 p& t; Q3 e! S1 d6 |* m5 ?5 W" I
    Flag 旗帜
    $ x9 u. Z$ o$ a# n  {' YEJNC commented August 9# c, s3 \$ N  m. K8 [
    $ _0 V6 H$ c/ B. MEJNC 欧洲JNC
    4 v) H/ Q& [: `6 ~/ nNCAug. 95 ?/ @  w* }# n; E
    北卡罗来纳州8 月 9 日/ J$ W% }- J8 ?# a4 @5 \7 G
    Go to China, young man and young woman !
    5 r1 |+ ~7 M- O0 ^1 n& ~年轻男女,去中国吧!
    4 {  T1 f2 T* i: r( V7 i2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享8 U" Z! f, T% K* [
    Flag 旗帜
    ; l4 q9 J; c. X: n, J' H) f4 \# T8 ~Albert Bee commented August 9% [& N9 f# S8 X. P/ x
    2 k! k' k+ c9 @4 @5 \6 s3 RAlbert Bee 阿尔伯特·比
    : t, m- X; ]7 V! |* G; JColoradoAug. 9) l; d  S' D' N$ F: G5 L
    科罗拉多州8 月 9 日
    ; P( ~& X+ X% k5 R) g7 u) HChina is the world's top polluter so their skill in using batteries rather than coal is a good thing. Rising nations always emphasize technical education over anything else; foreign students in almost every American college are majoring in chemistry, math, physics etc. (and then they want to stay here - good.) And that emphasis changes over time for those nations. And China got a "kick-start" by stealing technology from the West. Maybe we can return that honor now and then.
    4 n1 l3 V4 {4 R! y' g中国是世界上最大的污染国,因此他们使用电池而不是煤炭的技术是一件好事。新兴国家总是强调技术教育高于一切。几乎每所美国大学的外国学生都主修化学、数学、物理等(然后他们想留在这里——很好。)而且这些国家的重点随着时间的推移而变化。 中国通过窃取西方技术获得了“启动”。也许我们偶尔可以回报这份荣誉。
    8 I: M# p5 q- ]. q5 K) s4 Y2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    $ R8 v: v/ t2 K# a$ F% MFlag 旗帜
    5 a# K& \- o& D  O, U( GAlbert Bee commented August 9
    0 F) P( @* _  `( \) r. aA
    # |+ j2 s' `2 h; p1 ?Albert Bee
    7 g3 C! E& a6 V! q  {* \& IColoradoAug. 92 O; D7 O$ v4 E* d, Q# y
    @Radek The Chinese government does not see any "space" between the country's commercial enterprise and the national goals and has pumped cash and motivation into all manner of commercial work. It has produced amazing growth and according to this article is also producing innovation and efficiency in many enterprises. US companies don't see it that way; they will take the money but do not want interference (regulation.)
    2 r- E4 N& Z  E* e; q3 Y: v. ~2 d4 H2 RecommendShare2 p; S) c8 U, o' |! E$ Z( h& Q
    Flag- C2 z0 O/ d# Z% k# q0 c( ]; b/ S
    B. De Regio commented August 9
    $ E8 P( U2 s! C' hB- d$ [1 d7 G4 i- W7 U! {! a
    B. De Regio! r9 q/ g" @: v' b( Q
    New YorkAug. 9
    ; X! N( F  M, i  Z! SIn the 1960's, America oriented its curricula toward the sciences. The impetus was the "Space Race" we were in against the USSR. This orientation gave us and the world many benefits we're still enjoying today. Despite all the naysaying and criticisms, despite the particular areas other nations might've made inroads, the US is still very much at the top of the scientific heap. But... we are existing in the afterglow of that 60's push, so to speak- there are other nations realizing the value of education in the Sciences, the literally incredible returns on investment. China is just the latest and potentially greatest .. if we don't get on the ball and increase our support of education in the Sciences, we will lose our advantage in at least some of the specialized areas other nations go for
    : [$ w  G. h0 h3 I1 z) R  d2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享; ?" ~& j2 z& _& l5 f$ }9 B9 c
    Flag 旗帜4 h( Q1 {$ c( U8 w2 C3 R
    David commented August 9/ U9 g( L$ E5 A' q3 a) X
    D& e8 h1 |# p& X7 W, G# ~6 n% w
    David 大卫/ t; D- P* }3 }+ H9 t. s4 J
    CaliforniaAug. 9
    ' `: g( N& [. p, O$ r) Y4 Q2 }7 D加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    % w( R9 Q7 e' `7 X; ?After the Soviets launched the space race with Sputnik the US got very serious about science education and public service. In less than a generation the best and brightest chose business school instead, and flocked to make their millions on Wall Street and Silicon Valley dedicated to their own self interests.
