本帖最后由 老福 于 2020-9-22 23:44 编辑
+ I; [+ J% _& J) `2 Hhsb 发表于 2020-9-22 10:22! T Q. Q3 Y$ a% ] c
# O r K1 @9 ?8 \( t
4 p' r4 m( a/ v4 ?看陆续后面消息 ...
9 v. X7 e. P N1 w/ ?0 K' f$ Y3 }0 w
" d# \& a9 i- u2 [1 t0 L( K8 e要么是甲骨文一开始忽悠川胖,要么是甲骨文与字节跳动并没有真正达成协议,第三种可能是字节跳动在忽悠中国政府。具体分析一下,需要看一看字节跳动声明的三句话:
7 l0 Q) S8 V9 D! s1 D) b5 L/ S, P% C5 W X
(1)TikTok Global是字节跳动持股100%的子公司,总部在美国。(现状)' s6 ]8 f+ R+ b. F
! e r" N( H" \8 T(2)TikTok Global计划启动一轮小比例的Pre-IPO融资,融资后TikTok Global将成为字节跳动持股80%的子公司。(IPO之前的状况)& U- ]) Q% n4 W4 M
/ @$ o2 V9 c9 J/ j- l: q(3)TikTok Global还将启动上市计划,进一步增强公司治理结构和透明度。(具体增强公司治理结构和透明度怎么语焉不详!)
4 ~, O9 k" `8 g( a: s; I/ @- J- c+ a( j) ~% ^% R q
第三步字节跳动没有说,高度怀疑是美方的方案或还没有达成协议:字节跳动的80%股份拆分,不再作为整体持股,这样中方实际只有36%的股权。字节跳动不敢说,说了中国政府肯定不会批准。相关英文报道可以佐证:4 n9 P A9 w/ X
" P( @) D; z# KByteDance added that after raising funds ahead of a potential initial public offering, it would have an 80 per cent stake in the company.
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Some people involved in the negotiations claimed that ByteDance is considering a distribution of shares in TikTok Global to its existing investors, which include Sequoia Capital, General Atlantic and Coatue Management, eventually making US firms majority owners of the company. One of the people said the terms were still fluid and the timing of the share distribution was unclear.
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( N0 U) y- g+ cTikTok Global would eventually be 53 per cent owned by US firms after the proposed share distribution, according to one person involved in the negotiations. But other people involved in the talks said that the Chinese backers of ByteDance were against distributing shares to existing investors.
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In its statement on Monday, ByteDance also said the proposal did not include the “transfer of source code or technology”. Oracle and Walmart had said that “all the TikTok technology will be in possession of TikTok Global” but did not specify who would control it.
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# F( [* I0 u8 }9 z. D# H, b$ G* `, \2 z; ?3 W
"Upon creation of TikTok Global, Oracle/Walmart will make their investment and the TikTok Global shares will be distributed to their owners, Americans will be the majority and ByteDance will have no ownership in TikTok Global," said Oracle's Executive Vice President Ken Glueck in a statement.0 J! E" [8 P2 p4 P
3 S% e! ]' n/ s" X4 `" p$ D9 a
以上见https://www.businessinsider.com/ ... rt-confusion-2020-9
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