Drone footage captured the destruction left in the wake of the conflict between the forces of Lugansk Peoples' Republic and Ukraine, as the breakaway region’s troops took control of the regional city of Shchastia.
Boris Johnson的言論是故意離間普京(+克里姆林宮領導政權)和俄羅斯人民(+俄羅斯聯邦)。因為他整段的原文如下
Vladimir Putin’s act of aggression must fail and be seen to fail. We must not allow anyone in the Kremlin to get away with misrepresenting our intentions in order to find ex post facto justification for this war of choice. This is not a NATO conflict, and it will not become one. No ally has sent combat troops to Ukraine. We have no hostility toward the Russian people, and we have no desire to impugn a great nation and a world power. We despair of the decision to send young, innocent Russians into a futile war.