    ; K4 X$ x5 Q4 G0 O% r' c苏联用人造卫星发起太空竞赛后,美国非常重视科学教育和公共服务。在不到一代人的时间里,最优秀、最聪明的人选择了商学院,并蜂拥而至,为了自己的利益而在华尔街和硅谷赚了数百万美元。" x. A- q) J7 i8 [
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    , I% z' z( S5 A: cFlag 旗帜
    5 N1 q4 e& Y, ~& d8 L. v" m7 g- O7 ~VJR commented August 9
    0 X0 U% ]3 O& a" rV+ h, m: f1 i/ I/ f" R- ]) S( {
    VJR 维吉利
    + Z% f2 q, _+ y% u0 U: x- nNorth AmericaAug. 9% d& P6 F4 E, H9 `: [! J6 b# G
    北美8 月 9 日
    3 b/ g! X' O& a; B6 ?7 E. j2 @Of course, having American universities admit Chinese graduate students over potential American graduate students helped. When I went to graduate school at RPI (a STEM university), some of my classes were at least 50% foreigners and, of those, often 50% Chinese.
    7 t6 [3 L- e3 j% z8 z2 f: L当然,美国大学录取中国研究生而不是潜在的美国研究生是有帮助的。当我在 RPI(一所 STEM 大学)读研究生时,我的一些班上至少有 50% 是外国人,其中通常有 50% 是中国人。$ s4 Z$ V6 h: D+ I1 u* P. t
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享+ T1 \6 J6 x. M# |# c
    Flag 旗帜
    ; q( G' Q9 m+ }4 T  N% |Someone commented August 9- M6 b9 S8 A7 x, A
    S# p0 Q& O, e# w/ A
    Someone 有人
    1 q+ I& i' S9 B1 k7 C; Q% NElsewhereAug. 9
    9 W1 e2 O6 V, p3 i其他地方8 月 9 日
    ; T* L! v7 h8 N! L: I@paul Purely anecdotal remarks based on extremely limited exposure and time in the country. The Chinese are quite good at presenting a shiny facade, particularly for non-Chinese academics and business people. The fact is that the Chinese still haven't been able to innovate, particularly when we consider the extent of their intellectual property theft, on a similar scale as the West. They are, however, quite good at copying Western inventions and innovations and then scaling them.
    ! z- J  B; T; x6 T@paul 纯粹是基于在该国极其有限的曝光和时间的轶事言论。中国人非常善于展现光鲜亮丽的外表,尤其是对非华裔学者和商人而言。 事实是,中国人仍然无法创新,特别是当我们考虑到他们盗窃知识产权的程度与西方类似时。然而,他们非常擅长复制西方的发明和创新,然后进行扩展。/ i. {! l* Y! w' W3 s
    2 RecommendShare
    7 G' i9 z5 Q. E% [' u5 z4 EFlag2 ~/ B' _5 F/ K6 f" Q
    Rodney commented August 9
    . w: Q. F% O/ q0 t9 BR
    " E! V! I" k6 K7 xRodney* ]4 E1 Z: v5 B1 Y- X, y
    CaliforniaAug. 9
    " j. t$ B$ {* L& P5 k" NWhile American politics are mired in a swamp of accusations, finger pointing, mudslinging, warmongering and polarization, the Chinese are forging ahead with a commitment to building a better future, not only for the Chinese people, but for all countries who embrace cooperation and the goal of building a better world for today, and future generations. In spite of the vitriol and demonizing of China by American politicians, China has consistently reached out to America to work together in mutual cooperation in all fields for the betterment of humanity.
