沅湘 发表于 2012-7-26 15:17 ![]()
就是,知道理解的差别和原因也就行了。不辩英文文法对错和使用规则,再说无益。 ...
2.Leonard Cohen 号称摇滚诗人(The Academy of American Poets has commented more broadly on Cohen's overall career in the arts, including his work as a poet, novelist, and songwriter, stating that "[Cohen's] successful blending of poetry, fiction, and music is made most clear in Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs, published in 1993, which gathered more than two hundred of Cohen's poems . . .several novel excerpts, and almost sixty song lyrics. . .While it may seem to some that Leonard Cohen departed from the literary in pursuit of the musical, his fans continue to embrace him as a Renaissance man who straddles the elusive artistic borderlines." The Academy of American Poets has commented more broadly on Cohen's overall career in the arts, including his work as a poet, novelist, and songwriter, stating that "[Cohen's] successful blending of poetry, fiction, and music is made most clear in Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs, published in 1993, which gathered more than two hundred of Cohen's poems . . .several novel excerpts, and almost sixty song lyrics. . .While it may seem to some that Leonard Cohen departed from the literary in pursuit of the musical, his fans continue to embrace him as a Renaissance man who straddles the elusive artistic borderlines."----"Leonard Cohen: Poet, Novelist, Musician." The Academy of American Poets Website ), 他自己作词,自己谱曲,不是简单的那种翻唱式的歌手,实际上他的很多歌词就是诗篇.而他的歌词中有使用了很多暗喻,隐喻,很多歌词写得朦胧含混暧昧,对于这一类诗歌性质的作品,极难译好.简单的使用字面直译的方式是无法传达出作者的原意的.
3. 请不要无端指责别人的宗教信仰,这是很不礼貌的一种表现. 首先我是无神论者,并不笃信任何一派宗教,既然你把东西放在这里,我只是就我所知的一点微末的背景知识做一点提醒,是否接受请自行决定. 但是在翻译西方文学作品时,切不可忘记其文化背景,正如在我们的诗歌中谈到喜鹊的时候,它不仅仅是一只鸟.<圣经>作为一本影响了西方文化数千年的宗教经典,对西方现代文学艺术的影响仍处处可见.正如"泥牛入海","醍醐灌顶",这些佛经里的词汇已经成为汉语的一部分一样,不谈这些词汇的词源和文化历史背景,安能准确的理解汉语呢?
我的决定:你就知道抄别人的话,读死书,死读书。不知道灵活运用书本知识。明明歌词里的cold就是一个暗喻,我都翻出来了。你还借别人之口说什么暗喻难翻。你这么抄不正暴露你不知如何分析批判性地读书吗?还有,outdraw 作为一个英文单词到二十世纪初才开始流行,怎么会和大卫王时期的武器扯到一起?这也是你读死书,把别人的所谓背景介绍当作是真理的结果。一部作品中的我并不是作者的我,即使是作者本人面对媒体说话也是有选择性的,有目的的。所以才有只根据文本进行客观分析的必要。不仅文学,法律,政治,商业文件都是如此。希望你们三位能冷静下来一段时间考虑我的说法是否合理。 |