    % e6 q: N  E. \0 ^% I0 a- C6 J2 RecommendShare9 `! c% I, E$ [" W- z% J* W9 f
    Flag. l; [; K- `4 Y/ ?& R
    Jim Sweitzer commented August 9! m$ M0 T! j; w+ w5 k2 q
    # j" ?6 J8 _* O+ s/ ~1 v9 F
    Jim Sweitzer1 D0 q) q. f: \+ Q& d
    Oak Park, IllinoisAug. 9
    2 L* Y  f& h5 s1 U% m5 D* {In recent years, I’ve helped the Chinese create new planetariums. The new Shanghai Astronomy Museum is huge — the size of 7 football fields! The rest of the world is not investing in planetariums at nearly the same rate.; Z- F1 a& U4 U, [3 q1 ^: y0 \
    2 RecommendShare
    ) U4 O; y1 p- k6 N9 P) nFlag
    & I- u( |  _' I+ K8 m1 ~
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     楼主| 发表于 2024-8-12 12:14:21 | 只看该作者

    ! D6 u  ]' e7 j, s* [Realist in SF commented August 9& T3 F$ L8 A) G- t1 g9 s
    R 右
    ; `" M- e; V6 f/ u8 w9 }7 N) l. uRealist in SF 科幻小说中的现实主义者
    5 H9 n  S. O+ g& H6 D- E! @9 JRichmondAug. 9* o. [/ c, G1 U% t9 r1 n* s
    里士满8 月 9 日9 U. ]4 F+ X4 z4 C  A  i" {
    In the 1970s, the West also labeled Japan as copy cats and Korea in the 1980s… it’s a common trope and part of American hubris - a lot of the so called innovation even in the USA comes from foreign talent - Israeli, Chinese, Indian, etc0 W' ^4 x, D" F) \
    在 20 世纪 70 年代,西方国家还给日本贴上了“山寨猫”的标签,在 1980 年代则给韩国贴上了“抄袭者”的标签……这是一种常见的比喻,也是美国傲慢态度的一部分——即使在美国,许多所谓的创新也来自外国人才——以色列人、中国人、印度人、 ETC% j+ a4 b: Z, h, y
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    + F$ P( _) C* H$ s) ^Flag 旗帜. Z9 Q/ d; h8 \
    Jeff and Mary commented August 9
    ' d! J  Y/ j; MJ
    + s( e6 ]- F; [3 b- ~+ ^- `- Q0 t3 n; |Jeff and Mary 杰夫和玛丽) S' E0 K2 |7 T5 v+ ~: ?1 c
    Needham, MAAug. 90 v+ w3 m2 S8 c$ W& Y- u5 Z; n: x8 b
    马萨诸塞州尼德姆8 月 9 日
    # x7 [# {, T, M0 D- AChina has industrial policy, and the US has none. Where we have tried to initiate an industrial policy for a sector, political elements have not supported it, in order to gain power from mere opposition. For example, advanced chip manufacturing: In the interview of Pelosi in today's Times, it is noted that Republicans opposed support for this manufacturing initiative on general principle, not wanting to support anything Biden wanted, rather than supporting a US industrial policy that would counter Chinese efforts. This is even more harmful, in that much of the funding for the CHIPS act would go to "red" states. We should be learning from any advanced country how to manufacture and research better. We can't sit on our laurels. There are huge numbers of smart people around the world hungering for success. We need to exchange ideas with them, learn from them, help them, and understand that a rising tide floats all boats. China has advanced, and India is advancing. The next frontier is Africa.4 C& i- g1 t. B4 G0 A( c1 G8 x- z
    中国有产业政策,美国没有。当我们试图针对某个部门制定产业政策时,政治因素并不支持,只是为了从反对派中获得权力。例如先进芯片制造:《今日泰晤士报》佩洛西接受采访时指出,共和党人从总体原则上反对支持这项制造业倡议,不想支持拜登想要的任何东西,而不是支持美国反制中国的产业政策。努力。这甚至更有害,因为 CHIPS 法案的大部分资金将流向“红色”州。 我们应该向任何先进国家学习如何更好地制造和研究。我们不能固步自封。世界各地有大量聪明人渴望成功。我们要与他们交流,向他们学习,帮助他们,懂得水涨船高。 中国进步了,印度也在进步。下一个前沿是非洲。
    7 D8 J4 C) d3 k4 H1 Z5 Q/ R/ o2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享5 k3 @9 D2 ?/ A2 ^; g
    Flag 旗帜% W- {# z) E9 d8 N! ]
    KW commented August 9% e% h7 Q% }! [& b, H
    - z0 ]& L; R% U9 UKW 千瓦
    ' e. ^3 X. z% j- r0 ~- i2 y# SSomewhereAug. 9
    7 w9 u* {2 T/ i8 月 9 日某处
    2 V5 q$ G$ L  o# z; Z@Vectoring What straightforward solution do low birth rates have? Very large subsidies in European countries do not seem to help (Hungary is spending a large amount of its GDP). Neither does encouragement by religious conservatives (Iran & Turkey). So what exactly is straight forward in this?5 [( {2 P6 b! Y9 g* C/ t; p" ^" d
    @Vectoring 低出生率有什么直接的解决方案?欧洲国家的巨额补贴似乎并没有帮助(匈牙利的国内生产总值的大量支出)。宗教保守派(伊朗和土耳其)的鼓励也没有效果。那么这到底是什么?
    ( T1 S2 V3 s# l5 e2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    / O* ?1 e2 L+ M$ SFlag 旗帜
    4 ?& m! a$ m1 M) b: z8 }" j7 l! eLon Zo commented August 9
    5 _5 x* ?8 L3 X6 h: ^( N( tL
    - ]' ^7 j, v' v; s- dLon Zo 朗·佐
    5 g& i+ q5 G9 C  |. L0 l7 BBostonAug. 9
    6 @- p2 T9 g# z% n波士顿8 月 9 日
    & H  y; B7 a4 ]" s+ rChemistry Classes and Research Labs. And stealing Western country tech.
    . `8 ^% _: N3 e0 K. F# M化学课程和研究实验室。 并窃取西方国家的技术。/ i* r& i4 P0 ]0 Q5 |: ]
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享  s# c- P" e& a% _  U" s
    Flag 旗帜8 t- ]- r# _, H- x' c- d
    Thomas commented August 9
    1 t6 W) _, A/ L8 C- e3 jT
    ) f9 K! m5 q0 b7 W# m; P/ D0 z5 uThomas 托马斯
    4 f  S) Z8 S, q' g$ DPortland, MEAug. 9
    ; U6 I! C& m: h( R/ X) p# h缅因州波特兰8 月 9 日
    ( ^0 i' a2 N2 S5 O. U8 ]"By contrast, only a handful of professors in the United States are working on batteries." Is categorically understating the amount of battery research in the US. I am a PhD material scientist and I know several faculty working in the battery space. UT Austin alone has 30+ faculty in their battery research program:https://batteries.engr.utexas.edu/people8 d) [$ t0 t/ j) @8 W
    “相比之下,美国只有少数教授从事电池研究。”绝对低估了美国电池研究的数量。我是一名材料科学家博士,我认识几位在电池领域工作的教师。仅 UT 奥斯汀分校就有 30 多名教职人员参与其电池研究项目: https://batteries.engr.utexas.edu/people3 P" [; ^3 {+ H8 U
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    + O2 M: o. b- PFlag 旗帜
    1 X# a. R9 ~8 x; ~# rShasta Sam commented August 92 z2 |. p# M1 }' s2 Z5 Z
    , t2 w5 s1 t' O9 B+ LShasta Sam 沙斯塔·萨姆
    " K2 m. t1 ?* J, cYreka, CAAug. 95 z& t) d8 Q, r& s
    加利福尼亚州怀里卡8 月 9 日
    0 C# \6 X7 r. a) N9 CIf their tech prowess is so great, why does China spend so much effort trying to steal our technology?
    1 z) U, ~/ [1 y  i0 \8 [$ X如果他们的技术实力如此强大,为什么中国要花费如此多的努力来窃取我们的技术?. m% x- `3 c* `% t( Q
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    ( |+ a* S6 s' H3 M: B' `0 e1 hFlag 旗帜! M! |1 y6 e" `
    NKM commented August 9) E; J1 ^( c& k* |' q; K
    - W: ?7 ~  d4 q: a1 N& y3 R: ONKM9 w* T) P" l1 Y1 N: W: S. `+ p
    MDAug. 9& G. g! c, z/ c0 B* W. N
    医学博士8 月 9 日  d! m# \9 C$ ?0 j
    @EastCoastResident The scale of research in the US and the EU still greater. We just have the benefit of experience from years of institutional knowledge. This advantage needs to be maintained with constant investment.7 G: O+ o2 g# c- x7 j/ J7 y
    @EastCoastResident 美国和欧盟的研究规模仍然更大。我们只是从多年的机构知识中获得了经验。这种优势需要通过不断的投资来维持。( o) N1 _, K* S+ C7 d6 a
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    5 ]8 e5 Y* O, r9 JFlag 旗帜
    6 e( t/ {0 C" I) {& r  bG commented August 9; L$ ^2 m1 x* k( l( O  R
    + Q, u8 j6 |- T4 i. JG
    0 N! x1 `4 h% \% b( R  h2 s" ?NYAug. 9
    5 k+ ?2 J( j* f/ G& m纽约8 月 9 日& r- Y; C4 O- h) R4 A8 P7 k
    @Radek Republicans underestimate them and denigrate efforts here to move forward in exactly the ways China is progressing. Good job.; Q/ \$ @4 n2 w: j5 S
    @Radek 共和党人低估了他们,并诋毁他们以中国正在取得的方式前进的努力。好工作。
    % Y7 r! [( E- {  L2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享8 ?, q' [4 J/ B3 S' j4 W% X
    Flag 旗帜
    , P/ R6 V6 Y  k+ h& b# Q2 TUncomfortable Truth commented August 9
    1 W  F7 t4 A+ F: qU
    7 i* w& N6 V7 @6 E+ k& k) O+ w0 U" s5 zUncomfortable Truth 令人不安的真相1 L$ p0 l0 E3 F" y1 z6 X7 a( r
    MiamiAug. 9
    ' V3 F( G$ d( T( Q0 S* g迈阿密8 月 9 日- o9 X" Z8 E4 G7 l! |* I* u% Y, P* T6 y
    Meanwhile we waste time here with stuff like SEL and gender studies. When the US was dominant we were like China - and Russia - are now. Look at the military ads, the infamous Emma and her two moms ad, the my hometown ads from the 80s heck, even the text savvy once from the early 2000s. Now compare those to the Russian and the Chinese military ads. One of them is not like the other. We bought too far into the dividend concept, or we just threw our hands up in the air, and ceded power to those who hate this country.. b1 Z- x/ j5 p+ A  c6 N- L
    与此同时,我们在这里浪费时间进行 SEL 和性别研究等事情。当美国占主导地位时,我们就像现在的中国和俄罗斯一样。看看军事广告,臭名昭著的艾玛和她的两个妈妈的广告,80 年代的我的家乡广告,甚至 2000 年代初的文字精明。现在将它们与俄罗斯和中国的军事广告进行比较。其中一个与另一个不同。我们对红利概念过于执着,或者我们只是高举双手,将权力让给那些仇恨这个国家的人。$ W8 u* X6 ~+ E2 {6 I
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    8 C: u. A- o8 e* s. R+ ]Flag 旗帜
    + V- T7 D3 t* N" e/ G( ~, U" XYN commented August 9( N6 V& _- ~* d. A; H2 D
    : }  P% H% c! G8 X7 c: TYN 延尼
    0 B' V( E7 A! O* D9 m+ ~+ e$ ?MP CAAug. 9
    & l/ q& }! }. P6 T: X加州议员8 月 9 日
    , F  `! u; a- h, ~+ R" ZThis kind of report that focuses on facts is what we need to help us clear-eyed to rethink, regroup, and stay competitive, not by those baseless accusations at every turn that China uses "slave labor" to keep prices low. We don't want to be a Tonya Harding! After all, China followed the American models of NSF, NIH, etc, to support and promote STEM researches. However, everyone can also see that the US is so rich and so developed that talents tend to gravitate more to law, medicine, and finance, and less to becoming a STEM researcher. And that is one of the challenges we are facing.
    9 s( C3 ?5 M& c" R6 G% f1 m我们需要这样一份注重事实的报告,帮助我们清醒地重新思考、重组、保持竞争力,而不是动不动就那些毫无根据的指责中国利用“奴工”来压低物价。我们不想成为托尼娅·哈丁!毕竟,中国效仿了美国NSF、NIH等机构的模式,支持和推动STEM研究。但大家也可以看到,美国如此富裕、如此发达,人才更倾向于法律、医学、金融,而不是成为STEM研究员。这是我们面临的挑战之一。  ?# ]5 M* I1 @( b$ y4 }0 ?6 `) H- z
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    - I+ I' F8 x1 }& |$ xFlag 旗帜
    2 [& x& z* A$ qStew commented August 9- _. y- v$ }- ~: E
    ! g9 q& l( b, j9 X' Z) LStew 炖0 Y9 U1 |& [: v$ U
    New MexicoAug. 9  s+ W+ Q0 s. n; M
    新墨西哥州8 月 9 日
    + P& A5 [, ~% l% \7 OActually, they stole it. 事实上,他们偷了它。* R. c* S) X, _, L& y9 ?
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享8 B8 D' N/ \: O+ p
    Flag 旗帜
    4 |9 x2 [# W6 d" M, C+ I6 fAmpleforth commented August 9, e5 w8 [4 T5 P
    ; x; G9 T0 w5 n8 aAmpleforth 安普尔福斯
    , T. s8 r6 E3 y0 qAirstrip OneAug. 9
    % p! G5 n! r. Q- P一号机场8 月 9 日5 l6 y# z) `* m9 e
    It is amazing what a school system can do when it is not wrapped up in socioemotional learning, trying to mainstream students who just disrupt classrooms, and still focus on skills and excellence.. f- |& o9 S6 _" `
    6 V* O* b* s' x2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    & V( e7 D( ~/ p4 _: ?Flag 旗帜6 J$ T& u" F* F
    Redcedar commented August 92 \) f* i) `7 N0 a
    R 右* f5 R4 Z, y& y0 _
    Redcedar 红雪松
    : h1 D7 R) w: CEverett WAAug. 9
    + f3 l" v1 X, j- ]7 k- P4 b  M华盛顿州埃弗雷特8 月 9 日
    , t4 K# O5 F! H) `# q; G* g3 N@Joe Trump We have SO much to learn from them. And others, particularly Japan. We have been conditioned to think only in terms of wealth, to see achievement in a field of endeavor as a waste of time and talent that could have been spent gambling on Wall Street. We are sentencing ourselves to second place.
    - s/ |( H, T2 S  x7 p@Joe Trump 我们有很多东西要向他们学习。还有其他国家,特别是日本。我们已经习惯于只从财富的角度来思考,把在某个领域取得的成就视为浪费时间和才能,而这些时间和才能本来可以用来在华尔街赌博。我们把自己判为第二名。3 a3 b: P- T* y+ i3 j& K7 `
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    5 j* y  n" C* VFlag 旗帜
    ! l2 v) f& O& U) R! ICoffee Bean commented August 9
    8 c# o: X5 `: L0 jC
    ! i8 ?! ]/ d5 h, ]( i- XCoffee Bean 咖啡豆& A# k7 G6 K+ o. L: i5 `9 }+ K
    ElsewhereAug. 9
    : V$ m0 i& Y6 p$ P* P其他地方8 月 9 日2 H9 R/ Y) n6 ]& I; ^/ q* P7 x
    There is a demonstrable difference between Chinese and North American attitudes towards education. For me, it was on full view during a visit, in the early 2000s, to the college where I taught by a delegation of Chinese university officials. Our VP Academic asked what accommodations they made for students who failed. The question caused some confusion with the Chinese who asked for clarification, but eventually answered that they simply failed (which caused consternation for their hosts!). Also in the early eighties, a family member, who was a new hire in Finance at NYU Wall St., was told that no one failed.
    7 J% c: y: t) N. Q中国人和北美人对教育的态度存在明显差异。 对我来说,2000 年代初,中国大学官员代表团访问我任教的学院时,我看到了这一切。我们的学术副总裁询问他们为失败的学生提供了哪些便利。这个问题引起了中国人的一些困惑,他们要求澄清,但最终回答说他们只是失败了(这引起了东道主的惊愕!)。 同样是在八十年代初,一位家庭成员是纽约大学华尔街金融学院的新员工,他被告知没有人失败。5 ?+ W2 p  A) g
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    3 U. F2 M1 i: N) Q" ~4 ~3 }Flag 旗帜/ \+ h7 r3 ^( G7 p- ^* K
    Jj commented August 9
    $ E7 t& C3 I, G/ a0 WJ3 b; e) j" w/ B$ p
    Jj 杰杰
    # i3 X1 p, A' W* a6 |Middle EarthAug. 9
    ' V1 j+ k1 U  W, Y* V中土世界8 月 9 日+ g- N7 O2 U' n) l8 e2 E, i
    @TW It has nothing to do with money, most Chinese high schools are basic at best. It's not what you have It's what you do with it.
    ) I$ E# l# l! w@TW 这与钱无关,大多数中国高中充其量只是基础。 重要的不是你拥有什么,而是你用它做什么。
    $ R( j( h5 x6 M& e. x7 E  m2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    2 y5 E8 M/ E. u+ D* rFlag 旗帜
    4 Z; f8 H; |9 T3 k9 B' eAlan Toneson commented August 9
    3 @  o& Y  N% L6 c$ t$ OA+ j1 F6 Y% }/ q: M: X
    Alan Toneson 艾伦·托尼森$ Y: l- ?) e2 b5 e) ?2 K) E5 x# m
    Riverdale Park, MarylandAug. 99 e, w3 d0 u7 v
    马里兰州 Riverdale 公园8 月 9 日
    # N) ]7 {8 q: jSurprisingly not mentioned here - when it comes to computer-related hardware and software, much of China's tech progress has come from US- and other foreign-owned multinational companies that willingly transferred their knowhow to Chinese partners and trained many Chinese students. And let's not forget China's well-documented and massive intellectual property theft.
    " d1 k+ X7 Q7 V% H8 g令人惊讶的是,这里没有提到 - 当涉及到计算机相关的硬件和软件时,中国的大部分技术进步来自美国和其他外资跨国公司,这些公司愿意将其技术知识转让给中国合作伙伴并培训许多中国学生。我们不要忘记中国有据可查的大规模知识产权盗窃行为。
    * Q: X# M/ B; a$ m2 U$ {4 z+ z1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享& j9 F/ N. q1 c4 u' X7 b
    Flag 旗帜/ e% Z! N/ `5 h8 M: A+ T5 @
    Meena commented August 9
    . f! q7 H" P3 U# g- fM
    0 _- J$ f6 A5 b- |3 SMeena 米娜
    0 Z+ N4 D2 X- j: s8 m4 L; C4 fCaliforniaAug. 9
    + U% u9 i1 l( s加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    $ Y; ]  B4 `: _6 `3 G$ @Having grown up in a hyper-competitive place in India, one encounters many ‘bright’ kids. The education system is geared towards kids solving problems given to them. Through sheer dint of hard work, memorization and motivation to game the academic system one encounters many who are in the sought after fields of engineering, medicine or other research frontiers. But when we came here many decades ago to university, it was a terrifying experience to be told to think of an original problem. The idea of lending wings to your imagination was an alien concept. That is the difference between the numerous engineers in China or India and the kids here who meander into engineering in the US. No doubt all these people have the intelligence and perseverance. But to make magic, one needs to have freedom to make mistakes, to explore completely incompatible subjects and have epiphanies that can never happen if you streamline and go about your subject like a horse with blinders. Sure you will infinitesimally keep improving the field, but true innovations come not by gaming within a box but by being outrageously bold. I still believe the force is with us. Not any amount of papers or numbers of engineers is going to make China or India superior to the US in the near future.; B- c" {1 R+ K4 w7 t2 t
    在印度一个竞争异常激烈的地方长大的人会遇到很多“聪明”的孩子。教育系统旨在让孩子们解决交给他们的问题。凭借纯粹的努力、记忆和玩弄学术体系的动力,人们会遇到许多在工程、医学或其他研究前沿领域备受追捧的人。但几十年前,当我们来到这里上大学时,被告知要思考一个原始问题是一次可怕的经历。为你的想象力插上翅膀的想法是一个陌生的概念。这就是中国或印度的众多工程师与美国的孩子们之间的区别。毫无疑问,这些人都有智慧和毅力。但要创造奇迹,人们需要有犯错误的自由,探索完全不相容的主题,并有顿悟,如果你像一匹蒙着眼罩的马一样简化和处理你的主题,那么这些顿悟就永远不会发生。当然,你会无限地不断改进这个领域,但真正的创新不是来自于盒子里的游戏,而是来自于极其大胆的行为。我仍然相信原力与我们同在。在不久的将来,无论有多少论文或多少工程师都无法使中国或印度优于美国。/ Y6 `/ L* `+ U/ z
    1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    , l6 b: @/ R& U* CFlag 旗帜
    / x$ |& ~; V4 e- ^Yoda commented August 9
    3 i* ?* v4 Z6 n5 V0 B: U: J0 mY5 m+ e8 o% y* v" ?
    Yoda 尤达
    ; N; c8 a1 O. V, `1 wA Far Away GalaxyAug. 9
    1 x' U( {5 ]8 i( ]遥远的银河8 月 9 日
    8 x' v& ?- N" c2 yThe US invests much more money in education, yet look at what it ends up with , especially in urban areas. Maybe what is really needed is a reduction in illegitimacy, crime, drug use and , most importantly, discipline. America is really lacking in that. In the US it is not uncommon to hear about teachers beating students. In China (and most civilized nations) it is unheard of.
    7 d: o. H5 r& g( U3 ^: U+ O. a3 C美国在教育方面投入了更多资金,但要看看最终的结果,尤其是在城市地区。也许真正需要的是减少非法行为、犯罪、吸毒,以及最重要的纪律。美国确实缺乏这一点。在美国,老师殴打学生的事并不罕见。在中国(以及大多数文明国家)这是闻所未闻的。: q) x8 G  c7 j
    1 Reply 1 条回复2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    - u3 v$ K* b$ Q5 hFlag 旗帜
    6 P  F5 O4 P% \6 g* iTrue Norwegian commented August 9
    0 D$ R" Q2 \( P4 r" fT
    0 e0 Z' [; e% i# e* CTrue Norwegian 真正的挪威语
    ( w. N+ P# f7 Q) S+ A5 S: ACaliforniaAug. 9: N  Y; E/ k4 c# u; f& y1 B
    加利福尼亚州8 月 9 日
    , V# ?" w- R* V# F+ G@STEM Professor. And a world renowned Harvard chemistry professor was found guilty of concealing ties to a Chinese recruitment program. Being a world renowned scientist doesn’t imply being a moral person.
      p( N7 D7 w0 d@STEM教授。一位世界著名的哈佛大学化学教授因隐瞒与中国招聘计划的关系而被判有罪。成为世界知名的科学家并不意味着成为有道德的人。
    9 x5 M8 F6 r2 Q& v5 M2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享/ E6 m, @" i) W8 h' [* J
    Flag 旗帜
    * ]/ Y" j: a0 _- K9 P  t, Z- iJoe Trump commented August 9
    - g0 C4 e# a+ V  h6 DJ4 n' ?% y* f  |* \. b+ F9 Z" H+ r+ |
    Joe Trump 乔·特朗普
    * T. d8 v" y( K) Q  NEarth/MarsAug. 9, X. X1 u7 y& W) q' q) v; R9 b
    地球/火星8 月 9 日
    , W" H  I+ C. z0 I2 n2 Y! [@Meena Agreed with India not going to be superior to the US in near future but China surely will be in next few years looking at their progress they have built about 10 cities like San Francisco in just 2 decades Modi is still crying foul compared to that.5 ^5 l0 _: F2 Q2 U' |7 T
    @Meena 同意印度在不久的将来不会优于美国,但中国肯定会在未来几年内看到他们的进步,他们在短短 20 年里建造了大约 10 个像旧金山这样的城市,相比之下,莫迪仍然大喊大叫。
    : V! l, R, ~0 S& B2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    1 O0 ?5 P  |+ A0 M$ r' @Flag 旗帜; @( G; f7 U% v  v0 d$ ?; }
    hd commented August 9
    ( l2 t: O6 z  C! ?  `0 [H0 b( A4 K& \+ Q) T( U
    hd 高清9 r8 j' [/ o& o5 e+ S  K' @
    colorado springsAug. 9
    $ j8 f" m8 l0 }科罗拉多斯普林斯8 月 9 日
    % T  @/ q# Y4 XI split growing up on a small Ozark farm and a small midwest rural town. I left those areas by being a medic in the Vietnam War. I realized there was a world I'd not experienced in rural America. I received virtually a free undergrad, grad, and professional education. My education was supported by the GI Bill, research fellowships, and merit-based scholarships. I started off as a Math major but couldn't do upper-division courses that required proofs. I switched to Psychology, where one had to take a year of calculus, physics, chemistry, and computer programming in that major. That is no longer the case, and I've run into social science students in retail and fast food. Fortunately, that is not always the case, but the social sciences have dropped many of the past hard science and math requirements. I've seen the negative effects of grade inflation, viewing students as customers, inflated educational costs, increased numbers of administrators and administrative support staff, loss of tenure track positions but also the abuses of tenure privileges, and basically, the monetary rip-off of the parents of American college students.+ K: E8 o3 k. Y
    7 f" T0 w5 u* B( |8 h4 k. C2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享! V4 G( [1 ~4 P  D9 t! p# r: i+ u. b
    Flag 旗帜& M  h1 R; y5 S) B% K
    W in the Middle commented August 9
    ; v& D: G$ ]& }/ o1 G) QW 瓦
    * p; @# n" H3 m7 \4 _  pW in the Middle W在中间0 L3 X7 }# t- l
    UpstateAug. 9+ c  e( J/ I: [1 k& Y$ ^' u+ Q
    北部8 月 9 日
    ! v" D7 {2 S# o+ ]; u" ~, z# A  xStop talking about "battery technology" and start talking about inorganic physical surface/bulk chemistry. That is, combinations of (mostly metallic) elements for: > Catalysis > Extreme hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties > Magnets > Structural alloys > Hybrid metal/ceramics > Heat insulation/transmission > (yes) Batteries > Transistors/LEDs/sensors > Chip/interposer metallurgies > SMR innards > (list goes much longer) All of these arena are so susceptible to discovery – and patenting – using the capabilities of GPU based servers Many of their properties at the macro level rely on a level of irregularity at the atomic level Humans (and societies) that don't work this intensively and highly computer-assisted will be left in the dust Has less to do with generative AI, and more to do with the sorts of things DeepMind does for protein-folding and other sorts of fundamentally non-narrative gaming
    8 N# ~7 n; |7 X$ L停止谈论“电池技术”并开始谈论无机物理表面/本体化学。也就是说,(主要是金属)元素的组合: > 催化 > 极端的亲水/疏水特性 > 磁铁 > 结构合金 > 混合金属/陶瓷 > 隔热/导热 >(是)电池 > 晶体管/LED/传感器 > 芯片/中介层冶金学 > SMR内部结构 >(列表更长) 所有这些领域都很容易利用基于 GPU 的服务器的功能被发现并申请专利 它们在宏观层面上的许多特性依赖于原子层面上的不规则性水平 不如此密集和高度计算机辅助工作的人类(和社会)将被抛在尘埃中 与生成人工智能关系不大,而与 DeepMind 为蛋白质折叠和其他类型的基本非叙事游戏所做的事情关系更大0 l& d0 N2 E; ^# D1 R: `8 o4 g' K
    2 Recommend 2 推荐Share 分享
    ) S' Q0 ?5 r* i5 Z3 \; l2 m9 CFlag 旗帜$ `- F% o7 y, J* d4 n. N: e
    Aaron commented August 9
    0 J: S$ N5 r+ y, c9 ?1 v8 KA. ~% {8 s: f& a. i! d# R  q
    Aaron 亚伦$ R6 C3 O# u& M6 Y
    Ontario, CanadaAug. 9, q# P% J3 H" F
    加拿大安大略省8 月 9 日& K9 I& p& N1 C1 j3 K
    @EastCoastResident while many of the Chinese or Indian graduates try to stay in the US, a cumbersome and bureaucratic visa process has forced them to leave.
    / ~& s+ l( h0 Q6 ?7 T- w$ H+ \: Q@EastCoastResident 虽然许多中国或印度毕业生试图留在美国,但繁琐且官僚的签证程序迫使他们离开。  Q' R" I1 I% i9 U7 d9 d& Y
    9 E4 h. U1 n6 W! e: [3 b


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